The Jump

A leap of death Von:
The Jump
I watched from the edge of the 10 story building as people gathered. I wasn't afraid, I had wanted to die, and NOT come back for so long, I did not want to be saved, I shall not be saved. I took a deep breath, but heard a voice, his voice "Juliana! Wait! You don't know what your doing!" I laughed. Of course I knew. I had always known. I heard in the background "Let me go! I gotta save her!" "That's our job." I whispered, but I knew they could hear " too late" and fell, fell in bliss, waiting for the end. but it never came.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Jump if you wish"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Jump
A leap of death
vampire, love, PG-13, death, sorrow, depression.
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

One. of. the. BEST. books. Ever.
OMG. I hate Cliffys. Please update

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Gelöschter User

Did you really just leave it off like that? I liked the story and like the other comments I think you need to add a little more detail or slow down the tempo. Its a really good story I think that alot of vampire fan girls would like it just slow down the tempo and add more details!!! Thats my only requests!!?

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