A Pee and a Poop at Midnight

A Pee and a Poop at Midnight
Calvin's Shih Tzu, Teddy, has a weak bladder and suffers from irritable bowel syndrome. The foul tempered pooch is also food aggressive. This weekend, Calvin is dragging the dysfunctional beast to a barbecue at his future in-laws.

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I posted a review of your short story. Go see it on the Book Review Group.

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Thanks for your kind words. That was quite a comprehensive review of my short story, A Pee and a Poop at Midnight. I also do a lot of reviewing on several other literary websites - both poetry and short fiction. There are some amazingly good writers out there who are not getting... mehr anzeigen

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Patience. I have noted that advice, thank you. When I edit Meagan Brewer, I'll keep that in mind. It will probably help with the predictability. Patience is key!

I love all those authors as well. Charlotte Bronte is by far my favorite! Dickens... what a flipping talent. I could go on and on. I always have a classic around, it is essential to my writing. When I read Jane Austen or Emily Bronte, I end up phrasing my writing... mehr anzeigen

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I loved the second half! The relationship between this couple, people with different belief systems, and the high chance that it could cause family discourse for Tracy is written with such wit and realness. I wanted to read more and hated that it was so short.

Discussing the Elliot novel was genius, I enjoy when authors tie-in classics or other books into their writing. It opens up great books for readers. It becomes a little... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare

I finished the second half of Meagan Brewer and liked how you wove all the themes together. You've got a nice touch (I don't quite know how to put it)... the way the characters tug the reader in. Everything just flows along at a leisurely but engaging pace.

You are probably a... mehr anzeigen

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I will finish this, I am half way through and I love it! You clearly write very well! Whew... I tried twenty books before I found yours. I was getting antsy! You hooked me from the first paragraph. I crave that kind of beginning when I start a book. You hit the mark. The title was a little bit of a deterrent, but also intriguing. I think it's a keeper! LOL

I really like how your characters have distinct personalities and I can... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare

Thanks for reading A Pee and and Poop... I started reading your story about the girl who finds that Charlie is the ultimate 'keeper'. I got half way through but had to stop reading because of family commitments, but I skipped ahead to the end to see how it ended.

I like your... mehr anzeigen

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