Just A Kiss (Part 3)

Just A Kiss (Part 3)
In the first two Just A Kiss book Miley meets Jacob and falls in love. Miley gives everything thing to Jacob. He was her first but not too long after Jacob makes a bit mistake. He cheats and leaves Miley. Miley finds out she is pregnant but she can’t tell Jacob. She doesn’t want him to hurt her child like he hurt her. Miley couldn’t even tell her parents. She practically raised her little brother and knew she would be six feet under if her parents ever found out about her baby. Her best friend Michelle, her baby brother and her run away. For months they stay at a hotel. In those Months Miley meets so many new people. She meets so many guys that she thinks could be the one but she still loves Jake. After long months of thinking and her brother asking where Mommy and Daddy was she finally had to make the call. The call that reunites her family. In the time that she was gone her Parents straightened up and changed there whole life style. Miley’s best friend who has been through everything with her decides she needs to chase her dreams. That she can’t let someone else live them. Miley has to do with out her. After Miley’s baby is born she names her Isabelle. Jacob finds out about Isabelle and tries to convince Miles to let him be apart of her life but she knew better. Miley goes to College while Isabelle is raise by her Grand Mother and Father. Miley always hated the thought of her child growing up without a father but she knew it was the best. While in College Miley meets James which soon becomes her Fiancé. Miley knew that James is the one for her. She know’s she’s going to spend the rest of her life with him but then Jacob comes back into the picture and Miley’s feelings are mixed up again. Jacob soon becomes too much to handle and gets sent to a hospital. The second book ends with Miley and James at the alter. Who comes through the church doors? Read and find out!
In this book you will find out who comes through the church doors and a HUGE twist comes. Who gets hurt? Who survives? What will Miley be put through? READ, LIKE, COMMENT!

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Just A Kiss"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Just A Kiss
Just A Kiss (Part 2)
The Second Book
Just A Kiss (Part 3)
Just A Kiss (Part 4)
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

It took everything I had not to cry....this was a awesome series....I normally don't read these kinds of stories but you had me hooked....hope you update part 4 soon...keep up the good work

Wichtiger Beitrag

Great book-all 3; good ending and kept me wanting to read more...

Good writer as well <3

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

its rlly good :) add more plz!!!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Ima Monster

omg u have to put something in there about jacob he cant just have life in prison theres got to be another ending!!!!!!!! you are a very talented writer:):):):):):):)

Wichtiger Beitrag
Ima Monster

omg i just got to the part where jake shoots bella!!! nnnnnoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! im going to finish the rest right now its soo good

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

this book was rlly good :) i hope you write more :)

Wichtiger Beitrag
Female PokéTrainer Red

:''''''(.He.He.He.....killed his own daughter!!???I was sooo happy when he got life in prison.but i would hae been happier if he had death.hehe..

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