The Silhouette

Short Story Von:
The Silhouette
Detective Jake Carter is living a nightmare and he cant wake up. He is being haunted by killer who can only kill in his victims dreams. Wil Jake Carter wake up in time? or will he be murdered in his sleep?

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I am finished. There is probably some errors. But i hope you enjoyed it. I will have a friend of mine edit it

Wichtiger Beitrag

the blurb of your story totally reminded me of freddy kreuger - the whole killing while the person sleeps thing. but after i read what you have so far, i see that it it totally unique. nice!

watch out for spelling and grammar mistakes though! have somebody edit it for you.

let me know when you add more!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Is that by Stephen King. That is my favorite author. But i havnt read it. Is that what its about? I wouldnt be surprised

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