Falling Apart

User: Astrid R
Falling Apart
Having a life that everybody wants that thought 'perfect life' isn't nice. Because some jealous people will do everything to make your life a living hell. When you straighten everything that need to be fix and saying, 'everything is under control' can't help you to become a real person.

Heartbroken is Christine's number one problem and trusting someone for the second time isn't in her head anymore. Suffering from betrayal, hurt and pain makes her life falling apart especially when the person who hurts her feelings love her the most.

Could she fall in love again with someone else? Would she trusted someone? Can her life be fix by a beating heart?

Love, betrayal, sex, family, falling apart, jealousy
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

OMG Kenneth POV was the cutest thing ever!

5 Kommentare
Astrid R

haha.. Thank you! I think it sounds a bit girly though. I'm not sure.. haha...


No I don't really think so! I like his feminine side, it's sweet :)

Astrid R

Oh thank god! I was freaking out when I wrote Kenneth's POV, I thought no one would like it.


haha, well I did! :D

Astrid R

Thank you! :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

omg r u going to write more????

2 Kommentare
Astrid R

Yes!!! hahaha... tonight. :) I will update it tonight! I can't wait to the next chapter! Lol


i cant either!!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

write moreeee

1 Kommentar
Astrid R

I will update chapter nine tonight. :)
oh... and hey, check out my new other book called 'Heart of the Underage'. I wrote it yesterday and I am going to update couple of chapters tonight as well. :)

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