ASEAN -Formation & Impact

ASEAN -Formation & Impact

The emergence of ASEAN has made a significant difference to the regional politics of Southeast Asia. Now Southeast Asia has gained major bargaining power in world politics due to huge resources and raw materials the member country possesses. In the present situation it is at the center stage in matter related to political activity or economic activity. In fact, they provide a balance of power in the region dominated by China and India. It has a major role in providing stability in this region.

Geographically it covers the land area of 3 percent of the total world’s land and 9 percent of the world’s population. History of this start from an association known as ASA (Association of Southeast Asia) later on ASEAN came to existence after signing of Bangkok declaration by the foreign ministers of five countries namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. From established it starts influencing the political activity in southeast Asia, later on the various forum are formed to regulate the economic activities in the region, and the forum was also established to discuss the security policy related to that region.

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