Pratikraman: The Master Key that resolves all Conflicts (Abr.) (In Spanish)

Pratikraman: The Master Key that resolves all Conflicts (Abr.) (In Spanish)

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life inevitably face challenges in their sincere pursuit of spirituality and practice. As spiritual development progresses, facing the many unintentional mistakes made through mind, speech, and conduct become disconcerting.

Naturally one begins to wonder, “How to forgive and forget in unhealthy relationships?”, “How to forgive yourself - both for mistakes of the past and for ongoing mistakes in the present?”

One of the most powerful tools for spiritual healing of both past and present is repentance with sincere apology. Yet, it is rare to find a concise scripture on forgiveness.

In the book “Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentance”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan describes the spiritual power of forgiveness prayer, and offers a precise formula for asking for forgiveness. The book allows anyone seeking to practice spiritual forgiveness prayer to easily understand how to repent, how to forgive someone, and self.

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St. Paul, MN.

Please define success. Destruction of the environment for future generations,
appointments of incompetent cabinet leaders and judges? How about perpetual
flip flopping? How about stealing food from poor people. How about attempts to
kill Medicare and social security? What about the promise for cheaper, better
medical care for all? What about that?


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Piscataway, NJ

""I own firearms not only because I think they are cool, but also because they
are considered a tool in my family.""

You lost me by including thinking they are ""cool"".

A tool, sure. A means to provide food by hunting, sure. The ""cool"" factor,


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