Winter Poetry And Christmas

Winter Poetry And Christmas
This is a book about Winter, children, Christmas and everything in between.

Winter, Poetry, Christmas
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you for sharing your poems with our community. I liked the poem about the manger.

I would question Santa drinking beer, if this is a kid's book. As a retired teacher, I believe children need good role models.

I like your art. It adds a nice touch to your book.

2 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

The first thing I noticed were the pictures, which were a great touch.

Your poetry has some very strong images (the feeling of a poor child's life being "ripped apart"), it has a very subtle hint of strong theology, and there is some downright humor. I couldn't help but laugh when I found a poem about the Grinch in there!

Your styles were also very varied--there was even a haiku. Every page also had a different background, and... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is a nicely done book, it had a combination of thoughtful and sincere poetry. The different forms of poetry made this book work from begining to end. When the author put the humorous pieces it, that made the plum pudding if you will to winter and Christmas.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is a nicely done book, it had a combination of thoughtful and sincere poetry. The different forms of poetry made this book work from begining to end. When the author put the humorous pieces it, that made the plum pudding if you will to winter and Christmas.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is a nicely done book, it had a combination of thoughtful and sincere poetry. The different forms of poetry made this book work from begining to end. When the author put the humorous pieces it, that made the plum pudding if you will to winter and Christmas.

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