No More Pain

It hurts feeling this way Von:
No More Pain
Well 15 year old tia is living a hard life and nobody knows what shes been through until one day a boy comes in her life and everything changes.

love, romance, hurt, pain, family, relationships, rape, abuse
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

well i had just read this book and it is so sad i wonder if i was going through something like that would my mom blive me but tia was lucky she had a boy firend that was understanding

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was a great book. I Love to read books and write them.I always get inspired by great authors like you to read and write. I enjoyed this wonderful book.

Wichtiger Beitrag

that was go i went though i simalr broblem i cryed reading this i know know how hard it is i am 13 but i was 1-13 when this strated like i said i am 13 it still not over i hope it does i cut myself to but on my legs so my mom wont see i hope you get this. is this about you if yes then talk to me my name is samantha and my mom does not bevive me ether my mom never been through what i am going thought i also eat when i am... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is a good book. From start to finish I could not put it down. You tell the story of so many who still sit in silence.

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