
Chapter 1

 ''Hey, Steph, over here"

Mandy waved at me as I made my way over to the cafeteria. Mandy McHugh is my best friend, as in my only friend. She has blue eyes and tanned skin whereas I have pale white skin. She’s really bold, totally opposite of me. I am very nervous and as much as I hate to admit it, I am much of a coward, afraid of almost everything like spiders and dark rooms. But surprisingly, I never get bullied. I made my way over to her.

"Steph! You are late, auditions for Sustenance are about to start. Come on" She took my hand and led me to the gym. I stopped.

"Mandy, you know I will never get a part, you will get the lead role, you always do, but me......" I sighed. Mandy gently took my hand.

"I had a different idea for you, I thought you might like to join the stage crew since you are fabulous at painting"

I brightened up at the idea instantly. After all I was the daughter of Charls Moore, a well known artist, so it was only natural that I would have that talent too. So while Mandy wrote her name down for the lead role of Sandy, I wrote mine down for the stage crew. though it did hurt me to know that Mandy hadn’t even considered that I could get a part in the play, if I practiced hard enough. I mean, I know I am not that great an actor, but I COULD have got a minor part. But, oh well, Mandy knew me so well; she must have thought that I wouldn’t even want a part. And I didn’t really; stage crew was good enough for me.

Mr. Owens, our cast director knowing how good I was at art selected me as the President of the stage crew. I was in charge of building the sets. I was quite happy. Mandy wasn't so happy though, she was afraid that she might not get the lead role.

"Don’t be stupid, Mandy, so far you are the most likely person to be selected and does anyone else even want the role of Sandy?" I asked as we ate sundaes in the California Dream Parlor. She didn’t reply.

"Maaaandy"I started “Are there any other competitors you are worried about?"

"Well" she replied, "There’s Ashley John and she’s a real pro"

"She may be excellent but you were lead last year too, remember"

"Yeah, guess I am worried about nothing". Just then we saw Ashley coming towards us, smiling sweetly at Mandy. She came and stood in front of her.

"Hey, I heard you are auditioning for Sandy too,"

  "Yes, I am." Mandy replied.

"I am glad, a little competition is always good for the health, and it’s going to be really interesting now"

    "Oh, really?"Mandy said sarcastically, “You’re not worried I might get the role of Sandy, and you won’t?"

"Umm...No, you see you might be good at acting, but I’m better. I KNOW I’ll get the role, so there’s no need for me to worry, its going to be a great competition though"

"You’ve got it a little wrong there, Ashley, seeing as I was lead last year, I’m most likely to be the lead this year too “Mandy said.

"That’s just the case, Mandy, you were lead last year too, but not again, time changes, and with it people too, there are new faces, and there will be a new face this time too"

I sat quite still through this exchange, I don’t really like interfering in other peoples matters, I have got enough troubles of my own, but seeing as this was something in which my best friend was involved, I had to say something.

"Well, you guys, “I started “None of you know who will win, I mean, you can’t be sure, If you are as good as you say you are, Ashley, then it IS going to be an interesting competition, but why worry about it now?"

Mandy and Ashley both turned towards me, they had been quite lost in their own worlds, and they must have forgotten that I was there too.

“And who may you be?" Ashley asked quite rudely.

"None of your concern."Mandy said, I shot her a look, whatever would it matter if I told Ashley my name?

  “I’m Stephanie Moore."I said, extending my hand.

"Ashley John," Ashley shook my hand “Nice to meet you"

"Well, nice to meet you too," I said, and received a glare from Mandy, “So let’s forget all about this, okay? The best actor will get the role of Sandy, so you both can’t do much except practice hard."

"Yup, there’s no doubt in that. May the best actor win."Ashley nodded.

"Yes. May the best actor win."Mandy repeated.



"Brittany, you are the clothes designer, since you know so much about fashion"

It was morning, some days later, and I was busy handing out jobs for the stage crew, when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. 

"Jake?!"I cried out in surprise.

"Great surprise, huh?"Jake grinned.

Jake Wilson had been my best friend in my old school, The Educators, that was years ago, I had not seen him since the last two years, but still, I recognized him immediately.

"What are you doing here? You’re not in trouble, are you?"I asked.

"Nope, I just changed schools like you and I thought I could also join the stage crew in Sustenance."He said.

"Great” I said enthusiastically, “We need more members anyway, but when did this happen, I mean, when did you transfer?"

"Just this month, must have been two days."

"Wow," I was surprised, "How come I never saw you around?"

"Well, you have seen me now, anyways, I kind of found some new friends so I hung out with them."

"Oh, someone I know?"

"I don’t know. You know Ashley John?"

"Yeah." I nodded, how could I forget Ashley? Mandy had been driving me crazy about it, constantly worrying that she would not get the lead. As if.

"Well, so it’s her and some of her friends."

"Hey, good start."I thumped Jake on the back lightly, "You made friends so quickly, it took me ages."

   "I didn’t really make friends."

"What do you mean?"

    "Nothing, anyways, want to hang out somewhere today?"

"Umm.....okay," I nodded, “I’ll meet you .Later."


Jake waved and then left the auditorium. I got up too and after giving instructions to the other members to be at the auditorium early morning tomorrow, I left the auditorium too.

I went over to the clothes room. Mandy sat there, looking upset.

"Mandy? What’s the matter?"

"That same old Ashley problem" She replied matter of factly.

"What Ashley problem?"

"Don’t pretend, Steph, you know what I’m talking about, I saw Ashley practicing today, she’s really good."

  "Well then, that’s good, isn’t it? There’ll be a tough competition."

"Good? Are you mad, Steph? Her being good means that she has a very good chance of being the lead."

  "You have too, Mandy."

"She's better than me, what if she wins?"

"She might, but maybe if you spend your time practicing, instead of spying on your opponents, there won’t be a chance of her getting the lead."

"What do you mean, spying? I was just passing and I happened to see her, Steph. Nothing more to it."

"Okay, good, forget it. I don’t think you should be too worried, Mandy, I mean you are a good actress, what’s more to it?"

"You don’t know, Steph."                           

"Enlighten me then."

"Not now."

"Well, you’re right about that. I need to go, but we WILL talk about this later, Mandy."I said, putting on my coat.

"I wanted to go see a movie with you today, Steph."Mandy said in a small voice.

"Oh. l am so sorry, but you see, Jake Wilson, he was my best friend in my last school, he’s here and I promised to meet him, so I’ll have to go."

"Steph, don’t go, please."

"Whatever’s the matter with you, Mandy? Jake was my best friend, I have to meet him."

"He WAS your best friend, Steph; I am your present best friend. You should be spending more time with me."

"I hate it when you get so possessive, Mandy, and anyways, don’t you have to complete your history homework today?"

"Ughh..Oh don’t bother, go on, have fun with your new best friend!!"Mandy screamed and stormed out of the room.

I didn't know what was wrong with her. I couldn't believe that she had walked out on me as I looked at her disappearing figure.

        Well, whatever. I didn't care about Mandy’s anger. I mean, this was nothing to be angry about.She was just being possessive. What was the use now waiting here? She wasn’t going to come back. I had better go and meet Jake. I locked the door and turned to leave. I was quite fuming at Mandy by the time I was eating sundaes with Jake at the California Dream Parlor.       

"So, how did you end up in my school?"I asked dipping the spoon in my cup.


"Well what? Tell me."I insisted.

"It was actually Ashley; I don’t know where I would be without her."

"Ashley? What do you mean? You have only just come to know her.”

"No, Steph, Ashley has been my best friend ever since she came in The Educators."











Chapter 2

"So, you mean you’ve always known Ashley?"

"Well, not always, Steph. Ashley came at The Educators soon after you left ,and she soon became my best friend, well, she has that personality, Steph, which makes a person want to like her."

     When did Ashley's personality come into this?

   "Just tell me about her, Jake, so she’s your best friend or she just was?"

"She was my best friend after you, Steph, she is, now even. We used to do everything together, and then Ashley won a scholarship. She was so happy that day when she found out that she had won the scholarship."

    "Wait! You mean to say Ashley got admitted in this school through a scholarship?"

    "Yes,  Steph." Jake nodded, "She wouldn’t have been able to afford the high fees otherwise. Getting admitted in this school was quite important for her, Steph, this is an acting school, it was her dream come true, she always wanted to be an actor."

    "Oh," this was all quite new to me. Ashley was poor? Of all the mysteries in the world, this was most surprising, she definitely had not looked poor; that day she had met Mandy and me.

"Is she like really poor?" 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

  "Oh, nothing. So when she transferred, you did too?"

"Yes, she was my best friend, we went through so much together, I couldn’t remain in The  Educators without her."

"So much as in what?"

"Sorry, can’t tell you, Steph."

Why did no one wanted to tell me anything nowadays? Mandy hadn’t told me whatever it was about Ashley which frightened her, and now this.

"Oh, so are you two kind of like a thing?"

"No! Ashley is just my best friend."

Suddenly my eye caught something, there was Ashley, sitting in a far end booth with some of her friends whom I didn’t recognize. She came over when she saw Jake and me.

"Jake?"She exclaimed, "What are you doing here with Stephanie?"

"Manners, Ash."Jake smiled, "I would like to officially introduce you to my friend, Stephanie Moore."

 I just stared, so did Ashley.

"Hey, no handshake?"Jake said.

Ashley extended a hand."We’ve met before. Remember me, Stephanie?"

"Of course I do “I said.

"When have you both met before?"Jake said, pretending to sound hurt.

"Just some days ago, Jake, and how come you never told me that you knew Stephanie?"Ashley asked, glaring at Jake.

"Well, you never asked."

"I have now, and I want the full story, how long have you two been in touch?'

"We just met today, Ash."Jake said.

"Okay then, but remember, you said, friend, who’s your best friend?"Ashley said, smiling secretively.

"You of course, Ash"

Ashley jumped and hugged Jake. As I watched them, I felt a kind of twinge. That was how Jake and I had always been, but oh, anyways, I had Mandy now.

"Hey, nice necklace, Steph, where's it from?"Ashley said, pointing to my pearl necklace which I wore around my neck. I looked at it proudly.

"Thanks" I said."I love it too, its antique, from Paris, my cousin brought it for me".

"Wow, you have very generous cousins."Ashley chuckled.

What was that supposed to mean? But I didn’t care, Ashley seemed like a nice girl, I could solve all those mysteries about her being poor later, now I could only concentrate on having fun and I was soon laughing with Jake and Ashley, with no thoughts in my mind about Mandy.



"Mandy, how ‘re you doing?"I asked entering her bedroom. I had been waiting for her to call me, but she hadn't so I had come to check on her at her house. Her mother had let me in saying that she hadn't been quite up to the mark and had been in her bedroom all day.

"I thought I could help you practice for the audition."I added.

No reply. That’s what I hate the most about people; they only reply when they feel like it, and never when you want them to .And why wasn’t Mandy replying anyways? Fights like these were common between us because of Mandy's unfortunate quality of being so possessive.  Why was she taking it so seriously this time?

"Mandy? I’m talking to you."


"Did you even hear what I said, Mandy?"

"I did, but I don’t care, Steph"

"And why’s that?"

"Because you’re with Ashley now, aren’t you, Steph? Why would you want to help me?"


"Oh, don’t lie, Steph, I saw you, I saw you with Ashley in the California Dream Parlor"

"With Ashley? I was with Jake."

"Oh, really?"Mandy said in that sarcastic tone that I knew so well, "Then was it your twin whom I saw with Ashley and Jake?"

"Well....okay fine, but I wasn’t with Ashley really, I was with Jake and then Ashley came over, you see, Ashley is most unfortunately Jake's best friend. Jake told me quite a lot about Ashley, if you would like to know"

   Mandy looked at me. We both understood what I had meant by that. Despite her being angry at me, she smiled.

"OK. Tell me everything."

"Then listen, "I said."But close the door first, Mandy, we don’t want anyone else to hear this."

Mandy closed the door and then sat down on the bed beside me, "Shoot"

"But one thing, Mandy, you can never ever ever tell, got it?"Mandy nodded.

     Though Jake hadn’t asked me not to tell anyone, but still, this was not my secret to tell. I was getting to know Ashley quite well, and I didn’t want her to know that I was spreading stories about her.

        "Good, Jake said something about a scholarship, Mandy, according to him, Ashley’s really poor, though I don’t think so-"

  "Poor?" Mandy interrupted. " That can’t be, I mean you saw the way she dressed yourself, Steph."

       “I know, Mandy."I nodded," That was what I was going to say, I definitely don’t think that she’s poor, but anyways, Jake also said that Ashley always wanted to be an actor, she transferred to this school only this year, so she is a new girl too, which makes it harder for her to beat you because she won’t have as many supporters."

   ”Good," Mandy said.

  "Yeah, Jake said that she was really happy when she got that scholarship and got admitted in this school. What I can gather from all this, Mandy, is that Ashley must be really ambitious."

    "Yup, but about her being poor must definitely be a lie, Steph, how could she be poor?"

 "Who knows? Maybe she is, maybe she isn’t. Come on, let’s play some Snap."

"Okay, I’ll bring the cards."

And then we settled down to play a nice game of cards.


"Ok, so you need to put your hands up when you say this line."

It was later in the evening and I was still at Mandy's house helping her rehearse for her audition. Mandy dropped down on the bed, obviously tired.

"The audition is only a week away “she said wearily “And I don’t know a thing. I’m dead meat"

"Why do you always think negative?"I muttered .I was tired of all this complaining and groaning. Mandy was always complaining that Ashley did this, Ashley did that etc. I mean she lost her physics notebook and insisted Ashley had stolen it. Who in their right mind would think that?

"Ok, Ok, I admit I have been acting a bit too negative, but didn't you see what she did to me today?"Mandy said repeating her complains.

"And what did she do?"

"She took my physics book."
 "Come on, Mandy, you cannot possibly blame Ashley for that. What proof do you have?"I said .Mandy was seriously starting to get on my nerves now.

"Well, I don’t have any proof." Mandy said, her face turning into a frown, "But didn't you see how she was smirking at me?"

I had to agree with her at that. When Miss Juliana had scolded Mandy, Ashley had been smiling as if she was happy that Mandy was in trouble, but that possibly couldn't mean anything.

"Listen, Mandy," I sat down on the bed close to her and tried to explain."I have had lots of competitions and challenges myself but it doesn't mean you have to make the other competitor your enemy. You remember we both were competitors once and when I won, you went bonkers, but that was the start of our friendship. Challenges are scary, but they are fun to be. You take them too seriously"

"Whose side are you on, Steph? Mine or her?"

 Mandy stood up, hands on her fists.

"You’ve repeated this question so often, Mandy, I am considering going over to the dark side."

"You are ditching me for her?"

"How can you possibly think that?"I said my voice rising.

“You said it yourself, Steph."

"I only meant that as a joke, honestly, Mandy, can’t you see a joke?"

"No, I can’t, ok? So don’t joke about things like that."

 Well, Well, Well, how many things would I have to take care of while being friends with Mandy?

"Fine. I won’t, ok? I’m leaving now, it’s late."

"Good then, Bye."


I closed the door and went down the stairs. Mandy didn’t come with me to the door as she always did. I suppose she was still angry. I didn’t care much either. I was used to this now. Even though Mandy and I had been best friends since the last two years, she had remained the same; possessive, angry, and untrusting.

The distance between mine and Mandy's house is really less, only about a block, so I reached my house pretty soon. I softly opened the door .To my surprise, Mother told me one of my friends had called and was waiting for me in my room.

Who could it be? Not Mandy, of course. Then Jake?  I opened the door of my room and gasped when I saw the person inside.





Chapter 3



 "Hey! Hi,Steph."Ashley smiled.

"What are you doing here, Ashley? And what were you looking for in my cupboard?"

  Ashley had been prying in my cupboard. I was sure of it; for when I entered the room, Ashley had suddenly moved.

"Cupboard? No, I wasn’t looking in your cupboard, Steph, I just wondered whether there were any photos of you and Jake together?"

"You came here, in my room, to ask me this?"I said, annoyed.

"Well, no, I came here to take you with me to Steve’s party. But forget that now, so are there any photos of you and Jake together?"

I looked at her suspiciously.

"Wait, I’ll have to check." I said" By the way, how did you know where I live?"

     "I asked Jake."

"How come he knew where I live?"

    "For God’s sake, Stephanie, you must have told him somehow."

  "Oh, ok." I said and opened my bedside drawer. As far as I remembered, there had been some photos of me and Jake together. But where they were, I had no idea.

"Maybe in there?"Ashley pointed towards the cupboard.

"How do you know that the photos are in the cupboard, Ashley?"

"I don’t, I’m just saying that they could be there."

 I opened my cupboard, and looked inside, after throwing out a lot of clothes and other things, I finally found them.

"Here, " I handed them over to Ashley.

"See, I told you." Ashley chuckled.

And how did she know anyways? But oh, forget that, I looked at my own and Jake's smiling faces in the picture and a smile came on my own face.

"When was this taken?" Ashley asked.

"Two years ago, I don’t exactly know when, but it was a circus, I think. We both went to a circus together or it must have been a fair."

"Oh, you both look good together, Steph."

"Ummm...well, I guess so."

What else could I say? Whatever was Ashley pointing at anyway?

 “Don’t you two have any pictures together, Ashley?" I asked, mainly to change the subject.

"Of course we have," Ashley nodded, "But come on now ,we’ve to leave, here, take these back, they are good ones."She handed me back the photos.

 I wasn’t going to take all the trouble of putting them in the cupboard now, I just thrust them in my drawer.

"Hey! Keep them in a safe place at least, they are precious."Ashley said.

"They are mine, and anyways I will put them back later."

"Ok," Ashley nodded, "Come on,"

"Where are we going?"

"Steve's party, don’t you remember? You agreed to go."

I did? Why didn’t I remember anything then?

"Excuse me, but I don’t even know any Steve ."I said grumpily.

 “But you will, soon enough.”

  "Why do you want me to go?”

I was about to say no but then I thought it might take my mind off Mandy. My face turned red with anger, thinking of Mandy .She had absolutely no control over her tongue. How like her to say that I was ditching her! Well, I would prove that right now. It would teach her a lesson to know that I was with Ashley, instead of her. So I agreed.

          As predicted, we hung out all of the rest of the day. It was mostly night but it was quite fun.Asley wasn't Ashley wasn’t so bad. Not as bad as Mandy made her sound. No, I shook my head , Ashley wasn't bad at all. She was quite nice. It was just Mandy blaming her, like she had blamed me even though I am her best  friend. Once again I fumed up. We had a big game of darts afterwards, Jake won easily, he was so good at it, he could aim with his eyes closed. Then Ashley stood up and talked everyone in playing truth or dare.

"Steph, Truth or Dare?"


My thoughts turned back to Mandy, I felt a little guilty; Mandy would be thinking I was angry at her, but here I was instead, having fun with Ashley. Mandy would have a fit, if she came to know. I giggled at the thought even though there was no reason to laugh.

"You are happy?" Jake suddenly asked.

"Huh? What?"I asked.

"Ashley just dared you to eat all these mushrooms"

I tuned back into the conversation.Oh God, the mushrooms were so smelly and all. Yuck. But it was a dare so I had to do it.

"Go, Steph, show them." Everyone started cheering. As they cheered me on, I ate hand after hand full of mushrooms .This was the feeling of pure happiness, of being complete. I loved this feeling ‘.I only wish Mandy was here too’, I thought, then quickly whisked the thought out of my mind.




I stopped at my locker some days later. There was a note stuck on it. Something like this:

                                    "I am sorry I hurt you, I was upset and taking it out on you. That's a rotten trick. But...Hey! We are friends. Right? Friends forever.


P.S. Please meet me in the auditorium after lunch break. I want you to be there  when I audition.


I smiled. Almost a week had passed and we hadn't talked to each other but I had known Mandy would come to her senses sooner or later. It seemed that she had. I smiled again to no one at particular. It was so weird; sometimes I could be so angry at Mandy, and at other times even thinking about her made me smile.

  After lunch break, I went into the auditorium. Mandy waved at me, we both hugged. I don’t know why it felt like I hadn't seen her in years. I just wanted to keep on hugging her, to know she was safe and secure, being best friends for almost the whole of your life can result to this. I hugged her again. Mandy looked at me questioningly. She then smiled.

"That's for luck."I said.

She smiled again. We both took our places as the auditions began to start. Lots of other kids performed for the smaller roles, then Ashley got onstage for Sandy, the female lead role. I had to admit that she was wonderful like a real pro. Anyone could see that she was really into acting. I said so and received a glare from Mandy. It would be very hard for Mr. Owens to decide between Ashley and Mandy. At last Mandy’s name was called. I felt her body tense. She got on stage. She had chosen Act 2 in which the soldiers would be coming to get her and she would hide in a cupboard.

Slowly the scene began, Mandy opened the cupboard and..............BLIM! BLAM! TUCH!.

And then a scream. A scream which sounded very like Mandy's. Everyone jumped up. It seemed that a box full of shoes had been in the cupboard and it had fallen on Mandy. Kids helped Mandy to her feet, I felt awful, Mandy’s audition was destroyed, someone had done this, though it was a cupboard so it was only natural that there would be shoes in the cupboard but still.

I looked around. Ashley was already there, asking Mr. Owens to let Mandy take an audition again, what?! Ashley was doing that? She should be happy, she would easily be Sandy now that Mandy was out of the game. But despite Ashley’s efforts Mandy stood up and came to Ashley.

"I’ll get you for this!" She screamed, her eyes red with anger. I gasped. I had never seen her like this."I’ll not let you get away with this!"

God, I thought, did Mandy really think Ashley had put a box of shoes there? It was a cupboard. It was common for it to have clothes or something. But I had been having the same thoughts myself, so I couldn’t blame her. Though I hadn’t thought Ashley must have done it. The Sister must have forgotten to take this box out before the audition. But it was kind of sad; Mandy's audition was destroyed.

Suddenly Mandy ran towards Ashley, trying to push her down.

"Mandy! Stop!"I tried to get her away from Ashley. This was getting wild, I couldn’t let Mr. Owens or anyone else see her like this; no one would ever respect her anymore. But unfortunately, Mr. Owens was already there and so were hundreds of other people who had came to watch the auditions.

"Miss McHugh." Mr. Owens said coldly. "Stop this nonsense, I will let you take an audition again because of Miss Ashley here, she has proven to be quite a good sport, though your behavior towards her is unbearable"

"Aaaaaa...ugh!" Mandy screamed again and ran out of the auditorium. I followed her.

"She destroyed my audition, she’s taking over my life!"

Mandy was screaming madly, running down the hall; her hands flying. God, I needed to stop her, children were staring at her as if she was some kind of alien. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to catch up with her.                                                                                         


Chapter 4

A few hours later.

"This is ridiculous"I said as Mandy dried her hair.

"It IS, I dont know what to do,I know I should be thankful to Ashley, because of her, I am getting a chance to audition again,But all I feel is anger and hatred towards her"Mandy said.

"Dont worry,it will work out in the end,I am sure of it, Mandy."

"But how? I mean, it just makes me angry whenever I look at Ashley."

"Have you ever tried to figure out WHY it makes you angry?"

"Well, no, but it surely must be because she has that kind of personality, which makes you dislike her, doesnt she,Steph?"

"Well,er....yes, ofcourse."

Waht else could I say? In the past few days I had learnt two aspects of Ashley's personality, one which made people dislike her, according to Mandy, and one which made people like her, according to Jake. Which one did I agree with? Most likely with Jake, but I couldnt tell Mandy that.

"So..I have to audition again now."

" have got to be really good this time, Mandy, after what you did last time.screaming like that?"I said."Mr Owens didn't look VERY happy,I think he would be quite happy to make Ashley Sandy"

"Why are you being so negative?"Mandy muttered.I felt guilty,Some days ago I had said that to her.You cant help being negative,I realised now.I gave her an apologetic smile.

"Okay,Okay"I said"But you need to stop being so pathetic at such little things.

"Yes,madame"Mandy teased"I will do as you say,Your Highness".

I smiled, it was impossible not to smile, so I smiled again.



I clapped as Mandy came onstage.It was her audition the next day.Thankfully,it went smoothly.No up's and down's.

"The results and the handing out of roles will be done a weak later"Mr Owens announced,so we all left.Mandy was beaming happily as we rode the four blocks to my house.
            "Do you think I will get it?"Mandy asked.

"I am sure you will"I said"But you have  to admit, Ashley was good too"

"Yeah"Mandy made a face."Tha's why I have a feeling that I will not get it"

"Then throw away that feeling, Mandy, if Ashley was good, then so were you, the only thing I am worried about is...."

"Is what? tell me, Steph, I have to be prepared."

"Well, you know, that day, the way you were screaming, Mr Owens may not have got a very good impression."

"Oh,well, if that happens, then I wont have lost because Ashley was better then me in  acting, it would be just my wildness."

"Meaning?" I really didnt understand when Mandy talked in codes, like she was doing now. Alien language, I called it. Why not talk in simple easy english?

"Nothing, I just meant that Ashley isnt better then me in acting."

"She isnt better, Mandy, but she is just as good as you."

"Good then, its gonna be a tough competition."

   "YOU are saying that, Mandy?" 

"So?Cant I?" Mandy smiled."You have got a very bad impression of me, Steph."

"Oh,okay then."This was going to take some time to digest.I had to make sure."So,just in case you dont get the lead, you wont get wild or anything,Okay?'I said.

"Okay,Come on,I am gonna be late"Mandy nodded," and then my MOTHER is going to get wild."She added.We both laughed happily,and pedaled faster on the road.



At about eleven in the night,I lay down to sleep.According to my mom I had been asleep since eight,but then she didn't know that I had been reading novels under the covers with a torch.I found it hard to sleep, all that had passed in the last few days was going through my brain.

              Mandy had made a new enemy and I had found a new friend, or maybe two new friends? Did Ashley consider me a good friend of hers? I would never find out, but maybe I could ask Jake about it.And what about Ashley being poor? Really,that couldnt be.But whyever would Jake lie?He had seemed really honest when he had told me about it.If Ashley WAS poor, then maybe that was why she so wanted the lead this year, she had got admitted in this school through a scholarship, if she got the lead, then that would secure her position.

    But maybe it was Ashley who had lied to Jake,but whyever would SHE lie?It was all too confusing, Jake and Ashley had seemed really close, they were best friends afterall,Ashley wouldnt have lied to Jake.

And was Ashley really an enemy of Mandy? It was just Mandy who had made Ashley her enemy, Ashley had never been rude to Mandy.I would never be able to figure this out.

         I finally went to sleepbut then I woke at about twelve when someone threw stones at my bedroom window.Thinking that it must be Mandy or someone,I got out of bed and opened the window,To my surprise,it was Jake. 

"Jake!!" I cried"What are you doing here?"

"Sshh.......look down there"Jake pointed below.I looked down,there was Ashley and a whole group of their friends.I gasped and looked at Jake questioningly.

"We decided to have a secret party at the last minute"he explained."Thought you would like to come too"

  "Ummm...its a school night, Jake."

"So what?"

"I am sorry,I cant go"I said. REALLY sorry.They were going to have such fun.Hanging out at this time of the night.But if someone found out I would be dead meat.

"Steph,please"Jake made his most charming smile.

"Okay,fine"I said, I didnt know why I had agreed, I had never done something this outrageous, If mother or father ever found out, I would be grounded for sure."but let me go change first".

Noone would find out,and even if someone did,I would handle it, atleast I thought I would be able to handle it. 

"Great"Jake said"I am waiting for you down below".and he was gone.

I quickly changed and then quietly sneaked down the stairs so that my parents couldnt hear.It was quite a difficult task since our stairs creake very loudly but I managed it in the end.

"Oh,hi,Steph"Ashley waved at me as I ran out of the back door.

"Hi"I replied.

"I didn't think you would come"Ashley said,"Because of Mandy"she added.

I hadn't thought about Mandy.But it was my choice who I hung out with.

"Why would I not come because of Mandy? I did come with you to Steve's party, didnt I?"

"Yes, you did,good then, I would really like to know you better, Steph"'

"Then you have a chance to now," I said "Mandy is my best friend,but I make my own choices"

"I am glad"she replied"I would like to hang out with you more often".I nodded.

We entered Caeseys, I had never really came to Caeseys before, Mandy and I always went to the California Dream Parlour.But this looked quite posh. I couldnt quite understand,Ashley was poor,Then why did she hang out at such an expensive place?The people here looked quite rich.

    I would never be able to ask Ashley right out if she was poor, I had to try some other way, maybe I could ask about her scholarship.

"Ashley?"I started.


"Well,Jake said that you got admitted in this school through a scholarship, that true?"

"So he told you?I knew he would."

"Umm...yes, he did, do you mind?"

"No,I dont, but what do you care?"

"I do care,Ashley, I mean, arent we friends now?"

"I suppose we are, though Mandy wont be too happy to hear that, would she?"

"No she wont be, though she has got nothing against you,Ashley, its just that shes very possessive sometimes."

"oh really?" Ashley said, copying Mandy's sarcastic tone,"Then why doesnt she mind when you hang out with Jake or someone else?"

"Well,errr..."I couldnt find an answer to that,"Forget that, Ashley, tell me about yourself."

"You already know everything about me,Steph, Jake must have told you that I am poor and everything else too"

"No, he didnt tell me anything else,Ashley."

"Then here it is, when I came in The Educators, it was Jake who helped me, who shared everything with me, he supported me so much, I dont know where I would be without him."

Hmmm......Jake said that Ashley had helped him,Ashley says that Jake helped  him.I couldnt understand a single thing. What was going on?

" two are best friends?"I asked.

"Ofcourse, I would have thought you would have guessed as much now."

"Ok, so you really want the lead, dont you?"

"Yes, its really important for me,Steph,If I get the lead, then that will secure my position."

"Oh," I suddenly felt very sorry for Ashley, it was so important for her to get the lead, maybe Mandy should back off, afterall, she had been the lead last year too, others should get a chance now.

"Come on, lets order, Steph." Ashley suddenly said, I nodded

    We got a table and sat down.I looked around. There wasnt anyone else here whom I knew, wait, who was that? Suddenly I saw something which made me freeze.Guess who I saw sitting with her whole FAMILY on a corner  table?Mandy.

Chapter 5


You can guess what happened after that,we ended up in a fight as usual.but  thankfully at that time I was sensible enough to hide my face and run.Though why did I ran? Why didnt I want Mandy to see me? Maybe I just didnot want another fight.I mean it was really nothing,Mandy seeing me,but if she knew that I was with Ashley then she would get one of her ideas that I was ditching her.But Mandy had already seen me, she didnot say anything as I ran,but the next morning,in class, she had a WHOLE LOT to say.

"How CAN you behave like Ashley's best friend when you know I how much I hate her?Mandy said.

"What are you talking about,Mandy?"I said innocently.I didnot want to start a fight.

"Dont lie to me Steph,the least you can do is tell the truth"she said coldly.

"Alright",I said"Even if I WAS with Ashley its not as if I commited a crime"

"CRIME?"Mandy's voice was raising"Now ashley is trying to steal you from me too"

"No, she is not, Mandy, I can have other friends beside you, and anyways, Ashley isnt reallly as bad as you think she is,Mandy, if only you would give her a chance-"

  "I dont want to give her a chance,"Mandy broke in"I am good enough as it is, and I want you to stay the same too,Steph,Why do you want to be friends with her anyways?

"Because I like her, Mandy,I like her, though not as much as I like you, but good enough, why shoud  I not be friends with her just because YOU have made her your enemy?"

"Because you are my best friend! you should support me,Steph!"

"I do support you,Mandy, I mean, ofcourse I want you to be the lead."

"I didnt mean that, Steph, I meant that you should support ME, and not be friends with your best friends enemy."

"It doesnt matter,Mandy,I like her, so I will be friends with her, you cant stop me, because you dont own me"

"Yes,"Mandy said as if in a daze"yes,I dont own you", and then without saying another word,she turned away.I stared after her,I was used to her storming off now.



"Ummm......I saw you having a fight with Mandy,Steph"Ashley said,stopping me at my locker.

"Doesn't it seem strange that YOU of all people saw me having a fight with Mandy?"I  said sarcastically.

"Yeah"Ashley shuffled her feet.

"What?"I asked.

"well",she began"I have a feeling that it was because of me".

It was kind of her to say that,but at that time I was pissed off with her,so I said"yes,it WAS because of you".

Ashley looked at me,surprised.

I continued"Will you be as kind to leave me alone?"

Ashley nodded quickly and turned away.Why was I being rude to her?It wasnot her fault that Mandy was so stupid.

"Wait!"I called after her"I am sorry for being so rude"

"That is to be expected"Ashley smiled"I understand"

"No,really.I was just upset and taking it off on you"

"Its okay"Ashley said"but what you did last night was NOT okay.why did you run off like that?"

"because of Mandy,you see,I was scared that we would end up having a fight'

"well,you had now too"Ashley pointed out"so there was no use of you running"

"yeah"I sighed.

"Why do you care for her so much anyways, Steph? I mean, I have only ever seen you two fighting."

'Well, no.."I said defensively."We love each other, we have been best friends since years."

"So just because of that, you will let her say anything she wants to you,Steph?"

"Why are you saying all this,Ashley?"

"No reason,"Ashley shook her head,"I just thought-"

"Well, dont think  then,"I interrupted her in between," I dont want to hear anything against Mandy, I will see you later."

"Okay, see you later,Bye."


I left, I really wanted this school day  to get over quickly, I turned and went into the hall to look for my next class.



It was Literature and I was scribbling away notes when my name was announced.

"Mr Owens is calling you in the auditorium,Stephanie"Miss Jonathan said.

I quickly made my way to the auditorium. Why was Mr Owens calling me? something must definitely be wrong with the sets.I opened the door and went inside.

"You called me.Mr Owens?"

"Yes,sit down dear," I sat down on a chair and then looked at him expectantly. He took a sigh and then said"As you know the roles of Sustenance are to be announced tommorow,Miss Moore."

"Yes" I nodded, wondering where this conversation was going.

"So I  have to tell you, Miss McHugh is not the lead."

"Oh"I said,though I wasn't surprised,after the tantrum she had shown that day on the first auditions,Mr Owens was very unlikely to choose her for the lead.

"I know it is wrong to tell a student this before the roles are announced but-"

"But?"I asked.

"Let me finish please, Miss Moore."

I nodded.This was all quite dramatic, Mandy not being the lead, who else was the lead then? Ashley ofcourse. Then hadnt Mandy got even a minor part in the play?

"Knowing  Miss McHugh's anger,she is sure to  get wild,and I dont want any unpleasent events in my play,Miss Moore.So I want you to break this news down to her gently,before I announce the roles"I nodded.

"I have given her the second role,seeing that she IS a great actrees,but if she does anything,I am afraid she will not be allowed to act in the play".

I sighed,Mandy would NEVER be able to stand this.

"I dont want her to be deprived of that position so I hope you will do as I tell you to,will you,Miss Moore?"

"Yes,Mr Owens"I said though I didnt know HOW I would do it since Mandy wasn't speaking to me, or rather I wasnt speaking to her.

"You can go now".

I left and went back to class,Noone bothered to look in my direction as I entered, I guess, I just wasnt as important, but Mandy did look up, and smiled. I didnt smile back.My mind was too preoccupied.

         I went back to my seat and put my hand into my bag for my necklace which I also used  as a good luck charm,which relaxed me.But to my surprise it wasnt there! I emptied the contents of my bag,but no necklace.then I began to panic,the bell rang and everyone went out,But I stayed behind, looking everywhere for my neclace.Seeing me,Mandy came over,

"Whats wrong?"she asked worried.

"My necklace,Mandy,the one which I always wore,you seen it somewhere?".I said, forgetting in my tension that Mandy and I werent speaking to each other.

"No"she shook her head,we both started to look for it but we couldn't find it.Tired,we went back to her house.

"I am sorry Steph,about my behaviour"she said."Its okay,Mandy"I said"as long as you dont do it again"

"Oh, but I do keep doing this again and again, dont I?"

"Well, yes,"I said,"But you just have to understand, Ashley is my friend too, even if she is not yours."

"Ok, I wont do this again."Mandy made a face."Oh!and I am sorry about your neclace too, though why you care for it so, I dont understand".

           I started at her,she knew the necklace was my good luck charm,then why was she saying this?Staring at her, a thought crossed my mind,Could it....Could it possibly be that Mandy had stolen my necklace for getting back at me for hanging out with Ashley?No way,Stephanie,I told myself,She's your best friend,Best friends do some horrible things sometimes,I thought.Why was I thinking like this?Why WOULD she do it?I asked myself,though I already knew the answer.

"Oh,Steph"Mandy began"tommorow the roles of the play will be announced."

Oh my gosh!I had forgot all about what Mr Owens had said,I had to tell Mandy about it,but I couldn't bring myself to tell her.

"Mandy,if you dont get the lead,dont get upset,okay?"I said

"Dont worry,I wont"Mandy replied,smiling strangely.I looked at her suspiciously,this was not like Mandy,but maybe she had learned to control her anger.

"You really wont be upset if you dont get the lead?"

"Yes....What is the matter with you,Steph?I mean it is just a play."

"Oh, good then."I nodded.

This was far too much, Mandy didnt care if she didnt get the lead, when did this happen? something was definitely wrong.This wasnt Mandy, but I decided not to bother about this now. 

" Ok,do you have the dialouge script,Mandy?"I suddenly asked,though I didn't know why I wanted the dialouge script now,I just felt like reading Mandy's script.

"Yes,it must be in my backpack"

I got her backpack and took out the script.Wait,there was something else there,I shouldn't pry,I thought.Oh well,I will just have a look.I put my hand inside,took the thing out and gasped.

It was my necklace!



Chapter 6


 I couldn't believe my eyes! MY  necklace in MANDY'S  backpack. I stared and stared at it, trying to force it to change it's form, trying to change it into a notebook or something, trying to change it into ANYTHING but my necklace. I just didn't want to believe, didn't want to accept that Mandy had been the one, MANDY had stolen my necklace.

   But why would she? What benefit would she get from it? Aside from it being from Paris, it was nothing very special, nor expensive, nor unique. That left only one option, she had done this to hurt me. But whyever? 'Just because you would never want to hurt her, doesn't mean that she would think it wrong too', a voice said in my head. I ignored it first but then, didn't all the evidence point towards Mandy?

   Think of the devil and the devil is here. I saw Mandy coming towards me, worry apparent on her face, Worry, because she had suddenly remembered that her backpack was the place where she had hidden the necklace and she was worried I would find out? or worry because of me?

"What took you so long, Steph? I thought you had fallen over or something."Mandy said,coming nearer and taking her backpack from me.I didn't say anything.Mandy looked at me. I still didn't say anything.

"Hellooooo.......Earth to Stephanie"she said, waving her arms in front of me. I held up my necklace.

"Whats that?" Mandy asked,as if she didn't know a thing of what I was talking about,"Oh! your necklace! you found it, Congrats"she exclaimed after taking a closer look.

"Yes,I did find it."

"So? Why are you making a face then?"

"Because I feel like it."

"You feel like making a face even though you have found your necklace?"

" It doesn't matter that I found it, Mandy.What matters is that WHERE I found it. Do you know where my necklace was?"

"How would I know where your necklace was?"

"Oh really," I said sarcastically,"Cant you guess?"

"No, well, where DID you find it?"

I snatched her backpack away from her and held it up so that she could get a full view,"In here!" I threw the bacpack at her.

I expected her to react, but she just stood there, looking confused.

"I dont understand,"she took a step towards me'"What was your necklace doing in my backpack?"

" That's what  would like to know!" I said, surprised at how calm I was, even though I was so angry.

"Steph? you surely dont think that I stole your necklace and put it there?"

        I just stood there, so angry that my whole  body was shaking.Didn't her pretending that she hadn't stolen my necklace PROVE that she had? Wasn't that waht those criminals in those T.V. series always  did? Acted innocent?

"Can you explain how my necklace got into your backpack then, if you didn't put it there yourself?"

"I dont know, Steph.Anyone could have put it there,My backpack was out in the classroom the whole day,while I was outside the auditorium trying to...."

"Trying to what?"

"Nothing, but look,that doesnt matter_"

"No, it does!"I cut her in between"Why cant you tell me?huh? Afraid you will be embarassed if I found out more about alll the crimes you have committed?"

"Crimes?What crimes?"

"You obviously stole my necklace, didn't you? and now you have the nerve to lie about it."

"I DIDN'T steal your necklace,Steph,How many times do I have to tell you? Why would I?"

"Oh, I dont know,the police dont know the motive behind the crime before the criminal has told them,do they?"

"Police?Criminal?Have you seriously gone mad,Steph? You have been watching far too many crime shows.I am telling you for the last time that I didn't steal any necklace, nor do I have any reason to do so!"

"No,you did!you did,Mandy. you have been distant to me ever since I started hanging out with Ashley.You are jealous,  this could have been your perfect revenge."

"I dont believe you,Steph,I dont believe that you think I have stooped to that level.Is this all the trust you ever had in me?'

"I trusted you alot,Mandy.I trusted you more then I trust myself,but you broke that trust, you betrayed me!"

"Fine then!"Mandy exclaimed"Fine,you know what?I think it was a mistake we ever became never believed in me, you didn't have anyone else so you confided in me.But now you have a special friend,dont you?now you have Ashley."

"Dont try to change the subject!"

"I have no intention to do so, if you really dont trust me,Steph,then we should end this once and for all.I have  lost your trust in your opinion,and you have lost my trust in mine.My belief that you would always stand by me in whatever catastrophe we faced is shattered.I want no more to do with you, Stephanie Moore."

             I stood there, glaring at Mandy.I felt that my pride was hurt.Even though Mandy's reply had made me half believe that Mandy was innocent,her nerve to not only say that I was wrong but to also turn the blame on me, cauht me offguard. I felt my cheeks reddening.

                How dare she! It was MY right,I should have been the one to make Mandy feel guilty, Instead, I  felt bad, as if I had commited a huge crime by breaking her trust.ME break her trust?ha!How like her to accuse ME as if I had been the one found with a stolen necklace in my backpack.

"YOU want no more to do with me, or I want no more to do with you?I dont know why I stuck with you in the first place, Mandy,flying in a rage at every little thing, FIGHTING with me at every little thing and behaving as if you own me"

"Then why are you still here,Steph?complaining because I have finished everything with you?Get out!"

"Huh?"I was confused.

"My room, stupid,Get out of my rooom.just go away! I never want to see you again!"

"I dont want to see you again either!"I screamed and with that I stormed off.

       I slammed the door hard as I left. Serve Mandy right. I walked softly on the road, my shoes making a crunching noise on the ground.I reached my home soon,and went straight to my room. I pretended not to hear when my mother called me for lunch.I just wanted to lie down on my bed and forget everything..

                As I lay down on the bed,I thought about everything which had passed.The true object of our fight had been forgotten in old faults,sour memories,which had been kept hidden in the brain because none of us wanted to hurt the other,had finally came out.It was all so confusing. I knew Mandy would react but not so much as to break it off completely,and as to the real object of our fight,the necklace,if Mandy hadn't stolen my necklace then who had?

  Whom did I know who was so low that they had stolen my necklace and then hid it in Mandy's backpack to blame her?Unfortunately,I couldn't come up with an answer.

  But what if it was a mistake? What if I had myself put the necklace in Mandys backpack?But I would surely remember if I had done something like that. And anyways, Mandy and I hadnt been talking to each other, how could I have put my necklace in Mandys backpack?No, that couldnt be.

       I closed my eyes,trying to force the bad memories out, sleep was threatining to engulf me, though HOW  I could sleep when I was so emotionally disturbed,was beyond my intelligence.I didn't know what to think anymore.Had I been wrong? Had I wrongly accused Mandy?

Oh dear,no wonder Mandy was so angry.But what if I was right?What if Mandy HAD stolen my necklace? And worst of all, what would happen tommorow, when the roles of Sustenance would be announced?

Chapter 7

  I woke up a few hours later, a glance at the bedside clock on the table told me that it was only around 5:00 in the evening.I got out of bed,I had a ton of homework to do.Miss Edgecomb had told us to write on a famous historician and I have always had trouble  deciding on who to pick to write essays on.But first I needed a drink.I opened my bedroom door and walked quietly into the kitchen.My mother was in there, making pasta.She looked up,sensing my presence.

  "Oh,are you feeling well,Stephanie?you dont normally sleep in the afternoon,I was worried, you dont have a temperature, do you?"My mother said, checking my forehead.

There you go, that was my mom worried about every little thing.

"No mother, I am perfectly alright, I was just a little tired, Anyways,can I have a drink?"

   "Sure,Sweetie,"she replied"Oh!and your friend called,I didn't want to disturb you so I told her to call later"

"Mandy,wasn't it?"I asked

   So soon? I smiled.Mandy had came to her senses earlier this time.Anyways it was SO like Mandy to fight and then apologize and pretend as if everything was alright.But I wasn't prepared to forgive her just yet.She had gone too far this time.I still couldn't believe she had done it.Stealing!and speaking about my necklace, where was it?God damn it,I must have left it at Mandy's, well I wasn't going to go back for it, that was for sure.

  "No,not Mandy dear,it was Ashley something,she quite insisted that she had to talk to you.She wanted to come here.Really! After I TOLD her that you were asleep.You should call her,Steph,she sounded quite urgent."

"Okay"I agreed,even though I was in no mood to talk with anyone.But it felt important not to loose the only good friend I had,after Mandy,I mean.So I called Ashley.

"Hi,this is Stephanie Moore speaking.Can I talk to Ashley?"

"Steph? Oh hey,it's me,Ashley."

"You called?"

"Yes, I want to tell you something, Steph, it's about the play."


"Well,it's the sets, Steph, I dont really know what happened but Harry O'Cornor of the Computer Club just called to tell me that the paint has been rubbed off."

"Rubbed off?But how?"

"Well,like I said,I dont know, Harry only said that the paint has been rubbed off."

"When did this happen?"

"Just over two hours ago,I called as soon as I heard, but you were asleep.You should go check the sets as you are the sets manager."

"Well, alright, I guess."I said"I will be over"And we hung up.

I dressed instantly, what could have happened to the sets? I would only know when I get there.

          I went over to Ashley's and together we went over to the school to see the stage, It wasn't so bad, The paint was smeared but it could be repainted.Infact, I thought it could be made much better then before.

"I dont think it's damaged much,Ash,we can paint it again,It wont take much time."

  I looked at Ashley, she was smiling at me in this strange sort of way.

"What?" I asked, self consiously.

"Its the first time you have said it" she replied.

" First time I have said what?"

"I mean, its the first time you have called me Ash."

"So whats so special in me calling you Ash?"

"Nothing, I guess, but you know, its like friendy, you have finally dropped that formal tone, saying the whole of Ashley, Ash suggests a more friendly manner."

"Really?"I didnt think so at all,Why use contractions when they werent really necessary? Steph or Stephanie was different but Ash or Ashley?just two letters difference, but anyways, if Ashley felt like that, what could I do?

   "So, do you want me to call you Ash?" I asked.

"No, I mean, I want you to call me whatever you want to,Steph."

   "So Ash is fine then?"


Ashley stepped closer towards me,"The sets are going to be fine,what's troubling you now,Steph? You look worried."

"Worried, me?" I said,"No,nothing is troubling me, I am fine."

"No, you arent, there's always SOMETHING in nothing,Steph."

"Well, there's no something in THIS nothing,Ashley."

 "Liar,you really are a very bad liar,Steph,has anyone ever told you that? you are obviously worried about something."

"I am not worried about ANYTHING."

"You arent just worried about ANYTHING,Steph,you are worried about LOTS of things,you csn tell me,I wont spill."

"Well,err..."I thought about it.Really, Ashley was being a much better friend to me then Mandy had been,and besides, I needed to confirm my doubts, know for sure whether Mandy had stolen my necklace or not, Ashley's opinion on this would maybe help me decide for myself. So I decided to tell her.

"Its about Mandy,"I said,"You remember that necklace I had, Ash?"

"The one which you wore that day in The California Dream?"

I nodded,"Yes,So what happened was that today when Mr Owens called me,I left it in my backpack,when I returned,it wasnt there,and earlier today, when I was over at Mandy's,I was checking her backpack and there it was."

" you think Mandy stole it?"Ashley asked.

"I...No,I dont know,but it WAS in her backpack." 

"You know what,Steph?Mandy sits right next to you,if anyone had a good chance to steal that necklace,it was Mandy, and dont think I am saying this to turn you against Mandy, its just a basic fact."

 "Yes, but Mandy said she wasnt in class-"
"Wasnt in class?"Ashley interrupted,"Whoa, she was right there,I mean,ok,she did leave, but she left a long time after you left."

 "Why did she lie to me then?"

"To keep you from the truth?Maybe she just planned to take it and then give it back to you after a day or two,saying that she had searched for it and then found it, to get into your good books?"

"Well,no....Mandy's not like that."

"If you can think her capable of stealing, then why cant you think her capable of one harmless prank,Steph?And if she didnt take your necklace then why was it in her backpack?"

"Mandy said someone else must have put it there-"

"Someone else as in who?Me?You know,I never will understand Mandy,I got her a second audition,but all she does is mope around as if I am a murderer or something, and will hurt her."

  "No, she didnt take your name Ashley, its nothing about you-"

"Please,"Ashley held up her hands,"I dont want to talk about it anymore."

"Ok,"I said, what else could I say? I had turned my problem into hers."Well,good luck for tommorow."  

   "Thanks,"Ashley smiled,"Gotta go now, I'll see you later."

"Ok,"Ashley gave me a hug and left.I sighed and began walking. Oh God, what was I going to do now? I had already lost Mandy and now Ashley was angry at me too. Maybe I had got such a personality which made people want to fight with me?

    Maybe I should take a lift from someone?No, I felt like walking.As I walked, a tear rolled down my cheeks, 'Oh Mandy, why have you done this?'Maybe I should go apologise? Afterall, I was pretty rude too, but not as much as her.

Mandy, Mandy, after Jake, it had always been Mandy.We had never fought this bad before. All our fights had been small, on minor things.But this time I was sure Mandy wasnt going to apologise, because her apologising would mean that she was accepting that she had stolen my naecklace. And I wasnt going to apologise either,because my apologising would mean that I was accepting that she hadnt stolen my naecklace.Did Mandy really believe in me anymore? Worse, did I believe in Mandy anymore?

I turned around, I had heard a sound.Was someone following me? Nope, noone out there. Where was I anyway?I had been walking for quite a long time.Infact, instead of walking TOWARDS my house, I had been walking AWAY from it. I looked around again.

I was near Jake's house,Should I call on him? It was getting dark, but I didnt care, I didnt feel like going home.I didnt even know Mr and Mrs Wilson that well, I had only seen them once, in seventh grade.I knocked in the door, Jake opened.

"Hey!you came! So Ash told you, huh?"Jake asked.

"Told me what?"I said, confused.

"So she didnt tell you,But you are here now, so it doesnt matter, come on, party's going on."

"Oh!"I exclaimed blushing,"If I am interrupting a party, I'll leave."

"No, silly."Jake laughed."You are invited, Ash must have forgotten to tell you, Come on."

  I went inside.The party was in full swing.I recognized a lot of students from school and some freshmen.How did Jake came to know all these people so quiickly?But anyways, who cared? I saw Ashley sitting in a corner, sipping apple syrup.I went over.

" So you left because you had to come HERE, huh?"I asked.

"yeah,"Ashley nodded,"Sorry,Jake asked  me to tell you about the party but I got so angry all of a sudden, I forgot."

"It's okay."I said.

"So, who told you about the party then?"

"No one, I was just going home and then I thought of calling on Jake."

"You were just going home and you thought of calling on Jake?"Ashley said, questioningly.

"Yeah,so what?"I said.

"Hey!"Ashley exclaimed,"You and Jake arent going out,are you?"

"No!" I said,"We are just friends, what made you think that?"

"Nothing,I just thought."

"Isnt there always a something in nothing, Ash?"I said, teasingly.

  Ashley chuckled,"Well, there is a nothing once in a while, in which there really is nothing, you said it yourself."

  We both smiled, Ashley  was fun to be around.Then Jake stood up.

"Attention,Truth or Dare everyone, come on."

  "Excellent, come on Steph." Ashley took my hand.

"Oh, no,I am not playing,I can still tast mushrooms in my mouth."I said, backing away, but Ashley grabbed me.

"Yes, you are playing,Steph.Come on"I didnt move.

"Come ON, Steph, or I will carry you there." Ashley pulled me towards the table.

"Who's first?" a girl in the year below,Mitchelle Clark asked.

"Stephanie Moore."Ashley announced.

"Me? Why me?" I groaned.

"Because you were the last one to join the game?"Ashley replied, matter of factly."Come on now, dont be a spoilsport, Truth or Dare?"

  I thought about it, who knew what dare Ashley might make me do? Truth was much safer.


"Truth, what shall I ask you? Hmmm....." Ashley said.

"I know!" Ashley exclaimed,"What did Mr Owens called for?"

 I froze, "I... I cant tell you that, Ash, Mr Owens told me not to tell anyone."

"You have to, Steph, you chose Truth, afterall."

Should I tell? Everyone WOULD know tommorrow,what would it hurt if they came to know today?

"Ok,"I said.

"And remember, only the truth."Ashley warned.

"Ok, well, Mr Owens just called to tell me that Mandy isnt the lead in Sustenance."I explained.

   Ashley took a deep breath,"Then who is? The lead,I mean?"

I looked around. There was silence in the room. All eyes were on me, waiting for the answer.I took a deep breath and finally said,

            "You are,Ash."





Chapter 8

 Ashley gasped,"Yes,yes, yes,Oh my God!,Jake!"

 Ashley hugged Jake,she didnt leave,"Oh,oh, Jake."Jake held her tightly, "I am so happy for you, Ash,so so happy."

"I cant believe it, Oh, this is too good to be true,you are sure, arent you,Steph?"

     I nodded, "Yes," Mr Owens hadnt really said that Ashley was the lead, but I had figured, if Mandy wasnt the lead, then ofcourse Ashley would be.

   A tear rolled down Ashley's cheek.

"Why are you crying,Ash?" I asked, this was nothing to cry about, was it?

"These are happy tears, Steph."Ashley replied."oh,I am so happy!"

She hugged me too, then she hugged Jake again,"Finally, Finally, Jake."

"Yes,yes, I know."Jake replied.

  What were they talking about?But I didnt care, it made me feel happy to see Ashley happy, but I felt that twinge again when I saw Ashley and Jake together.

" guys."I tried to break their hug, "Mandy is second lead."

"Oh, but who cares? she can be anything she wants as long as she is not the lead."Ashley said.

"Yes, but did Mr Owens say why he didnt select Mandy for the lead?" Jake asked. 

   I didnt want to reply, I knew I would regret it later, But I had to do something to divert their attention and break their hug, they were still holding hands.

"He...Well, Mandy is, you know, quite....energetic.I mean, she gets angry at very little things,like that day she flew at Ashley, Mr Owens doesnt want someone like that for the lead."

"Energetic?" Jake chuckled and moved away from Ashley, "Is that the best you can do,Steph?"

 I blushed, but atleast I had suceeded in diverting their attention.

"Mr Owens was right at THAT,"A boy named Winston said."That McHugh girl looked so comical,running down the corridors, her arms flying."

"Yeah, she wasnt fit to be lead."another girl nodded.

"Ashley is much better." a boy said.

    I had to say something, I had turned then all against Mandy.

"You guys," I started,"Dont say that, Mandy is a very good actres, I am sure-"

"No, she isnt,"A boy said,"She shouldnt even be second lead, she will mess up all our rehearsals."

   Everyone shook their head in agreement, even Ashley and Jake. I glared at them, ofcourse, now that Ashley was the lead, what would she care? but Jake too? But ofcourse, he was Ashley's best friend wasnt he? He would support her. I remembered Mandy's words,

"You are my best friend, Steph, you should support me."

Oh, forget that,Jake was most probably Ashley's boyfriend too, though none of them would admit to it, why did I care anyways? Why did I care if Jake and Ashley were together?

"YOU should be the second lead,Steph,"Jake said suddenly, breaking into my thoughts."You are quite a good actress too."

  "Well I never! I never really thought about it Jake."

"Then think about it now."Jake replied.

    "As far as I know, all the parts have already been given out,Jake."I replied,"And anyways, I dont even want a part, if I would have wanted, I would have auditioned, it was always Mandy-"

  "Forget Mandy, I am sure she must have been the one to tell you not to audition,didnt she?"Ashley broke in.

"No, she didnt tell me, I decided for myself."

This was a right out lie, I HAD wanted a part in Grease, but when Mandy had said that she had only thought about me for the stage crew, I had changed my mind. Afterall, if my best friend did not think me capable of acting, then most probably I wasnt.

 "Maybe she didnt discourage you, but she didnt encourage you either, did she?"

"Yes, she didnt."

What was the use lying? They already thought bad about Mandy.

  "We are encouraging you, Steph."Ashley said,"All the parts havent been taken yet, as far as I know,There is a minor part left.No one auditioned for it, Mr Owens is still looking for someone."

"Which part is it?" I heard myself asking.I couldnt believe myself. Was I really thinking about auditioning? Surely not?

"Of Rosalind who is Merope's younger sister, its really a very small part, just a few lines,I dont think its taken yet."Ashley replied.

  "Merope,hmmm....."Who was Merope?I didnt know the play cast that well, I only knew the lead role of Sandy because of Mandy.

"Merope's the second lead,which means Mandy."Ashley said, seeing that I didnot have any knowledge who Merope was.

 Mandy, Rosalind was Merope's sister,meaning I would be Mandy's sister.If I got the part ofcourse and that only IF I auditioned.And that even if that part wasnt taken yet.

 But if I did get the part, was I ready to spend so much time in Mandy's aqquaintance just yet? But why should I care? Mandy should back out if she wanted too, not me. Mandy had never, as Ashley said, encouraged me.These were my real friends,I looked around the room, who recognised my real talent.

      "Okay,"I said,"I'll ask Mr Owens tommorrow."

"You better do,"Jake said.

    "Oh, I am so excited!"Ashley exclaimed, hugging me again,"I did SO wanted to be the lead."

"Well,you are now," I pointed out,"So no worries."

   "I know, it still is totally unbelievable, Me, the lead role of such a great play? Wow!Amazing!"Ashley threw her hands in the air.

  I sighed. Mandy too,had been so excited, so happy, when she had been announced the lead last year.She would be so heartbroken, so devasted when she would find out that she wasnt the lead.Oh, she would need some moral support.She had no other good friends except me.What would she do, all alone?

  "Does Mandy know?"Ashley broke into my thoughts.

"Mandy? What does Mandy know?" I said.

     "I mean, does Mandy know that she is not the lead, I am?"

"No, how would she know?"

   "You ofcourse."Ashley pointed towards me,"I mean, you told a whole roomful of people that Mandy is not the lead, I am, then ofcourse you would have told your best friend too."

     "No, I havent,"I shook my head,"We arent talking right now."

I was surprised, didnt Ashley remember what I had told her about my necklace.Ofcourse,Mandy and I werent talking, how could we be, after all that had happened?

        "Oh," Ashley said."Well, thats all you both seem to do ever since I have known you, I mean, I have never seen you two being friendly toward each other, you are almost always fighting."

    "Yes, it IS sort of strange,Ash, ever since you have came, we two are always having fights."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

   "Nothing,"I replied."Just saying, by the way, congratz on gettig the lead."


   "I'll be going now, is getting quite late,Ash."

 "Okay, and thanks Steph." 

   "For what?"

"For telling me the good news."

  "Oh that, no problem.Bye now."

 "Hey,Steph!wait!"Jake called.

   I turned around"Yes?"

"You are going home alone?"


"Do you want me to walk you home?"

  Jake was offering to walk me home.What did this mean?

  ", I'll be okay, but thenks for offering."

"You sure?"

  "Definitely."I nodded."Bye now."

" Okay good, bye then."

I turned around,"By the way, when will you go home, Ash? its getting quite late."

   "Oh, I'll hang around,Jake wont get rid of me so easily."Ashley smiled.

"You bet I wont."Jake smiled back.

  I felt awful leaving them both here together, but I had too. My curfew was 7:00, I had to get home by 7:15 at the latest.It was already 6:55 now, If I didnt get home at 7:10 atleast, mother would be worried sick.Father would be home by that time too, and they would both be worrying together.So I had to leave now.

   I left them like thatand started walking on the road.What was that sound I had heard when I was coming?Had someone been following me?Most probably not, just my own imagination playing tricks on me.

Anyways,Mandy.Oh,Mandy,Mandy,Mandy, what was I going to do about her?She would already be completely broken on finding out that she was not the lead and then she would find out that I had told everyone that she was not the lead beforehand.

I had turned everyone against her!Oh, what had I DONE?It seemed as if everyone knew the news except the person it most concerned.

Chapter 9

I woke up early the next morning. There was a sickening feeling in my chest.Today was the day that the roles of Sustenance would be announced.Today was the day that Mandy's heart was going to be broken. Oh God,what would happen today?

    I dressed quickly, one part of me wanted to get to school quickly, so that I could get this all over with and leave it in the past.But one part of me wanted to delay this forever. I was trembling to think of what would happen when Mandy would find out that she was not the lead.

"Morning,honey."my mother called out as I entered the kitchen,"Breakfast?"

   "No thanks, mother, I really dont feel like eating today."

"Come on, Steph, have a little bit of toast atleast."

 I sighed.What was the use arguing?Mother never let me go to school without eating anything first,and besides the school bus wasn't due for another 10 minutes.I pulled out a chair and sat down.

"So, how's school going,Steph?" my mother asked, buttering the toast.

"School's good."I replied, taking a bite.

   "Everything is fine between you and Mandy?"

I choked."Yes,ofcourse,why....why are you asking?"

  "Nothing,but i havent seen Mandy around the house since the past few days,so I just wondered."

I remembered Ashley's theory that there was always something in nothing.But I didnt ponder over it. 

   "Everthing's fine,mother."

"No,really Steph, your father and I hardly ever see Mandy these days, infact we hardly ever see YOU."

   "Well,umm...I have been kind of busy these days."

"Busy with what? You were late last night, so I called Mandy, she said you werent with her, If you  were not with her, then where were you?"

  Damn Mandy.How dare she tattle on me?

"Umm...I was with,err...some new friends."

"What new friends?"

"Oh, look,there's the school bus,I'll talk to you later, mother, bye."

  "Ok, bye, Steph."

Thank God. the school bus came at just the right moment.Though there was only walking distance between the school and my home,Mandy and I had decided that we would go by the school bus. We usually came home in the afternoon on our bikes or sometimes we walked home, but we almost always went to school by the bus.

         I climbed up the steps and into the bus, Mandy and I always sat together, but today she was sittting with Nicole instead. Ashley didnt go by the school bus, so I had noone else to sit next to. I just went and sat by myself.Mandy was sitting on the seat behind me.

  "Hey, so today the roles of Sustenance will be announced.Goh, I am so excited."a girl named Lia Candara said.

 "I know,"her friend Eschell replied."I do so hope you get the second lead."

   "But what if I dont?"

"Dont worry, you will."

  "But, there are two candidates for the lead, the one who wont win will surely get the second lead, wont she?"

   "Umm.....I dont know, that depends on Mr Owens, I guess."Eschell replied.

"Who  do you think will get the lead?"  

     "Ashley John, I thought she was MUCH better then that McHugh girl."

"Really?Well, I  dont think so,Mandy was good enough too."

     I was sure Mandy could hear all this, she was sitting just behind me.I looked back at her,she was taking care not to let her eyes meet mine.If she was going to be so rude,then I didnt care either. 

  "I agree with you,Lia."I joined in the conversation,"I too think that Ashley will get the lead."

"Really?"Lia said, surprised."But isnt Mandy your best friend?"

    "Was." I said,putting emphasis on the past tense. Serve Mandy right.I looked back at her again, Finally, she looked at me, with this sort of strange look, not angry, just surprised.

  "You guys,"Eschell said."Why do you both think so? Mandy was very good too."

 "She may be, but I dont think Mr Owens will make a tattle tale the lead."I said, looking back at Mandy.

     "Tattle tale? what do you mean?" Lia said.

"Oh, nothing."I said and sat back on my seat.

     When did I become so mean?Oh, well, nothing could be done now.The bus came to a stop at the school gate. Mandy got out quickly, I followed. I had thought she would say something to me about yesterday, but she didnt, she just walked ahead of me and went into class.

    The rest of the day passed in restlessness, whatever was going to happen today?Finally, drama period came during which the roles of Sustenance were going to be announced.A lot of people had gathered in the auditorium to watch the roles being announced.I saw  the two girls from the bus, Lia and Eschell sitting in a corner. Lia with her head in her hands. Probably wishing with all her heart to get the second lead. Poor her, how broken she would be to find out that she was not the second lead.How broken would Mandy be to find out that she was not the lead.

   I saw Mandy too, standing with a group of her friends. But that didnt worry me, because I knew that they werent real friends, just Mandy's worshippers. Anyways, it would be good for her to have some support when she would find out that she was not the lead.

  I didnt think I would care, but as I looked at Mandy's worried face, all our good memories flashed in my brain. All the good times, how could I leave her alone like this in such an important day of her life? No, I couldnt, she was my best friend, I had to be with her, support her today. I took a deep breath and took a step towards Mandy.

"Hey,Steph."I turned around, it was Ashley.

  "Hi."I replied.I turned around again, Mandy was looking at me, I took another step towrds her.

"Come on,Steph."Ashley took my hand,"Where are you going?"

  I looked back again, Mandy or Ashley? they were both staring at me. I remembered yesterday,Mandy's words

"I want nothing more to do with you, Stephanie Moore."

   I remembered mother's words

"Mandy said you werent with her."

  and then Ashley's words

"I would really like to know you better,Steph"

   Ashley.Ashley was the right choice.Mandy had left me,Mandy had herself finished everything with me, Mandy had tattled to my mother,why was I going towards her now? I took a step back and turned towards Ashley.

  "No where, I was just looking for you,Ashley, where's Jake?"

"He must be here somewhere," Ashley replied." come on, lets get a seat."

     She started towards the chairs, I followed,Ashley was  the only candidate who did not look worried, ofcourse, she already knew that she was the lead, what  need did she have to worry? We chose a table and sat down. I looked back again.Mandy was still staring at me, her mouth hanging open in surprise.I giggled, what had she thought?That I would still go with her after what she had done yesterday? All the previous times, it was Mandy who used to get angry and I had to convince her, now i was angry at her for a change.It felt good to be in control.

"Hey,Steph,Ash." Jake said, coming over.

"Hi." we both replied together. I looked at Ashley and smiled. she smiled back.

"So?"Jake started,"Did you ask Mr Owens for the part?"

"No," I repled." look, I just wasnt born for acting-"

   "No, you are."Ashley broke in,"What's so wrong in auditioning? If you dont get the part, fine then, but what if you do get the part? Wont it be amazing then?"

  I sighed. "I dont know."

"Ash is right,Steph." Jake said."You should audition atleast-"

  "But what if the part is already taken?" I broke in.

"That's why we are telling you to go to Mr Owens now,Steph, before the roles are announced."Ashley said.

   "And if the part is taken, then good, but go to Mr Owens now, Steph, we are right behind you."Jake added.

" Are you sure of this?" I asked.

   "Yes,"they both replied together.

"Ok then, but come with me." I got up, Ashley and Jake got up too, I saw Mandy looking at me from the corner of my eye, probably wondering where I was going.

 Mr Owens was sitting on a chair backstage, sorting out some papers.

"Mr Owens?" I called out nervously.

"Yes,Miss Moore?"

   "Ummm...i wanted to ask you something-"

"Is something wrong with the sets?" Mr Owens asked.

   "No,err...I just wondered, has the role of Rosalind be taken yet?"

"Rosalind?" Mr owens replied,"No, I dont think so, but why are you asking?"

   "umm...I wondered,err..could I audition for the part?"

"You?but arent you the sets manager?"

   "Yes, I am but-"

"But she would like to have a role in the play too."Ashley broke in.

   "If that is the case, then you can audition now, before the announcing of the roles." Mr Owens replied.

"Umm...okay." I said.

  "Dont worry, you'll be fine."Ashley thumped me on the back.

"Wish me luck."I said.

  "Good luck"Jake and Ashley said.I auditioned.Thank God,my audition was backstage and not in front of all the other people or I would have just died.Though I did feel bad that Mandy wasnt here, she would have seen that I too had the talent for acting.

"Good,"Mr Owens said after I had auditioned."You can go now"

   "Okay."I nodded and we left.

"Ooooh, I am so excited," Ashley said."How wonderful will my name sound annouced as the lead."

  "Yes, comeon,lets sit." I said.

  We all sat down.Mr Owens came on the stage.

   "Thankyou all for gathering here today,"He announced,"As you all know, the roles of Sustenance are going to be announced today."

 A cheer came from the crowds.

"Now before I announce the names," Mr Owens continued"I would like to say that all of the contestants were equally good, and it was very hard for me to decide who to select, please dont feel bad if you dont get the role you wanted."

   The crowds were cheering louder then ever.

"We will start from the lead roles, these were very difficult to decide,but the male lead role is Jason Mandley!"

   The whole auditorium erupted in applause.A smile came on Ashley's face, she was going to get this applause too, Jason's supporters clapped and cheered.I turned around.

    "And now for the female lead role,"Mr Owens continued,I held my breath,"The female lead role is,and this too was very hard to decide, but the female lead is.....Ashley John!"



Chapter 10

I closed me eyes and waited.All around me, there were cheers, applause, clapping, all for Ashley. But I only waited for one voice, Mandy's.Mandy was going to start shouting any minute now. I waited for another minute, no sound. Why wasnt Mandy saying anything?Was she there? I opened my eyes, there was Mandy,sitting now, and not trace of sadness on her face! Infact, she looked quite happy, maybe she was just pretending to be happy, she couldnt really be happy. She had lost the lead, the thing she had been dreading since days! ofcourse, she couldnt be happy.

  I closed my eyes again, any minute now, I opened my eyes again, was everything allright with Mandy?  I wasnt  even aware that Ashley was hugging me, I only had eyes for Mandy. Was something wrong with Mandy? I looked at her again, her eyes found mine. She looked at me for a full minute before turning away.Mr Owens looked at me and smiled.OMG! he thought I had somehow convinced Mandy to stay quiet. But I hadnt, I hadnt told Mandy that she wasnt the lead, then why wasnt she saying anything now?

     "And now for the second leads,"Mr Owens was still announcing,but I didnt hear which name he announced for the male lead, I was still looking at Mandy."The female second lead is Mandy McHugh!"

  I clapped, so did many others, there was cheering too, but it was comparitively less then that which had been done for Ashley.I looked over for Lia, there she was, tears running down her face.she was crying, and Mandy looked happy that she had lost.

 Mr Owens went on announcing the roles, I was only woken out of my trance when Jake's name was called. That brought me back to life.

"Hey, congratz,Jake." Ashley said.

"But...But you didnt audition, Jake."I cried out. 

  "Are you in your right mind,Steph? ofcourse I did,I auditioned for the part of Harry and I got it." Jake replied, waving a hand in front of my eyes.

"Umm...ok,ok, you may have auditioned, but I dont remember, congatz anyway."I said.


"Hey!"I suddenly exclaimed. 

"What?"  Ashley asked.

   "My name wasnt announced,right?" I asked, realization dawning on me that I hadnt got a part.

 "No,silly." Jake said."Your name wil be announced later on, only the big parts are being announced now, not the minor ones."

"And ofcourse you will get the part." Ashley said,"No one else auditioned for it." She added with a laugh.

  What was that supposed to mean? That I was wrong to want a part that noone else wanted?

"Look," Jake pointed out."Mr Owens is announcing the minor ones now."

   I strained my ears to hear.I looked over at Mandy, she was still sitting like that, with a smile on her face. Did she know that I too had auditioned for a part?

"For the role of Rosalind, Stephanie Moore."Mr Owens announced.

  There were lots of cheers, Ashley and Jake clapped. Many of their friends were clapping too, I looked over at Mandy, she wasnt clapping,she looked shocked. I giggled. What did she think, that I wasnt good enough to get a part? Fine, it was a part noone else wanted, but atleast it was a part.I had shown Mandy right. She caught my eyes, and raised her hands to clap.I smiled, ha! I had defeated Mandy, she HAD to clap.

    I turned my eyes away.Many people came to congratulate me but they were nothing compared to those who came to congratulate Jake, and even they were nothing compared to those who came to congratulate Ashley. Mandy was still standing with her crowd of worshippers. She walked towards us as I looked at her. I held up my face proudly, and took Ashley's hand. Mandy looked at my hand, holding Ashley's hand, with a look that could be described as disgust.

    "Congratulations,Ashley."she said, extending a hand.

"Congratulations to you too, on getting the SECOND lead." Ashley said contemptuously, shaking Mandy's hand.

"Well, I got an important part,atleast, unlike SOME people I know." Mandy replied, looking at me pointedly.

    "Unlike SOME people, I dont lie,its important enough for me." I shot back.

"Oh really?" Mandy said, turning towards me,"And when have these SOME people lied to you?" 

   "Why do you care?" I snorted,"You are not in that list of SOME people, or do you think you are?"

 Ashley giggled. That brought us back to earth. I turned around, everyone was watching us.

    "That's for you to decide, it's your list, afterall."Mandy said, turning away,"Congratulations anyway, and congratulations to you too Jake, and you Ashley, you finally got what you got everything."

"Yes, I did." Ashley replied, her eyes ablaze,"I got everything which was once yours."

  Mandy and Ashley glared at each other, I looked at Mandy, why had I ever been friends with her in the first place? How could I ever have been so stupid? To have thought that she actually cared for me? But atleast it was all over now, I could leave it all in the past and start my new life with my new friends.

   "Come on, Ashley, Jake." I came in between,"let's go, there's no use standing here now."

  "Yeah," Ashley nodded,"Come on."

I walked away, leaving Mandy standing there, Jake followed us, I turned around,

    "By the way, congratz Mandy, on getting the second lead." I walked towards her again, and extended a hand, she took it,I stared in her eyes, was that regret?No,it couldnt be, as I looked in her eyes, I felt myself dissolving, all those good memories, Mandy, my bestfriend Mandy. I tried to pull my hand out of her grasp, she didnt let go, I pulled my hand again. She just kept staring at me with those puppy like eyes, my hand was hurting now.

  "Come on,Steph." I heard Ashley call. Mandy dropped my hand, it hung loosely on my side,I stared at her in surprise.She turned away and left. I kept standing there, staring at her disappearing figure.

"What are you looking at,Steph?" Jake said, coming over at my side," Dont you have a class to go to?Ashley has already left."

"Ohh...n.nothing."I replied, still in a daze.Jake pinched me,"Ouch!Hey,Jake!"I called out in pain.

   "Good you are back to your senses, are you coming, or are you going to stand here staring all day?"

"Coming, Coming." I replied, and let Jake drag me out of the auditorium, once we were out, he said,"Will you be alright now, Steph?"

  "Ofcourse,"I replied, moving away.He grabbed my hand and pulled me back,"You dont seem ok to me, Steph, maybe you should go to the sick room."

"I am fine,Jake." I replied, though I was thrilled to pieces inside,Jake was worried for me!did that mean that he really liked me?

   "Are you sure?" he asked again.

"Yes," I nodded.Suddenly I felt an urge to hug him, I reached up(Jake is quite tall), and hugged him.

  "Whoa!" He started, "You are definitely not ok,Steph, what's came into you today?"

"Nothing." I replied,smiling,"I am just a little over excited,Jake, if you know what I mean."

   "You are not a little over excited, you are completely over excited,as far as I can tell."

I smiled again, Jake was so amazing! How could I have forgotten how much I cared for Jake while I was best friends with Mandy? It seemed ridiculous to me now,Mandy compared to Jake? No,null, she was nothing compared to Jake. Jake was my best friend, if only, if only I could tell everyone that Jake was my present best friend.Who was my present best friend, anyways? Not Mandy ofcourse, then Ashley? But Ashley and Jake were best friends. So none of them could be my best friend. Maybe Ashley and Jake were more then best friends?

           I hope not,was a person allowed to have more then one best friend? I didnt know, wouldnt that create a sort of triangle? One person would always be left out.And was it necessary that a person have one best friend atleast? Couldn't a person have just many friends, and not just one best friend?

            "There you go again,"I heard Jake say,I looked up,"Earth to Stephanie."He said, waving a hand in front of my eyes.I rolled my eyes.

 "Fine,I am alive, ok? I am in my senses, now what do you want?"I was annoyed, he had interrupted my thoughts.

"I want to hug you!" He said suddenly, and lifted me up.

  "Jake!!" I screamed,"This is a school, for God's sake! put me down!"

"ok,ok,Ha!" Jake laughed, as he lowered me to the ground,"Got you back!"

   "What did I ever do to you?" I said,laughing.

"Nothing, that's what you did,nothing!"

     "You idiot!" I giggled,"I will get you back for this one, see if I dont!"

Suddenly I noticed someone standing in a corner."Hey!"I cried. 

   "What?" Jake said, turning around.

       "Someone's spying on us!!!"

Chapter 11

 "Where?Who's spying on us?" Jake exclaimed, turning around.

    "They have run off now, There!" I ran towards the hall,"Hey! Whoever you are, Stop!!"

I ran down the hall, where had they hidden? who had been spying on me and Jake? was it a he, a she, or a they?I turned around, Jake was following me.I ran faster and crashed into......"Mandy!!"

      "What are you doing here?" I asked, breathing hard, Mandy had been spying on me and Jake, Mandy was bent down on the floor, collecting up her books which had fallen out of her hands when we had crashed.

  "What need is there to run down the halls at top speed,Stephanie?"Mandy asked, looking up.

"The need is,"I started,"That I have to find some people who were spying on me and Jake, you have any idea what I am talking about?"

 "No, for God's sake, Stephanie, have you always been mad, or have you recently lost your mind?"

"I have recently GOT back my mind after loosing it to you for two years!" I said, shaking her hard so she stood up.

"What do you want, Stephanie?"Mandy asked, annoyed.

   "What do I want? What do YOU want,Mandy? Why were you spying on us?"

"I wasnt spying on you,Stephanie, I was just walking down the hall to my next class,when I crashed into you, or when YOU crashed into me."

  "Oh, really?" I said, copying Mandy's sarcastic tone once again,"You are lying!"

"I am not, I really do think something has happened to your brain,Steph, one accusation after another, cant you get a life?"

  I rolled my eyes, Jake came running up,"What's happening? Did you find out who was spying on us, Steph?"

"I did find out,Jake, but that person wont admit to it." I said, looking pointedly at Mandy.

  "Hey!Why are you all gathered here?" Ashley asked, coming out of a corner.

"Where were you all this time,Ash?" Jake asked just as I was about to tell Ashley about Mandy's obvious lie.

    "Me? Nowhere, I was just going to class, why? what's happening?" Ashley replied, coming towards me.Jake looked at Ashley suspiciously and I glared at Jake, did he think that Ashley had been spying on us? For God's sake!

  "Am I allowed to leave now?" Mandy said, sarcastically.

"No, you are not, not until you admit that you were spying on us, and why you were spying on us!" I said, glaring at her.

"Well, it may surprise you, Steph."Mandy started, glaring back at me, "But you dont rule the world,Now get out of mt way."

  "No,you cant go, unless you tell why you were spying on us, Mandy."  I said, coming in front of her, to block her way.

"Be it the hard way then." Mandy replied, I stared at her surprised, suddenly she pushed me, I stepped back in pain, Mandy started walking and then turned around again,

"Dont ever bother me again, Stephanie Moore, or you will find out that I too, have the power to hurt." She said, and then turned away.

"What?" I asked and ran after her,Ashley stopped me,"No,Steph, leave her alone, she is already upset on not getting the lead."

"Yup,"Jake said,taking my hand,"Lets go to class now."

  I once again let him drag me to class,"I cant believe her, how dare she be so rude-"I started but Ashley interrupted.

"For God's sake, cant you just forget that?forget Mandy, forget what she said."

   "I am TRYING to, but she doesnt let me, whyever was she spying at me?"I said, exasperated.

"Maybe it's the fact that you and Jake walk around the school as if you are a couple!" Ashley burst out.

     "What?!We are not!" Jake exclaimed, dropping my hand.

"Then that better be, Jake, you cant forget what you promised me." Ashley said, pushing me out of the way and going towards Jake.

 Promise? What had Jake promised Ashley? And why did Ashley feel bad if Jake and I even did look like a couple?What if they were the same reasons as mine, when I had felt bad when Ashley and Jake had been together?What if, What if Ashley liked Jake too? and what if Jake liked Ashley too? Oh my God! Did I like Jake? Was that why I felt bad when Ashley and Jake were together? I looked at them now, they were hugging, I felt a rush of anger, of betrayal. Suddenly I didnt want to be here anymore, no, Ashley and Jake belonged together.

         I was an intruder here, I turned back silently, and went back to class, No one noticed me leave, Jake and Ashley were too busy embracing and ofcourse I didnot have a best friend anymore to be with me always.



"Hey, where did you run off to in lunch?" Jake said, catching up with me. It was afternoon now,  and I was at my locker, collecting all my books, before I went home.

  "No where, I just realized it was late for class." I replied, turning towards him.

"But still, Steph, you ran off without saying anything, you arent upset by what Ashley said about us, are you?"

Me? upset? No way, I hadnt been upset by what Ashley had said about me and Jake, I had been upset by what she had done after she had said that.

"No, ofcourse not, Jake."

"Thank God then, I was worried, come on, I'll walk you home."

  "Thanks Jake, but I will be fine."

"You are still angry, arent you,Steph?"

   "No really, Jake, there's no need, I am not angry at you, why would I be?"

"Then prove it."Jake said, "Let me walk you home."
    I sighed, if he was being so stubborn, what could I do?

   "Fine then, but where's Ashley?"I asked.

"Ashley is going to stay after school,Steph."Jake replied,"She has some things to do."

     "What things?"

"I dont know, just asking Mr Owens for the rehearsals  for Sustenance, I guess."

    Oh, so this was the reason. Jake was with me because Ashley wasnt available, if Ashley had been there, he never would have offered to walk me home, I sighed, I felt dreadful. 

   "Come on now."Jake said, we started walking.

"" I asked.

  "So what?" Jake said, confused.

"Umm...I mean, err...I mean, oh nothing." I couldn't ask him, I had been meaning to ask him if there was anything between him and Ashley. He had denied it that afternoon in The California Dream, all those days ago, but maybe now things were different.But I couldn't bring myself to ask him, I just couldn't.

 "Nothing what? What did you want  to ask me, Steph?" Jake pounced on the subject.

     "Err....I...Umm..yes! I wanted to ask you would you like to come for tea at my house today,Jake?"I said, thank god I thought of something,"Mother wants to meet you."

      "Ok then." Jake smiled at me, my heart melted, I smiled back.Atleast one problem was solved now, mother would finally be contended that I wasnt hanging out with wrong people after she met Jake. AND another problem was solved, worrying and worrying about how Mandy would react when she found out that she wasn't the lead, that was all over now. AND I was here with Jake, while Ashley was far away at school. I walked happily with Jake, looking up at him and smiling.

 "There,"I said pointing out,we had been walking for quite a while now,we had reached my house.

"Your house still looks the same as always, Steph, even though it's been two years."Jake said, turning.

     "Am I the same too?"I said teasingly.

"Not at all.Steph, you have changed, ALOT."

   "In what ways have I changed?"

"In your looks for the first thing, you have grown more beautiful."

     I blushed and looked away from Jake,did Jake really think I was beautiful? More beautiful then Ashley?I for one did not think so.

  "I meant, you know, in qualities."I explained.

"I was going to say that,Steph."Jake replied,"You have became, I dont know, sort of indifferent."

    Indifferent,me? OMG! did Jake think I was ignoring him?

"So this is the bell, right?" Jake said, changing the subject, I looked up, we were standing in front of my house."Yes,"I nodded. I normally went through the back door, but since Jake was with me this time, and I had  to introduce him to mother, I thought it better to go through the front door, and anyways, Jake had already rang the bell.

"Steph? Is that you?"My mother called,"Yes." I answered.My mother opened the door,"Come on in, Steph, why didnt you come through the back door?I thought...oh!" she broke, when she noticed Jake.

   "Good  Afternoon,Mrs Moore." Jake said, extending a hand.

"Good Afternoon."My mother replied, looking at me quetioningly.

    "This is Jake Wilson,mother, you remember Jake? My best friend in primary?"

"Oh, Jake,"My mother said, a flicker of recognition on her face."Come on in, would you like tea?"

   "Oh no, I am sorry Mrs Moore,  but actually I have to go somewhere-"

"But you said you would Jake!"I broke in.

   "Yes, I did, but I just remembered I have to go somewhere,I'll see you later,bye Steph."Jake replied and began walking.

"Well, bye then."I said, and went inside.

    "What was that?" My mother asked, as soon as I entered.

"Nothing, Mother, I am tired, I'll have a little rest before I eat,ok?"

   My mother did not insist, she just nodded.It must have been clear from my face that I needed some rest. Of course I did. It had been such a tiring day.I sighed and climbed upstairs. i was just outside my bedroom door when I heard some muffled voices.Someone was in my room! An intruder! A theif!

     What should I do? I screamed, mother came running,"What happened,Steph?Are you allright?"

"Th..there's someone in my bedroom!"I exclaimed.

    "In your bedroom?"My mother said and came forward.She opened my bedroom door while I marveled at her bravery.I looked around my room, everything seemed in place and there was certainly no one in there.

   "There's no one there, Steph, you must have been mistaken."

"No! there was someone here-"

   "Steph, you are tired.Have some rest and then I will call you for lunch."My mother said and left, I looked at her disappearing figure. Oh well, maybe I had been mistaken.

  I looked around again, everything was in place,if someone had been in my room, they would have taken something.I dropped down on my bed. Me and my wild imagination.I closed my eyes.

      legs ached.I sat up again.Jake, sweet amazing Jake. So incredibly sweet of him to walk me home.But why did he leave so suddenly then?and what was that he said about me being indifferent?I didnt want to loose him,I didnt want to loose anyone anymore.I had already lost Mandy.What would happen now?But Jake, what about him, why did I care so much for him?Those pics! of me and Jake together, I wanted to see them now. I stood up, and walked towards my cupboard, wasnt that where I had put them the last time after showing them to Ashley?

  I searched the cupboard thoroughly, I threw out a lot of clothes, but still no pics. But then I remembered that I hadnt put them back in the cupboard after I had shown them to Ashley.I remembered what Ashley had said,

"Keep them in a safe place atleast, they are precious."

  Yup, I hadnt put them back in the cupboard, they would still be in my bedside drawer, I opened it, and threw out all that was inside, but still no pics.I searched all my other drawers but still no pics. I turned my whole room upside down and then looked around in despair.That was when the realization hit me.

   Someone had deliberately stolen my and Jake's pics!!!

Chapter 12

I turned around. Who had done it? Who had stolen our pics? Ofcourse not, no one would have, they would still be here, just my wild imagination again. I bent down to look at the mess on my bedroom floor. I ruffled some clothes here and there, and then started throwing them on my bed.Finally the floor was clothes-free. I ran my hand through my other things. Where? Where were they? They HAD to be here somewhere.

  I stood up, no, they weren't here.I ran out of my room, and ran down the stairs, taking two at a time.There was mother, in the kitchen, probably making something for lunch.


"Yes,hon?Why didnt you go to sleep yet?"

  "Forget that,mother, Listen, have you seen that album of pics I had, of me and Jake together?"

"Album of pics?No, why? Have you lost them?"

    "Yes, they arent where I left them, has anyone been in my room recently?"

"No, just the daily maid,It must be there in your room only,Steph.Look carefully."

   "I have looked carefully, mother, I have looked everywhere!" I said.

 "Dont TELL me, Stephanie Moore, have you thrown out everything again?"

  I flushed, how did mother came to know?"Umm..well,err..I'll put it back again,mother."

"You better do,Steph, go and put your room to order right this minute."

  I nodded once and climbed the stairs gloomily and went back to my room, once I saw the mess my room was in, my heart sank.It was impossible to believe that I had brought this disaster to myself in the space of only,what, 5 minutes? Maybe that was my special talent.To attract trouble.

  I wasn't going to clean this up now ofcourse. I had more important things to do, I had to find those pics first. And while everything was out on the floor, then there would be no problem if I made a little bit more mess.I bent down and then sighed.It was no use, I wouldn't be able to find anything in this mess. I pulled myself up and plopped down on the bed.I rolled over and closed my eyes.

             Ouch, there was something pricking me there, under the covers. I stood up again, and pulled the sheet off the bed. There, now the bed was just as messy as the floor, but I didnt bother about that now,there it was, the thing which had been pricking me. I reached over to take it in my hand and then gasped.It was my necklace! The one I had left at Mandy's, the one I had accused Mandy of stealing!

          But what was it doing here? I had left it at Mandy's yesterday, and she hadn't given it back to me in school today.Then how sould it be here? and what about that voice I had heard, making me think that there was an intruder in my room? Were these two things connected? And then the mystery of the pics.Where were they?One thing was for sure, only Mandy knew where my necklace was, only she had the power to retrieve it, if the necklace was here, then it could only mean that Mandy had been in my room too. And if she had been in my room, then she had taken the pics too. I couldn't believe it! She had sunk to breaking in and stealing now!How could she! How DARE she?

               I would kill her, I would completely and totally kill her when I would see her tommorow. Infact I would go over to her house and kill her right now. Such a dangerous criminal did not deserve to live in this world one more minute. First she had spyed on me and Jake, and then she stole our pics.But what did she have against Jake? I had thought she was only jealous of Ashley. But No, it was me.It made her angry to see me happy, that was her problem, she had got it in against ME.

            Well, I was soon going to put that right now, I jumped off my bed, not  bothering to be careful of not crunching my clothes(strewn on the floor) by my shoes. I went down the stairs quietly and I was about to enter the living room and announce my mother that I was going over to teach Mandy a lesson that she would never forget, but then I stopped. Mother would never let me go, she would bother too much about me cleaning my room first, and I didnot want to delay this visit. I sneaked quietly out of the back door, shutting the door noiselessly behind me. I knew mother would be hurt if she found out that I had sneaked out and I would probably be grounded but I had to take that risk.

         I walked softly on the hard ground.Have I ever mentioned before that the distance between my and Mandy's house is really small? As it was, I reached her house soon. I decided to ring the bell.We used to have a secret way, whenever I would come over, I would tap quietly on the back door three times, and Mandy would know it was me, and then we would hang out for hours, and Mrs McHugh  wouldn't notice a thing until I would suddenly spring up and surprise her, and she would wonder how long I had been there.It all seemed childish now, I felt my hands clenching into fists as I waited for someone to open the door.

   I heard footsteps and readied myself, Mandy's mother opened the door.

"Good afternoon, Mrs McHugh."I started,"Can I meet Mandy?"

   "Of course."She replied and led me in.she gave me a look which plainly asked why I hadn't came through the back door.Obviously, Mandy hadn't told her about our little exchange of friends. I smiled apologetically and then waved once before climbing the stairs which would lead me to Mandy's room.I knew she wouldn't be expecting me, but when I reached her door, the sound which I heard coming out shocked me. Mandy was crying! A thing I hadn't seen her do in months!

         I opened the door and ran towards her, hugging her instintively. It was only after she pushed me back that I realized what I was doing and the reason I was here. I stepped back, trying to bring some of the anger back,which I had been feeling at my own house, and which had melted as soon as I had heard Mandy crying.But try as I did, I failed very badly.

       Mandy glared at me, trying to wipe away her tears with her hand. So it had all been an act, that smiling face when the roles of Sustenance had been announced. This was the real Mandy, without the hard mask.Crying, crying because she had lost the role of Sandy.

   "What are you doing here?" She asked very rudely, as I watched her sniff.I dint know what to answer, I couldnt be angry at her when she was so weak like this.

"Well, errr..."I started, and then stopped.I looked aat her, her expression turned into a snarl.

    "Just say it and get out!" She said,glaring. Fine,I felt my anger rising again.If she was going to be so difficult, then so was I.

"Good, where's my necklace?"I asked.

"That damned necklace again!" Mandy shouted in frustration,"How many times do I have to tell you,I have no knowledge where it-"

"Mandy!"I broke in."I left it here yesterday, after I found it in your backpack yesterday."

 "You what?Oh."She said as understanding dawned on her face,"Well, it must be here somewhere, I dont know where it is."

 I knew for certain where it was, back in my house, safely locked in my drawer, but her pretending that SHE didnt know,made me angry again.

"Dont you remember your little visit at my house?" I said sarcastically.

  "Visit?No,"Mandy said, looking at me earnestly,"I haven't been over at your place in days."

"Oh,really?" I took a step towards her,"Then who left my necklace under the covers? and who stole mine and Jake's pics?"

"Accusations!MORE accusations!"Mandy said, as if she couldn't believe that could be possible."Homestly, I thought you had came here to make up with me,but no,you are the same as ever!"

"You are the same as ever too,Mandy, selfish, cruel and envious of everyone else!"I flushed as I said the words. Mandy looked at me as if she couldnt believe it, I couldnt believe it myself. Had I really said that to her, right to her face?

"You know what,Stephanie?" Mandy said, coming towards me so that her face was inches from mine,she spoke in a calm voice, but with hatred dipping on every word,"I dont care! Go on believing what you want,Stephanie Moore, Yes,I stole your necklace, I stole your pics,I broke into your house,and what else was there?"

Inspite of myself I began to laugh,it was so funny that Mandy was asking ME for the hundred different crimes that SHE had commited.

     "You think it's funny, dont you, Steph?"I nodded, not really believing that she was seroius."Then I will tell you something which isnt, you know what, Steph?I did really steal your necklace."


Chapter 13

         “Oh, ya, you stole my  necklace,”I said,repeating after her sarcastically, not really realizing what she was saying,”You stole our pics and you-Wait!What?you stole my necklace?”

  “Don’t you believe so,Steph?”Mandy said in a  calm cold voice,”Don’t you KNOW so?”

“Yes,ofourse, yes you did-“

“Then why are you surprised?”

Yes,why was  surprised?Just a minute ago, I had accused Mandy of the theft, then why couldn’t I believe it now?I had blamed Mandy countless times.But somehow her accepting, her saying that she HAD done it, made it unbelievable.

“I am not”

“So you believe me now?”

“No, I don’t, you didn’t,Mandy.”

“What?”Mandy said, coming towards me,”You didn’t believe me when I said that I hadn’t stolen your stupid necklace and now you wont believe me when I say that I DID.”

Ugh,this was confusing, I had came here to teach Mandy a lesson,instead I had learnt one myself:Never accuse another until you are absolutely sure. I suspected that I did really believe that Mandy had stolen my necklace, but it was just the fact that Mandy had been crying which had had a bad efffect on my  mind, making it refuse to believe anything against Mandy,but I deserted the idea quickly.

“You know what,Mandy?”I said, moving towards the door,”I don’t think you are in the mood for confessions,I’ll come later.”

“No, you wont.”Mandy said, coming forward and blocking my way,”You aren’t allowed to, just say whatever you want now only.”

“Look,Mandy,I am willing to compromise, just give me back my pics and I’ll leave you alone.”

“As it happens,  I don’t have any sort of pics which belong to you.”

I snorted,”As if I would believe that, the evidence all points against you, Mandy, only you knew where my necklace was.”

“No, I didn’t, I was too hurt by your words alone yesterday, to concentrate on your other wordly possessons.”

“Really,Mandy?”I sighed in frustration,this was getting too much,. Lies and lies, couldn’t Mandy  admit her mistake for once?”You are impossble.”

“Yes I am, I am possible, Steph, but you aren’t, you wont believe anything I say.”

  "Yes, I dont, you have made me.You wont confess?"

"I have already."

  "Ugh!Fine! I'm going."

"Your wish."

I turned away and slammed the door hard as I left.That seemed to be the only thing in my power these days.



I grimaced as I opened the door to my house. Although the distance hadn't been much, but my mind was weighted with the fact that I had done a wrong, or let a wrong be done. This was all too difficult, not knowing the truth, and having to judje other people with the little facts you had.I did not know whether what I had done was right or wrong, but I  did know that Mandy had been hurt. Did she deserve to be hurt or did I?


Oho, now I was done, Mother would be extremely mad if she found out that I had sneaked out.I sneaked in and I was just in time, I started climbing the stairs to my room the exact moment that Mother turned the corner and the stairs came into view.

"Steph, what are you doing there? Come on down, aren't you hungry?"

"Umm.. I was, er... just coming, mother, but I dont feel hungry now. "

  "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes, mother,I just want to have some rest."

"What were you doing upto now if you weren't resting?"

   "Nothing,mother,I am going." 

"OK." I turned and started climbing the stairs. I went upto my room and locked the door.I plopped down on the bed and closed my eyes.Today had been too much.So Mandy was pretty good and actress then, the way she had pretended to be indifferent to the fact that she wasn't lead had almost had me convinced that she didn't care.

But I kneww her almost as much as I knew myself so I knew that she wouldn't back off so soon. And her tears had proved that. Did I perhaps have a hand in those tears?

                     I closed my eyes again, I hadn't realized that I had opened them, and then I remembered, my room! OMG! I hadn't cleaned up my room yet! If mother wasn't angry at me sneaking out, then she would surely be mad now.I jumped off my bed and looked around.Who had told me to spread destruction in my room? It would take an awful lot of time to clean up this mess now. I sighed and then turned to clean up the mess which I had made myself.



The next morning.

I stepped up and looked around. So much had changed but this dear old school bus had remained the same, I smiled at the driver, Harrry Sloan, as I made my way over to the end of the bus. Mandy was still sitting in our usual seat, but this time the seat next to her was empty. I sighed and sat down beside  her. Mandy kept staring determinedly in the front. So did I. It was like we were playing a childish game, sulking because we had another one of our fights. But even I wasnt that stupid to think that the past few days had been just another fight. They had been an end. The End.

     I sighed again, and this time Mandy turned to look  at me. I turned away, soon we had neared the school and a smile broke on my face as I caught sight of Jake near the school gate. He was with Ashley.Ofcourse, I should have expected, that fact made me bitter though. The bus stopped and I rushed off, pushing Mandy a little in my hurry to get out. I did not look back but rushed straight up to Jake and Ashley.But I stopped a few yards before I reached them, they seemed to be in a serious discussion, Ashley was breathing heavily, and Jake looked angry.Maybe I shouldn't interrupt them.But it was too late, even as I thought it, I was walking towards them, a huge smile on my pale face.

"Hey, guys."

Jake looked up, he smiled in return but Ashley still looked angry. She glared at me from under her dark eyelashes which made me feel nervous.Maybe I should not have interrupted.

    "Hey,Steph."Jake hugged me, he looked back at Ashley, I did too.What was up with her? She was still glaring at me.

  "Ash, you okay?" I turned towards her, reaching out to hold her hand, that seemed to bring her back to life, she glared at me once more, and then at Jake."Ash,what-"I started but she cut in.

    "Leave me alone!"She pushed my hand away from her and stormed off.

"What's up with her?"I asked Jake, I was hurt, what had I done wrong now?

    "Nothing." Jake replied,"She's just having...problems."

"Problems? What sort of problems?"

    "Oh, you know, the usual, money"

"Did she ask you for help?"


"Why was she angry with you then?"

     "Look, Steph. I dont know."

"Fine, why is she angry at me,Jake?"

    "I recommend you go ask her, okay? stop bothering me."

"Cant you stop being so bitter?" 

   "No, dont you know a lost battle, Steph? I am not in the mood for talking,ok? I'll see you later."

  And with that, Jake too walked off, leaving me alone to wonder where I had gone wrong, this seemed to be in my fate now, my friends walking out on me. Mandy, Ashley, Jake. What was wrong with those two anyway?

  It wasnt my fault that Ashley wasn't blessed with super rich parents. Why did she have to take it out on me for?I wasn't going to get anything standing here alone.The bell was going to ring any minute. I sighed for the third time that day as I pushed forward in the jumble of students to make my way to class.


Chapter 14

I sat next to Leah Candara in English,I had not seen either Jake or Ashley the whole of the day.Ten minutes ago it had been announced that all the play members were to assemble in the auditorium at Lunch to get details for the time of the rehearsals.It was not usual for the rehearsals to be held so soon after the cast members were announced.Probably Ashley's work, she was Mr Owens' pet now, and she wanted things rushed up.Couldnot wait for the first rehearsal where she would see herself as the lead.Ofcourse.

    "Hey, what are you doing, standing there?Aren't you in the play?"

I turned at the sound of the voice, I had not realized that the bell had rung, most of the students had filed out of the class, it was Leah who was talking to me, staring at me as if she thought my mind was somewhere in outer space.

"Yes, I am."

   "Well, then go, Mr Owens is calling everyone-"
"Ya, ya, I know, I am going."

 "Ok, no need to be so rough."


 I walked towards the auditorium, there were already alot of children assembled there. I spotted Ashley,alone this time, and walked towards her.


  She turned to look at me,"Oh.Steph."

"Did ypu expect someone else?"


"Jake?"I guessed.


"What's up between you too?"


"Are you angry at me?"

  "No, Steph, everything is fine."

"Jake said that you were having problems-"

    "He did?With what?"

 "He said money."

    "Money, oh yeah, money, ofcourse."

"Can I help you in any way,Ash? I mean, I can-"

   "What do you mean, 'I can help you?'"

"Well, if you need a loan-"

    "Shut up,Stephanie, I am fine at my own, I dont need your charity."

"I didnt mean that ofcourse,Ash, I only meant-"

    "I dont care what you meant, Steph, look, there's Mr Owens , he's going to announce the time for the rehearsals today."

  I leaned back. Atleast, Ashley wasn't angry at me, but this wasn;t like her, to be so rude,she and Jake were both acting wierd today,now when I most needed them.When I didn't have Mandy.

  "Did he say anything else?" Ashley was talking to me again.

  "He?" I asked, confused.

"Jake, did he say anything else?"

   "Umm,no, was he supposed to?"

"He didn't say anything about us?"

    "No.About you two, when did you become 'us'?"

"Ofcourse not, Never."

  And with that, Ashley turned away again, I waited for her to elaborate, but she didnot say anything else.I was about to ask her again, but then MrOwen's loud throaty voice filled the auditorium and all was quiet.

   "The rehearsals will be set everyday from tommorow, after school, today is the 27th of May, the play will be held on the 11th of June, in the school auditorium, the tickets will be available for buying in a few days. The final dress rehearsal will be on the 9th of June.Many of you are acting in a play for the first time so please do your best."

       "Is the choir with us?" I turned towards the source of the voice, it was  a 10th grader.

             Mr Owens nodded,"Yes, Mr Lepidus has kindly consented, the choir will be singing all the background songs while the main songs will be sung by our two young leads."

     Ashley blushed under the stares of almost everyone in the auditorium other then those who were looking at Harry, the male lead. Well, there you go, fame always finds it's way to you. It was after a while that I realized that I was staring at Ashley too, I turned away at once.

           I scanned the crowd, searching for a familiar face, where was Jake? He was supposed to be here too, afterall all he had quite an important role, if not the lead.It seemed that the same thought had crossed Ashley's mind too. She too, was searching the crowds.Mr Owens started to speak again.

      "Well, I hope you do your best,I want all of you here tommorow, 2:30 sharp. Right after school, dont be late. You can all go now."

        There were many 'oohs' and 'yeahs' and then finally the children started to walk out of the auditorium, I caught sight of Mandy walking away.She caught me staring, but didnot change her expression, she just walked on blanky, as if she didnot have a care in the world.I scowled and then turned towards Ashley.

   "Well, see you later then,Steph." She was already walking away.

"Wait,Ash, why wasnt Jake here?" I ran after her.

     "I dont know why you think I should know if you dont."

  "Umm, ok., if you see him, do let me know." I said in a small voice.

       "Most probably I wont, I dont want to anyway." Ashley turned away again.

  "Why not?"

    "Just because."

  "Ok," I knew I was fighting a lost battle there, I knew none of them would tell me what had happened between those two,"See you later then."

     "Ya, bye"

 I walked out of the auditorium, Ashley already had. The hallway was full of girls and boys, the bell had rung, so everyone was rushing to get to class, I opened my backpack and took out my timetable, I had History next, which meant it was going to be a long day. I sighed and then made my way to class.



It was afternoon and I was walking back to my house. I had neither caught sight of Jake or Ashley after I had seen Ashley in lunch.What was going on between those two, what about that 'us'? Were they going out? That thought sent a twinge in my heart.Why was I hurt anyway? Whatever it was was between those two, why did I care? Yes, why did I care? I didn't think I had the answer to that myself.

     There was a crunching sound. As if someone had stepped on a twig. I looked back, the ally was deserted. There was only my shadow behind me. I relaxed and started walking agin. Thach, there it was again, there WAS someone there, following me, like that day. I looked back again, No one. Whoever it was was doing a good job of hiding themselves. I started walking faster, only a little bit slower then running.

    Now I could hear footsteps too. Hurried footsteps, but they werent follwnig me.No, I stopped, they were running away from me.I looked back, I caught sight of someone around the corner, it seemed like a boy from the back, it was dark so I couldnt see the clothes, just the figure.

      "Hey, you! wait! who are you?" I called out, running after the figure, I turned the corner where I had seen him, or maybe her, but there was only darkness around me. No one was here.Nothing.This was crazy. Maybe I had a mind infection or something.I had thought that someone was following me even that time that I was returning from that party at Jake's.But this time there definitely had been someone, but whoever it was had run away.

   I looked around, darkness threatened to engulf me. Even though it was still day, this dark ally represented the scene of night.I had better get out of here fast. I began to run, first running, and then my pace slowed down to a walk.I was nearing home, just a block now. How did Mandy get home? We always used to walk together, or sometimes we would ride our bikes, but I was never this scared before, because we would always be together.Now that I was alone, I thought I could see evil figures lurking in the shadows.

       Jake and Ash.Where were they? Probably everything between them was going to be allright by tommorow.I remembered when Jake had walked me home once.Sweet Jake.My best friend Jake, or really my ex-best friend Jake.Whichever it was, he was still there, he was still my friend.He was still mine. 



Chapter 15

"So, Serena, what's the plot of Sustenance really?" It was the next day, during lunch and I was sitting with a group of girls from the play discussing the progress of the play.The reason behind this was that Ashley and Jake were nowhere to be seen.My doubt was that they had gone off somewhere together but I couldn't be sure.But one thing that I was sure of was the fact that wherever they were, they would be back by rehearsal time.Ashley,certainly wouldn't  miss her first rehearsal as lead.

"Havent you read the dialouges?" Serena asked, turning to look at me.

"I have, but I dont quite understand, it's all so jumbled up, I only know one basic fact, that Merope is Rosalind's sister.What else is there?"

"So you know that.Ok,"Serna started and took a deep breath,"Merope, the second female lead and the lead,Sandy are very good friends."

"Best friends?" I intervened.

"You coould say,then Merope is Rose's sister,the other character's are the second male lead,Harry Wakefeild-"

  "Who play's that one?" I interrupted.

"Jake Wilson, now please dont interrupt,Steph."I nodded,"Then there is Ryan Rudolph,and then the male lead,Justin Timberlake, played by Jason Mandley." Serena added because she interpreted by my face that I was about to interrupt again,"And I dont know who play's Ryan's role.Got it till there?"

 "Ya."I nodded.

"Then there are Sandy'd parents, Merope and Rose's mother,there are common people too, you know, just casual roles,one or two lines.Then there is the choir, for the background music, they wont actually be in the play though.I think that's all."

"Dont Merope and Rose have a father?"

 "Nah, father's dead, I think."

"What do they all do?"

  "What do you mean,'what do they all do'?"

"I mean, what's the plot?" I said, annoyed.

  "umm...why arent you with your friends anyway?"

"Which friends? I have many types."I said, still annoyed.

  "You know what I mean, Ashley and Jake, where are they?"

   "i dont know."

"You do, please Steph,they should be back by rehearsal time."

  "They will be, I dont know where they are, but I do know that they will be back by rehearsal time."

  "What's going on between you all?"


"Fine, if you dont wanna tell."

   "No, really.Nothing is going on, what made you think so?"

  "I just thought.Anyways, so the plot. Harry Wakefeild and Sandy,"Serena stopped, she took a look at my face and laughed,"Guess I had better tell you the real names, or else it will confuse you."

I nodded.

"Ok, so there are two couples in the story, Jake and Ashley are destined to marry."

  "What?!" Even in the play, did Jake and Ashley HAVE to be together?

"Ya,then Mandy and whoever is playing Ryan's role are to be married too. I think Michael Tsui has that role."Now about who lves who.You are Mandy's sister and you love Jake.Ok?"

I nodded.I couldnt help but feel that that was more right then Serena thought it was.

  "But Jake is going to be married to Ashley.He loves her,but Ashley doesn't love Jake."

"Who does she love?"

  "This is where Jason Mandley comes in.Ashley loves Jason, and she loves her too, and they plan to run off together."

I was beginning to like this story.If Jake and Ashley weren't together then it was an excellent plot.

  "Mandy loves Jason too, and she and Ashley are best friends as you said, so Ashley tells Mandy that she is going to run off with Jason."

Mandy and Ashley best friends?Ha!Never!They hated each other.Even the thought made me laugh.

  "Mandy wants to stop Ashley and Jason from running off because she loves Jason."

Just like Mandy to want to ruin other's happiness."Then?"I asked.

"So she asks her sister Rosalind for help, which means she wants you to do something to stop Ashley and Jason from running off.So, what do you do?"

 "Help her?" I guesses.

"No,you dont.You love Jake.If Ashley and Jason dont run off together then Ashley will be married to dont want that,so you dont help Mandy.You sacrifice your sister's love for your own love.Got it?"

 I nodded and smiled.pretty interesting story so far.But what I really wanted to know was whether Jake and I got together in the end.

"Do Jake and I get together in the end?"I asked.

  "Listen,na, you will spoil all the suspense like this.Patience.Now,you dont help your sister.You go against help Ashley and Jason to run off as soon as they can."

 Do I really? I felt insulted that I had such a selfish character in the play, but when it really came to that, I wasm't sure that I wouldnt do something selfish like that for Jake.

"When Mandy comes to know that Ashley and Jason have run of and that you helped the do it,she kills herself-"

"No!! I wont let Mandy die!" I screamed.

"We are not talking about you here,Steph, we are talking about Rosalind and Merope.Ok?"

"Yeah,yeah."I saidd,breathing hard,"Rosalind and Merope."

Even the thought that Mandy could die was enough to bring tears to my eyes.Maybe Mandy and I were'nt talking now,but she was still there,she was still alive.I knew I wouldn't be able to live if Mandy wouldnt be there.

  "So then Mandy dies?"

Serena was talking on, but I was still trying to relax,it's just a play, just a play.

  "Merope.Merope dies.Please call her Merope,Serena."

"Ok, so when you hear that merope has died, you are devastated, she's your sister afterall.You visit her grave where you cry and ask her to forgive you.But then,Jake arrives at the graveyard.He has came to know that you helped his wife to be,meaning Ashley, and Jason to run off together.And he's angry.You beg, but he doesnt listen.He kills you."

"Jake kills me?" Ugh.I wasnt quite sure I liked this play afterall."But,didnt he love me?"

  "No, he loved Ashley?"

Serena had no idea how true her words were, and how much her words were hurting me.Couldn't Jake love me in a play atleast?No, he had to love Ashley.Just like in real life.The day of the announcing of the roles flashed into my mind.Ashley and Jake hugging.Together.Ashley's words,

"You cant forget what you promised me!!"

Yes, what had Jake promised Ashley? I would probably never find out.

  "So there you are, that's all."

"Ok,"I started,"But why does everyone say my part of Rosalind is a minor one, I think it's quite a big one."

     Serena laughed,"It IS small,Steph, you are just one of the puppet roles."

I stared at her blankly."What do you mean?"

   "Look,"Serena said, looking serious again,"It's like in a band,there are lots of fans, admirers, but they are just playing a role, arent they? Making the band famous. So suppose you like the band too, so you are just one of the fandom, nothing special. But if one of the bandmates were to like you,THEN you would be something." 

"So my part is small just because none of the characters love me?"

   "You could say,you are just the second lead's sister, like in a battle, lots of people die, but not all are remembered, there are other main roles, mine for instance.I am Sandy's mother."

"Oh."I nodded.I was beginning to understand this now,"Who's is Sandy's father?"

   "I really dont remember,Steph."

"It's sad,"I started,"Everyone dies, only Jason and Ashley live happily ever after. What happens to Jake?"

   "He doesn't die, he goes on to another country, get's married to someone else and starts his life there.And so does Mandy's fiancee, Michael if it is, they both get married again."

"Oh.And Sandy's parents?"

"They disown her, but that doesnt  really matter because Sandy never returns, atleast that's what the writer tells us. And Merope's and your mother lives forever in grief of loosing both of her daughters."

"So only Merope and Rose die, and all because I helped Ashley instead of Mandy."I said, feelig a weird sort of twinge in my heart.

"Ya, all because you were selfish.Well, you deserted your sister, you had to have your punishment."

  "But Mandy didnt do anything.She shouldn't have died."

"She dies in grief,because you went against her. Now, forget that,look, it's almost time for the bell. Ok, I'll see you later."

"Ok,later." Serena waved and then ran off.Most of the cafteria was empty now.Everyone was gone,except me.i couldnot help but think about that play.About what my character does. I act selfish and donot help Mandy.Mandy dies. And all because I went and helped Ashley instead of my own sister Mandy.



Chapter 16

It was when I was walking towards the auditorium for the first rehearsal that it occured to me that my part in the play was the same as in real life.Jake didnt love me. Or maybe he did, but just hadn't shown it yet.I couldn't be sure.But there was something between him and Ashley.Definitely.

"There you are, Steph?"

I turned to look at the source of the voice, it was Leah.I didn't like it when other people called me Steph, only my close friends could call me that.

"Stephanie." I said,"Yes?"

  "Ok, Stephanie, Mandy asked me this to you.Here."

She handed me a photo.I turned it over and smiled. It was one of me and her.Of me and Mandy, laughing together, happy.Oh, the good times we had.

"There's another one too,here."

I took the second photo, it was one of me and Jake.Wait, how come Mandy had one of these? What was this supposed to mean anyway? What was Mandy trying to show?

"Did she say something?" I asked.

"Nah.Just said that you had given her these photos once and she wanted to return them to you but couldn't do it herself."


  I had been wondering how Mandy had got hold of one of these pics, she had clearly denied having any knowledge of where mine and Jake's pics were.But now that I thought about it, I remembere that I had shown her Jake's picture once, and she had asked to have it.And I had given it to her.But why had she returned it now?And all at once I knew why.Because she knew that I had lost all other pics I had of me and Jake together.Oh! So sweet of her! I would surely treasure this pic.The only remaining memory of the good time that Jake and I had had togetether.

"Ok, thanks."I said.

"You are welcome."

  I started walking again and entered the auditorium.It was crowded.I searched for either jake or Ashley but there was still no sign of either of them.I chose a chair and sat down.Jake and Ash had better come quickly.Mr Owens wouldn't be too happy if they would be late on the first rehearsal.

"So, is everyone here?" Mr Owens asked.

"Yes."Many children nodded.I felt uneasy.Jake and Ash were still not here.Where were they?

"We will be rehearsing the first scene today."Mr Owens started again," This is between Sandy and her parents.She will request them not to marry her to Harry.Those of you who have read the script will know the end.Now, where is Sandy?"

I was about to point out that Ashley wasn't here yet, but suddenly there she was.Standing right next to Mr Owens as if she had been standing there all along.

"The parents, come along please."

I watched Serena and another boy from the same grade walk towards the stage. If Ashley was here, then Jake would definitely be here too.But where was he?I still couldn't see him anywhere.Had they both been hiding from me?Were they tired of me already?

I searched for Mandy.Yuo, there she was, as good as anything.i should probably thank her for returning that photo back to me, it was good thinking on her part.but why had she returned it with another picture of me and her together? To show that I was better off with her then I was with Jake? Atleast, she had done one good thing.I should not doubt her intentions now.

 Mr Owens throaty voice came from the stage,"Please everyone, eyes on the stage."

  Lots of eyes turned towards the stage.I too, instinctively opened my eyes wider so that I could watch better.As it was only the first rehearsal, the lights hadn't been switched off. But still, it was dark.I could make out Ashley, as in Sandy, talking to her mother.

"Mama, you putteth me to death!" She said.

"I do not do anything of the kind.Harry be the one for you, Sandy." her mother, Serena replied.

   "But I donot love him!"
"That does not matter. You will do as your elders say, you must marry him.You will-"

"Do not do this to me,Mama, do you not love me?'

 "I do not wish you to have a bad future, my daughter. I only think of the good of you."

"But this not be the good for me, Mama, you must understand.I can not love him!"

  "you must. You will get married in a few days, so you must love him."

"I will not, I will not marry him!"

The crowd broke into applause.Wow! Ashley was such a natural at acting.She exactly fit in the role of Sandy.There was no doubt that Mr Owens would be feeling satisfied that his choosing Ashley instead of Mandy for the role of Sandy was the right decision.

 "Excellent!" Mr Owens clapped."I think after a little bit more practise, you will be perfect in this scene, Miss John, and you too."He added, pointing towards Serena. Suddenly I understood what Serena had meant earlier. Lots of people die, but not all are remembered.Serena had an important role, but her role was nothing compared to Ashley, the lead. So like in a battle. Each individual soldier is important in deciding the result of the battle, but not all get the credit.Not all are remembered.Unfair life. 

"Now on to the next scene."Mr Owens was still talking.I sighed, wasn't it time for home already?"This will be where Sandy will tell Merope that she plans to run off with Justin.Come on up here,Merope."

I sat up straight.This was bound to be interesting.Ashley and Mandy acting like they were best friends, that would be a laugh.As I watched Mandy walk towards the auditorium, I was sure that she wouldn't even be able to act friendly with Ashley, let alone best friends.

"Up here, now start!" Mr Owens gave the signal for the start of the scene. Ashley walked towards Mandy and hugged her.

"Oh Merope! It has happened.The date is set!"

  "What has happened, my dearest Sandy?" I had to admit it, Mandy was good.

"The marriage! The date of the marriage is set!"

   "Is there no hope left?" Mandy asked.

"None! I have tried talking to Mama, she insists that their decision is the right for me. There is no other way now, Justin and I must run away."

  "You must not!" Mandy said angrily,"You cannot let your parents go to shame.You must no do anything of the kind."

  "But I have to! I cannot marry Harry. I love Justin."

"But he does not love you,Sandy, he is only playing with you."

    "Do you know who he loves then,Merope?"

"I....No, I do not. But you must not run away with him, I will not let you!"

    "You can not stop me, Merope. I know you love Justin too, but there is no hope for you, he doesnot love you, he loves me."

  "He doesnot love you,Sandy.And I donot love him.I merely ask you not to make a fool of yourself."

"It is not me! It is you who is trying to fool me,Merope.I have heard you talking in your sleep, I have heard you take his name!"

  "You have been mistaken,Sandy, I nurse no emotions of the kind.But I warn you this, I will not let you two run away."

"What will you do,Merope? I ask in you a friend.Instead, I find an enemy. I have been fooled! But I will not let you do anything to stop us.You can not go to either of my parents.No one will listen to you.They will consider you insane.You can not do anything."

 "I must! and I will, you will see,Sandy, I will not let you go to shame."

"Do not lie, you donot stop me for my sake.You can not part with Justin.That is all."

    "Fine.Then be it that. I donot wish to see you anymore.Do not come to see me,Sandy."

"That is the same for you,Merope."

     Mandy and Ashley turned and looked at their audience.Amazing! I had actually thought that it was all real.They both were so god at acting. There was alot of applause. In the midst of it all, Ashley climbed off the stage and ran towards Jake. Where did he come from all of a sudden? This was getting more confusing every minute.

"Wasn't I good?" Ashley asked, looking at Jake and breathing heavily.

  "You were amazing, Ash.Totally amazing."Jake smiled.

"Oh,Jake!" Ashley hugged Jake, I felt that twinge again. I thought of walking towards them but then thought otherwise when I remembered what had happened the last time I had done this.No, let Jake come to me himself.

   "You both were really good, Miss McHugh and Miss John." Mr Owens said, pointing towards Ashley and Mandy,"I think this is enough for today.We only have 13 more days left now.You must learn all your lines by tommorow.You can go now."

 Everyone started walking out of the auditorium, some talking about how good Ashley had been, others about Mandy and some even about Serena. I waited for Jake, but it didn't seem like he would come towards me, he and Ashley were still talking excitedly. I walked towards Mandy. there were alot of people around her, congratulating her.

"Hey, congrats Mandy."I said, you were really good."

   "I know, thankyou Steph."Mandy smiled.

"And thanks for returning that pic,Mandy, it means a lot, that you thought of me-"

   "I did not do it for you, Stephanie, I only gave it back because I felt that there was no need for me to keep it anymore.Now excuse me, but I have to go."

  I stared after her as she walked out of the aditorium. I looked around for Jake or Ashley, they weren't here.

     "Hey, Sam."I said, walking towards a boy,"Have you seen Ashley or Jake?"

  "They left already.Just a while ago.Why?"


Jake and Ashley had left.Left without even greeting me. The realization seemed to sink in that there was no point waiting here anymore.There was no one here.Mandy had left, Jake and Ashley had left.I was alone.


Chapter 17

It was so maddening!What was going on between Ashley and Jake that they had completely forgotten me? Or maybe, I HAD never been one of them.Maybe I had always been a puppet, something to use against Mandy.And now,Ashley had discarded me, now that she had got what she wanted.Even if Ashley did use me like that, I would never believe it of Jake.

As I lay on my bed that night, the events of the day flashed through my mind.The day had passed in a blur after I had came home from school.I had only had lunch, learnt my lines and then I had done my homework.That's all.There had been no one to visit.No where to go.

But tomorrow was going to be better.Or worse.Who could say? But I would talk to Jake tomorrow.I would try to find out what was up between him and Ashley.Tomorrow.And with that resolution in my mind, I fell in the sweet clutches of sleep.



The bus turned the corner and entered the school grounds.It was the next morning.I let Mandy get off the bus first and then I got off. The first thing I saw when I got off was Jake, standing there, and grinning at me like an idiot.

"Hey!Jake."I said, runnig towards him,"Are you okay?"

   "Never been better." Jake smiled.

"What were you up to? The last two days, you and Ash?"

   "Nothing.Just a fight we had, we are okay now."

"Ummm..good then, I was worried."

   "You take after your mother, Steph, worrying about every little thing."

  "But you left without even greeting me yesterday-"

     "Ash and I had something important to do."

"Something important which you cant tell me?"

  "Yeah, come on now, let's go inside."

  "Oh, fine then."

I let him drag me inside.Once we were in the hall, he left me and started walking towards his first class, Maths it seemed.

"Bye, Steph, see you in rehearsal."He waved.

  "Not in lunch?" I asked.


  "Got something important to do with Ash?"I broke in coldly.Jake stared at me for a moment and then he walked towards me again.He held out his hand.I thought maybe he wanted to shake hands, so I held out my own hand.But instead, he just held my own hand in his tightly.

"What's wrong with you,Steph?"


  "Listen, do you mind when Ash and I hang out together without you?"

 My heart started beating loudly,"No, why would I?"

     Jake looked somewhat taken back, as if he had expected a different reply,"Then you should have no problem over what Ash and I do.I have something else to do in lunch, so I'll see you at rehearsal,ok?"

 I nodded,"Yeah."

  "Ok, later then."

"Bye." Jake started walking again, I turned around, why had he asked that? Did he suspect that I liked him? Oh God, I hope not. It would be a real mess if he did. Oh, well, Time would tell.Nothing I could do now. I started walking and walked towards my own class.


Rehearsal time again.It was 29th May today, we had to be perfect by the 9th of June, the dress rehearsal, and then the big day.The day of the play.My part wasnt so difficult so I had no reason to worry but the ones who had the big parts were freaking out.

Jake had promised to meet me, so hope was still on.But I worried that he would not make it.Ashley would be there, somehow our friendship had changed, became more complicated as we matured.I was worried about Ashley, she had been very cold to me the past two days.I did not know what had been wrong between her and Jake, but I  knew it was about me.

I was in the auditorium now, it was just as crowded as yesterday, with the addition that Jake and Ashley were here too.Together, as expected.I walked towards them.

"Hey! Hi, Steph." Ashley smiled.

"Hello." I replied, then looked at Jake.

  "What?"he asked, amused.

"Nothing, dont you have enough respect to get up,Jake? A lady is standing in front of you and you are sitting down?" I pretended to sound hurt.Jake grinned at me, Ashley laughed.

"Ya,Jake.Get up, Ladies first."

"Fine, ladies."Jake got up, then whipped out a chair from another table and sat down upon it.I stared at him, still standing.

"What now?" His tone suggested that he was supressing a laugh.

"You."I said and laughed.

  "Sit down or do you want me to take that chair back?"

I sat down and grinned at Jake.

  "Guys," Ashley broke in,"It's so weird, isn't it? Even in play, I got what Mandy wanted, I got Justin.Though I am not so sure I do really want him." She batted her eyelashes at Jake, I scowled.Fortunately Mr Owens started speaking just then, which stopped me from retorting.

"Good Afternoon, everyone.Yesterday's rehearsal was an excellent one, I hope you are all as well prepared today."There were many 'yeahs' and 'we ares' from the listening audience and then Mr Owens continues,"Today we will be rehearsing Harry's and Sandy's engagement ceremony, after which Sandy will run to Justin and plan to run off. Come up,please."

     Jake and Ash got up and walked towards the stage.I stared after them. I had no interest in listening to what Sandy had to say to Justin, but the first part, the engagement ceremony was important for me.They had taken their positions on the stage.

"Start."That was Mr Owens signal.Ashley started walking towards Jake with Serena close behind her.

  "Mama, I tell you for one more time, this is not right."

"Be quiet, do not let Harry or your father doubt you,Sandy,there he is, be good now."

  Sandy's father, whom I now recognized as my 6th grade Bio partner, took Ashley's hand and handed it to Jake.I bit my lip.It was all I could do to stop myself from screaming out loud.

"Ah,Sandy."Jake looked at Ashley with eyes full of love.It made me feel sick.

   "Take good care of my Sandy now, son."Sandy's father said, shaking Jake's hand.

"You can rest assured,father."Jake said.Ugh.Then came something which almost had me over.Rings.Jake's father whom I noticed now, gave Jake a ring.The rest of it was so heart breaking that I closed my eyes and did not open them again until Jake came by my side and said,

"Was I good? Were we ok together?"

"Yeah," I nodded,"You were good."

"Then why did you close your eyes?"

   "I...they were hurting, that's why.Can we go home now?"

"No, Ash is still rehearsing her scene with Justin, she is telling him that she doesn't love me."Jake pouted.

   "Do you mind?" I said,"That she doesn't love you?"

"No,"Jake grinned,"You love me na, I dont need her."

  "Oh,yeah."I said," I love you, but you dont love me, so it doesn't really matter."My heart was beating really loudly now.

     "I do love you,Steph,I am just not able to tell you."

My heart dropped a beat,"You do love me?"

    "Yes," Jake looked at me,"In the play, I mean."

  Of course.I should have known.

   "If you love me, then why do you kill me in the end?"

"Well, errr..because the writer wants me to."

   I smiled,"That's a good one,Jake."

 Ashley was around us suddenly, I did not realize where she came from, but there she was.

    "We were good together, weren't we, Jakey?"

Jakey?Ugh."Ya, you were both good, especially you,Jake."I said.

   "Thank you,"Ashley started,"by the way, you will have your turn tomorrow,I asked Mr Owens,he said we are going to rehearse your scene tomorrow,Steph."

"Finally!" I said, Jake smiled,"You can go home now, Steph."

   "You aren't coming?"I asked.

"Nah.Got something to do."

   I raised my eyebrows, but then decided to let it go,"Ok, bye."


I ran off. The walk back to home was a quick and a quiet one.Noone following me today. I was soon at my house on my bed, thinking about what tomorrow would bring.Tomorrow I was going to be on the stage, rehearsing my scene with Mandy.Oh! I couldn't wait for tomorrow!

Chapter 18

I woke up afresh the next morning.I could hardly wait to get to school.Finally, I would be acting along side Mandy.And I would show them all! My acting would be so good that they would all have to admit it. Especially Mandy.

"I had a different idea for you, I thought you might like to join the stage crew,since you.."

  Ha! She would soon know that it wasn't only stage crew that I was good at. Talking about stage crew though, I didn't know whether all the sets had been built.Gosh, I had completely forgotten! I would have to see to that today.

I ate quickly and in minutes, it seemed, I was in the school grounds searching for a familiar face.

  "Looking for me?" Jake grinned as he came over.

"Sorry."I said,"But you aren't special enough."

   "Ohhh," Jake sounded amused,"Then who is that special person?"

"He hasn't came in my life yet."

   "Then make do with the ones you have."

"Oh, shut up Jake. Look, there's Ash, come on."

I started walking towards her,Jake didn't follow,"Why are you standing there now?" I asked.

   "Listen, Steph,I need to tell you something."

"Something as in what?"I turned to look back at Jake, I could see Ashley watching us from the corner of my eye.Maybe Jake sensed it too because he said,

   "It's something important, Steph, something private. Maybe later?"

There. Ashley had spoiled my special moment now. I glared at her then turned back at Jake.

   "Oh, ok, come on, let's go to class now."

 "Yeah, come on."


It would soon be rehearsal time again. This was beginning to be a routine now, just come to school, have a little chat with either Jake or Ashley, have lunch, rehearsal, and then leave.

"For all members of Sustenance," A voice came from the school microphone. I sat up," The rehearsal today has been canceled, Mr Owens had had to visit his sick sister today.You may all go home after school."

Many children whistled. Someone said,"But we have only a few days left, we will not be ablt to act perfectly if Mr Owens keeps canceling rehearsals."

"It's just one rehearsal and besides Mr Oqens will schedule another one in it's place."someone replied.

  "Yeah, but it wont be the same."

I closed my ears to the sounds and complaints of my classmates. As it was, normally I would be happy that the rehearsal had been canceled, becasue I was not a very big fan of watching Jake act all lovey dovey towards Ashley.But as we were supposed to rehearse my scene with Mandy today after such a long wait, I was one to complain.

Well, atleast I would be ablt to go straight home from school now.The bell rung soon enough, and I slung my backpack over my shoulder and prepared to leave.And then suddenly Jake was there.

"Hey, wait Steph."

"Oh, hello Jake."

  "Can I walk you home?"

This wasnt it all ways unexpected, after that strange way that Jake had said that he had something important to tell me, I knew something was up.But all the same, I was nervous.

"Err..umm, yeah, if you want to." I said.

  "No, he doesnt want to. Jake, not today."

There, here comes the villian of my story, Ashley John.

  "But she should know, Ash, she's our friend."Jake said and gripped Ashley's hand, I opened my ears at once.What was it that Jake wanted to tell me but Ashley did not want him to?

"Listen to me, Jake." Ashley started,"Now's not the perfect time, we'll tell her later."

   Jake looked like he was about to argue, but then he sighed. Ashley smiled at him encouragingly, I felt that it was my cue to say something.

"What are you both talking about?"I said.

   "Nothing, just casual." Ashley replied, with half a glane at Jake.I looked at Jake, he shrugged. I knew that i was not going to be told anything then, so I just said,

"Jake, are you coming?"

    Jake looked at Ashley, it seemed that he was asking her for permission, she shook her head ever so slightly, Jake too shook his head and said,

", I remembered I have something important to do, but we'll see you tomorrow."

I knew it, I knew that as soon as Ashley would come in the game, Jake would change his mind.He seemed to listen to everything she said.

"Ok,"I said,"I'll see you two tomorrow then." 

  "Yeah,"Ashley nodded,"We'll see you later."


  I started walking, when I was maybe a block away, I looked back, they were both staring at me. I turned away again. Let them watch if they had to. I walked faster, and then I was out of their sight. I couldn't understand Jake's behaviour today. He was completely acting like Ashley's puppet, doing what she told him to and resisting what he forbid him to. And what did he want to tell me anyway? And why did Ashley did not  want him to tell me?

 Oh, it wasnt likely that I would get any of the answers though. So I closed my mind and concentrated only on getting home. 


I was soon at my home, mother insisted that I have lunch before I sleep, so I had to. I got stuck in my Algebra homework, Mandy used to help me do it, she was good at Maths.Oh, there were countless things she was good at, except keeping friends. But I didnt have her now, so I would have to do something myself. 

I climbed down from my bed. Maybe a shower would help clear my mind, though it wasnt likely. I opened my cupboard to take out my clothes, that was when something fell out. I picked it up, it was a photo, or photos, it was a collection of photos.

 I sat down again, and analyzed each one by one. They were all of me and Mandy. The first one was of last winter, I think, I had my arms around a snowman, while Mandy was in the background, pretndind to look hurt. The second one was of us in a zoo, Mandy was trying to frighten me with a pet snake. The shot was of me screaming while Mandy was laughing. There were so many that it would take a millinium to describe them. There were of us in different places, but they all had one thing in common, our friendship. It could be clearly seen in the way Mandy and I looked at each other in this photo, for example, I had a butter fly on my hand, and I was smiling at Mandy, showing off and she was grinnning back at me. That was all gone now.

      Why hadn't I ever made a photo album? They would all get lost like this.Like the ones with Jake had. I scooped them all up and put them all in my bedside drawer.I flopped down on my bed again, that shower would have to wait now, and my homework too, I was too sleepy to care.



I had been trying to hide from Jake and Ashley all day. I did not want to listen to any more of their talks. But I knew I would meet them during rehearsal, and I did.

"Where were you all day,Steph?" Jake asked when we took our usual seats.

  "Where were you that day when I saw neither of you or  Ashley, Jake?"

Ashley looked at Jake and then at me.

  "No where, just hanging around,Steph." Jake said.

"I was too," I said in a firm voice," Just hanging around."

   Jake was about to interrupt again, but Mr Owens started speaking then so he couldn't.

"I am sorry for canceling yesterdays rehearsal, I have scheduled another rehearsal on Saturday. Today we will rehearsa  the scene of Merope's death and her sister, Rosalind and mother grieving for her. Come up, please."

"What?" I said, "But Ashley! you said we would be rehearsing my scene today."

  "This IS your scene, isnt it?" Ashley laughed,"You crying over your sister."

    I shook my head and then walked towards the stage. Mandy was already there. There was another girl there. She was supposed to be my mother.

"Ok, Miss Moore, you will be returning home and then your mother will give you the news that Merope has died, and you will return to her deathside at once,ok?"Mr Owens said, I nodded."Start." I started walking, my mother ran towards me and hugged me.

"What has happened,Mother?" I asked.

   "It's your sister, Rose, she is no more!"

"No! Merope! what became the reason of her death?"

    "She is herself responsible,Rose!"

"Oh no, my Merope! Take me to her, Mother."

   My mother lead me to the corner of my stage, I was prepared to cry and all  but what met my gaze shocked me. I was not prepared for this, it was Mandy, her face was covered, but she was lying in a coffin. Tears which had nothing to do with acting came in my eyes and fell over. I rushed to her at once.

"Merope, oh Merope! This be all because of me."

  I lifted the cover off her face as I was suppose to, and gasped. Mandy looked so white, so ghostlike. She was unmoving, so STILL, I felt for her heartbeat, it wasn't there. And then it hit me, Mandy was DEAD!!

Chapter 19

I screamed "Mandy!!" the exact same moment that my mother screamed "Merope!!, so it was fortunate that my scream was drowned out. Because if Mr Owens had heard me, I would be out of the play for sure. As it was, when Mandy heard me scream HER name, instead of Merope, her eyebrows flickered, as if she was about to open her eyes, but then she thought better and remained still.

I breathed heavily.For a moment there, I had actually thought that Mandy was dead.She looked so still, so dead. Anyone would have been fooled. I had to admit, she was an excellent actress, she had even fooled me! Her best friend!Ok, I wasn't her best friend now, but I was once, so that was enough.

My mother in the play, I still couldn't remember her name, rushed and fell down beside Mandy's coffin.That was my cue to get up and comfort her. I got up and put an arm around her, still watching Mandy from the corner of my eye. 

"There, there, Mother, do not be grieved, Merope would not wish it."

    " It has happened all because of Sandy, and becasue of you, Rose! you were not there when she needed you! where were you?"

"I was waiting for news  mother, I know I am to blame for what happened to my dear sister, I am to blame for the disaster that has struck us. When will she be buried?"

  "In the afternoon. Do not leave me now, Rosalind."

"I will not, Mother, do not be afraid."

    I looked down at Mandy's still face again, and another tear came into my eyes, why was I crying? I knew Mandy wasn't dead, it was all acting, why was I crying then? I wanted this to be over as soon as it could be so that Mandy could return to her own form again. I half dragged my mother to the corner of the stage.

"Good acting, Miss McHugh,"Mr Owens said, Mandy got up from the cofffin and brushed the dirt off her clothes,"Miss Moore, you need some more practise, you were not emotional enough."

   Was he kidding?!! Me, and not emotional? Did he even see me crying? Did he hear me scream Mandy's name? ofcourse not, he hadn't heard that.

"Yes, Mr Owens, I'll practise at home."I said.

   "Ok, you can all go now."

I looked back once at Mandy. Only she had heard me scream her name. What had passed between us what was passes between two people in love. Pain, I had felt real pain, horror, to see Mandy dead. And in that one second, I knew I still loved Mandy. I still loved her as much as ever. I still believed her to be my best friend in my heart, if not by my appearence.She met my gaze and smiled.

  "You were good, Steph."

"Thanks,"I smiled back,"You too."

I turned again and climbed down the stage towards  Ashley and Jake. 

   "Heey, guys."

"Hi, Steph." they both replied together.

   "Was I good?" I asked.

"Errr... yeah, you were really good."Jake said, I raised my eyebrows,"Really, you were excellent."

     "He's right, though you did seem a little bit indifferent, Steph, you know what I mean?" Ashley looked at me. My eyebrows clicked together in confusion. Indifferent? What did she mean?

  "You were supposed to cry out,Steph."Ashley said,"You only did once, and you didn't even folow the dialouge script."

  "No, I did." I said quite firmly.Of course I had followed the script.

 "You didn't, Steph."Jake said,"What you said was nowhere in the script."

     "Really?" I couldn't believe them, had my mind just made up those lines which I had said itself?

"Yeah. Anyways, maybe you just forgot, learn it better next time."

    "Oh, ok." I nodded."Are you two prepared to tell me what Jake wanted to tell me yesterday?"

"No."Ashley said coldly,"There WAS nothing, just a Jake thing, pretending to have secrets, right Jake?"

    "Yeah."Jake said, grinning at me,"We were only trying to fool you, testing to see whether we both could act good enough, and you fell for it!"

  I glared at him.Such lies! Acting, ha!"Please dont make a fool of my mind,Jake, you were not acting-"

   "But that's the beauty of an actor, isn't it?" Ashley broke in,"He acts so well, that people dont even realize that he's acting."

"Oh, alright." I said in frustration, "if you want it to be that. I am going."

    "Wait, Steph, dont be angry-" That was Jake.

"Leave me alone, Jake, you go and act with Ash, yeah, go!"

    Jake stared at me, "Let her be, Jake."Ashley said, looking at me,"She'll cool off."

   Yeah, I'll cool off, I'll do whatever everyone wants me to. Like a puppet.Oh,yeah I'll cool off.



I tossed and turned on my bed, I was finding it hard to sleep tonight. Weird thoughts were running in my mind. But the one image which kept making appearences every few seconds was the image of Mandy, lying still, lying dead. And then as if I could hear my own words,

"I know I am to blame for my dear sister's death."

 Where had these words come from? I had learnt the script so well. The original lines were," Do not make me feel worse, Mother, I am here mourning for my sister, I refused to help her, do not make me leave."

I could remember them as clear as anything now. Why couldn't I remember them there, on the stage? Why did I say these completely different lines? I tossed again.

It was dark, I was on the seaside, up on a high cliff. Where was Mandy? Yeah, there she was, she was so far, I wanted to touch her, but I couldn't. She was so far. She was almost on the edge, she could fall over. I called out to her, she didnot listen. So close, she was so close to the edge. I tried to run towards her, but I couldn't. My feet seemed stuck on the ground. I could hear as well as see the splashing waves below. They looked terrifying, made me shudder. I tried to call out to her again,

"Mandy, come back, Mandy!" This time, I found my voice, Mandy turned,"Yes Steph?"

   "Get away from there,Mandy, you'll fall over!"

"I can not move,Stephanie, you have brought me where I am."

   "Mandy!! Look out!"

I screamed as a wave crashed over Mandy's head. she disappeared from view, "Mandy!!" I screamed agin,"Mandy!! where are you?!!" and then I saw her, falling, down, down, into the water, into the darkness, away from me.

"No, Mandy!!"

"It's allright, its allright, dear-"Somewhere I knew that that was a familiar voice, but I was too preoccupied to care.

   "No, Mandy! she is dying! someone save her!"

"Steph, it's ok, you are okay-"

   "No, Mandy, save her,Mandy-"

"Stephanie! Wake up!"

  Someone shook me, was I dying too? I opened  my eyes and looked around.

"Stephanie? Are you okay now?"

   "Mummy?" I was in my room, not on that cliff. No, I was okay, Mandy was okay.

"Were you having a bad dream?"

   "Yes.Did I wake you up?"

"Yes.You were screaming Mandy's name over and over. Is everything okay between you two?"

    "Yeah. What time is it, mummy?"

  "It's almost morning," She looked at her watch," Yes, it's 5:00."

      "Oh. I am okay now, mother, really."

  "Are you sure?" I nodded,"Ok, go back to sleep."

      Mummy went out of the room and closed the door behind her. I closed my eyes. Morning, it was almost morning, so there would be school soon. Damn Mandy! She was coming in my dreams now too. It was only because I had thought her to be dead in school today, that I had dreamed her dying. Just that. It wasn't a sign or anything. Just Mandy having a laugh out of terrifying me in my dreams.I tossed again and fell asleep.



I looked around for Mandy, I had to see, had to make sure that she was alive and well.Even though I knew I knew it was just a dream, but still.I knew that she had History after lunch, so I waited patiently outside History class for her to come out.There she was.


"Steph? What do you want?"

"Nothing.Are you okay?"

"Why do you want to know?"

  "I just do. I had a dream about you, are you okay?"

"No, I am not, I have never been okay."

    "What do you mean?"

"I am a theif, aren't I? and a liar, And a sneak. And God knows what else."

  Was she trying to make me feel guilty?"If you say so,"I said,"But really, are you fine?"

"What's to say I am not?"

   "ListenI am asking you a simple question, Mandy-"

"You dont have the right to ask me any question,Stephanie,you lost that right when you showered those accusations on me!"

   "You didn't prove me wrong,did you? Infact, you admitted to it yourself-"

"Yes, I did, and didn't you say that you didn't believe me then?"

"I did, but look, that doesn't matter-"

  "Why doesn't it? Why does anything that concerns me not matter,Steph?"

"Can you just stop it,Mandy? Here I am, trying to make things up to you-"

  "Then dont! Dont,Stephanie Moore!Didn't you say it, didn't you say, 'I want nothing more to do with you,Mandy!'why are you making things up to me now?"

"Because I like you! Because you are my friend-"

  "I am your friend? Listen, dont fool me, Steph,now that Jake and Ash have got together and left you alone, you come after me?"

"Jake and Ash arent together!"

"Yes they are!" Mandy grinned,"It hurts you, doesn't it? But they are together, I have seen it."

  "You are lying!you are lying because you want me to feel bad-"

"I dont want you to feel anything,Stephanie, I dont care for you enough for that,now, go run after your Jake and ASH, leave me alone!"

 We glared at each other for a while, then Mandy turned and stormed off, like she always does,  I stared after her for a while, but then I too, shrugged, and walked away.




Chapter 20

Whatever.If she didn't care, then neither did I.Let her be.Who was I to interfere anyway.Yeah, right.Who was I? Someone anyone coud use for their own benefit and I wouldn't even know. That's what I was.A nobody.Liar! How dare Mandy?Jake and Ash together! They would surely have told me if something like that had been going on.

"Hey, Steph, there you are, where have you been all day?"

  Here comes Jake, the villian, or possibly the hero.

"Where's Ash?" I asked, no caring to answer his own question.

"She must be somewhere about. Why? Do you need any help?"

"Not from any of you."

  "Why are you angry at me, Steph-"

"Listen, just butt off,Jake.I am not in the mood to talk."

  "Ok, fine.Buty arent you even gonna come to rehearsal?"

"Is it rehearsal time already?"

  "Yeah, it is."

"Ugh.Fine, I am coming."

  Jake waited for me as I brushed off the dirt from my clothes.I made it apparent by my every move that his presence was unwelcome, but he still stuck around, and refused to budge. I got up.

"Let's go." He said, taking my hand and guiding me towards the auditorium.

  "I am fine on my own,Jake." I said, and pulled my hand from his grasp.

"Oh, alright.If you wanna."

   Jake looked at me for a split second, then shrugged as if to say that he didnt care either, and ran off. I stared after him, I had expected him to stay. I wanted him to plead and say that he was sorry. But he didn't. He didn't even apologize. I ran after him and entered the auditorium. There he was.

"You are late, Miss Moore."

I looked up, everyone was staring at me. It was Mr Owens who was speaking to me,  staring at me with a kind of reproving look.I blushed.

  "I.errr,I..I wont be late anymore."

"Make sure, you can have a seat now."

   I nodded and walked to the far end of the auditorium, chose a seat and sat down. Jake's eyes followed me there, he was sitting with Ashley as usual, on the other end.

 Mr Owens started his usual speech, I didn't even bother to listen,it was only when a girl nudged me that I came back to life.

"Hey, get up! It's your scene."

  I got up and walked towards the stage, I hoped against hope that this was not the scene with Mandy. I was right, it wasn't. Instead, it was worse, it was the one in which Jake would kill me in the graveyard. I grimaced and took my alloted place, beside Mandy's grave.

"Oh, my sweet Merope! Why do you do this to yourself?"

  "You make her, evil woman."

I turned around, as I was supposed to, and looked at Jake. God, even though there was nothing different about him, the way that he looked at me scared me.

"What means you, my love?" I said.

  "Do not call me that, I loveth you not. You helpeth my wife to escape-"

"I did it for you, Harry, I loveth you-"

  "I can not let you live. You must die, you are a criminal. Responsible for so many catastrophes."

"Do not harm me, Harry, you do not know how much-"

   "No words! you must not live."

"Then kill me! I do not mind dying by the hands of my love-"

    I was not even finished, when Jake raised his hand, and pretended to draw his sword inside me, I almost thought it was real, and my eyes widened in horror.

     But then I remembered who I was in time, and screamed,"No!" Just once, and then I was dead. I closed my eyes, then I heard clapping, so I sat up and opened them again. Seems that I had stuck to the script this time.

"You were perfect this time, Miss Moore." Mr Owens beamed. I smiled and looked around for Jake, my murderer. He saw me looking and grinned. I turned away. This was enough. I still wasn't prepared to forgive either him or Ashley yet. Now, my only worry was to get home as soon as I could, without being stopped by my large list of followers.


 It was 2nd June today, I had got home safely yesterday, Today even, I had not been cornered by anyone. But it was rehearsal time again, so I prepared myself.After a long wait, today I was finally going to rehearse my scene with Mandy. Jake held out a chair open for me as I entered, so I had no choice but to sit down. Jake greeted me warmly, Ashley coldly, though it was her, she should be apologizing to me. I went up the stage when my name was called, and peeped at Mandy from backstage. Finally, Mr Owens gave the signal, so I walked forward,

"You calleth me, my sister?" I said, coming from the darkness into the light.

   "Yes, I suppose you have heard that Sandy and Justin plan to elope?"

"I have heard something of the kind, yes, but how does that matter to you,Merope?"

    "I plan to stop them.I can not let my Sandy go to shame-"

"Do not lie, Merope, I have heard that you are in love with the Justin boy, that is your cause for stopping them, isn't it?"

"No, do not doubt me,Rosalind. Tell me one thing, will you helo me in my cause?"

   "I can not, if I do, Sandy and Harry will be married, I can not let that happen-"

"You will not help your own sister, Rosalind?"

    "I can not. You will yourself go to shame if you try to stop them, no one will listen to you-"

"So you will not?"


"You helpeth the enemy,Rosalind."

    "I do not, but I do not consent to bring shame upon myself and my sister-"

"Do not come to see me,Rose."

   "Oh, Merope, do not disown me-"

"Get away, Rose."

   I watched Mandy grimace and then she walked backstage. I turned around and smiled. There was loads of clapping this time round too. Mandy came out.

"Hey, Mandy, you were great-" I started, but she ignored me, and climbed down the stage towards a group of her new found friends. I climbed down too, but not towrds my own friends, but towards the gate.

"You are not going anywhere." Strong hands grabbed me, forcing me to stop.

   "Let me go,Jake." I said and tryed to break free, I watched Ashley from the corner of my eye, looking at us disapprovingly.

 "No, you are coming with us." He forced me to turn around, and then looked into my eyes,"Listen, there's a party at my house today, all members of Sustenance are coming-" I knew where this was going so I said,


"PLease, come on,Steph. What are you gonna do at home?"

  "Just because I spend my free time at home doesnot mean that I have time to go to ridiculous parties-"

"No, you are coming. Remember the last time you came, didn't you have fun?"

   I sighed.Last time had been different.Last time, things weren't so complicated as they were now. Last time, I had blabbed out that Mandy wasn't the lead. Didn't he know the importance of last time?

"Ok, fine."

  The grin that Jake gave me was almost enough to make my heart melt.I sighed again, when would I EVER stop listening to my heart instead of my mind?

"Good, come along, she's coming,Ash."Jake called out to Ashley, she didnot look very happy with this news but she smiled anyway.

"Great. It's gonna be fun." Ashley smiled, coming towards me.

  "Jake's parties are always fun." I said.

"Let's see."

  I was soon at Jake's house. True to his word, Jake had invited every member of Sustenance, so the house was full. I had been sitting here dully, while Jake and Ash danced together, Jake had never once asked me to dance with him. I was seriously beginning to think that this was a mistake. I had not even told Mummy that I would be going to Jake's after school. She would be worried sick.

Suddenly, Jake and Ash laughed, and went out of the room. Making an excuse that I needed another drink, I got up and tried to follow them. Where were they? They had got a head start, so I couldn't know. I opened one door after another, but they were all empty.

  Then I saw light in the far end of the hall, so I went there. I turned the corner, the room was only slightly open, but I could still see what was going on inside. What I saw made me gasp. It was Jake and  Ash. A tear ran down my cheek.Yes, it was Jake and Ash all right, and they were kissing.


Chapter 21

The gasp which issued through my lips was almost impossible to hear. I had lost my voice. Silent tears ran down my cheeks. Jake, Oh, Jake! I couldn't believe it, and I couldn't stand to watch this. I closed the door softly behind me, they didn't even hear. They were too otherwise preoccupied. I ran down the hall, and into the main room, I couldn't believe I had been so badly fooled. I had lost everything.Everything!

   All for Jake and Ash. So this was what Jake had wanted to tell  me, and Ashley had told him not to. So that she could keep on using me. Oh, oh! I gripped a chair for support, I could barely support my weight. The chair gave away beneath me.No one noticed, everyone was too busy dancing and having fun.Everyone except me. I sunk to the floor, still crying, still remembering. Oh,Mandy! I so badly needed Mandy now, but I didn't have her.No, I had lost her too, all for Jake and Ash. All for these liars!

  I stood up. No, I couldn't be here anymore. I opened the door in one swift motion and ran out wildly.I heard someone call behind me, but I didn't care. There was darkness around me, the street lights were switched off, I still ran off wildly, not even bothering to stop when a passing car almost hit me. I couldn't stop now, I had to run, had to drive out all the memories.Had to forget.

 I stopped when I reached my house. So near Mandy's house. I could go there if I wanted. I could bury myself in Mandy's warm hug and forget everything. Everything could be as it had been. But I had lost the chance now, there had been too many mistakes on my part. I wasn't Stephanie, Mandy McHugh's best friend anymore.No, I was Stephanie, Ashley John's and Jake Wilson's sidekick.

  I ran up the steps abd slammed upon the door, running wildly up the stairs towards my room. My mother's voice stopped me,

"Steph?Are you okay?Steph!"

I slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it. I fell down on my bed, fresh tears threatening to spill, I let them fall, not even caring that my mother could hear me and it would hurt her.She had started banging on the door now,

"Stephanie, come out! What's happened?"

"Go away, mummy!" I cried out, and threw a pillow at the door, it made a feathery sound as it crashed,"Please!"

"Just tell me what it is, Steph, maybe I can help you-"

   "No! Just leave me alone!"


   "Just go, mummy!"

I heard her sigh, and then her heavy footsteps started down the stairs, she was gone.I was alone now.I held both of my hands tightly over my head. I couldn't live with this.No,I couldn't! Not Jake! And in that one moment, I realized how much I liked him.How much I liked Jake, that it made me devastated to see him with someone else. And Ashley knew it! That was why she did not want Jake to tell me, so that she could keep on using me. Be hell with her! I picked up a cup randomly and threw it towards the door. It made a loud sound as it crashed, the sound of something breaking.The sound of my breaking soul.

   I sobbed harder and covered my face in my pillow. Oh, the only person I ever really liked.I trusted her! I believed that liar,Ashley, instead of Mandy!I remembered Serena's words,

"Well, you deserted your own sister and helped Sandy, you had to have your punishment."

   Oh. And that creep,Jake! What had he said when I had asked him if he and Ash were going out?

"Ashley is just my best friend!!"

  Liar.All liars.I threw my backpack at the wall. It's contents fell on the grond. I stared at them, that was all I seemed to be doing now adays, breaking things, breaking relationships, and then staring at the remains. But there was something sparkly there. I got uo and bent down towards the door to examine it. It was a picture.The picture.The one of me and Jake together,laughing.Given by Mandy.Oh,Mandy!Oh,Jake! All the million people that I had lost. And all before Ashley.

 I looked down at the photo and smiled. Jake ad I seemed to be in a hut, Jake had his one arm around me, while with the other, he was making horns behind my back. I was smiling at the camera, whereas he was making silly faces. I fell down and laid my head against the door.If only, if only we could be this happy again. If only everything could be as it used to be.I ran my finger lightly over Jake's face, smiling, remembering.

 "In your looks for one, you have grown more beautiful,Steph."

Sweet sensitive Jake.My sobs were louder now, I had finally found my voice. I heard Mummy's footsteps against the stairs. So she was still listening outside, waiting for me to cool off.

"Leave her alone,Jake, she'll cool off."

Ashley, that creep! That liar.I trusted her so blindly. Never once doubting that she could do anything to hurt me. Though what had she done? Only like Jake, as I had. She had only followed her heart, not really intending to hurt me. But, oh! I had been hurt. I was devastated, whether she meant this or not, she had hurt me alot. I remembered how she had once asked whether there was anything between me and Jake. She had said that she was merely curious. Now I knew otherwise.

   "I loveth you not." I remembered that scene with Jake. It seemed like years ago now, when I had declared my love for Jake, and he had refused me, saying that he loved Ashley. So right. So true. I should have known, but then he had said,

" I do love you, Steph, I am just not able to tell you."

And I had said,"You love me?" And he had looked surprised, as if taken aback, and said,

   "Yeah.I mean, in the play."

Oh,Jake! You could not even love me in a play.You lied. You loved Ashley. It seemed that they were destined to be together.Ashley and Jake. And I was destined to sit outside and mope forever by Mandy's grave, while waiting for my love to come and kill me. I sighed and rolled on the floor, towards my bed. I was under my bed now, light came from both sides. I closed my eyes.

 "Ashley is my best friend. I couldn't remain in The Educators withour her."

Oh,Jake, why didn't you SAY? why didn't you tell me that you and Ashley were something mire then just friends? Why did you give me false hope? I remembered how he had once said,

"Looking for me?"

And I had said,"No, you aren't special enough." And he had asked who that special person was, like he was really interested, and when I had said that that special person hadn't came into my life yet, he had said,

"Then make do with the one's you have."

Why did he say that? Oh,why did you say that,Jake? Mandy had been so right. Mandy had known. Mandy knew beforehand how cunning Ashley was. That was why she kept her distance, and she tried to warn me too, but oh! I did not listen, and now...Now, everything was over. Mandy and I were over, she had said,

 "Go run after your Jake and ASH. Leave me alone!!"

She had warned me, she had warned me that Jake and Ashley were together.

  "It hurts you, doesn't it? But it's true.I have seen it."

Something pricked me.I held it up. It was that necklace. The necklace which was the reason for all this. Cursed thing.What did one necklace MATTER? how could I have been stupid to risk  my friendship with Mandy over one stupid necklace?

"I never want to see you again,Stephanie Moore!"

Oh, it was all this necklace's fault. I threw it with all my power at the wall. It broke into a million pieces. The beads flew here and there.Great. Now I would not be able to walk without slipping. I rolled out from under the bed, and with some difficulty, managed to climb up on the bed. I would be strong.I would show them all. Jake, Ashley,Mandy and everyone else who thought they could take advantage of me because I was weak.

Yes, I would show them all. I would be indifferent to any kind of emotion.Yes. I looked at the picture in my hand, the one of me and Jake, and then sighed.Yes, I threw it with all my might towards the wall, where though it did not make any kind of sound, I knew it had crashed. I knew it had broken. Because it was over.Jake  and I were over. It was broken.Forever.

Chapter 22

I stretched as I brought myself into a sitting postition. Every part of me hurt. I only wanted to lie down again and forget everything. But I knew I would have to go to school today, first because even though it was the weekend, but Mr Owen's had sheduled rehearsal today.It was 6th June today, the dress rehearsal was on 9th June, so there was really no time.I couldn't miss that. And for the other, bacause I had to face Jake. And Ashley. I breathed heavily. I had sworn yesterday, as I cried myself to sleep, that I wouldn't let those two mess me around. I would be strong. Not just Steph anymore. I would be Stephanie Moore.

   I would have to face Mummy too today. What would I say to her? She should want me to eat something. I sighed, even though I had not eaten anything the whole of yesterday, apart from the little breakfast I had had, I didnot feel hungry. I felt empty, yes, weak, but not hungry. Not prune to any sort of human needs. I was stron now, much stronger then I had been yesterday. My resolution would hold. It was so weird, how one sad news could drive you into the depths of despair, but at the same time, also give you strength.A reaon to live. And my reason to live now, was to show everyone that I could survive alone. I did not need anyone. Not even Mandy.It jsut seemed like a chapter out of a book now. A chapter that I had read, the good time I had spent. But it was over now, I had moved on.

The rehearsal wasnt until afternoon, so there was no need for me to get up now. But I knew that Jake would come around.He would want to know why I had left early yesterday without even greeting him. Maybe Ashley would be with him, acting all good and angel like. The devil.

 First thing to do today was talk to Mummy and reassure her that there was nothing wrong with me. That would take alot of time. Second thing to Mandy? I had to make it up to her, but she wouldnt let me. I had tried that day but without sucess. I jumped off the bed, it was almost morning. I looked at my bedside clock, it was 8:00. Had I really slept all that long? And mummy hadn't even woken me. I have never been able to sleep for more then 7 hours so this was a surprise. People always say that when you have had a heartbreak, its difficult to sleep. But here I was, sleeping more then I do normally. Maybe there really was something wrong with me.

I opened my bedroom door and went quietly down the stairs. Mummy was on the breakfast table. She looked up when she saw me. I smiled as I pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Now sit down, or do you want me to take that chair back?"

I forced Jake's memory to get out of my head. That was over. I was here now, with mummy.

  "Are you alright, Steph?"

I  nodded as I buttered a toast. I couldnt let mummy think that I had lost my hunger, or she would get suspicious.

"Why were you so upset yesterday?"

There it had came.The big why."Nothing,mummy, just the rehearsal did not go well yesterday. and it was sort of my fault, so you know."

"Did someone say anything?"

  "No. Not at all."

Mummy looked at me like she was about to argue, but then merely shrugged and said,

  "By the way, Steph, your father and I arent going to be home on the 11th-"

 "But arent you going to watch me in the play?!"

    "Let me finish. We are going to watch you. We are going to leave after. In the night."

"But where are you going?"

   "Your fathers Aunt Catherine is very sick with pneumonia, we have to visit her at the earliest possibility. We will be back by the 13th."

"But I cant stay home alone,Mummy, you know how scared I am of being alone."

That was true. Ever since I had been little, I had been afraid of the dark. Of being alone, of loosing everyone. It wasnt fear of thieves or bandits which held me back, but fear of the paranormal. Fear of the unknown.

"Dont worry, you can go to any of your friends house. I am sure there will be an after party to celebrate the sucess of the play.And in any way, I have asked Mrs Simons to keep an eye on you."

 Mrs Simons was our next daughter, I nodded."But you'll stay to watch the play?"

  "Yes. Look, Steph, Mr Harry Sutton, you know he's the one who directed that blockbuster movie."

I nodded,"Yeah?"

  "He's going to come to watch your play too. Here's an interview of him."

I saw now that mother was reading the newspaper."Wow.Such a big celebrity, how did Mr Owens convince him to come?"

  "Who knows?" Mummy shrugged,"But it says here that he is going to select one of you who is the best actor and give him or her a part in his new movie.Wow, Steph! What if he selected you?"

 I laughed."You know I am not that good, he's probably going to select Mandy or Ash or Justin. You know I am not good enough."

"You MIGHT be. That's all I am saying.Now, do you have to do have a rehearsal today?" I nodded,"Well, be back early, you know how worried I was yesterday."

"ok, I'll be back by 8:00. I'll see you later."

I nodded once more and climbed the stairs to my room. Once inside, I picked up al the stuff which I had thrown around yesterday, and placed it neatly in it's proper place. I tried not to look as the picture of me and Jake came in my hand. I held it in my hand, wondering where to put it.  Then I crumpled it up and threw it into the waste paper basket. That was it's proper place.

 Where was my backpack now? Yup, there against the wall. I held it up and placed all my books inside, except Algebra which I had to do today. Once done, I settled down with my Algebra homework spread in front of me and vowed not to think of anything except completing my homework.



I looked up a while later. After what seemed like hours, I was finally done. I glanced at my bedside clock and gasped. It WAS really hours. I had started homework at 10:00 and now it was 2:00. Just about time for the rehearsal. I gathered my books and then went down stairs.

"Mummy, did anyone call for me?"

"No, was someone supposed to?"

   "Yeah. Well, anyways, mummy, I am going, I'll be back soon."

I walked out in the fresh air. It was such a beautiful day, it seemed to mock me. Soon I was through the school gates. There was no hiding now, i walked with my head held high. There they were. Jake and Ash. Together.I chose a chair and sat down. Jake motioned for me to come over but I ignored him.

 A few minutes, and I was already starting to feel sleepy. Even though I had had 11 hours of sleep already! Though that was maybe becuase Jake was rehearsing hi scene, where he mourns and cries because the love of his life has run away. I could barely keep up my eyes open. It was all so nauseating. Finally, it ended. I only knew it had ended because there was applause and Jake's voice could be heard beside me,

"Hey, Steph, are you ok? You look sort of sick."

 I just turned to look at him and nodded. Mistaking my enthusiasm, he continued,

"Did you hear about Mr Harry Sutton?" I nodded again,"Ashley's so excited. You know iif he selects her, then she has her career set. And ofcourse he'll select her."

  I forced myself to speak,"You cant be sure of that, he might select me-"

 Jake laughed, I glared at him."Really, you cant be serious, You!"

  "Why?" I said,"Why I cant be selected, Jake? Why must it always be Ashley?"

      "I mean, she's the lead, so you know."

"No, I dont know, Jake, Mandy may as well be selected. And dont talk to me if all you want to do is shower praises on Ashley."

 Jake looked at me, and realized that I was serious and that it would be better to change the subject.

"Why did you leave so suddenly yesterday?"

   "I remembered I had something important to do."

"But you left-"

  "Listen, Jake Wilson, dont interfere in my personal life. Go run. Your best friend Ashley is looking for you."

"What's wrong with you today, Steph? Have you and Ash had had a fight?"

   "No. Bye. I am leaving."

"Wait! What's the hurry, Steph? Wait!"

    I ignored his voice and went out instead. Serve him right. The image of him and Ashley kissing came in my mind. And with it, tears. I forced myself to run harder. There was a park around the corner. I entered it and looked around.

 Despite myself, a smile came on my lips. There was only love here. A girl of about twelve was feeding bread crumbs to some ducks. An old couple who must be around 75, were sitting on a bench, talking about old times. There was another couple here. I didnt recognize them from my school though they seemed to be my age.Maybe Jake and Ash had came here once too. Like this couple.

I walked towards a pole and supported my weight against it. It was around 6:00 now. The sun was setting. It looked beautiful, a blob of yellow drowning in a sea of reddish black fire. Dim light was spread everywhere. I looked around, the old couple was holding hands now and looking at the sunset.A tear escaped through my eyes. It was all so beautiful, if only there was someone else here too, to enjoy this with me. I sighed and looked up too. The sun had almost set. A feeling of hopelessness suddenly overcame me. The dark was slowly enveloping me in it's firm grasp. And I realised, that it was over. The dark evil had spread. My sun had set.

Chapter 23

I was home early yesterday. Back even before I was supposed to. Today was Sunday, try as Mr Owens had, he couldn't schedule a rehearsal today. It was a public holiday, and 7th June today. Which meant that there was going to be one last super rehearsal tomorrow, and then it would be the dress rehearsal. And then once all this play shit was over, I would be free of Jake and all the other unwanted people in my life. And then I could plan on how to get Mandy back. She was angry now, but I knew she would be more calm once the play was over.

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked the same as ever. Pale, thin. Noone could see how broken I was. On the outside, I looked fine. Whole. But no one knew. No one could see the scars beneath.

I walked and went quietly down the stairs. Mummy was out somewhere, she had left a note,

 "Gone for some shopping. Will be back by 1:00."

I folded the note and placed it neatly into a drawer. I was getting it about neatness these days.My stomach gave a growl so I opened the refregirator and looked inside for something to eat. I found nothing to my liking. That meant that I would have to cook something. I opened some drawers and finally found a ragged cook book.Hmmm..what to cook now?

Stew would be good. I cut some meat and then adding some chilli, placed it into the oven, setting the timer for 15 minutes. Then I decided that it would not be a waste of my time if I watched Tv while I waited. I went into the common room and switched on the news.

"It has been revealed that Mr Harry Sutton willl also be attending the high school production of Sustenance. He will also select the best actor and cast him in his new movie, Only For You. Get ready, young girls and gentlemen. You might just be selected-"

Balh, Blah, Blah. I started counting on my fingers, just to pass the time, and then the bell rang. Mummy was home early. It wasnt even 12 yet. I got up and opened the door.


 "Yeah. Umm.. hi."

"What are you doing here?"

  "I..I just came to, you know, check up on you, you left so suddenly yesterday."

"Has Ashley came with you too?"

  "No. Its"

We stared at each other for a while. He was still standing while I was standing at the door, preventing him from coming inside.

" your mother home?"

  "No." I replied,"Mummy's out."

"Umm..can I come in?"

  "Yes. Of course."I said, letting him in. I followed him as he walked towards the living room and then turned to look at me.

"Your house is pretty nice,Steph." He said, looking around.

"Thanks. Have a seat. It isn't necessary to stand." I said, sitting down as I talked.

    "No, thanks, I am alright."

"Your wish."

  I opened up a bottle, and pouring out some water in a glass, handed it up to him. He refused. I shrugged and drank it up myself. The next 4 or 5 minutes that passed were like hell.We just kept staring at each other like mannequins(Dummies). Finally, I decided to break the silence and said,

  "What do you want,Jake?"

He seemed relieved that I had spoken first. Taking a deep breath, he said,"I really only just wanted to talk to you, Steph.Look, I know you are angry at me. Just tell me why. Please."

 "There's nothing wron,Jake.I am fine-"

    "Dont lie, Steph. I KNOW there's something wrong. Why are you being so indifferent? Is it something Ash said? Or me perhaps?"

 " It isnt what you said, Jake, it's what you two DID."

"So there really is something then. What did we do?

   "Do you think I dont know, Jake?" I stood up, and slowly circled around him, my face contorted in anger,"Do you think I dont know that you and Ashley are together?"

  He gasped," know?"

"Yes!" I said,"I have seen you two together."

   "Now you know. I...I wanted to tell you, Steph, Ashley stopped me. Believe me-"

"Dont lie to me, Jake, you were both on this together!"

    "It isnt how it looks like, Steph,trust me-"

"Trust you so that you can break me again?No.No, Jake Wilson, you cant fool me anymore."

   Jake came forward and tried to force my hand into his.

"Calm down.Just calm down,Steph-"

  "No!" I broke free,"You both are going out!"

"So?" For the first time, Jake looked angry,"What does it matter to you, Steph, why do YOU care about what I do?"

  "Because..Because," I satared at him, tears in my eyes, at loss for words,"Because..just, just shut up,Jake. Get out! Out! Now!"

  "Say it! Say it,Steph, why do you care whatever I..what's that smell?"

I looked up at this change in the subject and sniffed the air. Really, there was a smell around. Like burning. OMG! The stew! I ran into the kitchen, Jake followed me. I opened the oven door, black smoke came  out. Wearing safety gloves, I took out the tray and almost felt like screaming, It was burnt.Completely. Not even an animal could eat this now. And the smell was unbearable. Jake looked at me sympathetically.It made me angry.

"This is all your fault!" I said," If you hadn't came adn distracted me, then it wouldn't have burnt."

    "My fault?" However is it my fault,Steph?" Jake said, the trace of a smile on his face. It made me even more angry.


  "Okay, okay, fine."Jake held up his hands,"If you are really that hungry, then we can go out and eat. We could get Ashley too-"

"Dont take her name infront of me."

  "Fine then. Just the two of us."

I thought about it. It didnot seem like a very bad deal, ofcourse if Jake would pay."You'll pay?" I asked.Jake laughed."Yeah."

"Good then."

I took my overcoat and locking the main door behind me, we went out. It was not a very big coincidence that we met Ashley while we were in the restaurant. Ofcourse she came and sat with us. I could hardly bear to look at her, every time I saw her arrogant face, I saw her and Jake kissing, and it almost made me feel sick.

"So, do you know the latest scoop? About Mr Sutton?" I noddded. She hadnt up till now mentioned her and Jake's little encounter. I didnt care if she didnt. I would, I wanted her to know that I knew. As soon as Jake would be out of sight. I had been saved by the burning stew. I knew he did have a theory that I liked him too, that was why he had asked ofcourse. Soon Jake got up and left the table to pay the bill. I leaned forward towards Ashley.

" and Jake are going out? Congratz."

   Ashley looked at me like she could not believe herself,"Did Jake tell you?"

I thought about it, I wouldn't mind if Jake and Ashley stopped talking to each other.

   "Yes,"I nodded,"He was bursting to tell me, told me first thing on Saturday. Ofcourse, I am his best friend, he had to tell me. You are only his girl friend."

  Ashley looked like she did not like this description of herself and said,"Really Steph? Then how come he never mentioned the fact that he had told you? And by the way, Steph, have you really forgotten Mandy? You are her best friend, remember? not Jake's."

  I thought about how to retort, finally I said," One can have more then one best friend, but ofcourse you wouldn't know, you always have run after one thing, haven't you, Ash? You always find a way to get what you want."

"Yes."Ashley smiled, she looked dangerously evil when she smiled, I couldnt believe that I once used to consider that smile cute." Now you have admitted it yourself, I do always get what I want. So be warned now only,Stephanie."

 "What do you mean?"

"You cant get Jake. He's mine."

    "I dont want him-"

"Liar. So like your darling Mandy, arent you,Steph?'I dont love Justin, I merely say for your sake.'You are both such liars."

"Atleast we lie to bring happiness, we dont DESTROY people's happiness, Ashley, like you do. You drove me and Mandy apart, Ashley. You did it on purpose."

  "I dont know what you mean, Stephanie, but know this, everyone who comes to competite with me will always loose. I always win. Now here comes Jake."

 I looked up."Ready to go, ladies? " Jake said.

  "Stephanie is. She has somewhere to go, that was what she was telling me about, dont you Steph? Come on, Jake. We can practise pur lines at your house."Ashley said,I stared at her in disbbelief, with my mouth hanging open.

"Well. if you say so. Come on, Ash. Bye, Steph, see you tomorrow."

    "Yes.See you tomorrow, Steph." Ashley called out airily. they both turned and walked out of the restaurant, laughing and talking together. I stared after them. So this was on now. Ashley would do everything in her power to keep me away from Jake. Well, I would stop her. I ran out, but I had lost against her once more. She and Jake were nowhere to be seen. Sighing, I started the long walk back home. Alone this time.I sighed again.



Once back home, I cleaned up all the mess I had made in the kitchen. Then I sprayed some air conditioner to drown out the bad smell. When I was done, I went up to my room and closed the lights. So Ashley had won. There was nothing I could do now, except make up to Mandy once this pay was over, and pretend as if none of this ever happened. I was sure Mandy would forgive me. But I wasnt sure whether I could live with Jake and Ash together. I would have to distance myself with them. That was the only thing left to do. It would be all as if this play had never happened and Jake and I had never met.

Just about 4 more days, tomorrow would be 8th and then all this would be over. And once mummy and father would be back by the 13th, my life would be back to normal. I looked around. Time to clean my room.



"Steph, come on down for dinner."

"Coming, mother."

I went down the stairs, and entered the kitchen. For the first time in forever, father was home. He looked up when he saw me.

"Stephaine, come on, sit beside me."

I went and sat down, wondering what special ocasion this was.

  "So, your mother has told you that we will be leaving on the 11th?"

I nodded, wondering where this was heading.

  "Your mother has talked to Mrs McHugh, girls your age would be able to live alone, but since you get scraed, you can live with the McHughs. You would like that, wont you? Their daughter Mandy is your best friend-"

"No.Absolutely not." I stood up,"Mummy, you KNOW Mandy and I arent talking these days, how will I ever live with her for two whole days?"

"You can make it up to her during this time, I know you want to, Steph, and really, if you dont agree, then you would have to stay home alone. You wont like that, would you?"

 "Then dont go.Please?"

"You know we have to go,Steph, now like a good girl, you'll stay at the McHughs, whatever has changed? Up until last month you and Mandy would have been delighted at this opportunity."

"Things arent the same now, mummy, but..oh,alright." I ate quickly and thenstarted climbing the stairs sulkily. I came down a moment later.

"Does Mandy know?"

"What does she know?"

  "I mean, does she know that I am going to stay with her?"

"I suppose yes, though I am not sure. Mrs McHugh may not have told her yet."


I went up the stairs again, and slowly climbed up on my bed. I suppose this was all fro the better, if I was staying at Mandy's house, it would be easier to make her forgive me. But the play would be on the night of 11th and then I would go to Mandy's house. And an after party, if there would be one, would of course be at Jake's house on the 12th and then 13th and Mummy and father would be back. Just tomorrow and the 10th and then everything would be normal. Everything would be as it used to be.With this resolution in mind, I lowered the covers on my head, dreaming of a better tomorrow.


Chapter 24

"So,everyone as you all know today was the final rehearsal before the dress rehearsal,"Mr Owens was giving his usual speech after the end of a rehearsal the next day,"Please do your best. Mr Harry Sutton has kindly consented to watch our play. There will be an audience of more then 3000 people. It may be a girl or a boy. Please abide by Mr Harry's decision, wichever it is."

I glanced sideways at Ashley. She smiled triumphantly at me. I scowled. Her Highness must be confident that she would be selected. Well, not if I had any say in the matter. I would do everything in my power to have Mr Harry select Mandy instead of Ashley. In any case, he might not select either of them. I turned away, Jake had wanted me to sit with him, but I had refused, and when he had insisted, I had told him in very clear words to mind his own business. I was positive that this was for the best.I couldnt care less. If I liked Jake, then that would have been different, but I ddin't.

An evil little voice in the back of my head had been troubling me ever since I had woke up, it said now,

   "If you dont like Jake, why did you cry for a whole night after you saw him and Ash kissing?" I tried to make him shut up, but it continued,"Then why do you care? Why do you want to distance yourself with Jake now if you dont like him?"

Shut up, SHut up, I repeated it over and over like a mantra until finally the voice kept quiet. Though I quite doubted that that was maybe because it had had it's fill.

"Tomorrow the dress rehearsal has been sheduled for 3:00. Please dont be late.There should be no mistakes. None at all. Everything should be perfect. Please come with your alloted dresses.I repeat, do not be late."

I nodded along with many others, it seemed like a natural response to nod if someone asked you to do something. I looked for Mandy, along with any sign  that she knew we would be spending the night together. She caught me looking and shrugged. We had not spoken to each other since that last fight. When I had declared her a liar because she had said that Jake and Ash were together. i felt so bad now. Horrible.Mandy was right, she had always been right. And I had misjudged her, always doubting her motive. As I stared at her, I wished I could be sitting over there with her, instead of here, alone.

But there were just 2 more days. The 9th and the 10th. I would be spending the night of 11th with her, and then it would be alright. I got up, Mandy was just out of the door when she turned to look at me, I stared back into her blue eyes, my own brown eyes wide. I felt lost in that sea of colour. It seemed that I would never get out, and then Mandy shook her head and closed the door. I felt a hand behind me and turned around, it was Ashley.

"So, your Mandy didnt wait for you, did she,Steph? I feel so bad for you."

   I breathed heavily and then turned to look at her.

"How come your boyfriend isnot with you,Ashhley?"

   "So you have finally admitted that he's my boyfriend? Good,so you realized you cant win from me."

"I dont care whatever he is. Where is he?"

   "I dont keep track of everyone-"

"Not even your boyfriend?"

   "No. Noone is important enough."

"Then why did you do all this if he isnt even important to you?"

    "All this as in what?"

"You know what I am talking about, Ashley, you made me and Mandy fight-"  

     "Nonsense. Same old nonsense again. I really do think you need a doctor,Steph, your brain is affected, first you accused Mandy, and now me. You'll be accusing your mother next!"

  "You are such a liar, Ashley."

"You are the teacher,Steph."


I freed my hand from her grasp and then walked out of the auditorium. Why was Ashley dating Jake if she didnt even like him? The way she had said that, as if she really didnot care. Then why was she doing this? Maybe she was doing this for Jake, mmaybe he really liked her. 

"She's my best friend, I couldnt remain in The Educators without her."

  Ofcourse. How could I have missed that? Ashley didn't like Jake, Jake liked her.  I placed my hands in the pockets of my overcoat. As if I cared. Let them do whatever they wanted. I wouldn't be the victim of Ahsley's games anymore. I was out of this. Jake had brought this on himself. He would have to find his own way out. I didn't care. I had put on a strong face. Like I was indifferent. But deep down, like really deep down, where no one could see it, I knew I did. I knew I cared.

   I ran up the steps and into the house.


   "Steph. Yes?"

"Is lunch ready?"

  "No. Just half an hour."

"Ok. I am up in my room."

  Mummy nodded so I went up to my room. Tomorrow was the dress rehearsal, I had to pick out my dresses. The sets were completed, though I couldnt take any credit for that. I had hardly paid any attention to the sets with everything that was going on. Everything had been done by Brittany and the others. But I was the head anyway, so the credit WOULD go to me.

     I opened my cupboard. That one scene in the graveyard would require a black dress. Because I would be mourning.This one would be perfect. And the scene with Mandy, hmm....yeah, this. It was a beige coloured dress with a V-neck and half sleeves. It would be perfect for a visit to my elder sister. All the other dresses had already been picked out, so I didn't have to worry about that. I flopped down on my bed. Mummy would soon call me for lunch.



I woke up afresh the next morning. It was 9th May, the dress rehearsal. the days had passed so quickly. It just seemed like yesterday that Mr Owens had announced Ashley the lead. But it seemed like years to that first morning when Mandy had called me for Sustenance auditions.

"Hey, Steph, you are late. Auditions for Sustenance are about to start."

Sweet Mandy. Sure she had her errors. But she was not altogether wrong. Atleast she still had a brain. Ashley hadn't been able to fool her as easily as she had fooled me. I was lucky to have her. I would gain her back. I would go to any lengths to have her forgive me. I knew she missed me too.

I got up and put all the dresses into my backpack. I had no idea if everything would go as planned today, but I did know that today was going to be the last day. The last day of all this pretense. 11th, we would be ating before the audience. And then everything would be okay. As it used to be. 

"I'm leaving, mummy!"

  "Will you be back late?"

"I dont know.Maybbe."

   "Try to be early, Steph."

"Yeah. I'll try. Bye."

   "Bye and Good Luck."

 I started to walk and then turned around again.

   "By the way, mom, if anyone calls for me, anyone except Mandy, say I am not at home, ok?"


     "Just do, please."

"Is this connected to that night you came back crying?"

     I blushed and tried to smile to hide that blush,"No. I just dont want to talk to anyone before the play, mom, you know, not good for the nerves."

"How come Mandy is different?"

   "Gosh!Look at the time."I said, pointing to an imaginary watch on my wrist, and hoping that mother wouldnt notice,"I'll be late. Bye."

Mummy looked like she wouldn't give  up so easily but then she said,"Okay. Bye."

   I hurried down the steps, I had missed the school bus. I started to run, ever since I had started coming home alone, I was beginning to be scared of the dark. Now, I used to take the longer way home, just so that I wouldn't have to pass that dark alley. But I was short on time now, so I would have to pass that alley.

The danger was over. I was into the school gates now. The day passed so quickly, I hardly realized, and soon it was rehearsal time again. Ashley was sitting alone in a chair, I was almost about to ask her for Jake, but then I didnt. You dont care, remember? You dont care. I chose a chair and sat down. Soon we were all called in to change in our dresses. I was changed in a minute. All the important scenes were rehearsed first. I had forgotten, today was the last and the dress rehearsal which meant that I was going to be terribly late home. Mummy would worry. But she would probably call Mrs McHugh and be reassured.

    My scenes came too. The ones with Jake and with Mandy, I only had a few scenes with Ashley, which I performed, surprisingly, with ease. But maybe that was because of the fact that these were the scenes where I help Ashley run off with Justin, so she is acting all grateful to me. But, whatever, all of my scenes were soon done. The changing was a little bit difficult, changing into one suit after another. But I knew that this was nothing. The real problem would be on the 11th, when all the changign rooms would be occupied, because everyone would be changing clothes one after the other. 

  It was all so hurried that I didn't have a chance to talk with anyone. Not even Ashley could get through to me. I only saw Jake in our scenes together, and he pretended to be indifferent to me, or maybe that was just his good acting skills. He was going to kill me afterall. It was soon over, and Mr Owens gave his usual speech, which was too boring even to relate. The only few exceptions were that there were some new hopes and all. He hoped we would perform well and that the most deserving person would win the role by Mr Harrry. The most desreving. Ha! I remembere a conversation me and Mandy had once had.

"You are a good actress, Mandy, what's more to it?"

   "You dont know, Steph."

How I wished I could go back. Now I know, Mandy. I sighed. Now I know.


Chapter 25

I scowled as I tripped over my feet and landed  head first on the floor.

  "Ouch!" I stood up, rubbing my head, still scowling.

"Come on, get up, there is really no need to hurry, Steph." Mother came at my side and helped me up.

    "No, there is, I have to take the school bus today, mummy, I have been missing it the past few days, I have to meet Mandy."

   "You can meet her at school."

"Yes, but others are there too then. I need to talk to her alone."

   "What do you mean by others,Steph?"

"Look! There's the bus. Bye,mummy!"

    "Yeah. Bye."

I rushed  up the steps and into the bus.  Where was Mandy? She wasn't in our usual seat. I walked to the end of the bus but she was nowhere around. She must have missed the bus. And I had to talk to her today! I would just have to make do with tomorrow.

  The bus entered the school and I got off. The scene was of utter confusion. There were only a few special classes today, as it was the last day before the play. I only had Algebra. As usual, Jake and Ashley werent here. I felt sort of uncomfortable. Jake should be looking for me. He was my friend afterall. Where was he?

   Soemwhere around with Ashley, ofcourse. Where else? I only had to attend my Algebra  class and then I could leave. I walked towards the hall and into my Algebra class. I sat on seat, with the seat beside me empty.


I turned, expecting to find Ashley or Jake and then gasped when I saw who it was.


"Yeah. How are you??"

   "I am good. So, I am going to stay with you tomorrow."

"Yes, Mother told me."

   "Do you mind?"

"No! Why would I?"

   "Er..Ok, I guesss."

"You know about Ashley and Jake now?"

     "Yes." I turned away, that was a topic I never wanted to talk about with anyone, even if it was only Mandy. FOrtunately, Mr Stevenson, our Algebra teacher, started his lecture just then, so Mandy just stared at me for a moment and then started her work. When the class ended, I expcted her to wait for me, but she didnt. She got up as soon as the bell rang, and without even saying Bye, left. I soon knew the reason why.

  "Hey, Steph."


   "So, are you prepared for tomorrow?"

"Lets see. Wheres A..No, where were you in the morning?"

    "With Ash, we had something to do."

I scowled, something to do.Yeah, right.

    "Where is she now?"

"She has another class, History."

    "Oh, ok. Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes. Umm..Steph?"


"Are you okay with me and Ash?"

    I almost dropped my books."Ofcourse. Why would I care? I mean, it's your choice."

       "No, the way you reacted then-"

"That was only because I was angry that you didnt tell me yourself."

    "Are you sure?"

  "Yes. I'' see you later, Jake."

  "Yeah. Later."

 Ugh. Why was Jake always asking things like that? He knew ofcourse that I liked him. He only wanted me to say that. As if I ever would. No, as if I liiked him. I walked towards my house, taking the short way this time, through the dark alley, I was too preoccupied to think otherwise. I had just entered the alley when I heard it. A noise. As if somethingwas banging against another. Something light. A sewerage lake passed through here. Maybe something was stuck inside it. My better instincts told me that I should just run for it, but even so, I bent down the side of the lake. It was so dark that I could hardly make out anything. I put my hand in my backpack and tried to feel around for a torch or something. I took it out and switched it on.

   I directed it towards the dirty lake. There was an awful smell around.It didnt seem like there was anything here, except dirty water. Wait! There was something. An object, floating around the other corner. Even with the light of the torch, it couldnt be seen clearly from this far. I had to take it out. There must be a peice of wood or something around. I picked up a log and tried to take that thing out.

     Finally, it got stuck on the log and I pulled it back. I put my light on it and when I saw what it was, I gasped. It was a picture. It was one of me and Jake. What was it doing here? This was among those pictures which had gone missing. Someone had stolen this and then thrown it in this sewerage tunnel. Who had done this? And where were the other missing pictures? I showed my light on the lake. There was another one, some yards ahead. I couldnt make out what it was, but it must be another one of the missing pictures. I ran alongside it,yes, it was. I could just make out Jake's face. There! Another one! I could make out another one just beside it, and another! And just a little ahead of it, another! I ran wildly along the side of the lake. The whole alley was full of them!

    I reached out when I saw a picture in which me and Jake both could be seen clearly. The other pictures had been damaged, but this one was safe. I had to get it out. In my worry, I forgot to use the log and reached out myself.

   Aaaaaah!" I screamed as I slipped and fell right into the lake. I looked at myself, I was covered in dirty water, and God knows, what else from head to foot. But what was more worrying then that, was the fact that the lake was carrying me, carrying me with the flow to wherever it lead. I screamed again, but there was no one to hear me. Pictures and all thoughts of Jake forgotten, I screamed again, and tried to hold on to something. I couldnt even make out where I was, how far the lake had carried me, I could only see darkness ahead. I didnt recognize this side of the alley, and the path seemed far away.

    There was a  pipe dangling into the lake from above. I prepared to jump as  I neared it. I jumped and caught hold of the pipe and held on for dear life. Where was I? I had to get out of here. I tried to swing from the pipe on the path, but the path was beyond my reach. I tried to go back from where I had came from, I swung here and there, and once the path looked reachable, I jumped  and landed on the hard blocks. I was covered in Sustenance water. I looked around, there was a tree here that I could recognize. Not even caring that my backpack was left behind, I screamed agin and ran wildly in the direction towards my house.



"Mummy!" I cried as soon as I opened the door and ran wildly towards the kitchen.

   "Steph? Whar happened?" Mother said when she caught sight of my appearence. I ran and fell into her armms, crying"Oh, Mom!"

   "Steph, are you allright? come, sit here."

She dragged me towards the sofa and made me sit down. "What happedned?"

    "Jake! I...I was in the alley, mother, the one which has the sewerage lake, and, and, there were pictures! pictures of me and Jake INSIDE the lake! And I fell in!"

   "Pictures?Oh, Stephanie, you must have imagined it-"

"No! I didnt! I actually took one out and then I fell in-"

   "You are talking nonsense, Steph, where's your backpack?"

"Its...Its back there, near the lake somewhere. But mummy, there were pictures!"

    "No, everything's fine-"

"I'll show you! Come with me, mummy, please, we'll get my backpack back too."

     "No, you have to change first, Steph-"


    "Ok. Where is this alley?"

We got out of the house and I lead her back to the dark alley. Peple stared at me as I passed them. They must think that I was a criminal or someone. I was covered in dirt. I lead her towards the lake.

"There!" I cried out, as we reached the spot where my backpack was lying on the floor."There! There were the pictures!"

   "Where, Steph? I cant see anything."

"They WERE here, the lake must have carried them somewhere-"

    "Theres' nothing here, Steph, come on, you need to have some rest-"

"No! They were here-"

  "Steph! You need rest, you are tired, that's why you are imagining things. Come on."

     "But, mummy-"


   I sighed and let mother drag me back. I picked up my backpack and looked behind. As I stared into the black water, I knew. I knew that someone had bee here in the time that I had ran back home and called Mummy. Someone had hidden those pictrures again. Why! I had actually held one picture in my hand! I had shown my torch on it!

  "Come on, Steph."

I looked back again, andI knew. I WOULD be back. I would come back and find those pictures, Wherever they were.



"Wake up, Stephanie."

Is it morning already?"

 "Yes. It's almost midday. Dont you all have to assemble early in the auditorium? When is the play going to start?"

 "6:00. We have to be there by 4. What time is it?"

   "2:00. Come on, wake up, dont you have to practise?"

"Yes, I have too. Did anyone call for me?"

    "No, Steph, what IS up with you? No one has called for you in days, and you are acting so weird now and then-"

"Nothing, mummy. But that was real. I didn't imagine those pictures-"

    "Not again, Steph."


  "We have talked over that for more then necessary, there was nothing there, you were just tired, so you imagi-"

"I didnt imagine it! Even if I did, then why dont I have those pictures now?Where are they?"

   "You must have placed them here somewhere-"


   I got up and brushed my teeth, Mummy stared at me for a while and then shrugged and went back downstairs. I stared after her, no one would believe me. I had to go back ang get all those pictures out myself. Maybe If I talked to Mandy....No, not now.Later.

     It was while I was climbing down the stairs that it hit me. Today was the 11th! Today was the day of the play! Oh God! Today I would be performing before thousands of people! How would I do that? Oh!

   "Come on down, Steph. Your father will be home early today."

I pulled out a chair and sat down.

   "When are you guys going to leave?"

"Around 10. Your play will be over by then?"

   "I guess."

"Now, while we are not here, dont do anything idiotic,Steph, you are going to stay at the McHughs. Dont go running back to that dark alley, promise me you wont?"

    "Mummy, you know I have to chec-"

"Promise me, Steph."

    "Ok, fine. Promise."I made a face.

 "And dont go out anywhere. We will be back by the evening of 13th."

    "Ok. I'll be good."



I pulled the crtain and peeped at the audience. The auditorium was almost full. It made me feel sick.Such a lot of people. I could hardly make out Mummy and father sitting in the far end. Mr Harry Sutton was sittting right in the front row.

"Miss Moore."

  I turned.It was Mr Owens.

"Please dont peep through the curtain."

  I nodded. It was 5:57 and I was backstage. The play was about to start. The first scene would be of Ashley talking to her mother, Serena. Everyone was already in their dresses. There had been such a lot of confusion that I had not caught sight of anyone else except Mandy. We had only passed a smile as I had seen her come out of the changing room. The curtain opened, I shrunk back.

  "Mother! you putteth me to death!"

I ran back and hid in one of the changing rooms. How was Ashley performing before such a huge audience? Oh! Someone kill me! I was having a very bad dose of stage fright.

"Steph? Are you in there?"

    I kept quiet. I planned to hide here forever. But something in the voice made me speak.


  "Yes.Come out,Steph.Why are you hiding?"

I unlocked the door and rushed out.

  "Oh. I cant, Mandy, I cant perform-"

"I know. But you'll be okay."


"Trust me."

I stared at her."Come on." She lead me towards the stage.

   "Now you just walk in and say your lines. ok?"

   I nodded and walked on the sage. Thankgod my first scene was with Mandy. I walked towards her.

"You calleth me, Merope?"


Thankfully it went smoothly. And I even performed all the other scenes too. Without once forgetting my lines. Just when I had began to have fun, the play was over. I could hardly believ it. All the scenes had been performed. And the changing dresses part wasnt even that difficult. In the end, all of us assembled together on the stage and bowed. Mummy smiled at me. Everyone stood up and clapped. We walked down the stairs and towards our parents.

  "Thankyou to all of the students, for making it possible to act such a good play."Mr Owens started to speak,"Now I would liike to call Mr Harry to say a few words."

   Everyone clapped, Mr Sutton climbed up on the stage.

"It was a wonderful play." Everyone clapped,"I would select all of you if I could. Everyone acted just as well. But the person who I have selected for my movie, or rather the girl who I have selected is..."

  I held my breath. Not Ashley. Not Ashley. Please not Ashley.

"Mandy McHugh!!"

 I stood up and clapped. Mandy stood up too, looking around as if she couldnt believe it. Her parents were huggging her, she looked around for me.

"Steph! I won!!"

  "Yeah! You won, Mandy!!!"

I hugged her. she held on to me tight.

   "Mandy. Go to the stage."

"Oh, oh, yes."

   She walked towards the stage and climbed up. I looked around for Ashley. She was crrying, and Jake was trying to cheer her up. Yes! Finally, the culprit gets what she deserves.

  "I mean, she's the lead, Mr Harry is sure to select her."

Oh, Jake. You were wrong! I smiled and clapped harder as Mandy shook hands with Mr Harry and held the contract in her hands, then waved it for everyone to see. She smiled at me, even though she could barely see me from so far. I smiled back. It was over. Everything was okay. The evil had subsided. Virtue had won.



Chapter 26

"You were wonderful, Steph."


"Yes. I really did think you would forget your lines, the way you walked on the stage, so shyly, but you were excellent after that."

"Thankyou so much,Mummy, where's father?"

"He's gone to to do all the preparations, it's already 9. Our flight is at 10."

   "Oh. Well, I'll be back in a sec."

I went over towards Ashley. Jake looked up when he saw me coming and motioned for me not to say or do anything to upset Ash more. Huh! Why shouldn't I ? I didnt care how upset she was. I sat down beside her,grinning. I knew I shouldnt be happy in another persons sorrow, butI couldnt control myself. The measures Ashley had taken to seperate me and Mandy made me feel even more strongly against her. I looked over at Jake. Poor Jake. He had got caught up in all this trouble. Girl trouble.

Ashley looked up. I smiled at her.

  "So, Ashley, how about celebrating? Mandy won. Dont you think that calls for a celebration?"

 "Steph, be-" Jake started but Ashley stopped him.

     "No, let her speak." She looked at me,"Where is she? Where is that little sneak Mandy?"

"Dont you dare call Mandy anthing bad infront of me!"

   "Oooh. Where did all this emotion come from?" Ashley snorted. I stared back into her eyes determinedly,"Now that Mandy has won, you are after her again?"

  "Shut up!" I stood up,"You are just jealous because you lost."

"I have no need to be jealous of someone like Mandy. There has obviously been a mistake.I'll go and correct it now."

"Huh?" I stared at her. Ashley climbed down the stairs towards the stage.

"Stop her!" Jake shook me," Stop her. She's going to make a fool of herself."

    "Really?" I smiled,"Then I suppose we should let her, shouldnt we? Shes used to getting her own way afterall."

Jake glared at me,"How CAN you, Steph? You are supposed to be her friend!"

  I stood up on my toes and stared into Jake's brown eyes.

"Well. Surprise!" I glared at him,"I am not."

   Jake grabbed my hand, forcing me to stop,"I dont believe you."

"Then dont!" I said angrily,"Where are her parents anyway? They should be with her."

"Her parents arent here. But why would you care? The great Miss Stephanie Moore doesnt care for anyone else beside her dear Mandy. Does she?"

"Yeah, right!" I pulled my hand, but without sucess,"Let go of me,Jake."

I tried to pull my hand away from him, he pulled me towards him.

   "I said let go of me, Jake!"


   The rest of his sentence was impossible to hear because there was aloud noise from the stage. We both turned to look at the stage, my hand still firmly clasped in his. I screwed my eyes so that see clearly. Mandy was on the stage. Ashley was there beside Mr Harry. She seemed to be..begging?

   Jake let go of my hand and then with one last angry look at me, ran towards the stage.I followed him and ran towards the stage. I followed him and ran towards Mandy, she gave me a worried look. Now that I was near enough, I could hear what Ashley was saying.

  "Mr Sutton, Mandy is only the second lead. I was the main lead. I deserve to be given that role-"

"I am sorry, but I watched the play very carefully, I am confident that I gave the role to the most deserving."


"Ashley!" Jake stepped forward and placed his arms around her, dragging her towards the corner of the stage."Hush. Everything's okay. Just calm down."

  Ashley rested her head on his shoulder and started sobbing, Oh,Jake!"

"I know. Come on. Lets just go home." Jake carried her to the door of the auditorium and then they were gone. I started to run after them, but Mandy stopped me.

"Not now, Steph."

"But Jake...." I sighed. Jake and you are over. You and Jake are over. Yes, I didnt care for Jake anymore.

    "Stephanie, come here."

"I looked around,"Mummy, are you guys leaving already?"

   "Yes." Father emerged from behind Mummy," The flight will take off in 15 minutes."

Mother bent down and held my face in her hands,"You'll be alright, Steph?"

   I nodded.

"You'll go straight to the McHughs after here. Here's a number of Aunt Hilda's house. You can contact at this. You have our mobile numbers already?"

I nodded again.

   "Oh, Steph,"Mummy hugged me,"please be safe, Dont get in trouble."

"Yeah, mummy, I'll be good."

Father bent down to hug me too.

"Arent I going with you to the airport, Father?"

"No, Steph. You better stay here with Mandy.Ok? We'll be back by the 13th."

    "Ok. I am gonna miss you too."

"We'll call you as soon as we reach. Bye now."


 I waved until they reached the gate and were gone. Then I turned to look around for Mandy.



"Stephanie dear. You wont mund sleeping with Mandy, will you?"

   "No, ofcourse not, Mrs McHugh."

"Excellent. Then you can sleep in Mandy's room."

   I nodded. It was later in the night and I was at Mandy's house. Mandy had already gone up to bed. I climbed the stairs and opened the door to the room in which I had slept such a lot of times, just in different circumstances. I looked around at the bed, Mandy had her eyes closed but I knew she was awake. I walked over to the spare bed and straoghtened the bed covers, making as much noise as I could. Finally, I plopped down upon it, preparing to ask Mandy to forgive me.

"Mandy, I know you are awake."

No answer. Mandy just turned to the other side, her eyelids flickering.

  "Mandy, I....I want to tell you... I am sorry."

"Atleast you can reply, Mandy, I know you are listening, I am ever so sorry for doubting you, I should have never. I am so lucky to have you."

 I sat up on the bed.

"Mandy? Listen, that day, that I came over, and you said that you hadnt stolen either my necklace or those pics, I know now you didnt. I knew then too, but I just couldnt say it. It was Ashley, she did everything, Mandy, and I...I blamed you. I am so sorry."

 "Mandy, please....You KNOW how sorry I am, why wont you reply?"

I waited for an answer, there was no reply, except that a weird noise filled the room. Like something crunching agaist another. Remebering the last time I had investigated a noise like that, I decided to ignore it.

  "Mandy, please..tell me if you are still angry at me, please."

Why wouldnt she reply? She could atleast say that she was angry and then not talk to me for the rest of the night. I got up and sat on the bed beside her.

"Mandy?"I shook her,"Mandy?"

  Suddenly I knew what that weird noise had been. Snoring. Mandy was snoring. She hadn't heard a single word of what I had said. I stared down at her with horror. Mandy was snoring. Mandy was asleep.



Ring. Ring. Ring.

Mandy picked up the phone,"Hello? Oh, right, I'll hand it over."

"It's for you." She said, pointing at me, coming towards the breakfast table. The whole McHugh family including me were sitting around the breakfast table.

Have I ever mentioned the fact that Mandy is an only child? That was what had got us together in the first place. We both talked to each other about how bad it was, not having a sibling, and them we both kind of got together. Jake had a younger brother, but I didnt know about Ashley. I had never bothered to ask her.

    I hadn't been able to talk to Mandy last night. I didnt have the heart to wake her.

"Who is it?" I asked, getting up.

  "Your friend Jake Wilson." Mandy said sarcastically and pulling down a chair, sat down. I walked over to the landline phone.

"Hello, Jake?"

  "Yeah, hi."

"How did you get this number?"

   "Got it from Ash."

"How is she? Ashley?"

   "Much better, thankyou." Jake replied coldly, I cringed at the tone.

"Why did you call, Jake?"

  "Nothing personal. I am holding an after party at my house today. All the cast members are invited. Just thought I should let you know."

"I thought you would do something like this." I chuckled, Mandy stared at me.

    "Dont come if you dont wanna, Stephanie,I am not inviting you personally, all the members of the play are going to come."

  "I'll be there." I said, "Shall I bring Mandy too?"

"I just told you, Steph," Jake said in a raised voice,"ALL the members of the play are invited. Not just you. It's an afterparty.Do you understand the meaning of that?"

"Ok, fine,I get it." I said angrily.

"Good. Finally, you do get it,I only wish you had understood other things too."

"What do you mean?"

   "Nothing." Jake stopped,"Bye."

"Jake, listen-"

   The line went dead. I placed the phone into the receiver, and walked out of the room. I felt Mandy's eyes follow me as I left. I went and sat down on the sofa in the TV room. There was a three day holiday, so there was no school today. Neither tomorrow. After a while, Mandy opened the door and peeped inside.

"What are you watching?"

"Oh, nothing. I am just sitting here."

  "Then lets watch something."

"If you want to."

Mandy came and sat down beside me and switched on the TV. We sat silently for a while. None of us really watching the TV but pretending to.Then I spoke,



"I am sorry for that day. I know you didnt steal my necklace or those pics-"

   "I am sorry to,Steph, but I am sorry FOR you. You counted on having Jake take your side, didnt you?"

Dont get angry. Dont get angry.

  "We are not talking about that-"

"For a fact,Steph,"Mandy interrupted me again,"I dont want to listen to your apologies. Ok?"

   "Mandy, please-"

"Ok, listen. Tell me one thing. Why did Jake call for you?"

   "Oh, that. He only wanted to invite us to his ccelebration party. He and Ashley are throwing it together at his today."

"Ashley's throwing parties even though she lost?Wow. That girl has some nerve."

"I suppose. The whole cast is invited.So, are you going to come,Mandy?"

   "Ofcourse!"Mandy said excitedly,"We'll both go together."

"Umm....good then. By the way, Ashley is going to be there too."

   "So what Who cares about her?I am only going there to celebrate and enjoy. It doesnt matter if Ashley is there too. She'll try to spoil the fun ofcourse, but who heard of a party without a little drama?"

"Oh. yeah, right."I said, "Drama. Ofcourse? Who heard of a a peaceful lfe without some drama?"

"By the way, Steph."Mandy leaned in,"Now that we are on the topic, I think I should let you know. That roomful of people werent the only ones who knew that I wasnt the lead."

"Huh?" I stared at her in confusion. And then I realized. Mandy knew that she wasnt the lead before the roles were announced. She knew that I had blabbed at Jakes party that night.

"You knew?" I managed to ask.


"But...but how?"

"I told you that I left the class too, didnt I? I had left my book in the auditorium. When I reached the auditorium, I heard you and Mr Owens talking. He was telling you that I wasnt the lead. I listened quietly and then ran back to class. That was why I was so calm on not getting the lead. I had already prepared myself."

"I..I dont believe it."

"It wont be the first time. I have learnt, Steph, that you will NEVER believe anything I say. And you want me to forgive you. Well, I wont try now. You are allowed to believe whatever you want to."

Mandy stood up and walked towards the door. I stood up too,

  "But you never told me!"

"You never asked."Mandy said, as if speaking to a child,"Well, I am telling you now, so doesnt matter."

She went out of the door and then peeped in again. 

  "Switch on the TV if you are not watching. By the way, when wil the party start?"

I was still too bewildered to speak. Mandy laughed,

  "Tell me later, Ok?"

I nodded. Mandy went out. I followed her,

   "Its around afternoon, I think."

"Oh. Well, then we should get ready, you would want to dress well for your Jake, wouldnt you,Steph?"

    "I dont want to do anything of the kind. I am only going because Jake invited the whole cast. That's all."

Mandy laughed again,"Oh, Steph, you will never understand. Well, come on. Lets dress up."


We both went up to her room and tried on different dresses of hers. After we had chosen a dress for ourselves, we set out for the matching makeup.Then we spread our dresses on the bed and stared at them.

  Mandy smiled,"Now all that's left to do is to wait."

I smiled back,"Yeah. Wait. Wait for the unknown."





Chapter 27

I knocked on the door. The door opned revealing a girl from my class whom I recognized but couldnt name. I passed a smile as I went inside, Mandy following me.

"Hey!" Someone called out as we passed,"Theres that girl who won that role! What's her name? Mandy, isnt it?"

I turned to smile at Mandy. Mandy waved at everyone. They had all turned to look at her, admiring a future celebrity who would be appearing in Mr Harry Suttons new movie. I smiled at the prospect.

"So you are here."

  "I said I would be, didnt I, Jake?"

"Good then. " Jake turned away," Thanks for coming too, Mandy."

   "Oh, it's a pleasure." Mandy said airily," I would never dream of loosing such an opprtunity to meet you all here together."

"Oh, Umm.. yes, ofcourse." Jake looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I shrugged. 

    "Where is Ashley?" Mandy asked.

"Here I am!" Ashley announced, coming into view. Jake smiled at her, taking her hand.

"Think of the devil and the devil is here." Mandy muttered, so slowly that only I heard. Ashley looked at me pointedly and then at her hand clasped in Jake's. I turned away, I knew what she was pointing at. But I had to be indifferent. I couldnt let her know how much the fact, that Jake and  Ash were together hurt me. No, I couldnt.

"So, now that everyone is here, lets have a toast." Ashley said, raising her glass.

"Yeah, why not?"Mandy raised her glass too.

  "To Sustenance." I said.

"To the lead of Sustenance."  Jake smiled. I raised my glass higher,

   "To the winner of Mr Harry's role." I looked at Jake smugly.

"To the girl who acted the best, but still didnt win the role." Jake smiled triumphantly.

   "To Mandy McHugh." I said.

"To Ashley John." Jake said. I sighed in frustration.

   "Come on, lets just drink it, you guys." Mandy laughed and took a sip.

"Yeah. forget her, Jake, come on, lets go welcome our other guests." Ashley took Jake's arm. Jake looked at me then turned back to Ashley and smiled,

"Yes, come on."

Jake and Ashley turned and walked into the other room. I stared at them, then Mandy shook me.

   "Feeling sorry?"

"No. I am glad I am not in Ashley's friendship circle anymore." I replied.

    "But Jake still is."

"Who cares about him?" I said, taking another sip.

   "Let me see," Mandy said,"Maybe someone named Stephanie Moore?"

  "Shut up, Mandy."

 "Listen, Steph, anyone who knows you can see that you like him. You cant fool yourself anymore. Just admit it."

  "Can we just forget those two, Mandy?"

"You cant ever forget one of them, Steph."

"Fine!" I screamed,"I like him, just stop it now!"

   "There. I knew it." Ashley came up behind Mandy,"Thankyou Mandy, for making her admit. But he's mine, Steph."

   I glared at Mandy. She looked at me sympathetically.

 "Ugh!" I sighed and walked out of the room, leaving Mandy and Ashley together. I went towards the podium and looked out. The sky was a mixture of deep blue and grey. It looked like it would rain soon. Mummy hadnt even called since she had called llast night to let me know that they had reached safely.  I still had Aunt Hildas number with me. I could phone her now. I walked towards the living room. I knew there was no one there because the lights were switched off. Without opening the lights, I walked towards the phone and dialed Aunt Hildas number.


"Hey, mummy? It's me. Steph."

"Oh, steph, are you okay, what are you-"

"Yeah, yeah, mummy, I am fine, tell me, is Aunt Hilda okay now?"

There was a deep pause, then Mummy said,"No. She's worse. The doctor says its going to be anytime now."

"You mean she's going to die?!"

"Yes. Steph. She has no time left. It's fortunate that we came here yesterday. She has been unconsious since the morning."

"Oh." I had never seen anyone die before. The prospect of death was new to me, apart from those pretend deaths in the play. Mandy's death. I shook my head, even the thought of Mandy's death was nauseating to me.

"But you are going to come home tomorrow, mummy?"

"Yes. Tell me, Steph, where are you now? Are you at the McHughs?"

"No. I am at Jake's house. You were right,Mummy, he held a after party. Mandy is here too."

"Are you having fun?"

"Yeah. I am missing you guys."

   "We'll be back soon,Steph, listen, I have to go now, we'll talk later, ok?"


  I put down the receiver and sighed. Even my own mother didn't have time to talk to me. I got up and then the living daylights were scared out of me. Someone grabbed me!

"Aaaaaaah! Who are you?Let me go!" I struggled to free myself. The lights were still off so it was hard to see. I pulled my hand away and bit my attacker.

" Hey! It's only me, Steph. Are you seriously mad? You bit me!"

"Huh? Jake?"

   I walked over and switched on the lights.

"Oh, Oh,Jake, I am so sorry, Does it hurt?"

   "Not at all. It feeles like flying." Jake said sarcastically, clutching his hand.

"Well, it's your own fault, Mr Jake, who told you to pounce on me like that?"

   "I didnt POUNCE  on you. I just saw a shadow in the room and deccided to check who it was. It may have been a burglar."

"Yeah, right." I said,"As if a burglar would be sitting in your living room."

"Could happen. Who knows?"

 I walked towards the door, Jake caught my hand,

   "Where are you going?"

"Out." I said,"Am I not even allowed to do that?"

   "No.Go out. Infact, just get out of my life."

"Why?"  I leaned in towards him,"Now that you have Ashley, you dont need me?"

   "I dont HAVE Ashley, if that's what you mean, and why's that bothering YOU anyway?"

 "Has it ever occured to you,Jake, that there's a world beyond your sweet Ashley?"

       Jake glared at me, I glared back,

"Are YOU that world, Steph?"

    I blushed,"I..No, ofcourse not,I only meant generally."

"Generally."Jake repeated,"Well, then I suppose we had better go. Ashley will wonder what we are doing here alone."

  "Alone. What can we do alone,Jake? We ARE never alone. There's always Ash between us."

"I dont know what you are trying to point at, Steph. Everyone must be waiting for us-"

   "Forget everyone. Forget Ashley. Listen to me, Jake, do you care for me at all? Dont you care what I think?"

"What if I say I do?"

"Then I'll be the happiest girl in the world."

"And what if I dont?"

   "Stop this nonsense, Jake-"

"No, YOU stop this, Steph. What are you trying to show? That you are a better friend then Ashley?"

    "Ashley. Ashley. Ashley. Cant we forget her for once?"

"I am trying to, but you wont let me."

   I took a deep breath, "Listen, Jake, I am only trying to tell you that Ashley doesnt care for you the way you care for her-"

"There you go again.And you want me to forget Ashley.Why are you talking about her now?"

   "Because she's the one, Jake! Dont all love stories have a villian? Shes our villian!"

"Love story? Do you call us a love story, Steph?"

   "I..I..yes! Yes, I like you,Jake! I have always."

"Do you really mean that?" Jake stared into my eyes as if he couldnt believe his ears.

   "Yes. I do, Jake. I do."

We both stared at each other, tears in my eyes. I couldn't read the expresion on Jake's face. Was he angry? Did he think of me like a sister? A noise brought us both back to earth. Ashley was standing at the door, clapping. I glared at her. She smiled,

"Well. Well. Well.What do we have here?  So determined, Steph? So determined to seperate me and Jake?"

  "I am not trying to do anything like that-"I started but Ashley interrupted me,

"Such LIES,Steph. Do you think I dont know? You know what, Jake? Steph has been after you ever since she first saw you. It hurts her to see us together. She's trying to have us break up."

 "I dont know what you are talking about." I said and walked out of the door towards the stairs.

"Really,Steph? You dont know? Then maybe I should enlighten you. What about the fact that you two were here alone? You planned that, didn't you?"

  "Believe whatever you want-" I started again but was interrupted.

 "Ashley." So far, Jake had kept quiet. But now he came forward,out of the room after Ashley, forcing me to stop and look at him,"Let me handle this."

"What are YOU going to say now, Jake? That you feel sorry for me?" I glared at him angrily,"You think I am wrong, dont you? You think that I lied to you."

  "No, I dont. I dont, Steph." Jake took my hand in his, I stared in his eyes,"Infact, I am quite happy. Happy that you finally told me how you feel about-"

  "What's going on,Jake?" Ashley said in a calm cold voice, coming forward and seperating me and Jake."Have you forgot? Have you forgotten your promise?"

  "No..... No, never, Ash."

Jake drew back and turned away from me. I stared after him. Then Ahsley came up close near me and glared at me.

"I told you, ddint I? I told you that you cant ever win." She said it so quietly that Jake didnt hear her.

   "You...I'll get you back, Ashley, see if I dont-"

"Oh, your threats dont scare me, Stephanie."

 "What's going on here?" Mandy came into view, climbing up the stairs and onto the hall.

"Welcome," Ashley said sarcastically,"Your presence was the only one left. Any complains you want to register?"

   Mandy looked at me questioningly, I shrugged. This was getting out of hand now.

"None yet. Though maybe you have something to say?" Oh God, why was Mandy fighting with Ashley now? Jake looked at me, I glared at him. Whatever had he promised Ashley that he had drew back so suddenly? Ashley walked towards Mandy, glaring.

"You are right at that. How come Mr Harry gave YOU that role?" Ashley said, looking hatefull at Mandy.

"He answered that himself, didnt he?" Mandy smirked,"He said'I gave the role to the most deserving.' I deserved it the most. I acted the best."

  "You didnt! You brainwashed him somehow, Mandy, I know you did. He would never have rejected me and selected you if he had been in his consiousness."

"That's an excellent theory,"Mandy smiled,"It should go down in The Book Of World Records."

"Guys," Jake came forward,"Just shut it, Ok?"

  "No, Jake, no!" Ashley screamed, I looked at her,"It was my everything.Everything! And she got it all."

"I know, Ash, I know how much it means to you." Jake tried to comfort her.

   "No, you dont, Jake. Do you have ANY idea how much mama was depending on me winning that role?"Ashley cried. I stared at her in disbelief, was she actually crying?" Mama doesnt have a job now, we were depending on the money which would come from that role. "

  "I know. We'll do something, Ash-" Jake said.

"No! She got it all! She!" Ashley said, pointing hatefully at Mandy.

   "Hush,, hush, Ash, calm do-"

"She'll pay! I'll make her pay for destroying my life!"

   "No..Ash! Stop."

What happened next was so fast that I barely realized what was happening. In one swift motion, Ashley was over at Mandy's side, glaring at her while muttering,"I'll make you pay." And then I saw no more. Because she pushed Mandy. Mandy screamed as she lost her balance and fell down, rolling down the stairs. Jake and I shrieked.


Ashley remained in her place, frozen. Blood started to appear on the stairs, and then Mandy rolled on to the last step, unconsious. I ran down the stairs towards her. Blood was everywhere, I stared at her in horror. Her eyes  had rolled back into her head.She lay crumpled up on the last step. I held her face in my hands. Her features could hadly be recognised, there was so much blood. Blood. No! No! I tried to shake her, to make her open her eyes, but she remained unconsious.

"Someone call an ambulance!" I shrieked. I felt someone trying to lift me up away from Mandy, and I realized, this was not a dream. This was real. Mandy was dying, she was bleeding. I screamed,"Mandy!"

 I looked around,I could barely see anything, my vision was darkened,

"Steph? Get up. The ambulance is coming, come on, get up, she'll be allright-"

   "No! Wake her! Wake her,Jake!"

And then I saw or heard no more, because I too, like Mandy had dropped into unconsiousness.



Chapter 28

 I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a room, a white room. There were tubes everywhere. One was going through my nose, the other one was injected in my hand. I screwed my eyes, Jake was sitting beside me.

"Jake? Where am I?"

"Steph? She's awake!" Jake cried and got up, out the door. I stared after him and called out in a weak voice,

"Dont leave me, Jake!"

And then there were all these tubes allover me, and I saw a doctor measuring my blood pressure or something and then,

"She'll be fine now. You can take her home by the evening."

"Thank you, Doctor." I heard Jake reply. And then the doctor left the room.

   "Jake?" I cried out again,"Jake, where am I?"

"Hospital. You are in the hospital, Steph. You fainted when you saw Mandy."

Mandy. Mandy! Where was she? Hiow was she?

  "Where is she? Where is Mandy?" I tried to get up and free myself from all the million tubes. In a minute, Jake's hands were over me, forcing me to stop.

"No, you cant go out now, Steph. Your blood pressure is still low."

"Be hell with me!" I cried, still trying to free myself,"How is Mandy! Take me to her!"

  "Relax...hush," Jake tried to comfort me the way he had comforted Ashley, it brought back that memory of Jake's house. How long had been that? How long had  I been unconsious?

"Dont HUSH me, Jake." I gave up, trying to free myself, in no way could I ever match Jake'a strengh,"Let go. Let me go to Mandy."

 "You are not going anywhere now, Steph. You need to rest-"

"Why dont you understand?!" I cried angrily,"I CANT rest! I have to see Mandy!"

"Well, you cant see her now, she's in the ICU."


No! That meant that her conditon was seriously bad! In one swift motion, I had freed myself from all the tubes. So fast that Jake didnt even realize. He caught me as I was about to open the door and run out. I stopped him before he could say anything,

"Dont mess with me now, Jake."You,"I pointed a finger at his chest,"Just. Tell. Me. The. Ward. Mandy.Is. In."

I waited, Jake didnt reply but instead tried to close the door.

"Fine!" I yelled, forcing the door open and ran out. It wasnt hard finding out where Mandy was, there were a lot of people gathered outside  the ward, reporters too. Reporters? What were they doing here?And then I noticed, there were police officers too. I ran over to them.

And then I saw her, Ashley. With handcuffs on her hands, and gripped by two cops, and a woman who I didn't recognise crying loudly beside her.

"Ashley? Where are they taking you?!" I cried out, looking at the cops all around.

"Ashley John is being taken under custody for the attempted murder of Mandy McHugh."

"Murder?!" I screamed,"Of Mandy!!"

   And then someone yelled,

"She's Stephanie Moore! Shes a withness!"

And then there were all these people trying to get through to me, there were cameras clicking, people yelling all sorts of strange things. A cop held me behind him, holding the mob from getting through to me. I blinked. What was happening? Among the choas, I could make out the voices of the reporters,

"Stephanie!"Do you think Ashley John is responsible for the attempted murder of Mandy McHugh?"

   "Miss Moore! Eye withnesses say that you were there when the crime was performed, what are your views on it? Do you think-"

"Stephanie!Did you see the deed performed?"

There were cries of 'Stephanie!' everywhere. I looked around in horror, there was noone here that I recognized, apart from Ashley. These were strangers, strangers bombarding me with questions. And then I saw a familiar face. I ran out from behind the cops towards him, the mob followed.

"Jake!" I hid my head in his chest and sobbed, not even caring that I was coming on TV now. I was so terrified, complettely broken. I felt so alone.

"I know."Jake ruffled my hair lightly,"That's why I didnt want you to come out."

In less then a minute, the mob was over at our side. I could hear them,

  "Mr Wilson! Were you there too?"

"What can you say about the arresting of your friend Ashley?"

   "Mr Jake! What happened that Miss John tried to murder Miss McHugh?"

I felt Jake look around, and then I was lifted off my feet. I opened my eyes, Jake had lifted me up in arms and was carrying me somewhere. Even though I was dead with worry for Mandy, I couldnt help thinking how nice Jake smelled. Like sugary mint. And the feel of his hands over me was even more amazing. I flung my arms around him,I hadnt realized that we were walking until Jake placed me down gently on a hospital bed.

  We were in a room, maybe the same room as before. I couldnt be sure. Jake poured out a glass of water and handed it to me, I took it, my hands shaking.

  I almost dropped the glass, I hadnt realized how weak I was. Jake took it from mr and held up infront of me so that I could drink. I took a sip and then pushed the glass away.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked, placing a hand on my forehead to check out my temperature. I noddded,

  "Why are all those people here,Jake?"

"You know how rarely anything happens here at Forks, Steph. The media is going to make a big case out of this."

"Oh. How long was I uncosious?"

"6 hours, I think. But long enough. You almost had me sick with worry, Steph. You wouldnt wake up and I thought you werwe going to...I didnt leave your bedside even once."

"You didnt go out to check on Ashely? The cops have arrested her."

"I know I should. But I was just so worried about you. As soon as we reached the hospital, the word had spread. We were interrogated by the cops and I..I told them that Ashley pushed Mandy. They have been holding her under custody since then."

"'For attempted murder of Mandy McHugh,'" I repeated what the officer had said, and then that wave of terror ran over me again. Mandy!

"How is Mandy, Jake? She's going to be allright, isnt she?"

Jake looked at me, taking my hand in his and rubbing it gently. It made me feel that something was terribly wrong.

"Tell me,Jake! How is Mandy?"

"I...Steph, Mandy is not, errr, well. She's the ICU. The doctors are not, umm, very sure they can save her-"

"What?!" I screamed, standing up,"No!Mandy cant die. Not Mandy!"

"Steph! Dont get upset, please-"

  "What do you mean, dont get upset?" I cried," Mandy is dying! Take me to her, please, Jake, please!"

"You cant go now, Steph, All the media is out there-"

   "I dont care! I want to see her!"

"But the doctors wont even let you see her-" 

   "I will force them!"

"But, Steph-"

  "Did YOU stand out, Jake? Did you stay away while I was unconsious?Could you do it? No. You were there in the room, werent you? Then dont stop ME, Jake."

We stood staring at each other's eyes. Brown into light brown.I knew I had him with the last line. The one about him waiting for me to wake up.

 The scene of earlier today was replayed. There were tears in my eyes. The only difference was that this time Jake broke the silence.

"Ok," He nodded,"Come on."

I followed him out in the hall. The questions started again when we passed through the cops in the ICU ward.

"There she is."Jake said, pointing towards a door. I walked over to the room and pressed myself against the door.It was glass, so I could see Mandy lying on the bed inside, her eyes closed, dying.

"Mandy."I started sobbing, Jake came and placed an arm around me,

   "There. There. It will be alright."

I barely heard him, I was lost in my own world.I wanted to touch Mandy, feel her. Make sure that she was still there, she was still alive. I forced open the door, it shut lightly beside me. I walked inside, going to sit on the bedside around Mandy.I touched her face, her hair. Mandy. My Mandy.

  I hadnt even asked her for forgiveness yet, we hadnt even talked thoroughly about the Ashley problem. I had so much to tell her, so much. If only she was there to listen.

All the good times we had had together, the times we had laughed uncontrolably over things not even funny. We had gone to parties together;slept together. There was so much, such a large portion of mylife had been spent with Mandy. How could she leave me now? Leave me to fight with the whole world alone? No, she wouldnt'. She couldn't.

 All the times we had teased each other,

  "Yes, madame,"Mandy had said, "I will do as you say, Your Highness."

"You have got a very bad impression of me, Steph."

   I remembered all the times we had laughed in Library together because we thought that the Librarian and our school peon, Mr Wilkins were going out. The time we had watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 together. We had both cried when Ron had left Harry and Hermione.

  The countless times we had watched reruns of our favourite TV serial,Green Gables. The times we had sat and gossiped about others. Everything had been perfect. Perfect. Before Ashley had came along and destroyed everything.

 And then all the times we had fought over Ashley. How could I have been so stupid? How?

   "I dont want to give her a chance, Steph. I am good enough as it is, and I want you to stay the same too, why do you want to be friends with her anyway?"

"You are my best friend! You should support me, Steph!"

How I had accused her,

  "You obviously stole my necklace, didnt you? And now you have the nerve to lie about it!"

"I dont believe you, Steph. Is this all the tust you had in me?"

   Oh!Oh! Why? Why did I ever accuse Mandy? How I could I have said all the things to her that I had? How could I have mistrusted my best friend?

 The time I had found Mandy crying in her room. Broken, because she had lost the lead. And I had rubbed it in in her face. Instead of comforting her, I had accused her of stoling mine and Jake's pics. What kind of friend had I been?

If only she could come back now, I would tell her everything. Everything. I would fall on her knees if I had to. I laid my head against Mandy's arm, crying softly.

"Hey! What are you doing here? Even the patient's parents are not allowed to go inside the ICU room. Please come out."

  I looked up, a man in doctors clothes was motioning for me to come out; I stood up.

"Please, please let me stay with her-"

   "I am sorry, miss, but you will have to come out, germs can spread."

"She's my sister! please-"

    "Please go out or I will have to call the authorities."

I sobbed and then with one last touch at Mandy's face, I walked over to the door. I looked back at Mandy. Why was my heart thumping? Why did I feel like this was the last time I would see Mandy alive? No. I couldn't let myself think anything like that.

  I walked out of the ward room,

"Jake? Where are you?"

    I had forgotten that the mob was waiting outside,they caught me as soon as I came out; trying to hold a microphone under my mouth. Asking questions. I looked around, there was Jake; with Ashley. I felt a burst of anger when I saw Ashley. She was responsible for all this, she had pushed Mandy! She was alive, well, while Mandy was there in the ICU. She had destroyed my life! I lunged at her.

  "You! You did this! you pushed her!"

Realizing that this was a golden opportunity, the reporters came at my side at once, recording everything on camera.

 "You tried to murder Mandy-"

"Be quiet, Steph, you dont know what you are talking about, anything you say now will be recorded." Jake tried to shush me.

"No!" I screamed,"Why should I be quiet? The whole world should know!" I ran towards a reporter,"I'll tell you, what do you want to know? I am a withness, this girl here, Ashley, sje tried to murder my best friend Mandy-"

  "Shut up!' Jake caught hold of me, putting his hand on my mouth, I fought against him,

"No!" I looked at Ashley,"Why wont you speak now, huh? Lost your voice?"

    "Are Mr and Mrs McHugh here?"

I looked around; it was a doctor, the same one who had driven me out. For the first time I noticed Mandy's parents standing in a corner. Her mother sobbing silenty. They called out,

 "Here we are, is Mandy better now?"

"No," The doctor shook his head, walking towards them, I ran over too," I am sorry to say but your daughter has gone into coma."

  "Coma?!!" There was a large intake of breath from everyone; Mrs McHugh sobbed harder; I screamed and Jake ran over to comfort me. Ofcourse, it didnt matter to him;what did he care? He didnt care for anyone beside Ashley. I shrug him off.

  "Coma? You mean she will never wake up?" Mandy's father said.

"We cant be sure. With coma, you dont know." The doctor replied," She may wake up now, or in 10 years, or never.She may die. Nothing can be said. And even if she wakes up, there is no surity, that she will remember anything."

 I fell down on the floor, the doctor walked away but his words stayed behind'she may never wake up','she may die'. Oh!

Ring.Ring.Ring. Jake's phone was ringing. He handed it to me,"It's for you."

  "Who is it?" I asked, remembering as I want the time that I had asked Mandy the same question when she had said the same thing to me.

"It's your parents."

"How do they know?"

"I called them.

   "Oh. Ok, give it to me."

I held the phone,"Hello?"

  "Hello, Steph? Are you alright? Oh! You are  okay? How did everything happen Is Mandy okay? When did you wake up? Do you have anyone there with you? OH! Why wont you anwer me?!"

  "Mummmy, let me speak atleast. Yes, I am okay now. The McHughs are here too."

"Is Mandy okay?"

  I stifled a sob,"No, she's gone into coma."

    There was a pause on the other side,"Oh, I am so sorry, Steph-"

"Please dont talk  about it, mummy, tell me, is Aunt Hilda okay now?"

   Another pause, then,"No, she died. Earlier today. Very soon after you called infact."

    "May she rest in peace." I couldnt express more then just general grief for Aunt Hildas death because I didnt know her so well," When are you two coming back?"

 "We are trying to come as soon as we can, I know you are alone. We will be back after the funeral. Tommorow. "


"Are the McHughs okay?"

   "No. They are crying. the cops have arrested Ashley-"

 Suddenly everyone in the hospital rushed towards someone. I looked up;the doctor had came out again.

   "Mummy, I'll talk later," Without even waiting to hear her reply, I screamed,"Bye!" and ran towards the doctor.

 "What's happened? Is Mandy okay? Has she woken up?"

The Doctor looked at the McHughs and then at all the people gathered around, including the reporters and the officers. And then taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth to speak.

Chapter 29

"Now, before I say anything, please be sure that we tried our best-"

   I was almost about to shout,"Oh, shut that! Just tell us about Mandy!" But Jake placed a hand on my mouth. I looked over to him, but he was looking ahead.

"-But I am very sorry to say, Mandy McHugh is no more."

There were shrieks and yells, I dropped down to the floor, still trying to make sense of what the doctor had said.'Mandy McHugh is no more.' And then I realized, Mandy was dead! 

  "No! You are lying!" 

I fought against Jake, and ran towards the ICU ward, going straight for the rom Mandy was in. I heard people following me, but I didnt care. There was only one thought on my mind;I had to make sure that the doctor was lying, I had to make sure that Mandy was still alive. I ran towards her, shaking her, her face, her hair, any part of her that I could touch.

"Mandy! Mandy, wake up!"

I shook Mandy's face, i tried to open her eyes, I felt for her heartbeat, it wasn't there.

  "Mandy!Look! Its me, Steph, I have came to take you home, come on, wake up, Mandy,open your eyes, please, MANDY!"

     I felt someone trying to drag me away, trying to seperate me from my Mandy, I kicked and fought against them.

"No! Wake her, she is not dead. No,she is alive!"

    That same doctor came around, covering Mandy's face with the sheets.

"No!" I yelled,"What are you doing?" I pulled the sheets down,"She wont be able to breathe!"

    "Steph, she's dead-"

 "No! She's not dead! you are lying1 You all are lying!"

    I ran towards Mandy again,"Mandy, look, look what they are saying about you, they are saying you are dead, come on, wake up-"

   "Miss Moore! She's dead, someone control this girl please!"

There was yelling, shouting, all sorts of strange noises.The doctor covered Mandy's head again, I tried to run towards her, but I was stopped;strong hands were holding me back,

  "Let me go! Mandy's alive-"

 And then I was lifted off my feet again, I didnt care who it was, I just wanted to get back to Mandy, I fought against my carrier with all my might, screaming,

  "No! Mandy's alive-"

And then I caught sight of Mr and Mrs McHughs face. they were both crying;broken, but they were both staring at me, asif they had found their daughter again. I turned away from them, and kicked my attacker. I was placed down somewhere, I gor up again, still screaming. Jake stopped me,

    "Stephanie! She's dead. Mandy. Is. Dead!"

The realization seemed to hit this time, I stared up at his face in horror. Yes, Mandy was dead. That was the truth; Mandy was gone,gone far far away where I could never touch her again. We would never talk again, never laugh together. I would never hear her  voice again.

"Oh, Oh Jake!"

"Just calm down, Steph, it will be alright, hush."

     I took a deep breath, and then a rush of anger came over me again,

"Where's Ashley? Where's that witch? Where's that MURDERER?"

    This seemed to strike Jake, "Murderer?"And then"Oh!" Perhaps he had not realized that now that Mandy had died, Ashley was guilty of murder. Her acting career, all her dreams were over. Prison would be her home now.

   Served her right! That spoiled evil brat. I would give evidence against her; however much Jake would want me not to, I would. I would make sure that that murderer got her punishment.

  And for a moment, I had forgotten, and whose murder I was talking about.But then it all came crashing back. But before I could take another step, Jake had already left the room. I followed him.

  Outside it did not seem that the news that Mandy had died had spread. The media was still crowded outside the room, not being allowed to go inside. Jake and I both ran towards Ashley. I let him get to her first, all the better for me. He went and stood around her. The woman whom I still didnt recognise, looked up and asked,

"What happened? Can I take Ashley home now?"

Home? Then she must be Ashley's mother, why wasnt her father here too? Jake held the woman's hand sympathetically,

"No, I am sorry, Mrs John,"So I was right, the woman was Ashley's mother,"But Mandy has died, there will be the court proceedings now-"

  "That girl died and left my daughter-"Mrs John started to speak, but I interrupted her,

"Dont you dare!" I cried, running up to her,"Dont you dare say anything bad about Mandy!"

    Mrs John looked sideways at Jake, with a glance I realized had a hidden meaning; but which I didnt understand.But I was stopped thinking further because Ashley, who had been silent all this time, started to laugh. Hysterically. We all looked at her in confusion.

"Ha ha ha!"She actually FELL down laughing, clutching her stomach. Mrs John tried to control her, afterall we were coming on live TV right now.

"Ashley, are you okay? Why are you laughing?"

"Dont you see, mother? Mandy is dead!"

   "That's nothing to laugh about!" Her mother hissed.

"Hahaaha! Jake! Mandy's dead! I'll get that role now!"

   That was the last straw. Mandy was dead, and she was happy that she would get the role now?I lunged towards her,

"You. Evil. Murderer.You'll have your punishment, you'll go to prison-"

"Dead!Mandy's dead!"

   "You-"I started again but Jake interupted me,

"Stop, Steph!" He said,"Dont you see? has got to her brain! She's..she's mentally unstable!"

   "Yeah, right."I said sarcastically,She's mentally..wait!what?! You mean..she's...she's gone mad?!!"

"We are giving you the latest news,"Lots of the reporters had started to film their interviews,"The victim, Mandy McHugh has died, and the culprit,Ashley John is being said to have lost her brain."

  "Look at her!" Jake screamed, fianlly having lost his temper,"Do you think se would be acting like this if she was in her right mind?"

  ""I stared at Ashley, she was twirling around, laughing. The cops were trying to control her, she was hysterical. Uncontrollable. And then I realized, Yes. She was mentally unstable. She would never be vulnerable, if she was okay.

  She had lost her brain;mlost her brain in the knowledge that her life was over. She would be going to prison now.

"She's mad!" I yelled,"She's dangerous!"

     And then everything was happening suddenly. The cops were dragging Ashley somewhere with the media, Mrs John and Jake running after them.

    I looked around, there was no one here. No one at all. No one here to suport me, cry with me. There was only me here.Only me, me and Mandy's dead body.


It was a few hours later; I was at Mandy's house, with her parents. My own parents were due to arrive anytime now. We had stayed up the whole night, it was around 8 in the morning now. I had stayed with Mandy's parents, supporting them, crying with them. Our grief was the same. But how could I comfort them for loosing their daughter, whom they loved, when I was broken myself?

    Jake had went with Ashley; she had been put under custody; in the Mason Hospital for the Mentally Unstable, down South of Riverdale. She hadn't been certified as Mandy's murderer yet. But she was the biggest suspect. Suspect, huh! She WAS the murderer.

We all were wthnesses. There had been 4 people present on that hall when Mandy had fell. Me, Jake, Mandy and Ashley. Jake would obviously give evidence in favour of Ashley, he wouldnt want her to go to prison. But I would give evidence against her. I would avenge Mandy's murderer.

   Prison. She hadnt been taken to prison yet, only to the hospital. To check whether she had lost her mental stability. According to that, it would be decided, what the court proceedings would be. If she really had lost her mind, she wouldnt be put into prison, only in the Mental hospital.

   She was still under custofy though. the police were gathered outside the hospital. And the media too. What did they care? They only wanted a good story for their viewers. They didnt care that some parents had lost their daughter, a friend had lost her best friend, a girl had left this world. A leaf had fallen. A light had dimmed. What DID they care?

"Here, have something to eat, you must be tired."

I looked up, it was a woman I didnt recognise, she was handing me a Dairy Milk.

   "Thanks."I said, taking it from her, afterall who can refuse a Diary Milk?

The woman smiled and sat down beside me, "You were Mandy's best friend, werent you?" She said softly.

   I sighed, best friends. I hadnt behaved very best friendly, for sure.

 "Yeah, I was."I replied, taking a bite. I didnt really care who this woman was, she must be a relative of the McHughs. A lot of people had came here to comfort Mandy's parents. This must be one of them.

 "It must hurt."

"Ofcourse it does!"I snapped.

   "I am sorry, Mrs McHugh told me that you were there too when it happened. Would you like to tell me about it? It might make you feel less guilty."

  I stared up at her, she was a stranger, a complete stranger. Yet, somehow I felt like telling her everything. My subconsience was telling me that I shouldnt trust her, but I ignored it.

   "It all happened so quickly, one moment Mandy was there, and the other she was falling."I said, my mind taking me back to that scene in the hall.

  "Oh. Did she loose her balance? Is that why she fell?"

"Did she ever!"I said in a rush of emotion,"No! That murderer Ashley pushed her! That's why she fell! She would never have fallen otherwise!"

   For a moment, I thought I saw a look of satisfaction on that womans face, and then again, worrry.

"You blame her, then."It was not a question, it was a statement, but I replied anyway,

    "Yes. I blame her entirely for taking Mandy's life, she should be put into prison!"

"Well, well,well," the woman said, in such a perfect imitation of Ashley that I actually thought she was here and looked up,"The court will decide that. Do you feel better now?"

  "Yes. Loads."I nodded.

"Get some rest now." the woman got up suddenly and left the room. I got up too and went otside. Mummy had already phoned, she knew Mandy was dead. They were coming back.

  I opened the door, and walked outside. I jogged over to a park, the same park I had sat in one day. I went and sat at a bench.It was early morning;so it wasnt much crowded. I closed my eyes.


"Steph! Wake up!"

"Huh?" I opened my eyes,"Mandy, is that you?"

   "For Gods Sake! Mandy is dead! When will you accept that?"

I screwed up my eyes,"Jake?"

   "Yes, Jake. Now, get up and come with me."

"Where? What time is it by the way?"I said, getting  up and rubbing my eyes.

   "Around 11. Come on, I need to show you something."


   "Get up first."

I got up and glared at him,"Now what?"

   "You were sleping on a bench."

"I was sleeping on what?"

   "Nothing. But what you did BEFORE that is something. Come with me."

   "What did I do? What did I do, Jake?"

      He didnt reply, instead dragged me towards his house. And into the TV room.

"Why have we came here, Jake?"

    He switched on the Tv. It was a news channel.

 "You brought me here to watch the news?"


I stared at the screen, and gasped. It was me. Me! With that moman. She was a reporter! She had tricked me! Tricked me into giving her an interview!

"That murderer Ashley pushed her!"

"Yes, I blame her entirely for taking Mandy's life. She should be put into prison."

    I watched my own face speaking on the Tv. And then that woman said,

"We now know that Miss  Ashley John murdered Mandy McHugh. one of the two present withnesses have given evidence against her. The other prime withness is Jake Wilson.."

  "Why did you do that, Steph? Why?!"

"Believe me, Jake. I..I didnt know!"

   "Oh, right!" He said sarcastically,"You didnt know that that woman was recording you?"

"Honestly, Jake, she didnt say anything-"

   "Oh, please!"

"I am not lying, Jake, please, please dont leave me, please. Mandy's already gone."

   Jake looked at me and then sighed,"I am sorry, Steph, but do you have ANY idea what that Interview is going to cost? "He looked at my tearstrewn face,"Oh, alright."

   I hugged him then looked up,"What will happen now?"

"The court has sheduled a hearing for tomorrow.If Ashley is proven guilty but mentally unstable, she will be put into the mental hospital."

 "We know she's guilty, Jake."

"But she didnt mean it!"

   "She did so. She went over and pushed Mandy."

Jake gave me a look with whichI knew we were going to have a fight now.

   "Do you have any idea what she's been through,Steph?"

"That doesnt matter now-"

    "No, it does. Come on, I'll show you her house. And then you can judge her."

 I nodded, I had to see for myself,"Is it far?"

    "In the outskirts of the town. We'll go by bus."

 I nodded again, we both caught the subway bus and sat by the window side. I looked over at Jake, he seemed lost in thought.



   "Where are your parents?"

"At the hospital. With Mrs John."

   "Oh. Are we there yet?"

"Just about."

    The bus rounded a corner and I followed Jake as he got off.  The area we had came to looked like a rubbish dumpster to me. there were some shabby cottages here and there. A bad smell sorrounded the air, i wrinkled my nose.

  "You think it's strange, dont you, Steph?"

"Um, what's strange?"

   "That Ashley might live in a place like this?"

"Yes. Ofcourse, she doesnt live her."

    "I'll show you, come on."

Jake lead me towards one of the cottage, and pointed at the gate. I could barely make out the name 'John'. I gasped, so Ashley did really live here.

  Jake opened the door, it creaked.

"She...she actually LIVES here?" I asked, peeping inside the cottage,"this house is smaller then my den!"

     Jake smiled, a weird sort of bitter smile,"You see now? You see her need for money? Ashley's father diied when she barely 5. Since then her mother, Mrs John, brought up her and her two twin brothers alone. She did odd jobs, cleaning. Working as a clerk. All sorts of jobs just so that she could feed her children."

 I noticed a tear in Jake's eyes as he said this,"Ashley wanted to help her. She wanted her to rest now. She wanted to earn money, support her family. She wanted her brothers to have  agood future.

       "That was why it was so important for her to get that role. If she had won that role, she would have got fame. She would have been payed alot by Mr Harry. And then she would have been cast in other movies too. She would have made it big, improved her future. they would have been able to afford a good house. Help themselves."

   I realized, with a shock, that I was crying myself. I had never thought that Ashley had such a troubled life. Jake continued again,

"And then her mother lost one of her jobs. And they started starving. I offered to help her, I WANTED to help her, remember? I told you to?" I nodded,"But Ashley would not allow it, she did not want anyones charity. That was whys she was so desperate. When she lost that role, she realized that she had lost the last chance she had of helping her mother and her brothers."


Oh! Poor, poor Ashley.'Never judge a book by its cover' I had judged Ashley by what she appeared to be. Never once realizing that there was a hidden life under that hard mask. I had mistaken her.

  "You see? She had her reasons."

Jake said and looked at me.I nodded, and placed my head on his chest; looking at the shabby cottage before me. Yes, she had her reasons. She was wrong. They had both been wrong; Ashley and Mandy. Byt they were right too, I realized. yes, they were right  their own way.

Chapter 30

How could I have known? Understood the hidden meanings? I had mistaken Mandy, and now it was revealed that I had mistaken Ashley too, had I ever done anything right in my 17 years of life?

   "I...I am..but, but she never said anything!"I said.

"I told you,"Jake started,"She had her self pride, she wanted to do everything herself. She was very angry with me when she found out that I had told you she was having financial problems. You told her, I suppose?"

   I nooded.

"She was angry. We fought alot. Somehow, she only trusted me; trusted me to keep her secret safe. We had gone through alot together. She felt she could trust me."

   "I know."

I didnt want to hear any of this. Sorry, as I was for Ashley, I didnt want to hear repeats about her and Jake's trust in each other.

"Come on, Jake, let's goo back. I cant stay here a moment longer."

I started walking back, Jake caught up with me.

   "So you cant even stay here for a few minutes; Ashley LIVED here."

"I know. I am sorry for her, Jake. I misjudged her, but what do you mean by all this?"

    "You gave evidence against her." It was more like an accusatry statement then a question.

"I did the right thing, Jake."

    "By doing the wrong thing, you can save a person's life, Steph."

   "What about the life that I lost? What about Mandy?!"

  "Can you bring her back? Will, by making Ashley go to prison, you bring Mandy back?"

       "No, but her soul will rest in peace."

"Steph,"Jake looked like he was trying to control himself,"You know as well as I do that Ashley did not mean to bring Mandy any real harm, apart from some bruises. You were THERE. You saw it yourself."

  Jake looked into my eyes, it felt impossible for me to tear my eyes away, because what he was saying was true. Completely true. Yes, Ashley was the reason Mandy was no more, but Ashley hadn't meant to kill Mandy. She wanted to hurt Mandy somehow but not kill. I turned my eyes away from Jake's atlast.

  "The court will decide that." I started walking towards the busstop.

"But you will give evidence against her?"
"Give me some time to think, Jake!"I cried, "You have told me alot today, I need to think about that before I come to any conclusion!"
Jake looked at me and then sighed,
     "Oh. Alright, come on."
We both got on the bus, soon we had reached the bustop near Mandy's house. We got off.
  “Where are you going?” I asked,
“Back to the hospital,” Jake replied.
    “Oh. I am going back home. Mummy and Father must be back by now.”
“Good. See you later. And Steph ?”
“Think about what I said.”
We parted our ways. I walked back towards my house. If Mummy and dad wouldn’t be back then the house would still be locked. I climbed up the stairs and opened the door, it was unlocked.
    Mummy came running out of somewhere, quickly followed by father; and they both hugged me.
“Are you alright, Steph?” She asked, touching every part of me that she could reach.”
 “Yes, yes, mummy. I am good.”
“Is..did we miss the funeral?”
  I felt myself stiffening, ”No, you didn’t. Its tomorrow.”
“Oh. Did anyone bother you about it, Steph? I saw your interview on the Tv.”
“Interview. As if!”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing, Mummy. Look, I am sure you must be tired, lets all rest now.”
    Mummy looked unsure but then nodded,
I ran up the stairs, past father, and up to my room. The last time I had been it things had been so changed,   so changed. Mandy had still been alive. All had been well.
I looked around and then realized that my own cellphone was ringing. I received the call.
“Miss Moore?”
“We are from The Express Tribune,”I sighed, not one of those again.”Would you like to give us a special interview regarding the death of-“
   There. I had cut the call. These reporters had been pestering me ever since yesterday. I flipped my mobile over and took out the sim and threw it into the dustbin. There, it was gone now. Stephanie Moore, best friend of Murdered Mandy McHugh was dead too.

“Steph, wake up.”
“Huh?Mummy,” I sat up, “For how long did I sleep?”
    “Ummm, around 5 hours, I think.”
“Oh. I slept in the morning too. Whats happening to me?”
    “Steph, you did not have an ounce of sleep last night. Ofcourse, your body needs rest.”
“Yeah, probably. What time is it now?”
     “Around 8. Come on, get up. Arent you hungry?”
“Yeah. Loads. Is it dinner already?”
“Yes. Get up. I am waiting for you in the kitchen.”
          She got up and went out, I stared after her. My mind running back to Ashley’s shabby, small, cottage home.Here I was, I had everything. Loving parents, a good home, money. *I* didn’t have to work so that my family wouldn’t starve. I had everything given to me. I didn’t have to work for anything. And there was Ashley, having to live with the knowledge that her younger brothers went to sleep everynight with an empty stomach. Here, while we threw away the food when we didn’t feel like it, Ashley’s mother had to work odd jobs so she could give that same food to her family.
In a way, it wasn’t fair. Me having everything, but Ashley having to work for it. She had not wanted her life to be so. But I could still help her. Help her, if I gave evidence in favour of her. Like Jake said, I could do a wrong to do a big right.
          But that would be an insult to Mandy’s memory! Helping her culprit escape. I couldn’t do that to Mandy! I couldn’t!
         But what about Ashley? What about those two twin brothers who must now be waiting for their sister to  come home? What about Ashley’s life? Her whole life would be destroyed. And all if I gave evidence against her. It was all in my hands. Do wrong to one person, Mandy, while doing right for others, Ashley, her brothers, Mrs John.
What was right and what was wrong? Yes, Ashley had pushed Mandy, But that must have been destined. Destined for Mandy to be at the edge of the stairs at that time so that she slipped and went rolling down the stairs, hurting her head. It was all predestination.
It could have been otherwise, Mandy might have been standing at my place, and then she wouldn’t have been hurt at all by Ashley’s push. And everything would have been alright. Was this all destined? For Mandy to fall and die, and for me to learn the truth about Ashley?
What should I do now? It all depended on me. My one statement in the court would decide four peoples life.
“Stephanie!Why aren’t you here yet? Come down at once!”
“Coming, mother.”
I had better go now. Looking at myself in the mirror for a second(I looked a mess) I opened my bedroom door and climbed down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I pulled a chair and sat down.
“Steph? Are you feeling okay?”
“I TOLD you, mummy, I am okay! Really, it was Mandy who died, not me!”
Mother looked at me and then sighed.
“I know you have gone through a lot, Steph, I just want you to know that your parents will be there for you if you ever feel like talking to someone.”
“I appreciate it, Mummy, I really do. But I don’t want to talk about it.”
“But you have to, Steph! There is the funeral tomorrow, you cant just pretend as if nothing happened!”
“ok, Fine!”I snapped,”What do you want?”
“I know its hard, Steph, but there will be the court proceedings. You need to be sure of what you have seen.”
I stared at her,” mean that I cant keep changing my statement?”
    “Exactly. I know Mandy was your best friend. But you have to do what’s best for you, Steph. You have your whole life ahead of you. We don’t want you to be in any trouble with the law.”
I nodded, ”I’ll be careful.”
   “You trust people too easily, Steph. I heard about that reporter-“
“Mummy, please! We’ll talk later!”
   “Steph, wait-“
“I am going over to Mandy’s.”
   “Not Mandy, the McHughs, Steph.”
“Ugh, Fine!”
“Okay, but you cant go alone.”
    “What? Now you are grounding me?!”
“No, Steph, I just don’t want you to be alone in your present situation.”
“MOM! For the last time, I am OKAY!”
I ran off towards the door, that was when I heard the sob. I looked back, mummy was crying!
“Mummy! Why…why are you crying?!”
    “Oh, Steph. I…I am so worried about you. So worried! As soon as Jake called yesterday, I wanted to come back immediately, to make sure you are safe!”
“Mummy. I am okay, please don’t cry.”
“I…I feel so insecure about you, Steph. The McHughs must be so broken, but..but I am only worried about you! You are my only daughter, Steph, I wont be able to stand it if anything happened to you!”
             I realized then what it was to a parent to loose a daughter. After what had happened to Mandy, it had made Mummy insecure, worried about me.
“I promise, mummy, nothing’s gonna happen to me. I’ll always be here with you. Always.”
    I hugged her, she wiped her tears away and smiled.
“I am so sorry, it’s so silly of me, but-“
   “It’s okay, mummy.”I hugged her,”I’ll be good.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” I smiled,”I’ll call Jake.”
    “ Yes, you do that,” Mummy replied,” Jake’s a good boy, I liked him.”

I blushed and then bent down to hide my blush; with the excuse that I was calling Jake.

  "Hello, Jake?"

"Yeah. Who is this?"

  "It's me, Steph. As if  you dont have my name saved already!"

"Ooops!Forgot! Well, why did you call?"

  "Can we go over to Mandy's, Jake? The McHughs are really broken."

"Whatever you say. But you'll have to come with me to see Ashley first, Steph."

    "I dont  want to see her,"I replied.

"Remember?"Jake said from the other end of the phone,"You said you would think about what I said?"

    "Oh. Allright."I said, giving up,"When are you coming over?"

"10 minutes. I'll be there."

   "Good. Bye."

"Bye, See ya."

   I hung up the phone and looked up to see mother,"He's coming."

God knew what would happen now.


   Jake was over at my house, not in 10 minutes, 15, but whatever. He stood there at the door looking up at me shyly because he could see Mummy standing inside.

 "Umm, so? You are coming to the hospital?" He said,I nodded.

 "Yeah. But you'll have to come and meet Mummy first. You know, she's worried about me after what happened to Mandy."

   Jake looked like he understood, and then walked inside and shook hands with mother.

  "Hello, Mrs Moore.  So, can I take Steph over to see Ashley now? She's in the Hospital for the Mentally Unstable-"

  "Hospital? But werent you two going over to visit Mandy's parents?"

"We are,"Jake looked at me, I shrugged,"But we are going to go to the hospital first."

   Mummy looked at me and smiled,"Oh, ok. Please take care of Steph, Jake."

"Ofcourse."Jake smiled, and walked back to me.

    "Bye, mummy."

 "Bye, Steph. Be back soon, it's night out."


 We walked out, Jake turned to look at me.

   "Look, if Ashley says anything, think of it by her point of view, ok?"

"You mean, like remember she lives in a cottage and starves thing?:


"Ok." We both got on the bus and rached the hospital.

    "Woa!"I said,"This one's bigger then that last hospital."

"It's the best one in Riverdale."Jake said,"Come on. Ashley is in a ward upstairs."

    We climbed up the stairs, I was getting more and more nervous with every step. A big decision lay before me, a decision that could change lots of lives. A room came into view, Jake opened the door and we went inside. There was Ashley on the bed, Mrs John was sitting on the stool beside her. And...two, two such incredibly cute little twins standing beside her. Ashley's twin brothers, I realied,they must be 11 years old.How could I do wrong to such innocent little boys?

   Ashley looked up as we came in; Jake went and sat beside her; Mrs John nodded at me once and then walked out of the room, taking her twin sons with her. Not knowing what to do, I sat on the empty stool and looked at Ashley. She looked the same as ever, thin and beautiful. Except perhaps maybe a little pale.

  "Ashley wants to tell you something, Steph."Jake looked at me,and mouthed'Remember?', I nodded.

"Umm, what, Ash?"

   "I was the one who did it," Ashely said, as if in a trance.

 "The one who did what?"

    "Stole your necklace and Jake's pics."I gasped, so I was right, it had been her all along,"And I thrashed your room. I wanted to break up you and Mandy, so that it would be easier for me to win the lead role, because Mandy would not perform her best."

  "You-!"I stood up, Jake  was over at my side at once, saying,"Remember?"

"What 'Remember?, Jake?!" I screamed,"She's the reason Mandy and I stayed mad at each other for days!"

   "Steph, please. You know why  she did it."

 Jake looked at me, his eyes were begging. I nodded once, Ashley continued,

    "And then I realized that you and Jake were getting close, I couldn't let that happen. You had everything. Everything, Steph! And you wanted Jake too! He was the only one, the only one who was mine. My best friend, Jake. And you were trying to take him away from me too!"

     I shook my head, "No, Ash, I was doing nothing of the kind-"

"Come ON, just admit it!" Ashley screamed,"You liked him. I realied that. ofcourse, I loved Jake like nothing else except a brother, but when I saw  your intentions, I changed my mind. I had to make you back off, and that was the only way."

  I gasped," USED jake just to make sure that I would back off?"

"Not used."Ashley said,"He was in on all this."

    I gasped again, and turned to look at Jake again.

"You!" I accused,"You were involved in all this?"

    "I only did it for Ashley." He said, as if that exlained everything.

 "You FOOLED me!" I yelled.

    "Yes, but I had to, Steph. Ash was hysterical, I had to help her. you dont know what its like. For her. I realized her possesiveness. That's why I did it."

   I just glared at him. Ashley continued,

"Then I threw your pice in that tunnel, I couldnt let ANY proof remain that you two were once together."

    "You are insane!" I yelled,"Mad, Ash!"

  "Well, that's why I am here, isnt it?" Ashley said bitterly,"In a mental hospital?"

      "You did this all just for your stupid role?"

"Yes. it was important for me, Steph. My path to fame. You HAVE to understand, Steph. I never meant to hurt Mandy more then just a few bruises here and there. I had no idea she would die. You have to help me, Steph. Please!"

   "Ugh." I said, this was getting more confusing every minute." I...I have to go now. "

I turned back, I heard Ash yell after me,"Please think about it, Steph, You'll be saving my life!"

   Yes. yes, I would not only be saving her life, but four other lives. But was it worth to do another wrong for a person who had already done me so many wrongs?



"Mrs McHugh, are you okay?" We were  at Mandy's house now, Jake was somewhere about and I was with Mandy's mother.

"No, I am so hapy you are here, Steph. Mandy loved you, so much."

   "I know,"I nodded," Do you want me to stay here with you,Mrs McHugh?"

"Please, "She replied,"Dont call me Mrs McHugh. Call me Aunt Jenny."

   "Umm, ok." I replied,"So, Aunt Jenny, do you want me to bring you anything to eat or something? You look so tired."

 "No, dear. You should go home now. Your mother must be worried about you."

"Ok."I nodded and got up.

   "Stephanie, please be early Mandy's funeral,"her voice broke as she said this,"I wouldnt be able to do it without you."

  I nodded again and went over to hug her, just like Mandy hugged her.

"I'll be early. Mandy meant alot to me too." 

   " I know."She replied.

 I nodded again and then left the room, back to my own house.

Once inside, I dove straight for my room, after a yell,"I am home, Mummy!" and then I was in my room, with the door locked.

  Now, I had to decide soon. What do do and what not? The court had called a hearing for 15th. Today was the 13th. It was so hard to believe that on the 11th, I had just been worried about making Mandy angry at me, and now I was worried about her funeral. Strange world. You never knew what could happen next

  But what should I do? All the talks that I had ever had with Ashley, Mandy and Jake were flooding my mind; and then in a moment of realiation, I knew. I knew what I was going to say when the judge called me up in court. I smiled and then fluffed the covers up my head and closed my eyes into the darkness.



"Would you like to come forward and say a few words about Mandy, Miss Moore?"

It was Mandy's funeral the next day and the priest was calling me up the podium. I looked around. Almost everyone from the town was here, many reporters. My parents, Jake's. Even Ashley and her mother were here. And the cops, ofcourse. And the town people. I walked up to the podium and too the mike.

 "Mandy was the best friend a girl could ever have,"I said,"Sure she was possesive, she would shout, yell, be mad at me. But over all that, she loved me. She was the sort of girl who, if she had anything against you, would say it right out infront of you. Not keep it in like sneaks."I looked over at Ashley as I said this,"She never wanted to loose, so she never gave up; until people made her.

"She would always warn me, dont get too close to this person, or that person, and I never listened. But she was right. She was always right. She used to judge people correctly. She  would know their inner thoughts.  But even though they did wrong to her, she never wavered, never wavered from the path of truth, of virtue. She was, and will always be my best friend, Mandy McHugh."

  I heard  alot of cheering as I walked down from the podium and over to my seat between Mummy and Mrs McHugh. There, I had done it. Paid my last respects to Mandy, may she rest in peace now. We all stood up to pray for her. The other's had  already spoken, I was the last one. And then Mandy was buried. I had a last glimpse of her, as one by one, everyone threw a handful of sand over her, and then she could be seen nomore. Mandy, my best friend, Mandy was gone. Buried, beneath the earth. Mandy was no more.



"Have a good night's sleep, Steph, you have a very busy day ahead of you."Mummy said, as she tucked me into bed that night.


Mummy left the room. Yup, tomorrow was going to be the court hearing. Not that I was unprepared, I had learnt my statement by heart, but still. It was the law afterall. I was abit nervous. Today, the reporters had swarmed the McHugh's house. They even tried to talk to Mummy, though what information could they possibly get from her? She wasnt even there when it happened. But once the court gave it's decision, my life would be normal. Yeah, normal except that Mandy wouldn't be there.



"Dont be nervous, Steph, you just go in that little box when the judge calls you and answer every question that the lawyer asks you, Ok?" Father tried to comfort me, we were outside court the next day, and the hearing was in a few minutes. I was so nervous my hands were shaking. Mr and Mrs McHugh were here, Jake and Ash, her family and lots of other people whom I didnt recognise. And then the jury. Jake and Ash had been pestering me nonstop. They wanted to know whether or not I would give evidence against Ashley, but I wouldnt tell them.

  The bell rang and we all went inside the court room, Mummy practically had to drag me because my feet had turned to stone. The court room was so big! And so official and dangerous looking! Lives were destroyed here, or saved. We took our seats. A man in the front started to speak,

"We are here to find the real culprit behid the Mandy McHugh murder. Mandy McHugh, age 17, was pushed, or fell down a flight of stairs and was killed. We will now call in the defense lawyer, Steve Stifler," A man came in,"And the prosecutor, Michael Clark."

  Another man came in and sat on the seat beside Mr McHugh. So Mrs John had hired a lawyer too. Duh. Ofcourse they would. The case started.

  Ashley was called up in the culprit box, and then one by one, the withnesses. Mrs Wilson, Jake's mother was called too. And many others, who according to me, didn't give any useful evidence at all. And then Jake. I didnt want to hear anything that Jake said, so I closed my ears and only opened them when I heard Jake saying my name,

"Steph and I were there with Mandy and Ash. It was all really a small fight, and Ashley, in a sudden burst of anger, went over to push Mandy. It was unfortunate that Mandy was standing near the stairs, which is why she fell, otherwise she would not have been very hurt. It was not intentional on Ashley's part. She did not want to kill Mandy."

"Thankyou,"Mr Clark said,"And now I would like to call the second prime withness, Stephanie Moore!"

  I felt all eyes on me as I got up and made my way over to the withness box. I turned back to look at Mrs John once, she seemed to be begging, that look in her eyes, begging me to save her daughter. In a flash, I remembered how mummy had been crying, so worried about me even though I was alright. Mrs John must be nuts with worry now.  But then, what about Mandy's mother? What about Mrs McHugh? She had lost her daughter..

"Ugh," I sighed as I went and stood in the box, my legs still trembling and looked up at Mr Clark.

   "Your name is Stephanie Moore?"

Father had warned me that there would be alot of cross questioning, I nodded, then thinking better said,"Yes."

 "What is your age?"

"17 years, 4 months."

   "Were you there when the deed was performed?"


  "At whose house was the party?"

"My friend, Jake Wilson's."

   "Were his parents there?"

"Umm, I dont think so." The lawyer understood my hesitation and continued,

   "What exactly happened at the party?"

  There. The one question I was waiting for."Mandy and I went together,"I started," Then we had a drink and I went into the living room to phone my Mother, Jake met me there, and we started talking. That was when Ashley came into the room too and the fight got heated. I ran out of the room. Outside the livig room were the stairs that led to the den, Mandy was just coming up. She saw us and asked what the matter was. She and Ashley started fighting then, and then Ashley got angry and she pushed Mandy."

  "Did she push her intentionally?"

I felt all of the people in the room hold their breath. I looked from Mrs John to Mrs McHugh. A mother to a mother. And then I dared a glance at Ashley, she was looking at me with tear strewn eyes. One wrong for many rights. Yes.

   "No," I said, I saw Jake smiling at me encouragingly,"It was all unintentional. Ashley did want to hurt Mandy. But she did not mean to kill. She had no idea that there were stairs behind, and that by a push, Mandy could fall down the stairs and get seriously hurt."

  "Oh. Then you donot hold her responsible for you friend, Mandy McHugh's death?"

"No. That was all predestined. It was just fate, that Mandy happened to be there beside the stairs. If she had been standing anywhere else, she would not have been much hurt by Ashley's push. Yes, Ashley did mean to hurt her, cause her some physical injury, I know so, but she did not mean to kill."

 "You dont have anything to say on this topic?"

"No. Except that, even though I know that Mandy and Ashley didnot get along very well with each other, She would never want Ashley to go wrongfully into prison because of her."

"Thankyou. You can go now."

  I walked back towards my stage.There. I had done everything in my power. Now it was all in the hands of the judge.

 "The jury will now decide whether or not Ashley John is guilty of the murder of Mandy McHugh."

Oh God. Now was the moment. After a while, the judge started to speak.

  "The jury has now decided, taking in mind all of the withness, that Ashley John is not guilty of the murder of Mandy McHugh." Ashley and Jake hugged each other, Mrs John started crying, the judge continued," Miss John will be subject to spend 2 months in the Riverdale Hospital for the Mentally Unstable where she will have her mind treated, and then she will be free to go. This court is now dismissed."

   The jury started walking out of the courtroom. Mrs John, Ashley and Jake came running up to me.

"Thankyou so much, dear,"Mrs John sopke first,"You saved my daughter's life."

     I looked at Ashley, she didn't say anything, instead she came forward and hugged me,

"Thankyou. Thankyou so much, Steph. You gave me my life back. I am so sorry for alll that I did with you. I am so so sorry."

  I felt her hot tears against my hair and smiled,

"There, there. It's okay now, Ash. Everything is okay."

   Jake smiled at me,"I knew you would do it."

I smiled back at him.But one thing was still not perfect. I walked over to Mrs McHugh.

"Aunt Jenny," I smiled at her,"Are you angry at me?"

  "No, dear. Infact, I think you did the right thing," She smiled back at me,"What Mandy would have done."

Mummy and Father walked over to where I was standing and smiled, Mr and Mrs McHugh shook hands with them.

  "Do you mind?" Mrs McHugh asked," Steph's our daughter now too."

"Not at all."

   I didnot exactly understand what they meant by that. But I knew it was something good anyway. I smiled again when I looked up and saw Jake smiling at me from the other end of the court room. Finally, everything was perfect.


"Steph, come on. You are gonna be late."

  I smiled as I looked up at Jake. Even though it had been months, I still couldn't get over the fact that he had grown so much. He was ever so tall and so handsome. He looked so bigger then me. It figured though. He was already 18. It was my birthday tomorrow. After Ashley had been declared innocent, we had all continued our education. Auditins had been held again, and Ashley had won that role in Mr Harry's film that had been Mandy's.  After we had finished our school, she had gone away in acting college, and Jake and I had both got admitted in Rochestar university of the Medical Sciences. That's right. We were both going to become a doctor.

Since Ashley had done Mr Harry's film, The Conjuring, she had been, as predicted, cast in many other movies and Tv Serials too. Her acting career was all set. She was a famous actress now. She even had all those fans. Jake and I on the other hand, had had a nice quiet life. Mr and Mrs McHugh had accepted me as their daughter now. And though our college was in Rochestar, we would go to Riverdale every two weekends to visit our parents and Mr and Mrs McHugh.

  Life was going so well now. Ashley had turned over a new leaf. She was ever so grateful to me for giving evidence in favour of her. We were very good friends now. And ofcourse, her and Jake were now over. They had never been. Jake and I still hadnt talked openly about how we felt about each other since that day in the living room of his house. Anyways, tomorrow was the 16th of February. It was my birthday. We had already celebrated Jake's birthday on the 7th of December. On honour of my birthday, Ashley was flying in from Los Angeles, where she was currently shooting a show, me and Jake were going back to Riverdale and we were all going to have this big birthday party at my house.

 I had never felt so happier in all my life. Soon, though it would be a year since Mandy had died. Though we had all moved on, we had never forgotten Mandy.

 "Stephanie Moore," Jake was getting annoyed now,"Do you need a written invitation?"

 I laughed,"Chill, Jakey, I am coming." It was so unbelievable that I was once disgusted that Ashley had called Jake Jakey. Now I loved that nicname and teased him with that. He hated that name. He glared at me now. Gosh, even while glaring he looked so cute.

"Well, Stephy, make it quick."

That was the nick name he had invented for me. Even though I already had a perfectly good nick name, Steph. But he was just annoyed. I laughed again,

"Come on, let's go."

I followed him  and entered the aeroplane. We were flying back to Riverdale. We normally went by bus, but as we wanted to get back to home early, we were flying.

"I'll have the window seat!" I yelled, and then not giving Jake a chance to contraduict, ran and sat down by the window. "Hah!" I announced triumphantly. Jalke smiled at me,

"Well, Steph, I hate to disappoint you, but that's not our seat. Our's is behind."


  I tried to get up quickly and sit on the window seat but Jake was already sitting there. I made my most innocent face and said,

"Pleeeasee, Jakey?"

"Oh. Alright."

  Jake sighed as he shifted over and let me sit in the window seat and then smiled.

"It's going to be an hour flight. Have some sleep."

  I nodded, and then looked out of the window. The plane had started, and the streets were whizing by, soon nothing was visible except clouds here and there. I closed my eyes and smiled. Life was a bliss.


"Oh, Steph, I am so glad to see you! It's been so long!"

Mummy rushed up to me as me and Jake opened the door to my house. I smiled sideways at Jake. This was the same routine. Everytime we would meet our parents, they would say it had been so long even though it had only been two weeks. Jake said this was because as we were busy in our studies, we didn't realize the  time passing. But our parents had to wait two whole weeks to see their children.

 "Yeah, Mummy, I am happy to see you too."

I turned to look at Jake, "Are you staying?"

   "No. I'll come over early tomorrow. ok?"

"Ok. Bye."

   "bye, Mrs Moore."

Jake waved once at Mummy, and then he was gone.

   "He's such a nice boy." My mother said wistfully after him. I smiled, Yes, he was.

  "Steph,you must be tired. you should go rest."

 "That's a good idea." I said and climbed upto my room. It was the same as ever, Mummy had kept it so neat. As if someone actually lived here. Well, I would be living here. For three days atleast. Jake and I were going back on the 18th.

  I sunk myself deep in my pillow and smiled again. It was so strange, nowadays, I could find a reason to smile at everything. Well, why shouldn't I? I had helped Ashley, she had  money now. Her brothers were both studying in a very good school now. And such cute little kids they were. Ashley had celebrated their 12th birthday, and invited all their famous actors and actresses. Frankly speaking, she had money now. Her mother would often come to visit us too. We were all on very good terms now. Mr McHugh and Aunt Jenny were sort of my parents now. Even though I lived  with Mummy and Father when we came from Rochestor, we would still go to visit them.

  A smile came on my lips again as I sank into sweet sleep.



"Throw it on her."

"No, no, she'll wake up."

  "We WANT her to wake up, Jake, come on, let me do it, this task is not for the light hearted."

"Light hearted? As if YOU are vey brave, Ash."

   I could hear whispering as I tried to go back to my dream. Such a nice dreaming it was too, two rabbits were floating on a lake. Wait! Two rabbits couldnt float on a lake, could they? And then these rabbits pounced on my face and they were so cold, I shivered and woke up with a start.

 "Huh?"I could feel cold water over me, and then when my eyes came into focus, I saw Jake and Ash standing on my bedside. I instantly felt angry. How dare they throw cold water over me?

  "You guys," I started, Jake backed off, but  Ash stood there, smiling like an idiot,"Is this ANY way to wake up someone..aaah!"

  Ash had thrown water over me again. I was ready to rip her apart when my eyes again came into focus when I saw mummy, father, Mandy's parents, Mrs John, Steve and Fred( Ashley's twin brothers) standing behind her in the room too. And then a loud yelling of,

"Happy Birthday!!!!!!!"

  And then everyone was hugging me one by one and I was smiling, Jake hugged me the hardest and the longest. And then they stuffed cake in my mouth and all over my face.

  "This is incredible!" I smiled as I plastered cake cream all over Jake's face. He got me right back and got cream all over my hair.

   Ashley made an arm gesture as if speaking in front of a camera,"So, my dear people, this is the official waking up 18th Birthday of Stephanie Moore!" She ducked as I threw cake over her,"The official Birthday Party will be held at The Moore house. It will start at 2. Stay tuned for more-"

  This time I got her full in the face. She made a face as she looked at me from behind the cream. I looked around at my room. It was a mess now, cream and cake here and there, but I didn't care. Whatever. I was much too happy now. This was my best Birthday ever!

  "So, what's for breakfast?" I said, smiling at everyone.

"What would you like, your Higness?" Jake said, bowing infront of me.

  I smiled,"Ummm, blueberry pancakes?"

 "Then blueberry pancakes it is! Anything else?" He said, lookking at me all innocently, I laughed.

   "Nope. All's good."

Laughing and smiling, we made our way over to the kitchen, where everywhere sat in different places. Our normally empty kitchen was now filled with happy, smiling people. As promised, I had blueberry pancakes and grape juice, Then we made our plans for the day. Jake and Ash made plans actually, as they would still not tell me what they were going to give me.

 I could hardly wait for 2. It came soon enough. Mummy had got me a satin dress for my Birthday party. It was creamy pink. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen, and with a little makeup and hairdo, I looked, hopefully good. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I had a feeling, a feeling that today was going to be special. Something good would happen to me today. I was sure of it.

"Steph, come on down. The guests are starting to arrive."

  "Coming, Mother!"

I called back. hmmm..I looked good. Time to make my grand entrance. I climbed down the stairs, there was everyone waiting for me. Jake looked more handsome then ever. He had decided to wear a suit to honour the occasion. Ashley, even, looked more beautiful, though that couldnt possibly be. She was already so beautiful. There was a loud chorus of 'Happy Birthday!' as I came down.

 Then we cut the cake. I gave the first bite to Mummy, the second to Aunt Jenny, then Father, and then Jake. He smiled and then stuffed the leftover in my mouth.Ashley smiled through all this. She was over it now. Soon, it was time to open the presents.

"So, which one is this from?"I said, pointing to a large wrapped box which sat in the middle of the table.

  "It's from us, dear." Aunt Jenny said, pointing to her and Mr McHugh. I hadn't gotten as unformal to call him uncle yet.

"Oh. Ok."I nodded,"Jake, which one's yours?"

  "I am not gonna tell you. I havent even signed my name. You'll know it when you see it."

"Oh. Alright." I reached out for a box and unwrapped it, it was a new camera. The one you see in all those grand shops."To Steph, with love, Mummy and Father."I read and smiled, then went over to Mummy and hugged her.

The next gift was from Mandy's parents, it was a big drum. Not very big, but the size I had always wanted. I went over to hug her too. After many other presents, I finally got my hand on Ashley's. I smiled as I unwrapped it. God knew what she would have got me. It was a book, I saw, disappointed.

"Book?" I said.

"Not a book, silly, it's a photo album." Ashley replied,"Open it and you'll see."


I opened the album. I could see instantly what had inspired Ash to give me this. There were chapters within the album, like in Best Friends column, there were all these pictures of me and Mandy, and some of me and Jake("I salvaged them from the tunnel" Ashley admitted, embarassed.). And then in the Best Family section, these were all these photos of Mummy, me and Father. I turned another page.  It said Best Ever Couple. I looked up at Ash in confusion. I had never went out with anyone. She smiled at me and mouthed,"Turn Over."

 I turned over the page and gasped. They were all pictures of me and Jake. And not old either. Recent pics. Infront of our college. At my house. And labeled under Best Ever Couple! I shut the album quickly and looked at Ashley. She smiled.

"Thanks,"I smiled,"But what about that?"

  "You'll soon know." She said, all mysteriously.

"Where's your gift,Jake?"I said,"No gift is left now."

    "Come with me, I'll give it you." Jake said and smiled.

"Umm, okay."

  We walked out of the house and around the garden.

   "So,"I said,"Where's my gift?"

"I... i want you tell me something first, Steph,"at this point, Jake took my hand,"Do you like really like me?"

     I looked up at him. For once in my life, I wanted to tell the truth.

"Yes," I said, and looked down.

   "Then why didn't you say?"

"Because you obviously liked Ash, didn't you?" I cried,"Always, you have been so friendly with each other, and I know you would never go out with me, because you dont like me-"

  At this point, I was stopped. Stopped because Jake had dropped my hand and instead put his around my neck and we were kissing! Kissing! I kissed him right back becasue I thought this was the only time in my life that I would get this opportunity.

We broke apart after a while,

"Are you totally mad?" Jake said,"I have always liked you.Always! I told you, that thing with Ashley was all fake. I have always just liked you!"


"Really, Steph."

  "Oh! I am so happy, Jake. But, what did you promise Ash? That she always kept reminding you of?"

"Oh, that. Nothing. I only promised her that I would always do whatever she said. I love her like a sister."

  "She knew about this?"

"Yup. And here's your gift."

    I unwrapped it, it was a ring. Not an engagement ring or anything. But, just that. A ring. With the name Steph printed on it. In emerald. I knew instantly what it meant. I fell in Jake's arms at once.

"Thankyou!Thankyou so much, Jake! I am so happy!"

   "You deserve to be."

I smiled and then we went inside, hand in hand. Ashley noticed and smiled at us. We were together now.



It was two days later and I was standing before Mandy's grave. I was in the graveyard, with Jake. We were going to go back to Rochestor tommorow. I stared at the grave.

"Mandy McHugh,"It said,"1995-2013. May she rest in peace."

 A tear dropped from my eyes, Jake tightened his hug around me. I bent down and placed flowers around the grave. And then I started sobbing in Jake's chest.

"'s okay. You cant bring her back now by crying, Steph."

  I nodded,"But I so miss her!"

   "I know. But she's gone now, Steph. Gone where you can never see her again."

I nodded again, yes. Mandy was no more, She was just a memory now,a hapy memory.

   "But we are here, Steph. We are both alive. Together."

  I smiled and looked up at him,"Yes, Jake. We are here. Together."

   And then we turned and made our way out of the graveyard and towards the aiprt where was the plane that would take us back to Rochestor. Back to our dreams. Yes, I smiled again as we walked together. Ready to face all the challenges that life would throw at us. Together.


Texte: Ayesha Azhar
Bildmaterialien: Ayesha Azhar
Lektorat: Ayesha Azhar
Übersetzung: Ayesha Azhar
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.01.2014

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is specially dedicated to both of my parents, Fatima Azhar and Azhar Qadri. To both my siblings Faizan and Amna. And to everyone who ever encouraged me in my ambition. To all my readers. And lastly for all my critics, you know who you are.

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