Love and War

Love and War
Kyla Grant played Truth or Dare with her friends and her brother, and it changed her life. She is now at an all boy's school, sharing a room with the oh-so-amazing James Abernathy. Kyla finds out he has been hiding some pretty deep secrets, but he isn't the only one. She has been told lies her whole life about who she really is. Can she embrace who she is, or will she find a way to cover it up?
*So, i had this book up in November, but it all deleted, so here it is again. I will try to update daily, and if not that, weekly*

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Love Games and War Strategies"
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Love and War
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Keep it real! F*ck fake News!

Idk if your parents are still living in Florida, but I hope they're okay!! And I hope their home is okay!


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Very Interesting looking forward to continue reading your new updates

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can ya plzz write more

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