
Just A Kiss (Part 3)
By: Morgan

In the first two Just A Kiss book Miley meets Jacob and falls in love. Miley gives everything thing to Jacob. He was her first but not too long after Jacob makes a bit mistake. He cheats and leaves Miley. Miley finds out she is pregnant but she can’t tell Jacob. She doesn’t want him to hurt her child like he hurt her. Miley couldn’t even tell her parents. She practically raised her little brother and knew she would be six feet under if her parents ever found out about her baby. Her best friend Michelle, her baby brother and her run away. For months they stay at a hotel. In those Months Miley meets so many new people. She meets so many guys that she thinks could be the one but she still loves Jake. After long months of thinking and her brother asking where Mommy and Daddy was she finally had to make the call. The call that reunites her family. In the time that she was gone her Parents straightened up and changed there whole life style. Miley’s best friend who has been through everything with her decides she needs to chase her dreams. That she can’t let someone else live them. Miley has to do with out her. After Miley’s baby is born she names her Isabelle. Jacob finds out about Isabelle and tries to convince Miles to let him be apart of her life but she knew better. Miley goes to College while Isabelle is raise by her Grand Mother and Father. Miley always hated the thought of her child growing up without a father but she knew it was the best. While in College Miley meets James which soon becomes her Fiancé. Miley knew that James is the one for her. She know’s she’s going to spend the rest of her life with him but then Jacob comes back into the picture and Miley’s feelings are mixed up again. Jacob soon becomes too much to handle and gets sent to a hospital. The second book ends with Miley and James at the alter. Who comes through the church doors? Read and find out!
In this book you will find out who comes through the church doors and a HUGE twist comes. Who gets hurt? Who survives? What will Miley be put through? READ, LIKE, COMMENT!

~Just A Kiss (Part 3)~

And as I came back to earth I heard the end of the priest speech.
“Is there anyone who doesn’t think this couple should get married? Speak now or forever hold your peace.” The priest said and as I looked in the crowd it was silent. Relief flooded my body.
“Ok.” He said but just as he did the church doors slammed open.
“I do!” A voice said. Everyone gasped and turned towards the big white church doors. Jacob came storming in. “I do! I don’t think this couple should get married!” He yelled. More gasps and whispers filled the church.
“Quiet!” The priest shouted.
“Jacob!” I gasped.
“Oh hell no!” Michelle said. The priest gasped. “Excuse me Father.” Michelle apologized. I almost laughed but it was a too serious time to. I let go of James hands and stepped down the steps.
“Really? On my wedding day?” I asked about to go all ape shit on his ass.
“You can’t marry him! He can’t give you what you need.” Jacob said.
“And how the hell do you know what I need?” I asked him.
“Because. Miley, for christ sake, we share a child!” He said and pointed to Isabelle. More whispers and gasps filled the church..
“What?” Isabelle said almost in tear. James bent down to comfort Isabelle.
“He’s lying. Honey, don’t listen to him.” James said trying to switch all her attention to him. I walked up to Jacob and bitch slapped him.
“Who the hell do you think you are?” I asked him.
“Its true! I’m your father, Isabelle!” He yelled. Isabelle cried more.
“Get out!” I shouted.
“No! I will not leave until you leave with me! I love you and I’m the best choice for you! He doesn’t know what you love! He can’t love you the way I do!” He said. James stood up and walked over to me.
“I love her so much it hurts! I wake up and see her face and thank God that I have another breath to breath with her. Don’t you dare come in here and raise your voice to a lady! Don’t tell her that I can’t love her the way you do because I love her more. So, much more that I can’t even describe it! and thats the reason why we are here today!” James told him. Jacob pulled out a gun.
“If I can’t have you then nobody can.” He said and aimed it at me. I could hear Isabelle behind me hyper ventilating.
“Isabelle, Honey. Relax. Close your eyes and go to that happy place we talked about.” James said to her.
“Okay.” She said through her tears. I cried just hearing her cry.
“Jacob, stop it! You’re scaring her!” I yelled at him.
“Just put the gun down.” James said trying to take it from him but Jake pointed the gun at him.
“Don’t move! Nobody move!” He shouted. Everyone in the church was on the ground. Everyone except Isabelle. She was standing behind me.
“Happy place.” She repeatedly mumbled. I looked at Jacobs hand and it was shaking uncontrollably. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened them and I watched as Jacob pointed the gun at me and pulled the trigger. Its almost as if the bullet went in slow motion. I saw it circling, coming straight for me.
“No!!!!” James screamed and pushed me out of the way. He fell on top of me unharmed but I watched as Isabelle fell to the ground. There she was. A limp body, collapsed on the floor.
“No!” I screamed as tears fell from my face.
“Call 911!” Someone yelled.
“I didn’t. I didn’t mean to.” Jacob stuttered as he dropped the gun.
I rushed over to her and held her in my arms. My dress was now stained red. I brushed her cheek.
“Mommy.” She said weakly with her eyes only cracked open.
“Yes, I’m here.” I said. I was crying so much that I could hardly get the words out into one sentence.
“Its so bright.” She said faintly.
“No, honey. Listen to me! Stay away from the light.” I pleaded her.
“Its so bright.” She repeated. James came up behind me. He was crying just as much as I was. He sat next to me and helped me hold her. I buried my head into his chest and he held me tightly as I held Isabelle.
“Stay with me. Okay. Isabelle, stay with Mommy.” I told her.
“Daddy?” She asked. James lifted his head. He held her hand.
“I’m here.” He said.
“I love you.” She said. James tears only fell harder.
“I love you too, daughter.”
“Stay with me.” I repeated.
“I love you.” I told her.
“Please God, don’t take the girl.” I mumbled to myself. I looked down at Isabelle. She was turning white. Trying so hard to hang on. To stay with me. I kissed her forehead.
“ I love y--” She started to say but then I couldn’t hear her breathing anymore.
“No!” I said. “Isabelle! Isabelle, answer me!” I yelled. James pulled me close. “No.” I cried. The paramedics rushed in. They put her on a jerny and started to do CPR. As they lifted her from me, I looked down at my hands and my dress. They were saturated with blood. I couldn’t breath. I gasped for air but it didn’t help.
“Miley?” James asked. “Miley!” James shouted. His voice trailed off and then my vision blurred. I blacked out. The last thing I heard was, “I need some help! Quick!” James shouted.
When I opened my eyes I was in a hospital bed. James was sitting beside me holding my hand almost as if he was praying. I looked down at me and I was wearing a hospital gown but they must have forgotten to take off my veil. I looked around for Isabelle.
“What happened?” I asked him a little drowsy. James couldn’t speak. “Where’s Isabelle?” I asked him and all he could do was shake his head no. “Isabelle!” I shouted. He cried. “No.” I said silently. Tears filled my eyes. “That bastard!” I cried even harder. I heard a knock at the door and I looked over. It was the doctor.
“Miley, do you remember what happened?” He asked me. I couldn’t talk through the crying. James was still in his tux and I still had my veil on. “You fainted due to the fact that you had stopped breathing.”
“Where, where’s Isabelle.” I pushed the words out.
“I don’t know how to say this.” He began.
“Oh God, no.” I cried into James. “Not my baby girl. You could have taken me!”
“The bullet went straight through her left side. It was too close to her heart. There was too much bleeding and we couldn’t revive her. I’m sorry.” The doctor said. I looked into his eyes and I could see that they were all watered up. James slid into the bed with me and I laid on his chest. I cried for what seemed like hours before I fell asleep. I heard someone come into the room but I didn’t open my eyes.
“How is she?” My Mother asked James. James snuffled and then answered.
“She’s okay but were not holding up to much.” He said and began crying again.
“I didn’t take you as the crying type.” My Dad said jokingly trying to lighten up the mood.
“I loved her like my own daughter.” James said.
“We know, darling.” My Mom said and walked up to him. I opened my eyes. My Mom rushed over to me and hugged me.
“Mommy, she’s gone!” I cried.
“I know, I know.” She said and rubbed my back.
“I, I, I can’t do this.” I told her. “This is too much.”
“No, you will get through this. You both will.” She said and grabbed James’ hand. “Where’s the bastard?” I asked.
“The cops took him into custody. He says it was an accidents so there’s going to be a trail and you’re going to have to testify.” My Father said.
“I wanna go home.” I said and stood up. I slid on my pants and dropped the night gown. My Dad turned around. I took James sweat shirt that my Mom brought from the house and put it over my body. “Now.” I told them and I walked out. James jogged up behind me.
“Miley!” He said. I stopped and turned around. “Don’t do this.” He said.
“Do what?” I asked.
“Don’t shut us out.” He begged. People were watching, patients, doctors and nurses.
“I’m not.” I told him.
“Yes you are. We are all hurting right now and I think its best that you stay here for a night.” He said.
“I’m going home.” I told him. I wanted to be home. I needed to be home.
“Miley,” He said as he grabbed my hand.
“Don’t you think that I’m hurting too?” He asked me. I know that he missed her too but she’s not his actual child. He doesn’t know what I’m feeling.
“You may be hurting too but James, she was my child. My blood. She was in my arms. Dying right before me and there nothing I could do.” I told him with tears rolling down my face.
“Don’t forget that i was there! I was holding you while you held her. She called me Daddy! You last words. She was my child too.” He said. I ran into him and he hugged me. He wrapped his big strong arms around me and somehow I felt a little better. I looked around at the nurses and doctors and they all had there hands over there mouths. I saw a few crying.
“I’m sorry.” I cried.
“Excuse me?” One of the nurses asked. James looked at her. “You can see the body if you want.”
“Why would they want to see the body?” My Father asked disgusted.
“I want to.” I said. I started walking towards the nurse but James stopped me.
“Miley,” he said.
“No, James. I have to.” I told him. I followed the nurse to the morgue. It was cold and dry. She opened one of the slabs and there laid a sheet over a small body. I took a deep breath.
“Ready?” She asked me. I nodded and she took the sheet off the head. I gasped as I saw her little lips all blue and her face so white. I thought I could do this but I can’t. There was a small part in me that thought that this wasn’t real, that she was still alive but this proves that she’s not. I touched the slab that she was on and it was ice cold. I then touched her and she was even colder.
“What did he do to you?” I cried. “It could have been me. I should have been me.” I corrected myself. “My Baby girl.” I said and brushed her hair.
“Did she suffer?” I asked the nurse.
“Her heart almost stopped instantly. Her body would have felt numb. She didn’t feel a thing.” She said. That was a small relief. I covered her head back up and walked back to James who was waiting in the waiting area. He stood up when he saw me.
“Well?” He asked. I walked into him again and he wrapped his arms around me.
“Lets go.” My Mom said. James picked me up and carried me like a baby as I cried in his chest. He stood outside the car. I saw a tear roll down his cheek. He wanted to cry just like I was but he was being strong for me.
“Uh-um!” James coughed and my Mother realized something. I looked over at her to find her taking Isabelle’s car seat out. I buried my head into his chest even more. He set down in the back seat and laid me across him. He still held me like a baby and it was comforting because it made me know he wasn’t going anywhere. This ride home was the longest one ever. Once we got there my Dad opened James door and I got out of the car and he followed behind me. I opened the front door and walked up stairs. I walked into her room. I stood in the door way. I tried so hard to hold the tears back but it was no use. It was like water works, they just kept coming more and more. I walked around her room. She made her bed early that morning. I looked over to on her pink desk and on it was three crayons and a piece of paper. She had drawn three stick figures. She labeled them Mommy, Daddy, Me. It was James, Her and I. I covered my mouth. I fell to my knees.
“Why?” I shouted to the heavens. “Why her? She was innocent! She did nothing wrong!” I yelled. I was mad at God. He gave me parents that didn’t care and it forced me to raise my brother and fall for the first guy who gave me any love. He led me to that stupid hotel where I met all those psycho’s! He led me to James and then he brought Jacob back! “Why do you play with me! My Life was finally going on track!” I screamed at him. “Why did you take her! Why? Tell me why!” I demanded but I got no answer. “She didn’t do anything.” I quietly mumbled to myself. James came in. He sat on the floor with me.
“I’m going to tell you what was told to me when my Grandpa died. When you lose someone they are all that you want back. You wait patiently but it doesn’t work like that. When you lose someone, the first thing that goes through your head is that if you run fast enough you just might catch up but, it doesn’t work like that. You just have to let her go. Moments swallow up your pride but you know its going to be alright. You just have to close your eyes and don’t blame God because honey, it doesn’t help. This is the hardest part and I know it hurts so bad but you have to hold on. ” He told me.
“I don’t want to hold on. I want her back. It wasn’t her time.” I told him. His words were true but I can’t, I won’t, settle until Jacob pays. He tried to hug me but I pushed him away and walked to our room. I laid in bed and snuggled under the covers. I looked out the window. How could he do this to me?
I tried to fall asleep, hoping that in the morning I’d all be a dream but I knew it wouldn’t be. My Mother walked up to my room and sat at the edge of the bed.
“Pushing the people you love away wont help you. We are going through the same thing that you are.” She reminded me.
“I just want to be alone.” I told her.
“Don’t you think that I’m sad? I hate God for taking that beautiful child but I can’t hold it against him.” She told me.
“I can.” I said.
“Miley, God has a reason for everything.” She said.
“So, he had a reason for giving me a child and then taking her away?” I asked. Now I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I’ve been doing a lot of crying lately. I could be washing my hands and then the water works come. I could be looking at myself in the mirror and that one tear would drop in the sink. I would look down at the black tear drop and touch it.
“There’s a reason for everything.” She said. “Even that.”
“It doesn’t make sense to me.” I said as I set up.
“Its not suppose to make sense.” She told me. She touched my cheek. “You two looked so much alike.”
“It should have been me.” I told her. She put both hands on my cheeks and held me steady.
“Don’t EVER say that!” She said. She started to cry.
“Its true! If I died wouldn’t you wish it was you instead?” I asked her.
“Yes but,” I cut her off.
“No but’s about it.” I told her and laid back down. She sighed and walked out of the room. I hated hurting my Mother but she doesn’t understand. No one does. I know Isabelle mean’t something to her to but Isabelle was everything I had. After about an hour of me laying there alone my Mom came back up.
“You have a visiter.” My Mother said and then opened the door fully. I looked over and it was Michelle. I jumped up and ran to her. I cried on her shoulder.
“I know, let it all out.” She said and cried with me. My Mom stood in the door way with her hand over her mouth.
“Why?” I asked.
“Life’s not fair, honey.” She told me but I already knew this. I laid on my bed and she laid with me. We both laid there in silence. I cried every once in a while. She comforted me each time. After a while the silence was dead. It was burning a whole in my already cracked heart.
“Don’t.” Michelle said as she played with my hair.
“Don’t what?” I asked her.
“Don’t shut him out.” She answered. I didn’t say anything. “He loves her just as much as he loves you and he’s hurting just like you are. She was like a daughter to him and while you’re laying here alone, he’s laying in there alone. Why be alone when you can be together?” She asked. She kissed my forehead and I got up and walked to the guest bedroom. He was staying there because I told him I wanted to be alone but Michelle was right, why be alone when we can be together. I walked in the door and he was laying on his bed surrounded my used tissues. He stood up and walked to be. He wrapped his strong arms around me and we cried together.
“I’m sorry.” I told him and he walked me over to the bed. He sat down and I sat next to him and leaned on him.
“Never shut me out again.” He told him. I kissed his lips. After about five minutes I fell asleep. That whole day I tried sleeping but I couldn’t and as soon as I lay down with James I’m out like a light.
When I woke up James wasn’t there. I walked down stairs but he wasn’t there either.
“Does anyone know where James is?” I asked everyone but everyone’s reply was no. I walked to Caleb’s room and he was sitting in his chair looking out the window. I walked in and sat on his bed.
“You okay, Bud?” I asked because it looked like he was crying too.
“No. There was so much blood. And, and, and you were crying. Everyone was crying. The gun was loud and, and, and” He stuttered. I stood up and hugged him.
“Its okay. Everything will be okay.” I promised him.
“Will it? Will it really? Because I hear you cry. I hear you yell at God. You’ve never lied to my, Miley. Don’t start now. Will it really be okay?” He asked me.
“Everything will be okay.” I told him and thats the first time that I actually believed it. It took my heart broken little brother, who just watched his niece die, to convince me that what I was saying actually was the truth. He hugged me tighter. I wiped his tear under his eye. “You okay now?” I asked.
“Okay? No, better? Yes.” He said.
“Okay well, do you know where James went?” I asked him since he was looking out the window.
“He got into his car and went that way.” He said and pointed East. Some how I knew where he went.
“Mom, I’m borrowing your car!” I shouted and grabbed the keys. I got into it and drove about a mile down the road. I was right. I saw his car in the parking lot of our local bar. I got out of the car and went inside. I looked around until I found James. He had his head down on the counter. I walked over to the bartender.
“How many has he had?” I asked him.
“Only three but he’s been going on about his daughter. He keeps telling me about how beautiful she was and how she always giggled the cutest giggle.” He said. I covered my mouth and wiped my eye to make sure I wasn’t going to cry. I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. I dragged the other hand through his hair. He looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes of his.
“How can I move on?” He asked and laid his head on my stomach. I kept brushing my hands through his hair. I didn’t answer his question because I didn’t know how. “How can I go on when I look at you and see her?” I looked over at the bartender and he was looking at us with his pity brown eyes.
“Lets go.” I told him and walked out of the bar. He followed behind me. I got into the car and took a deep breath. I looked across the street and I saw a lady and her two children. One was older but one looked about the age of Isabelle. This girl looked exactly like Isabelle. I knew it was her. I ran out of the car and went to the girl.
“Isabelle!” I shouted as I turned her around to face me but it wasn’t her.
“Let go of my daughter!” Her mother said.
“I’m, I’m sorry. She looked like-” I started to say but I didn’t finish the sentence. As I walked away I heard the oldest daughter mumble to her mother. She said,
“That’s the woman who lost her daughter, Mommy.”
“Oh dear.” The Mother said. I walked faster to get back to the car.
“What was that?” James asked me.
“I saw Isabelle.” I said and faced him. “My eyes did not deceive me. I know what I saw and I saw Bella.” I told him.
“You’re eyes cannot be trusted when they have seen so much.” James said. I closed my eyes hoping this was all a dream. I kept them closed praying that when I open them I will be in my bed before this all happened. Please.
“Miley!” James shook me. I opened my eyes to be right back in the drivers seat with him. I put the car into drive and drove home. When we got there my Mom ran out of the house.
“Where were you?” She asked frantically.
“I went and picked up James. Why?” I asked her worried.
“Its your father.” She said while holding her heart. I dropped my keys and ran inside. I ran upstairs and into his room. I saw him laying on his bed.
“Daddy?” I asked him.
“Darling.” He said and touched my cheek. I held his hand. I felt the tears coming.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked him.
“Because, I didn’t want my last memory with you to be sad. I wanted you to enjoy them with out thinking of the end.” He said. I broke down.
“But we could have done so much more.” I told him.
“Princess, don’t cry.” He said and started coughing. “I’m just getting old.”
“You’re not old, Daddy, you’re sick.” I told him.
“It may be so but I love you. Never forget it.” He said. I saw my Mom in the door way. She walked in and sat with me.
“I watched as my Baby died in my arms and I can’t, wont, watch you die.” I told him.
“Its nothing you can control.” He said.
“But you’re my Dad. I have to control it.” I told him.
“How can everything go so wrong?” I asked him. Before he could answer he started coughing again.
“Maybe you should visit him again later.” My Mom said. I kissed his hand and stood up and went to my room. I knelt down on my bed and prayed.
“God, I know you and I have not been on speaking terms but I know you’re still there. I know you’re still listening. I know I’ve gone off and lost my way but I’ve come back. I need you lord and I need you to hear me out. Please don’t take him. You’ve taken my baby girl and I will never understand why, but please don’t take my Dad. That I wont be able to hand.” I begged him.
As I stood up I walked to Isabelle's room. I was tired of crying. I was all cried out. This isn't how I saw myself. This isn't where I saw myself. I should be married right now. I should have Isabelle by my side.
I sat on her bed and touched her pillow.
"I miss you." I said aloud. Then I heard a voice.
"I miss you too." Isabelle said. I jumped almost having a heart attack. Now I know I'm losing it. You might as well call the loony police right now.
"Isabelle?" I asked and turned around. In front of me was a bright light. As it came near me I covered my eyes because the brightness was so strong.
"Yes." She said in the most heavenly voice. Tears were falling from my face.
"How? What? But," I stuttered. This couldn't be happening. How? Things like this cant happen. I opened my eyes wide to see everything. I tried to understand what was happening but I couldn't grasp the concept.
"Don't try to figure it out. I was able to come back to tell you something." She said. She sounded so mature. She stepped out of the light and stood before me. She shimmered with a beautiful glow. I looked at her sparkling face, and touched her cheek. I looked down at my hand, how could I touch her? How is she here? I saw her limp, cold body on that slab. This can't be real. I have to be dreaming. I pinched myself but I didn't awake. "I came to tell you not to worry. God has a plan and you must accept it. Daddy needs you right now. Don't worry, he isn't planning on taking Grandpa yet. Its not his time. This is the last time I will be able to see you. Don't lose faith and I will always be watching." She said and then walked backwards back into the light. My jaw dropped.
"Wait!" I shouted. "Come back, Isabelle!"
"I love you." I heard her faint voice say and then she and the light was gone. Everything was silent. What just happened? Was that really Isabelle? How could she have come back? Seeing her almost stopped my heart.
I sat there quiet on her bed. Her pillow in my arms. I looked into the blank spot where she was just floating or what ever it was. I can't even think straight.
James walked into her room and sat on her bed with me. I wanted to tell him but what would he think? Would he think that I was crazy? I don’t know but I have to tell him.
“I, I, I just saw Isabelle.” I said confused.
“What?” He asked as he put his hand on my back.
“I just saw Isabelle. She came to me. There was this bright light and then she was here and then she was gone.” I said.
“Are you okay?” He asked me.
“James, you have to believe me.” I begged him. “I’m not going crazy.” James looked me in the eyes. I watched at his expression went soft.
“I believe you.” He said. I hugged him.
“I want you to know that you are the reason why I chose to live another day.” I told him with tears in my eyes. He hugged me and held me close.
“Honey, you are the air I breath.” He said.
“Together, everything will be fine.” I said. We both stood up and he took my hand. We went to my room to relax. I went to the bathroom and drew me a bath. I looked pale. I haven’t eaten in a while but I’m not hungry. I went back into my room and took off my clothes. I pulled off my sweat shirt and took off my sweats and threw them on the floor. James was sitting on the bed. He stood up and took his clothes off too. He walked me to the bathroom. He sat down in the bubble bath that was now full. I set down in front of him. My back was to him and I laid my head on his shoulder. He grabbed my luffa and then started washing my back. The sent of lavender filled the bathroom. I pushed myself into James. I turned around and gently kissed his lips.
“Every kiss feels like the first.” I told him. I turned around and he kissed my neck.
“Every time feels like the first time.” He whispered in my ear with his deep voice. I got goose bumps from his such manly voice. We stayed in the bath for almost two hours just enjoying each others warmth. When I got out I was more relaxed than anything. I laid on my bed with James and just listened to the pounding of the rain on the roof. We laid naked in each others arms. Covered only by our light green sheets.
After a while of laying awake I grew tired and fell asleep. When I awoke it was morning. I looked out side my mirror and saw that the rain had stopped. I got up and threw on some actual clothes. I pulled the sheets off James. I almost forgot he was in all his glory but It was a BIG reminder when I pulled the sheets off. I laid on top of him and gently kissed his lips. Then his neck. Then his chest. Then his 6 pack. I looked up at his face and he had a smile.
“I know you’re awake.” I chuckled. He sat up and kissed me.
“Why must you tease me?” He asked. I smiled and bit his lip. I got up and threw him some clothes.
“We have to go to work.” I told him. “We’ve taken too much time off.”
“I have an idea.” He said as he stood up. “Why don’t we still get married? Our love hasn’t changed. We can still be together. Forever.” I thought about it for a while. He stood up, still naked. He then got on one knee. “Miley, will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?”
“How can I say no to that?” I asked. He stood up and then picked me up. “Not that I don’t love seeing you like this but don’t you think you should get dressed before someone comes in?”
“Oh, yeah.” He said and then set me down. He walked over the bed and got dressed. After he was dressed he grabbed my hand and went down stairs. Caleb was watching television while my Dad was reading his paper while my Mom held his hand. She would never leave his side.
James pulled me down the stairs and ran me into the living room. He shut off Caleb’s television and took my Dad’s paper.
“Hey!” They both shouted.
“I wanted to say something.” James said. He held both my hands. He got down on one knee.
“James.” I told him, letting him know that he doesn’t have to do this.
“No, Miley. I want to do this.” He said. He took out a little black box that had my wedding ring in it. He held it out in his hand. “Miley. My beautiful Miley. I know that we have gone through a lot but I know that if we stay together, we will come out of this stronger than ever. Will you take this ring and make me the most happiest man in the world?”
“I do. I do. I do.” I said as he kissed my neck. As we kissed my Mother and Father sat on the couch awkwardly. Caleb covered his eyes.
“Cooties!” He screamed. James and I laughed. He turned back on the television and him and I sat on the other couch. James held my hand as he watched the news. Barbra Jones, our reporter for the area came on. She always reports about the things that really matter. Like things that go on in the schools and things that happen in the streets.
“Breaking news coming up after the break. Six year old Isabelle Smith has recently died at her Mothers wedding.” She said and then the news cut to commercial. We all sat quietly. Hearing her name is hard for me.
“How did the news get it so fast?” James asked a little mad.
“Its the death of a young girl, everyone knows about it.” My Father answered. As we all waited impatient for the news to come back on, I wanted to shut it off. I didn’t care what they thought. “And were back. Now, the latest news of the death of Isabelle Smith. She was only six years old when she was shot at her Mother, Miley Smith, wedding. Apparently the Isabelle’s father, Jacob Marks, came into the church at gun point and threatened to kill Ms. Smith. The man she was marrying, James Mathews, had pushed Miley out of the way of the bullet but only for it to hit Isabelle standing directly behind them. Sources say that the child had her eyes closed humming a lullaby to calm her nerves. The little girl died in the Mothers arms. As the paramedics came and took the daughters body from the mother the mother had trouble breathing and passed out. How can such a wonderful ceremony turn to such turmoil? We will be right back.” They showed pictures as they had said the names. The picture of Isabelle almost broke my heart. She was wearing a blue dress. It was sparkly and her hair was done professionally. It was what she was wearing when we went to Katie’s wedding. They said and cut to commercial again. I covered my mouth as the tears welled up in my eyes. After three minutes she was back. “And what is the law doing for this poor family?” She asked. “Jacob Marks, pictured above, will be getting charged with first degree murder and will be getting the death sentence or life in prison.” She said. “We are lucky enough to have a clip of the father.” Just as she said that a clip of Jacob came on scream.
“I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to be happy again. Miley, if you hear this I want you to know that I’m sorry. I admit to killing.” He paused for a second to hold back his tears. “To killing my daughter. I deserve death. I’m sorry!” He screamed. I couldn’t listen to it anymore. I shut off the television. We were all silent. Just as the silence grew we heard a knock at the door. I opened it and it was Michelle. She looked at me with her sad eyes. I jumped into her arms.
“Its so horrible.” I cried. She rubbed my hair to calm me down. We walked in side. I still had tears rolling off my cheeks.
“I saw everything.” She said. “It all happened so fast.” I nodded. “I’m so sorry.”
“Sorry wont bring her back.” I said
“I know.” She said.
“I want to go see him.” I said.
“See who?” She asked.
“Jacob. I need to see him.” I told her.
“I don’t think thats a good idea.” She said.
“I need to see him.” I told her. My voice was wimpy and shaky.
“Okay. I will grab my keys.” She said as she reached in her purse. We went out to her car and drove to the prison where he was being kept until trial. When I got there I didn’t move. I stood staring at the outside. It was dark and grey. Wires everywhere. I walked inside to see him. They didn’t have any problem with letting me in. They took me to a room where there were others talking to people. There was a big glass window in the middle of it. Parts were sectioned off. You could sit and pick up a telephone and talk to the person on the other side of the phone. I sat down across from Jacob. His eyes were darkened. He had tears in his eyes. I didn’t pick up the phone yet. I looked him. Taking a good mental picture. I picked up the phone and listened. I listened to him cry. It made me feel so good. To know that he’s hurting.
“Miley, I’m-” He began but I stopped him.
“Don’t speak.” I told him in disgust. “You are here with the gift to breath while my daughter lays on a cold slab in some morgue!” I yelled.
“Our Daughter.” He corrected me.
“Our daughter?” I asked. “No! You don’t get the privilege of being called her father. You are a murderer! Nothing more!” I scolded him.
“I didn’t mean to!” He cried.
“No, you mean’t to kill me.” I said.
“Only because I love you.” He said.
“Do you listen to yourself talk?” I asked him. “Or is it just womp womp womp?”
“I love you, Miley.” He said again.
“No, you don’t kill the people you love. I love Isabelle, my daughter and you killed her. For that you don’t deserve to love. You don’t live with the pain, the instant reminder that you will never be a family again.” I told him. “You will not get the death sentence. That I will make sure of. You are not going to get the easy way out. You will spend eternity in a cell.”
“I love you! I did everything for you!” He screamed as he hit his head against the glass. Blood stuck as the glass started to crack.
“Guard!” I screamed. A bunch of them came in and grabbed his arms and pulled him back.
“Burn in hell, bastard!” I said as I got up and walked out.
“Miley! Miley!” He screamed like he was a psycho. Which he was. I grabbed Michelle’s arm and walked out of the building.
“Did that make you feel better?” She asked me on the way out.
“A little bit.” I said. We got into her car and she just sat there. “What?”
“Do you ever wonder what would you and Jacob be like if you never left him?” She asked me. I have thought of it. What we would be. Most likely married by now. Isabelle would be alive. Breathing. Warm. Alive. She snapped her hands.
“Yeah, I’ve thought of it.” I said. She sighed and turned on the car.
When we got back to my house we went to my room and just sat on my bed. I looked at her. She was all grown up. She’s matured. I can’t believe that she’s really back.
“You’re all grown up.” I laughed.
“Yeah, time does that.” She laughed.
“I’ve miss you so much.” I confessed. She nodded and hugged me.
“I wish I got to know her.” She said quietly. I pulled away from the hug.
“You would have loved her. She’s like you in so many ways.” I laughed as I saw her in my mind. “She loved the color purple. Just like you. Her favorite animal was the horse, just like you. She was such a smart little girl. I missed so much of her childhood. I went to college and I then went to work. I only saw her once a month. So much time was lost and now, I’d give anything to give it back. Why her? She was only six. She was innocent. Innocent!” I cried. “She didn’t do anything. She was scared and only wanted Mommy. She was scared.” Michelle held me close.
“She didn’t deserve this. Jacob will pay.” She promised. I nodded.

It wasn’t till months later when we got a court date. I stood in my room looking at myself in the mirror. I fixed my suit. James came up behind me in his. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I turned around and kissed his lips. I smiled through the kiss because he was tickling me.
“James, come on. Stop it!” I playfully yelled. He picked me up and sat me on the bed. He gently kissed me. After about ten minutes I said something.
“You’re messing up my hair.” I chuckled.
“It will be fine.” He said while kissing me again.
“We have to go.” I said. He groaned and stood up. I stood up too and fixed his suit. “See, now we both are all wrinkly.”
“No one cares if we are wrinkly.” He argued. I smiled and then went down stairs. Everyone was already ready. James, Caleb and I got into my car and my Mother and Father drove in there little pries. I drove behind them to the court. I was so nervous. I don’t know what I would do if he did get the death penalty. A tear escaped from my eye. I missed Isabelle so much. Her laugh. Her scent. Her beautiful eyes. I miss the way she would say ‘Mommy’. She was such a smart girl. Everyone loved her. James reached across from the passenger seat and he held me hand. I smiled at him as my tear rolled down my cheek.

We walked into the court room and James and I sat next to my attorney. Jacob was sitting next to his. Everyone in the audience was talking and standing up. My attorney and I were discussing what I wanted him to get.
“Life in prison.” I told him.
“Why not death?” He asked.
“He would be getting off to easy.” I answered. He nodded and wrote some things down on a piece of paper. The judge hit his mallet and everyone got quiet.
“Lets get down to business. What is your plea?” He asked Jake.
“Guilty, your honor.” He answered. The judge looked down at his paper.
“What do you think he should be charged with?” He asked my attorney.
“Life in prison, your honor.” He answered.
“Your honor!” Jacobs attorney yelled.
“He has killed this woman’s baby! Not only her’s but his too! He killed his own child! She thinks for him to get the death penalty would be too much of a slid on his part. If I may ask, you honor, do you have children?” My attorney asked.
“Yes. I have a 6 month old, a 5 year old and a 18 year old.” The Judge answered.
“Imagine if one of them had died because one of her parents killed her. She was scared at the time. She didn’t know what was happening. Then before she knew it she was in her mothers arms, gasping for air. Trying to hold on but she wasn’t strong enough.” My attorney said. The judge looked into my eyes that were filled with tears. James reached from his side of the table and took my hand.”What would you think this person deserves?”
“Life in prison.” The judge whispered.
“Thank you.” My attorney said and sat back down. The judge wiped his eyes and then cleared his throat. “We would like to call the Mother, Miley Smith, to the stand.” My attorney said. Everyone in the audience talked. There was camera’s everywhere. The judge hit his mallet again.
“Order!” He yelled. Everyone got quiet. I walked up to the stand. I placed one hand on the bible and the other in the air.
“Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?” A bailiff asked me.
“I do.” I promised. I walked up to the stand. My attorney approached me.
“Ms. Smith, can I ask you to tell me exactly what had happened on your wedding day?” He asked me. I nodded.
“I got ready in my dressing room. Isabelle got ready with me because she was the beautiful flower girl.” I paused for a second to control my tears. “Then my friend from when I was pregnant with Isabelle, showed up. She became my maid of honor. Everything looked like it was going to go smoothly. As I took my Dad’s arm and walked down the aisle I looked as Isabelle throwing the flower petals. She looked so beautiful. I then looked at James. I couldn’t imagine what I would do without him. Bella love him as much as I did. He was a fantastic father to her. When I got to the alter the preacher began. He asked if anyone objected and no one spoke. Just seconds later Jacob stormed through the door. He pulled out a gun. Isabelle was standing behind me with her eyes closed. She was mumbling to herself to calm her down. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.” I had tears rolling down my cheeks now. “He aimed and shot. James pushed me out of the way. The bullet passed me and hit Isabelle behind me. She laid limp on the floor. I held her in my arms. With her last breath she whispered I love you. She called James Daddy.” I smiled as he bit his hand not to cry. “I passed out. When I awoke I was in a hospital bed.” I said.
“And what did you do when you were told she had lost to much blood and wasn’t able to be revived?” He asked.
“I cried.” I answered. My attorney sat down and Jacobs attorney stood up.
“Hello, Ms. Smith. How are you today?” She asked.
“Okay.” I answered.
“Thats good. When you and Jacob knew each other in high school, did you love him?” She asked me.
“More than anything at the time.” I answered.
“And you knew that Isabelle was his child?” She asked.
“Yes.” I answered.
“Then why wasn’t she aloud to know or see him?” She asked.
“Because he hurt me and I didn’t want him running off and hurting her. She was safer not knowing.” I answered.
“But didn’t you care what Jacob thought?” She asked.
“Ma’am I was seventeen when I got pregnant. I was alone. I didn’t care what he thought. He took advantage of me and I couldn’t see him do that to my angel.” I answered.
“Did you know the hardship of not having his child know who he was, did to him?” She asked.
“No, I did not.” I said.
“He didn’t sleep or eat.” She answered her question. “Did you know that he was still in love with you?”
“Yes, I did.” I answered.
“And did you hear him out?” She asked.
“Yes, and at one point I did think of him but I thought of Isabelle and what was best for her. Then I met James.” I smiled. He scratched his light after shave and smiled back.
“Thats all.” She said disappointed that she couldn’t get something out of me. She sat back down.
“Your honor, may I approach the defendant again?” My attorney asked. He nodded.
“Hello.” He smiled. “Ms. Smith and you tell me about Isabelle?” He asked me.
“She has dirty blonde hair. It was so wavy. Her eyes were green. A bright green that would make you stare at them for hours. She had two freckles right here.” I said while pointing to my temple. “She had a little button nose and the cutest dimples. When getting dressed she would always put her socks on first. She loved dresses. She said that when she got older she wanted to be a horse trainer.” I cried. I covered my face with my hands. “She also said she wants to be a Mother so she can have a baby and love it as much as I love her.” I cried even harder. “My Little girl had big dreams and now she wont be able to live them. I can never see her face again. I will never hear her sing again. I wont see her dance to her favorite song. I wont be able to put on Hannah Montana for her to watch anymore. I have an instant reminder that she’s gone with her empty room. Her little stuff animals and barbies will never be played with again. My baby girl is gone and its all his fault.” I cried. I looked at the judge with tears in my eyes. He avoided my eye contact.
“Thank you.” My attorney said and sat down.
“I will go over the evidence and then get back to you with my decision in an hour.” The judge said. Everyone went out of the court room. My attorney and family went back to my house for coffee. I sat impatiently on the couch with my coffee in my hand.
“You did great.” James said as sat next to me.
“I hope you see’s through Jacobs sad eyes.” I said. He put his arm around me and kissed my forehead.
“He will. He has to.” He whispered. The phone rang. Everyone sat silent.
“That was quick.” My attorney said.
“Thats a good thing right?” Michelle asked.
“It can be good or bad.” He answered. He picked up his phone and listened. “Uh huh. Yup. Okay.” He said. He hung up the phone and set it on the table.
“Lets go.” He said. We all piled into our cars and drove to the court room. After ten minutes of sitting at the table the judge entered the room. We all stood up. He sat down and then so did we.
“In all the years I’ve been a judge, I’ve never come across a case like this. First, I would like to say that my heart and soul go out to your family, Ms. Smith. The way you described your daughter made me think of mine. I’m so sorry for your loss.” He said. Jacob put his head into his hands. “Its a sad day when an innocent soul leaves the earth. Justice must be served. Mr. Marks, I sentence you to life in prison. This case is dismissed!” He said and hit his mallet.
“What? No!” Jacob shouted. Everyone on my side jumped for joy. James picked me up and kissed me. I hugged him. The judge stood up smiling at me. He winked. I mouthed ‘Thank you’. He smiled and went into his office. I was so happy. This doesn’t bring her back but it helps that he has to pay.
“Lets go home.” James smiled. I nodded with tears in my eyes.

When I got home I stood in Isabelle’s doorway. I looked at her empty bed. I smiled at the little table in the corner. She had little plates and tea cups set out to have a tea party. James walked up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me.
“She’s really gone.” I said.
“Yup.” He said. I turned to face him and hugged him.
“I love you.” I told him while my face was buried into his chest. He checked his watch.
“Its getting late. I think I’m going to go to bed.” He said.
“I will be right there.” I told him. He walked to my room while I stayed in Belle’s room. I walked in and sat on her bed.
“I miss you, baby. Its hard not having you here. I’m sorry that you had to die that way. I love you. Sweet dreams, baby girl.” I said and then shut off the light. I walked to my room and got into bed with James. I laid my head on his chest.
“Are you sure you want to get married?” I asked him. He sat up and I sat up.
“Yes. Do you?” He asked me.
“Yes but I don’t want to hold you back.” I told him.
“Baby, you wont hold me back. You are the thing that will begin my life. You are my morning. My sun. You are what makes my world go around. Miley, I’d take a bullet for you.” He said. I hugged him. “I will always love you and by us getting married I can make that promise in writing.”
“Lets get married.” I smiled. “I want to get married here. In the back yard. I want to have only friends.”
“okay.” He smiled.

Its took months of preparing for the wedding. My Mother did most just like last time. She hired caterers and did some of the decorations. Michelle did the dresses and she hired a band. I loved the dresses she chose. They were a dark purple. They were short and had one strap over the shoulder. I had to go shopping for a new wedding dress because blood stains. I found a wedding dress that was long and strapless except it was beaded from the breast down. It was a beautiful pattern. It came out at the bottom. Not as beautiful as the last but I couldn’t control how that got destroyed.
Everyone was so excited for the wedding. They say its the first step to moving on but I didn’t want to move on. I shouldn’t have to. This isn’t where I saw myself in my twenties. I haven’t been to my job in so long I think they might have fired me. I didn’t even plan on having a child but now that I did I want nothing more than to have her. Belle was a blessing from God. She was exactly what I needed at that time. Michelle was gone and I was lonely, depressed. I missed Jacob and when Isabelle came she helped. She made me smile and see life in a new way. I should have been there for her more. I shouldn’t have gone to college. I should have stayed home and raised her. I missed so much. First words. First steps. First everything. Why couldn’t I have been there!

I stood staring at myself in the mirror, in my room. My hair glittered. It was partly pinned up with bobby pins. I looked at my dress. Michelle came up from behind me. She put two hands on my shoulders.
“You look beautiful.” She smiled.
“Thanks.” I smiled back.
“She would really be proud.” She said. I smiled.
“There almost ready.” My Mother came in. She smiled. She was wearing her black skirt suit with a big black hat. “You look so beautiful.”
“Okay.” I smiled. I stood outside the door and looked at all the people staring back at me.
What if this is a mistake? What if this isn’t where my life is suppose to lead? What if what happened last time was a sign? I can’t do this. I began hyperventilating. I took my fathers arm and we started walking down the aisle. I looked at James and the empty stop where Isabelle would have stood. I stopped walking and stood in place. I looked at all the people. They were staring at me. I knew what they were thinking. ‘Poor girl, she’s making a mistake. How could she do this when her daughter is dead? Is she selfish?’ I knew thats what they were thinking. I could just feel it. I panicked.
“Pumpkin, are you okay?” I father asked while facing me. I was hyperventilating even more. I ran. I ran until I couldn’t run anymore. I ran to the beach about a quarter of a mile down from the house. I fell to my knee’s in the sand. I looked out over the water and cried. James came up behind me huffing and puffing. He sat next to me.
“What if this is a mistake?” I asked him. “What if this isn’t what we are suppose to do? Maybe what happened to Isabelle was a sign. Maybe we shouldn’t do this.”
“Miley, Miley!” He said trying to get me to look at him. “I love you and I’m sure, with all my heart, I’m suppose to live the rest of my life with you.”
“But James, how do you know?” I asked him. He sat in front of me and wiped my tears.
“Because I love you more than anything on this earth.” He said simply.
“I don’t want to make anymore mistakes.” I cried into his chest.
“This isn’t a mistake. Isabelle would have wanted you to be happy. She loved you, and me. She would have wanted this, darling. Don’t you?” He asked me. I lifted my head. I knew my make up was probably smudged all over my face right now and I most likely looked ridiculous. Well, of course I do. I’m wearing a white wedding dress, with make up running down my face, sitting in the sand. Only if I could see the sight.
“Yes, I want this. I want this more than anything but,” I paused. “I can’t get hurt anymore. I wont be able to handle it. I’m only twenty four and you have no idea everything I’ve been through. I know I’ve told you and it makes it seem less drastic when told but you haven’t had to live it. From the pregnancy at an early age, to moving out because my parents were drunks and would have killed Caleb if it wasn’t for me.” I began to say.
“Wait? Your parents were drunks?” He asked.
“James, I’ve told you this before.” I told him. “Don’t you listen?”
“Yes, I do. I thought you were joking when you said that. They don’t seem like the kind of people who are drunks?” She said.
“I know. When we left they straightened up. Like fricken card board straight. My Father got a job and they began to love each other again. They worked for all this.” I said while motioning to out big house and all our land. “They earned it all. Just to get me and Caleb back.”
“Thats amazing.” He smiled.
“I know. I’m sorry for ruining our wedding.” I apologized.
“Its not ruined. Marry me, Miley. Right now. Come and marry me. They are waiting. I can promise you that this is not a mistake. We are in love and our love is a once in a life time love, Miley. I don’t want to lose you and the only way to ensure me that you can be mine forever, is to take my hand in marriage.” He said.
“This isn’t fair. You’re a lawyer.” I laughed. I know I am too. I can out argue him but he always persuades me. Its like a never ending battle. He picked me up and kissed me. He carried me back to the wedding and set me down by my Father.
“Everything okay?” He asked. I looked at him and smiled.
“Everything is fine.” I assured him.
The music began and my father and I began down the aisle. For the second time. I looked at James. He smiled, showing his white teeth. How could he be so sure? I know I love him. That I know but how could he know this isn’t a mistake? He was so sure and I’m the shaky woman who just lost her child. As I stood face to face with my beloved and looked into his eyes I realized something. It doesn’t matter if we’re married to just together. We are in each others hearts forever. Marriage doesn’t defy that. Nothing can. Its how we are to each other and how we let each other know that we love each other. Marriage is just a symbol. We don’t need it to be happy.
I smiled at him as the preacher spoke. I know that this wasn’t a mistake. I know I was just making a big deal out of nothing. I love this man, so why am I making a fuss out of this? James took out a piece of paper to read his vows.
“Miley Mae Smith,” He smiled. “I vow to love you. To cherish your every kiss. I vow to hold and embrace your warmth. I vow to always try to think in your perspective and to respect and cherish you. I vow to love you through sickness and health. You are the brightest star. The clearest night. We have a once in a lifetime love and I will never let one second go to waste. You are my light, you are my life. You are my other half. I love you and promise to try to never let you down. To never cheat or look at another woman again. I vow to try to be the man you need me to be. To have a shoulder for you to cry on and a hand to wipe your tears.”
“Wow. How am I going to beat that?” I asked with a chuckle. Every word he said made me get chills. This is really it. I took a deep breath as I rattled my brain for my Vows. “James Carter Mathews, I vow to live each day like its our last. I promise to love and to respect you. I vow to listen to you and to hear you out. I will love you like the first time. Every kiss will be as passionate as the first time. I will always love you. I will stick with you through thick and thin. I promise to never cheat. To try to be strong when needed. I will realize that this is love is one of a kind and that it wont go wasted. I know we’ve been through a lot but I vow to be there on the other side. I love you.” I smiled. He looked at me and squeezed my hands.
“Do you, James Carter, take Miley Smith as your wife?” The priest asked James.
“I do.” He answered never looking away from my eyes.
“And do you, Miley Smith, take James Carter as your husband?” He asked me.
“I do.” I smiled.
“Then you may now kiss your bride.” He said and closed his bible. James walked up to me and kissed my lips. The wind blew and my veil and hair blew. The smell of ocean filled my nose. James bent me backwards and kissed me even longer. He was such a show off.
“I now present to you, Miley and James Mathews.” The priest said. James sat me back up and we walked down the aisle.
The dinner after was really nice. We sat down in the middle of the table as everyone sat at the tables in front of us. My Father stood up with his wine and I fork. He tapped it.
“I have to make a toast.” He said. “I want to toast to Miley and James. I want them to have a long, and happy marriage. I know we have gone through a lost but I know James is the best thing for my baby girl right now.” Everyone agreed as I got a little embarrassed. Everyone toasted to it, even me. James put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.
"I love you." He said. I smiled. This I already knew. I love the honeymoon phase but I don't want it to end and us to go to old nagging couples. I see people like that every day. One day kissing and hugging on a beach, another day yelling at each other for who left the water on or who was the last one who drank all the Milk. Its stupid little things like that that can ruin a relationship. I never want to lose James and I'm going to make sure of that.
We've decided that we are not going to waste money on a honeymoon. Although I was kind of looking forward to one because its every woman's dream. To have a family, a wedding, a house, and a honeymoon but I'm not like every other woman. I can suck it up. For James I can do anything.
"I've been looking at houses." James began. I looked up from the paper. "I found one in particular I want you to take a look at. Its a little Country Cottage. Its made out of bricks and I was told the scenery is beautiful."
"When can we take a look?" I asked.
"Now?" He suggested. I grabbed my jacket and purse and headed out the door with him. He took out a little piece of ripped paper and handed it to me. "Read it to me, please."
"1040, Country Drive, Marlington." I read. It was only twenty or thirty minutes away from my Parents. It was also closer to my work.
As we pulled up to the drive way I fell in love. It was brick, just like James said. It had floral arraignments outside. Beautiful Lilacs and Annuals. Bushes traced around the house. Vines scaled along the walls. A brick fence traced along the boarder of the lawn. It was perfect. The smell of fresh air was everywhere. A tall, thin woman in a black skirt opened the door.

“Hi, you must me Michelle. They lady I talked to on the phone.” James asked. He shook her hand then I did.
“Yes, so what do you think of the outside?” She asked. James looked at me.
“It beautiful.” I smiled.
“For a beautiful woman.” James kissed me.
“Aw! Honeymoon stage!” The Woman said. I looked at her. “How long?”
“Not long.” I said honestly. I showed her the ring.
“Woah! What a rock!” She said. James smiled. Its true, the rock was really big. It was beautiful.
“Can we see the rest of the house?” James asked.
“Right this way.” She smiled and let me have my hand back. As we entered the house I was even more in love. The furniture was so amazing. It was black and modern unlike the outside. The kitchen was fantastic. James and I both share a love of cooking so the Kitchen just was the icing on the cake. The stove was old fashion looking but worked like new. There were new appliances and utensils. It was just amazing. I looked at James with my big eyes. He nodded.
“Want to see the bed room?” She asked. We nodded. She showed us the way. As we entered the master bedroom it was exquisite. The bed had a green comforter and the windows had beautiful white floral curtains. I was in love. This is my dream house. There was a few rooms left that she showed us.
“This is the children’s room, in case you have any little ones.” She smiled. I turned to James. He hugged me and I held it in. The lady looked at me confused. I could tell my eyes were watery but I wouldn’t let a tear fall. Not today.
“Deceased.” James said and that explained it all.
“I’m so sorry. How, may I ask?” She said trying to be snoopy.
“Her Father.” James said. He was strong for so long. It had to come out sooner of later.
“Killed her.” I finished his sentence. James hugged me. I rubbed his back.
“Oh my!” She gasped. “Wait, you’re Miley Smith?” She asked. I nodded. “I’m so sorry.”
“Please, no pity.” I begged. James lifted his head.
“Dust.” He said and whipped his eyes. I chuckled.
“We’ll take it.” James said while snuffling his nose.
“Really?” She asked. I nodded. “Great! Let me get the paper work.”
I turned to James and whipped the rest of his tears. He looked at me with his big sad eyes they were now red. I put my hand on his chin which happened not to be shaved today and pulled him close for a kiss.
“I love you.” I whispered to him.
“I love you too.” He whispered back. When she came back and smiled at us.
“Here.” She said and handed him Paperwork. It didn’t take too long to fill it out. She handed him the key and took down the For Sale sign. I smiled as we watched her drive away. We got into his car and went back to the house. I ran and tried to find Michelle. I looked everywhere. I found her sitting on a bench in the park.
“Michelle! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” I shouted from the street.
“I’ve been here.” She said motionless.
“Are you okay?” I asked. She nodded as she looked at the young children playing.
“Its indescribable how short life can be.” She said. I nodded. “So young, so beautiful. She didn’t even see it coming.”
“Who are you talking about?” I asked her.
“Isabelle.” She sighed. “I didn’t even get to know her. I was so stupid to leave!”
“No, Michelle. You had to do what you had to do. You helped me through everything! Everything! It was about time you started living your dream.” I tried to convince her but she kept shaking her head.
“I should have been there. You were all alone.” She cried.
“No, I should have been there.” I said.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“My Mother raised her. I didn’t. I didn’t hear her first words or see her first steps. She did. I’m a laugh of a Mother. I didn’t do anything than push her out and name her.” I cried. “Just recently I’ve lived with her.
“But that was for her good. You were doing what was right.” She hugged me.
“But what good is it know?” I asked. “Isabelle is no longer. Nothing but a memory.”
“She’s more than a memory.” Michelle said. I hugged her.
“I know.” I cried. After I stopped crying I finally told her what I came here to tell her. “I came to tell you James and I bought a house.”
“How did he get the money for that?” She asked.
“He’s been working some nights and he’s had a lot of money saved up.” I said.
“That’s great.” She smiled. She acted like something was wrong.
“What’s wrong?” I asked worried.
“Nothing. Nothing is wrong.” She lied. I looked at her with my serious look. “Okay, its just you seem like you have everything figured out. Even in a crisis thats as terrible as this. Then there’s me so isn’t ever around her best friend and is going to have to go back to my Art Exhibit. I can’t stay here forever but I don’t want to leave you.” She said. It was almost as if she was arguing with herself.
“Then bring your art to us.” I said. It was a crazy idea but I was always told, what you don’t go to will come to you. “We can arrange it.”
“Really?” SHe asked excitedly.
“Really.” I promised.
“Lets do this!” She shouted. I laughed at her enthusiasm. James waved to me from the street.
“Where did you go?” He asked me.
“I came here to find Michelle.” I said honestly.
“You had me so worried.” He hugged me.
“I’m sorry Babe.” I apologized. "Do you want to come with us and help us move?" James asked Michelle.
"Yeah." She said and headed to the car with us. When we got to our Mom's house we started packing the car up. We got almost about everything beside clothes because we weren't moving into the new house just yet.
When we got to the new house Michelle was in aw. I could tell she loved this place just as much as we do. She quickly ran inside and looked at every room. She ran back out to us.
"Its freaking awesome in there!" She shouted. We both nodded. We loved Michelle. She was so immature but mature at the same time. The sad part is she's changed so much since we've last seen each other. I'm going to be so devastated when she has to leave. I don't want it to happen but I know it will. Her life isn't here anymore. Its there.
After a while of getting things in there correct order we sat down and relaxed. We had some coffee and sat on the Island in the middle of the Kitchen.
"I'm going to miss you." I said to Michelle who was across from me. She nodded. James came and sat next to me.
"We both will." He said. "It's been great getting to know you."
"Thanks James." She smiled.
"When are you going to leave?" I asked her.
"I don't know. It has to be soon because they can't run my exhibit forever. At least not the way I want them to run it." She laughed. I hung my head sadly. James could tell. He wrapped his arm around me. When he does that I always feel more safe.
"Well, Michelle. Why don't you just live here with us?" He asked. I lifted my head quickly.
"Really?!?" I asked excitedly.
"Really." He smiled.
"Will you? Can you?" I asked her.
"What will I do about the Exhibit?" She asked.
"I know some buddies who can get all of it up here." James smiled. Michelle ran around the table and hugged him.
"You've got a good one." She smiled. I hugged her.
“Yeah, I do.” I smiled at him.
It took almost a month to get everything out of my Mother’s house. There was a part of me that didn’t want to leave. I guess I don’t want to grow up. We gave the guest bedroom to Michelle. She loves it. Every five minutes she tells us how thankful she is. She’s so excited to get her exhibit up here so I can see it.
Today James and I go back to work. Its going to be a little tough. Out of everything I hate, I hate pity the most. I don’t need others to feel sorry for me because it wont make a difference.
“You look beautiful.” James kissed me. I fixed my suit and his tie and we walked to the doors of the Firm.. I looked up at the big sign. R. H. Hanagan, it read. I took a deep breath.
As we entered the firm everyone stared. Its as if everyone got quiet. We entered the elevator. Everyone was watching.
“Are you sure we’re ready?” I asked James unsurely. I didn’t want to have a mental break down or anything. People here respect me. They see me as a higher power and I don’t want that to change because they don’t think I’m stable enough.
“I don’t know anyone who is more stronger than you.” He said. I kissed him as we got to our floor. He held my hand as we stepped out of the elevator. He kissed my cheek and then let go of my hand. He went to his office on the other side of the building. I took another deep breath as I made my way to my secretary.
“Hello, Ms. Smith.” She began.
“Mrs. Mathews.” I corrected her.
“I apologize.” She said.
“Its quite alright.” I chuckled.
“You look great.” She smiled.
“Thanks Barbra.” I smiled.
“You’ve had so many meetings and phone calls. Derrick filled in for you.” She said. She knew I wouldn’t like that.
“Derrick?” I asked. “That pompous, chauvinistic pig!” She pointed to my office. I walked in and he had his feet on my desk. Papers were scattered everywhere. I swear there was coffee there a week old.
“Miley!” He said in surprise. He quickly sat up and fixed his tie.
“Derrick.” I said in disgust.
“I kept your seat warm.” He smiled. He was so nervous.
“Get your ‘things’ and get out of my office.” I warned him.
“Yes, ma’am.” He said and then filled up his arms and ran out. Derrick was a pompous jerk who will stab you in the back in a heart beat. He is junk on the ocean floor. A waste of skin.
I walked around to the other side of my desk and looked at the mess. This was going to take weeks to clean up. I didn’t even try. I picked up the trash can and pushed everything into it.
“Yuck.” I mumbled as the coffee touched me. A bunch of people showed up at my door. Barbra was with them.
“Barbra, what is this?” I asked her while walking to the other side of the desk.
“Surprise!” They all screamed. They brought in Balloons and cake. They set them on my table.
“What is this?” I asked again.
“A welcome back party.” Barbra smiled. I hugged her.
“Thank you.” I smiled. She nodded. We all had cake. James even came down from his office. He walked over to me and hugged me.
“Did you know about this?” I asked him. He nodded with his adorable grin. I shook my head at him.
“We’ve missed you so much!” Everyone said. I smiled at them. It was a little over whelming.

After the work James and I went to our house. I couldn’t help but smile every time I see it. When we got in we found Michelle laying on the couch talking on the phone. She gave us the ‘sh’ sign as we entered the room. James and I tip toed to the kitchen to make some coffee. After she hung up the phone she walked over to us.
“Guess what?” She asked. She didn’t even give us enough time to guess before she said, “They are shipping everything down in a week!”
“Thats great.” I smiled.
“Where is it going?” James asked. I was wondering the same question.
“I rented a little place in town.” She said giddy.
“Rented?” I asked. “Michelle, how are you going to pay for that?”
“Don’t worry Miley, I made great money. I still have a lot saved and I now it will take off.” I didn’t want her feelings to get crushed but I had to be honest.
“You know you wont get as much business as you did, right?” I tried to put suttle.
“Don’t worry, Miley. Everything will be fine.” She said and then went up to her room. I turned to James.
“I’m worried.” I said honestly.
“Don’t be. She’s a big girl.” James hugged me.
“But I don’t want her dreams to get crushed.” I said sadly.
“Don’t think about it. You feel tense.” He said while rubbing my shoulders. “How about a nice, long, hot bath?”
“Sounds good.” I smiled. He picked me up and carried me upstairs. James and I haven’t had a romantic night in a while. There was always something to get done or we were too tired. I wish it was like when we first met.
He laid me on our bed while he drew the bath. He came out of the bathroom and unbuttoned his shirt. He slowly slid off his tie and shook his hips. He was trying to do a strip tease. I couldn’t help but laugh. He slid off his shirt and swung it over his head. He then slid off his belt and snapped it.
“Oh baby! Take it off!” I laughed. He unbuttoned his pants and slid them onto the ground. He dropped his boxers and threw them at me. He slowly crawled onto the bed until he was over top of me and then kissed me.
“I love you.” He said with his smooth voice.
“I love you too.” I said while breathing onto his lips. He gently unbuttoned my shirt while we kissed. He took it off exposing my pink laced bra. He kissed my chin, to my neck, to my chest, to my stomach, to my belly button. He unbuttoned my pants and slid down the zipper with his mouth. I laughed at him. He kissed back up to my lips. He pulled down my panties and then threw them across the room. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. We kissed along the way. I smelled the lavender bubble bath. I smiled at him because he knew it was my favorite. He stepped into the bath one foot at a time. All I could think of is him dropping me or falling.
“James Carter Matthew! if you drop me I swear!” I warned him.
“Relax babe, I’m not going to drop you.” He said and then sat in the bath. The warm water gave me goose bumps. I sat down and leaned against the back. I leaned against his back. The tips of my hair were wet. He took his hands and started at my shoulders. He was the best masseuse I’ve ever had. He rubbed my shoulders and then rubbed my arms. He went down to my sides and then to my thighs.
“You’re getting a little low there.” I reminded him. He kissed the back of my neck. He knew that was my sweet spot. I spun around and wrapped my legs around him. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him so sweetly. I ran my hands down his pecks and onto his arms. I ran them even further passed that. He smiled as I got to his sweet spot. He closed his eyes as I got more througho. We kissed.
After soaking in the bath with him for almost two hours we decided to get out when our hands looked like we were about 200 years old. I grabbed a towel and looked at myself through the steamed up mirror. James made a streak through it with his.
“Tu est la belle.” He smiled. I turned around to him.
“What does that mean?” I asked. I took French in high school but I didn’t keep up with it.
“You are beautiful.” He answered. He kissed my lips. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He stumbled to the bed and laid my down. We kissed to the top of the bed. I wrapped my arms around him as he took all control.

We laid under our white sheets after we finished. My hair, still wet, soaked the pillow. He kissed me again.
“Can you promise me something?” I asked him. He nodded. “Can you promise me that you will never leave me?” He sat up.
“Why would you ask me something like that?” He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. “Babe, I love you so much and I would never do anything to hurt you. I couldn’t ever leave you.” I hugged him. Not long after we both fell asleep. When we woke up we got dressed. I put on my sweats and my tank and I threw my hair in a bun. We went down stairs for some coffee. I sat on the island reading the paper. James made coffee. Michelle came down stairs rubbing her eyes. She looked like she got no sleep. Honestly, she looked terrible.
“How’d you sleep?” I asked her.
“No at all.” She said irritated.
“You look terrible.” James laughed. I slapped him in the chest. “Ow.” He said and rubbed the spot.
“Well, its hard to get sleep when a certain couples room is right next to yours. Especially when this certain couple kept making noises that will make me have night mares for weeks! I’m scared for life.” She cried. I was a little embarrassed but I thought it was more funny than anything. She heard me laugh. “Its not funny!” She screamed. I walked around to her and hugged her from behind.
“I’m sorry.” I smiled.
“No, your not.” She argued.
“You’re right.” I laughed.
“Just next time could you warn me?” She asked me. “Or at least get thicker walls because just the bed creaking made my skin crawl.” She shook. James and I both laughed.
“We’ll work on that.” He laughed. Michelle went back up stairs and slammed her door. James walked around the Island and rubbed my back. I closed my eyes and hid my head in my hands.
“Why are you always so tense?” He asked me.
“Stress.” I guessed. He kissed my neck. I smiled.
“Well, I’m going to meet some of the guys at the bar.” He said. He went to walk away but I grabbed his shirt.
“Wait? What? You can’t tease me like that and rub my back and kiss my neck and not give me anymore.” I told him. He laughed. He kissed me.
“A little better.” I smiled. He kissed me again and slid his hand under my shirt. “Better.” I smiled. Michelle came back down stairs.
“Really?” She asked and covered her eyes. I put my shirt back down. He kissed me one last time and then left.
“Bye.” He said and then went out the front door.
“Yuck.” Michelle said and pour herself some coffee.
“You need to loosen up.” I joked.
“Oh, I’m lose. Maybe not a lose as you. But I’m lose.” She bopped her head. It made me laugh.
“So, what’s your plans for today?” I asked her.
“Nothing. Figured I’d just stay in.” She said while taking a sip of her coffee.
“How about a trip to the mall?” I asked her. She nodded her head. We both went to our rooms to get ready. When we were we all go into my car. It didn’t take long to get there.
We took our time while we walked around. I found Holister. I could use a new pair of jeans.
“I’m going into Holister.” I said and then she followed. I looked around and found a pair of regular size 4 Jeans. I loved the ripped look. I picked them and a shirt up and cashed out. Michelle grabbed a sweat shirt and cashed out too. After that we grabbed a smoothie. We walked into Victoria’s Secret. I could use some new things for James and I. As we walked in I found the perfect thing. It it white and black. The bra was white with black lace and it was small... Really small. The bottom was white with black lace and it that was also really small. Then it had lace that went part way around the stomach and white gardner looking things for the legs. It also had a see through white cover. I tried it on and it fit perfectly. I laughed at how perfect. I bought it and Michelle bought some new bra’s. As we were walking out of the store a woman in her late thirties approached us.
“What’s your name?” She asked Michelle.
“Michelle.” She answered a little scared.
“Hello, Michelle. I’m Karen Woods, a model scouter.” She shook Michelle’s hand. “You have the perfect figure for a model.”
“Really?” Michelle asked.
“Yes. Would you consider working for me?” She asked.
“I would have to think about it.” Michelle answered. The woman handed her her card.
“Call me.” She said and then walked away. I looked at her poorly died blonde hair. Her black roots were coming through. Her thin body turned around the corner. Michelle and I exchanged looks.
“What was that?” She asked as I took a sip of my smoothie.
“I have no idea.” I laughed. We looked down at the card. Maybe this wasn’t a scam. Maybe this was real. “Would you want to be a model?”
“Well, no. I mean, yes. I mean, I don’t know.” She stuttered. When we got home we talked a little more about it. We decided to call and check it out and see if she liked it.
“Hello?” We heard a voice say on the other line.
“Hi, is this Karen Woods?” Michelle asked while reading off the card.
“Yes, this is. Who am I speaking with?” She replied.
“Michelle.” She replied.
“Ah, Michelle. So, did you decided to join us in the world of modeling?” She asked right off the back.
“I’ve considered it. I would like to come in and see if I like it.” Michelle said.
“Okay. What about later today?” She asked. It was a little short notice but it was only three o’ clock.
“Sounds good.” Michelle agreed.
“Meet me at 87 Brook Field Drive.” She said and then hung up. Michelle wrote down the address.
“Lets go.” She said. The place was a little out of town. A little more than a half an hour from our house. When we pulled up it looked very professional. It was a big building with people going in and out. We parked then entered the building. We asked the person at the front desk where to go and she told us third floor. When we got out of the elevator we were so surprised. There were people everywhere. There was a set with two blonde girls with nothing but Calvin Cline jeans, modeling with beach balls and let me tell you, the beach balls didn’t cover anything.
“That’s it! Give it to me! You’re hot! You’re sexy! Make me want you!” The photographer shouted as he took pictures.
Karen spotted us from across the room. She walked up to us and hugged us.
“Michelle, darling! So happy you could make it!” She said and kissed her cheek. “What do you think?”
“Intense.” She said and that pretty much explained it all. There was loud music blaring. The models wet hair was blowing from the fan.
“Do you want to try?” She asked Michelle. My eyes widened. I would pull Michelle out of here by her hair before I let her get photographed naked, not even for Calvin Cline. Karen read her expression along with mine. “You can wear more clothing than that.”
“Okay.” Michelle smiled. We both followed Karen to the changing room. Which was just a big room. Girls were walking around in nothing but bikini bottoms. I closed my eyes as they walked passed me.
Karen handed Michelle a red Bikini. Michelle held it up and saw it was her size. She, nor I, asked how Karen knew what her size was. Michelle looked around at all the naked women and was insecure about changing in front of them. I could just tell.
“Do you want me to hold up a towel?” I asked her. She nodded. Karen and I held it up while she changed. After she changed Karen sat her down at the make-up table and started with her hair. She curled it where it looked so beautiful. She also did her make up. She had amazing red eye shadow on. Then she whitened her teeth.
“Ready?” She asked her. Michelle nodded. Karen showed her to the set. She walked on. There was actual sand on the ground. The background was green but they said they are going to changed it to a beach scene when they go back. They threw Michelle a beach ball. She awkwardly caught it.
“Listen honey, just relax.” The photographer said. Michelle closed her eyes. I watched at her lips moved. I could read lips very well. She mumbled, ‘loosen up.’ over and over. I smiled at her. She took off her robe, exposing her thin legs and flat stomach. She threw the rob at me and smiled. They started up the fan. Michelle started to smile and pose. When I looked at her not only did I think she was beautiful, but I could see she was having some actual fun. The photographer was snapping pictures like it was the seconds on a clock.
Karen stood next to me with a big smile on her face. She crossed her arms and leaned on one hip.
“She’s a natural.” She said.
“Yeah, she’s pretty awesome.” I smiled.

After about a half hour and 3000 pictures later, the photographer decided he got enough shots. Michelle walked off set and walked up to me.
“You looked beautiful.” I smiled. “What did you think?”
“I liked it.” She smiled.
“Good because I think you should do it.” I smiled.
“Really?!?” She asked. I nodded my head and she jumped into my arms and hugged me. “Thank you! Thank you!” She ran to Karen and they discussed pay and things like that. She seemed so excited. After ten minutes or so they both came back.
“So, what are those picture going for?” I asked curious.
“Its the new face of Seventeen Magazine.” She smiled. Michelle’s eyes lit up.
“Oh my Gosh! Are you serious?” She asked.
“Honey, I don’t joke!” Karen laughed.

We talked a little while longer but then we went home. The ride home was quiet but I could tell she was bursting inside with happiness. I didn’t know why she kept it in. When we got home she told James what happened. He was so happy for her.

Over the next couple of weeks Michelle was doing more and more jobs. I also noticed she was getting really thin. Her skin was pale and her eyes always puffy. I went through her medicine cabinet. Don’t judge me! I’m just worried about her! You’d do the same thing! Yes, you would! I know it! So, don’t sit there and judge me!
When I went through the cabinet I found pills. They were for weight loss. The prescription wasn’t even in her name. I had a feeling like I knew who gave these to her. Michelle didn’t look healthy. Her clothes didn’t even fit anymore. She was swimming in everything. Even her bra’s. That was it. I had to talk to her about it.
“Michelle?” I asked as she came through the door around three a.m. yet another night.
“Yeah.” She said. She tried to sneak up the stairs but she got busted.
“Come down here, we need to talk.” I told her. She signed as the stairs creaked as she came back down them. She sat across from me on the other couch. “I’m worried about you.”
“Why?” She asked.
“Why?” I asked her in disbelief that she didn’t know. “Because you’ve gone down three sizes! You don’t eat, sleep or hardly even spend time with me. I found these.” I told her and picked up the bottle of pills that I hid in my pocket. She stood up and tried to snatch them.
“Those are mine!” She shouted.
“What are you doing taking these?” I asked her.
“I’m fat.” She cried. I picked up a mirror.
“Look in it!” I demanded. She unwillingly did. “That’s sick, Michelle! You’re sick! You need help and I want to help give it to you.”
“No!” She said and grabbed the pills. She shook it to find it empty. “Where are they?” She demanded.
“Down the toilet.” I said calmly.
“Why would you do that?” She cried.
“Because don’t you see they are destroying you!” I shouted at her.
“No!” She cried and started hitting me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. After a while she stopped hitting and hugged me.
“Sh..” I said as she cried into my chest. “It will all be alright.”
I helped her to her bed and covered her up. I then crawled into bed with James.
“Where’d you go?” He asked half asleep.
“Waiting up for Michelle.” I said and then he wrapped his arms around me. We both fell asleep quite fast. When I woke up I assumed Michelle would be in her bed but she wasn’t. I checked down stairs but she wasn’t there either. James said he didn’t hear anything last night. Where the hell did that girl go?
I checked everywhere. Local bars, clubs, even my Mom’s house. I couldn’t find anyone who’s seen her. When I arrived home later that day I relaxed. I figured she’d come home sooner or later. Well, I was right. It was a little after five when she rolled through the door with a man. They were both head over heels drunk. The man was tall with a hippie beard and a beer belly. He was wearing a black shirt that had the arms ripped off and he was wearing a black bandanna. I looked at Michelle who was wearing an opened jacket with nothing underneath and a skirt that would show her hoo ha if she took too big of a step.
“Where have you been?” I asked furious.
“Woah! Take it easy Mom!” She laughed while tripping over her feet. “This is Butch. Butch, meet Mom.”
“Michelle!” I scolded her.
“Sh. Sh. Sh.” She slurred.
“Hey, Momma! Got any grub?” He asked and headed for the kitchen.
“I will give you till the count of three to get your ass out of my house!” I shouted. “One! Two!” I began. He got to the door and opened it.
“Okay, okay.” He said and then grabbed Michelle’s ass.
“Don’t forget to call me.” He said and then closed the door.
“Way not cool!” She slurred.
“Michelle, I’m your friend, not your mother.” I began. There was suppose to be more to that but she didn’t give me the chance to say it.
“You’re right! You’re not my mother so stop acting like her!” She shouted at me.
“Don’t you raise your voice to me!” I shouted back. Hearing myself talk really did make me sound like her Mother. I hated it. I promised myself I would never be like my Mother or anyone else's... but I wont get a chance to.
“I love Butch and you scared him off!” She shouted..
“Butch? That’s not even a real name! Tell me one more thing about him that you know besides his name.” I asked.
“He likes to drink.” She slurred.
“That’s it.” I said. I wasn’t going to stand here and argue with a drunk person. That will get me no where’s. I helped her up the stairs and I put her in her room and locked the door. James came out of my room. He hugged me and rubbed my arms.
“I just don’t know what to do anymore.” I sighed.
“How bout we go out? Just you and me.” He smiled.
“Where?” I asked curious.
“Well, you’ll just have to find out.” He smiled and ran into our room. I followed behind him. He went through my closet and got out a little red dress. He threw it to me.
“And leave your hair down. It looks so much more beautiful when you do.” He smiled.
“Where are we going?” I screamed as he left the room and closed the door. I haven’t worn this dress since high school. I’d be surprised if it still fits.
I slid it on and zipped up the side. It was a one strap dress that laid over one shoulder. It went down to in between my thigh. James also laid down a pair of heels. They matched the dress. I was really curious to know where we were going dressed like this.
I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair down. I also curled it and pinned my the sides up. I did my make up and then went down stairs. I don’t know how but James was already dressed. He was wearing a dress button up shirt and black jeans. His hair was spiked. I walked down the stairs and he whistled at me.
“Oh, Momma!” He screamed. I laughed at him. He kissed me.
“Are you sure we should leave Michelle like this?” I asked him.
“She will be fine.” He assured me.
“Okay.” I sighed. He grabbed his keys and my jacket and we were out the door. In the car ride there I couldn’t stand not knowing anymore. “Where are we going!” I demanded. He pulled into a parking lot that was beyond full. I read the big sign that was glowing. “Sasha’s Salsa Club.” I read aloud. I looked at him and he smiled. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He asked.
“I can’t dance.” I laughed.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” He smiled. We got out of the car and I fixed my dress. We walked up to a line a mile long. James grabbed my hand and cut in front of everyone. They were all complaining. He walked up to a big body guard at the front entrance. They shook hands and then patted each others backs.
“My man!” The big guy said.
“Ey! Ey! Ey!” James shouted. “So, Brucie, how are ya?”
“Ah, okay I guess.” He answered. He looked at me. “Who is this fine thang?”
“Brucie, I’m finally introducing you to my beautiful wife, Miley.” James smiled. Finally? Why haven’t I heard of Brucie before?
I went to shake his hand but he pulled me in for a hug.
“You must be pretty damn special to get James.” He hugged me. I smiled.
“I don’t deserve him.” I said. James wrapped his arm around my waist.
“So, do you think we can get in today?” James asked him.
“Its a pretty full house tonight but I guess you can.” Brucie smiled.
“Thanks man! I owe you!” James shouted over the music as we entered the club. When we got in everyone was dancing and grinding. It was so much more intense than any other club I’ve been to. James lead me to the bar.
“A twisted Martini!” He shouted over the blaring salsa music. The bartender slid it across the counter and James handed it to me. I looked at it unsure if I should actually drink it or not. “Drink it.” I lifted it up and drank it. “Feel better?”
“Yeah!” I shouted over the music. To be honest it did make me feel a little more lose. James took my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. I didn’t know what to do. James took my hands and then slid them down to my hips. He moved him hips until I got the hang of it. He told me steps to move my feet. When I was about five I took some dance lessons but they didn’t last to long. I remember enough about steps to know what he was talking about. After a while I got a hand of it. I’ve never seen this side of James before. I’ve never seen him dance like this.
He lifted his hands above his head and I leaned against him. We grinded. We dance until my feet felt like they were going to fall off. He suggested that we should leave. I took my shoes off and got on his back. He carried me to our car. He sat me down on the hood. I was wasted. I’ve never gotten this drunk before. Never. He kissed me. I couldn’t even see straight. James only had one drink so he could drive home. Sadly, he was the responsible one tonight. He put me into the car and we headed home. I sobered up a little bit on the ride there. James stopped at Subway and got my a Sub to help.
When we got home I checked Michelle’s room. She wasn’t there. Her bed wasn’t made and her phone wasn’t here either.
“Damn it! James, get back in the car!” I shouted to James from upstairs.
“Why?” He yelled back.
“Because Michelle isn’t here!” I said while coming down the stairs.
“Babe, I’m sure she’s fine.” He assured me but that wasn’t enough.
“No, we have to find her.” I told him.
“Why?” He asked.
“Why? Because she’s been there to help me through everything. Running away, the pregnancy, taking care of Caleb. She was there to help me through it all. Now I have to be there for her.” I made clear. He grabbed his keys off the counter and threw them at me.
“Wait. Maybe I should drive.” He offered.
“Get in!” I told him and started up the car. I spun out of the drive way and headed to the bar because I just had a feeling. A gut feeling that she was there.
“Slow down.” James said while putting on his seat belt. I didn’t let up on the gas at all. When I pulled into the bar I hopped out of the car and ran inside. I found Michelle with her head down and a beer in her hand. I walked up to her and took the beer. She lifted her head. I could see she was crying. I sat down on the seat next to her.
“I’m pregnant.” She mumbled.
“What?” I asked surprised.
“I’m pregnant.” She cried.
“What? How? Who!” I demanded. Then I remembered Butch.
“Butch.” She cried even harder.
“Damn it, Michelle!” I scolded her. James walked inside and stood behind me. He took a seat.
“Give me a beer.” He said. The bartender slid him one.
“What am I going to do?” She cried. I hugged her. Butch came in through the door.
“Where the hell have you been?!?” He screamed at her.
“Go away!” She cried.
“Get your skanky ass over here!” He screamed at her. Michelle was going to stand up but I stopped her.
“Don’t.” I warned her.
“Excuse me!” He yelled at me. He belly shook as he yelled.
“Go away, Butch!” Michelle yelled back.
“What makes you think you can talk to me like that?” He yelled. I grabbed Michelle’s arm and walked towards the door. “Don’t you walk away from me!” He screamed and then pushed her. She tumbled down the flight of stairs.
“Michelle!” I screamed. There laid her limp body at the bottom. She was unconscious. James stood up and faced Butch. Butch was almost one foot taller than him and he was about three times the side of James.
“Thats not how you treat a lady.” James said and then punched him in the face. Butch fell flat. I rushed to Michelle.
“Call 911!” I screamed. The bartender called while James helped me. It was just minutes later when we heard sirens. I didn’t touch her because I didn’t know if anything was broken. The side of her head was bleeding. The paramedics showed up.
“Please move.” They told to James and I. We stepped out of there way. They put something around her neck. They kept her body totally straight. They put her into the ambulance. I got in with them. James drove the car to the hospital. I looked out the back windows as I watched James speed up with it. They took her out in the back of the emergency room. I followed behind them. They rushed her into a room. They put her in a bed. They asked me to wait in the waiting room until they were done. James ran into the hospital and sat with me.
“What’d they say?” He asked out of breath.
“I don’t know. They told me to wait our here.” I cried.
“It will be okay.” James said.
“Why do you always say that when you have no idea if it will really be okay?” I asked him.
“Because, its the best thing you can hope for.” He answered. That was a really good answer. We waited about twenty minutes for the doctor to come out. Let me tell you that was the longest twenty minutes of my life.
When he came out he looked just as tired as we were. It was three a.m and I still had my red dress on. The doctor could tell we’ve had a rough, hard night.
“Is she okay?” I asked immediately.
“Are you her family?” He asked.
“We are the closet thing she had.” James replied. The doctor nodded.
“Sit down.” He said directly.

THE END! (haha just kidding! Read the fourth book and see wether Michelle wakes up or wether she dies!!!!)


Texte: Morgan
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.02.2012

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