
Chapter One

I sat up from my bed. I couldnt sleep or think. I felt dumb and stupid. Why did these things have to happen to me. I couldnt look at myself cuzz i know i would get scared. Since that day i have never been the same. Nobody knows all my pain. I cant do anything im still as still. Nowhere to go might at wells get killed. I cant feel my legs i cant feel anything. As if i dont know anything. My life is a tragic and i cant seem to pass it. I wanna run but where? All i know is i'll find myself back here. i got up and walked downstaires. My sister and brothers were playing. I went to the frig to get something to eat. Then my dad looked at me. Umm is there something wrong dad i asked.
Dad: no its just you cant eat right now
Me: why?
Dad: are you trying to get smart with me
Me: no dad my voice got squeaky and worried, scared i was trembling
Dad: go upstaires and dont come out
Me: but im hungry
Dad: you always hungry now leave i have business to take care of and i dont need yo fat butt in my way.
I walked up the steps and started to pack. today i decided i was going to leave. I couldnt be in this house anymore no one loved me. I didnt even know if i loved myself. I have hurted myself enough and i cant keep doing it. i opened my window and got my bag and hoped out. I made sure i locked my door and the window when i climbed out. I didnt know where i was going to go but i knew it wasnt going to be here. I started to walk and walk not looking back at that stupid house. I kept walking. Then a car came up. Get out the way they yelled. I jumped back and started to run i dont know why but i felt free i kept running and running. Then i stoped.
I couldnt leave were would i go i thought. I had ran so much i didnt know were i was. I satrted to look and see if i could find my way back but i couldnt. Then i saw a bench and got my blanket out and laid on it. I feel fast asleep.

Chapter Two

I felt someone hitting me. Then i looked up and it was a cop.
Cop: wake up kid dad and mom been looking all over for you
I got up and started to get in the poilce car.
Cop: what was you trying to do run away
Me: no i just got lost. I couldnt tell him i was planning to run away my dad would kill me.
Then we arrived to my house. my mom came running to me. She held me so tight.
Mom: baby girl you had me scared i thought somebody took my precious baby dont you ever scare me like that anymore you here.
Me: yes mama i want ever leave you
I kept holding her. Then the police left and i walked in the house.
Dad: what were you doing out there didn't i tell you to stay yo butt up in that room.
I didn't say anything.
dad: lil girl dont you here me talking to you
Me: yes dad im sorry
He came closer to me and he smacked me. Tears started to run down my eyes. He kept hitting me and hitting me. I was bleeding everywhere. He got a cord and wrapped it around my neck.
Mom: stop it stop it she cant breathe.
I saw my sisters and brothers crying. Then he let me go. I started to gasp for air. I ran up the steps and slammed the door. I cried and cried. Then a knock came at my door. I opened the door. I saw my brother and sister out by the door. I let them come in. They huged me so tight.My brother miles was 8 and my sister kelly was 6. I took care of them.
kelly: im scared
Me: i know i know i held them both tight. then my brother put his hands on my neck it was red and sore.
Miles: are you ok
I smiled and said yes.
Kelly: can we sleep with you
Me: sure
I put them right next to me and put the cover on them and we went fast asleep.
It was 6 oclock and i had school in the morning. I woke up quick got my clothes on and got my brother and sister ready. Then i brushed my teeth and washed my face and grabbed a pop tart. My dad came downstaires.
Dad: get in the care
My dad always took me to school but at this point i didnt want him.
Me: umm imma walk and kelly and miles are comming with me.
Dad: no you getting in the car
He took me by the hair and walked me to the car. My sister and brother hopped in.
Dad: now if anybody ask about yo neck you tell them you fell.
Me: so you want me to lie
Dad: shutup
I kept silence then he droped my sister and brother off to school.
Dad: look tia you know how much i love you and i dont want to hurt you but you do bad things
I looked at him crazy.
Me: dad i do bad things you choked me to death, you grabbed me by the hair, you hit me, you did everything.
Dad: shutup i did that to protect you
Me: for what tears started to run down my eyes.
then we arrived at the school. I got out and headed to the building. I went to my locker and a boy was right there next to mines.
Me: umm excuse me you dont belong here
Boy: sure i do, im the newbie the names jake
Me: oh hi im tia
Jake: are you ok
Me: yeah why do you say that
Jake: i can see dried up tears on your face
Me: oh i loooked in my mirror and wiped them off with a tissue.
Jake: so what happened
Me: nothing
Jake: come on so your crying for no reason
I slammed my locker and walked to my class before the bell rung.

Chapter Three

Finally school was out and i always walked home for school, thank god. I went to my locker and saw jake.
Me: umm can i help you
Jake: yeah umm i have to walk home from school and i just moved to brentwood and i was wondering if there is a short cut.
Me: no
jake: how do you know that
Me: cuzz i live in brentwood. I closed my locker and started walking. First i walked to my sister and brothers school and picked them up. Then we walked home. I saw jake. I thought he moved next door to me. I walked in the house. I called for my mom but no answer. Then i went to the kitchen to fix kelly and miles something to eat.
Kelly: umm can me and miles go to mara house
Me: sure but fisrt get mama permission. I handed them my phone so they could call mom.
Kelly: she said yes
Me: ok yawl can go but dont be there to long the food will get cold.
Miles: ok he said
Then they walked out. I went upstaires to my room. I saw my dad on my bed.
Me: umm imma bout to lay down so can you please move. He didnt say anything. I kept looking at him. Then he steped closer to me and closed the door.
Me: umm dad can you leave. He started to put his hands everywhere. Stop i yelled stop. He threw me on the bed and started taking my clothes off. I got my glass bottle and threw it at him. He got so mad and punched me. I felt weak and i couldnt do anything. I kept screaming and screaming. He put his hands on my mouth. I bit it. Then he punched me agian. And he took me.
I laid on my bed feeling sad and stupid. I couldnt believe what just happened. I couldnt get up. i just sat there still as still. Then a knock came at my door. I was to terrified to open it so i just went to sleep and cried and cried.

Chapter Four

I decided i was just going to take a walk so i can get my mind straight. I started to walk and walk. I had freinds but they all left when my dad came back. I wish i could just disappear be gone. I started to walk and walk. I didnt know where i was going but i knew it wasnt going to be far. I couldnt leave the house knowing that my brother and sister are still in there. I stoped. I saw this tree. It was so beautiful, it reminded me of my mother before she got on drugs. I started to climb it. Then i stoped i had found myself to the top of the tree. Then i herd a voice. It was jake.
Jake: liking the view what you doing up there
Me: umm just thinking
Jake: about what
Me: life i guess
Jake: i think about life sometimes
Me: yeah
I started to climb back down because the sun would rise soon and i wanted to be home before it came up.
Jake: so why you up here so early
Me: for a boy you do have alot to say
Jake: yeah i do
Me: well i gotta go home now see ya
Jake: ok see ya around
I walked back to the house. I saw kelly crying and miles was holiding her in his arms. I ran over to her. Kelly whats wrong. She didnt say anything.
Miles: dad hit her because she spilled some milk on the carpet
Me: oh my god im so sorry. I kep crying i took miles and kelly in my arms and held her tight as if there was no tomorrow. I had to go i couldnt stay. I took them to my room and put them in the bed so they could go to sleep. I didnt know what I was suppose to do. I walked downstaires. I saw my mom lying down.
Me: mom look i cant stay here neither can kelly and miles
Mom: what are you talking about
Me: im leaving and im taking kelly and miles with me
Mom: no your not
Me: what is it to you. Kelly just got hit were theres a bruise on her because she spilled some milk
Mom: look your dad was just mad
Me: hes always mad he hurts you and your kids and all you do is nothing you always are making excuses for him.
My mom smacked me. And i ran up the steps. I was crying. I didnt want to live, i went to the bathroom and got a razor i started cutting my arms and stomach. It felt good i guess l liked pain. I kept doing it. then kelly came in. I put my shirt down and my sleeves.
Kelly: are you bleeding
Me: yeah i fell
Kelly: are you ok
Me: yes just get out i shouted. She ran away and i cleaned myself up and walked out.

Chapter Five

I walked down the halls. I saw my use to be best friend Tammar. i walked up to her. hey tammar.
Tammar: oh hey long time no see
Me: yeah look i know we havent talked in a long time but i really need someone to talk to me right now so if we could just forget the past and move on.
Tammar: your dad assulted me
Me: i know but he has gotten better. I lied.
tammar: ok but I dont want to see him
Me: thats fine with me.
Then we walked hand and hand together down the halls.
I was out mowing the lawn. I saw jake and waved at him. Then he came over.
Jake: i didnt know you mowed lawns
Me: and whats that suppose to mean
Jake: it means a girl like you i would never thought you would be mowing the lawn
Me: im not a girly girl you know
Jake: yeah whatever
Me: You better move unless you want every little piece of you choped up
Jake: is that a threat
Me: no its a warning
Jake: he started to laugh. Then my dad came out.
Dad: Young man get away from my daughter right now unless you want to deal with me
Me: dad hes fine we were just talking
Dad: shutup you get in this house right now
Me: no i yelled
Dad: are you trying to get smart with me
Me: no dad i walked in the house and i saw jake looked confused then he left.
Dad: look i asked you to mow the lawn and you trying to get some from a boy
Me: dad shutup
He smacked me and i fell to the ground. I got up and ran to my room. I couldnt take this stuff anymore i got my razor out and cut more and more. Then the phone rung.
Me: hello
Tammar: hey girl this tammar what you doing
Me: oh i was about to go to sleep
Tammar: in the middle of the day
Me: yeah i didnt get any rest last night
Tammar: ok ill call you later
Me:ok oh and thanks for calling.
Tammar: no probs.
Then she hung up and i laid on my bed feeling disgusted of myslef.

Chapter Six

I was walking home form school and jake was walking with me to.
Jake: are you ok
Me: yeah why you ask
Jake: its 80 degrees outside and your wearing long sleeves
Me: im cold
Jake: how could you be so cold
Me: why do you have to ask so many questions
Jake: ok sorry sorry but you have serious issues
Me: thanks
Jake: your welcome. Look i didnt know your dad was so protective
Me: you dont know alot of things about my dad
Jake: and whats that suppose to mean
Me: i dont know
Jake: well ok than
Me: why do you talk to me i mean a boy like you i would think would hang with the highschool jocks.
Jake: well maybe i like you
Me: i looked at him. Well if you knew the real me you wouldnt like me one bit
Jake: well show me the real you. He put his hand on my arm
Me: ouch i said.
Jake: he saw my sore. Did you hurt yourself did you fall
Me: no i ran home. I couldnt let him see all the marks on me. I saw my mom and dad on the couch drinking acohol.
Me: mama stop the drinking you have three kids. Do you wanna see us when were young adults.
Dad: shutup your mom can do whatever she wants
Me: you turned her like this
Dad: whats that suppose to mean
Me: i didnt say anything
Dad: yeah shutup
I walked to the kicthen and grabbed a tv dinner and poped it in the microwave.
Mom: honey get me some water
I grabbed a cup and put some water in it then handed it to my mom.
Mom: Thanks now go pick up your sister and brothers from school.
I walked out the house. I started to walk. Then i came up to the school. I saw kelly and miles waiting. I grabbed them and we started to walk home.
Kelly: tia i got an a on my homework
Me: thats great.
Then we got to the house and i went to bed.

Chapter Seven

I was sitting on my porch. Looking at the bright blue sky. I was just thinking of what it would be like if i didnt exsit. Then jake came up.
Jake: good morning neighbor
Me: hey jake
Jake: why do you seem so down
Me: im not down
Jake: every time i see you, you always got your head down and you look down.
Me: maybe i am down i turned my head a different direction.
Jake: well why you so down
Me: look it doesnt even matter
Jake: it matters to me
Me: look i have this story it was about this girl named mya and she had no friends because her dad assulted them. She was scared to live life and be around everyone. She thought the best way out was through pain. Her dad was so mean he wrapped a cord around her neck and she almost dies. Her mom is on drugs and her dad is up to no good. he abuses her and her brother and sister, and all she wants to do is protect them but how.
Jake: is that girl you
Me: i looked up and didnt say anything
Jake: look you can tell me anything.
Me: no i cant
Jake: look that girl you made up is it you
Me: yes tears started to come
Jake: its ok
Me: shutup no its not. I've been hurting myself because i dont feel loved. My life is gone
Jake: look it doesnt have to be
Me: i got up
Jake: where you going
Me: i dont know
He got up to.
Jake: look tia when i first saw you i thought you was the kinda girl who liked to laugh and play and just be fun, but i guess not
Me: i do want to laugh and play but my life is filled with sorrow and pain
Jake: So when i saw those scratches you didnt fall did you
Me: no i didnt
Jake: your sick
Me: jake if you really liked me you would just except me for who i am
Jake: look im sorry its just
Me: im digusting ugly and stupid
Jake: no your non of those things thats what i like about you
He kissed me and i kissed him back then kelly came out.
Me: umm jake i gotta go
Jake: yeah see ya

Chapter Eight

I laid on my bed when i herd a knock at the door. I ran down the steps but my dad opened it before i could get to it.
Dad: aint you the boy i saw with my daughter
Jake: umm yes can she come with me to the carnival
Dad: no
Me: dad why cant i
Dad: because your my daughter and im your dad and daddy says no.
I pushed my dad out the way and closed the door.
Me: umm hes not going to let me go
Jake: i know
Me: umm ill call you
Jake: ok
I walked back in the house my dad was starring me up and down.
Me: what is it
Dad: look sit down
I sat down.
Dad: look im only trying to protect you
Me: protect me, well you dont need to i can protect myslef.
I ran up the steps and satrted throwing stuff in my room.

Chapter Nine

I was oustide walking with my brother and sister.
Kelly: tia are we going to leave
Me: what do you mean
Kelly: i mean are we going to run away from all this
Me: i dont know
Miles: please i cant live in this house i would rather die
Me: miles dont you ever say that you here
Miles: im sorry
Me: its ok
Than jake came out.
Jake: so what happened you didnt answer my calls
Me: i was busy
Jake: with what
Me: you know things
jake: look did he hurt you
Me: no i yelled
Jake: why are you acting like this
Me: acting like what
Jake: your acting like you dont care
Me: jake my brother and sister are right here they dont want to here that
Jake: sorry
Me: umm jake i want you to know im leaving
Jake: what do you mean
Me: i mean im taking my brother and sister and were leaving
Jake: Then let me go with you
Me: no
Jake: why i mean you have no money i can get you that i have saved 5000 dollars for me o go to college but right now your more important
Me: jake i cant take your money you need to go to college and just cuzz im going through something doesnt mean i should mess up your life.
Jake: but i want to
Me: but where are we going to go
jake: somewhere not here
Me: we could rent a hotel
kelly & Miles: were leaving
Me: but i wanna take my mom
Jake: look we cant go we dont have any shelter
Me: but what can i do
Jake: i dont know but this you cant
Me: jake im scared i cant live like this
Jake: you dont have to
We kissed and he walked us home. i walked in the house.

Chapter Ten

I put kelly and miles to sleep and sat on my bed just thinking and thinking. I felt so hurt and sad and empty inside but i knew i wasn't going to feel this way for long. But what did i mean i don't know. I couldn't sleep either. so I walked down staires and into the kicthen to fix me some pasta. My mom came down staires.
Mom: baby what you doing up late
Me: i cant sleep so I'm cooking pasta
Mom: well that sounds good have you talked to your dad
Me: no and im glad
Mom: look honey your dad is a good person
Me: no he isnt't you don't know anything
Mom: baby whats that suppose to mean
Me: shutup dont call me your baby because if i was your baby, I stoped tears rolled down my eyes. Mama when i was little you told me you would always love me and protect me but now you have let me down you have giving up on me. I believed in you and you let me down
My mama looked puzzled.
Me: I liked the way you use to rock me in your arms and when i would get scared at night you would say everythings going to be ok as long as i am with you and i believed in you, i believed in you.
My mama was speechless.
Me: you were so much better before you met james and before you let him get you on those drugs now i don't know who you are but mama you can change you wanna change.
Mom: baby i've tried but i cant change.
Me: mama anybody can change as long as you put your mind into it.
Mom: baby i've tried
Me: then keep trying if you dont change then you won't have a daughter
Mom: baby you dont mean that
Me: i mean every word. I ran out the house i couldnt put up with her. I kept running. I knocked on jake door. His brother answered it. He looked at me as tears ran down my eyes.
Brother: umm you looking for jake
Me: yes, yes i am
Brother: well he sleep
Me: could you wake him up
Brother: i could
I started to cry more and his brother let me in. I walked to jakes room. There he was sleeping.
I tried not to wake him but i just did. He woke up surprised.
Jake: whats wrong
Me: can i sleep here tonight I just need to leave that house
Jake: yeah yeah
He moved over in his bed. I stood still.
Jake: ok i will make a pallet and you get the bed.
Me: thanks i got in the bed and went fast asleep.

Chapter eleven

I woke up and I smelled food coming from jakes room. I walked to the living room and there jake stood cooking. I laughed.
Jake: whats so funny
Me: your cooking
Jake: I always cook
Me: you need to stop
Jake: are you trying to say i cant cook
Me: thats excatcly what im saying
Jkae: well you cant cook
Me: oh really i walked up to him and took the fork and started scrambling the eggs.
jake: wow your good.
me: told ya
Jake: so what you gone do
Me: umm right now I don't wanna talk about it
jake: look you always trying to run away from something and you cant you need to talk about this
Me: and why is that
jake: becuas it could help
Me: help you or me
Jake: you
Me: jake see this is why i didnt want to tell you anything becuase your always telling me what to do
jake: everyhting i tiell you is right
Me: look i don't have time for this
Jake: I need to ask you a question
Me: what?
Jake: why when i scooted over for you to get in the bed you stood still
Me: well i don't like sleeping with people
Jake: but you sleep with your brother and sister
Me: umm jake my dad raped me
He looked puzzled.
Me: are you going to say something
Jake: look i love you so much i couldn't hurt you
Me: and i want to believe that
Jake: you can he touched me
I steped back.
Jake: relax
Me: i am relaxing
He touched me more and more than he started kissing me and kissing me everywhere
Me: umm jake stop now
He kept kissing
Jake i yelled.
He looked up.
Jake: im not going to hurt you
Me: but jake i dont want to do this
Jake: why?
Me: im just not ready
Jake: ok ok sorry
He walked to his room and i followed.
Me: jake your not mad are you
Jake: oh no
Me: ok i kissed him
Then he kissed me back and his hands traveled.
I kept kissing him this time i felt protected.
Then he went in i yelled and yelled. Then he stoped and looked at me and i smiled.

Chapter Twelve

Finally school was over and the summer blossomed. I had so many plans but i just couldn't figure them out. I walked to kelly and miles room.
Me: hey miles you guys want to go to the park
Miles: sure
Kelly: do they have swings
Me: umm yeah they do so get your clothes on
Ok they said. I walked out and slipped on my shoes and we was out the door. I walked over to jakes house before we left to ask him if he wanted to come. I knocked at his door. He opened it.
Me: hey umm me and my silblings are going to the park you wanna come
Jake: umm no not today
Me: why?
Jake: umm i gotta go
Me: ok ill call you then
All he did was close the door.
I tokk us to the park.
We had finally gotten back from the park and miles and kelly were tired they ran inside. I walked over to jakes house. His brother answered.
Me: umm is jake here
Brother: yeah come in
I walked in and jake was eating.
Me: oh sorry to disturb i just wanted to see you
He didnt say anything
Me: umm jake is something bothering you
Jake: yes you
Me: me i yelled
Jake: look right now i dont feel like talking
Me: well jake i didnt feel like doing alot of things but i did
Jake: look not today tia
Me: umm jake what has gotten in to you
Jake: look i cant take your stuff anymore i have tried to help you more than once your disgusting you have scares all over your stomach and arms your just sick.
Me: Tears started comming umm jake im sorry i was just trying to talk to you i didnt know you felt this way im sorry. Umm i'll go.
I walked out. He stood at the door.
me: bye jake
He just closed the door.
I walked off.

Chapter Thirteen

IT had been two weeks since jake had talked to me and this were getting cold and lonely. I feel stupid he was right i was disgusting and sick. I walked outside to take out the trash and i saw this girl with jake. I turned my head so he would't know i was looking at him. I just didn't understand why would he hate me now all of a sudden. I put the trash away and i looked over to him he gave the girl a hug. Then he took a glimpse at me and turned away. I was going to walk up to him but i didn't. I was rolling the trash to the garage. But then it tiped over and all the trash fell out. Then jake came over and helped pick it up.
Me: thanks i really needed your help
Jake: Yeah
Me: umm jake can we talk
Jake: umm not right now
Me: well what would be a good time
Jake: umm dont you see im trying to get away from you
I got up and pushed jake to the garage the girl looked at me and everyone else.
Me: jake i dont know what has gotten into you but it really needs to stop your scaring me.
Jake: look let go of me and stop please
I kissed him and kept kissing him.
Girl: jake you didnt tell me you had a girlfriend
She got in her car and drove off.
Jake: look kissing me isn't going to change anything
Me: why you acting like this
Jake: cuzz im tired you dont know what you wnat to do. But look if you wanna keep getting beaten and raped thats fine with me.
I smacked him as tears came out my eyes.
Jake: look sorry that wasn't suppose to come out like that i dont know what i was thinking im truly sorry.
I just kept walking.
Me: look jake if you dont wanna be with me thats fine
Jake: look its not like that its just look its difficult
Me; i dont understand whats so difficult
Jake: you
Me: why
Jake: look i love you to death but you cant keep hurting yourself you making me sad. Look i have dreams of you at night and they aint good.
Me: look im sorry but this time im going to do something i promise.
Jake: then stop talking and do it.
He kissed me and i kissed him back. Then a trail of leaveds flew and blew my hair in crazy directions. I looked at jakes pale cheeks and my brown skin, we made a good couple.

chapter Fourteen

I was sitting on my bed playing with miles and kelly. Then my dad walked in.
Me: kelly and miles go to lisa house
Kelly: why we want to stay with you
Me: go now
They jumped off the bed and went outside.
Dad: see you have issues
Me: look can you get out please
Dad: im a afraid not i just got in here
Me: im asking you to get out
Dad: look i just wanna talk
I started to scoot back in my bed but he kept comming closer.
dad: whats wrong im not going to hurt you
I grabbed my lamp.
Dad: now your not going to do nothing with that so put the lamp down
Me: no i yelled
He tried to reach for it but i panicked and hit him with it. He went uncounsious i hopped out the bed and ran down the steps. I ran outside. I saw lisa jake and kelly and miles outside. Jake ran up to me.
Jake: whats wrong
Me: tears started comming he tried to hurt me
Jake: look we gotta go
Then my dad came running outside he grabbed kelly and miles.
Me: no let them go take me
Jake; no he will hurt you
Lisa: what going on
Me: lisa go now
She ran.
Me: daddy let them go
Dad: no you think its funny to hit me with a lamp do you
He gripped kelly and miles tighter
Then my mom rolled up.
Mom: whats going on
Me: mom hes hurting them hes hurting me
Mom: look lets all go inside
Jake: no she wont
Mom: lets go
Me: are you crazy
Everybody was talking at once.
Me: jake i have to go
Jake: no you wont
Dad: im not going to hurt you
My mom opened the door.
I walked in but jake tried to get me but i was to fast.
Me: dad now let them go
Mom: look whats going on
Me: mama i cant lie to you anymore your husband is not who he seems
Dad: dont listen to her shes a liar
Me: shutup mom he raped me and he tried to do it again
Kelly and Miles: mama its true
My mama was crying. She grabbed a lighter and put the cigarette in her mouth.
Me: mama he hurt me
Mom: shutup your a lair
I looked at her crazy.
Me: mama you wont believe me
Dad: see shes just trying to get in your head
Me: mom who would you believe me or him
Mom: look im going to bed honey come with me
Me: you bitch
My mama smacked me. I was fed up steam came up to me.
Me: well if you dont get rid of him i will
My mama and dad laughed.
I walked outside with miles and kelly. jake was right there.
jake: what happened
Me: she didnt believe me
Jake: well make her
Me: shes not
Jake: well what are you going to do
Me: im going to do something and i dont want kelly or miles with me so can they saty with you
Kelly: your not going to do anything crazy are you
Me: look go
Jake: look im comming with you
Me: no im fine

Chapter Fifthteen

I was sleeping when my dada knocked at the door. I had a knife under my pillow.
Dad: hey sweetie you awake
I started to grab the knife
dad: you really thought she would believe you didnt you
Me: get out
Dad: you dont scare me but i know i scare you
Me: you used to but now you dont so get out
He started to scoot closer and closer. I jumped
dad: you are scary
He touched my legs and everywhere else. I tried to grabb the knife but he saw it and thre it across the room. Now i was scared.
I started yelling as he wripped my shirt.
Then my mom came in.
Mom: get off of her now
He punched my mom. I grabbed the knife.
Dad: your not going to do anything with that
He moved closer and then i herd a scream. It was so loud. I looked down and i had saw that i had cut him with the kife from face to stomach. Blood was everywhere, my mom got up and huged me. We ran out the house as my mom called the police.Jake, kelly and miles came running. I huged them tight and jake kissed me. The police came and locked him up. I felt stronger braver.
To this day I am doing good. Miles and kelly are doing good to. My mom now attends a rehab and we live with my aunt. Me and jake are still together. I see him every now and then but we still talk. If it wasnt for jakes faith in me i would still be depressed today. Now im not that girl who sits on her bed crying her heart out cutting herslef and feeling disgusted and stupid. or looking at plain white walls. I am not that girl anymore.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.04.2012

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I dedicate this book to my friends.

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