Heart of the Underage

User: Astrid R
Heart of the Underage
Carlo Ferrero is a 28-years-old who owned 3 businesses. He hates teenagers. According to him underage girls are annoying, bitch and immature. He even hate her underage sister Alexis Ferrero.

An underage girl Gabriella Snow escaped from her family for forcing her to marry an old stranger when she turned 17. She hated arrogant jerk and especially to a rich guy - who thought they could buy every girls' freedom. From a luxury life, she landed on a poor than the rat lifestyle.

When the two different world collides everything explode and their life changes when they realised that, the things that they hate the most is their destiny.

underage, sex, love, hatred, poor, rich
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Would u please update d book..its fuckin awesome. .n I need more!!!!!!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

hey plz dont write the stories if ur too busyyyyy
rather than writting be silent............i like the book

Wichtiger Beitrag

I like the story. Please update very soon! I will wait. But some readers have been waiting already so please update ASAP PLEASE...

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