The Fight, The Fury and the Ferocious Feelings.

The Fight, The Fury and the Ferocious Feelings.

It's 2023, the year in which they promised us a better year for everyone, prosperity after the dark days of COVID, recovery of the market and investment in society. What we got was the rich getting richer and the world's governments turning against their populations, economic disaster entwined with natural disasters bringing hardship to the ever increasing disgruntled humans.

This is a book of poetry written by the prolific Darren Hobson inspired by 2023 and its numerous tragedies and his personal quest for survival due to personal self inflicted agonies of alcoholism and anxiety, the never ending feeling of worthlessness and his fragile self-esteem.

Can the poet rise to the challenge of survival after he thought that everything was lost, as the cold bite of loneliness gnaws at his ageing limbs, as society and right wing mannerisms corrode his wellbeing, when he hits rock bottom can he find the will to climb out of his misery?

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