
Chapter 1


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alking home from school carrying my heavy book bag. I see the moving van parked in front of "my house." Quotes at "my house", since my step mom doesn't let call it mine.
That and the "house" is actually a mansion.

My real mom died a long time ago. The person I dare called "Mommy" before, she's dead and I feel like I'm the blame for that. Afterwards, I stopped being a naive girl. I became "Mature", since my step mom ruined my childhood.

Dad had to marry her, Whoopee-do. Note: Sarcasm. No more dreams of being a princess, my life now is just being poor old Snow White. Except not with the being a princess part.

I miss mom. My real one, not the snobby step one with fake parts. I walked to the door where I find my step mom standing in front. What does she want now?

"Your LATE!" By the way my step mom's name is Arianna. Arianna yelled at me and fixing her auburn hair.

"I sorry, my teacher didn't let us out when the bell ringed and-" Arianna stopped me and handed a a mirror to hold.

I stopped talking. "I Don't care..hold this will you." She said, while appealing red lipstick. After she was done she smacked her lips. More than twenty-times! Did I mention I hate Arianna my stepmom? Yes, good! Or else I explain with some swearing. No kidding. Arianna continue to talk. "Well, I'm leaving you now." When she said those few words, my heart started to beat happily like when my mom was still alive. "I need you to clean the ENTIRE mansion! GOT THAT!"

"But my studies. Arianna, I have a big test tomorrow, and I don't want to fail." I tried to explain to her. Too bad she's stubborn as a log...well...maybe a dog. Nah-that's just offensive to dogs worldwide.

"Who cares about you! Stop being so selfish. I'm the important one here and the guys in the moving van are waiting to leave for Chicago! I'm leaving you here by yourself, go to school tomorrow its your last day." I wanted to punch her when she called me selfish. She's the selfish one and BTW Arianna's barely IMPORTANT to ANYONE!

She walk towards the van but stopped her heel to turn and face me.

"And don't you even think about throwing a party. Hump-Why did I just say that?! Your not even popular like your sister! I'm pretty sure you don't have any friends at all! HA HA!" Arianna laughed like a evil witch. Since she is one.

Before she got in the moving van she snorted at me.

I rolled my eyes, I hate being compared to my "PERFECT" sister. I forgot to say, I am popular (well...not at all) at school! I watch the van drive away and then I got in the house.

Chapter 2

- 2 hours later-

DONE! I finally finish cleaning the entire house. Yes, up-down with every corner sparking like diamonds.

-30 minutes later-

I huffed up the last step of the stairs. Your wondering why I'm huffing? Well mostly the stairs has 2,520 steps to all the way to the attic. Not joking. Jeez, his house really needs elevators! I walked in the attic and turned on the lights. I liked the attic, Arianna puts all of my childhood memories there.

I sat down near the windows. I looked at the sky, so pretty so bright and pure. I layed my hand close to me, I felt something. I stared at the object I was holding in my palms now. It was a old photo ablum. I remember it, pictures of my family before were in this old precious photo ablum. I opened it to the first page, then smiled. I first picture I saw was with me and mom. I felt tears coming on my eyes. I looked at the picture of mom before she died.

"Mommy", I said looking at my mom's picture. Her beautiful blonde hair being bright like the golden sun. Mom's blue eyes shining like blue crystals and her smile gliming like the moon at night. Right at that point, warm tears were siling down my cheecks. "Mommy, why did you leave me? I miss you so much." I whimpered. I hugged the photo ablum tight into my chest. I repeat those words I just said them over and over, "Why did you leave me? I miss you."

I don't know how long I was crying in the same spot but it felt like forver. Not the crying part forver but being close to my own mother.

I know I can't bring her back. Except the closest thing I have from her is this photo ablum with pictures of her. I want her more than anything besides my family being back together, without Arianna. Like that would happen, wishes and fairytales aren't true. But haven is, and that's where my mom is right now. Probably smiling like she always did.


I'm sorry that this chapter is short. =( I'll tell you the truth I actually did cry writing this chapter. I know how it feels to lose something important in your life. By the way if anyone's name is/or I know Arianna, I'm sorry I didn't mean to pick your name. =)

Chapter 3 Dreams and Memories part 1

-Many hours later-

I walked in to the washroom to clean my eyes out. It was a good thing. The thing I saw for the reflection of the mirror was my big, red, puffy eyes. I took a good look at myself. I was way different than my mom.

Never in my life no one ever said, "Oh Snow, your'e so pretty like your mother." My real name is Mina Sparks but people call me Snow. Why? I have no idea. The only person would got praise for that comment would be my "Perfect" older sister of mine. Sister has all of mom's features Blonde hair, blue eyes, the smile, and perfect white skin. Me?

No, black hair, dark-chocolate color eyes and a fake smile I put up with. Each time I see myself in the mirror I think, "Am I really mom's daughter? I look nothing like her." One last secret I'm a lycan or a werewolf if you want to call it that. While sis is a vampire, weird family I have, right? True, but believe it or not I am one.

After I washed up I changed my Pj's and walked to "my room". I wouldn't actually call "my room" since its actually a closet. Small dark, cold, windowless closet.

The only things I could fit are one thin small bed, a dresser with One lamp, and a rack of clothes. Arianna calls ME the Selfish One. Each night I have to use a jacket when I sleep. The nights are freezing cold, one blanket isn't even enough for me.
Finished at studying and cleaning wipe me out. I lay-ed down on my bed and dreamt about what happened thirteen-years-ago.

[p.s. Mina (Snow)is sixteen and her dream is when she was only three]

~Snow's dream~

-In the hospital-

"MOOMMMYY!!" I yelled running towards mom who was laying in a hospital bed.

"Mina, how are you?" Mom said weakly. She look paler than usual. I was worried.

"I'm finee, mummy is cancer hurting youu?" I asked. Of course I knew cancer was hurting mommy. My mom just muttered her lips to talk to dad quietly. Even how quietly they muttered words from their lips, I still know what they were saying.

Mom: Why did you tell Mina?

Dad: Its fine. Its not like she actually knows what cancer is.

Mom: Ok, I just don't want her to get hurt.

Does dad think I'm that stupid?! At age of three, I already know everything like a college student. I was a very smart kid. When my parents were done, both of them stare at me and put on fake smiles. If your asking how my mother die. No, its not because of cancer.

-3 days later-

My mom was out of the hospital. We were back in the house, happily a family again. But not for long. Friday, August 14 which is my mom's death date. That and it was my fourth birthday. The day I would never forget.

next chapter find out Snow's past and how her mom died. =)

Chapter 3 Dreams and Mermories part 2

That day was unusual, gray dark clouds and without a golden Mr.Sun. I wanted the sun out so I sang the Oh Mr. Sun song. I know, pretty stupid. But I was three and I was watching Barney at that time.

Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on me.

Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Hiding behind a tree.

These little children are asking you. To please come out so we can play with you.

Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on me.

Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on me.

Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Hiding behind a tree.

These little children are asking you. To please come out so we can play with you.

Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on, please shine down on,

Please shine down on me!

Unfortunately, the sun DIDN'T came out, thanks Barney. Your song didn't work! Note to self: Never trust big, purple talking dinosaurs! I hugged Mr. Teddy bear and walked upstairs to find mommy and daddy fighting. I hugged Mr. Teddy bear tight to me and hide behind the stairs. I wanted to know what they were fighting about.

Mom: Robert! I won't let you!

Dad: Maddie. Our kids aren't normal!

Mom: So what! They're still our kids and I won't let you! What kind of father are you?! (mom was already crying) You would send your own kids to scientists to do experiments on them!

Dad: Maddie, listen to me. Our kids are a vampire and a werewolf.

Mom: Over my dead body though.

I hesitated to the words I just heard. I'm a werewolf?! Huh- that explains why I love to chase squirrels in the park. Also why sis loves to go out on nights. Ah-get it?! Go out! At nights...she's..ah-never mind.

I saw mom grabbing a knife and her car keys stomping off to the door. I didn't want mom to leave so I ran and hugged her legs. She saw me and tried to shook me off. Although I was too strong, she just sighed and hug me. She whispered words into my ears before she left. "I promise I won't leave you." However those words were a lie.

-1 day later-

I was watching the news with dad and sis. Mom didn't came home last night. The thought of that made me want to hug Mr. Teddy bear more. I listen to what the news lady was saying.

News lady: There is a traffic in 73th ave due to a car accident last night. And in the car the police found a women suck inside, dead. The police think the lady's name is Maddie Sparks, blonde, age probably 26-9.

I was shock while dad and older sis feelings were undescrible. The only thing though I was thinking was "mommy, you didn't kept your promise."

-End of Mina's dream-

"BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP." Shut up! You STUPID alarm clock!

I woke with dry tears on my cheeks. I choose the best clothes I've got from my rack and took a shower. I picked a black half sleeved-top, blue jeans, and black converse.
I sighed knowing it was my last day of school at Central High School. I'll miss everything there my friends mostly. I really don't mind leaving the work behind.

When I was done dressing up I got my book bag and walked to school. I'm sixteen, and you ask why I walk to school? Well I don't have a car! I blame that on Arianna, she gives my sister a mustang while I got a old pick-up truck that doesn't even work! I reach to the front of the school, I'll miss it.

"Snowy!" I heard Kara, Jasmine, and Cathrine running towards me with big smiles. They are my best friends since...since well, ever since the first grade. The story how I met them is..hilarious.

Kara has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Yes, Kara does remind me of my mom. But I'm not going to hug her and call her "mommy." Jasmine has dark brown hair and green eyes. Last but not least Cathrine. Cathrine has light brown hair and hazel-ish green eyes. I stop walking and hug them.

"Awh...where is my hug?" I turn to see Josh staring at me with puppy dog eyes. I let go of the girls and run to hug Brandon. Josh has blonde hair and is the captain of the basketball team.

"Where is mine?"

"And mine?"

"I want a hug too!"

I turned to see Josh's group looking at me wishing to get a hug.

For some reason Kara had her head down, she only does that when she's depressed.

"What's wrong?" I asked her while tapping on her shoulder.

She lifted up her head, with her golden locks falling to the back of her dress. "nothing..."

I scoffed, "Really Kara? I've known you since 1st grade."

She turned her head from left to right, then finally facing us again. "really? THAT long?" Kara crunch up her nose with a 'are you serious, that long ago' face.

"YUPP-ER-ROO'S!" I yelled popping both of the P's. Causing Kara to laugh at me again. Hey at least she's happy.

"Seriously Snow? You still say YAPP-ER-COO?!" Zach, one of Brandon's friends, questioned.

I got so furious, "Its YUPP-ER-ROO! N-O-T, NOT YAPP-ER-COO, and shut up I made it every since preschool!"

"Oh, trust me Snow, I can tell." Zach just reply coolly.

"Ok who wants a hug from me? Let's just do a group hug, ok?" Everyone just laugh and we circled each other for one big hug.

When we were finish we went straight to our first class, history.

Chapter 4 Goodbye my Perfect Life

-8 hours later-

After eight hours of torture which parents call 'school'. I had to say goodbye to my friends, fun, and Goodbye to my Perfect Life.

I know I could meet new friends at my new school. But being a whole werewolf thing...its going to be hard.

I walked home from school. I needed to pack-up and move to Chicago now, where "my family" is moving to. I thought of a problem. How the hell am I going to get there! My fricking car barely works! Crud! Dad, my step-'mommy' and sis ditch me! I should have known! Yup, my perfect life is already gone. Thanks to my life. What did I do to deserve this GOD?!

-5 hours later-

I was done with packing and now, half way to Chicago. How you may ask? I'm running to there. No, really I'm running to Chicago right now! Of course not in human form but in my werewolf. Human legs run slower than ours. No offense, but yours are too slow.

Yes! I'm finally here!

By the way, do you know the Guinness World Record for running from Virgina to Illinois?

I hide in the woods to change back. Why? Cause when I change back to a human, I'm naked. Yeah...people want to see that. I quickly change and step out of the woods. To see people staring at me with weird looks.


Didn't anyone ever show someone walking out of the forest before? I ignored them anyways and just walked to 'my new house'. I find out it was a mansion, like...always. Is it me or Arianna is trying to make my family bankrupt?
I walked to the front door with my suit cases. Man! Why are they so heavy...I barely own anything. I just own a rack of clothes nothing more, nothing less.

"YOUR LATE!" Arianna yelled, getting out of her pink bug car. Yes, like the car from Herbie except pink. Oh what now! Well sorry, for not running fast enough from Virgina to Chicago! P.S. I'm being sarcasm. Time to act innocent.

"Sorry, I apologize." Yup, I live to act. You may call me a liar, yet I don't care.

"Pity. Pity. Pity. I pity for your stupidity." Yeah, look who's talking. "Anyways..I'm busy shopping so clean the rooms, bathrooms, the basement, attic...and the chimney." Wait...the fricking CHIMNEY?! What am I Santa Claus! "Here's a list of things you need to buy. Money..since your poor." Arianna said smugly while handing me money.
She walked to her pink Bug car, I stuck my tongue out at her. I know, I'm being immature. Except, Arianna stared it! I said that in my thoughts and crying like a little girl.

I walk in to the house with arms full of suit cases, a list, and a huge head-ache. I look around the entire house...its already clean enough! I think my step mom is trying too hard to torture my so called life! I sweated up the stairs, which has more than a hundred steps just to the batrooms!

Trust me I counted while huffing for air for my lungs. I turn to my side to find an elevator! OH COME ON!! I figure out his house has more than nine bathrooms! After I was done cleaning all of them. I continue to clean the...chimney. First pain then wishing my life ended by sooner or later. One quick question, how the heck am I going to clean a chimney? I know now, I'll just ask Santa for help. Just joking.

Soon later after using a broom to sweep the chimney. By the way if you try to clean an chimney with a swifter duster. That tiny thing can't actually pick up all to the dust, there. I went up the stairs to clean the bedrooms and the attic. Half way to the top I forgot something. Why the hell didn't I JUST USE THE ELEVATORS?!


My wolf said to me. Great, even my own wolf hates me!

Why! Why! God, what did I do to you? Maybe, I shouldn't have stole money from dad's wallet. Put glue in sis's hair when I was eight and maybe I shouldn't have cheated on the tests. I did them to others not you!

Anyways, I found out the attric is my new room. Bigger..lucky except who has a room that's an attic?! The worst place I had to clean wasn't the chimney. But it was my step mom's room. I swear I saw a pig hiding in under her bed. No I sure it wasn't a portrait of just her.

After I cleaned all the rooms I pass out on the ground while wearing cleaning gloves. I notice a list in one of my hands. A list full of groceries and ointment creams. You really DO NOT want to know why. Trust me on that. I moaned getting up, removing the gloves. I took my greenish blue denim jacket and walk to Jewel Osco.

-30 minutes later-

I was almost done gabbing the items I needed from the alsies. When I heard crying noises coming behind me. I turned my back to see a brown-haired girl wearing a cheer leading uniform crying. The person who was making cry was a tall, blonde football player. How I knew he was a football player? Simple, he was wearing his school's football jersey with his last name on it.

"Carly, look it was just a one night stand. Only fun you were great, but I'm dating Summer. Remember?" I couldn't stand see the slight so I was in front of him. With the girl, who was taller than me, standing frighten behind.

"HEY JERK FACE! Don't you know NOT to play with girl's heart?!" I scream on his face.

"DO I even KNOW YOU! NOSEY! You should stay away of people's business. BITCH!" Jerk face yelled at me madly which made me flinch.

"O.K. one, I'm not nosey! I just...just like to know people's business to. help-them?" I replied my words stuttering. "Two, I'm not a BITCH. So, I can act like one at times. But I am not!"

"Yes, you are one."

I couldn't believe my ears. My own wolf sass me back!

The Jerk face just glare at me for a while. After a minute he said one simple word: "BITCH..." Before I thought of my actions. I punch him across his face.

My body felt sparks when I my skin touched his. Wait...sparks? Instead of a 'Ouch' I was looking for. He just clenched his teeth and fists, plus growl angrily. I thought my one word of him: werewolf.

I talk to my wolf. Which her name is Mango. Why? Mostly I love mangoes.

"Mango. Mango. Hello is any one there? Are you sleeping again!" Thanks lord for giving me a lazy ass wolf, who's lazier than me.


Mango growled.

"Hey thanks for waking up lazy ass wolf. I need to ask a question. What it means if you feel a spark run over your body is you touch someone?" I asked her in my head. I're such a weirdo for talking to yourself. Hey! If it make you better, I'm actually talking to my werewolf-buddy-whatever Mango is.

Mango didn't reply to me but whisper to herself, "Mate."


What the heck is a MATE?!


Sorry, I'll write more soon. =) The last part I had to rewrite more than 3 times cause it wouldn't save so...yeah.

Chapter 5 Torture-I mean...School!

Shortly after a death glaring contest with me and the jerk face, him and his crew just walk away.
HA! What'a big CHICKEN!
I forgot that the cheerleader was still crying but weakly and quieter than before. "Are you ok?" I said to her concisely.

"Yeahh-I'm..I'm Fine.." The girl talk behind the pouts from her tears. "I'm so sorry about Damon. He can be a complete jerk."

"Oh, I can seriously tell. And its no problem. I hate jerks like those." I shrugged my shoulder to tell her its fine. She made a 'O' with her mouth and stood for a bit. I walk over to my cart full of things from the list.

"Hey," I stopped pushing my cart and jerked my head to see her. "I'm Carly Verze, want to be my friend? A REAL one, not just being friends with me cause I'm a cheerleader." I smirk at what she said. None of the cheerleaders in my old school would never say anything like that to losers like me.

"I would like that. It's nice to meet you, I'm Mina Sparks but everyone calls me Snow." I answered her question. Put out my hand for Carly to shake it.

"Snow? Oh whatever, I'm just call you Snow then. YAYY I HAVE A REAL FRIEND! We can go to parties together, do each other's hair, make fun of mean jocks! EECCKK!! This is going to be fun!" Carly scream while jumping up-and-down like a preschooler wanting a cookie.

"No! This-is going to be a PAIN!"

Mango my wolf growled angrily at me.

"BE-NICE...Mango!" I reminded her, she can be a pain. REAL PAIN in the-.


Mango is the only person that doesn't call Snow. Well, only in Winter and I wouldn't actually call her a 'person'. "Can you keep a promise?" I turned back to reality when I heard Carly say something.

"Sure..." Tell you the truth...people don't think I actually can't. I don't blame them though. I push the cart to the scanners to pay.

"I'm...a werewolf." Carly said weakly to my ear. I dropped my can of soup when I heard her say that. But Carly quickly pick it up and swipe it through the scanner.

I stood quietly for a while till I talk again to finish my shopping. "I am one too." She qasped and so now, can we fast forward?

* * * * * *

When the first day of Torture-I mean...School starts?! At least when I went home, good/alright? Good.

I went home with more than twenty heavy bags in both hands. I made everyone food, since I AM the maid of the house now. When I was done went upstairs to the attic to find a bigger bed for me. I lay on the soft,warm, and furry blanket and drifted to a warm deep sleep.


"Wake up, dumb ass mutt! Your going to be late for school! Don't make me get the 'fricking' hot WATER!" Said in a very harsh tone, jeez someone woke up in the wrong side in the bed. I muttered a 'few' words under my breath and got in the washroom. I striped my pj's, took a shower, brush my teeth and finally chose random clothes I could find.

Which ended up as long white shirt with an rose in the middle, black shorts with black tights underneath, black converse. No short shorts, I hate cause they give me a wedgie somehow. Now, off to 'school', I wonder what life put onto me next?

* * * * * *

-At school an hour later-

Before I knew it I was surrounded by different jocks. The leader, was no other than that jerk I met at Jewel. Don't remember? I know, I one my wolf Mango called him 'MATE'. Ring a bell of any type?

I was surrounded in a giant circle. Just like wolves v.s. a poor hopless deer. Them being the wolves cause I should half of them were, and I being the deer. Well, I'm a wolf so...I guess the hopless wolf? The next minute I knew, I was beating the crud off of them. A seconds pass all were on the green grass. The captain of the jerks was helping them up. I think Carly said his name was Damon.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys she's in my grade. Yayy!!!

"What the heck to you mean YAYY? Its more of an DAMMIT!!!"

That was Mango don't mind her, she woke up the wrong side of the bed.

I face back at Damon, put up a smirk, "Oh yeah, boys I forgot to tell you...but I HATE being out-numbered." I smug at them before turning back to my next class.

"What idiots!..." Me and Mango thought to ourselves.

School! Huh- it sounded cooler in my mind....

I kept walking to the door. I was pretty sure someone was following me.




each step the object came closer, and closer to me.

I have really GREAT hearing by the way. More than hundred times better than your's probably.

I turned my head side ways and BLAM!

I was hit in the head next to the blick side of the school. In front of me and holding me back to the wall is...Damon. Great. "What do you want?!" I questioned/yelled at his face. To tell you the truth this dude is getting on my nerves. And I thought I can't get anymore annoyed, by myself!

"Just what are you?!" Damon pushed me harder into the wall. Whimpered in pain, he stop blaming me into the wall. I hestainted to find thew 'right' answer.

"I'm just like you..." I whispered with him probably hearing, and my head lowered to the green, grassy ground. He open his mouth to say something but stop and just let me go. Quickly falling to the ground, having to stare up at him.

"Prove it." Damon reply without looking at my spot.

How? I wondered to myself.

"By showing abcourse, what your really are." Did he just read my mind?

"Yes, he did retard!"

Mango answered.

"Showing what?" I harshly question with knowing what he meant. Just wanting not to show him, what my wolf actually looks like. I've never showed anyone my wolf. NO ONE at all. Plus I'm not going to today either. Damon just gave me a cold death stare. "Forget." I replied walking away with what's left of my dignity.

" WAAAAIITT!!!" I ignore him and kept walking.

* * * * * *

~Damon's POV.~

Ah crap she's gone! I needed to tell her something!

~3,6,9 standing real fine move it to you sing it to me one mo time
Get low,
Get low,
Get low,
Get low,
Get low,
Get low,
Get low,
Get low,
To the window, to the wall, (to dat wall)~

My phone, wow, still love that song! "Hello"

"Hey Babe." Its nice...

"Our mate won't be happy if she found out your screwing a bunch of girls."

Jake, my wolf, scorned me. God, I hate it when he does that.

"Shut up and let me have some fun." I thought back to him. Which actually shut him up for a sec or two.

"Hey you." I tried to sound as nice and happy to her as can be. But I got tried of using her already.

"And I'm tried of your cockiness..."

"Don't like me Jake? Oh! Go back to your little doggy house."

"Do you want to come over it." In my head shouted "NO!". Yet the other side got tempted by her sexy, rashly voice. Yeah...I know you got tempted by a rashly voice... weirdo.

"Yeah you're a total did you even became Alpha anyways?"


"Get mate. Get mate. Get mate now!"

It took me a a few seconds before answering back to her, "yeah sure, I would love too."


Have you ever wondered what Snow's new room is like?

Snow's new 'room'!

Characters wrong timing for characters but here you go =D

[Malese Jow as Mina (Snow) Sparks]

Quick question, does Malese have the same idea you thought of Snow?

[Ben Bowers as Damon Blue]

[Miranda Kerr as Carly Verze]

[Jennifer Lawrence as Summer Haze]

[Drew Roy as Patch Skates]

[Alexander Ludwig as Mike Blue]

[Emma Roberts as Tristna Skates]

More characters to come.....

Part: II, Harsh Awakening

Part: II, Chapter 8

~Mina's POV.~


past Damon, thank havens, push open the doors to the main office. There I spot a old, glass-eyed red-head talking on the phone. While huge stacks of paper that hid her wooden desk.

I didn't know whether or not to disturb her on the phone. I mean, it would be kinda rude, no, big time. So...I just stood there just like a stone wall. If I could see myself right now, I would look pretty pathetic. Seconds went by, which turned into minutes, that felt like hours. I could feel my eyes drifting to sleep....slowly...

"How may I help you?" A voice woke me up sitting there straight as can be in her chair, the reception.

Trying to block-out my very embarrassing yawn words came out as "Aww....hhh?" Oops I couldn't keep it in..

"Ha ha! You should take a look at her face! You definitely screw that one up Mina!"

Mango bust.

The REP. quickly removed the look on her face, "so...ah...I'm guessing you're new here?"

I nodded. Wow, she's a good guesser.

She fix her crooked black glasses to the mid of her nose. "Name please." The red head ask being prepared to type on her laptop. Forgot to mention this school is pretty, no v-e-r-y rich.

"Sno-" Wait... "I mean...Mina Sparks" Oh god I AM so stupid! How could forget my o-w-n name?!

" are pretty stupid indeed, Mina..."

The REP. typed as I talked. She was fast at typing, I mean it! "Mina...Sparks...there it this."

Phew. For a second that I thought my step mom put Snow as my name to torture me!

"Mina...Snow...Sparks, am I correct?"

And...there it is, the big jinks! "Oh, Oh, Snow eh. Nice name, NOT. But I thought your middle name was-"

Mango started but got interrupted.

"Is it Miss Sparks? Sophomore?" The red asked again.

Should I tell her? "Just do it you wimp!"

"No." I began "my middle name is...Winter." GOD! I hate my middle name! The REP. had another weird look on her face. This happens when I tell people my middle name....

"O...k..." She went back to her laptop, to, I guess to fix my funny middle name. She opened a few drawers before she swatch a paper, and handed it to me. "Here's your schedule and have a nice day." She said with a fake smile on her face.

I took the paper, walk out close the door, and muttered a thank you. Looking and examining at the paper in my hands.

Princeton High School

Home of the kings of the jungle!

In Chicago, Illinois


Sparks, Mina Winter Grade: 10
1495Th Northridge St, Chicago, IL
Richmond, Virginia Gender/Sex: Female
Locker #: 2337

Time: Periods-Teacher: Class Course; Room

[7:35-8:45]: Period 1-Mr. Trent: Math; Room B-127
[8:53-10:17]:Period 2-Mrs. Holly: English; Room B-129
[10:20-10:50]:Period 3-Mr. Deze: Spanish; Room E-367
[10:51-11:28]:Period 4-Ms. Paris: French; Room E-368
[11:31-12:46]:Period 5- Mrs. Joei: L.A.; Room B-136
[12:50-1:55]: Gym- Mr. Kurt & Ms. Cay
[1:56-2:14]: Lunch-
[2:14-3:24]: Period 6- Mrs. Orchard: Social S; Room B-134
[3:26-3:45]: Art- Mrs. Jix
[3:46-4:00]: Homeroom/Lion Pride

The Lion was our school's mascot.
Math was first in B-127...great a flight of stairs to go, what can possibly go wrong?


"Well, Mina, there's your answer."

Mango made fun of me. I whispered crap. "If I were you, better run up those stairs..."

And I did.

Part: II, Chapter 9

I walk down the airport pushing my luggage with my hips sweeping dramatically. I could feel men's hungrily eyes on my ass. But I didn't care, who could blame them? I mean I was smoking hot! Even if I was a vampire...

That's right. I'm a vampire. A bloodsucking vampire, but I wasn't old. My real age is 20, I don't age at all since I was a pure-blooded vampire.

As I got to the automatic doors, they opened to the sun's sunshine. My eyes were burning, stupid ass sun. I hate you! I reach into my Michael Kors bag and got my designer Bvlgari sunglasses out. I quickly put it on to cover the sun's rays.

Take that sun!

You're reading this and wait. I'm a vampire so why aren't turning to dust? Cause all of stupid human's myth of vampire and werewolves are fake! And no...all of you crazy Twilight fans, I don't sparkle in the sunlight. I just hate all of the Twilight crap, who would even like that movie? That's right a real vampire here, hates the Twilight saga.

"Mrs. Valentines Jenna! Miss Valentines!" I turned to see a what I think was a limo driver. If you guys don't know yet...I'm from a rich family. I walked over to see the driver drool, truth was I was drooling over him too. He doesn't look over 23 at all, black hair with a ocean green eyes, a nice sun kissed tan, and was pretty- no- very fit. "ar-are-are you Mrs. Jenna?" The man strutted.

I nodded.

"Right away." He went to my door and opened it for me. Awwwhhhh...what a gentlemen...wait! What the hell am I thinking Valentines! He's a human!

"Thank you." I said as he sat in. And then there was silents...jeez is this what's its going to be for the next 5 hours?! Heck no!

"So..." He tried to break the silents, thank you! "Want to huh-get know each other better?"

"Sure..." I hesitant on the question, even though I was jumping up and down in the inside. "You first."

"well..." He began, jeez good thing we're doing this, I really need to know his name! "My name is Mike Hart, 23 years old, and I know what you're thinking this job is only tempo to help my parents. I love sports and hate work. girlfriend...." Mike said the last part quietly but I can still hear him.

I could tell it was my turn so I began my bio, "My name is Valentines Jenna, 20 years old, I used to live in Italy but I was born in Chicago, yeah so that's why I'm a Bear's fan. I love to read and draw, I hate to exercise and work."

"He must be a lucky guy.." I heard Mike mutter.

"Excuse me?"

"Your husband, or boyfriend must be lucky."

My what?! "No. No. No. No husband or boyfriend."

"Oh....are you getting hungry or sleepy? I mean I don't want a beautiful lady like you to sleep in a limo." he asked nicely as he parked the limo into a Hilton Hotel.

"why yes I am..." I reply taking his arm.

* * * * * *

~Mina's Pov.~

I hurried up the stairs for math till I bumped into something causing me to fall on my fat butt. Something...solid...

I looked up to see a guy smiling. He had brownish-black hair just like me, gray eyes that can suck you in, a nice tan, and muscular. Did I mention he was fricking good looking! I didn't oh... But he wasn't good looking as Damon...wait did I just say Damon?!


Why I hell am I thinking about that jerk?!

"Cause you like him..."

"NO. I. Don't. SHUT UP MANGO!"

"Yes, you do cause he's our-"

Mango started but got interrupted by the mystery guy who pushed me down to the floor.

"Are you o.k?" The guy asked holding out his hands for me. It took me awhile to think it out.

"Just take his hand, stupid!"

Mango snorted at me, just like she was a human. So...I took his hand..just like that.

As I was on my feet the guy continued to grin at me. "I'm Michael but everyone calls me Mich."

"I'm Mina but everyone calls me Snow." I copied what he said.

"Wait WHAT? Snow? Wha-that doesn't even-" Michael said in a loud confusing voice.

I then interrupted him. "I know."

"ok....well then class is going to start soon. Which are you going to anyways?" Michael ask nicely.

"Well, Mich seems nice."

"Ah...let's see..Mr. Trent." I answered his question while looking at my schedule.

"Oh cool! I have him too! I think we could be friends." He gave out is arm for me.

"I think so too." I took his arm and we skip down to class.

"Seriously, you skipped down to class what are ya a little preschooler?"

Guess who it is! Its a new character! Not done with this chapter though! Oh...and no offense crazy twilight fans I love ya all!

Part: II, Chapter 10

~Mike's POV.~ (Damon's older brother)

I can't believe we actually have to go to that bastard's house, after the things he did to my father. I swear I will murder him if he tries anything on my family. Then again, that trickster already lost his dear love one.

-Flash Back-

It started with a vampire girl named Maddie Lexi Lake.

Her family kept their secret well hidden. Maddie's parents would never let a human her a meter near. Until, Maddie was forced to go to high school. There she met a human boy name Robert Sparks, to her, he was special.

The problem was, he was still a human.

She ignored him in high school, since she knew it was never met to be. Four years of removing him in her brain was torture. It didn't help Maddie when college came.

Sure enough, he was there, in all of her classes.

Maddie gave in and fell in love with him. The weird part was her family were happy for Maddie.

One year after college they both got married and had a baby girl. They named her Bloom, I was one year older than her. The couple worshiped her, spoiled, and transformed Bloom into a devil brat.

God how I hated her! I knew she'll end up as a slut, and Bloom did. But anyways not the point....three years later they had another baby. She was nice, caring, her name was Mina. I had a baby brother who was just about her age.

My dad was best friend's with their dad. They made a fast growing company, I felt my dad deserves more. Since he was the one who made the company in his own hands, not his.

Bloom's and Mina's father grieve for one The nice family-like uncle became the devil for money.


"What do you mean you're cutting my shares in half?!" My father's wolf voice boom in Robert's office. Little 6 year old me, stood behind daddy, wondering what the fight was about.

"Hush, hush Harold. Its just half of your shares." Harold, my dad, sighing calmly. Robert's voice sounding not a bit caring.

"How much?" My daddy asked.

"well..." Robert started, "Your usual 2/4 shares, now is 1/4. While I still have my 2/4 share."

I could tell daddy was about to transform into his wolf. Yes, my dad is a werewolf. All of my family were werewolves just like me.

My dad just growled sternly. "who gets my share then?"

Robert just had a devilish grin, "My wife."

That's when my dad lost it, and tackled him down in his black wolf form.

-Flash Back Over-

* * * * * *

~Patch's POV.~

I entered the stupid ass school for the "Riches." How pathetic, my parents are making me go to this school? Again?! Fuck them!

Anyways, the first thing I saw was this old, glass-wearing ginger with this gigantic mole. Hell, that mole had hair growing out of it. WTF?! Except one thing mostly caught my eye, and no, not the mole.

Mina, Mina Sparks.

I remember, I love to make fun of her in middle school, but then we went to different high schools. That's where the fun had to end, stupid high schools. Now here she is, in the high school I'm going into.

You know what else she's just in the hallway, where I can perfectly see her. Her shiny straight black hair on her back, dark-brown eyes glowing in the light, and her curvy figure.

But some idiot had to interrupt me, "Patch Skates.." It was the ginger reception, who had a mad-bull face on. "How can I help you?!"

I just shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know."

"Well, you been starting at that new girl for a whole five minutes!"

"Oh, shut up oldie! Or should I say, grandma Barbara."

"Watch your tone with me, kid!" Kid? Seriously? I just kept my cool mood though.

"Shut the fuck up, and just hand me my school schedule!"

"Oh're going to school here again?!" Mole-face ginger yelled and roll her eyes. Jeez, she needs to shut the fuck up.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just hand me my schedule, you old troll."

Barbara glared at me but handed my school schedule. "Thanks...troll." I walked out of the door to just hear a glass vase scattering close to my head.

HA HA! You're a little off there Barbara.

Then I bumped into something heavy yet light at the same time. "Owie!" Owie? Wow...I looked down to see Mina patting her head.

"You O.k.?"

"Yeah...twice the charm." That's when her dark-brown eyes met with my light brown or hazel eyes. " I know you?" I smirked at her with my original devilish-smirk.

"You know me, Mina."

Her face was full of curiosity then her face turned shock, "PATCH!"

I grinned at Mina, "The one and only." And...let the fun begin!

Old Covers for Can this be true love?

Part: II, Chapter 11

Coming VERY soon!

It's my Winter Break but I have two projects to do sorry about that. =/ I already wrote down some of the chapter on loose leaf paper.


Texte: ©Copyright 2011-2014 C. Joyce
Bildmaterialien: Cover by: Contagious_ other photos ©Copyright C. Joyce
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.12.2011

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To: Friends & Readers and...others =) Cover by: Contagious_ on, here's her link:

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