Vampiress Secret

Book One Von:
User: breedavis
Vampiress Secret
Utopia is the princess of the vampire empire so that makes her the vampiress. After doing a dirty deed she comes back into the empire to become face to face with the jaw dropping Arc. He's an anonest (Welsh for dishonest) which meant he broke one of the vampire laws. Her father gave Arc to her as her personal anonest and well, she falls hard for him. Now, she has a dirty secret.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Princess of the Vampire Empire"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Vampiress Secret
Book One
Romance, Vampires, Dirty Secret, Love
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This is really good! Please keep me updated, I want to know when there is more. I think this is one of my ew favorites!!

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