The Well Worn Path

User: scouts
The Well Worn Path
The passing of a beloved pet over the rainbow bridge. My emotions as I help my friend take her final journey to a life eternal. THe fervent wish that all who have passed overlive a happier ;ife.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Thankyou. It hurts when a special friend dies. Uor pets love so freely and it's hard to let go when it is time.

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Backwood writer

i feel the same way about my dog and cat, i ever have a possum, these are my treasured friends and many have died in my life time but each has a special place and memories inside my heart and soul. well expressed, your a wonderful loving person ,

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Thankyou so very much for your comment. I really wanted to say how much animls affect us in our lives.

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I know there are plenty that scoff at the relationships we have with our non-human cohorts... but I never have.

Thanks for this musing.

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Thanks. I really miss her with all the problems I have lately. At least all she wanted was love,

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