
Chapter One.

I can’t believe that I am actually sitting here, in the office of Dr. Brake, or otherwise known as the headmaster of St. Patrick’s Permanent School for Young Men. [weird name, right?]
“Sorry for the wait, Mr. Grant. I had to deal with some behavior problems,” said Dr. Brake as he walked in. He was glaring out through the window into the lobby. I turned around and saw the hottest guy ever arguing with the secretary. He had black hair that was long for a boy, but not too long. From here, I could tell that his eyes were a piercing blue. The secretary threw her hands up in defeat and the boy walked out triumphantly. I wonder what that is all about.
Dr. Brake cleared his throat. “As I was saying Mr. Grant,” he said, demanding my attention, “we are very pleased to have you here at St. Patrick’s.” he was shuffling through something, what I presumed to be my file. “It looks like you are good to go. I will have somebody come down and show you around the school.” He waved me off and turned to his computer. Before I walked out, I could see that he was on an online dating website. Nice.
Before I go any further, let me explain. I am a girl. I was playing truth or dare with my best friends Krissy, Shelby, and Jessie. My twin brother, Kyle, walked in and wanted to play. One thing led to another and long story short, I am at an all boys’ boarding school for a while and him at an all girls’. Whoever makes it through the longest without calling home or each other gets 150 bucks. Who wouldn’t do it?
I walked out of the headmaster’s office. The secretary looked up at me. “jus’ a minute, darlin’. Lemme finish this email.” She said in a thick country accent smacking on gum. I took a seat in one of the chairs, adjusting my corset on the way. That stupid thing is really tight. And too add to that, my wig was itching.
“Okay, Hun, lemme call down to your roommate. He’ll come show ya around. Lemme see... oh my.” I looked up at her. She looked sorry for me. Why was that? “Send down James Abernathy please.” She listened for a minute. “Well, I don’t care if he just got back to your class. Send him down. His roommate is here.” She hung up the phone before any more protests could come out of the other end.
She started humming to herself some country song. I, personally, am not a big fan. But I guess whatever makes you happy, right?
“Diane, if you were just going to call me back down here, why even let me go?” someone asked in a mocking voice. It was the boy that I saw earlier. He’s my roommate? Well, this should be fun.
“You walked out. I told you to wait a minute. And it is Ms. Conner to you, James.” The secretary replied harshly. She really must not like this kid.
“Whatever. What do you need me for? Wanted to see my handsome face again?” he asked with a smirk. I was really starting to not like this guy, and I haven’t even talked to him yet. I mean, what kind of jerk talks like that to an adult?
Ms. Conner blushed. “n-no,” she stuttered,” you have a new roommate. It is your responsibility to show him around the school. And for dear’s sake James, do not show him the wrong way to class. Or your room. Be polite. If I hear that you played some kind of prank on him, I will personally watch you as your scrub the school squeaky clean with your toothbrush.” Wow. That is the meanest thing that I have heard her say.
”Diane, do you really think I would do that? Innocent me? I am shocked.” He said, feigning hurt.
“Ms. Conner and yes, I think you would. Now go. I have seen enough of you today.” She dismissed him with a wave of her hand. Her turned and looked at me. Then he started walking off.
“You coming?” he asked, without even turning around. I picked up my bag, and shuffled after him.
“Just so you know, I know everything and I am not going to be your tour guide forever. I am going to show you the basics, then you are on your own, got it? Good. Now that we have that settled, here is the library. There is the lunchroom that way. The gym is down that hall and through those double doors. Dorms are that way, and class rooms this way. Let me see your schedule so I can show you where your classes are.” He snatched it out of my hand. He looked over it briefly, and frowned. “Why do you have the same exact schedule as me?” he glared/growled. “Well?!” he asked, clearly irritated.
I deepened my voice before I answered. “I don’t know. I’m new here, remember? You’re supposed to be the one that knows everything.” I sneered. He just glared at me even more.
“Fine, but if you even acknowledge me in any of the classes, you will regret that you were even born.” With that he turned on his heel and started walking towards the dorms.
“I thought you said that you were going to show me my classes.” I yelled at his back.
“Well, since we have the same schedule, why even bother? You can just follow me 10 feet behind so nobody sees us.” I threw back. Harsh.
We went through a courtyard and into a building that looks like some huge mansion. He led me through these huge doors and to an elevator. We went all the way to the twelfth floor. He led me towards the end of the hallway and unlocked a door. I was amazed about what was inside.
Right when you walked in was like a big lounge. It had a huge flat screen TV, and a big leather couch. Sprawled across the floor was beanbags and game controllers, consoles, and cases. There was a shelf about 6 feet high filled with movies. He walked into the next room, and there was a little kitchen, with a sink, a dishwasher, a fridge, some cabinets and an oven. Off to the side was a bathroom. Down a little hallway led to the bedroom. It had two full size beds, two desks, two dressers, and another bathroom. This place was amazing. Way better than the dinky apartment I was used to.
“That’s your bed there. And your desk. Keep out of my stuff. Last guy who went through my stuff, well if he was still here, you wouldn’t be.”
“y-you killed him?!” I panicallly asked. He busted out laughing.
“Man, did you know that gullible isn’t in the dictionary? Seriously. What I meant was that he lives on the first floor now. You’re an idiot.”
I didn’t realize what I was doing until it happened, but I slapped him. Hard. He stopped laughing and looked at me with eyes so cold, that I thought I would freeze.
“Do you think that you are so tough that you can beat me? Oh, it’s so on.” He sneered. He lunged at me, but I am fast. I knocked him over and he landed on his stomach.
“Don’t ever try to punch me again.” I growled into his ear. I was sitting on top of him. That’s what happens when you mess with someone whose best friend took taekwondo and they wanted to make sure that you would never be undefended. Thank you, Krissy.
I hopped off of him and started unpacking my things. I was almost done when I heard him ask “are you gay?” I spun around. Insulted before I could say anything, he was talking again. “I mean your small, have the face of a girl, shave your legs, and walk like a girl. Seriously, are you gay?”
“No! I am Not gay! Just because I am smaller that you makes you think that I am gay? Or are you secretly hoping that I am so that we can have a forbidden romance thing go on?” I asked. Man, what a letdown for him when he learns I’m really a girl... no. that will not happen.
He looked angry. “NO I do NOT want a gay relationship. Because I have had 10 girlfriends. In the past month.” He was turning red
“How do I know that’s not your cover-up? Anybody can say or do that just to prove that they aren’t when deep inside they are lusting after their best friend’s brother.” He opened his mouth to say something, but then turned around and stalked off. I heard the TV turn on.
“What a loser.” I said to nobody in particular. I unpacked the last of my things and decided to take a shower. I brought my clothes in with me. After I got out, I brushed my teeth and went out to the kitchen and searched the pantry. Oh. My. Gosh. PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES! I grabbed the whole package and flopped down on the couch, next to a half asleep James.
“Those are my peanut butter cookies.” He mumbled. I shrugged and continued eating them. He sighed and got up to get a jug of milk and two glasses. He sat down next to me and poured me some milk and then him some. Together we finished off the whole package.
“Now, either you have to make more, or buy more. And the store is 20 miles away.” He sneered. Again, I just shrugged and got up. I went into the kitchen and got out the peanut butter, some sugar, and an egg.
“What are you doing?” he asked walking up behind me.
“Well, you said to either make more, or buy some. And since I don’t have any money or refuse to go to the store in the middle of the night… or 10 o’clock anyway.” I said. He just nodded and watched me make the cookies. Twenty minutes later, I took them out of the oven and stuffed one into my mouth, right off the pan.
“Yummy.” I said to myself. I was very pleased with my accomplishment.
“Let me try one.” James grabbed one and stuffed it into his mouth. His eyes widened in praise. “These are amazing. Like, better than the Keebler kind! Are you sure you’re not gay? Because you sure don’t cook like you are straight.” That sent me over the edge. I snatched the cookie away from him and threw it in the trash. Then, I picked up the tray and went running into our room. I slammed the door in his face and locked it.
He banged on the door with a very strong force. “What the hell?! Why did you take my cookie! What gives you the right? And common! I was just kidding! It was supposed to be a complement! Sort of…” he trailed off. Then he started beating harder.
“That is NO complement! You called me gay just because I can cook!” I managed to say, through t mouthful of cookies. I heard him stomp away, and then the door slam. I ran over to the window and a few minutes later, I saw him with a group of friends load up into a car and leave. Oh well. I decided to take this time to snoop through his things. I learned a lot.
*his favorite band is Black Veil Brides but listens to all kinds of music
*His little sister looks up to him [she is so cute!]
*loves dogs, whether hairless or 80 pounds
*blue is his favorite color
*is a boxers guy
*very neat when he is folding his clothes (not even I do that)
I heard the door open and I looked at the clock. 12:46 already? I shut off the light I dove for my bed to pretend like I was asleep. I heard the door open softly, then an intake of breath. I heard shuffling, and I assumed that he was cleaning up his stuff. Then I heard the creak of his bed. I dozed off…

Chapter Two.

I woke up to my alarm clock beeping relentlessly in my ear. I groaned and shut it off.
“Hey, whatever your name is. Are you getting into the shower first or am I?” I just realized that I didn’t tell him my guy name. My girl name is Kyla, but since that is a chick name, Kyle and I switched names.
“My name is Kyle. And I don’t care. Whatever works for you.” I told him. And I really didn’t care. I was not one of those people who took forever to get ready. And now that I don’t have makeup to put on, or legs to shave or hair to straighten, it will take less time.
“You get in the shower. I’ll go and find us something to eat. Or call somebody to bring us something. “
“Okay.” I got all of my stuff and got ready. I almost forgot that I went through all of his things last night. Almost.
When I walked out of the bathroom, I could not decide whether the sight in front of me was funny or insulting. James was sitting on the floor, going through all my drawers. Including my feminine products drawer. Aw, hell no.
“What do you think you are doing?!” I half asked, half yelled. He was playing with my box of tampons.
“Now tell me, you are either one of these scenarios. A) You had a sex change. B) You are planning on having a sex change. C) You have a girlfriend who is apparently going to stay here some nights, or, D) you are a girl. Now, which one is it?” he asked calmly. I gulped.
“C. that is what is going on.” I hoped he would believe what I just said, because I did not believe myself. I haven’t even been to one class, and James already knows that I am a girl. “Look, can we talk about this later? We will be late, if we don’t leave now.”
“We will revisit this later, no doubt about that.” He said. He got up, closed my drawers, and left. I scurried out of the door, remembering that I have o follow him to get to class, since I did not know the way. Then I remembered that I had the exact same schedule as him. This was going to be a very long day.
I stuffed a muffin in my mouth as I headed out the door. Lemon Poppy Seed. Not my favorite, but not bad. I looked up to see James holding the elevator doors open for me. He had a funny look in his eyes. I really hoped he believed those were my ‘girlfriends’.
First period was math. I hate math. One day, I am going to find the guy who created it and stab him. Multiple times. Luckily, our teacher does not care. He just told us to look like we were doing something productive in case the headmaster came in. We all decided to look like we were reading chapter three.
James was looking at me funny from across the room. It was not a hateful glare, but one of curiosity. One of his friends noticed, and he snapped out of it. He is really starting to make me nervous. What if he does not believe me? What if he finds out my secret? Then what, give up the dare? No, I wanted that $150. Maybe it would be best to act like I don’t know what he is talking about when he brings it up later. Or maybe I should just come clean, and tell him the truth. Whatever my answer is, I hope that I didn’t have to come up with it soon. I was at a loss. And I was panicking.
The harsh sound of the bell awoke me from my daydreaming. I gathered my things and followed James, a safe 10 feet away. Yes, I was doing what he told me yesterday, but I also didn’t want him to happen bring up the incident this morning in front of all his buddies. He took a sharp left, and I tried to catch up, but he was lost in the crowd. Great. I guess I am on my own.
I wondered around aimlessly, trying to look like I knew exactly like I knew where I was going. I must have accomplished it, because the only looks were of ‘hey look. A new kid.’ Then they would get on with their own business.
I guess it would have helped if I had my schedule, so I could look and at least get an idea about what room to go to. But, since James told me we had the same schedule, I pretty much figured that I could follow him. Too bad I didn’t expect this. Hot tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. I was embarrassed. And upset. It’s like he purposefully made sure I got lost.
“You look like you are lost. Can I help you?” I turned around and the most adorable guy was standing behind me.
“I’m Ryan. I don’t think I know you. Are you new?” it’s like God was answering my unsaid prayers. Ryan had blonde hair and eyes that were so green that I could swear I was looking into emeralds. He was medium height, and a stocky build. His voice sounded like velvet coming from his mouth. I was about to drool.
“Y-yeah. I am new. My name is Kyle. The guy who was supposed to show me around kinda ditched me.” I just realized how pathetic I sounded.
“I bet you James was supposed to be showing you.” He frowned, “it doesn’t surprise me that he did that. Do you know what class you are going to?” I did happen to remember the subjects and something somewhat close to the teacher’s name.
“Umm, I think science. With Mr. Canoli?” I wasn’t quite sure of the name. He laughed. Oh, what a laugh. I felt like my knees were going to give out on me. ‘Cut it out Kyla.’ I thought harshly to myself. ‘Guys don’t think that way about other guys.’ But I wasn’t a guy. I was a girl.
“You mean Mr. Cantele. I happen to have him this period too. Follow me.” He said, still snickering over my mistake about the teacher’s name. He turned around and started walking the opposite direction from where I was heading. I would have been so embarrassed if not for Ryan.
We stepped through the door right as the bell rang. I gave a hateful glance over to James, who acted like I was not even there. That really made me angry. He spent his whole time staring at me last period, and now he is acting like I am not even there! Am I not the only one who thinks that is weird?
I sat in the back next to Ryan. He introduced me to his friend Timmy. I have never actually met anybody named that. He was cute, like a puppy. He had light brown hair, with mud brown eyes. He was kind of short and skinny. Like I said, puppy cute.
Science flew by. It felt like we were only in there for two minutes. But that probably is because science is my favorite subject.
“Do you want me to help you get to your next class? I don’t know if I would trust James. You know what, what is your next class? And what teacher?” I guess he will be taking me to my next class then.
“Social Studies. Mrs. Amorosa. I think that is her name anyway.” He smiled, and my heart leaped.
“I have that class too. And so does Timmy, along with another friend of ours. And on top of that, we get lunch break right after her class. Comon!” I followed him out the door and down the hallway. Mrs. Amorosa struck me as the type that was passionate about history, whether it was a holocaust or a renaissance. I liked her immediately. She had a slight Cuban accent, making her seem even more passionate about history. That class also flew by.
I followed Ryan’s lead to lunch. I sat with Ryan, Timmy, and Dakota, the friend that I met last period. He had dirty blonde curls and gray eyes. He was gorgeous. But, he was quite, and considerate. I like him a lot. Timmy, on the other hand kind of creeped me out. But, creepy, quite, or friendly, they accepted me into their little group. I appreciated them for that immensely. They made me forget about what James and I were talking about this morning.
I ended up having English with Dakota and P.E. with Ryan and Dakota. And all of them with James.
“Hey, Kyle. You want to come with us to the lake tomorrow?” Dakota asked. I forgot tomorrow was Saturday.
“That sounds like fun. Yeah. I do. What time are we leaving?” he shrugged.
“Whenever Sleeping Beauty here wakes up.” He said, looking at Ryan.
“You guys just wish that you could look half as good as me.” Ryan told them grinning. I was really starting to like these guys. Dakota reminded me of Kyle [my twin, not the fake me] and Ryan and Timmy reminded me of Kyle’s friends.
“Cool. See you guys later then.” I said heading up to the twelfth floor. When I got back, James was not there. That kind of gave me some relief. I sat down and turned on the TV, when the door suddenly busted open, and James came in, looking pissed.

Chapter Three.

“What’s up with you?” I asked him, not really caring but trying to distract him from the conversation that was bound to happen at some point.
“The damn headmaster thinks he is God. He thinks he can just prance around here like a fairy. Well, I am sick of it.” He spit out. Obviously, something happened. “Who calls somebody in because they were a second late to class? He is an idiot! I just wish he would resign already!” I flopped down beside me on the couch. “And that reminds me, you have some explaining to do, missy.”
“I do not. I-“I stopped when I saw his face, and I realized my mistake. He called me missy, and I treated it like nothing. Crap. He raised his eyebrow at me.
“So, if you obviously aren’t a guy, what are you doing here?” he asked curiously. Well, there is no going back now.
“It’s a dare.” I said without deepening my voice. His eyebrows rose slightly, but other than that he looked unfazed. “My twin brother is at an all girl’s school. For at least a month. Whoever calls home or the other first, gives the other $150.” He looked considerate for a minute. I thought he had dazed off, so I turned back to the TV. I felt his hand on mine, and I turned to look at him. I almost jumped because he was so close.
“Do you know how long it has been since a girl has lived in the same room with me? It has been a very long time.” Okay. That creped me out. A lot.
“Um, I thought you said that you have had 10 girlfriends in the past month.” Wow. I can’t believe that I actually remembered that.
“That may be so, but I could only see them on Saturdays. With you, I can see you every day.” He said huskily. This was getting awkward and fast.
“Look, I am only here for a month, or longer, depending on my brother. But let me tell you this. I just want to get it over with. Yeah, I will get a few friends, but other than that no. I want to live like a guy, but not have a girlfriend. Comprende?”
He looked a little sad. I sighed, got up, and went to make a sandwich. I was really hungry. No matter where you go to school, the food will suck to a certain extent.
“Make me one while you are in there, woman.” James called after me. I don’t think so! I am going to teach him that he can’t order me around. I got a piece of bread, and drowned it in mayo and mustard. Then I added pudding, gravy, cheezits, and bologna to it. Then I made my sandwich.
When I got back out to the living room, I handed him his sandwich. He took a big bite, just to spit it back out. I was turning purple I was laughing so hard. He threw the sandwich at me, and I ducked. It splattered all over the wall. Just in time for the Headmaster to walk into the room.
“Mr. Abernathy, you never came back down to my office, like I told you to. Instead, you made me come all the way up here, to drag you back down. Then, I walk in and I see that you have thrown a sandwich at Mr. Grant. This is quite a predicament.” He looked like he was a tomato.
“Dr. Brake, you see it is my fault,” I spoke up. James looked like he was going to have an aneurism. “You see, he asked me to make him a sandwich, since I was making one for myself. I made him one with the nastiest things I could find. Then I taunted him, and when I tried to catch it with the trashcan I missed. I can clean that up, right away.” I scurried over to the sink and got a rag and started cleaning the splattered mustard off the walls.
“Very well then. Mr. Abernathy, come with me please.”
“Can’t we just get this over with here? We both know what is going to happen. We will ride in the elevator, in an awkward silence, me wishing I could strangle you and you the same to me. Then we will walk through the halls in more awkward silence. We will make it to the office, and Diane will sneer at me. You will close your office door, and look at me like I am a failure to the world. Then you will tell me that I have to clean the café for a week. I will leave your office, pissed off, and just have to walk all the way back here. Just tell me know, for God’s sake, that I will have to clean the café. And don’t go on your rant about language, because I don’t give a fuck what you think.” James said. He looked completely serious too.
“A week of cleaning the café. No ifs ands or buts. Good day, Mr. Abernathy, and Mr. Grant.” Dr. Brake said with w sigh, and then he was gone.
“That went well.” I was still scrubbing mustard off the wall. James got up and went into the kitchen. He came back with some Kaboom.
“Here. This will help.” He sprayed it onto the wall, and helped me scrub. I never have been this close to him. He smelled really good. Like some expensive cologne. But he didn’t wear too much of it. Jest enough to notice.
In no time, we had the wall cleaned up. He seemed to have calmed down after the whol Dr. Brake episode. We sat down on the couch to watch some tv.
“I think I am going to call for Chinese, do you want any?” he asked me.
“Heck ya! Fried rice and Sweet and Sour Pork!” I practically yelled. Chinese food is my life. It is what Kyle and I always got on our birthdays, and any chance we got to get it, we took that chance.
“Okay, okay. I’ll call then we can go pick it up.” He got up and pulled out his cell phone, walking back to the bedroom. I put on my shoes and jacket. By the time I was done, James was ready to go.
“You ready.. uh.. Kyle?” it was kind of funny watching him stumble over my name.
“Call me Kyla. Kyle is my twin. And yeah, I’m ready.” I said, giggling. He raised his eyebrows for me, and we walked out of the room.
When we got to his car, he opened the door for me.
“Look, James. To everybody else, I am a guy. Don’t treat me like a girl unless you want to look gay. Plus, its kinda awkward for me. I have never had my door opened for me before.”
“A girl? Like you? People should be opening up their door for you always.”
“That’s the problem. You don’t know what I am like I could be a psycho killer, and you just opened the door for me. You have never seen me without my wig, or corset, so you don’t know who I really am.”
He just rolled his eyes and ushered me into the car. He started the car, and a Black Veil Brides cd was playing. He automatically went to change it, but I stopped him.
“Don’t change it! This is my future husband we are listening to!” I told him, being as serious as I could. I really didn’t believe that Andy Biersack and I would get married, but a girl can dream, right?
He just rolled his eyes at me, saying,” I thought you were supposed to be a guy.”
“Well it’s just you and me in here, and you know that I am not a guy. Now shut up, you are ruining his beautiful voice.” With that, I started belting the lyrics to Rebel Love Song. Again, he rolled his eyes at me.
When we got to the Chinese place, I thought I heard him mutter something about I was the one who ruined Andy’s voice. I just pretended like I didn’t hear him. I know I can’t sing, so he doesn’t have to point it out to me like Captain Obvious.
We had to wait five minutes before we got our food. But it was worth it. I love Chinese, but the best part of the meal is the fortune cookie. Wed rove back in silence, listening to the radio because the cd ended. Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold came on, I just smiled like the idiot I am. The song always reminds me of my goof of a twin. When he really wants to, he can make your life a nightmare. I think this is his theme song.
“And I know you hear their voices! (Calling from above) And I know they may seem real (These signals of love) But our life’s made up of choices (some without appeal) They took for granted your soul, and it’s ours now to steal, As your Nightmare comes to lifeee!” I was singing along, on pitch if I may add, when the car shutoff, along with the music. “Hey!” I shouted in protest. In response, I heard a chuckle.
“We are here. And to tell you the truth, I thought my ears were going to explode. You need some singing classes.” He said, all too seriously.
“Hey, now. I was singing on key with that one.” I said with a glare. Again, all I got in response was an eye roll. What’s up with this guy and his eye rolls? One day, I hope his eyes get stuck like that. That would be funny.
We were about to walk into our room when we were stopped by someone calling my name, or my brother’s. My fake name.
“Hey Kyle! We were going into town, want to come?” I turned around to see Ryan walking over to us.
“Umm. No thanks. We just got dinner. But thanks.” I told him.
“Oh. Okay then. Our plans are still on for tomorrow, right?” he asked me.
“Planning on it.” I said. The elevator opened, and he gave me a wave, and then was gone. He was so cute when he waved!
“What’s tomorrow?” James asked me, trying to sound casual. But I could see that his shoulders were tensed up, his back facing me.
“We are going to the lake.” I told him, my tone matching his. He suddenly whipped around and had me pinned against the wall. I didn’t think anybody could move that fast.
“I don’t want you going to the lake with them. Or anywhere for that matter.” He practically growled in my face. What the heck? Since when has he been the one to tell me what to do?! I wanted to scream that in his face.
But instead, I asked “Why not?” in a very small and scared voice. Dammit. Not how I wanted to sound like at all.
“Because. I don’t trust them.” He said. Wait. Weren’t his eyes a crystal blue a second ago? Now, then were green, tinged with black. This was scary.
“Y-your eyes.” I managed to gasp out. He looked at me, confused, and then recognition showed on his face. He relaxed, and his eyes went to the blue ones I was used to. Creepy.
“Look, I am sorry. I just don’t like them very much.” He said ‘them’ with such distaste that I thought they were like demons or something.
“Well, I happen to like them a lot. And Ryan helped me when you ditched me in the hall earlier. So clearly, you wouldn’t like him. He is nice when you are a complete ass.” I told him. He backed up to look at me, and then his lips were on mine. What the hell?
I didn’t want to admit it, but I suddenly felt very warm. Like I hadn’t realized that I was freezing. I was turning into jello under his lips, and that scared me. But I didn’t push him away. I did the exact opposite. I brought him closer by running my hands through his hair. He responded immediately by putting his around my waist. But I wanted even closer. That was impossible though, when we were as close as we could get.
I felt his tongue rub my bottom lip, asking for mine to respond. I did. I got even warmer, on the inside and outside. I tugged on his hair slightly, and he let out a groan. Not one of pain, but of pleasure. We broke apart when we heard someone clear their throat. I shoved him off of me, and he landed on the other side of the kitchen.
“James. Dude. I-I.” The guy stuttered. He glanced at me, and visually shuddered. “Are you like, gay? Because you know, that I’m homophobic. A-and.”
“Shut up Anthony!” James screeched.
“Are you? Because seeing you in a full make out session with-“he looked at me and shuddered again, “the new kid.” He finished.
I took that as my time to intervene. “No. He isn’t gay.” I looked to James, looking to see if I could trust Anthony with my secret. He gave me a reassuring nod. I pulled off my wig, and talked in my normal voice. “Hi. My name is Kyla. I’m a girl.”
Anthony looked at me, and then relief flooded his features. “So, a chick, eh? What brings you here?” he said, suddenly losing all his fear and circling me like a shark. I could tell this guy got what he wanted from girls. He had dark brown hair and grey eyes, he was tan, tall, and muscular, but not to where he was bulging with muscles.
“I played truth or dare with my friends, and viola. Here I am at an all boys school, and my brother at an all girls.” I said. He raised his eyebrows slightly. Then moved in closer to me. Too close for comfort.
“Back off. Mine.” James growled. He grabbed my hand, and snatched me to his side. I pushed him away.
“No. I belong to me. No one else’s. I’m not a dog.” He winced at the dog part. “If anyone has ownership over me, I would say my brother.” I said. Most kids would say parents, but mine. Well, they were a different story. Kyle, on the other hand, was there for me no matter what.
James looked a little hurt. Well, he needs to get used to it. I only belong to me. Second in command is Kyle.
“Well, I am going to get a shower.” I said, and waltzed to the bathroom and locked the door.

Chapter Four.

Okay. I am freaking out. For obvious reasons,
1) I kissed James! Or he kissed me. Either way, we kissed. And it wasn’t like any regular kiss. I got all warm inside, and I turned into jello. Yeah, I have had boyfriends in the past, some of them really good kissers, but nothing like this.
2) Not one, but two people knew my secret. One of them being my roommate, well lets face it, he was bound to find out sooner or later. I mean I’m practically living with the guy. But Anthony finding out? That was just a careless mistake. Or was it? He was the one who came barging into our dorm room, so I guess he could be at blame here. In the comfort of your own home, right?
Both situations weren’t exactly pleasant. Yeah, I got all warm (more like I was on fire) when I kissed James, but I had told him clearly. I am not a dog. You can’t own me. As for the Anthony thing, I hope that boy knows how to keep secrets, if he knows what is best for him.
My mind was still on full drive when I got out of the shower. I heard more than two people out in the living room, meaning it wasn’t just James and Anthony. I put on my wig and corset, and put on sweat pants and an overly sized t-shirt.
When I stepped out of the room, my eyes zeroed in on my dinner, sitting untouched on the table. I went over and picked it up, then flopped on the couch beside Anthony.
“Hey. I’m Kyle. You are?” I said to him, hoping that he got my hint to play along.
“James, where is the chick?” I heard a voice ask, that wasn’t Anthony’s. Oh shit.
“Dammit James! You fucking told! I thought we had an agreement that you wouldn’t tell!” I got up, and was standing in front of him, screeching in his face. I was pissed.
“Relax Kyla! I didn’t tell! Go talk to Mr. Homophobic over there!” he said indicating Anthony. I spun around on my heel, in front of Anthony within seconds. Whenever I get pissed enough, I can be super fast.
“What the hell! You son of a bitch! I thought you would understand not to tell!” I was in his face too, but I wasn’t just screeching. I was turning red, I was so mad.
“Look, babe, I-“I cut him off before he could say anything else.
“Do. Not. Call. Me. Babe.” I said, in a low voice.
“Okay, okay. Kyla, they were going to find out anyway. We are here all the time. And come on, if you were a guy and recently discovered that your best friend was living with a chick in an all boy’s school, wouldn’t you want to tell everyone that he was getting some?” he said, with a waggle of his eyebrow.
“First of all, you sick bastard, James is NOT ‘getting some’. He never will. Secondly, no. I would not want to tell everyone. In fact, I would respect the girl’s wished, and keep my mouth shut.” I said. All the sudden, he was standing up, in front of me with his hands balled up in fists.
“Watch your mouth. You don’t know me, so you don’t have any right to call me names. If anyone here is a son of a bitch, it would be you, oh wait, that’s right. You’re a girl. Now that we have that settled, go make me a sandwich, maid.” He said. I heard a “don’t tell her to do that. Trust me.” Come out of James. But I didn’t register it. Because me fist was busy making contact with Anthony’s nose.
“What the hell! Did you just punch me!” he yelled, clutching his nose with both hands. Blood was running down into his mouth. Good. He deserved it.
“No. I gave you a sandwich, like you told me to. It is my new kind of sandwich. A knuckle sandwich. Only special people get it, like sick assholes like you. Do you like it? I can get you another.” I told him, in a sweet tone. Everyone around us started laughing.
“Dude. I like her! My name is Andrew.” A guy said to me with gorgeous green eyes and brown hair that flopped in his face.
“Kyla. Nice to meet ya. I’m going to call you Andy, because, well I like Andy better.” I told him.
“Cool. I just got a nickname. I think I am the first one.” He said, triumphantly.
“Sorry, Andy. The first one to get a nickname was son of a bitch over there.” I said referring to Anthony. That caused more laughs, and a glare from son (that’s what I will say, son of a bitch is too long) who was now in the kitchen, cleaning his blood up.
All the guys introduced themselves to me. There was Jason; he had brown eyes that were so dark they were almost black. He had black hair. Christian, who preferred to be called Chris, had gold eyes (no joke. They were gold) and red hair [otherwise, known as a ginger. (Author’s note: No offense to those out there that have red hair. I like red hair. Thinking about dyeing mine red)]. Jeremey, who was mixed with gorgeous blue eyes (from his mom, he informed me) and dark brown dreads. And my personal favorite (because he had an Australian accent) was Blade. He had eyes that changed color. No joke. One minute, they were green, the next green-blue, then blue. They went back and forth between those colors. He had platinum blonde hair. Yummy. They were all tall, tan, and muscular, like Son (Anthony).
Chris was the one who had yelled ‘where is the chick’ when I first came out of the bathroom. I walked over to the door, locked it, and took off my wig and corset. I did not want anyone else knowing that I am a girl. Already seven people knew, and I did not want anymore. They all whistled when I took my corset off. I just rolled my eyes and flopped down between Blade and Andy and ate my dinner. It was delicious. But the best part was my fortune cookie. It said, and I quote,
“Very soon, you will find that yourself and the world is not who you thought it was.” Weird right?
I went over to read James’. His said, and again, I quote,
“The one you love is right in front of you.” I busted out laughing.
“The one you love is... FRIED RICE!” I yelled, laughing even harder. He just gave me a weird look, and continued to eat ‘his love.’ Ha-ha! This is too good!
“Wait! Don’t eat her! I want to see what your children will look like!” I laughed even harder. He just stuffed it in his mouth and gave me another funny look. I flopped back down in between Andy and Blade and said to them, feigning horror, “He ate his only love.” Blade rolled his eyes, but he was smiling, and Andy gave me a weird look, but I could tell he wanted to laugh.
“It didn’t say ‘my only love’, it said ‘the one you love’.” He told me.
“You are right.” I told him, nodding my head in agreement. “Because, there is more fried rice at the restaurant. You still have a chance!” I couldn’t help it. I laughed even harder. Tears were coming out of my eyes. Everyone else was laughing with me.
“You guys are strange if you think that that was funny.” James told them, as he picked me up and set me on his lap, changing the channel to baseball.
“Hey now. I was sitting here first! You can’t just pick me up and put me on your lap!” I told him. I tried to jump up, but he had his arms wrapped around my waist. Jerk.
I grabbed the remote from him and changed the channel to Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is like, my favorite Asperger’s Syndrome person in the world. He cracks me up.
Everybody groaned, but I could tell that they really didn’t mind. Halfway through the show, I fell asleep in James’ lap. He picked me up and carried me into the room. Before he left, he gave me a kiss on the forehead, but I decided that it was just my half-way-in-dreamland mind playing tricks on me. I settled into a deeper sleep.

Chapter Five.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and picked it up to see that I had a text from Ryan.
Hey. Just got up. Meet outside in 1 hr.
I quickly responded
C u then.
I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done, I put on my wig, my corset, a dark colored t-shirt (I figured I would be getting in the water, and I didn’t want them to see that I had a light pink brace on, did I?) some boxers, and basketball shorts. I did not have a bathing suit, well I did but it was a bikini, and I thought it would be weird to ask James if I could borrow his. Besides, he made it clear yesterday that he didn’t want me to go anywhere with Ryan, Timmy, and Dakota.
I grabbed a muffin, chocolate chip, and some water and headed out the door. I was just finishing stuffing the muffin down my throat when the elevator opened to reveal Dakota.
“Oh. Hey. I was just coming up here to drag you out of bed, but I can see that you are ready. Cool.” He said.
“Yup,” Was all I could say with a face full of chocolate chip muffin. He grinned and pressed the ground floor button. We headed outside and met Ryan and Timmy by Ryan’s car.
“Nice to see that you are awake, Kyle.” Ryan said with a goofy grin.
“So I’ve been told.” I answered back. In the car, we just mainly talked. I told them about my twin ‘sister’ and how my parents walked out on us when we were young. I told them how life was living with my mom’s best friend Natalia. Ryan told me that his parents got a divorce when he was five, and now his father is an alcoholic. The reason he came to this school was an excuse for his mom to give his dad on why he can’t come and visit him. Timmy’s parents are strict, so strict that the reason he was here was because he got a B on a science test. Dakota’s story is a lot like mine, except he doesn’t have a twin, but a three year old sister. His parents walked out because they were complete hippies and believed that having children was keeping them from living their life to the fullest. He said what they meant by that was doing pot and being drunk all the time.
When we arrived to the lake, I saw a complete different side of the guys. I saw that even though their lives looked perfect, they were far from it.
I also found out that Timmy’s parents owned the lake house that we were going to. Let me tell you, it was humungous. It was a two story house, with ten bedrooms and five bathrooms. The house was so big that they hired a staff to live there permanently to take care of it. But, instead of staying in the house, they stayed in a little apartment complex in the garden.
We went inside, and Timmy gave me a brief tour, since the others came here every weekend, they knew where everything was. We went outside to a little shed that was floating in the water. Inside, was a speed boat, a fishing boat, and four seedoos. That was perfect because there was four of us.
We found lifejackets thatfit us, mine being the smallest since I had a girl figure. We filled up the gastanks, and took off. I was the first out of that shed. I love speed, and I totally took on Ryan when he wanted to race.
“Hey Grant. Bet you can’t win a race against me!” he said, like he would think I would refuse. I grinned sheepishly.
“Oh yeah? First one to that island over there wins. Twenty bucks.” I said.
“it’s on.” He said. The island wasn’t very far, but far enough to where it would be a fun challenge. Timmy counted down for us, and we were off.
I edged my seedoo to go as fast as it could. So did Ryan. But lucky for me, he came to a patch of milfoil. Seedoos and milfoil don’t really mix together. I would know, since about three years ago Kyle and I got stuck in a big patch. We had to call Natalia’s brother, and let me tell you, he wasn’t to happy to see that we got his precious seedoo stuck. We havnt been invited back since.
I sped off ahead, and won by a mile. Twenty bucks for Kyla Grant!
I was doing victory doughnuts when everything went awfully wrong. I saw a snake. And being the little girl I am, I freaked. I sped away, a little too fast, and flipped the stupid seedoo. I went way under, and I thought I saw the stupid snake again. I screamed, and that isn’t exactly a good thing to do when you are under water. Water filled my lungs and nose. I opened my eyes, but that didn’t help either. In fact, it made things worse.
I tried to struggle up to the surface, but my body just kept going down, down, down. My throat and lungs and eyes were burning, and I tried to fight the darkness sweeping over me, but I just wasn’t strong enough.
I gave up trying to fight the darkness. In fact, I started to welcome it, since it was going to win anyway. My last thought before it over took me was ‘I love you Kyle and James…’ then everything went black.

Chapter Six.

I woke up to see Ryan sitting above me. I sat up and immediately threw up the muffin I had this morning and water. Once I had everything out of my stomach, Timmy gave me an ice cold water bottle. I took it and drained it immediately. My throat was scratchy, and my muscles were achy. All in all, I felt terrible. But, I was alive.
“You okay... uh... Kyle?” Ryan asked me.
“Yeah.” I croaked. Man, did it hurt to talk. “My throat is scratchy and my muscles ache. I felt like I have been beat up.” I said. My voice didn’t even sound remotely like me.
“Yeah...” Ryan said, trailing off. He was acting kind of weird. It’s not like he is the one who almost died here.
“What exactly happened?” I asked, wincing at the pain in my throat.
“You don’t remember?” Dakota asked, looking concerned.
“Well, I remember seeing a snake, then freaking out. Then flipping. Then, I remember screaming and water filling my lungs. Then nothing.” I told him truthfully.
“Well, Ryan noticed you going down, so he went down to get you. We got you here onto the bank, and Ryan did CPR. Then you woke up, threw up, and drake water.” Dakota told me. It was then I glance down. Ryan had to raise my shirt, and take off my corset. Which means, he, and Timmy and Dakota, saw my girl parts. Make that ten people who knew my secret.
“I can explain.” I said, taking my time to look at each of their faces.
“Not right now. You need your rest.” Timmy told me. He was blushing.
Oh God, oh God, oh God. They knew my secret. Yet, they were being decent enough to not make me explain right away. I’m sure that I would have, if my circumstances were a bit different. Like, if I wasn’t sitting on a bank wearing nothing but a bikini top that Timmy had gotten from one of the maid’s daughters.
I sighed as Ryan scooped me up and carried me to a spare bedroom. He laid me down on the biggest bed I have ever seen, but I didn’t notice all that much. I was asleep within five second of being in his arms.

I woke up feeling groggy. My muscles still ached and my throat still hurt, but it was better than the last time I was awake. I slowly climbed out of bed, and found my way to the living room. Thank goodness Timmy gave me that tour earlier.
When I stepped off the stairs, Dakota was there to help me to the couch. It’s like they though I couldn’t walk. Geesh.
“How are you feeling?” Ryan asked me, as he turned off the television.
“My throat still hurts, and my muscles are still achy, but I don’t feel like I am going to drop dead any moment anymore. I think that that alone is a good sign.” I said.
“Yeah…” Ryan trailed off as one of the maids brought me a big cup of ice water. I thanked her and drained it there on the spot. As she went to get another, I figured I better explain to them why I have breasts.
“So, I guess you guys are wondering why I have boobs, huh?” I asked. Timmy shrugged, but Dakota and Ryan nodded their heads. With a sigh, a told them everything. About the game of truth or dare, how my twin brother was at an all girls school, and what I would win if I won. They stayed silent the whole time that is until the end.
“So, when you said you had a twin sister, he/she is really a guy? At an all girl’s school? That lucky bastard...” Dakota said, trailing off. I slapped him in the back of the head.
“Hey now. I don’t want to hear what you would be doing if you were him. Okay? Because it is just plain nasty.” I told him.
“Well, now that we have a lady in our presence, I guess we have to behave.” Timmy said, with a frown.
“Naw. Just don’t talk about what you have been doing with your girlfriends and it is all good. And don’t compare your manhood either. That’s gross too.” I told him. He rolled his eyes.
“I wouldn’t do that anyway. Mine would put theirs to shame.” Ryan said with a smile. Ech.
“Don’t. Start.” I warned him.
“Okay, okay. Does anybody else know?” He asked me, getting serious.
“Yeah... James knows and so does his little posse. But it’s cool. I told them that I would slice them if they told anybody. Did you happen to see Anthony this morning?” I asked them.
“Yeah, his nose was all fucked up.” Dakota said with a grimace.
“That’s what will happen if you told. If he would have just kept his mouth shut around all the other guys...” I said trailing off. Timmy’s eyes got wide.
“You did that? Damn…” he said. Ryan’s eyes got big at that.
“Timmy! Did you just swear? I have never heard you swear before!” he said. Timmy just shrugged.
We sat on the couch watched television and talked until about seven. We had ordered pizza for dinner, but it wasn’t easy on my throat, so I ate a big jug of applesauce. At seven, we decided to head back to the campus. Timmy’s parents didn’t mind us staying the night, as long as we got permission from them, but we didn’t get permission from the school. We also didn’t have any clothes.
We all piled back into Ryan’s car, Ryan driving, me in the passenger seat (something about me being a lady), and Timmy and Dakota in the back.
When the school was in sight, I was grateful. I was tired and ready to go to bed. I said goodnight to the guys, but they didn’t go their separate ways as usual.
“We are going to escort you to your room. We would feel terrible if anything happened to you.” Timmy said. The other two nodded in agreement. Aww, they can be so sweet sometimes!
When we got to my door, they took turns hugging me, and then they were gone once I shut the door. When I walked in, I felt like I was a rebellious teen who had snuck out to go to a concert not approved for minors. Why did I feel that way? Because James was sitting in the chair, with no television on, only a lamp. And he looked very unhappy. Pissed even.
“Where have you been?” he asked me, seemingly calm. Notice the word seemingly.
“The lake.” I croaked. I dumped all my stuff on the floor and trudged back to our room.
“Stop. Come and talk to me.” He said.
“Do I have to? I am really tired, and I just want to go to bed.” I whined.
“You can go to bed after we talk.” He said. Now I really feel like a rebellious teen.
I sighed and went to sit on the couch. He turned himself so that he was fully facing me.
“I thought I told you that I didn’t want you to go anywhere with those guys. Do you know how worried sick I have been?” he was starting to lose his cool, and was yelling at me now. So, naturally, I yelled right back. Or as best as I could with a raw throat.
“I thought I told you that I didn’t care what you thought. They are nice to me, and they helped me when you weren’t there. I have friends too you know.” I told him.
“I don’t care. I don’t think that they are a good type of friends to have. They are dangerous.”
“Dangerous?! Are you kidding me? A piece of apple pie is more dangerous than they are!” I yelled back.
“You don’t know them like I do. And what if they had found out your secret?” he retorted. I had no answer for that. I started picking on the blanket that was hanging over the back of the couch.
“Kyla. Do they know your secret?” he asked, yelling so loud that I was surprised that China didn’t call complaining about the noise level.
“Yes. They know but-,” he cut me off before I could finish.
“LIKE YOUR LITTLE POSSEY WON’T? ANTHONY TOLD THE OTHER GUYS!” I bellowed right back. He looked like a vein in his neck was going to pop. His jaw was clenching and unclenching. His eyes were black.
“look.” I said, afraid of him. “If you would stop yelling at me and let me explain why they know, then maybe you would be glad. But sitting here screaming at me is only making me scream back. And that is not what my throat needs. Now, when you are ready to stop yelling and talk to me, I will be getting a cup of ice water and getting a quick bath. Then I am going to bed.” I told him. I got up, got my water and went to the bathroom.
I filled the tub with warm water, and took a quick bath. Then I put on some sweatpants and a tank top, brushed my teeth and hair, and then headed for my bed. As I was pulling the covers back, James came into the room.
“Look, I am sorry I yelled at you. I have been worried about you all day. Will you please tell me what happened?” he asked, looking a lot calmer. His eyes were back to their beautiful blue.
I patted the spot next to me on the bed and I told him what happened, starting with the race, then the snake, then toppling over, then opening my mouth to scream underwater. I even told him what I thought my last thought was going to be. About saying ‘I love you Kyle and James.’ He smiled at that and put his arm around me. When I was finished, he kissed the top of my head.
“Well, I guess you were right. I am grateful that they know. They saved your life.” He said. Then he kissed me. This was a soft, passionate kiss that said ‘I love you and I am glad that you are okay.’ Then he pulled back and said “I need to tell you something.”
He looked so cute. He looked nervous. “Shoot.” I told him, as I curled up into his side.
“This isn’t going to be easy to say… maybe I should just show you. Yeah, that’s what I will do.” He got up from my bed and took off his shirt and pants.
“Whoa, buddy. I may have said that I love you, but I don’t want to see you naked… yet.”
He just smiled and said,” I will not hurt you. So don’t be afraid.” Then, James was gone, and standing in his place was a giant wolf.
James is a werewolf. Oh. My. God. I was silently having a debate with myself.
‘Werewolves aren’t real. Only a mythical creature.’
‘Well then explain to me why there is a James-dog standing in front of you.’
‘You almost died today. You are hallucinating.’
‘You wish.’
‘You are just tired. Your mind is playing tricks on you.’
‘We both know that that isn’t the case here.’
James must have been able to see the conflict on my face, because James/wolf thing gave out a bark that sounded like a chuckle. He came over and rested his giant head on the side of my bed and gave out a whimper as if to say ‘go ahead. Touch me. I won’t disappear.’
I reluctantly put my hand on his head, and started petting him. He closed his eyes and started purring like he was a cat.
“I thought you were a dog, not a cat.” I said with a chuckle. He rolled his eyes, and then the human James was in front of me again.
“That is… wow. I don’t know whether to be afraid of you, or admire you.” I told him honestly.
“Please. Don’t be afraid. There is more to it than just me being a wolf…” he trailed off.
“What? It’s okay; don’t be afraid to tell me.” I said, patting the spot beside me on my bed, telling him to lay with me.
He sighed as he sat down. “There is a reason you love me. And why every time we kiss, we get all hot feeling inside. You are my mate. I can’t stand to be without you too long, and you can’t stand to be without me. Whenever we are together, it’s like all is good in the world. Well, that is at least how it is with me.” He said, looking down.
I tilted his chin so that he would see my blue- almost silver eyes. “That is how I feel too. I thought that I was imagining the heat, the loneliness whenever you were away. I thought that I was crazy for turning into jello every time you kiss me. It all makes since, us being mates. We just click.” I told him. He looked extremely happy.
“You mean you aren’t afraid? You aren’t going to deny me?” he asked.
“Of course not.” I couldn’t get anything else out of my mouth before his lips were moving with mine. Oh my gosh, he is such a great kisser! I felt his tongue run across my teeth, eager to meet mine, and my tongue found its way into his mouth. I snaked my hands up into his hair, his were clutching my face. I made the mistake of yawning into his mouth. He pulled away and smiled at me, with so much love in his eyes.
“Go to sleep, babe.” He said before kissing me on the forehead, then getting up to go to his bed. I clutched his arm.
“Stay here. Please?” he chuckled, but laid back down and pulled me to his chest. I snuggled closer, listening to his heartbeat and his breathing. I fell asleep in his arms.

Chapter Seven.

I was standing in a warehouse that was familiar, yet unknown. I heard a door open, and I turned to see Kyle walk in.
‘Kyle!’ I yelled happy to see him.
“Hey Kyls.’ He said using the nickname he gave me. ‘What is going on here… can I guess that you are asleep too?’ he asked. He and I have this thing, where sometimes we share dreams. It’s really weird.
‘Yeah, I am asleep. I guess we’ll have to find out what I going on.’ I told him.
He was about to respond when the door opened again. Standing there was a man and a woman. She had fine blonde hair and blue eyes. He had dark curls and grey eyes. I looked at Kyle to see what he was thinking. If you combined the two of them together, you had me and Kyle.
The woman ran to us, and enveloped us in a big and welcoming hug. The man just smiled and looked lovingly at the woman embracing us. When she was done, he gave us a hug too.
‘Kyla Blaize and Kyle Blade, my two babies. I am so happy and grateful to see you.’ The woman said in an angelic voice. It was like velvet for the ears.
‘Um, we would say the same to you…’
‘But we don’t know who you are.’ Kyle finished for me. The man spoke up.
‘I am Miichael, your father. And this is Bazil, your mother.’ He said. I thought that Bazil had a beautiful voice. Miichaels’ boomed, but it was peaceful and soothing.
‘Don’t look so frightened, my darlings. I want you to listen closely. You two are special.’ Bazil told us.
‘You are our parents, supposedly. Isn’t that what you are supposed to tell us? That we are special?’ I surprised myself when that came out of my mouth. I just found out they are my parents. Don’t I need to be kinder?
‘Besides, our parents are dead.’ Kyle said with a cold voice. It even made me wince.
Miichael just smiled sadly. ‘No. We are not dead. But we cannot tell you where we are. For your safety.’ What in the world?
‘What do you mean?’ I asked, looking between Bazil and Miichael.
‘We cannot tell you where we are physically. Remember how I said that you are special, my darlings?’ Bazil said looking at us with so much love it was suffocating. Kyle nodded his head.
‘I cannot go into too much detail here, because they know every time we have an interaction with you. Just know that you are not average. You are above even us. You must protect one another. We know you are not together right now, but once you get this silly dare out of you system, do not leave one another.’ She told us.
‘Remember, we love you both. Do not tell anyone about this. Everyone thinks that we are dead. Do not even talk to the other. We will see you soon, if everything goes accordingly.’ Miichael told us. They embraced us once more, giving us each a kiss on the forehead, and then they were gone.

I sat straight up in bed. What was that all about? What did Bazil mean by we were above even them? And that they know when they interact with us? Who are they? What did Miichael mean when he said ‘if everything goes accordingly’? I was so confused. And I was not allowed to call Kyle and talk to him about it, like I usually did.
“Kyla? What’s wrong?” James asked me.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Just a confusing dream.” I told him. He pulled me back down.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked me. I really wished he hadn’t just asked me that.
I smiled at him sadly. “I can’t. I was told not to. I wish I could, but something tells me to keep my mouth closed.” I said. He nodded like he understood. If only he did…
I looked at the clock. It was 6 a.m. We had two hours before classes started.
“Do you want to get in the shower first, or do you want me to?” I asked him, thinking that the other could get breakfast and clean up some.
“We could just save some water and get in together.” He answered, nibbling my ear. I froze.
“Yeah, I don’t think that is a good idea.” I told him.
“Why not? Do you want to waste water?” he asked me, while making a trail of kisses from my collar bone to my jaw and back.
“No. It’s just that I don’t plan on doing anything like that until I am married. I was raised old fashioned.” I told him. He looked really sad.
“Awe, come on babe! We are mates. It is going to happen sooner or later.” He said, rubbing my shoulders.
“I would rather later than sooner. You get breakfast and clean up. I will lock the door and get in the shower.” I told him, getting up, grabbing my clothes, and heading towards the bathroom.
“Fine” was all he said. Hi did not look happy. Oh well, he’ll get over it. I wasn’t like that, and I never wanted to be. I watched many girls grow up and be like that, and now here they are, with kids and STDs. Nope. Not me.
I got in the shower, and washed away all the tension from the dream. I felt like I was watching yesterday’s events go down the drain. It was weird, me almost dying yesterday. I felt like that was a million years ago. Partially because James told me his secret and that we were mates, and partially the dream. If you had a dream about meeting your supposedly dead parents and they told you that you are different, you might get your priorities straightened too.
I got out and looked at myself in the mirror. I took in my long blonde curly hair (I got that from Bazil, obviously), my high cheekbones (Miichael), and my eyes that were blue near the pupil then silver on the outside (Bazil and Miichael). It was kind of nice to be able to put a face and a name for my parents. Most kids take advantage of their parents. Kyle and I would do anything to have two minutes with them (Not that we don’t appreciate Natalia, but it isn’t the same as having a mom and dad). Now, we had that though. But it wasn’t a real life thing. It was in a dream.
James knocked on the door and yelled at me to hurry up. I put a towel on my head and got dressed. I walked out and James rushed passed me, giving me a quick peck on the lips. He told me that there were some muffins on the counter.
I put on my corset and my wig. As I was eating a chocolate chip muffin, there was a knock on the door.
“It’s open!” I yelled, in my guy voice, in case it wasn’t one of the guys.
“Hey Kyla.” Blade said as he walked in. I just realized that his name was the same as my brother’s middle name.
“Hey Blade. Wanna muffin?” I asked him, with a mouth full. He grinned at me and picked up a blueberry one.
“Don min if i do.” He said, just like I had with a face full of muffin. I was getting some milk out for us when I thought occurred to me randomly.
“Hey Blade, do me a favor?” I asked him.
“Depends…” he said, looking a little skeptical.
“I just need your opinion and then your help.” I said, looking at him. When he nodded, I continued. “I’m thinking of getting blue in my hair. I would dye my bangs and then the underside. What do you think?” I asked, getting excited with the thought.
He looked at me like he was trying to figure out if I was serious. Then he chuckled and said,” Let’s see your real hair, then I can give you an answer from there.” I nodded eagerly and took off my wig. He walked up and made a box with his fingers, as if he was trying to picture it. Then he grabbed a strand of my hair, and nodded.
“I think you should do it.” He said. I smiled goofily at him but said
“I was going to do it anyway, but it makes me feel better to know that I have you on my side.” I told him. “Now, this afternoon, I will need you to drive me to town so I can get a bottle. Then I will need you to help me actually dye it.” He rolled his eyes, but nodded okay.
“Hey Blade. What’s going on?” James asked.
“Oh nothing.” I told him, “Blade and I were just planning our hot date this afternoon. Right Blade?” I said. James rolled his eyes.
“You aren’t planning on stealing my mate, are you Blade?” James asked, feigning shock. He pulled me into his bare chest. It was then I realized that he only had a towel on. Oh, how he knew to taunt me.
“Yes, actually I was. We were going to run away together, because we are madly in love. We were planning on having sixteen kids and be as poor as ever, but we would be rich in love. Right love?” Blade answered back, jokingly. I frowned.
“I thought we agreed on seventeen kids.” I said acting confused.
“Oh, right. My bad. Sixteen is the number of grandkids we were going to have.”
“You got it.” I said. He laughed and James looked back and forth between us. He didn’t know whether to be mad or laugh. He is so cute sometimes. He just rolled his eyes and went back to get dressed. Within five minutes, all the guys were there. Chris told me that they were the Veiled pack.
We all left out the door with five minutes left until we had to be in class. Blade told me that he would meet me right after school by his car to go get the dye. I could not wait!
The day flew by, with me joking with James all periods. When Ryan, Timmy, or Dakota were in there, it made it all better, because I could joke with them too.
After the last class, I headed out to the parking lot to meet Blade. I was bouncing when I finally saw him walk up to me. We got into his huge SUV, and once we were off the school campus, I unbuckled my seatbelt and started climbing to the back of the SUV.
“What are you doing?” he asked me.
“Changing. It would look weird if two guys went into a hair salon alone. This way, it will look like I made my helpless boyfriend come with me.” I said smirking.
He scoffed, “Yeah whatever.”
I continued changing. I took off my corset and baggy clothes and put on a bra and panties. I put on some short shorts and a Skillet t-shirt, Black Veil Brides bracelets, and a A7X necklace and converse. I climbed up back to the front with Blade.
“I’m not used to you being in girl clothes.” He said.
“Get used to I buddy.” I told him. We pulled into the hair salons parking lot, and I was jumping with excitement. I ran into the shop with Blade right on my heels.
“Can I help you?” a bored teenager said, while snapping her gum.
“I want blue hair.” I told her. Blade rolled his eyes.
“Sit right over there. I’ll call you up in a minute.” She said, eyeing Blade.
I sat down and waited five minutes before they called me. Blade followed me back. I told the lady what I wanted, and she told me that she would do it the first time here, then send me home with the bottle.
We walked out about an hour later, me with blue bangs and a blue underside. The lady talked Blade into getting a black streak in his platinum blonde hair. It made him look even sexier.
Instead of driving towards the school, he went down the street to a tattoo and piercing parlor. I looked at him in awe.
“I figured if we might as well go crazy with it.” He said with a shrug. I really was starting to love this boy.
We walked in, and decided to get a tattoo and snakebites each. Blade also got his eyebrow pierced. I got my middle name (Blaize) with flames around it on my shoulder. Blade got a wolf howling at the moon on his bicep. We got our snakebites and his eyebrow done, and we were out of there.
“Are we gonna stop and rob a convenience store for alcohol next?” I asked him.
“No. First we will outsmart a druggie into giving us some weed, then we will get the alcohol.” I started laughing and so did he. He told me not to worry about going back to the boy attire, the school was used to seeing some random girl on is arm. I gagged at that.
We paused outside of the room before entering. Someone, probably James, was pacing back and forth and Chris was telling him something.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure she is fine.” He said. It didn’t take me long to realize that the ‘she’ they were talking about was me. I burst into the room.
“What is going on?” I asked.
“Dude. You look awesome!” Andy yelled. I didn’t know what he was talking about until I remembered what Blade and I had done.
James came running up to me. “I thought you guys had actually gone to have your seventeen kids.” He said before kissing me passionately.
“Of course not.” I said when he pulled away. “Why would I do that when I can have twenty with you?” I joked. He smiled.
“So, blue huh? And snakebites. Looks like you guys had fun.” He said.
“Check this out.” Blade said to him. He made me turn around. He pulled my sleeve up so he could see my tattoo.
“Well, it looks like you guys had fun.” He said in a strained voice.
“It is my fault. I had the idea of blue this morning. Then the lady talked him into getting his streak. Then we sort of made our way to the tattoo and piercing place.” I told him.
“Blade finally got what he wanted!” Jeremey laughed.
“What do you mean?” I asked, turning to Blade.
“Well, I have always wanted to get the piercings and a tat, but these weenies were too afraid to go with me. I was kind of glad you asked me about the hair. That’s why I came over early this morning, to ask you if you would go with me.” He said, scratching his head.
“You could have just told me! We would have all gone anyway!” I said. He just smiled.
“Kyla. Can I talk to you alone?” James asked me.
“Sure.” I said, following him back to our room. I waved everyone goodbye.
James closed and locked the door.
“Why didn’t you ask me to take you?” he asked, walking towards my bed, where I had laid down.
I shrugged. “I Dunno. Blade was their when I got the idea. I was too excited to wait, so I asked him.” I told him truthfully. He was right by my bed now. He made me stand up.
He ran his fingers through my hair, and then touched my snakebites.
“So beautiful…” he murmured before he kissed me. I got the familiar warm feeling, and I turned into jello. He scooped me up so that I wasn’t touching the ground anymore. I wrapped my legs around his waist securely. I felt his tongue tap twice on my lip, and then it plunged into my mouth. I didn’t mind though. In fact, I welcomed it by making my tongue dance with his. He laid me gently on the bed and continued to kiss me.
“Don’t ever go off with Blade, or anybody, without my knowing again.” He growled against my lips. I shivered, because he was so close.
“Okay.” I said as he kissed my neck. He rolled off of me, and gave me one last kiss.
“I am trying to respect your wishes.” He told me when he saw my saddened expression.
“You make it very hard to keep my promise to you when you look sad when I pull away.” He told me. I gave him a quick peck, then did my homework and ate dinner. I went to bed after watching an episode of Big Bang Theory. James joined me after he shut off the television. I cuddled up into his chest thinking about how lucky I was to have someone like him in my life.

Chapter Eight.

BEEP BEEP BEEP. Ugh, I hate alarm clocks. They interrupt me and my precious time with sleep.
“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.” James poked me in the side.
“Go away…” I said, already half way back to sleep.
“Get up. Or I will get the bucket with ice water.” He said evilly. I shot out of the bed and grumbled to myself. I got all my clothes, and got in and out of the shower within ten minutes.
When I stepped out of the bathroom, I noticed that it was really cold in the room.
“James!” I yelled. “Turn the heat on! Just because you like it cold doesn’t mean I like it!” I was downright shivering.
“It’s broken! Let me see if everyone’s is broken.” I heard the door open, and a few minutes later he was back. I had put on two sets of sweatpants, a long sleeve shirt, and a sweatshirt in the time he was gone.
“They cancelled classes today. The heating is broken. They also said that we can’t leave the campus.” He said, looking aggravated. That made two of us.
“BROKEN?!” I screamed. I Hated the cold. HATED. “Why can’t we go anywhere? Ohmigosh I’m gonna diee!!” I screeched. Like I said before, hated the cold.
“Calm down. You will not die. I refuse to let that happen.” He told me. He put some sweats on of his own, then grabbed my hand and led me out to the living room and kitchen area.
“Coffee or hot chocolate?” he asked me. Who could decide?
“Hmmm…,” I said, really not knowing which one to choose. “Both.” I told him finally, with my innocent smile. He smiled back and started making coffee and hot chocolate.
“Here,” He said, handing me the hot chocolate first. “The coffee can stay hot all day since it is in the pot. Oh! Wait! I forgot the marshmallows!” he looked kind of upset. Maybe it’s a religious thing for him to have marshmallows. Oh well, I can’t blame him. They are the best part!
He came back into the room with, wait for it, Rainbow Marshmallows! Yes!
“I. Love. Rainbow. Marshmallows.” I told him, looking at him in awe. He just smiled at me, and sat next to me. He turned on the television then pulled me to his side. Not that I was complaining, the guys was hot. Looks wise and temperature wise.
There was a knock on the door, and he and I yelled ‘Its open!’ at the same time. It was kind of cute, but also kind of creepy. One at a time, the whole pack came in. They all made themselves some hot chocolate and sat down on the couch, in the beanbags, or sprawled on the floor. Blade smiled at me, and plopped down my other side. Now I had two hot guys on either side of me. Happy day for me.
“Hey, Son. Go get something to eat. I’m starved!” I said, talking to Anthony.
He grumbled but got up and went to the kitchen. He came back with chips, pretzels, chocolate, and peanut butter cookies. I went for the peanut butter cookies because they are my absolute favorite. Ever. Do not get between me and my peanut butter cookies.
“Kyla! Share the damn cookies!” James told me after I slapped his hand away from my cookies. Oh no.
“Fuck no. Mine. Go make your own. Besides, I did teach you how.” I sneered, referring back to my first night here. Good times, good times.
“Kyla! I don’t remember!” he said.
“Yes you do. You just don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of your pack. Now go. I am running low anyway.” I told him.
“No. Just share the mother lovin’ cookies!” he yelled.
“Nope.” I said, popping the p.
“Yes. Give them to me now. I am hungry to ya know!” he yelled.
“Get some chips,” I shrugged, changing the channel to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. All the guys groaned, but I grinned. Buffy kicks ass.
“Chris is eating them all!”
“No. I see him sharing with Jeremey. You can get some. Go ahead.” I told him, like he was a two year old.
“Kyla Blaize Grant! Give me the God damned cookies!” he yelled.
“Don’t use God’s name in vain!” I yelled back. I hated it when people do that. It is just wrong.
“Kyla! Gimme the cookies!” he was turning red now.
“NO!” I yelled.
“Fine, but you caused this. Just so you know. KYLA BLAIZE GRANT HAS CRABS!” he yelled. How childish.
“Blasphemer!” I yelled. “What a blasphemy. Besides, you wish you had crabs too! Cause that would mean you got some from me!” I said, tauntingly. The whole pack, who had been silently watching with amusement until now, was laughing hard. I could see tears running down some of their faces.
James glared at me. “Blade, will you get me a cookie?” he asked.
“I would rather not tangle with her. She didn’t cry out once when she got her tat. She just sat there looking bored. She is tough.” He answered, shaking his head and looking at me in awe. That was sort of a lie. I cussed the tattoo guy out, to where he almost kicked me out.
“Ugh.” James grunted. He got up to make some more cookies. ‘What a great boyfriend I have,’ I thought to myself.
He is pretty great

. I gasped out loud.

I asked inside my head.
Hey Kyls. Isn’t this cool? Miichael visited me last night, and taught me how to do this. I have been trying to contact you all morning, but in first period I had a test, then you were in an argument. It was very amusing.

Kyle’s voice answered back.
Holy crap. How can you hear me then? Because I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. Just talking in my head…
I can hear you. But you can’t start conversations. Only I can. And I can shut you out. It’s hard to explain.

He answered my question
“Kyla? Are you okay? You look weird.” Jeremey said.
“SHHH.” I said, silencing him or anybody else from talking.
So I see that we aren’t the only ‘special’ people around. Look at you. I send you to an all boy’s school and you go and get mated to a werewolf.

I replied, I guess I can call myself lucky, huh? He is super sweet, and takes good care of me.
Cool. Hey, how come I hear Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the background? Oh wait, it changed to football. Why aren’t you in class?

He asked.
Heater is out. It is cold like crazy in here. I can see my own breath. They canceled classes because they prefer us to freeze to death in our dorms rather than in class.

I said with a shudder.
Can’t you just leave? The school I mean?
Nope. They told us that anyone who leaves will get detention. Oh crap, speaking of detention James and I skipped yesterday…

I said more to myself than Kyle

I could hear the exclamation points in his voice.
No, no, no. we have to clean the lunchroom for a week.

I told him.
Why? Kyla Blaize Grant

- I cut him off before he could finish.
WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP USING MY FULL NAME?! Gah! And just so you know, I threw a sandwich at James, he ducked and it hit the wall. That time, the headmaster decided to pay us a visit.

I told him.
Look, I have to go. We will discuss this later.

He said in a stern voice.
Love you KyKy.
Love you too Kyls

. Then, my best friend and twin were gone.
“Earth to Kyla…”
“What?” I asked.
“Oh look. She woke up.” Andy said jokingly, but looking worried.
“Sorry. I just remembered something.” I told them.
“lie, lie, lie. All lies. You can’t lie to your mate, Kyla. Or should I say Kyls.” James said with a sneer. He looked pissed. At what, I don’t know.
“Okay. So I had a conversation. Big whoop.” I said
“With yourself?” Blade asked, in his sexy voice.
“Kyla. How could you have lied to me? You said you didn’t have anyone who tied you down away from me. At least that was the impression I got when you kissed me back and told me that you loved me.” He said, in the coldest term I have ever heard him use.
“What?” I asked, shocked. What is he talking about?
“You know exactly what I am talking about. But, you may not fully understand what I am saying. You are probably still thinking of your boyfriend.” He said, looking at me with such disgust that I felt sick. Then the pain really hit me. I felt really sick. My head was throbbing painfully, my stomach all the sudden very uneasy, but the worst of it was emotionally. I felt like my heart was being ripped in two, and stabbed and danced on, by the man that I love, who was standing in front of me. Accusing me of cheating on him.
“No, you got it all wrong-“I was going to continue, but he cut me off.
“You are right. I do have it all wrong. I have you and me all wrong. I was wrong to say that I loved you, but the worst thing is I was wrong to believe that you loved me back. So you are not the only one to blame here, don’t worry about that. Just ninety percent is your fault. So tell me, Kyls When were you going to tell me about him? Or were you just going to run out on me suddenly, because you have someone better waiting in the wings. Was I just a play toy for you, while you were here?” he was sneering at me. Tears were running freely down my face. The pain in my head and stomach got worse, but the pain in my heart swelled over a thousand times more. What is he talking about? What would make him believe that I would cheat on him? I was speechless. What is one supposed to say when the one they love is wrongly accusing them of cheating?
“What are you talking about, man?” Andy said, sticking up for me. He stood up and protectively stood in front of me. Nice to know that I had someone believe me. Where was James getting this wrong information?
“Just ask her.” He said, sneering at me. I have never felt so much pain in my life. It was unbearable. “She’s the whore who is two timing me.” He said. Again, the pain swelled even more.
“It's not true.” I said, my voice failing me. I sounded weak. The tears were really coming down now.
“Whatever. You are a whore. She was going to leave me. She has another waiting in the wings. She already has a mate.” Gasps came from the guys.
I couldn’t handle it anymore. I rushed pasted him and out the door. I can’t belief… he… said… that. I couldn’t see straight. The pain was unbearable
“By the way, I deny you as my mate!” he yelled at my back. That made my whole world shatter. It was like he was the only one who held me to this world. Like, he was a thick steel band that connected me to the surface, and kept me from floating away into nothingness. Now, it was like that band was snapped, and I was free flying into nothing but pain and misery. It’s hard to believe that one word could give someone so much pain and sorry. That word being ‘deny’.
I crumpled to the floor in the elevator. That is where Ryan found me. I’m glad it was him and not someone else. It wasn’t because I wasn’t wearing my boy costume, not at all. It was because if anyone could even try to put me together with scotch tape, it would be him, Dakota, and Timmy. But right now, I honestly don’t think that will happen.
“Kyla? W-what happened? Are you okay?” I shook my head no. he tried to help me to stand up, but it was impossible. The pain was too much. I felt like I was having heart attack after heart attack. It didn’t end. There wasn’t even a pause. Just continuous heart killing pain. But it didn’t kill my heart. If that were so, I wouldn’t be able to feel it. Or anything at all.
He scooped me up into his arms, and carried me to his and Timmy’s dorm room. He called Dakota.
“Kota. Get here NOW. It’s Kyla. Something happened. I’ll explain when you get here.” He said urgently before hanging up.
“Kyla? What happened?” he asked with so much care in his voice.
“J-James…” I said. Just that one word brought me so much more pain. Two words in one day made my whole world come crashing down around me. Those words being deny and James.
“H-he. C-claims th-that I ch-ch-cheated on-n h-him. H-he s-s-says-s that-t I had-d-d another-r one w-waiting in-n the-e w-w-wing-g-ss!” I finally got out. So much pain…
“Oh, honey.” He said, pulling me close to him. Timmy was rubbing my back. Dakota burst into the door and saw the scene in front of him. Ryan told him what happened.
“That Bastard!” he yelled, with so much hate and coldness that it reminded me of…. Him.
He came over and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
“I’ll be right back.” He said to me. “Timmy, come with me. Ryan, stay here and comfort her. If I need you I’ll send Timmy back.” He said. He slammed the door shut behind them. I thought that the tears couldn’t come any harder, but I was proved wrong.
Kyls? Are you okay?

I heard Kyle ask.

I replayed the scene in my head for him.
WHAT? I’m coming, baby. No sister of mine is going to be talked to that way.

I nodded, and he was gone.

Chapter Nine.

I spent the rest of the afternoon crying. Every time that I thought that my tear ducts were dry I would start again. My head was killing me. Any little noise caused spilling pain to shoot through my temples. My stomach was queasy. I couldn’t hold anything down, and I was even throwing up on empty. My muscles were so soar, and it felt like they would snap. All in all, I felt like crap.
But that was not the worst of it. The worst was the emotional pain. I felt like my heart was constantly being ripped in two. Daggers going through it. So much weight, I had never realized how… how light it felt before. Now it was like I was in the deepest pit of the ocean. Even under that. It hurt to breath. When I did, I was afraid that it would be the last straw; it would shatter in to a million pieces. I wish. That would bring relief to my pain. But instead, I have to endure it. The pain I mean. There was no relief, not for a split second. No matter what Ryan, Timmy, Dakota, and even Kyle said couldn’t help.
“Kyls, you have to at least try to eat something.” Ryan said, in a gentle, kind, loving voice. Why couldn’t he have been my mate? Not the jerk that won’t even stop to hear the story, just to assume things. Timmy and Dakota were nodding behind him.
Kyls, listen to him. You need to eat.

My brother Kyle assured me in my head.

can’t. I’ll just puke it back up.

I told him back, emotionlessly.
Please. You need to eat something. Look, I know that ass hurt you, but you can’t let what he said control your world.

He told me, trying to sound brotherly.
You don’t even understand. I feel like he was the one, thick, steel band that held me to this earth. Without him, I feel like I am floating away into nothingness and pain. And I was too stupid to realize it before. I am in so much pain, I feel like my heart will stop any minute. But it doesn’t. The pain just stays constant…

I trailed off. My tears came stronger.
“Thatta girl.” Dakota whispered. I hadn’t even realized that while I was talking to Kyle, they gently stuck the spoon of hot broth in my mouth. I could feel it trailing down my throat, scorching its way down. It probably was not even all that hot, but to me, it was fire.
“Too hot.” I said, frowning. Meanwhile, the tears never stopped.
Kyls, what is your room number?

I told him without thinking twice.

. He was gone again.
Timmy put the broth in the fridge for ten minutes, and then made me eat it. Dakota gave me sleeping pills, and I was out within ten minutes.

*Kyle’s POV*
Nobody and I mean NOBODY, talks to MY twin that way. She is sweet, kind, beautiful, loving, daring, and friendly. No one talks to my baby sister like that. Not even me. She deserves that respect from everyone. Besides, I know my sister, possibly even better than Krissy her best friend. It wouldn’t surprise me if I knew her better than she herself does. My point is I would have known if she had a mate before she came here. I could feel something had changed when she met him. She felt more complete. I guess you could say we had twin telepathy, but we shared something stronger than that. We could feel each other’s physical pain. That is rare.
So, some ass hole calling my sister a whore has brought me here, to room 12-23 at St. Patrick’s Permanent School for Young Men. I had ditched all my chick attire in my room at St. Elsie’s’ Young Lady’s Academy.
I knocked on the door and some tall guy with dark hair and blue eyes answered the door. He looked like shit. I could hear voices in the background. He had company.
“Are you James?” I asked, in a cold voice. He looked at me and nodded. I pulled my fist back and punched him in the jaw. He stumbled back a few paces, and then he lunged for me. But I was too quick. I dogged him effortlessly. I threw him into the wall; he tugged me down with him, and started throwing punches in my face.

*Kyla’s POV*
I woke up with a start. My jaw ached, and my nose felt like it was broken. ‘What the hell?’ I thought to myself. All the sudden, I felt like I was being kicked in the stomach.
“KYLE!” I shouted, putting two and two together. He had asked me for my room number, meaning mine and James’s. That meant that he was here. If I was feeling pain, that meant that he was either getting the shit beat out of him, or he was beating the shit out of someone else.
I got up and ran from the room. I heard Ryan call after me, but this was my brother. I had to make sure that he was okay.
When I got the twelfth floor, I didn’t even have to enter the room to see what was going on. The whole Veiled pack was standing around in a circle yelling ‘beat the shit out of him James!’ and ‘don’t let him see another day!’ Aw, hell no. not my brother.
I pushed my way through the guys, and they didn’t even give me a second glance. They were too busy engrossed in the fight in front of them. James was on top of Kyle, and punching him in the face, and Kyle was scratching James’ eyes out practically.
With force id dint know I even had, I threw James off of Kyle and veered to face him. I was seeing red. James came flying at me, and knocked me into the wall. I punched him and he went flying back. I walked over to where he was lying on the floor and kicked and punched him multiple times.
“Kyla. Stop. You did well, but you have to stop now.” Kyle told me, with a hand on my shoulder.
I stopped looking at James, and looked at my brother. The red tint that I saw went away. I looked over Kyle to make sure he was okay, and then I flung myself into his arms.
“Kyle! Why did you do that? You could have gotten yourself killed! What would Bazil and Miichael say if you did? And what about me? How would I be able to live without you?” I asked him, tears running down my face. Ryan, Timmy, and Dakota came running up.
“Kyla! Are you okay? You went running out of there like there was a demon or something…” Dakota trailed off. He looked at me and Kyle.
“Who is this?” he asked.
“isn’t it obvious?” James sneered, as she got up from the ground. “This is her real mate. Now leave, you bloodsucker. No one asked you to be here.” He spat. Bloodsucker?
I veered around and punched him. “For your information you asshole, this is my brother. My best friend. The only person who I can tell absolutely everything to. It’s just sick for you to think that he is my mate.” Kyle pulled me close to him.
“Shh. Calm down Blaza.” He said, using my nickname for when I was really mad or really sad. “He didn’t know. Yes, he is an ass for saying things to you. But he didn’t know.” He soothed me. “Come on, baby. Let’s go somewhere so you and I can get out of here.” He said, kissing my head. I love Kyle. He and I dint act like normal siblings do, we have been through so much together. Yes, he annoys me and I annoy him. But that is just life.
I nodded, and he started leading me to the elevators. I didn’t even look at James. We were about to step on, when I perfect blonde and dark haired man stepped out.
“My babies.” Bazil said to us, and pulled us in close. Miichael pulled the three of us to him.
“I am so glad to see you two defending one another. It warms my heart.” She said her voice muffled my Kyle’s hair.
“Mom. Dad.” I said. Miichael grinned and Bazil looked surprised. To be honest, I was too. Surprised, that is. I had always called then Bazil and Miichael, not Mom and Dad.
“Kyla. Are you okay? What boy broke my baby girl’s heart?” Miichael asked with a serious look on his face.
“Don’t worry about that scum bag. We tag teamed him.” Kyle said, looking at me with worry.
“No. he needs to know not to mess with my baby.” Miichael said, looking at me. I nodded, and led him around the corner and to the door. They were all still in the hallway. Gasps came from eh entire group. They all looked between me, Kyle, Bazil, and Miichael. I ignored them and didn’t stop until I was in front of James.
“James Elwood Abernathy. You are the one who broke my daughter’s heart? I would have thought that you were raised better than that.” Miichael said in a disapproving tone.
“M-Miichael. B-Bazil. I thought that you were d-dead.” He stuttered. Everyone in the group nodded, even Timmy and Dakota. Ryan was looking at me in shock.
“Do not turn the conversation to us.” Miichael said in a stern voice. A voice that said ‘I demand your attention.’ “Why are you hurting my baby girl? What did you do to cause my son to come down here to defend her?” Miichael said, still using that voice.
“Sir, I can explain. Please come in to sit down. It is something of a long story.” He told us. Miichael looked at me, and then nodded to James. We all headed inside, eager to hear what James had to say. Me being one of them.

Chapter Ten.

“Okay, James. You can start now.” Bazil said. I sat between her and Kyle. Miichael sat on the other side of Kyle, and the pack just sprawled out on the floor and beanbag chairs. James pulled a chair from the kitchen and was sitting so he could see us. But really, he was looking at me.
“Well, being mates with Kyla, I can communicate with her through my mind. It isn’t strong yet since we haven’t completed the, uh, mating process…” he said, stuttering off.
“Damn straight you haven’t.” Kyle and Miichael said at the same time. That was creepy, but cute that they wanted to protect me, and also kind of embarrassing.
“Anyways, I can communicate with her through my mind, and she can do the same with me. If I wanted to, or if she wanted to, I could hear her thoughts.” He said, looking at me.
“We understand the process.” Bazil said patiently.
“But I don’t. Let him continue.” I said, nodding at James.
“Well, anyways, I wanted to see what was going on. You had a confused look on your face. When I entered your mind, I heard a voice. One that wasn’t yours or mine. I could have decided two things 1) you are demon possessed. 2) You had another mate. You didn’t seem demonic to me, so I went with the mate thing. But, now I know it was your brother.” He said, looking guilty.
“Do you know how painful that was for me? I felt like I was being shattered, but instead of being shattered and left alone, it was continuous. I still kind of feel that way.” I said, tears coming into my eyes. He jumped out of his chair, and wiped the tears from my face.
“I am so sorry. I didn’t know. It was painful for me to, but more so for you. I wish I could take it back. Can you ever forgive me?” he asked. I could see that the pain and guilt was eating him alive, but that didn’t mean that I was going to give in easily.
“We’ll see.” I said, looking away. Pain registered on his face.
“Kyls, I’m hungry. What do you have to eat?” Kyle asked me. Thank God for my twin, who knew when I needed a distraction.
“Come on. We can go make something.” I said, getting up and heading into the kitchen, Kyle following me. He shut the little window that led out into the living room so nobody could see inside. He came over and gave me a big hug.
“I am so sorry. All of this is my fault.” He said into my shoulder.
“No it isn’t. If he hadn’t have jumped the gun in things, we wouldn’t be in this mess. It isn’t just you. It is you, me and him.” I said, pulling away. I got out some bread, cheese and butter and made thirty grilled cheese sandwiches using the giant pan. I also made some peanut butter cookies. Kyle helped, but didn’t say much.
I piled all the sandwiches on a plate, got the ketchup and cookies, and went out into the living room. Kyle was following with paper plates for everybody. I had made enough sandwiches for everybody to have at least two. Kyle and I ended up eating three. We are such pigs. We also didn’t share the cookies. Kyle shares my love for peanut butter cookies. We ate all twenty of them without any help. The guys all looked longingly at them, but when they saw the glares from me and Kyle; they changed their minds real quick about wanting some.
When we came back, James was talking about his parents. Apparently, Bazil and Miichael knew them. James told stories of his little sister and brother, and the other guys gave some details too. Then, the questions were directed toward Bazil and Miichael.
“Well, I guess this is our time to leave.” Miichael said. He turned to me and Kyle, and gave us each a big kiss on the forehead and a hug. Bazil did the same.
“Goodbye my babies. I know you have questions, but we will answer them another time. Remember what we told you before. Goodbye.” And then they were gone. Like literally gone. Disappeared before our eyes. They didn’t walk out the door like normal people, it was poof and they were gone. Crazy, I know, but I saw it. Everybody else did too, but they didn’t look as phased as Kyle and I did. Weird.
“Well, now that I know you are okay, I better go too. Like I totally have a test in the morning!” he said the last part in a girlish voice. Oh how I loved my brother.
I smiled,” I will walk you to the car.” I grabbed my jacket, and then we were out the door.
“You going to be okay?” he asked me.
“Yeah. It will just be awkward when I get back. I’m sure James will make everyone else leave, so he can talk to me alone. But, it is going to have to happen sometime.” I told him truthfully. I was not looking forward to it, but we all have to do things in life that we don’t like.
“Okay, Kyls. I trust you.” He said. We were standing out by his car now. I only got to see my brother for about two hours. Now, he is leaving again.
“So… does this mean that I win the dare?” I asked him, with a playful shove.
“Heck no. it is just a minor setback. If Krissy asks, it never happened, deal?” he asked. The loser still thinks he has a chance of getting the money.
“Deal.” I told him, and with that, he got in the car, blasted Escape the Fate from his speakers, and was gone. I turned around and started heading back to the apartment building when I met Ryan.
“Hey, KyKy.” He said.
“Oh. Hey Ryan. Listen, about the stuff you heard today…” I started telling him.
“Do you really think that I was a human? I must be a really good actor…” he said with a goofy grin.
“What?” I asked him, shocked. I knew that I had heard the term ‘bloodsucker’ earlier, but I thought that I was just making things up. Ryan glanced around the lobby, making sure that we were alone.
“I’ll tell you in the elevator. Besides, if guys see you, they are just going to get curious.” I had forgotten that I was wearing my girl clothes.
He held the elevator for me, after some guys got off. Ryan was right; they all looked at me hungrily. Pigs.
Once the elevator was closed, I looked at him expectantly.
“I am not human. Neither is Dakota or Timmy. We are half breeds. Half vampire half wizard.” He told me, searching my eyes. For what, I don’t know. If it was for fear, well I am used to being told that the people around me are not human, but a creature that I thought was mythical. When I voiced this aloud, he visibly relaxed.
“Good. I was kind of hoping that you would not freak. I kind of like having you as a friend. So does Timmy and Dakota.” He said.
“I really like you guys too. But I have a question. It seemed like everyone was on awe of my parents. Why?” I asked, truly confused. He chuckled.
“Your parents have great power. No one really knows what they are, but they themselves. If they wanted to, they could collapse the whole Mystiq Kingdom. At one point they almost did, but they apparently decided that it would be better to keep you guys alive. Not that I am not glad that they did, it is just no one knew you existed.” He said, trying to cover up his tracks. I was not paying attention to that anyway.
“What is the Mystiq Kingdom?” I asked him, utterly confused.
“It is who we belong to. We are all, uh, servants to the Kingdom. There is a King, a Queen, and supposedly a son, but no one has seen him before. Perhaps he was hidden like you and Kyle were, to keep you alive.” He said.
“Does the Kingdom rule over all mythical creatures?” I asked him. I was learning so much today.
“Yes. But, they aren’t mythical; in fact they are very much real. The Kingdom rules over everybody who is not mortal. Under the Kingdom, there is Parlors. There is a Parlor in charge of each Kingdom. One for Vampires, Werewolves, Wizards, Witches, Mermaids, Demons, Angels.” He said.
“I thought God is over Angels.” I asked, confused.
“He is. He is over all. Mortals and creatures alike. He created it. But, sadly, some of the Parlors do not believe He deserves to be in power. There is a war going on.” He said, looking sad.
“God will win.” I said, triumphantly.
“Yes, but some people are too stupid to see that in the end they will fail.” He said sadly. By now, we were at my floor.
“Listen, if you have any questions, come and find me. I would love to answer them.” He said. I nodded, gave him a hug, and went to my room, where I know there would be an uncomfortable talk.

Chapter Eleven.

I stood outside of our door and took a deep breath.
“If you are here for James, he just left. But, I can give you what he was going to give you, but even better.” A voice called out to me to the left. I turned and saw a really hot guy. I had seen him around, but I had never been this close to him. He had blonde hair and blue green eyes that glistened like jewels. He was tall and tan. He was very very hot.

“How do you know I am looking for James?” I asked him, putting my hands on my hips.
“Well, beautiful, there is a different girl standing where you are every week. Sometimes multiple times a week. But the funny thing is, it is always a different girl. I never have once seen one girl multiple times.” He said. He looked at me funny. Pity. I realized that he pitied me.
“Well, I hear that it has been a while since someone has shown up on his door. He has a girlfriend.” I said, smugly. Okay, I admit that I was also testing him.
“That is where he lied, sweet. You see, he always tells her that they will see each other all the time, and start a relationship. But he, like most guys, only want one thing. In fact, just yesterday I saw a girl standing where you are.” He said. He was studying me closely.
“That’s impossible. I was practically with him all day.” I told him.
“No you weren’t. He was in class. Just like everyone else. And believe me, I would have been the first to know if a girl was sitting in a classroom.” If he only knew…
“I think Blade would have told me.” I said. He nodded.
“Blade is a faithful one. I think that he disapproves of James and all his girls. Yes, he brings one in every now and then, but not constantly, like James. Besides, Blade was not here all day. In fact, I remember him coming up with piercings and a tattoo. He went and got those yesterday. It was when he was gone that she showed up.” He looked sad now, and uncomfortable. This isn’t true. It can’t be.
“What did she look like?” I asked while closing me eyes.
“Do you really want to know that?” he asked. I shook my head no. this guy was good.
“Look, I think it looks like you need a friend. Come with me, and we can go get coffee and chocolate and do whatever the hell you want.” I was really starting to like him.
I nodded, still not wanting to believe what I was hearing.
“I’m Tristan by the way. You are?” he asked.
“Kyla.” I answered him. He smiled at me, and took my arm in his. It was then I busted into tears. James had accused me of cheating. Pot calling kettle black much?
The pain I had felt earlier had been numbing, but it was back now. Tristan put his arm around me, and just held me. This might sound crazy, but he numbed the pain some. It was like when I was with him, it was sucked right out of me.
As we were walking out, I saw James. What Tristan had told me was true. Because, getting out of his car was the sluttiest looking girl ever. And what did she do? Why, she threw herself all over James. And he did not even push her off, or try to. He wrapped his arm around her and headed towards the doors. Tristan must have known what I was thinking, because his grip on me tightened. I felt the tears escape again.
James looked over and caught my eye. He looked hurt, but then his facial expressions got hard. He turned and started having a make out session with Ms. Slut. It was so painful. I was full out sobbing. Tristan stopped walking, and just pulled me into his arms. I buried my face in his neck saying ‘it's not fair, it’s not fair’ over and over again. I thought that it was all better between the two of us now. I thought that we had settled all our differences.
Tristan picked me up and carried me to his car, me still sobbing like a baby. James had a look of regret in his eyes, but I wouldn’t know for sure. If I would have looked harder, I would have ran up to him and jumped into his arms. Yes, even through all of this pain, I still loved him. And I hated myself for it.

Chapter Twelve.

We drove in silence. Well, I was as silent as I could be, blowing my nose and sobbing. I was so glad I had met Tristan. I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t. What would I have done of James walked through the door with that girl? What would he have done? At least with Tristan, I had an escape. I know this is terrible, but that is all I see him as. An escape from reality.
“So, where do you want to go?” he asked me softly. I shrugged. I really didn’t feel like going anywhere. I just wanted to curl up into a ball, and stay there forever.
“I can tell you don’t feel like being in public. My brother has an apartment not too far from here. He moved in with his fiancée, so he doesn’t live there anymore. We can go there?” he offered.
“That would be great.” I said hoarsely.
We pulled into an apartment complex. The place was adorable. It was small, but it had a homey feel to it. I loved it. Tristan helped me to the coach, and I sat down. He sat next me and I thought ‘what the heck?’ and lay down so my head was in his lap. He stroked my hair comfortingly. It was exactly what I needed. We watched movie after movie until we couldn’t keep our eyes open anymore. He turned the television off, and put me on a bed, and started making his way to the couch.
“No, please stay. I need you.” I told him. He smiled sympathetically at me, and took off his shoes and jacket and lay down beside me. I curled up into his open arms and fell asleep quickly. I just wish that my dreams had been pleasant.

I was standing in on a boat… in… Italy? It sure looked like it. Venice, I think. I felt somebody take my hand, and I saw that it was Bazil.
“Hey Baby girl. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. You didn’t seem perky like you usually do.” She said. I just love my mom.
“Well, currently am asleep in the arms of some guy I just met. Tell me, how do you think I am doing?” I asked her snottily. I didn’t mean to be, it’s just I was still hurt.
“Well, I would say not so great. Please tell me that you didn’t….” I cut her off before she could finish.
“No, no, no. I would never. Not until marriage. Let me explain. I was just coming back from walking Kyle out to his car. I was standing outside of my door, trying to sort out my feelings when this guy, Tristan, said ‘if you are looking for James, he just left.’ So we started talking, and he told me that… that James had a new girl over every week. He said that I looked like I needed a friend, and offered to take me out to get my mind off of things. When we were leaving, James was with a girl. And she was all over him.” By the time I finished, I was crying. More like, I was in danger of flooding the little canal we were on.
“Oh, baby…” Bazil said, holding me tight and stroking my hair.
“It hurts so much. Why? I have never felt like this with anybody else.” I said, sobbing into her neck.
“He is your mate. When mates have an argument, it can be very painful, depending on the level of the argument. When you meet your mate, it is like you literally become one. Not just physically but mentally also. That means that you can hear each other’s thoughts and feel each other’s emotions just like they are yours. And sometimes even stronger. Some people describe their relationship with their mate is like nothing else keeps them to the earth. Like…”
“Like on big steel cord keeping you bound tightly together and to the earth.” I said finishing for her.
She nodded,”Yes. Depending on how deep the argument, umm, cuts you, I guess, is how you feel. A dear friend of mine had an argument with her mate about a stain on the couch. The pain did not go very deep, but her sister lost it completely when her mate was killed. It was like a part of her died, more than half of her. A mate… completes you.” She said.
“But if James and I complete each other, then how can he hurt me like this? Doesn’t he feel my pain too? Doesn’t he know that I feel like I am being stabbed relentlessly on the inside?” I asked. It is really hard to put into words how I actually feel.
“That I don’t know. But I do think I know this: do you think that maybe you seeing him with this other girl could be a way for him to deal with the pain since your argument?” she asked me. I guess she had a point, but why go to some girl who isn’t going to do much for you? When I voiced my opinion, she laughed.
“Oh, dear. I honestly don’t know. I guess males don’t think like we women do. They just act without thinking about consequences.” Now it was my turn to laugh.
“I’m guessing the whole point of this conversation is that I need to talk to James.” I said after I had sobered up.
“You have guessed correctly.” She said smiling at me. She had a beautiful smile.
“Thanks mom. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t have talked to me.” I told her.
“Of course. It’s what moms are for, right?”
“Right.” I said, giving her a big hug. I took in her smell. Lavenders and vanilla.
“Go. Talk to him. Work it out. If you need me, just call.”
“How do I call you?” I asked, getting confused.
“You will know if you need it.” She said, as the dream was fading.

Chapter Thirteen.

I woke up with determination flowing through my veins.
“Tristan…. Tristan. TRISTAN!” I said while slightly shaking him, then beating his chest.
“Wha-at?” he asked, still half asleep and very annoyed.
“Take me back to the school.” I said. That got his attention. He sat up and turned on the lamp next to the bed. He looked so cute. His hair was everywhere.
“Why? What are you going to do?” he asked looking suspicious.
“I need to talk to James. We have some problems that need to be worked out.” I told him, while getting up. I went over to the mirror and smoothed out my hair. Tristan’s wasn’t the only one who had it going every direction.
“Are you sure?” he asked, also getting up. I took that as a good sign.
“Yeah. I can’t just run from my problems. I need to face them.” I said while putting on my shoes.
“Good. I’m glad you finally realized that.” He said while sitting next to me putting in his shoes. I stopped and looked at him.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I know that you are posing as Kyle at the school. I know that James is a werewolf and you are his mate. I know that you parents are Bazil and Miichael.” He said. All I could do is look at him shocked.
“What? How do you…” I trailed off. I didn’t tell anybody.
“I am your… what’s the word… guardian I guess you could say.” He told me, looking into my eyes.
“Guardian?” I was so confused.
“I protect you, and you protect me. We have each other’s back. I feel your pain, you feel mine. I am not your only guardian though. Kyle and Blade are also your guardians, as you are theirs.”
“How did you know?” I asked him. I was so lost.
“Bazil and Miichael told me. They came to me in my dreams and said ‘protect our little girl’ and I was like ‘what?’ and they explained the whole situation to me. You are lucky. Most people have three guardians like you do, but they usually only meet one, if that many. But, I think something else is different about you. I believe you have more than three…” he said.
“Whoa. Stop right there. Explain this later. I need to see my mate.” I said while walking out the door. Great. Even more confusing mythical creatures in my life.
Tristan followed me, and we were driving within minutes. I looked at the clock. 12:42.
He turned on the radio station and Rebel Yell by Billy Idol was on.
“Last night a little dancer came dancin' to my door/ Last night a little angel Came pumpin cross my floor/ She said "Come on baby I got a license for love/ And if it expires pray help from above"/ Because/ In the midnight hour she cried- "more, more, more"/ With a rebel yell she cried- "more, more, more"/ In the midnight hour babe- "more, more, more"/ With a rebel yell- "more, more, more"/ More, more, more!”/ She don’t like slavery, she wont sit and beg/ But when I’m tired and lonely, she sees me to bed.” I pretty much sang the whole song. It is amazing.
“I didn’t know you could sing.” Tristan said, as we pulled into the parking lot.
“I can’t. I am tone deaf.” I said, looking at him strangely. He must have hearing aids, but forgot to put them on.
“I think you can.”
“I think you left your hearing aids on the table.”
“I don’t have hearing aids.”
“You need them.” I said while getting out of the truck.
“No I don’t.”
“Don’t argue with me.” I said as I walked in the door. I went to the elevator and pressed the button. I pressed it multiple times and it still didn’t work.
“Fuck this!” I screamed, and made a beeline for the stairwell.
“You didn’t know that the elevators don’t work at night?” Tristan asked with a smile obviously in his voice.
“Well, I usually don’t wake up a stranger next to me and tell him to take me back to the school at 1 in the morning.” I replied snidely. Now that I could feel James so close, I was getting anxious. Not of seeing him, but to see what he had to say to me. I understand that some people cope with things a different way, but he better have an excuse to cope this way.
As I trudged up the stairs, I was thinking about all I would say. Should I yell at him? Or jump into his arms and apologize. Apologize for what though? I didn’t do anything wrong. He did. He is the one who accused me of cheating when he was the one doing it. He was the one that had another girl all over him when I went to make things better between us. Really, he should be the one coming to me to apologize. But, he was male. And most males tend to run from conversations that involve their feelings.
What if this will be like this all the time? What if he goes to other women later on in our relationship? I don’t want to be that one girl. You know the one who stands by the side of her boyfriend desperately even if it is obvious that he is cheating. That would make me look bad.
Well, I am going to have to make sure that that doesn’t happen. How? I don’t know. I was too stupid to see that he was cheating on me now. What to do, what to do?
Life can be a real bitch sometimes.
“Tell me about it.” Tristan said behind me.
“You heard that?”
“Yeah. I can hear your thoughts when I want to. You were quiet, and I wanted to know what you were thinking.” I whorled around to face him
“Don’t do it again, okay? I hate that James can read my mind. I hate that Kyle can read my mind. Hell, he is like a voice in my mind. Only do it if it is absolutely necessary, okay?”
“Deal. As long as you don’t read mine.” He responded.
“I don’t even know how. You are safe there.”
“It's easy. Just… open your mind to other things. Picture thoughts, but not your thoughts, my thoughts.” I tried exactly what he said, and my head started getting this pounding sensation
“Oww.” I moaned.
“It hurts the first couple of times. Try again.” He said.
I opened my mind, and pictured his thoughts.
Can you hear me?

I heard him say.
“Whoa!” I said out loud.
“Cool isn’t it?”
“Very.” I said while turning around on the stairwell. We were about on the seventh floor. Five more floors to go.
“Do you have to be in a close proximity to hear another’s thoughts?” I asked while still going up the steps.
“No. as long as you are mated or bonded, that is what they call the relationship of guardians, you can hear them and they can hear you.” He answered. I heard him start back up the stair behind me.
“Cool. I am going to try Kyle.”
I opened my mind, and pictured Kyle.
Aw shit. I forgot my homework. Oh well, I can just copy Christy’s

I started snickering. Typical Kyle. The cool thing is, I can still hear my thoughts and see where I am going, but I can also see where he is and hear what he is thinking. That is so cool.
I was on the ninth floor now, and my legs were killing me. So, I sat down. Tristan looked down at me and laughed out loud.
“Get tired, Princess?” he asked.
“We all can’t be in shape. Then candy makers would go out of business.” I said defending myself.
He scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me like that the rest of the way up the stairs. I didn’t complain. It meant that I didn’t have to walk it.
When we got to the twelfth floor, he gently sat me down. I smiled wide at him.
“Thanks.” I said. He smiled widely back.
“No problem.”
I pushed the door open and started walking down the dimly lit hall.
“Do you want me to come with you?” he asked. I turned so that I was facing him.
“Well, it is kind of a conversation between me and James. But if the tramp is still here, I will need your assistance.” He smiled at that.
“I will wait out here then. Call me when you need my muscles.” He said while showing his ‘guns.’ I have to admit, they were nice.
“Thank you.” I said, while enveloping him into a bag hug. He wrapped his arms back around me.
“Anything for you Princess.” He said. He kissed my hair, but not in a romantic way. A brotherly way. I squeezed him one more time before I released him. I turned around, took a deep breath, and walked towards my room. Room 12- 23.
I collected myself together before I opened the door. I took one glance back at Tristan, who smiled at me and gave me an encouraging nod. I opened the door the rest of the way, then hesitantly stepping inside. I shut the door softly and turned around to what faced me on the inside.

Chapter Fourteen.

I stepped into the dark living room. Well, mostly dark. It was the TV was on low volume, illuminating a soft glow throughout the room. NCIS was on. I would have stopped and watched it, but right now I had more important things on my mind.
As I stepped into the kitchen, I saw that the light over the sink was also turned on. I was grateful because then I could see where I was going. I walked over to the table, where a glass of milk sat spilt. The milk that was on the table was dripping onto the floor one drop at a time. Drip. Drip. Drip. I picked up cloth and dampened it, and wiped up the mess on the table and the floor. I put the glass into the sink. As I was doing so, I heard our bedroom door creak open. Time to face this.
“Who is there?” a really annoying voice rang out. Crap the tramp is still here. I spun around in time to see her come into the kitchen. She was wearing a t-shirt… wait. That is my shirt! Aw hell no!
“James! Intruder! Who are you?” she screeched. A sleepy James came stumbled in. He instantly woke up when he saw me.
Get this nasty tramp out of my apartment

. I told Tristan through the bond.
Yes ma’am.

He replied instantly. I heard the front door open, and Tristan was suddenly there with Ms. Whore thrown over his shoulder.
Wait. I want my shirt.

I told him. I marched over to them. He set her down and I snatched my shirt off of her.
James was next to me instantly with her clothes. He handed them to her silently. She looked at him pleading for help, but one look at me shut up whatever she was going to say.
“Get her out of here, Prince.” I know, I know. Bad time to come up with a nickname for him. But since he calls me Princess…
“See you later Princess.” He said. Through our bond, he threw me a quick kiss, then was out the door with a kicking and screeching whore over his shoulder. I don’t care what he does with her, I just need to talk to James.
“Well that was interesting.” James said, trying to ease some of the tension. I turned to face him from looking at the door.
“Why?” I asked. I was surprised by the weakness and the need in my voice. I was supposed to sound strong. “Why? How could you do that to me?” I asked. My voice cracked and the tears were flowing down my cheeks.
“I am not the only one…” he started to cut him off.
“Don’t even go there James! You and I both know that yes you were the only one! You know that two days ago it was only Kyle, my twin brother! You know that Tristan was only my guardian! Don’t even go and try to spread the blame to me too! You know I would never do that to you! If you only knew the pain that I have faced the past couple of days…” now he cut me off. Let me tell you, he was mad too.
“You think I don’t know the pain you had? Wrong! I can feel your pain! And I wasn’t just feeling your pain, but mine too! When I heard his voice in your mind, I felt my heart shatter into pieces. I thought that you weren’t mine. I felt like you were ripped from my grasp on you. No, I felt worse than that. Like I never really had you.” He said. Tears were streaming down his face as well.
“So to fix it you go to some whore? And not only just now, but before then too.” I said. I couldn’t believe he was trying to point this on me.
“Who told you about before?” he asked.
“So it’s true! If you really thought of me as yours, don’t you think I would have thought of you as mine?” I asked.
“You didn’t answer my question!”
“It doesn’t matter who the fuck told me you were cheating on me! The only thing that matters is that you did it! Why would you do such a thing?” I asked him.
“I will not answer your question until you answer mine!” he yelled back.
“Look, I came here to get some answers and work this whole thing out. But that obviously isn’t happening.” I said while walking to the bedroom
What is your room number?

I asked Tristan. No way in hell am I staying here.
11-15. do I get the pleasure of you being in my presence?

He replied.
Don’t even act like you weren’t listening. I’ll be there in three minutes

. I told him. I packed all of my stuff. I was not going to stay here, or have to come back.
“What are you doing?” James asked me.
“What does it look like I am doing? I can’t stand this. I can’t stand you right now. Just looking at you makes me sick. I can come back when you stop being a man whore. Maybe not even then.” I told him. I shoved him out of my way and marched out of the room, through the kitchen and the living room.
“You can’t run from your problems!” he called to me.
“I didn’t. I came back to try to work things out. You are the one who ran to sex.” I said before I closed the door. I stomped down the hall and to the stairs to the eleventh floor. I was at Tristan’s door within seconds.
I didn’t even knock. I just barged right in.
“Well hey there.” He said.
“Shut up. I’m going to bed. I am tired and pissed off right now.” I said. I tossed my suitcase on the floor. His room is identical to ours… uh I mean James’… so I knew exactly where his room was. I kicked off my shoes and plopped down on the bed. A few moments later, I felt his weight on the other side of the bed.
He pulled me close to his chest.
“Hey. It will be okay. It will all work out.” He told me as I sobbed into him. He kept saying comforting things until I was asleep.
I woke up to the smell of bacon, waffles, and chocolate. Yummy. Chocolate. That sounds amazing right now. I rolled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.
“Morning. I figured you didn’t feel like going to classes today, so I called and told the office that we were both sick and we were going to spend the day playing video games and keeping each other company.” Tristan told me.
“I love you.” I told him as he put a plate in front of me.
“I know.” Was all he said. What an ego.
“I heard that.” Was all he said. I smiled sweetly at him, with syrup and waffles squeezing out the corners of my mouth.
“You look so beautiful.” He said while laughing at me.
“She does.” A voice said from the door. I turned and saw James leaning on the frame.
“I uh… I am going to go get some coffee from Starbucks. Want anything?” Tristan asked me.
“Just a Peppermint Mocha Latte” I told him. He nodded and was out the door. He was still in his pajamas. Ha-ha. What a fool.
“I thought about what you said.” James told me. I was too busy thinking about Tristan’s foolness, that I forgot he was standing there until now.
“And what would that be?” I asked while stuffing my mouth with bacon.
“Being a man whore. I can understand your frustration. I was only worried about my… uh needs… to think about how you would feel. I am sorry. I do love you. A lot. I never intend to hurt you. I could never bear to do that to the girl I loved.” I was taken aback. That was the first time he ever said he loved me. So naturally, being the romantic I am, I started crying.
“What? Why are you crying? Oh babe, please don’t cry. Whatever I said wrong, I take it back.” He said. He gathered me into his arms. He whispered ‘I love you I love you I love you’ in my ear.
“I love you too you fucking idiot. You’re such a fool, but I just love you, and sometimes I wish I didn’t but there is a reason I love you so I keep coming back. God, you are such a fool. But I love you. My fool.” Okay, I was rambling. But he had just told me that he loved me. And I know that girls overreact when guys say it, but this was different. Through our… connection… that we had, I could feel that he meant it. He wasn’t just saying it to get me back. That is what brought the water works on.
He pulled my mouth to him and kissed me. Oh what a kiss. It was so passionate, and it showed every emotion that we had felt in the last couple of days. The pain, the sorrow, the loss, but also the joy and the love. It was like no other kiss that we had shared. He was the first to break it off.
“Come home?” he asked me. I turned to my plate and stuffed the rest of my bacon in my mouth, then jumped up and went back to Tristan’s room. I grabbed my suitcase and was back in the kitchen in a flash. Before we left, I wrote a note to Tristan.
Hey Prince.
I am going home. It smells weird in your apartment. I like ours better. You can keep that Starbucks. Take it as… my treat to you. Thanks for everything. Love ya.
~ Princess.
James looked it over then smiled at me, took my suitcase in one hand and my hand in the other, and together we left his apartment to go to ours. Our home. I liked the sound of that

Chapter Fifteen.

When we got back to our place, James immediately set my stuff down then he turned around and scooped me up so that I was eye level with him. He carried me over to the couch and we collapsed back onto it giggling. He looked deep into my eyes.
“I love you. I don’t ever want to lose you again.” He told me.
“I love you too. And I don’t want you to lose me. Ever.” He smiled at this and brought his mouth down to mine.
“Well, since we are both called in sick, we can just hang out here, right?” he asked with a mysterious glint in his eyes.
“How did you know that I was called in sick?” I asked him. Did I tell him? I don’t remember doing so. Maybe Tristan told him.
“Babe, I was down there when Tristan called it in. I saw the Diane type in ‘Kyle Grant’ and then ‘Tristan Correla’. So, naturally I figured that you are taking a sick day.”
“Oh. Okay. That makes sense.” I replied. He smiled down at me then rolled off of me. I suddenly felt cold.
“Wait come back. I was warm.” I complained.
“I am just getting some peanut butter cookies. I will be back, my love.” He told me sniggering.
I turned and grabbed the remote. I sat up and flipped through the channels.
“Ugh! There is nothing on! Gah!” I yelled. It infuriates me when not even one channel has something good on.
“Well, we can watch a movie.” James called from the kitchen. I could hear him rustling in the cabinets.
“Okay. Where are the movies?” I called back.
“I know exactly which movie to watch.” He said from the other side of the couch. I glanced up at him and took in his strong jaw line, with beautiful blue eyes, and hid dark hair that fell into his eyes. ‘Mine. All mine.’ I thought to myself. I was so glad that I had him back.
He glanced down at me and caught me staring. “I feel the same way babe.” He said. He leaned down over the back of the couch, and I grabbed a hold on his shirt and tugged him over the back and onto me.
“We don’t have to get a movie.” I told him. Gosh he had gorgeous eyes. But not only his eyes, his whole face, his whole body. All mine. No one else’s. I think I will tattoo ‘Property of Kyla Blaize Grant’ on his forehead if I knew that it wouldn’t ruin his face.
“You could tattoo it on my arm. And I will tattoo ‘Property of James Abernathy’ on yours.” He said. He was kidding, but I wasn’t.
“Great.” I said while pushing him off of me and getting up. “Let’s go. We can go to the place that I went to with Blade.” I said. I grabbed his keys and his wallet, yes he was going to pay, and walked out of the front door.
“Kyla. Do you think maybe a shower and new clothes would be helpful?” he called down to me. I glanced down and saw that I was still in my pajamas. My hair was probably still a mess, so I looked like a hobo.
“Oh yeah.” I said. I took off to the bedroom, lugging my suitcase behind me. Notice that I did not give James his keys. Or wallet. Because I know that if I do, he will talk me out of this. And I want the whole world to see that he is mine. All mine. Mine mine mine.
I got out some purple skinny jeans and a ripped v neck shirt. I went into the bathroom, still with his keys and wallet, and locked the door. I washed and conditioned my hair, and then I washed my body. I got out and towel dried and put on some Dark Kiss lotion [from Bath and Body Works. Stuff smells amazing.] I washed my face and brushed my teeth then got dressed. I put on my black and purple vans then headed out of the bathroom.
In my room, I put my snakebites and did my makeup. There. I am ready.
I headed out towards the living room when I heard Blade’s voice. This is going to be a perfect time to freak him out. *grin evilly.*
Hey Blade. Have you seen where my bra is?

I asked him through the bond. I hope that he doesn’t know about it yet, or it won’t be as fun. I heard James stifle a laugh.
What the hell?! Kyla! How the hell are you in my head?

He said into my mind and out loud. I heard some more stifled laughs, so that told me that the others were there too.
Never mind that! I need my bra!!

I whined into his mind.
I don’t know! I don’t go… ah… looking through your stuff! So I wouldn’t know where your… bra was.

He said. Score one for Kyla, zero for Blade. He was so funny when he was nervous. I decided that then was the time to round the corner.
“But Blade!” I said out loud. Everyone looked to me confused except for James. He heard the whole conversation. “It was my favorite bra! And who else am I going to go to for help? You are my guardian!” I said putting my hands on my hips. His face was priceless.
“So, you asked me where you put your bra?” he asked. All the guys started laughing. When they quieted down, I replied.
“Yes. You are my guardian. Help meh!!” I yelled while stomping my foot two year old style.
“Fine. What does it look like?” he asked while groaning. I smiled.
“Purple with black lace edges. I remember where I put it. Will you go get it for me?” I asked while taking James’ hand and leading him towards the door.
“Fine. Where?” I asked. I smiled even wider.
“Victoria Secret!” I said, then before I shut the door “Bye guys! Going to get tattoos!” I yelled. I heard and eruption of laughter from the other side of the door. And behind me.
“You make me laugh babe.” James said while pulling me into his arms. We fit perfectly together. Like two puzzle pieces finally finding their match.
“I love you.” James told me.
“I love you too.” I said while pulling him into the elevator where we started making out. Then we headed hand in hand to the car. Then to the tattoo shop.

Chapter Fifteen.

When we got back to our place, James immediately set my stuff down then he turned around and scooped me up so that I was eye level with him. He carried me over to the couch and we collapsed back onto it giggling. He looked deep into my eyes.
“I love you. I don’t ever want to lose you again.” He told me.
“I love you too. And I don’t want you to lose me. Ever.” He smiled at this and brought his mouth down to mine.
“Well, since we are both called in sick, we can just hang out here, right?” he asked with a mysterious glint in his eyes.
“How did you know that I was called in sick?” I asked him. Did I tell him? I don’t remember doing so. Maybe Tristan told him.
“Babe, I was down there when Tristan called it in. I saw the Diane type in ‘Kyle Grant’ and then ‘Tristan Correla’. So, naturally I figured that you are taking a sick day.”
“Oh. Okay. That makes sense.” I replied. He smiled down at me then rolled off of me. I suddenly felt cold.
“Wait come back. I was warm.” I complained.
“I am just getting some peanut butter cookies. I will be back, my love.” He told me sniggering.
I turned and grabbed the remote. I sat up and flipped through the channels.
“Ugh! There is nothing on! Gah!” I yelled. It infuriates me when not even one channel has something good on.
“Well, we can watch a movie.” James called from the kitchen. I could hear him rustling in the cabinets.
“Okay. Where are the movies?” I called back.
“I know exactly which movie to watch.” He said from the other side of the couch. I glanced up at him and took in his strong jaw line, with beautiful blue eyes, and hid dark hair that fell into his eyes. ‘Mine. All mine.’ I thought to myself. I was so glad that I had him back.
He glanced down at me and caught me staring. “I feel the same way babe.” He said. He leaned down over the back of the couch, and I grabbed a hold on his shirt and tugged him over the back and onto me.
“We don’t have to get a movie.” I told him. Gosh he had gorgeous eyes. But not only his eyes, his whole face, his whole body. All mine. No one else’s. I think I will tattoo ‘Property of Kyla Blaize Grant’ on his forehead if I knew that it wouldn’t ruin his face.
“You could tattoo it on my arm. And I will tattoo ‘Property of James Abernathy’ on yours.” He said. He was kidding, but I wasn’t.
“Great.” I said while pushing him off of me and getting up. “Let’s go. We can go to the place that I went to with Blade.” I said. I grabbed his keys and his wallet, yes he was going to pay, and walked out of the front door.
“Kyla. Do you think maybe a shower and new clothes would be helpful?” he called down to me. I glanced down and saw that I was still in my pajamas. My hair was probably still a mess, so I looked like a hobo.
“Oh yeah.” I said. I took off to the bedroom, lugging my suitcase behind me. Notice that I did not give James his keys. Or wallet. Because I know that if I do, he will talk me out of this. And I want the whole world to see that he is mine. All mine. Mine mine mine.
I got out some purple skinny jeans and a ripped v neck shirt. I went into the bathroom, still with his keys and wallet, and locked the door. I washed and conditioned my hair, and then I washed my body. I got out and towel dried and put on some Dark Kiss lotion [from Bath and Body Works. Stuff smells amazing.] I washed my face and brushed my teeth then got dressed. I put on my black and purple vans then headed out of the bathroom.
In my room, I put my snakebites and did my makeup. There. I am ready.
I headed out towards the living room when I heard Blade’s voice. This is going to be a perfect time to freak him out. *grin evilly.*
Hey Blade. Have you seen where my bra is?

I asked him through the bond. I hope that he doesn’t know about it yet, or it won’t be as fun. I heard James stifle a laugh.
What the hell?! Kyla! How the hell are you in my head?

He said into my mind and out loud. I heard some more stifled laughs, so that told me that the others were there too.
Never mind that! I need my bra!!

I whined into his mind.
I don’t know! I don’t go… ah… looking through your stuff! So I wouldn’t know where your… bra was

. He said. Score one for Kyla, zero for Blade. He was so funny when he was nervous. I decided that then was the time to round the corner.
“But Blade!” I said out loud. Everyone looked to me confused except for James. He heard the whole conversation. “It was my favorite bra! And who else am I going to go to for help? You are my guardian!” I said putting my hands on my hips. His face was priceless.
“So, you asked me where you put your bra?” he asked. All the guys started laughing. When they quieted down, I replied.
“Yes. You are my guardian. Help meh!!” I yelled while stomping my foot two year old style.
“Fine. What does it look like?” he asked while groaning. I smiled.
“Purple with black lace edges. I remember where I put it. Will you go get it for me?” I asked while taking James’ hand and leading him towards the door.
“Fine. Where?” I asked. I smiled even wider.
“Victoria Secret!” I said, then before I shut the door “Bye guys! Going to get tattoos!” I yelled. I heard and eruption of laughter from the other side of the door. And behind me.
“You make me laugh babe.” James said while pulling me into his arms. We fit perfectly together. Like two puzzle pieces finally finding their match.
“I love you.” James told me.
“I love you too.” I said while pulling him into the elevator where we started making out. Then we headed hand in hand to the car. Then to the tattoo shop.

Chapter Seventeen.

So, we didn’t get a tattoo. James kind of hyperventilated. You think that a ‘bad boy’ like him wouldn’t mind a small tat. Well, James had another plan.
So, we drove right on past the tattoo shop. I guess Blade is the only one I can go to so I can get one. I still had fun with James though. He took me to lunch. It was so sweet. He pulled my chair out for me, didn’t order until I knew what I wanted, and escorted me to the bathroom when I had to go. I know. The last one was a little much, but he was so sweet and insistent that I could just tell him no. I think he invented the puppy dog face. Haha. Get it? Because he is a dog.
So he took me to lunch then he took me to a place that I was not expecting. His parent’s house. I knew that I would have to meet them sooner or later, being his mate and all, but I just wasn’t ready to meet them yet.
When we had pulled up into their driveway, I had no idea what James was thinking. It was not a house, but an estate we pulled into. At first I thought it was a museum. When I had asked him why he brought me to a museum, he laughed. He explained that it was his parents’ house and they have to have a big home in case the whole pack needed to stay.
He then explained how the one giant pack divided into several smaller packs. The reason being so they can cover more land with less people. There was one head alpha, James’ dad, then twelve other alphas. The twelve alphas became Betas when the entire pack was together. James’ brother, Alan, who I didn’t know existed, is next in line to be the head alpha. James is after him.
James was explaining all of this to me as we were getting out of the car and heading towards the door. Suddenly, the prettiest little girl I have ever seen came running towards James. She had the same blue eyes as him, but her hair was dirty blonde little ringlets. She had two dimples, on either side of her mouth. She was wearing a dress that only a little girl can pull off. On anybody else, it would look ridicules.
“Jamesy! Jamesy! I have missed you ssooo much!” she cried out. Her voice sounded like tiny bells ringing.
“Hey Cammy! Kyla, this is Camomile, my sister.” James said while twirling the little girl in his arms.
“No. you can’t call me Camomile. Call me Cammy. Okay?” she said with a serious look on her face. She had her little arms folded up in front of her chest trying to look stern. Little kids are so cute.
“Of course. I would only call you Camomile unless you told me to.” I told her, smiling widely. She dropped her arms and reached out for me. I pulled her from James’ grasp and she wrapped her little arms around my neck. She gave me a little kiss on the cheek.
“I really like you Kyla.” She told me, her big eyes smiling along with her mouth.
“I really like you too, Cammy.” I told her as I followed James up the steps. He kept smiling at the sight of us.
You will be a great mom. You guys are so cute.

I heard him say in my thoughts. Mom?!
Mom?! You never said anything about kids! I am just a kid myself!

I was kind of having a mental break down at the word ‘mom’ if you haven’t noticed.
Relax, my love. Not anytime soon. Neither of us is ready for that kind of responsibility. I am just talking about one day when we do have kids, you will be great at it. I didn’t mean to scare you Angel.

What he said soothed my nerves, and to make it even better, he turned around and enveloped me into his arms. I think we would have started a heavy make out session, but Cammy was still in my arms. And we were in the foyer, with his parents standing right there.
“James! What are you doing home? And why did you bring her?” his mom asked, sneering in my direction. What? I thought that they would love me? That obviously isn’t true when his mom is looking at me like a pile of dog’s crap.
“Ella! Can you not see? This girl is not one of… the other girls. She is his mate! Come in, come in!” a big man said excitedly. He looked like an older and bigger version of James, so this must be his dad.
Ella, his mom, was looking skeptically at us, her eyes going back and forth. Then she broke out into a smile. “Ooh dear! I am so sorry! Please forgive my rudeness!” she asked coming to me and pulling me into her dainty little arms. I was about an inch taller than she was, so that made it kind of an awkward hug. She looked up into my eyes. James may look like his dad everywhere else, but he had his mom’s eyes. The difference was hers rang with clarity, confidence, and authority.
“Of course I forgive you. If I were in your shoes, I would have said the same thing.” I told her honestly. I heard James mutter something under his breath, but I chose to ignore it.
“Oh! I like you already! Come! I must hear of how you two met!” she said. She took my hand and was leading me into a big living room with five couches, two love seats, and three recliners. She pushed me into a love seat and sat in the one across from me. James sat down beside me and his dad did the same beside his mother. I unconsciously moved closer to James, and he wrapped his arm around my waist. Ella had a huge grin on her face, staring at his arm around me.
“Please! Tell! I have to know!” she said while pushing her blonde bangs out of her face. Her eagerness reminded me of a teenager, but one look into her eyes reminded me of the wisdom that his there. I automatically felt at home.
“Well, I am his roommate-“I started to say but his dad cut in. I really need to learn his name.
“At an all boy’s school?’ he asked me. He had a look of disapproval on his face.
“Hush Damien!” Ella pushed his arm lightly. He looked at her and so much love flowed between them. It wasn’t the ‘I’m walking on sunshine’ kind of love, but the love that said ‘we have been through so much together’ and ‘I can’t bear to lose you when we have made it this far’. I hoped that one day James and I will look at each other like that. And I did learn his name. Damien.
Ella looked back to me. “As I was saying, I am his roommate. You see, I was playing Truth or Dare with my best friends and my twin, and they dared me to pretend to be a boy and my brother to be a girl.” I told them. Ella threw her head back and let out a laugh. Her laugh sounded like twinkling bells. Damien did the same, and their laughs harmonized perfectly. It was like sitting and listen to music.
“I like you! You have guts! And something about your attitude tells me that you will not take any crap from my son!” she said, while still chuckling to herself. Damien had an appreciative look in his eyes.
“Mommy! I’m hungry!” Cammy said while coming into the room and dragging a torn up blanket and a stiffed dog behind her.
Ella smiled at her. “I am finishing making dinner now sweetie. Do you want to come help me?” she asked while standing up. Cammy ran over to me and grabbed my hand.
“Only if the pretty girl will come with me!” Cammy said looking into my eyes. I couldn’t help but smile at her. She was so… pure and innocent.
“My name is Kyla. And I would love to come with you.” I told her. Hr smile widened and she grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the kitchen.
“Mommy mommy mommy! Kyla is coming to help!” she yelled. I followed her into the kitchen to see Ella stirring a huge pot of…
“yumm. Mashed Potatoes.” I said smiling. I absolutely love mashed potatoes.
“You have a good nose.” Ella said smiling at me. “Why don’t you girls set the table? The plates are over there. Cammy, you can put the spoons and napkins out.” She said. I turned around to see you huge stack of plates.
“Holy Moses…” I said while grabbing about a third of the plates. There was so many that I couldn’t even carry half. Ella let out her twinkling laugh.
“Yeah, it just so happens to be the time of month where the whole pack is here.” She said smiling at me.
“It’s all good, but wow. This is a lot of people.” I said, eyeing the rest of the plates.
“Sixty three to be exact.” She said.
“God Bless You for cooking for all of them.” I told her honestly.
“Really, I just go to the grocery store and buy all of the premade chickens. But thanks any way.” She told me with a wink. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at that one.
“Don’t tell anyone. It’s our little secret.” She said again. I walked into the dining room smiling.
“Hey Kyla! Will you help me reach the spoons?” Cammy asked me. I walked up behind her and reached for the spoons, which were on the top shelf of the cabinet. My fingertips grazed the container they were in, but I couldn’t get a grip on them. I jumped and got the box, but I went back down before I could really get both hands on it. In the end, I was on my butt in front of the cabinet. It hurt like hell.
Laughter erupted from behind me. I stood up and dusted myself off before I turned around. Three guys were standing in the doorway, practically leaning on each other for support they were laughing so hard.
“Excuse me? It isn’t really nice to laugh at someone who you don’t know. Now, are one of you going to come help me willingly or am I going to have to pound one of you to do it?” I asked. They continued to laugh harder. I saw Blade come up behind me.
“Bladey! Help me! These guys are-“I cut off when I remembered Cammy was in the room, “being butts!” Blade walked into the room. The three guys quickly shut up. In fact, they looked terrified. Ha-ha.
“Do you need help love?” he asked, without even glancing at them,
“Yeah. Give me a boost.” I told him. He grabbed my hips and set me on his shoulders. I could grab the spoons easily. He gently set me back on the ground.
“Thanks Bladey!” I said while patting his head. He smiled at me after I handed the spoons to Cammy. The three goobers were still standing in the doorway. Their jaws were dropped open.
“Didn’t ya’ll's mama’s teach ya not to stare?” I asked in a really southern drawl. Blade let out a booming laugh. The guys’ eyes got wider.
“Dude. I am… well you probably don’t see this like we do but, you are in for a lot. Being Blade’s mate and all…” he said. Blade and I glanced at each other and read each other’s minds with one look. We were going to mess with these guys.
“Actually, I hate this. Blade is such a pain in the ass.” I said. Cammy went to wash her hands, so I was freely saying what was on my mind.
“Me the pain? Ma’am, I think you have this backwards. You are the pain in my ass. You don’t listen to anything I say. But you know what? It turns me on.” He said with fake lust in his voice. He moved closer to me and grabbed my ass. The guys just stuttered. Blade and I broke away laughing.
“T-they t-thought that we are… MATES!” I yelled. We doubled over laughing. James came into the room.
“Babe? Blade? What’s so funny?” he asked. He had a smile on his face.
I Love Your Laugh.

He told me in my mind.
“Those fools thought we were mates.” I told him. The three guys looked pissed now.
“Well excuse us! Nobody gets away with calling Blade names! And he doesn’t help anyone!” the tallest of the three yelled. He had sandy blonde hair and green eyes. He would be sexy, but no one compares to James.
“Oh good God.” James said laughing. “Blade and Kyla have become close and fast. They even sneaked off together to get piercings and tattoos.” He told them. “Kyla is Blade’s protector and Blade is one of many of Kyla’s.” he looked at us now. “Apologize for being mean.”
Blade and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows. We looked at them and screamed “NEVER!” then took off running. I was laughing so hard that I could barely breathe.
“This way!” Blade told me. We could hear them following us. James was saying how immature we were. Blade led me through a series of bedrooms. He jumped over the railing and landed easily. Well, we all can’t have werewolf moves, can we? So I had to go down them the old fashioned way. And that way got me running into someone’s bare chest.
“Excuse me.” I said quickly and darted around him. He grabbed my elbow before I could get too far away.
“Where are you going? Why is a pretty girl like you running?” I looked into his blue- silver eyes. I saw amusement and something else there.
“Because I am being chased. So kindly let me go so I can NOT get caught?” I said sweetly. I jerked my elbow from his grasp and took off running. I didn’t know where Blade went, so I went the opposite way. That way, it will make it harder for them to find us.
I took off running and ran into a random room and slammed the door and locked it shut. When I turned around, the guy from the hall was looking at me amused.
“How the hell did you get in here so fast?” I asked amazed.
“I’m fast.” He shrugged. “Can I ask what you are doing in my room?” he asked.
“Hiding.” I told him, walking over to his bed. I flopped down to calm my breathing. He chuckled.
“Okay, but I am not responsible if they find you.” He told me. He held out his hand for a shake.
“Deal.” I said reaching out and shaking his hand. His hand covered mine entirely, like it swallowed it whole.
I let go and flopped back down on the bed. I was suddenly very tired. I closed my eyes and sighed.
“Tired?” he asked me.
“Yup. Running from four werewolves can do that to you. Where did Blade go? The bastard left me.” I said, opening my eyes and furrowing my brow.
“Blade? Of course he would leave you. It’s the kind of things he does.” He told me.
“Why does everyone keep saying that? That is a completely different Blade than from who I know.” I told him confused.
“You are his mate. You see a different side.” He said. Again, people calling us mates.
“Ech. Don’t say that. Blade isn’t my mate. James is.” I told him. His eyebrows rose in surprise.
“Really? Blade never gets along with anybody, sometimes not even the guys in his own grouping. How did you manage that?” he asked me.
“I am easily likable. That and we are each other’s protectors.” I told him.
“Ah. I see.” He said.
“I’m-“I was going to say my name but James beat me to it.
“Oh. Shit.” I said. I jumped off the guy’s bed and dove into his closet as the door opened. I thought of clouds to hide myself from James. If I could sense him, I knew he could sense me, so I tried to mask it.
“Hey Trai. Have you seen a girl about this tall with blue and blonde hair?” James asked.
“Yeah. Saw her run down the hall with Blade. Towards Danny’s room. Why are you after Blade’s mate?” he asked.
“She is not his. Mine.”James snapped. Whoa. He sounded lethal right then. I didn’t know whether to be touched or scared. Touched because he is protective of me or scared because like I said, lethal.
I saw Trai hold his hands up. “I’m sorry man. It’s just I have never seen Blade actually look that happy.” He said.
“Kyla can work wonders.” James said thoughtfully. “Anyways, if you see her, tell her we are looking for her.”
“Will do.” I didn’t come out of the closet until I heard the door click shut. Even then I counted to fifteen.
“Hey, James is looking for you.” He told me with a grin.
“So I’ve heard. Thanks. I really hate apologizing.” I said.
“Okay…” he said. I explained the situation while I flopped back onto his bed. He nodded in agreement.
“I don’t blame you.” He told me while putting on a t-shirt.
“Dinner!” I heard Ella’s voice on an intercom.
“Let’s go, shall we?” Trai asked me.
“Let’s.” I said. He held out his elbow and I took it. He escorted me up the stairs and to the dining room. We were the last to arrive, so everybody saw me on Trai’s arm. He stopped at my chair and pulled it out for me.
“Why thank you, kind sir.” I told him flashing a smile.
“No problem for a pretty lady.” He replied. Ella busted out laughing. One look at James’ face told me why. He was bright red and looked pissed.
“Hey babe.” I said, giving him a light peck on the lips. He blinked and some of the redness went away.
“You were hiding in his closet weren’t you?” he asked me. I smiled while giving myself a big heap of mashed potatoes. Under the table, I felt his hand on my leg, giving it a light squeeze.
“You are such a trouble maker.” He said, but I could see the smile in his eyes.
I smiled, shoved my mashed potatoes in my mouth, and gave him a big, sloppy, potatoey kiss.
“These are amazing Ella!” I told her. “Pass the chicken?” I said to the guy beside me. He did and I got a piece and took a bite of it too.
“You are like, my hero in cooking Ella.” I said when I swallowed. I gave her a quick wink which she returned. I really loved it here.

Chapter Seventeen.

I woke up freezing cold. After dinner, we, we being the WHOLE dang pack, sat around for a little bit in the living room and rec room. Some were even in the kitchen. The Abernathy’s house was huge, but not huge enough to fit sixty three people into one room, except the dining room and the meeting room. After that, James noticed that my eyes lids were heavy. He said goodnight to everyone, then scooped me up and took me upstairs to his room. It smelled like him in there, and that help me fall asleep faster. That and I was pressed up against his warm body with his arm around me.
“James?” I asked, my voice groggy.
“I’m right here babe.” He said, coming in from a balcony that I didn’t see earlier. I guess you miss things when you can barely keep your eyes open.
“Where d’ya go? I’m cold. Come here and warm me up.” I said, whining a bit. I hated to be cold.
He let out a deep chuckle. “Of course.” He said, while climbing under the sheets beside me. I wiggled to get closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt a lot better, but I was still shivering.
“Why did you go out there?” I asked him, my mind slightly slipping from consciousness.
“I just wanted to think. I didn’t want to wake you.” He said, while running his fingers through my hair. He saw that I was almost asleep, and he continues the soothing gesture.
“Well I did wake up from the cold.” I told him, closing my eyes. I was so tired.
“I’m sorry, my love.” He told me. Then I was left in a dreamless sleep.

Someone was jumping on the bed. With me still in it. Screaming “WAKE UP KYLA!” I was about ready to kill someone.
I grabbed the person’s feet, and pushed them off the bed, causing them to go flying through the air and landing with a thud.
“Go away.” I muttered, turning to face the other direction. I was not ready to wake up yet.
“Awe, come on. Get up.” I cracked one sleepy eye open, and saw Trai with a bog grin on his face. Jesus, help me.
“Go fuck yourself.” I told him.
“Nah. I’d much rather do it with some body. Hey, how about this, you are in a bed. What do you say” he asked with a waggle of his eyebrows. A growl came from the bathroom door.
“I say you better shut the hell up before my mate strings you alive. Go away. I’m tired.” I told him.
“I’m not going away till you are out of that bed and on your feet missy.” He told me. Gah. Kill me now.
“Jamesy dear? Do me a favor and get this ass out of here so I can sleep. Before I kill him?” I asked in a sweet voice. He chuckled, but he and Trai wrestled. Of course, James won, and Trai ended up with a door slammed and locked in his face. I could hear him whimpering on the other side.
“Ass hole!” I yelled at him.
“Bitch!” he yelled back.
“Mother fucker!” I said, while rolling over into a more comfortable position.
“The best! My offer still stands! You, me, and a bed!” he called. I could hear his footsteps receding. James let out a growl.
“Don’t worry. I don’t like him. You on the other hand, well I might be able to stand you.” I told him. He turned around and looked at me.
“If you can’t stand me, then I don’t know what I’ll do.” The look in his eyes made my heart break and sing for joy at the same time. He loved me.
I patted the bed beside me. “Come here.” He smiled and crawled in beside me. His hair was wet because he just took a shower. I kissed him softly on the lips. He returned gratefully.
“Even if you can’t stand me, you have to put up with me. I am here forever, fool.” I told him. In return, he kissed me again. I threw the covers up off me, and stretched. Since that ass hole so kindly woke me up, there was no chance I was getting back to sleep.
I rolled off the bed and walked into the bathroom, “Hey James? What will I wear? My clothes are still at the school.” I said while getting the sleep out of my eyes.
“You could go naked.” He said, coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his head on my shoulder.
“Yeah. Trai would love that.” I told him. He let out a growl and I chuckled, kissing him on the cheek.
“Well, you can wear an old shirt and basketball short of mine… as for underwear, well we will be the only ones who know that it isn’t there.” I said, with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“You would just love that wouldn’t you?” I asked.
“Gosh yes.” He told me truthfully.
“Get me some briefs… and I’ll take the basketball shorts and shirt.” I said. He walked out of the bathroom, and I stripped to get into the shower.
I turned the water on hot, and started singing random sings that came into my mind. I put some shampoo into my hand, and washed my hair, rinse and repeat. Then I did the same with conditioner. I heard James place the clothes on the counter, and I stuck my head out to where the curtain was covering everything except my head.
“Hey James! I just realized, I’m gonna smell like you!” I squealed like a little school girl.
“I wouldn’t want you to smell like anyone else. Mind if I join you? The shower is big enough.” He said, grabbing the hem of his shirt.
“No sir! You pervert! Get out so I can finish!” I yelled, trying to suffocate the giggles rising in my chest. Apparently, I failed at that. He took off his shirt and took a step forward. I grabbed the body wash and threw it at him. It hit him right in the head.
“Get out.” I told him. He picked up the body wash and left.
“James! I need that!” I yelled. All I heard was laughing. What a jerk.
“Don’t make me come out there James Abernathy!” I yelled.
“Hmm… you, coming out here naked? I think I like the sound of that!” he yelled back.
Grumbling, I stepped out of the still running shower and wrapped the towel around me. It was huge, so I could cover myself easily and tie it. I marched out of the bathroom to find James lying on the bed with his eyes closed and propping his head in his hands. The body wash was lying on his stomach. I ran over, snatched it up and made a run for the bathroom. But, James was faster because the next thing I know, I was being thrown on the bed. I made sure the towel stayed in place.
James started kissing me, and I couldn’t help but kiss back. He moved down my back, and I could feel his hand running up and down my leg. I let out a soft moan, and his grip on my leg tightened. I could feel a little James poking me.
“Stop.” I told him breathlessly.
“You know you don’t want me to.” He said between kisses on my neck.
“No. You know I want to save myself for marriage.” I told him. I may want it, but I had promised Kyle and my mom that years ago. Kyle promised the same thing to me.
“Easy fix to that.” He said, getting off me and onto one knee.
“W-wha?” I stuttered. Oh. My. Gosh. Is this really happening?
“Kyla Blaize Grant. I love you, and I know that we just met, but I also know that I will spend the rest of my life with you, but it wouldn’t feel right if we weren’t married. Will you marry me?” he asked, pulling out a velvet box from his pocket. He opened it up, and I saw a big beautiful diamond ring.
I didn’t know what to say… oh wait, I know “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, HELL yes!” I screamed. He slipped the ring onto my finger, but I didn’t care about that. He truly was mine! All mine! I didn’t have to share! I knew that he was mine, but this just proves it. Oh. My. Gosh. I’m getting married.
I grabbed his face in my hands, and started kissing him, which he responded to nicely.
“I love you. SO much.” I told him.
“And I love you.” He replied. “Go. I can’t stand you being in just a towel.” He told me.
I gave him one more kiss then skipped off to the bathroom with the body wash in my hand. When I closed the bathroom door, I sank down on the wall, and admired my left hand. It was so beautiful. I sparkled whether in the light or not. I let out a squeal. I heard James laugh on the other side of the door. I jumped into the shower, and quickly finished, partly because I wanted to be by James, and the water was freezing.
I jumped out and put the clothes James gave me on. I burst out of the bathroom and tackled James, him landing on the bed and me on top. I started kissing him. My world was perfect. I had the best brother, the best friends, the best protectors, but more importantly, the best fiancée and mate in the world. Fiancée. I have a fiancée! Eep!

Chapter Ninteen.

I skipped down the stairs at lightning speed, James hot on my heels. I had to tell someone. I was just so happy, and I couldn’t contain it any longer. The ring sparkled brilliantly on my left hand.
I jogged down the second set of stair to the basement, where Blade and Trai’s rooms were. I got to Blade’s room, and I didn’t bother with knocking, I just barged right in. Blade looked so cute, in his boxers, curled up on the bed asleep. He looked like a cute little peaceful puppy. But I was going to mess up.
Without any hesitance, I leapt onto his bed, so that I was straddling him. I started wiggling and jumping slightly without getting off.
“BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! Wake up you lazy ass! I gotta show you something! God dammit Blade, WAKE UP!” I screeched. He cracked open one of his eyes, but that wasn’t good enough for me. With my thumb and forefingers, I pried his eyes open all the way and got right in his face. It took him a minute to realize that he was looking into my blue eyes.
“What the hell, Kyla? Why are you on me? Why are you waking me up?” he said groggily, and he did not look too happy.
“LOOK!” I screeched, shoving my left hand into his face. He blinked a couple times, and then realized what I meant. He bolted up, throwing me over to the other side of his bed. He not once let go of my hand. He took in my ring.
“Is this what I think it is?” he asked, with a wicked grin appearing on his face.
“YES!” I screeched, jumping up and down and clapping my hands. He took me into his arms.
“I am so happy for you! This is a good excuse for waking me up!” he said in my ear. When I looked over to the doorway, I saw James had his phone out. This means he probably filmed the whole thing.
“Aw man. I was wondering if you were going to beat her up for waking you up like you did Anthony.” He said. “But, I am glad you didn’t. Because, then I would have had to kill you.” He said smiling.
“Congratulations man. You picked a good one.” He said.
“I sure did.” James replied, looking at me with so much love in his eyes.
“Stop. Before you make me cry.” I told them, my voice cracking. “I have to go tell Ella!” I screeched yet again. Blade picked at his ear, faking that I clogged it up with my yelling. Paying him no attention, I bolted off the bed, and took the stairs two at a time. There were some guys in the hallway that I didn’t recall seeing last night. They watched me curiously. I got a sudden tingling sensation. But, I pushed it out of my thoughts for now.
“ELLA!” I screeched as I was nearing the top. Ella suddenly appeared at the top of the staircase, and I bolted into her arms. “I’m getting married!” I screeched. She squealed, and we started jumping up and down like two little school girls.
“AAHH! Let me see!” she squealed, pulling me into the fully lit kitchen. Her breath caught in her throat, and frankly, mine did too. The kitchen had a lot of windows, and with the natural light around it, the diamond glimmered even brilliantly.
“What are you two squealing about in here? You sound like little girls.” Damien said while running his fingers through his shaved head. I ran and jumped into his arms.
“Daddy- in- law!” I squealed and giggled like, yet again, a child.
“What in the blazes are you talking ab-“he stopped when he saw my left hand waving in his face. He snatched my hand to stop it moving. He blinked, much like Blade did. I heard James come up the stairs, and then het let out a huge laugh. I guess he was seeing a funny sight: my legs wrapped around Damien, his dad, while both of his hands were holding onto my left hand with an astonished and proud face, and then Ella, who was still jumping up and down on the phone, probably calling to tell all her friends that her son was getting married.
Damien broke into a huge smile, and looked at me and then James. “Congratulations, son. You have a good one.” I jumped off of him and went to stand beside James.
I suddenly felt a terrible pain in my leg. It was shocking, and I collapsed. Lucky for me, James caught me.
“Kyla? What’s wrong babe?” James asked. He sounded panicked, but I wasn’t paying any attention to that. I could hear his, but in my mind, I was no longer in the Abernathy’s mansion. I was in a car. I looked down and I saw blood all over my leg. But it wasn’t my leg; it was too large to be mine. I looked around me, and I saw that the front of the car was smashed into a tree, and the passenger side had another car smashed into it. Then, as abruptly as it had occurred, I was back in the kitchen, with James holding on tight to me, and barking orders at other people, while also murmuring things in my ear.
“Kyla, Baby. Oh thank goodness. What happened?” he asked, silencing all other voices when he saw my eyes open. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me, with curiosity or actual care in their eyes.
“I-,” I stuttered. How could I possibly put what I just went through into words? There is no way to describe it to somebody, when I couldn’t describe it myself. So, I replayed what I saw into his mind. His brows furrowed, as he was trying to decipher what this meant.
“What do you think it means?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
“I don’t know baby, I don’t know.” He replied. “Blade and or Trai. I need one or both of you to take Kyla down to our room. She needs to rest.” He said. I knew he could feel the sudden exhaustion and dizziness that came over me.
I don’t know which one, Trai or Blade, picked me up and took me to our room, but I didn’t much care. Because about halfway there, I was out cold.

Chapter Ninteen.

I woke up to James sliding in beside me in bed. One look at the clock told me that it was 1:27 a.m.
“James? Where have you been?” I asked, still a little groggy.
“Shh,” he said, soothing me,” I have been in a council meeting all day. Since your… incident. We were trying to figure out what it all means.” He said.
“Did you come to any conclusions?” I asked, suddenly one hundred percent awake. I wasn’t sure what had happened earlier, but I was ready to find out.
“No. We have no idea.” He answered. But he said it too quickly, and he looked away from looking me in the eyes. I knew instantly that he was lying. “Go back to sleep. We will figure this out, I promise.” He said before kissing me on the forehead. I snuggled into his side, and he wrapped his arm protectively around me. Eventually, I heard his breathing slow down, and I knew he was asleep. I couldn’t get to sleep though. I kept trying to figure out why James would lie to me. What was so big that he couldn’t tell me?
This is ridicules. I mean, why would he lie to me? It could have just been my imagination running wild. After all, I have been dreaming about what this was all day. The scene would keep entering my brain, followed by a big glittery purple question mark. Then the image would replay. Again and again and again.
He couldn’t be lying to me, right? He would have no purpose to. This includes me as much, if not more, than it does him. It was happening to me, so he probably didn’t lie. I was probably just imagining him lying to me.
By the time I had come to this conclusion, it was 4:12. Sigh, I still had a long way to go until it was appropriate time to be awake. But I couldn’t just lay here. That would drive me insane. I obviously wasn’t going to be able to get back to sleep.
I silently and carefully I slipped out from under James’ arm. He muttered in his sleep, but eventually settled back down. I slipped on some tennis shoes and a jacket, and then I headed down stairs to the front door. I needed to get out of the house.
I shut the door as quietly as I could, then I jogged down the front steps. I took a deep breath. Id didn’t realize it, but I had felt confined in the house. Now, I felt free. Like a prisoner that had been in a tiny cell for years to be finally released into the real world. I didn’t just take a deep breath of the fresh air, but also it was a sigh of relief.
I didn’t know where I was going; I just knew that I ran. I kept a steady pace, my breath not once getting uneven. This was unusual for me because, I never run. I hate physical activity. I try to avoid it all costs. So it was quite a shock to me when I suddenly ran, and I didn’t get out of breath once. In fact, I felt energized, like I needed to burn more energy. So I pushed myself harder. And harder still. I felt free. No longer confined. I felt like I could do anything, and no one could stop me. That is until a figure stepped out in front of me in the road.
I slowed down, but I had no intention of stopping. But, they obviously didn’t care about what I wanted.
“Hello, Kyla.” The mysterious person said. Now that I was close enough, I could see that it was a boy. Maybe five or six years older than me. He wasn’t hot, or sexy, but handsome. He was one of those people that when you saw them, you couldn’t help but keep staring because you have never or will never see someone of such beauty again.
“Do I know you?” I asked, slowing down still. I continued to run past him, and he ran beside me, matching my pace perfectly.
“Well, we haven’t officially met yet. My name is Tanner.” He said. Since he was beside me, I could hear how deep his voice was. So deep that it made my chest rumble. But it was scary. It was smooth, almost velvety like. It was warm and welcoming.
“Okay, but that really doesn’t explain how you know my name.” I told him. He let out a deep chuckle. We were passing a park now. A bench came into view.
“Do you mind if we can sit and talk?” he asked. I looked at him, looking for any clues that he would want to hurt me. I couldn’t find anything suspicious, but that didn’t mean that I should completely trust him. Rapists don’t have a tattoo saying ‘I am a rapist’ on their forehead.
“Umm, yeah.” I walked behind him, watching him carefully. He walked with a certain grace. He held himself in a way that demanded respect, but at the same time it said ‘I have had a past that I am not proud of’. He had long, dark emo style hair. He was tall, with a slight tan and muscles. When he turned and flopped on the bench, I saw he had dark and brooding eyes. They spoke of knowledge and dark secrets.
“Sit. I won’t bite.” He said, flashing a smile that showed his perfect teeth.
“So, how do I know you?” I asked. He raised his eyebrows.
“Blunt much?” he asked with a chuckle. “I am part of the pack. But, I am on the opposite side of the state from you.” Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows.
“Other side of the state? Damn, I didn’t know that we went that far out.” I was amazed.
“Yeah. So I am going to be blunt about this. And I don't want you to freak out okay? This is going to be a surprise to you. Hell, it was to me.” He took a deep breath. “Okay. When I am around you, I feel… different. You know how it feels to be around James?” he asked.
“Um, yeah. Like only he holds me to the earth. I have no other reason to be here if it weren’t for him. But what does that have to do with you and me?” I asked. I honestly wasn’t seeing where he was going.
“That is how I feel when I am near you. I-I think you are my mate.” he said. My eyes widened in shock. What was he saying? I can’t be his mate, I am James’. If it is even possible, it is disgusting to have two mates. Just thinking about that makes me feel dirty and whorish.
“H-how can you say that?” I asked, stuttering a little.
“Look, this was a shock to me too. I have a mate. So you are not the only one torn here… but I feel a stronger pull towards you. But believe me, I am struggling too. Be with the one who u have had and loved for three years, or go towards the one who has the stronger pull on me. Be with the one who is faithful no matter what, or break her heart for someone who has a calling to me? I don’t know what to do. I am lost.” He had a look of hopelessness and pain. I had the sudden urge to make all of that to go away.
I took him into my arms and just held him. He reluctantly put his arms around me. We just sat there, me with my head on his chest, arms wrapped around each other, and not saying anything for a long time. It was not an awkward silence, one that you look for something to say, more like a content silence that soothes everything into its place. One that says ‘I am here for you.’ It was comforting.
The sun was just starting to come up when I broke our silence. We both seemed to have gone off into our own little worlds.
“I need to get back before James wakes up.” I said.
“I need to get there before Molly does. I don’t need her to worry.” We got up and started walking back to the mansion, side by side. The house was just barely peeking into view when he grabbed my elbow to stop me.
“Look, I don’t think that we-“
“Need to say anything about this to James and Molly? Couldn’t agree more.” I finished for him.
“We still need to talk this out. Next time it is my turn to go shopping, why don’t you come with me? Then we can work this out.” He said.
“Okay.” He pulled me in for a hug, and planted a kiss on my forehead. His lips lingered longer than they probably should have. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of his warm lips on me. He broke away first. There was a look of longing in his eyes. We decided a while ago that we probably shouldn’t come in the same door. He headed towards the back, and I headed to the front door. I slipped upstairs into our room, and curled up under the blankets into James’ side. All the while thinking: what have I done? How can I even think about Tanner when I have James? What is going on inside me? Why did I even consider talking to Tanner?
The answer scared me: Tanner was right. There is definitely a pull between us that we can’t ignore.

Chapter Twenty.

I crept up the stairs into mine and James’ room. He was still fast asleep. He looked so… innocent. And pure. I just wanted to curl up into his side and never leave there.
What was I thinking? Tanner and I can’t be mates. I have James. And he has Molly. There is no way that I could even consider ‘us’. I loved James way too much. Besides, I told myself, I am sure he is just another Protector of mine. Tristan had said that I had more than the average person. For what reason I don’t know, but I believed him.
But deep down, I doubted my thinking. That pull was different. This was definitely the way I felt about James. May even be more. But I can’t be more attracted to Tanner. I loved James. I had a ring on my finger to prove it. I sighed. My life just got so complicated.
“Kyla babe? What are you doing over there? Come back to me.” James stated, groggily sitting up. I realized that I was still by the door staring at him.
“Sorry. I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you up.” I told him, shuffling across the room to the bed. Apparently, I moved too slow for him because he wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me closer. He sniffed me then let out a low growl. Oh shit. Can he smell Tanner? Crap crap crap!
“Why do you smell like another man?” He asked.
“Oh, um...” I had to think of something, “I was thirsty so I went downstairs to get some water. And I tripped. Tanner helped me up.” I said. I hope he didn’t hear the guilt in my voice, because it was obvious to me. I clouded my thoughts from him.
“Oh. Okay.” He said, satisfied with my answer. I relaxed a bit in his arms. He pulled me back and laid me on top of him. He kissed the top of my head repeatedly. I felt so good to be in his arms, but I couldn’t help to feel a little guilty. I don’t know why, because it’s not like I promised Tanner anything. But he was right; we definitely needed to talk about this.
James and I must have laid there for an hour. We watched the television that he had in his room. Ella knocked on the door.
“Hey, you guys want some breakfast?” she asked. I jumped when I heard my stomach growl. I didn’t realize I was that hungry. I giggled as I got off the bed and followed James downstairs to the kitchen to get my beloved food.
Bacon. That was the first thing that registered with me when I was going down stairs. I could smell it, and boy did it smell good.
Tanner. That was the first thing I saw when I entered the kitchen. This should be… interesting. Luckily for me though, he didn’t even look at me. I knew he could feel me though, because I felt chills go through my whole body. Then a tingling sensation. Why didn’t I feel that with James?
I got a plate and loaded it with bacon.
“Piggy.” Blade said when I sat down beside him at the table. I stole a piece of his bacon and shoved it in my mouth before he could do anything.
“If I were a piggy, that would make me a cannibal. That it just wrong.” I told him with my mouth full. He just rolled his eyes at me. James was silently laughing to himself.
“We are planning on heading back to school after lunch. You good with that Kyls?” James asked me.
“Fine with me.” I said in between bites again. My cell phone started ringing.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Kyla! Oh my gosh! I have been trying to get a hold of you forever! Have you not heard?” I heard my best friend Krissy’s voice.
“KRISSY! How’s my babe?” I asked jumping out of my seat and heading over to the window.
“I’m fine, but your brother isn’t! Oh gosh, I knew I should have just come and got you!” she said, rambling to herself.
“Whoa, hold on, what’s up with Kyle?” I asked, immediately catching my attention. What happened?
“Oh God, you don’t know do you? Yesterday he was in a bad accident. He-“I cut her off.
“WHAT! OH GOD WHERE IS HE? IM COMING NOW!” I screamed, running up to mine and James’ room at super speed. I threw on some clothes and yanked a brush through my hair. I grabbed my shoes and ran downstairs.
“He is at Greenland Hospital. Oh God, I thought you knew!” she yelled. I took James’ car keys off of the hook and ran out the door. He stood there looking confused. I kissed him on the cheek then got in the car. Tears were pouring down my face, making everything blurry. I angrily brushed them off then started the car.
“I’m on my way. When I get there, I expect the whole story, either from you or my brother.” I said. I hung up on her when she was about to say something. I didn’t care though. My brother was hurt. I can’t believe this. Today has not been a good day. First Tanner tells me that we might be with the wrong mates, and now Kyle. Oh God, oh God, oh God.
“Please let him be okay.” I said to no one in particular. I went about fifteen over the speed limit, and thankfully, I did not get pulled over. I don’t think I would have had the patience to talk to the officer and explain my situation.
I parked James’ car in the 2nd floor garage, and rushed through the elevator doors. I was bouncing the whole way until I made it to the lobby.
“What room in Kyle Grant in?” I asked the lady. My palms were all sweaty, and I still had tears running down my face.
“46 D” she told me. I didn’t even say thank you, I just ran off to find my brother’s room. I ran through the halls, and I finally found the right room. I didn’t even pause, I just bust right in. And I ran into a wall of girls.
“WHAT THE HELL? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!” I screeched. They all looked at me like I was insane, then moved out of a way, making a clear path from the door to my brother’s bed.
Kyle looked… weak. He had casts on his legs, and they were elevated up off the bed. His skin was pale, with a thin sheet of sweat on his forehead, telling of the pain he was in. You could see it in his bloodshot eyes, but the color was still the strong, radiant blue and silver I was used too.
“Well damn. Took you long enough to get here.” He said, jokingly. I could see the shine in his eyes. Well, I guess he was excited to see me. I am excited to see him too; just I don’t like the circumstances.
“You mind telling me what the hell happened? I mean, I get a call from Krissy this morning. I don’t get one from you, or the hospital, fifteen minutes after it happened, but the next day. I mean what the hell is this? Let’s not tell Kyla day?” I asked, walking towards his bed. I finished with a smack on his head. There were gasps coming from the girls in the room.
“I don’t know who you think you are, but I KNOW you didn’t just hit my man!” I really nasally voice shouted behind me.
I spun around, “Shut the hell up. God, I didn’t know that the nurses would let a damn clown inside. People these days…” I shook my head in disappointment. The girl did look like a clown. Way too much foundation that made her look orange, eye shadow and eye liner caked on, I guess in the hopes of making her eyes look bigger, but that was a fail. But the best part, the bright red lipstick on thin, cracked lips. Ew.
“Excuse me? I KNOW you didn’t come in here, hit my man then insult me!” she said. Haha, her plastic nose was getting red.
“Oh hunny, people insult you all the time. They are just afraid to do it to your face, in case you have one of those squirty flowers on your shirt.” I told her. It was probably the truth.
“Just because you are some slut that Kyle had a fling with-“I cut her off there with my laughing.
“Hey Kyle, why do people keep mistaking us as a couple? Can they not see the resemblance? Scoot over, fat ass.” Kyle moved over on the bed, and I sprawled out beside him.
“Girls, this is my twin, Kyla.” He told them. I gave a little princess wave.
“Nice to meet you. Not really. This dumb ass here got him hurt, so that is why you get to meet me. Other than that it is pretty good.” I said. I hit Kyle again. He just smiled wide and gave me a giant bear hug. What a loser.
“So, are you going to tell me what the hell happened?” I asked him, after he was done giving me hugs. Instead of his voice, the nasily voice answered my question.
“Well, he was...” I cut her off.
“Was I talking to you? I don’t think so. Now scram.” I told her with a dismissal wave of my hand.
“Kyle! Are you going to let this bitch talk to me that way?” she shrieked.
“Actually, yes. You are starting to piss me off. Leave Carolina.” He told her. I got a smug look on my face. Victory.
“Fine! Girls, let’s go!” she shrieked. Again. What is up with this girl and shrieking?
“No. We are staying here with Kyle and… what’s your name again?” one brave girl said.
“Kyla. I can tell that I’m going to like you.” I told the girl. She beamed at me, and the clown screamed in frustration and left. Thank God.
“Aw guys, the circus just left.” I said, in mock sadness.
“Cut the crap Kyla. You know you hate clowns. They scare you to death.” Kyle said. He knows me so well.
“Anyways,” I said, emphasizing it,” Are you going to tell me what exactly happened?”
“Well, I was on my way back to school from picking up some lunch, when a drunk driver came. He slammed into me, and I slammed into a tree.” He told me.
“What side of the car was the other driver slammed into?” I asked wearily. I’m afraid I know the answer to this.
“Passenger side. Why does it matter?” he asked curiously.
“Can I talk to you, alone?” I said the alone loudly so that the chattering girls around us could hear.
“Sure. You girls should head on back anyway. Get a shower. Change your clothes. Get some real coffee and good food. I will still probably be here when you get back.” He told them. They all filed out of the room, with choruses of ‘goodbyes’ and ‘love you’ and ‘see ya later’.
“Now, what do you have going through that sinister but smart brain of yours?” I ignored that.
“Yesterday I had a… I don’t really know what to call it. I vision, or epiphany I guess. Well anyways, I was sitting in the Abernathy’s humungous mansion, then all the sudden I was in a car. But it wasn’t me in the car. The passenger side was smashed by another car, and the front was rammed into a tree. Kyle, do you think I was seeing what you were? Like, I was in your shoes?” this was so confusing.
“Hmm… this is… wild. That’s a good word for it. I don’t know. But I guess so. I know you have something else you need to say. Spit it out.” His eyes were sparkling, like they usually did when he was deep in thought that held his interests highly.
“Well, I have discovered recently what a Protector is. It’s like your own personal… guardian I guess would be a good word. They feel your physical and some emotional pain and you feel theirs. You can also communicate telepathically. I have two, that I know of, Blade and Tristan. Do you think that could be us? I felt your pain I your leg, we can talk into each other’s minds, and you always seem to know when I need you the most.” My brows were furrowed in thought, and my lips scrunched trying to decipher what this could mean.
“Well I guess we are. Either that or that twin telepathy is true. Or maybe twin telepathy is a protector; just not many people realize it.” He responded.
“Well then. Protectors it is.” I smiled at him. I always have loved spending time with my brother. He was always my best friend. I may have said on the outside that Krissy was, but Kyle knew everything about me.
The rest of the time we lounged on his bed flipping channels from movie to movie and joking with each other. I had finally convinced Kyle to watch Lion King, (it was at the part where Simba sings ‘I Just Can’t Wait to be King’... the best part of the whole movie. That and the Hakuna Matata) when Krissy came in.
“OH I JUST CANT WAAAITTT TO BE KIIIIINGGG!!!” Kyle and I were singing way off key when she burst into the room. She took in the sight before her, and started cracking up. Literally. She dropped all of the things she had in her hands, and fell to the floor clutching her stomach with tears streaming out of her eyes.
“You guys….never….. Change… do you?” she asked while still gasping for breath. We really had no response for her, other than turning up the television so that we could hear the movie over her laughter. I made her crack up even more. We just continued to sing, and she finally joined us like I knew she wanted to.
The door busted open, revealing James. He looked worried, but then when he saw us, he just shook his head and closed the door behind him.
“Gosh, I thought you guys were getting murdered or something. But it is just Kyla’s singing.” I threw a water bottle that was on the night stand at him. He caught it and took a swig.
“Thanks babe. I was really thirsty.” He told me.
“I don’t even know whose that was. That is nasty James.” My nose was curled up.
“Must have been one of the girls’.” Kyle offered, as he turned down the TV. The song was over anyway.
“Who are you?” Krissy asked.
“OH! Kris, I was you to meet my… err boyfriend, James. James, this is my best friend Krissy.” I said. James shot me a glance at the word boyfriend.
I haven’t told Kyle yet. He deserves to know before her.

I entered into his mind.
Instead of James’ voice responding, I heard Kyle’s.
I know you are engaged. I’m not dumb. I see the ring. I’m so happy for you… but… well we’ll talk later.

Uh oh. Is he says we need to talk, then I’m in trouble.
“Well, Kris, actually he isn’t my boyfriend. He is my fiancée.” I said. Her jaw dropped, and then she was straddling my lap, grasping my left hand. She started squealing when she saw the beautiful rock it sported.
“Calm down! It just happened yesterday morning!” I screamed back. She jumped off of me and went to hug James.
“Oh my gosh! Come on! I need to get to know you! Let’s go! You, sir, are going to buy me a coffee while you tell me about yourself!” she screamed, tugging him out the door. He shot me a ‘help me’ glance, but when Krissy wants something, she usually gets it. I just blew him a kiss and waved goodbye as he was tugged out the door by my best friend.

Chapter Twenty One.

While James and Krissy were off doing whatever Krissy was forcing him to do, Kyle and I talked. He told me he wasn’t too happy about me getting married at a young age, but he supported my decision. He knew what having a mate meant, his roommate had one, and that he couldn’t change what James and I were to each other.
It was about two hours later when Krissy and James came back. He looked like he had just run a 200 mile marathon, and she looked as refreshed as a daisy. His feet were dragging, and his shoulders were slumped. Krissy gave me a thumbs up and a wink of approval. Not that even if she had disapproved would I change my answer to marrying him. It is just a bonus plus that she liked him.
“You ready to go home babe? We have school tomorrow.” I said. Today was Sunday, making tomorrow Monday, also known as the worst day of the week.
“Yeah. I’ll go get the car. Hope you get better soon, Kyle,” he said, while giving him a brotherly tap on the back,” Krissy…” he gave a grimace. What had my best friend done to him?
“See you later man.” Kyle answered. Krissy blew him a kiss, which he rolled his eyes at, then he went out the room to get the car.
“Bye Kyle. I’ll visit you when I can. Bye Kris. Call me later.” I said, giving each of them a hug.
“I’m gonna head out too. See ya later Kyle.” She said with a wave.
Krissy and I walked down the hospital hallways to the front entrance. It was an awkward silence. That is weird because she and I always have something to say to one another.
“Well, it was good seeing you again.” I said as I walked closer to James, who was patiently waiting in the car.
“Yeah. We’ll have to catch up later.” She responded. We gave each other a really awkward hug, then she walked towards her car, and I walked towards James. I climbed into the car, and I passed out from exhaustion soon after.

Chapter Twenty Two.

I barely even remember James waking me up so that we could go up to our room.
I woke up still dressed in my clothes from the day before. I could still feel the makeup caked onto my face, and my breath was terrible. I guess that’s what I get for deciding to just pass out on the bed when I got home.
I reluctantly scrambled myself out from the covers and went to my bathroom. I jumped in the shower and cleaned the makeup off my face. I then did my normal thing of washing my hair, body, then shaving. I jumped out and pumped lotion into my hands and smoothed it over myself. I put deodorant an then my bra and panties before I walked into my room.
I grunted as I squeezed that damn corset over my chest. I dressed in baggy pants and a huge yellow t-shirt.
I hadn’t heard James get up, so I headed to his room to wake him. I’m surprised he didn’t just sleep in my room.
When I opened his door, I knew he hadn’t even thought about moving his lazy ass because the lights were off and he was snoring. I opened the bright curtains then started jumping up and down on his bed singing What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. He hates that song, but I love it, so I figured it was a perfect wakeup call.
“Trust me babe, I know I’m beautiful.” He said.
“Well, then you aren’t beautiful. Because part of what makes you beautiful is that you don’t know that you are beautiful.” I told him.
“Is that so?” he asked before giving me a light kiss on the lips. “Tell me, what else makes me beautiful?”
“Well for one thing, you have me on your arm. When you think people are looking at you, they are really looking at me and my awesomeness.” I said as I got up. “Now get your lazy ass out of bed, or I am going to leave you for Harry Styles.” I said as I slammed his door. I heard a growl rip through the room, causing me to giggle.
As I was walking into the kitchen, I heard my phone start to ring from my room. I ran with my fist in front of me like a superhero to get it. I used to always run like that when I was younger because Kyle told me I was faster when I did it. For some dumb reason, I believed him. It was a habit I never grew out of.
“Hellooo?” I sang into the phone.
“Hey Kyla. It’s Tanner.” Oh God. Tanner. I forgot all about my other ‘mate’ with the whole Kyle thing. Great.
“Hey Tanner. What’s up?” I asked. This just got really awkward. I mean, I liked him, but I didn’t like the way he made me feel. I wouldn’t say that when I’m around him, but when I get away and I get a chance to tighten the screws in my head, I realize that even though I felt all tingly around him, I don’t want him as a mate. I knew that he probably felt the same way. But when we were together, our minds completely forgot about our mates, and only focused on each other.
“Nothing much. Listen, it’s my turn to go shopping this weekend. Why don’t you come with me then we can go to my father’s house and ask him if he knows anything.” Oooh. Possible answers to my problem. I like that.
“Definitely. I’ll meet you there, as to not cause too much suspicion?”
“Yeah. Meet me at the Target on Saturday at noon.” He answered.
“Okay. See you then. Hopefully we can find some answers.”
“That’s what I was hoping. I gotta go. Molly is hollering to get my ass out of the bathroom.” He said chuckling.
“That’s funny. I was just hollering at James to get his ass out of bed. See ya Saturday.”
“Bye Kyla.” I hung up then went back to the kitchen to get a muffin for breakfast. I picked a double chocolate one, and then stuffed it in my face. Blade came in just as I was finishing my last bite.
“BLADE!! Help me with my wig!” I screamed, thrusting it at him. He looked confused like he didn’t know what to do.
“Kyls… I don’t know how to do this.”
“All you do is position it on my head, dumbass.” I told him. He grunted, and then I felt it being shoved onto my head.
“Lets go see in the mirror how horrible you did.” I muttered as I walked to the hall mirror. “Good job Bladey! It doesn’t look to bad!” I said patting his cheek. He gave me a cheesy grin and rolled his eyes.
“James! Me and your fiancé are running away to class together! See you around!” Blade yelled as he dragged me out the door. I was laughing so hard, I could barely stand.
“You probably shouldn’t have done that.” I told him.
“Why not?”
“Cause I told him I was going to leave him for Harry Styles earlier this morning.” He laughed.
“Honey, puhlease. You know you would come begging to me first.” He said.
“You know me ssooo well.” I said as I rolled my eyes. We walked into the classroom and sat by each other in the back. James came in and gave each of us a glare and a finger flip before he sat in the middle of the room.
“I think we may have pissed him off…” Blade said stating the obvious.
“You think? I thought that if he were any happier he would be whistling show tunes.” I replied.
“Smart ass bitch.” Was his response before class started.
The day went by as usual. Blade and I made fun of James and other guys laughed. James was trying to hold in his smile, but I still saw right through him. He is so cute.
During 5th period, I decided I would need Blade’s help on Saturday.
“Hey Blade? Can you help me with something?” I asked in my girly voice when no one was paying attention.
“What’s up Blaze?”
“Well… on Saturday I need to… do something, and I need your help to cover me.” I said. He looked doubtful.
“Kyls, what are you going to be doing? You aren’t going to cheat on…” I didn’t even let him finish the thought.
“NO! No no no no no. GAWD no. I could never do that. Someone in the pack has… brought something to my attention, and we need to get answers.” I told him. I didn’t want to tell him the whole thing, but enough so that he knew I wasn’t lying.
“Okay Kyla. I’m a bit skeptical, but I trust your judgment. Just promise me that you will call me if you find yourself in an uncomfortable position. Okay?”
“Okay. Thanks Blade. You’re a great friend.” I said smiling at him.
“Great? Babe, I think you mean the best.” He said.
“ehh… we’ll see.” I said as the bell rang.
The rest of the week went by normal. After school, I headed home and did my homework and watched television. My stomach would get queasy if I thought too much about the whole Tanner situation, so I tried to keep myself busy so that I wouldn’t think too much about it. Before I knew it Saturday had arrived.

Chapter Twenty Three.

I got out of bed at nine. I took a shower and got dressed in boy clothes. I packed a bag with makeup and girl clothes in it so I could change. It would be awkward if Tanner and I showed up at his house claiming we were mates with me dressed as a guy. I don’t think his dad would be too thrilled.
Blade was at our door at eleven.
“Hey Blade!” I yelled when James let him in.
“Blade… what are you doing here? It’s early for you…” James said scratching his head. He wasn’t even dressed yet.
“Do you not want me, James? I’m deeply hurt.” Blade asked, holding his heart.
“Oh gosh… your acting more like her every day.” James grunted motioning to me. I started clapping like an idiot.
“Bladeeyy! Did you hear that? You are acting more like me! Whoo!” I shouted. He and I did a retarded dance.
“Where did the Blade I know go to?” James asked.
“He disappeared when you brought this sexy chick here into his life.” He said. I really love this kid.
“Whatever. You here to watch the game?” James asked.
“No, actually I’m stealing your fiancé for the afternoon.” He said. Then he switched into his girly voice. “We are like, going to like get our nails done. Then like, we are going to like the mall to like stare at hot guys asses and wish that they would give us a glance. Then like we will like finish the day like getting like a thousand shoes. Like.” He obviously over used the word ‘like’. Oh Blade…
“Girls day out huh?” James asked as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“Totally. See ya like later.” Blade said as he pulled me out the door. Once we were in the elevater, I was down to business.
“Thanks for doing this Blade. You don’t know how much this means to me.” I said.
“I needed to go get some stuff anyway. Now I just get to pretend that you are with me. Where am I taking you?”
“Well, it is early… lets go get some food. Im starving.”
“Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only one who was starved. What do you want?” He asked as he unlocked the door.
“I don’t really care. Anything sounds good to me.” As we pulled out of the school, I climbed to the back to change into my girl clothes. I pulled the wig off my head, exposing my blonde-blue curls. I didn’t feel like straightening it today. I pulled off my shirt and corset and replaced them with my bra and white v-neck t shirt. I took off my gym shorts and replaced them with black short shorts that had so many holes in them that more skin was showing where the cloth was supposed to be.
I climbed back up into the front seat to see Blade pull into a Wendy’s parking lot.
“FROSTYS!” I screamed jumping up and down. I love frosties. They are the best thing on earth.
“I knew you would love it.” Blade said. I ignored him as I bolted inside to order my frosty.
After lunch, and my wonderful frosty, Blade and I headed over to Target. I was still 15 minutes early, but that was fine because I didn’t necessarily want Blade to know who I was meeting up with. I wasn’t that he wouldn’t trust him and haul me back to school; it was more that he would be curious to what was going on and hang around. This was a mission that Tanner and I needed to complete together.
I thanked Blade as I hopped out of the car and watched as he pulled out of the parking lot. I pulled out my phone and texted Tanner telling him I was here.
Hey. im at target. Wats ur eta?

He responded almost immediately.
im runnin behind. Be there in about 20. Go ahead and get milk, eggs, bread, lunch meat, juice, and vegetables?

Great… now I’m his grocery maid
fine… but I aint your grocery maid.

I responded.
I walked inside and grabbed a buggy. I strolled through the store and got the things he texted me to get. When I was done, I saw him wandering the isles looking for me.
“Here doggy doggy doggy!” I called out. I got a few weird looks from the people around me, but Tanner just turned around with a big grin on his face.
“Woof woof.” He said as he got closer. I enveloped me in a big hug, a hug that I was not expecting to get. But hey, we are in this together.
“Thanks for going ahead and getting our stuff. Molly was upset because I didn’t clean like I was supposed to. So I got a lecture. Again.” He said rolling his eyes.

“Eh, I don’t know how to clean that well. I don’t have the patience for that.” I replied.
“That’s the way to live.” We finished getting all the things on his list, and then headed for the checkout line.
“So how did you manage to get away from James?” Tanner asked me as I was playing with a slap bracelet in the checkout line.
“Lying. I told him that I was having a girls day out with Blade.” I said, continuing to slap the bracelet onto my wrist.
“What if Blade shows up at your doorstep to hang with him while we are gone?” he asked. He looked worried and nervous.
“It’s cool. I told Blade I had something I needed to take care of, and he agreed to be my cover. He said he had things to do today also.” I told him. He visibly relaxed.
Tanner paid them he pushed the buggy out to his car. I was astonished. He drove a Porsche 911 GT2 RS. I was in awe.
“Dude. I love your car. When we get this all sorted, you are taking me for rides.” I said. He just chuckled and got in the car.
“My dad’s house is about fifteen minutes away. I’m going to warn you, he isn’t a pleasure to be around. He is very strict, and doesn’t hold back on his opinions. But he is very wise, and can help up solve our problems.” He told me. I nodded.
“I don’t hold back on opinions either. I don’t think we’ll get along well.”
“Hold your tongue. If you piss him off, he’ll kick us out and will not help at all. He’s a busy man, so be grateful he squeezed in time to see us.” I saw his fists clench the steering wheel.
“You have to schedule time to spend time with your own son? How conceited...”
“Like I said, he is a busy man.” Right as he said that, we pulled up to a huge Victorian mansion. It must have four floors, a balcony for each. It was a dark gray, and from where we were the drapes inside were a blood red. There were multiple rose bushes, and they would have been beautiful it they weren’t dried up and splattered with brown rotting spots.
It was still a beautiful place, just creepy. But I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that told me something was way off. Something was going to happen, and I didn’t know what.


Texte: everything is from my own imagination!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.02.2012

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