
Chapter One

But take the best of what I've got

And you know no matter what

Before you walk away, you know you can

Run, run, run,

Back to my arms, back to my arms

Run, run, run, back to my arms and they will hold you down

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh…

“What the fuck is that?” I groaned and rubbed my sleepy eyes. “Belinda! Can you please turn the music off? It’s fucking annoying, I’m sleeping!” I shouted to the top of my lungs, shifting my weight to the side of my bed.

I covered my ears under my pillow but the stupid music keep singing and my irritation increases because the song was playing is not my favourite. It is Run by Pink and every time Pink sang the word, Run…. The sound will get louder and louder.

“Belinda! Shut the music off!” I shouted again but I received silence.

I sat up frustratingly and punched my soft bed. The sunlight that comes from the window makes me blind and I rubbed my eyes again, trying to clear my view while shouting to my maid, “Belinda… What the fuck! I told you to turn-…” I cut my shouting off as soon as I saw the different things around me.

I was in a small room with old sofa across the room, a small wooden table behind the bed and a small old lampshade. Clothes were scattered everywhere on the floor, under the bed, near at the old wooden closet and at the entrance door. I took a glance in my surroundings one more time and I remember that I was on my apartment.

I sighed, relived that I wasn’t kidnapped or wasn’t in the hands of the bad guys who ate human organs. Last night’s movie was so scary it almost killed me when the monster appeared on the screen that makes me jumped off the couch.

I lay my back on the soft bed and the clock that hangs on the wall catches my attention. “7:45…. Fuck!” I shouted like it was the end of the world.

I swiftly stood up trying to think what to do first. My heart beats faster; my hands were shaking and panicked rushed through me. “Oh god, oh god… Please, help me!”

I’ve never mention ‘God’ word before, I didn’t even believe in him. But right now, if he’s true, if people’s story is true that he is everyone’s protector and guidance he should help me right now. If he holds the time machine, he should let me borrow it so that I wouldn’t be late.

I didn’t care to look on the mirror because time was ticking too fast. I closed my door and run down the stairs and to the busy street of New York City.

Ring…Ring…Ring… My phone rang inside my bag and I tried to fixed my hair whilst my other hand trying to reach my phone inside my bag. I was just on time before the ringing ends and I quickly pressed the green button.

“Gabriella Snow speaking, how may I help you stranger?” I said through my fast breathing, half walking and half running.

“Where are you? You only have 5 more minutes before monster Cindy will fire you.” Paige is shouting through the phone. Her voice was full of worry.

I cross the road and walked faster than I’ve ever have walked in my entire life. “I know, I know, I’m almost there, one more road to go before I reached the restaurant.”

“Okay. See you soon, bye.”

I turned off my phone and put it back inside my bag. I looked down on my watch and I relax a little, “Oh, thank god! I still have 4 minutes before I’m going to be late.”

Every day, my schedule is always busy and I always walked faster to be on time in my job. I worked in the New American Restaurant in New York for almost 2 months since I start my new life in this big city.

People didn’t mind if I walk like a freaking cheetah in the streets because I’m not the only one who’s trying to be on time to their job.

The traffic light’s changes and I quickly walked across the last street along with other people who wore business dresses. I almost reach the restaurant door when the heel of my shoe is broken.

“Oh for fuck sake,” I looked up to the restaurant and I lowered myself to fix my shoe.

I swiftly stood up and as soon as I took a step near at the parking lot, a black luxury-shiny car almost killed me to death.

My eyes widen and I couldn’t hide the horror of my voice. “What the fuck dude!” I shouted and kicked his fancy car. “Are you trying to kill me? You asshole,” I shoot daggers through the windshield of the car.

The driver’s door swung open and a god-looking guy walked out with his black sunnies that covered his eyes. He wore a black suit that looked him sexier like a celebrity model.

“Fuck! I am so sorry Miss. Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?” He looked at me worried and I can’t tell that he’s actually worried because his eyes were still covered by his sunglasses.

 I stood up and brushed my plain skirt. When I looked up, he wasn’t there anymore. He started his engine and he started driving. I was shocked that he just left me behind and didn’t even ask my name.

My blood boiled and my pale face started to redden, “Asshole!” I shouted and people who passed by looked at with disgust. I shoot daggers towards them, “What are you looking at?” I growled to them and they looked away and walked past behind me.

I fixed my light blonde hair and looked at my broken shoe. A small white paper catches my attention and I picked it up and put it on my bag.

“You’re 2 minutes late and the customers are already here waiting for your service.” My high pitched boss voice welcomed me in the entrance door of the restaurant and started bitching me in front of thee customers.

I wanted to slap her face but decided not to. I really need this job right now.

I lowered my head, “I’m sorry Mrs Cindy. I was already outside the door when a guy almost killed me by his car.” I defended myself and the bitch just laughed with her high pitched evil voice.

“Do you think you can fool me with your excuses Miss Snow? You’ve faced the wrong person.” She said huskily and looked at me like I’m a murderer.

“Please… you need to listen to me! I’m telling the truth.” I begged, following her step to the staff room.

“No! You’ve already done enough. Too many excuses your ruining my business.” She looked back at me, “Hit the road Gabriella, and don’t you come back!” she dismissed her hand and a tear left my cheek.

“Please, Mrs Cindy. Give me another chance. I promise I will come earlier than befo-…” My pleading was cut off with her annoying voice.

“Get out of my restaurant Miss Snow, before I call the cops and drag you out of my restaurant.” She shouted and I jump a little.

I walked out of the restaurant, taking all of the hard gazes from the customers and my ex co-worker.

This was the hot asshole’s entire fault. I thought to myself.


Chapter Two

I walked back to my apartment and saw the Concierge of the apartment that I stayed in, standing straight in front of my door. Horror flashed to my heart-shaped face and I ran upstairs to talk to the owner.

“Miss Snow, I’ve been looking for you this morning.” Mr Harrison said, checking me up and down.


Mr Josh Harrison is the owner of the apartment where I stayed for almost 3 months. I always paid him in advance but this month, my money is too busy for my other expenses inside the apartment and for the food. He is 5’9 tall and a tanned skinny figure with brown big eyes. He has a pointy nose and full lips. To my taste, he isn’t one of the passing standards of men. Every time he will ask for my bill, he always asked me to have sex with him and I don’t have a problem for my bill anymore. But I wasn’t that cheap and especially I am NOT a whore.

I put up my best smile, revealing my sparkling pearl teeth, “Mr Harrison…” I started and he gave me a dangerous look. I quickly remembered that he hate it when I called him in a formal name, “I mean, Josh. How are you?”  Asked and he didn’t respond.

I cleared my throat and looked at him with my puppy eyes, “I don’t have money, yet but I promise that I’ll pay you tomorrow as soon as I found a new job.”

He looked surprised when I mentioned the ‘new job’. “What happened to the New American?” he asked.

I lowered my head trying to hide my embarrassment, “I got fired from my job because I’m late for just 2 minutes.” My voice was croaked and I almost cried in front of him.

Living without a job is just like your living in a hellhole jail with a bunch of criminal prisoners.

He stared at me with sad eyes and I almost fell in his act when he abruptly said, “Pack all your things and I want the apartment clean within 1 hour.” Just that and then he walked downstairs talking in his phone.

I sighed and I walked inside the room and started packing my things. I pulled my suitcases under the bed and didn’t bother to put all of my clothes inside my suitcase, clean and arrange.

I went to the bathroom and get all of my stuff and took a quick shower before I leave. It didn’t take me long to pack my things because I didn’t bought furniture inside my apartment and I only have clothes to pack.

As soon as I’ve done packing all of my things, I looked one more to my small old room and pulled my cases outside the door. Josh was waiting at me outside and held his hand up, opening his palm for the key of my room.

I hesitated first, but I surrender after a minute after realising that I have no choice but to suffer for the sake of my freedom.

“Have a nice day.” Josh said and closed the main door behind him.

I walked down the busy street carrying my heavy luggage. My stomach was growling asking to be fed. I pulled out for my wallet and saw that it was empty. My cards were empty as well because I used it yesterday for my other debts.

I’ve spotted the Central Park and walked to the bench to rest. The clock was ticking and the daylights were changing. My stomach is growling even more. Living in a big city with no job, no house or apartment to stay, no money, no food and no company makes me want to end my life.

Crying silently near at the lake while looking up the sky, and the silence broke down when my phone rang. I reached for my pocket and compose myself for a sec before I press the green button.

“Hey, how’s work?” I started, trying to hide my broken voice but I guess Mitchell knows me very well.

“Oh my god, are you okay? Paige told me this morning that monster Cindy fired you.” Mitchell asked worriedly.

Mitchell and Paige are my bestfriend, but Mitchell is like brother to me. He knew me very well aside from we’re little kids. We met Paige when we’re 16 but Paige and I sometimes have a problem when it comes to guys.

Not that I would steal her boys or something. I’m not even into boys because I hate them. After my first relationship with Chris Hemsworth at the age of 16, I never tried to have a serious relationship anymore. I guess, first broken hearted is enough before I die from worrying my partner sleeping with other bitches.

“Yea, I got fired this morning and guess what happen next?” I cheerfully murmured and fake my excitement.

“What?” he asked.

“I don’t have a place to stay too.” I paused and I heard a gasp from the other line, “I’ve been kicked out of my apartment because I don’t have money to pay for this month.” I continued and didn’t realise that I was sobbing.

“Jesus! Where are you going to sleep now?”

I shrugged and shook my head even though he can’t see me, “I don’t know, Mitch. I wanted to end my stupid life.” I let my tears to fall down on my cheeks and covered my mouth with my free hand.

“Oh god, Please don’t say that Gabby! From now on, you’re staying with me okay. Just please tell me where you are now and I’m going to pick you up. Stop crying baby girl.” Mitchell trying to calm me through his soft and loving voice, but my weeping gets even louder than it is.

I told him the Place and before I hung up the line I whispered, “Thank you, Mitch.”

He sighed, “I’m always here for you my dear.” He whispered back, “Please stay there and don’t do anything stupid, okay? I love you.”

I nodded but I repeated my agreement through my croaked voice, “Okay. I love you too, Mitch.” Then I turned it off.

Chapter Three

Mitchell arrived within 10 minutes. We didn’t take long outside the park because the breeze is a little bit chilly and he doesn’t want me to be sick. Mitchell was a son of a rich business man and because of that he owned a new big house in New York City at the age of 17 years old.

He was the youngest son of Montgomery family and the secretive one. He’s kind of guy who will stand for the right thing and the best enemy is the bullies. He hates those people who humiliate other people and make them suffer for a small mistake.

His house was located not far away from my apartment, so we arrived at his house before 10 minutes.

“Give me your big suitcase.” He ordered and I didn’t hesitate to give it to him.

My arms were killing me!

He opened his front door and the warm feeling welcomed us. I carried my baggage and walked to his big living room.

“Wow!” I gasp, “I’ve never been here inside your house before. Outside looks like a small house but inside… it’s huge!” I commented and surprised even more when he clicked up the lights.

A long wooden stairs that covered with a thick midnight blue carpet was located to the left side of the wall. Three long leathered sofas with small feathered pillows were decorated in the white painting living room with 60 inches flat screen. A small glass coffee table placed in the centre of the couches. White-crystal chandelier hangs above the ceiling in the middle of the hallway. Statues and expensive looking vases arrange neatly in every corner of the house with plants decorated at the side.

Every time I roam around my eyes become bigger and bigger and I heard Mitchell chuckled behind me. “Do you like it?” he whispered to the back of my ear.

I can’t find my voice and just nodded. I continue to look around his big house and walked to the welcoming door. As soon as I stepped in, a sparkling luxury wine glasses and lighting candles were neatly organised in the long oblong wooden dining table. 10 wooden chairs in each side and 2 chairs in the opposite side of the leader’s spot that placed around the table.

Beside the dining table a white sink with cabinets at the top and the bottom have plates and glasses was arrange inside. Kitchen utensils and a shiny latest model refrigerator were tucked at the corner of the kitchen and a bar counter that located in the right side of the kitchen makes the room more luxurious.

I really can’t help myself wondering around the beautiful house and I can’t pull up my mouth, hanging from the surprise. “Wow! This is… crazy.” I gasped out again and Mitchell now laughs of my reaction.

“Hey don’t act like it’s your first time to saw a big house like mine,” He walked towards me, “Because I’m pretty sure that you’ve seen heaps of beautiful gigantic houses before since you were born.” He finished tossing me a glass of champagne.

I looked down of my champagne and sighed, “It’s not my life anymore.” The sadness was so thick that I almost didn’t recognise my own voice.

Mitchell saw my watery eyes and he hugged me, so tight that I almost can’t breathe. “Yea, I know. Don’t worry sweetheart, you did the right thing and you chose the right choice.” He separated a little and looked me in the eye, “Though life is unfair sometimes but every challenges and sacrifice have a good payment.” He patted my small back tenderly.

“Thank you so much, Mitch.” I thanked for a hundredth times, “I owe you much.”

Mitchell just wave his hand and trying to change the subject. He hated situation like this. Acting like were actor and actress that played the best role in the movie. Even watching a sad movie isn’t his thing.

“Can you stop thanking me already; let’s just enjoy the rest of the night.” He tried to cheer me up and forget all the worries that I carried this long day.

“Right,” I smiled and Mitchell motioned his wine glass up.

“Cheers for the birthday girl!” we cheered and we ticked out glass together.

He held me close in his arms, “Happy 18th birthday Gabby.”

I hugged him back and murmured behind him, “Thank you, Mitch.”

Chapter Four

Last night was the best birthday that I’ve ever had. Though yesterday is not my lucky day but I am thankful to have a loving and caring friend that welcomed me in his home.

After getting wasted last night, we played ‘mixed the song’. You’ll sing any kind of song and if what is the last letter of your song stopped, you need to sing with another song that starts with the last letter of the opposite side.

It’s quite fun actually, though we have horrible voices but we did have some fun last night. We fell asleep at midnight because Mitchell needed to go to work the next morning.

I wake up and put a long baggy t-shirt on. I pulled my hair up into a loose bun and walked down the stairs. I stepped inside the kitchen and helped myself with a cup of tea.

Mitchell was still asleep and I don’t want to be his burden and just seat inside his house and do nothing. So I decided to make him happy and pay him with a little help like cleaning and cooking in his house.

I cooked bacons, scrambled eggs and some pancakes for breakfast while letting my horrible voice rang inside the house. The music that I chose to rock my morning were awesome and I can’t help myself to dance along with the beat of the song called ‘You’re my only shorty’ by Demi Lovato featured Iyaz.

“I can see your round sexy ass under your shirt!” Mitchell said walking towards the table. I jumped a little and looked back to face him.

The smirk of his small lips wants me to puke in disgust. I snorted, “Yea? Don’t tell me you hate the view?” I teased and pulled up my shirt to show him the full view of my round sexy butt, according to him.

He walked towards me and smack my bottom, “Oh, god. Don’t start, because I absolutely hate the view.” He rolled his eyes and pecked me on the cheek.

I laughed and shook my head, “That’s what I thought.”

You see, I’ve known Mitchell and grew with him together and he knew all of my secrets and so do I to his. But the biggest secret that he tried to hide it from me was his personality.

Mitchell Montgomery, a good looking guy who is perfect when it comes to physical appearance. Tall and handsome man; intelligent and born with a wealthy life that every girl wanted to touch.

But the truth is he cannot fight himself of who he really is. He always told me that he cannot forced himself to become a real man because that’s not who he is and that’s not what he wants.

He said he was/is a gay – who had a heart of a girl and that would never change. When he admitted himself to me, I was shocked and until now, I still can’t believe that his good looking manly figured was created just for nothing.

“I’m going to take a shower.” He stood up from his chair and started walking. “Thank you for the breakfast, it’s delicious!” he shouted and I smiled at his sisterly voice.

As soon as I finished cleaning up the dishes, I went back to my room and lay my back to the soft and comforting queen size bed with midnight blue covered. I stared up the ceiling and thought back about the events yesterday.

I have not recovered yet about the firing event at the New American restaurant yesterday and repeating that sad moment inside my head, makes me just blow up and turned into ashes.

The apartment that I stayed for almost 3 months since I separated with my family was now owned with another person. And the guy, I almost forget about the hot guy who almost killed me with his shiny luxury black car and just drive away before looking at me with no scratches or blood or anything like that.

I seat up quickly and thought for a moment. I should find him and let him pay for the things that he did to me yesterday. After all, he was the reason why I get fired from my job yesterday. If he was being careful and didn’t block my way, I still have my job until now and still have my old apartment in this minute of time.

I remembered the small paper that I’ve seen after our small encounter and I hurriedly get my bag inside the closet and pulled the paper out. Small business card with a name and a number on it was written in the front of the small paper. I read the name and it says, ‘Carlo Ferrero’ and I quickly Google him through my iPhone 4s.

Yes, I do have iPhone 4s. Before I escaped and separated from my family, I bring some of my important things with me and walked out of the house. I tried my best to not be tempted of selling it to just stay alive in this world.

The screen flashed open and as soon as I finished typing his name, a hot sexy guy appeared in the screen. His smile was genuine and perfect that reached on his high cheek bone. I can’t point a figure in his eyes yet, in the screen it looks like dark brown. I scrolled down on my phone screen and read his data.

He was from Milan the second largest City in Italy and the capital of Lombardy. I scrolled down again and saw some of his job. I read it out loud, “Business Manager of Victoria Secret,” I chuckled reading his job. “Victoria secret… Hahaha… What a gay!” I talked with myself inside my room.

I scrolled down again and saw the picture of New York City and when I scrolled down again, I saw his picture with another guy standing in front of the 100 11th Avenue building.

I gasp and quickly stood up from the bed, “I knew this place!” I shouted like a psycho and hurriedly taking a shower.

I’m going to get him! He must pay for yesterday!

Chapter Five

I was running down the hall and quickly closed the main front door behind me and run down the driveway, looking for Mitchell.

“Where are you going?” Mitchell asked behind me and I jumped up facing him holding my defence position.

I sighed and calm myself down. My breathing was wild and I feel exhaustion just for running inside the house. “I was looking for you.” I said between my heavy breathing.

Mitchell was looking at me with amusement. “Okay.” He paused, “I’m here sweetheart. Now what can I do for you? Do you need money for your lunch?” He asked and started pulling out his wallet from his pocket.

I stopped his hands and shook my head, “No, no, no! I don’t need money for my lunch. I can cook myself with your stuff inside the house.” I said pointing my thumb to the door.

He keeps looking at me waiting for my next sentence and I take a big breath before saying, “Canyougivemearide?” I said in one breath and he narrowed his eyebrow.

“Umm… What was that?” He asked blinking twice and I smiled a little.

Oh, how I love this girl!

I walked closed towards him and holding both of his hands. “I know that you are a busy young lady and I know you’re going to be late soon,” I looked down on my old faded gold citizen watch that placed down on my wrist. “But can you give me a ride to the 100 11th Avenue?” I begged looking back to him and I tried my very best that my puppy eyes would work.

He looked down on his watch and sighed in surrender. “Fine, now hurry and change your clothes because I’m going to be late.” He instructed and walked to his old Pagani Zonda C12 F car and jumped in the drive seat.

I didn’t go back to my room instead I jumped beside him inside his car as well. He stared at me for a moment and then raised his eyebrow, “That’s your clothes?” he check me up and down and the corner of his mouth twisted in disgust.

I was offended a little and playfully punched him in the side, “Hey, don’t look at me like that!” I scowled and he put his hands up in the air.

“I’m not.” He denied, “I’m just… I don’t know. Where are your sexy fashion way? The Gabriella Snow famous looks way from Calabasas, California?” He started his engine and away to the window.

“Come on, that’s not me anymore! I don’t have life like that since 3 months ago and besides I don’t have money to buy some fancy dresses.” I mumbled wondering my eyes of the lovely NYC view.

“You know what, I have a day off tomorrow and I am tired wearing my old clothes, do you want to come with me doing some shopping tomorrow? I’ll buy you some?” He offered and my eyes were averted from looking in the window and dragged it to where Mitchell sat and watching the road.

He took a quick glance to me and winked. “Are you serious? How can I pay you back? You know that I don’t have a job anymore right?” I knitted my eyebrow and scrunched my nose up.

He laughed and shook his head, “Of course. I am absolutely aware of your situation sweetheart and I didn’t say that you need to pay me back, you little cheeky!” He pinches my cheek and we both laugh at each other.

Mitchell parked his car near the 100 11th Avenue building and I jumped out of his car. “Thanks for-…” I stopped and looked towards Mitchell jumping out of his car as well. “What are you doing?” I asked raising my eyebrow and place my hand on my hips.

He laugh, the laugh that every girls’ think that he’s the one. “Oh god, you look like my mother, Gabby.” He walked towards me and he intertwined his arms with mine. “I have my business meeting inside this building.” He motioned his hand to the 100 11th Avenue building, “What is your business in here anyway?” he asked looking at me with accusation.

I shifted a little and started scratching my arm like it was itchy. “Oh, me? Nothing! I’m just going to visit an old friend of mine.” I smiled weakly and he looked at me once more before sighing and looking down on his watch.

“Hmmm… Okay! Be careful, okay?” I nodded, “And call me if you’re done visiting your old friend.” He emphasises the word visiting and old friend.

I smiled guiltily and he kissed my forehead before walking inside the building. As soon as his presence was gone, I hurriedly walked towards the reception area and pulled out the small paper from my hand.

“I am looking for this person.” I said to the tall petite ginger lady and she checked my look from head to toe.

I waited impatiently for her judgemental attitude before looking back to my eyes, “Where is your invitation?” she asked and my blood boiled.

I punched down my fist in the cold steel table and she flinched looking at me with horror. “Give me the room number of this fucking guy before you’re regretting your bitchy attitude.” I growled and the people who stood next to me were shaking looking at me like I’m a freaking werewolf.

She typed through the computer key board with her shaking fingers and as soon as the number spilled out of her mouth, I quickly headed towards the elevator.

Chapter Six


Carlo’s POV

“Hey want a drink?” I asked Curt sat on the couch and spreading his legs in my coffee table. “Get off your feet on my coffee table!” I scolded and he held his hands up in mock surrender.

“Where is Mitchell?” Heath asked.

“I don’t know. But I called him last night that we have a business meeting today.” I explained and Rocky nodded.

“He’s always late.” Rocky added and I just keep silent.

Curt, Heath, Rocky and Mitchell are my best friends. I’ve known Mitchell first 13 years ago. Our father were best friends and so as Mitchell and I. Every year they went to our house for vacation in Milan, Italy.

Curt is a bit jerk sometimes. I’ve known him in Paris when I did my modelling in Calvin Klein and he was one of the models as well.  My father owned the Calvin Klein Company in Paris and Curt’s father is my father’s right hand in Calvin Klein’s business.

Heath, well, he’s my cousin. I’m Italian yes, but not entirely. My mother was a beautiful Australian-American woman and my dad was Italian. Heath is my cousin in my mum’s side.

And then Rocky – the most player and fucker in our little group; he was the friendly one when it comes to girls and the funny one. But he always get annoyed to girl’s who has big mouth.

All of us we’re 28 years old, well, except for Mitchell. He’s the youngest in our group and all of us are sons’ of business man or owned some businesses.

The door clicked open and all of us turned to the entrance door, “I’m sorry guys, I’m late.” Mitchell started removing his coat. “Did you guys started yet?” he asked and Curt answered him before I could.

“Nah, we’re just having coffee. Do you want some?”

“Yes, please.” And Curt poured a coffee to the mug.

 We sat on my kitchen table and I started discussing about the audition that I am going to launch next week. “I really don’t know what I would do to make the product more attractive to buyers’ eyes.” I sighed, like it was the biggest problem that I’ve ever had in my entire life.

“I have a suggestion,” Mitchell said and all of us looked at him. He always had good suggestions. “How about you launch an audition for underage girls to do the modelling?” he excitedly suggests.

“Hell yea, I’m pretty sure young girls would love the products and we all know that underage girls now were acting more mature than women.” Heath added.

I groaned in frustration and slide my hand on my hair, “You do remember that I hate underage people right?”

Curt stood up from his seat and walked towards me, “Of course Mr Ferrero. We do remember that you hate underage hotness.” They all laughed and I rolled my eyes to them.

I used this a lot when I am frustrated. I know…

“Anyways, I have a feeling that you don’t hate underage.” Rocky blurted out.

I raised my eye brow and looked at him, “Ahuh, really?”

“Yes, really, because I know that you love-…” Rocky stopped mid-way of his sentence when we heard noises outside my door.

“What the hell is that?” Curt asked.

They were all looking at me and I shrugged. “I don’t know…”

I walked towards the entrance door but before I could grab and open it, the door burst open and a small young girl stood in front of me with furry in her eye.

She wore black skinny jeans that look really old, a white t-shirt that has ‘I’m religious’ print in front of it and a pair of flip-flops?

“Don’t you dare told me what to do you mad dogs!” she shouted to the guards that followed her and tried to dragged her back to the lobby.

I looked at her curiously and to the guards. They looked at me with pleading eyes, “I’m sorry sir. We tried to tell her that you have business meeting but she just threat-…”

“You!!!” The young girl shouted pointing at my chest I stumbled back down.

Damn… She was strong!

“You ruin my life!” she shouted again looking at me like I killed her cat. “After you bumped my ass then you just left like that? Huh, I’ve never thought that a business man like is an asshole.” She stormily said.

I was shocked and confused at her ranting mouth.

How dare her! My personality is better than anybody in this room.

“Oh man, I thought you hated underage girls?” Curt whispered beside me, trying to hold back a laugh.

Rocky nudge me in the side, “I’m goddamn right!” he chuckled and before I could snapped to them the ranting girl slapped my face.

Everyone gasp including me. I’ve never been slapped in the face before.

I feel like everything was in slow motion. Though she slapped me just one time, it feels like she slapped in a hundredth time, left and right. I straightened my face slowly and clenched my teeth. My blood boiled and I can feel my knuckles turning into white.

“How dare you!” The voice that comes out from my mouth was full of venom. “Who are you?” I asked and I thought after saying that to her, she would hide herself but she just looked up at me and shrugged like I am invisible angry bear.

“Oh I see…” she cooed pushing me aside and walked down to my living room. “You don’t remember anything yesterday, don’t you?” she asked smirking creepily.

The guards went inside my room and sat beside her. She shoots daggers to them and looked back at me, smirking. “Dude, did you hit on that sexy underage at the back of your car?” Rocky mockingly said and I looked at him stormily and he backed off raising his hands.

“I’m sorry. Geez…” he looked towards the young girl and looked back at me. “Who is she?” he asked and I shrugged.

I tried my best to recap all of my memory yesterday but I really can’t remember anything. Just then it clicked like I was hit by a big iceberg. The girl who I almost killed of my car for hurrying my ass off to my office, the girl that shouted at me asshole before I take off and leave her in the busy street.

My eyes widen from the memory and I quickly walked in front of her. “Jesus! I remember you! Shit… I am so stupid! Are you okay? Are you hurt yesterday?” I ranted and she looked shocked at my concerned actions.

The guards looked at us weirdly and I almost forgot that they’re still here. I looked up to them and nodded my head. They looked at each other for a sec before the nodded their security hat and leave.

I looked back to the girl and I realised that she was staring at me like I am her math’s assignment that trying to solve without any help from others. I smiled slightly and she blinked her beautiful ocean blue eyes before looking at me with anger.

I quickly shut down my smile and looked at her seriously. I may be a jerk and an asshole especially to underage crazy people but I cared to the people especially when I felt like I have responsible to them. And I do have responsibility to this girl. The thing that I did yesterday is unprofessional and unacceptable. I felt like I am complete an ass for almost killed her and just drive off without helping her to stand up.

“Please, tell me what can I do for you or help you for being an ass yesterday.” I said holding both of her tiny soft hands.

Her forehead was seating and she looked down on our hands. “Oh…I..I..I-I don’t know. Umm… I was fired from my job yesterday and was kicked out of my landlord of my apartmen-…”

“Gabby?” Mitchell said cutting the young girl’s explanation.

I looked up to Mitch and shocked covered his young face. “What are you doing here?” Mitchell asked looking to the young girl and to me.

Her beautiful face looked shocked and her high cheeks redden. I don’t know if they knew each other but I’m pretty sure today would be a good day.


Chapter Seven

Gabriella’s POV

As soon as I saw Mitchell, I quickly stood up and hugged him. He was surprise first but hugged me back after. “I am sorry if I lied to you Mitch… I didn’t mean to.” I said looking at his ocean blue eyes, “This douche bag,” I pointed my index finger to Carlo, “Destroy my life!” I exclaimed and the other 3 hot guys looked at me like I’m a freaking tiger.

“Hey! I didn’t mean to ‘destroy’ your life.” The asshole said and I snorted.

“Yea, right. You almost killed me of your fucking car!” I shouted and Mitchell put a hand on my shoulder.

“Calm down, sissy!” Mitchell whispered and I instantly calm myself.

I looked back to Carlo with full of hatred, angry and I want to put him inside the potato sack and tie him up on the roof. There was a minute awkward silent before the blonde hair guy that has electric blue eyes break the silence.

“You said, Carlo almost killed you yesterday with his car, am I right?” I looked at him curiously at what he was getting at. I folded my arm in front of my chest and nodded while raising an eyebrow at him.

“That was Curt,” Mitchell whispered in my ear and I nodded in response.

He looked at my eyes and he quickly looked away and cleared his throat. “And you said earlier that you lost your job because of Carlo?” the blonde guy and the rest of the guy inside the room including Mitchell looked towards Carlo’s direction.

I laughed mentally inside my head. He looked like a lost rat that was caught by a cat. “And my apartment,” I added and Carlo was looking at me with pure of anger. I can see the smoke that came out from his ears. I rolled my eyes towards him and snorted.

“Dude, you’re really an ass.” The brown haired guy said to Carlo. He has a moustache that looks ridiculous on him. I almost laugh to his look when Carlo snarled to the guy.

“Shut up!”

The moustache guy held his hands up and back away two steps beside him. I can hear Mitchell beside me saying, “Poor Heath.” And that’s my cue that the brown haired guy is Heath.

Curt cleared his throat again and I impatiently tapping my foot on the marbled floor. “If that so, what about Carlo will give you a job as a payment for the bad things that he did yesterday?”

I swear my eyes almost popped out from their sockets and my mouth fell onto the floor. I looked around and everyone agreed to Curt’s idea including Mitchell, well, except to Carlo.

“Hey, that’s a good idea!” I cheerfully said walking towards Curt and gave him a high five.

“Hell no!” Carlo cried standing away from the couch. He looked so angry and I can feel my blood boiled when I saw that he won’t help me or pay me from his reckless actions yesterday.

“What do you mean hell no? You’re the one who destroy my fucking life and almost killed me because of your stupidity and asshole act yesterday and you’re not going to pay for that?” I angrily shouted to Carlo and Mitchell’s arm immediately on my waist trying to ease my temper.

Carlo walked towards the kitchen and grabs a wine, “I can pay you a hundred thousand dollars.” He simply state shrugging like for him money is not a problem at all. Huh, who was I kidding? Carlo Ferrero – the Business Manager of Victoria Secret, Business Architecture and a Model of Calvin Klein in Italy? Like seriously? Everyone will bow down before him like he was a god, and I’d be a liar if I’d say he doesn’t look like one. But hey I still need a job and I know 100 thousand is pretty big but having a job is better than sitting on the couch, watching TV and become lazy? Heck, no!

“I want a job,” I said calmly walking towards him and stole the glass of wine from his hand. He looked at me like I am crazy underage girl, and I looked back at him smirking while taking a sip from his wine.

Mitchell and the guys walked towards us and Mitchell sat beside me. “What about you work as a maid, since Carlo never cleans his apartment and it looks like shit!” Mitchell said and I quickly stood up from my chair.

“Hell, no!” I shouted and Carlo’s face lightens up like he was just winning the lottery.

“That is a pretty good idea!” Carlo said clapping both of his hands and I’m pretty sure he already had a plan to make my life a living hell.

I shook my head and quickly change my mind, “I will accept the 100 thousand bucks.”

Carlo shook his head back and smirk at me evilly, “No way can do my dear! You already rejected my offer. However, Mitchell’s idea is genius and if you want me to pay you’re so called ‘destroy’ life, working with me as my maid is your only option.” He folded his muscly arm in his chest while smirking. “So, do you accept the offer or not?”

I looked towards Mitchell angrily and he looked back at me with his popular ‘sorry’ look and I looked away. Pacing back and forth, thinking about Carlo’s offer. If I would accept the job that he was offering, I can save up my money and bought a house but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be easier cleaning his apartment when I can always see his evil face. But if I would not accept this, I will not live and I don’t want to be Mitchell’s burden. Damn it! I guess, I’ll just stay strong to survive then.

I walked towards in front of Carlo and he quickly turns around and smirks, “So… have you decided yet?” I really wanted to wipe off his smirk but not today…

“Yes,” I said confidently. “I will accept your offer… But just for 5 months, and you’ll pay me a thousand per week.”

Thick tension was floating around the room. Everyone was quiet and I swear you can’t even hear breathing like no one was inside the room. I looked up to the guys, we all looking at Carlo waiting for his answer.

Let’s see how rich he is.

“Fine.” He finally said, but there was a long pause and I know there was a bad coming after this so I wait. “But, you need to stay here in my condo while you’re my slave. I’ll call my lawyer this afternoon and let you sign a contract as a sign of agreement to my rules.”

“Rules?” I asked, “You have rules?”

He nodded and he quickly pull his phone from his pocket, “You need to pack your things today because you’re starting tomorrow morning.” He said while walking to one of his room.

“Wait… where’s my room?” I asked before he closed his door.

He stopped and looks back at me, “left side of this corner” he pointed his finger near the living room and I didn’t realise that his condo is pretty big. It looks like two flat houses connected together.

I didn’t roam around Carlo’s apartment; instead I walked towards Mitchell and finished the wine that I stole from Carlo’s grasp. “So…I think my problem is solved eh?”

Mitchell smiled at me and he looked around the other guys – which I think Carlo’s friend. “Oh…I’m sorry. Gabby, these are my friends.” Mitchell said pointing to the other guys standing quietly.

I eyed Mitchell suspiciously. I know Mitchell looks like a real hot man because the way he act and he dressed but I know him really deep inside he has a soft heart that even girls can’t beat at it. Oh, and did I tell you that he was into hot guys like this in front of me? Damn…

“Hey, I’m Curt Adrian. Nice to meet you Ms…?” The blonde guy said extending his hand on me and I giggled lightly reaching my hand to shake his.

“Gabriella Snow. But you guys can call me Gabby.” I smiled to the guys and the brown hair guy with moustache extending his hand on me.

“I’m Heath Barry and this is Rocky Foister.” Heath pointed his finger to guy that stood beside him.

I already know that he was flirty because of his action. Winking at me like crazy, but what attract me is his eyes. At first I thought he was blind – a flirty blind – but then I looked closer and closer, then it hit me that he has grey eyes.

Mitchell and I stayed a little bit longer inside Carlo’s apartment talking with the guys, let’s just say getting to know each other and I can tell that Mitchell like it too.

Hours had passed and Mitchell and I said our goodbyes to the guys and drive back home. Mitchell started the engine and looking at me, “You don’t have to get a job Gabby, just tell me if you need anything I’ll give it to you.”

I looked outside the window, I know Mitchell would say this and that’s the thing. I don’t want him to buy me anything; I don’t want to be his burden that’s why I accepted Carlo’s offer.

I didn’t respond and I keep silent until we arrived at Mitchell’s house.

Chapter Eight

Gabriella’s POV

It’s been four hours now since we arrived in Mitchell’s house. Mitch was helping me packing my things and always complaining at how my dresses looks like century ago, at how my undergarments are for old people.

I was a bit offended at that.

For the four hours rolling my eyes to Mitchell’s annoying mouth, finally he zipped his mouth and drags me outside the door with my old black plain t-shirt with my old faded-blue jeans and black thongs. At first, I was excited to where he’s going to take me. You know, Mitchell loves surprises and I always like them. But when he pulled his car to the parking lot and we entered the mall. My heart suddenly drops on the floor and I groan frustratingly for what will happen next.

“Oh come on! You should change your old hag fashion and be a teenage girl once.” Mitchell said rolling his and practically dragging me inside the mall.

I’ve always hated shopping. I swear when I was little my parents always drag me to the shopping centre and dress me into ‘presentable’ fashion. Don’t get me wrong, I love clothes. I really do. But I hated it when my mum or my dad or anyone asked me to try the clothes that they wanted me to wear.

Mitchell grab my hand and pulled me inside of the small shop called ‘Forever 21’ and practically throwing me different styles of clothes in my face and urge me to try them in the fitting room.

“I can’t afford any of this, Mitchell.” I held up the clothes in my hands shoving it in front of Mitchell’s face.

Mitchell didn’t look at me and wave his hand as if my excuse was nothing but a thin air. “Don’t worry, I’ll buy them all. Now hurry up and get your ass to the fitting room.”

I hesitate for a moment but Mitchell sends me an irritating look and I swear, I almost run outside the shop and scream for help.

I tried everything that Mitchell want me to try on and I tell ya, Mitchell has a pretty good taste when it comes to fashion. Everything that he picked was fit on my body perfectly and for the first time of my life, I looked like a model.

We remained like this for a couple of hours. Entering and exiting to each shop that Mitchell likes. He even pushed me inside in Victoria Secret and slapped me a G-string on my face. The cashier who was a guy looked at me with amusement while my face becoming a tomato.

I know it was embarrassing.

We got out of the mall at 3:15 in the afternoon. Mitchell drove back to his house to get my things and we drove to Carlo’s apartment – where my new home is.

Silence was our best friend the whole ride to Carlo’s apartment. I know Mitchell was sad that I was living with Carlo and he will be alone in his house again.

“But you’re always welcome to visit me in Carlo’s apartment, you know.” I said flashing him a smile but Mitchell’s face was still frowning and focus on the steps inside Carlo’s condo.

“I know, but what if Carlo doesn’t like anyone to visit you? What if he will declare that you’re not allowed to have a visitor?” Mitchell’s voice was full of sadness and I almost kick him in the butt and told him to stop being a drama queen.

But instead I sighed loudly and stop on my track. I looked him in the eye and hold both of his hands. “There’s no way in hell that he would do that to me. He isn’t my owner and I accept this job – which is your idea – so that I can live my life and save up some money.” I said and give his hand a squeeze.

I realised that the two security guards that I encounter earlier that followed me inside Carlo’s room was looking at me like I was a freaking MILF that would blow up the whole city for fun.

I return their blazing gazes and growled at them like a freaking werewolf. Shock was spread all over their faces and frightened expression followed. They averted their eyes away from mine and smile creep into my lips. I walked past them with Mitchell beside me and I never break the firing stare to the guards and I saw both of them shifted their feet uncomfortably.

I laughed like an evil person that was possessed by a devil. Mitchell was looking at me like I was crazy that has escaped the mental hospital. “What was that about?” Mitchell questioned and I just smiled and acting like an innocent.

“Nuffin…” I joyfully said and as soon as I saw Carlo’s apartment door my heart started to beat really fast and I felt my body’s shaken.

Mitchell looked at me and worried was spread on his adorable face. “Are you okay, Gabby?” he asked and I shook my head.

I was terrified. What if Carlo was a murderer? What if he was a rapist and kills me after and put my body inside the sack and trow me in the river? Oh, god I hope not. I’m not ready to die yet.

Mitchell looked at me, probably saw my shivering situation. “Are you okay?” he asked for a second time and before I could answer the door swung open and Carlo stood by in the entrance raising an eye brow towards us.

He’s tall figure and his slightly beard on his jawline make him look more mature. He was wearing dark blue button down shirt and black denim jeans which perfectly match with his leathered combat boots. He absolutely looked so…handsome and sexy.

I looked up to meet his smirking face, “Done checking?” he winked at me and I felt my heart started pounding, like I was risen from death.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I stood up straight and looking him up and down again before I snorted. “Yea right, only when the hell turns into ice.” I said smugly as I walked past him entering his apartment – which is now my new house.

I thought he already left considering the way he was looking on her phone with hurry but he followed me inside and looking at me with a scowl on his godly face.

“What are you doing?” Carlo asked and Mitchell soon entered Carlo’s apartment and putting down my luggage.

I turned my back at him and raised an eyebrow, “Are you seriously asking me that question?” I asked and he nodded keeping his face into a tight straight line. “I’m living her.” I finished with a duh tone in my voice.

I saw Mitchell standing uncomfortably on the side near the couch, looking down on the floor like he just saw a hot guy down there.

I think Carlo lost her memory about what happened earlier and snapped his fingers like her amnesia disappeared and his lost memory was back. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest.

“Oh… yea, that’s right. Gabriella Snow, the annoying chick,” he said looking at me checking me up and down, “and my new maid.” He finished with a wink and this time I didn’t feel happy or become crazy that every girls did when they saw this model in front of me; instead I felt disgusted and I urge myself not to strangle him.

There was an awkward silence between us and Carlo cleared his throat looking towards Mitchell who lay down on Carlo’s sofa. “I see… you’re here as well.” He said.

I rolled my eyes, couldn’t he be more obvious?

He checked on his watch again that was placed on his wrist and he tap the glass on it, “I really need to go, I’m already late.” He said looking at me, “Oh and this is your key of my apartment.” He handed me the key and I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Then how can you open the door if you don’t have a key?” I asked and he smiled.

“I have one in my pocket.” He tapped his jean pocket and he started walking towards the door. “Bye, see you tomorrow morning.” He waved his hand in the air and I didn’t reply back.

I walked towards the corner near at Carlo’s bedroom door and I immediately spotted the door of my new room. I twisted the door knob gently and pushed it open.

I clicked on the light and a gasp escaped my lips. My eyes twinkled like a star and took a step forward inside my big room. I have never seen a room like this. I thought it was going to be dirty and ugly without paint but my earlier judgement put me into shame and I quickly scolded myself for being such a bitch…sometimes.

“Wow,” I said in awe and roam around the room.

The room was pretty big like a double size of my room in Mitchell’s house – which was big as well. But I never thought to saw a much bigger bedroom than my room in Mitchell’s house.

The wall was painted into midnight blue – which brings my face a wide smile on my lips. Midnight blue is my favourite colour. The wall across where my new bed is was painted into baby blue.

A king master bed was arranged perfectly in the middle of the room with a beautiful midnight blue cover and pillows that has stars printed on it. A 60” flat screen TV was plastered on the wall across my bed. Tables, cabinets and couches were everywhere. There was one set near at the balcony, a love seat in left side corner and other one on the right. A set of study table behind my bed with a study lampshade on it, the room is beautiful and it looks like a whole house. Well, except for the kitchen though.

I walked around the left corner and saw a door. I pushed it open and saw another room that was full of mirror. Each wall was a mirror and I thought inside was empty, just when I accidentally push the mirror and it quickly moved like I aside revealing the dressing room with a shoe rack on it.

I didn’t realised that my eyes was so wide like it was going to fall off my eye sockets and my mouth was widely open and I quickly closed my mouth and my eyes, trying to blink if I was dreaming. I open my eyes again and everything was still the same. The room is so perfect, I feel like I am a princess living in a rich and beautiful castle.

I walked outside the dressing room and walked outside the balcony. The cold breeze immediately hit my pale skin and shivered involuntarily. The view was breath-taking. I absolutely saw the view of New York City in the night. Lights were everywhere and cars were running on the road.

“Like the view?” a manly voice whispered near at the back of my ear and goose bumps started to creep on my neck.

I looked behind my back and saw Mitchell smiling at me and turned his gaze to the surroundings. I smiled at his manly voice that he used earlier. I’ve never thought that he can make me shiver by just using only his voice. It would perfectly lovely if he was a real man and I will instantly volunteer to flirt and ask him to be my boyfriend if he wasn’t a gay. Like seriously? He was a gorgeous, hot man for crying out loud. But I guess, he would always forever be like this.

“I love the view.” I corrected him, emphasising the word love and he chuckled.

We stayed looking around the night view of NYC and no words has been spoken out and it didn’t feel awkward, but a comfortable one.

The wind started to get into my veins and I shuddered like crazy. I wrap my arms to shoulder and Mitchell saw me and he laughed and put his palm on my small back urging me to get back inside my room.

I followed silently and looking down on my phone. The time was 10:25 pm and I feel worried about Mitchell to get back to his house at this time so I told him that he could stay and spend the night here because it was already late in the evening and I want to spend my last night with him before I started my job tomorrow morning. He nodded and a smile tugged on his lips.

After taking a quick shower and get ready to bed, I saw Mitchell lying his back on my bed with only on his boxer and I don’t know why I felt uncomfortable seeing him like this.

I shrugged the feelings off and crawled up in bed with him with only my bra and undies on. I always sleep like this; it makes me feel more comfortable than wearing PJ’s.

“You ready to sleep?” Mitchell asked smiling at me.

I smiled back and nodded. “Good night, Mitch.” I said kissing his cheek before I turn so he was facing my back.

“Good night, Gabby.” He replied and before I could close my eyes, I feel a strong and manly arm wrapped on my waist pulling me closer to his body. I wanted to react and shove him off of me, but then I realised that it was Mitchell and there’s no big deal because he was like sister to me.

I instantly relax on his arms and lean my head on his hard chest, closing my eyes slowly until I fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter Nine


Gabriella’s POV

My head was pounding like crazy. I felt like it will crack anytime soon. As long as I remember last night, I wasn’t drunk and I was standing in the balcony with Mitchell.


I looked at my back but only found a cold empty space on my bed. I quickly walked to the closet and put a big shirt on that barely covered my butt. I opened the door and walked towards the kitchen.

“Good morning,” a husky voice whispered at the back of my ear and I shivered involuntarily.

I twirl around and my head bumped into a hard-rock chest. Damn, body. How can someone have a chest as hard as a rock? I rubbed my forehead and a gasp escapes my lips when I realise how close we were standing in front of each other. Carlo looked down at me and smirked, backing lightly and walked towards the counter leaving me with shock written on my face.

I followed him to the kitchen and sat on the table. He was wearing a black suit and a black tie. He looked absolutely sexy. Before I could do something that I would regret, I looked around and to the living room but Mitchell wasn’t there. Carlo probably saw my confusion because he said, “Mitchell isn’t here. He said he has a business meeting at 8 o’clock so he left early.”

I can’t find my voice for a moment so I just formed my mouth into a big ‘O’. I stood up from my chair ready to make myself coffee when Carlo stop me and handed me a black mug. I tilted my head to the side and he looked at me amusedly.

I slowly grab the mug from his grasp and saw that it was a coffee and my lip twitched upward. “You don’t have to do this.” I said smiling while looking at the coffee.

He shrugged like it was no big deal. “It’s fine.” He paused, “And I want you to taste my delicious coffee.” I saw him smirking in the corner of my eye and I was smiling like an idiot.

I can’t believe that my boss made me a coffee. It is so nice of him to do that to his employee. I take a sip of my coffee slowly; I can see Carlo looking at me intensely. I was fidgeting in my sit, and then suddenly I stood up and spit the coffee unto the sink. I looked at the coffee once again before I looked up to Carlo. He looked worried about my sudden reaction.

“What’s wrong? You don’t like my coffee?” He asked, but he was taking a step back from me. I eyed him suspiciously.

“What did you put in the coffee?” I asked. My blood started to boil and my face was so red from anger, whilst Carlo was trying so hard not to laugh. He was trying to put a serious face with a concern on it but he was failing miserably.

He took another step back from me and throws his hands in the air defensively. “What do you mean? I didn’t put anything in your coffee.” There was silence for a couple of seconds before he burst out laughing and literally rolling on the floor while holding his stomach with his hand.

My face becomes redder from anger and I quickly pour my coffee to the sink and I smell something funny but a little spicy…like a pepper. And then it hit me. He put a pepper on my coffee instead of sugar. I was shaking in fury. I wanted to choke him with all my power and stab him in the stomach a million times and put him inside the sack and drag him at the back of his car while I am driving to the beach, then throw his body in the ocean so that the sharks will eat him.

Carlo was still laughing rolling on the floor whilst I was slowly walking towards his direction and stop in his side. He looked up to me and started standing up while smirking at me. But before he could stand up straight, I punch him on the face really hard that he almost lost his balance.

He stared at me with shock and disbelief written on his face. I wasn’t afraid if he will fire me today though, actually I was proud of myself that I did that. He must learn to respect and not play with the other people like their toy and especially me.

He stood there for a while looking at me without blinking. Then he quickly grabs his key from the counter and walks outside and slams the door really hard. I was surprised that the door was still intact.

I stood there pleased for what I did and worried at the same time. I’m not worried that he would fire me when he gets back. I just feel a pang of guilt for what I just did. Heck, he deserved it anyway. Heave a sigh, I walk to my room and started cleaning the place, taking a mental note to apologise when he’ll come back after work.

Time passed by like a wind, looking around the place and a smile crossed on my lips. The clean and neat area looks like a new condo, heck it looks like a real luxury. The shiny glass table and some expensive furniture bowed and praise me for cleaning them.

Exhausted, I sprawled down on the leather couch and lay my back to the soft yet hard material. I stared at the roof and an image of my father flashed in my head.

“Damn. I miss them so much.” I muttered to myself.

If it is not because of my father’s bestfriend and business partner, I wouldn’t have encountered this kind of life that I am now. If not because of that stupid arrangement I still have my lovely life. Living with my family, laughing with my parents and my crazy but jerk brother and study in an expensive college school to get my degree and my dreams as a fashion designer and a young model in our second company would be great. But I guess, fate doesn’t like me for crashing my world apart into million pieces and maybe this is God’s punishment for acting like a spoiled brat sometimes.

Frowning and let out a long heavy sigh, I drop my eyelids to close my eyes and let myself fall into a slumber sleep.

Chapter Ten


I wake up in the same spot where I doze off. I look around and the place is still quiet, I take that, Carlo wasn’t at home yet. I sighed and stood up and walk towards the kitchen. I look behind me – where the clock was place properly on the wall. My eyes widen in horror and I quickly pull some ingredients out from the fridge and started chopping it off for dinner.

“I can’t believe I slept for so long,” I muttered to myself.

After a couple of minutes, my Italian lasagne is cooked and I pull it off from the oven and place it on the table. I put two plates, forks, knives and glasses on the table.

I am starving and I wanted to eat the food so bad, but I don’t want to be rude to Carlo for not waiting for him. I waited for a couple of minutes and my stomach was rumbling, asking me to feed her already and the lasagne didn’t help either.

I waited for quite longer and my battle between my thoughts was vanished when I heard a door being open in the living room. I stood up from my seat and turn to face the very exhausted looking Carlo walking towards the kitchen.

“Good evening,” I greeted and he looked at me for a second before he nods his head as an acknowledgement. “How’s work?” I asked again.

He slump down on the chair and close his eyes, “Tired, lots of problems about some projects in the company,” he said whilst loosening the tie of his business suit.

“Well, that sucks.” I mumbled and I thought he didn’t hear me, when he nodded his head.

I take a seat and started to put some food on my plate, Carlo did the same. We ate there in silence and I remember that I should apologise about my behaviour this morning.

I looked towards him through my lashes and observe him eat his food. His jaw would clench and unclench every time he chewed his food. His eyes hazel eyes are now looked like brown and really tired. His lips were formed into a tight straight line.

Our eyes met, and I quickly looked away and cleared my throat. Even though I wasn’t looking at him but I know that he was looking at me.

“Look, I’m sorry about this morning. I didn’t mean to do that,” I blurted out.

I looked up towards him and saw him looking at me with blank expression. There was an awkward silence before he answered.

“You should be,” he said smugly.

I looked at him with shock. Did he just say that? Wow, he really is an asshole. My blood boiled from anger. I clenched my fist and tighten the glass between my fingers.

“But you started it,” I complained.

He looked at me as if I’m a witch that ready to give him a spell. Oh, I wish I was.

“You’re the one who’s being immature,” he spat.

My face turned red from anger and I felt like the glass is going to break any seconds in my hand. I slammed the glass down on the table and stood up from my chair.

“How am I become an immature when you’re the one who put pepper on my freaking coffee? Who does that?” I said/shouted angrily in front of him.

Carlo stood up from his chair and lean in front of the table so that our face will be level. “Me,” he answered a smirk playing on his lips.

I dig my nails harder in palm and looked at him in the eyes with pure hatred. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, sending each other some deathly looks and I realised that our faces where so close. In fact when I move a little bit forward our lips would touch and that would not be a good move. Heck, I don’t even want to kiss him, though his soft looking lips were so tempting.

I backed away and grab the plate in front of me before walking to the sink. I rinse my plate and put it inside the dish washer before walking towards my room and close my door with a loud bang.

I sighed loudly and slide my fingers into my hair in frustration. I decided to take a shower to calm myself. I grab the nightie that Mitchell bought for me on my 17th birthday and my underwear.

After taking a shower and changing my clothes, I climbed on my bed and snuggle closer to my pillow. My mind wanders back to what happen earlier. I didn’t get him at all. Sometimes he was all nice act normal towards me, but sometimes he was being a dick and stupid. I felt like we were old enemies that meet each other again. Did I do something wrong that makes him treat like I’m a trash or something?

I sighed, and closed my eyes ready to sleep. A couple of minutes passed by and I’m still wide awake. I stood up and walked towards the balcony. The breeze is blowing my hair and I felt like I was flying.

The best part that I like about this place is at night. The city looks like Christmas because of the lights in the streets, cars were passing by and you can see people walking in the street with their friends, family and couple.

New York City is very beautiful at night. It seems like people who lived in the area didn’t get tired. In the morning, heaps of people walking to work and others go to school, at night, it was still the same. People are working; some go to the clubs and hang out with their friends.

“I miss my old life,” I mumbled to myself.

I was so out of my night dreaming and missing about my old life that I barely hear the noises from the kitchen. I looked down to my watch and realised that it’s already 1:45 in the morning. I’m sure that Carlo was asleep at this hour.

I walked slowly towards my door and open my door slowly, hoping that it wouldn’t make any sound. I walked with my tippy toes towards the kitchen and the first thing came out of my view is a hair, a long blonde wavy hair on the top of the kitchen counter.

I shrugged and started to walk back to my room when the hair started moving. I was too curious to back out now and I found my feet moving closer to the hair but I keep my distance to where the hair was, in case if someone would see me.

My eyes widen in horror and I put my hand to cover the gasp that escaped from my mouth. The long blonde hair that I’ve seen turns out to a beautiful girl absolutely naked lying on the counter and Carlo was in between of the girl’s legs. Moaning and groans can be heard in the kitchen.

I felt like the world stop, I wanted to run towards my room but my feet have been paralysed and I can’t even move a single muscle of my body. I stood there looking at the horrible scene in front of me and it takes a couple of minutes for me to move and walked slowly back to my room.

Pacing around my room trying to distract my thoughts but my mind always flashing the event that I have seen in the kitchen and I felt like I’m going to be sick. I looked up to my alarm clock and saw that it’s already 3 past 5, so I decided to freshen up and take a shower.

After taking a shower I changed into my comfortable pair of PJ’s and climbed to my bed. I sighed in content and I cover myself under the blanket before I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I groan in annoyance when a light flash in my face that makes me blind. I’m too tired and lazy to get up or even move that I stayed in my uncomfortable position for a couple of minutes.

I lay with my stomach and my right arm was under my body and my left leg was bent upward that touches my let arm. My hair was scattered everywhere in my pillow and I felt like my right arm was paralysed.

A shuffling noise can be hear behind me and right now, I don’t really care if someone break into the house and stole something because I swear, I’d rather sleep in my bed than beat the shit out of the asshole.

“Good afternoon, sunshine! Wake up, my love we’re going to be late.” A manly yet friendly voice said behind me.

“mmmm…,” I groan and didn’t move. I keep my eyes close.

“Gabby, it’s already 3 o’clock in the afternoon; you can continue sleeping tonight when we arrive from the party.” The voice came out again and I thought I was just dreaming when I felt someone shook me violently.

I groaned again but this time I yelp, “Ouch! Easy dude, didn’t you know that I am in the most uncomfortable position right now?” I scolded; fully awaken “Oh dear, I think you just break one of my ribs!” I shouted in his face.

I looked at him for a second whilst trying to process what happened. I blinked twice before yawning and smiling at him sheepishly.

“Oh, hey Mitch, how are you?” I asked like nothing has happened.

Mitch covered his nose and shoved me to my bathroom door. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“Pushing you to the bathroom to brush your teeth? You breathe smells like dead rat!” he exclaimed.

My blood creeps out to my cheeks and I raised my hand to my mouth before breathing out and smelled it. “No it isn’t!” I argued but obeyed anyways.

After brushing my teeth and splashing water into my face, I walked back to my room founding Mitchell holding a beautiful navy blue sequined floor length dress and a box of what looks like a pair of heels.

“Oh my gosh! That is beautiful Mitch. Where did you buy that?” I asked, literally running towards him and almost tackled the dress to the floor but Mitch caught me.

I run my fingers to the fabric and trace every curved of the dress. I looked at the brand name and size at the back and my eyes almost popped out of my sockets.

“Are you crazy? You bought a Christian Dior? A friggin Christian fucking Dior that worth $300,000 just for a fucking dresses?” I shouted in his ears and he cupped his ears with both of his hands.

I looked down at the dress in horror and saw the size is definitely same as mine. I looked up back to Mitchell and saw him winced to the look that I gave him.

“Oh dear,” I gasp, backing away from the dress “Don’t tell me, that this dress… is for- for” I asked with teary eyes.

Mitchell smiled and nodded his head while looking at me. My eyes watered even more and I felt my tears rolled down my cheeks. I know you’re thinking that I’m over dramatic but seriously, I’ve never had a dress as beautiful and expensive as this one, since I left my family and live the life that I chose. I always mention that I missed my old life back in L.A but I never missed my golden dresses, shoes and some of my things. But the thing is I never thought that Mitchell of all people would buy such a luxurious dress for me. Yea, we’re best friends but this is too much.

Mitchell sighed and walked towards me, “Come on, and don’t be dramatic. Just wear the dress because I want you to be my partner tonight at the ball.” He hugged me and wiped my tears.

I stared at his blue eyes and shook my head, “I can’t,” I choked. Mitchell looked at me confuse. I cleared my throat and gulp, “I can’t wear that dress.” I stated, eyeing the dress.

Mitchell frowns and looked at me pleadingly, “Why not? That dress wouldn’t bite, you know.” He joked and I chuckled.

“Yea, but I can’t wear such a dear dress, Mitch. I felt like I was still living in my old me!”

Mitchell walked me in the edge of my bed and we sat there in silence before he speak, “Don’t you miss your life, Gabby? Don’t you miss wearing a dress that you used to wear every fucking day?” he asked and I keep in silence looking down at my hands. “I know you miss your life back there and I know it’s really hard for you to live a new and very different life from what you were before because of that bastard. But you have to live a little, Gab. You’re beating yourself because of it. Let yourself loose a little and be happy.” He continued.

He placed his hand on the top of mine, “Please… Just wear the dress for tonight and I promise that you’re not wearing that dress anymore.” He pleaded. I looked up at him and saw him looking at me with those creepy puppy dog eyes of his. “Just for tonight.” He added.

I nodded my head, “Dude, don’t do that again?” I cringed at his puppy look. He really doesn’t know how to do it.

He laughed and nudge me at the side, “It’s not THAT bad,” he muttered and his face turned a bit red.

I laughed at him, “Aw, look at you, your blushing.” I poked his cheek and he quickly stood up and walked to wear the dress was placed and handed it to me.

“Just hurry up and wear dress. We only have 3 hours left and we still have to go to the salon for your hair and make -up.” He muttered.

I giggled and grab the dress before walking to the bathroom. After wearing the dress, I walked back to my room and motion my index finger to Mitchell to come.

“Could you please zip the dress up? I couldn’t reach it.”

He nodded and zipped the dress. I looked up to my reflection in my closet’s mirror and gawked at how the dress perfectly fit into my body. The strapless, sweetheart style makes my boobs look bigger and it showed more cleavage than I wanted. The dress showed every right curved of my body and I felt cold because my back was absolutely naked. The back of the dress was formed into a V-shape that stops just above the line of my undies.

“You look beautiful, Gab.” Mitchell murmured in my ear.

I shivered lightly and looked at him, “Thank you.” I smiled and he smiled back.

We walked down the hallway of the condominium and out of the sudden Carlo pop out of my head. I stop walking and Mitchell looked at my horror face.

“What’s wrong?” Mitchell asked worriedly.

“I can’t leave the apartment,” I said frowning.

“Why not?” Mitchell said, raising his eye brow.

I looked up at him and poked him in the stomach, “Do you know that Carlo would be mad if leave the room without his permission?” I raised my brow back at him.

Mitchell looked at me for a second and then laughed like a maniac. I looked at him now confused, “What’s funny?” I queried.

He stopped and stood up straight before poking me back to my stomach. “You really cared about what he thinks, do ya?” he asked.

I crunched up my nose, “What? What are you talking about?” I asked back, really confused.

He shook his head, “I thought Gabby doesn’t care to anyone’s opinion, either bad or good?”

I rolled my eyes, “Of course, but I just don’t want to get into trouble, you know. What if someone break in the apartment and stole Carlo’s things? Of course, he would blame me because I live in there too and that no one was at home instead of me. Heck, I don’t want to be in jail for the rest of my life.” I throw up both of my hands for dramatic effect and Mitchell rolled his eyes.

“Don’t be such a worry wart, my dear. I have already asked Carlo for taking you with me.” Mitchell explained and I sighed in relief.

We continued walking to the parking lot and climbed in to Mitchell’s limousine. “Where are we heading anyway?” I asked.

Mitchell sat down beside me and pulled out his phone. “We’re going to my business ball. Everyone needs to have a partner, so instead of hiring someone, I decided to bring you with me.”

I nodded and panic takes over me when I caught his word. “So, you mean all of the business man around in America would be there too?” I gulp, “What if my dad will be there too, Mitch?”

Mitchell put his hand on my shoulder, “Relax, only the young business people would be there. It was a young business ball. You don’t have to worry about it, Gabby. Just relax and enjoy the night, Okay?”

I relaxed a little and smiled at him. He smiled back and before I could process what happen, we’re already at the salon. I was sitting in the leathered chair in front of a big mirror and Mitch sitting behind me reading a magazine.

After everything done, Mitchell stretched out his hand and I took it and we walked back inside the limo. The driver took off and after 20 minutes we arrived in the luxury looking hotel.

Lots of people were standing outside. Paparazzi were everywhere holding their cameras and there are some reporters as well. I rubbed my sweaty hands together and breathe heavily.

Mitchell saw my nervousness and smiled at me. “Don’t be nervous, it was just outside. As soon as we get inside the door everything will be back to normal.” He squeezed my hand and I nodded before we stepped outside the limo, ready to face the crazy paparazzi.

Chapter Eleven


Mitchell was holding my side tightly and squeezing our body together. I lowered my head to avoid the flashing cameras that was clicking multiple times, behind us, beside me and Mitchell and in front of us.

I felt really uncomfortable to the questions that people were throwing to us. Paparazzi and showbiz reporters were following our tail and snapping pictures every move we take.

“Mr Montgomery, is that your official girlfriend?” someone asked behind us, probably a paparazzi.

“Mr Montgomery, we heard that you and your father got in an argument yesterday outside your house, is that true?” a voice of a woman asked.

Mitchell stiffens beside me at the mention of the ‘father’. His hold on my waist tightens and his pace quicken than before. Mitchell and his father aren’t besties since we’re in high school. He despises his father and vice versa. His mother always has a problem when the two were put in the same room. They’re like lion and a tiger trying to bite each other’s flesh.

I squeeze Mitchell’s hand and he looked down at me with trouble expression. I offered a smile and he smiled back but doesn’t reach his eyes.

We walked a bit faster and I heard the voices of the crazy reporters and paparazzi’s were slowly fading and before I could blink, the door closes behind us.

I sighed in relief that we’re still in one piece. Though Mitchell in the other hand was still stiff and silent… very silent, I can’t even hear him breathe.

I put my hand on his shoulder and he flinch a little. I gave him a questioning look but he just shrugged. I want to ask him what happen about him and his father but I decided not to and leave it… for now.

I looked back in front of me and realised that the place looks really beautiful. In fact it looks like I was in fairy tale. Bright lights were everywhere like Christmas. Decorations match the theme of the ball. There were big printed sign of ‘Money for Perry’. I arched my brow at the theme and asked Mitchell.

“Hey Mitch, why does the ball’s theme ‘Money for Perry’?”

Mitchell followed my gaze and he smiled the smile that makes your heart skip a bit. “This ball was dedicated to the kids who were fighting for cancer. We always have this kind of event every year. All young business people in America gathered around and donate some money for the kids while enjoying the night and meet some new friends.”

I nodded and smiled. I never thought rich people could be such kind as normal people. I always thought that rich people were smug, cold hearted bitches and assholes, and only think of their self. But I guess I was wrong, maybe not all of rich people were like that.

Mitchell guided me further inside the hotel. Thousands of people were everywhere. Girls looked glamorous, jewelleries were sparkling in their neck, ears, and wrists and even in their ankles. Some wear short sequin dresses, others wears same as mine, floor length dresses. They are beautiful.

Guys look were really business like. The way they talk to their friends, the way they act, the way they drink and held their glass are so formal.

Mitchell grabs two drinks and handed the other to me. I muttered a ‘thank you’ before taking a small sip. We stood there and look around us. Then I realised that no one was walking to our direction or even have a small conversation to Mitchell. I looked up at him and found him looking around as well like we were in the cinema watching a movie.

I knew Mitchell since we were toddlers and he is always the friendly person than me. He has a bubbly personality and a very smart man. But I never thought of him being so quiet especially in a business party.

I opened my mouth to start a small conversation but he beat me to it. “I’ll just go to the toilet real quick, I’ll be back.” I nodded and watch him walk off to the corner.

I stood there awkwardly looking at everyone talking to their friends happily. I was too busy getting bored on my own that I didn’t realise someone asked me a question.

I looked beside me and saw a short man who looked in middle 20’s with a weird hairstyle. His eyes were chestnut brown and he has a small beard on his chin. He was looking at me with curiosity. I looked back at him in the same manner.

“I’m sorry what was that?” I asked.

He shifted his weight on his right foot and cleared his throat. “I said, are you Mr Montgomery’s partner tonight?”

I arched my brow, “Yea, I am. Do you have a problem with that?”

He was taken aback with the tone of my voice, but he quickly pulled it out. “Actually I do-” he started but I cut him off.

“Well, good on you because I don’t, so back off.” I said rudely and shooed him with my hands.

I was holding my glass really hard and breathing rapidly of anger. I hate people who judge someone whom they doesn't know who they really are. But most of all, I hate people who judge or dislike the people I love.

“He’s quite rude, isn’t he? No one likes Mr Bachmann. He thinks that he’s always on the top.” A voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw a breath-taking hot hunk, holding a glass of champagne of his hand while looking towards the rude guy – I guess the rude guy’s name was Mr Bachmann.

The hunk walked beside me and offered me a drink. I shook my head and he shrugged. I looked down at my champagne and nodded.

“Yea, he’s absolutely rude.” I commented.

The hunk stretched out his hand towards me, “I’m Michael Aylmer, by the way.”

I shook his hand, “Gabriel… Gabriella Snow.”

He looked at for a second before looking ahead. “Hmmm… Nice name, though the surname is really familiar.”

I freeze and quickly responded in shaky voice, “You do realised that there are heaps who has 'Snow' surname, right?”

He nodded and rubbed his jawline, “Well, you’re right. How old are you by the way? You look really… young.” He looked me up and down and I felt my cheeks redden.

“Uh… I’m still 18,” I replied looking down on the floor.

I heard him chuckle, “Oh… that’s why lots of guys were looking at you the whole night since you arrive in that door.”

I looked up and he wasn’t lying. I caught a few eyes on my direction and I feel my blood creeps on my neck.

“It’s not that many,” I mumbled.

I saw him shook his head in the corner of my eye, “Yea, well, there are many behind us.”

I turned around and surely, there were eyes making hole on my back. Most of them looked at me like I’m a piece of meat and I felt a shiver ran down my spine.

“Are you cold?” Michael asked.

Before I could answer back, he removed his jacket off his masculine body and put it on my small figure.

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

Michael smiled and nodded. My knees weaken and lost my balance but Michael quickly pulled me up by my waist like a thunder. Our face was only centimetres apart. I could feel his normal breathing comes out from his nostrils. His blue eyes were looking at mine intensely. His hands were on my waist holding me tight. I feel so small on his arms.

I feel him leaned closer and I freeze. My heart stop beating and I found myself lost on his gaze. I slowly move my eyes down to his thin and slightly pink lips. His lips looks so smooth and I bet it taste good when it would connect to mine.

His lips was getting closer and closer and I started to close my eyes but soon fly open when I feel a fingers tap my shoulder.

I quickly move away from Michael’s grasp and straighten myself before looking face to face to none other than Carlo Ferrero.

My eyes widen in surprise and my mouth slightly open. His face was neutral but his eyes said the opposite. His eyes were full of anger, hatred and ready to kill. I shook my head and close my eyes not believing what I saw and opened it back. He was looking at me like I did something wrong.

“Carlo, what are you doing here?” I asked, still shock.

“I should ask you the same thing,” he replied venomously.

I flinch at his voice and started fiddling at my fingers. Uh-oh… he is mad. This only mean one thing, I’m in a big trouble.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.06.2013

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