Can this be true love? (Will be rewritten!)

Or is it just my imagination? Von:
Can this be true love? (Will be rewritten!)
Mina Sparks or usually know as "Snow". Mina has a average life like Snow White. Her mother died in a car accident when she was only three-years-old while her father is alive but long gone to her. But this Snow White has a secret, she's a werewolf. Yet she still didn't find her mate. Mina moves to the Windy city and goes to a new school. Being the "new girl" isn't easy as it seems. On her first day she gets bullied by the "IT" group. Where the leader of the populars is not other than Damon Blue. Damon is an rude, cocky, player, sporty,rich, soon- to-be-alpha . Opposites as they are, can this be true love? Can they be mates? Or is it just their imagination?
*Swearing is involve*

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Can this be true love?"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Can this be true love? (Will be rewritten!)
Or is it just my imagination?
One Night Dream
...dreaming, wishes can become reality.
Beautiful Love (Might be rewritten)
lycans, Werewolves, new girl, mates, Humor, Comedy
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