
Chapter 1

The young lady sat accross from the two detectives in the interregation room, weeping, and wiping her tears with a tissue. The two detectives Carter and Collins sat blank faced from the lady by the name of Grace and waited for the right time to speak.
"What Did this man look like, Ms. Chapman?" Carter asked, handing grace another tissue. She wiped the tears one more time then spoke.
"I don't know. It was dark out, and he draged me to this barn-smelling place. I looked straight at his face. All i could see was his shadow. It's like he didnt have a face. But I could make out a mustache. A handle bar mustache. Thats it."
She started to relax. She wiped the last of her tears. Collins started to speak,
"Lets play this all back. Last night you went out to your car to get something, when from behind he grabbed you by the neck and forced you to his car. Then taking you to, lets say, a barn. What happend there?" The little small square room felt cool, cold in fact. Carter had goosebumps.
"When we got to this 'place' all he did was turn me around to make me purposely look right into his shadow face. But like I said I could not get any facial features but a mustache. The street light pole from accros the street couldn't pick up his face. I'm telling you he had no face, but a ugly looking mustache."
"So then after all that, he just left you there. And now here you are. Back to the present." Collins said, rolling his eyes.
"Yes that is what happend. He just let me go. I was surprised. I saw him walk to his car that was parked right underneath that street lamp. He looked back at me. I saw nothing. No eyes, no nose, no nothing but the mustache, and the hat he was wearing with the long jacket that went down to his ankels." Collins thought this story was a load of crap, but Carter thought different. Usually he wouldn't believe this, but that day he did believe her. More gooebumps came to him and he started to shiver. He looked over at Collins to see if he noticed the sudden drop of tempereature, but Colliins just gave Carter a weird look.
"Are you okay, Jake? You look bad, man. You look whiter than Betty White in Golden Girls." Collins asked. Grace also noticed the change in Carter.
"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. I got to step out for a moment." Carter replied and stepped out of the room. Collins followed.

Chapter 2

Outside the interregation room, Collins caught Carter by the shoulder and stopped him in his track. "What in the hell was that? Can you believe what people will do for attention in this world? Rediculous." Collins spat. He was a grumpy cop. Didn't take anything seriously. If he got a call about an animal in need of help, he would tell them to "Fuck off." Carter coughed and sneezed.
"I think I'm coming down with something. I should go home. Tell chief that I'm taking the rest of the day off. Then, send Grace home. I will call her later."
Carter started walking toward the entrance, halfway out Collins yelled, "You can't be serious about this Jake!" Carter was gone. Dissipeard in the doorway to Hell.

Carter went straight to sleep that night not getting rid of the shivers, or the goosebumps. He figured by tomorrow he would wake up feeling just as he had before. Getting his morning cup of coffe, turn sportscenter on to check the highlights of the Red Sox game, kick something if they lost or pump a fist in the air if they won. Carter didnt get Red Sox games in ST. Paul and he wasnt going to spend money on the MLB Extra innings.

Carter woke with a start the next morning to a knock on his apartment door. He jumped out of bed. He saw he was covered in sweat. His face felt like the ocean. Carter was only in his boxer shorts. He quickly put on pants and went to the door. He unlached the lock on the door and eased it open. Standing in the doorway was a young looking woman in the late twenty's by the looks. She had a wide smile, showing pure white teeth. Carter did not know this woman,
"Can i help you?" Carter asked the mysterious lady. He looked at his bare chest and grabbed a shirt nearest of him and put it on.
"Dont bother this wont take long. May I come in?"
"No" the lady smiled then laughed.
"I think maybe you want to let me in. You see because this is my apartment, not yours"
"What are you talking about. Ive been living in this shitty room for eight years. Unless i came down with some serious amnesia, you better go" Carter was getting angry. His head was pounding, and his whole body hurt.
"Do i have to call the police?" She threatened Carter pulling out her cell phone. Carter held his arms up in surrender and moved away to let her in.
"Fine, you want this apartment. You can have it. Be my guest." Carter was moving so fast he was already done packing. Just about out the door he turned back and said, "oh, yeah. The oven does not work so enjoy your uncooked frozen pizza's" And he left with a suitcase under his arm with clothes about to fall out.

Staying at a friends house in Minneapolis, Detective carter showed up late for work the next day with bloodshot eyes, headache, hair in a mess. He ran into Collins in his office.
"Well look whose late. if it isnt frankenstein. Can i have your autograph?" Collins Joked with a big laugh, spraying saliva.
"Just give me the details, smartass" Carter demanded. Collins opened his laptop. Taking it a little bit to load, Collins tapped on his desk humming to himself, "Touch Me" by the doors. He stopped humming and turned the laptop towards Carter. The screen went blur for a seconed then went into focus. On the computer screen Carter saw the picture of Grace the victim of a supposedly kidnapping the day before. Carter shrugged.
"Well?" Collins started looking at Carter like he was dumb.
"Well what?" Carter didnt know where Collins was going with this.
"I looked up Grace's record, and she is known for hallucinating if she had not taken her pills that day. What happend yesterday was she 'imagined' herself being kidnapped by the 'shadow faced guy with ugly mustache'-"
"Thats not what she said"
"You know very well what i mean. And you know she imagined it too"
"So what if she did? Case closed then right?" Carter caught himself playing Collins's game. Collins nodded. Pushing his chair back, Carter left the room and to his desk to do the normal paperwork.

Chapter 3

FlashBack- 1972, ST. Paul, Minnesota
James Carter looked behind him, then to the sides. He ran, and ran, from the thing. No face. He was following him. Not far behind. In the old warehouse where James stumbled in was dirty and old. He ran so fast he nearly out ran himself, almost tripping over a tangle of cords. He was tired, could barely breath. He couldnt die now. He expected to see his son being born any minute, before no face had druged him putting him into a nightmare. He needed out. But how? James came to an abrupt stop. He could go two directions. Right or left. He chose left. He ran as fast as he could. He could hear his name being called in an echo from the monster. James... James... James...
Turning another corner thinking he lost no face for at least another minute, the monster appeared out of thin air right in front of James with blood running down his mouth. No face turned from a shadow-no face man to a man sized lizard on two legs. From behind a tail grew out at leas eight feet long, razer sharp needles pointing out of it. The teeth werre the size of a hippos teeth but as sharp as a nail.
"Why are you running James? You cant outrun me you stupid human," no face was a lizard no longer. Now he was a clone of James's father, Ralph Carter.
"What do you want? What are you?" James asked the monster that looked like his father. No face laughed histarically.
"Oh your just having a nightmare is all. Dont worry you will wake up and realize it was just a dream. Then go to the hospital to see your only kid Jake being born. Sadly your wife isnt going to survive the birth. She will be all mine!" The laughing continued. James got angry. Couldnt stand the harrasment from his own nightmare. He must do something. He looked left then right for something. Anything. To his right laying on the floor was a knife that appeared from nowhere that was not there a seconed ago. He dived for it and grasped it by the handle and waved it around. No face seemed shocked. "Where did you get that? Where the hell did you get that!? It cant be" No face had blood running down his face. He turned back into the shadow face. Then the lizard, and again the no face. James didnt know what was going on.
James gritted his teeth ready to pounce on no face. He stepped closer. The monster stepped back. Thats when James realized the knife is what scared no face.
"You think im scared of you now because you have that knife? I could kill you right now" No face yelled.
"Then do it" James replied.
No face was going through another change. This one was big. He grew another five feet. He now had bear claws, head of a wolf, and a body of a tiger. James grasped the knife harder. Stepped and threw the knife towards the fangs of the wolf head. Not at that time was the monster expecting the knife, as it went right through the left eye. He screamed. Raging, no face chargerd toward James and swiped his giant bear claw. James dived out of the way just avoiding being struck. Blood ran down the wolf heads eyes. Crawling away from no face, straight ahead James spotted another knife down the corridor. He got onto his feet and ran to the knife. When there he dived for it. But the monster put a tiger paw on his arm that held the knife.
James was for sure his arm had broken in many places. With his other arm he reached for the knife and pulled it out from underneath the tiger paw. James stabbed the knife into the leg of no face. Pulling it out, he repaeatedly stabbed the leg. He was able to get free.
No face lay unconcious on the warehouse floor, pool of blood all around him.
Thats when James's alarm clock went off. He didnt remember a thing.

Chapter 4

Living at a friends house had its benefits. Free food, no bills. But Jake no matter where he was never felt comfortable. He always had strange feelings. Jake was seated at the dinner table next to Billy his roomate. The table was silent for a long time. Billy broke the silence.
"You have never talked about your father ever. What was he like?" Jake nearly coughed up his speghetti on the table. He regained his composure. He gabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth. He hesitated.
"He died of a heartattack over night when i was ten. I usto think he was the perfect father. Caved at everything i asked for. Every sundays i would ask him if we could stop by the candy shop. He would say, 'no, we went the last four sundays' but i kept asking and asking and eventually he will cave. He never got around well. He wore a cast for a very long time on his right arm. Never knew how he broke it. Woke up in the middle of the day minutes before i was born and noticed his arm was broken. My father also walked with a limp" Jake held back the tears, "took me a long time to get over his death" Jake sat up and cleaned his plate and put it in the sink. Billy sat silent regretting brining up the subject.
"Sorry to hear that" Billy said putting his plate in the sink. Jake started on the dishes. The silence came back. Then Jake said.
"Then my mom died while giving birth to me so my grandparents became my legal guardians until i graduated. Well only my grandma. My grandpa passed away before i was born. Death just runs in my family." One dish at a time Jake couldnt get his fathers picture out of his head. He missed him so much and wished he was still alive today. What if his fathers death wasnt caused by heartattack? Jake quickly pushed that theory to the side. He felt suddenly cold again. His hairs on the back of his neck stood up.
"Jake are you ok?" Billy asked concerned. Jake was back to the usual pale and the eyes that have not seen sleep in weeks. Billy grabbed a dish and it fell from his grasp and the plate shattered to pieces. He store at Jake's back terrified. His shirt was ripped from the back. And down his back was an eight inch cut. He was bleeding profusely. Jake fainted. Billy called the ambulance.
In ten minutes Jake was placed in the hospital overnight for stiches. Eighty stiches total. It was the worst pain he had been in his entire life. But more importantly he wondered how it happened. This could not have happened doing the dishes.

The next day Jake was released. He needed help getting into Billy's car. Billy helped him in the back seat buckling him up. On the car ride home Jake was starting to lose focus. One minute he could see just fine, but the next he couldnt see anything at all. All he could see when he looked around the car was dead people. Not just dead people but his dead parents laying in a pool of blood with thier necks cut open. Jake tried to scream but nothing came out. No sound came out of his voice at all. He couldnt talk.
Now he could see more dead people. Lying dead in the passenger seat was Billy with no head, no hands or feet. Jake was shaking rapidly, it looked like he was having a seizure. His head banged against the window once, then twice. The window cracked. His blood was smeared on the window, and in letters it said, 'are you ready to die, Mr. Carter?' everything was spinning. Slime came oozing out of the back windshield mixed with red blood. Every window was saying the same thing asking if Jake Carter was ready to die.
Jake screamed and shot his eyes open. He looked around to see where he was. He was in the back of Billy's car parked in front his house. Billy shook him twice. Jake had fallen asleep.
"Jake, Jake! its just me. calm down. you just fell asleep. Come on lets get you inside".
Inside Billy carried Jake to his room and layed him on his bed. Instantly Jake fell asleep into the world of the monster. Let the games begin.

Chapter 5

A bright light shown right down on Jake. He struggled to open his eyes as he was barely concious. When he got his eyes open he couldnt make out anything but just blur. But he did hear something. A drilling noise. He didnt know where it was coming from, but it sounded bad. It made his head ring, and his ears twich. Whatever was going on, he felt like he was in a woodshop, in fact it smelt like a woodshop. The smell of sawdust. Jake sneezed loud smelling in the sawdust. His eyes came more into focus. Standing in front of him was the shawdow faced man Grace had mentioned kidnapping her.
"You... you... killed-" Jake couldnt finish what he was about to say. But he tried, "my... fa...ther didnt you. Killed him... in his sleep. He was as healthy as a lamb. whatever the saying is" Jake felt woozy. He didnt even know what was coming out of his mouth. The creepy no faceed man stepped closer to Jake until they were face to face. If he had a face.
"I never thought i would see another Carter. But here we are. The last of them. But after today the name Carter will dissipear like you never existed" No face, now had a face. An old mans face. Jake didnt know what to do. He tried to move but couldnt. He was in too much pain to move. He had the feeling he needed to act fast. No face walked over to a work bench straight ahead ten feet and grabbed a hammer, examined it then set it back down. Walking five more feet to the right he picked up a knife and walked back over to Jake.
"Where am i?" Jake said dazed and confused. He watched no face's every move with the knife in his hand.
"Well you are in my nightmare. Trapped with no way out. Only way out is to hell" Jake didnt hear what he said. His hearing stopped working. From inside his head a voice said, 'Jake. Believe in yourself. Its your job to alter the dream. You can change it. Find its weakness' the voice sounded very fimiliar to Jake. What did he mean by alter the dream? Jake thought.
Thinking about the voice, Jake was caught by surprised when no face grabbed him from off the ground and sat him in a chair. Sitting in front of Jake was a screen. A big screen. On the screen it showed Jake asleep in Billy's bed. Then the screen showed Billy in the kitchen finishing up the dishes. Thats when the voice came back into Jake's head, 'Do something Jake. You can defeat him. Finish what i started' the voice dissipeard from his mind. A tear trickled down his face realizing who the voice was. His father.

She slammed through the ST. Paul Police Dapartments double doors and flew down the hallway to Detectice Daniel Collins office. She flew open his door. Collins was on his computer.
"Grace! What are you doing here. You need to go home" Collins said getting up to show her to the door.
"Jake is in trouble detective. I know it. No face has got him. you got to believe me! He killed my family and he is going after his and he is the last one on his list!"
"Go home right now young lady, and dont bother coming back. Carter is just out sick is all. Goodbye" Collins motioned to shut the door but Grace stopped it.
"If you ever want to see your partner alive again, i would suggest you come with me" Sweat was forming on her brow. Time was running out. Grace ran out the door to her car. Collins ran after her.
"Ok im coming with but if this is all bogus bullshit i will have you arrested" Grace ignored him and got in behind the wheel. Collins took the passenger seat. She sped out of the police station toward Minneapolis.

Chapter 6- The Final Chapter

Thinking about his father's voice in his head and what it meant, Jake lost his focus on no face. Then from behind he was picked up and was thrown ten feet. Jake slammed into a wall with tools. He just missed the hammer's and saw's. He fell to the ground and spat out blood, getting to one knee.
"Let the games begin!" no face yelled laughing. He walked over to Jake again and picked him up by his neck. Sat him on the tool bench still clenching Jake's neck. No faced turned from an old man to a giant lizard growing at least six more feet, elevating Jake off the work bench. No face chucked him across the room slamming Jake into a busted up car. He went through the windshield and layed facedown in between the two front seats. Jake lifted his head up. He couldnt see anything again. He saw more dead people all around him. But alive. They were all smoking a cigarette in the back seat of the old 1978 Buick. The corpse's were covered in blood. They were having a conversation that Jake couldnt hear. Then they were gone.
Jake was not at a workshop no more. He was at the police station. Everything looked normal. Officers and detectives working at their desks. Jake sat up with blood running down his mouth and looked around the room. Everyting did not look normal. The walls were a maroon red. Those were not officers and detectives at the desk but ghosts. They were all starring at Jake. Then appearing before his eyes no face as the lizard was inches from him. The lizard picked him up and hoisted him through the police station, through the double doors. Jake ended up in what should have been the parking lot, but was not. He was at a cemetary now. Corpse's running arond free. Some still coming out of their grave's. A ghost past him and nodded a hello. Jake nodded back. He wiped blood from his mouth.
More pain shot from Jake as he was hit by a right hook from no face and was hit into a gravestone. The gravestone had Jake's name on it. Next to his father's, mother's and grandparents. More laughing came from the monster.

Grace slammed the brakes in front of Billy's house. Collins and Grace both shot out of the car and went for the front door. They tried it and it was locked. Damnit! Grace thought. She ran to the living room window to see if Billy was their. He was. Grace banged on the window. She could see Billy seated on the couch in his living room. Billy didnt seem to hear Grace bang on the window. She stopped banging on the window when realizing Billy had blood running down the side of his face. Billy collapsed over on the couch. Grace screamed. She looked around the living room through the window. The TV was on. What was on the TV terrified Grace. The TV showed Jake and no face. Jake was in a cemetary in the nightmare with the monster about to finish him off.
Grace ran back in front of the house with Collins still on the step. Rounding the corner to the front of the house she yelled, "brake it down! Now!" She didnt have to tell Collins twice. Before she could finish the door was already laying on the ground. They both ran in the house seeing Billy lay unconcious on the couch. Collins went to tend to Billy while Grace looked for Jake.

"Having fun yet Jake!" No face yelled while laughing spitting out blood. Leaning up against the gravestone, no face picked jake up. They were now back in the workshop and Jake was seated back down on the chair in front of the big screen on the wall. It showed Collins in the living room looking over the body of Billy. Then in the hallway to the bedrooms was Graace searching each room.
"Lets say we give your girlfriend a surprise shall we!?" No face said. On the screen a ghost with a knife in its back appeared behind Grace. With her not realizing.
"Grace behind you!" Jake yelled. No faced laughed. She could not hear him. Back on the screen with Grace reaching the room with Jake sleeping soundlessly, the corpse grabbed grace from behind and choked her. She gagged. Collins popped his head up in the living room. He got up from his knees and ran towards Grace. But he was stopped in his tracks when in front of him was a fat corpse covered in blood, with knifes in its eyes. Collins nearly threw up. The corpse ran to Collins. Collins dodged the ghost and the ghost slammed into a bookshelf. He growled. Collins ignored the growl and went straight after Grace with a fat corpse on his tail. What the hell is going on! He thought. Getting to Grace just in time before she was choked to death, Collins grabbed his pistol not thinking it would do anything to a ghost and pulled the trigger three times. Holes pierced through the corpse's back and fell to the ground. Grace fell to the grond coughing. Collins bent to a knee and turned Grace over on her back. Collins was hit from behind. The fat corpse hit him in the back of the head with a lamp. Collapsed on his back next to Grace.

"Aw. What a shame. Look what has happened to your friends. Now its your turn to say goodbye." No face walked back over the work bench now back to its orignal form and picked up the knife he held earlier. The voice in Jake's head kept repeating the same thing over and over again. 'Imagine whats going to happen and it will happen' Jake thought hard while no face walked to Jake. 10 feet. Think, think! Jake said in his head. He tried to imagine but nothing happend. 5 feet. 3 feet.
No face strapped Jake to the chair with his hands tied behind his back. And with his feet tied. Grabbing the knife he held it up to Jake's temple causing blood trickling down the side of his head.
"Fuck you" Jake spat into the monster's face. He licked the saliva and smiled.
"Tasty!" The monster said and laughed. Pushing it more into Jake's temple he started to lose conciousness. Harder, hard- BANG! A shot rang about the workshop. Falling down to the floor was no face surprised by what had just happend. Blood came out of every part of his body. Jake looked arond the room. He didnt know where that shot came from. In the corner of the shop stood Jake's father with a pistol in his hand in a corpse appearence. Blood on his face. A grin came from the side of his fathers mouth. Then he dissipeared with gun dropping to the ground.
Thinking harder, as hard as he could, the ropes that strapped Jake to the chair exploded. Jake got up from the chair and went towards the gun. But he was tripped by no face and was flung across the rooom slamming into the wall. Everything went completely black.

Standing over Collins was the fat corpse with the broken lamp. Collins shot his eyes open looking straight into the face of the ghost. Lifting the lamp over its head. As the ghost was about to chuck the lamp at Collins, a bullet went through the corpse making a giant hole. It collapsed to the ground dead for the seconed time. As fast as he could Collins got up and checked to see if Grace had a pulse. She did.
"Grace. Grace wake up. Please. Come on!" Collins slammed the ground with his fist. Grace opened her eyes slowly. Collins helped her up. She fell into his arms. "Can you walk, Grace?" Collins asked. She nodded. He let her go. They went to the bedroom where Jake was.
In the bedroom Jake was sprawled on the bed, full of blood. He wasnt just pale, but blue. "We have to do something" Collins started. He went towards the bed examining his partner.
"Dont touch him. He has to wake up himself. Touching him will kill him." Collins stepped back quick. Shivering on the bed Jake bled from the mouth.

Jake came to his senses feeling the cold floor of the workshop. He was able to stand. Jake could barely move his arm. He still eyed the gun on the ground. Coming closer no face had a furious look on his face. No more laughing for him. Going from original look to big and scary Jake had no idea what he was supposed to be. And he didnt care.
"You are wasting my time Jake! you should be dead! you are just like your father. That piece of rotten-" No face was slammed into the wall by an invisible force. Not once but twice. Then three times. Multiple times. That gave Jake a chance for the gun. He ran to the other side of the workshop while no face was getting his head bashed into the wall by nothing. Finally it stopped. No face fell to the ground struggling to get up. Jake stood over him with the gun pointed at the monster face. Jake took a minute and just stood there looking at no face with the gun pointed down on him. This time it was Jake smiling.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.07.2012

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