
~ My entry for the Romeo Remake Contest ~

Author's Note: Writing romance really isn't my forté, so I don't expect this to be anything more than mediocre. Sorry if you're disappointed.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

You've got a romantic streak and, just like everything else in life, writing it out forces you to examine it... making it better all around - real life and fiction.

I'll happily read any re-write you care to make.

Here's my vote!

Wichtiger Beitrag

good - since both Wendy and Val addressed corrections needed - I'll just go with, I enjoyed the story....p

Wichtiger Beitrag

I thoroughly enjoyed it and I was suitably livid by Howard's actions and that of the fathers.

I have one criticism. When Howard caught her with Reggie, Howard made a statement about Reggie stealing his girl. It seemed odd to me, because i would have thought that Howard was so arrogant, he would never even consider the fact that Reggie could achieve taking a white woman from him.

I also wanted to mention a bit of a grammar... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I was a child throughout the 50s, but I remember the tense racial climate very well. Especially in the deep south, the very idea of a black man being seen near a white woman would have been cause for a lynching. Aside from the comments from Val, I think this is an exceptionally well thought out and crafted story. If I were to suggest anything further, I would have liked to have seen a bit more tragic, even ironic last... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

enjoyed this. I have uploaded books in a rush as well. They are some of the best received ones. LOL Its the rush of ideas that you MUST write down !! Once you fix the small errors it will be awesome. The story was very appealing. Well written even as it is.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I guess I was not paying attention, and had no clue this was written by my friend, and co-moderator, paper.planes. All I can say is: I am glad in a way that I was not influenced by our friendship. I really liked the story on its own merits...and the edits are, indeed, necessary.

Good job, Beth. I really liked this story. Fix it, and you have a winner I am sure.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Paper Planes

Thanks for that, Val. I'll fix those when I get the chance. I wrote this all in one sitting, and didn't edit properly. So that's what I get! Haha.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Having grown up as a teen in the 1950's, I can relate very well to this story. Dating men of another race or color was frowned upon in those days. You wrote this story very well and it moved at a good pace. It definitely fits the parameters for a tragic love story - and I applaud you for taking on this particular topic.

A few little minor "edits" are needed,that I have listed below. If you fix them, your story should run... mehr anzeigen

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