Girl Trouble (Completed)

Sometimes you don't know what you've done until it's too late..... Von:
Girl Trouble (Completed)

  A tale of friendship and enmity; trust and betrayal.Mandy McHugh and Stephanie Moore are best friends,but will they stay the same? Will Ashley create misunderstandings between them or is it Mandy herself, the real cause for the pain faced by Stephanie?

 What will happen when the villian itself is in danger from the victim? Will the cards turn,who will suceed and who will die trying? Jake Wilson is Stephanie's other best friend, but is he something more then just friends now?

  A compelling tale of dramatic romance and predestination. We cannot change our fate, but we can alter our course. Accompany Stephanie in her quest to uncover the real culprit when she doesn't even understand what the crime is!

  Will Stephanie be able to differentiate between the false lies of friendship and learn the truth? Or will it be too late, because..

   Sometimes you dont know what you've done until it's too late.

Drama, Friends, trust, acting
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I added this story to my favorites beause I want to read it. I started to read it but don't have time to finish. I'll add comments later.

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Gelöschter User

It's very epic story, after all as far as I know girls are always in trouble the last film which I saw was that two girls not two girls were victims they were very near to become on holes made by the ammo of а weapon which heavy artillery, of course not large and big like in wars...

Also it's well described, after all everyday could be saw this can't it??
It always one fucking conflict, so far in one my stories i dicided to pu... mehr anzeigen

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I've begun to read this, and I like the way you develop your characters. So far it's been an enjoyable story that has kept my interest throughout. I have only one question, though - I have seen "Grease" many, many times, but have never seen a scene involving soldiers or Sandy having to hide in a closet. It's a light-hearted musical about teen romance and occasional angst, but there's nothing at all about soldiers. Could you... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Yes, I know, But I didn't mean that play. I just took the names and made a story myself. I'll change the play name. Thank you so much for reading and giving an honest review.

Wichtiger Beitrag
L. Avery Brown

Hi. I started reading the story - I didn't have time to finish it. I think you are heading in the right direction - you just need some editing with verb tense as well as the actual dialogue in the story.

Essentially, I noticed that there were several places where you were a bit too formal with the way your characters interacted with one another. An example would be when your characters speak, they often don't use contractions... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Thankyou for the reading my book. I value your advice. I'll try to improve my writing by following the tips you gave. Thankyou.

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novel only have 158 pages..?

1 Kommentar

Actually, its not completed, thats why. But yeah, its going to have about 210 pages only. Not all nocels have 400-600 pages. I am trying to improve though. You can read it if you want.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Primrose Burrell

OMG so much pain for poor Steph. The level of pain and heartbreak she has had must be unbearably right now. I wouldn't mind if something bad happens to Ash. so Jake and Ash were only hiding the fact that they were in a relationship? or is there more? The scene where she though Mandy was really dead, put together with her dream had me in tears. I really love this story, cant wait to see how it ends

3 Kommentare

Your wait wont be long now, I am really trying to rush this up, cause I am planning on writing another book. If you are really crying now then I wonder what you'll do when the 27th chapter comes out_:P There's more to it then it looks like.Thank you so much for reading my book_:D

Primrose Burrell

Don't pressure yourself too much trying to finish this book, take you time. And yes I was really crying so can't wait for the other chapter. Can't wait for the next book :)


Thankyou so much for the enthusiasm.It really made me happy. I wish there were more people like you around. And yes, the next chapter will be out soon.

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