
Chapter One

It’s the end of school year and summer is near. I can feel the sun how it shone on my chestnut brown hair, how my pinkish-white skin become pinker because of the heat and how my electric-blue eyes sparkled when the sunlight hits me.

Today is the last day of school and that means it’s the last day of suffering. Yeah, I know. I hate to study, I hate listening and followed those bitches teacher’s order and I hate hearing all the gossips about me.

“Christine! Christine! Wait…” I stopped at my track and turned my back. Alia was panting heavily, looking at me with her Alia’s crazy way.

Alia is my bestfriend since were in the wombs of our mothers. Our families were best friends and we grew up together, went to the same school together and we never socialise to other people in our age.  We’re afraid to be bullied and I don’t want Alia to get scared and cry because of those mean people.

“I’ve been calling you at the hall like forever…” she breathes in, “Why aren’t you listening, are you deaf?” she breathes out.

I was looking at her in amusement, trying to hold back my laughter but betrayed me after a minute.

She looked up at me after her breathing back to normal. “What’s funny?” she asked tilted her head in the side and raised an eyebrow.

I hate it when she did that. I’m jealous because I can’t make it. I secretly practice at night in my room to raise an eyebrow but I guess my eyebrows hate me.

I shrugged, placing my straight emotionless face, “Nothing.” I looked around and realised that they were only few students left that hangs around in the campus.

I looked back to Alia and saw her staring at me with sadness and worry in her eyes. She poked me at my right arm, “What’s wrong?” she asked.

I keep muted and walked to the parking lot. She quietly walked beside me and I know that she knew what I was thinking about. We keep walking until we reach the parking lot and searching to my Ferrari 458 Spider.

Alia first spotted my car and we continued walking. “Anyway, I called you earlier down the hall because I want to show you something.”

She pulled her iPhone4s from her purse and punching her passwords on her screen. She slides her hand up and down and pressed her phone screen a couple of times. She handed me her phone, “Here,” I reach to it and gasps leaves from my lips.

I squealed, jumping up and down. “Really?” I asked and didn’t hide my excitement. She nodded and we both squealed and giggled like 5-years-old.

You see, I love Alia in a lot of ways. Though she is childish and acts like a 10-years-old in public, I still love her and I’m proud to call her sister to everyone. She understand me like a mother who cared her daughter, I never felt being pushed by her to an issue that I wasn’t in the mood to talk to. She was always there when I needed someone to talk to. When I’m sad and lonely, we exchanges braces and feelings. In our own-sisterly world, we’re like emo people who always felt like dying from pain and so much stressed but never acted and looked like emo.

In the reality public world, Alia and I are crazier than you can imagine. My brother Bradey always get cranky at us because we always stole his chocolates and his chips. He would shout on us ‘fatty-alty-monster’ and stormed out of the room and tell mum what happened. Bradey’s more like a girl than I am, he’s always sensitive and he gets mad really fast and become snobby. Alia and I called him ‘mad dog’ and we laughed together at that.

Bradey is 4 years older than me and he graduated from high school ages ago. He now lived in New York City and studied business in New York University. My parents never mind whatever course my brother would get as long as he would do something useful in his life.

Alia and I stopped bouncing up and down and control our breathing back to normal. A text from my brother flashed on Alia’s phone, it says ‘Hey Alia, how’s it going? Anyways, I’m coming back home tomorrow evening and I will spend my summer holidays with my crazy-fatty-sisters. :) But hey, don’t tell about this to Christine okay? I want to surprise her.’ My brother doesn’t know that Alia’s loyalty is on my side not his.

Chapter Two

We cheerfully walked together to my car and I grab my keys from my purse. I pushed the button and car lights blink into life. I started to open my car door but stopped when someone grab a hold of my hand tightly that hurts my wrist a little.

I looked behind me, horror expression spread on my face and I saw a petite small girl that was same age as mine. She has a pale blonde hair that almost looks like white, freckles where all over on her face and a small scar on her right brow.

I looked down at my wrist – where her hand was still strongly held unto mine. She saw me looking at her hand and she quickly pulled back her hand shakily. Different emotions plastered her beautiful brown eyes. She looks like she wanted to tell me something but it seems like her own body betrayed her. I wanted to hug and comfort her and tell her that everything is going to be alright, but the other part of me wanted to slap her round face for grabbing my wrist tightly and shout at her to back the hell off. Me being a nice person, I decided to act like a real human being who has feelings, “Yes?” I asked, I tilted my head to the side and continued, “Are you alright? Do you need help?”

Her shaking body slowly recovered and back to normal. She nodded and I offered her my friendly real smile, “Okay. What can I do for you sweetheart?” I asked sweetly and she smiled back.

We stayed quiet for a couple of seconds and I thought she is mute and can’t have quick and proper conversation to me, but scratched it when her small voice wakes the dead. “Come with me.” She ordered and I felt like I was being slapped with a bag that full of solid ice.

I hate being ordered by a stranger.

Alia that was seating quietly inside my car got out and looked at me with a question, ‘What’s going on?” I shrugged and shook my head.

The petite girl looked at me in the eyes begging me to come with her. I looked back at Alia and she nodded, at first I don’t want to come and thought that maybe she was just a student that wants to fool around other students like me but then thought back for a second and decided to come with her.

Relieved flashed on her face and she walked before us to lead the way. Alia nudge my side and I know that she want to ask me a question but I cut her blabbering first by nudging her back.

We continued walking and I realised that she was leading us at the old school toilet near in the gym. She entered the door and pointed her thumb to the only cubicle that was closed.

I narrowed my eyebrow and looked at her confuse and curious. Her features was still sad, her looks showed some sympathy and she looked like regretted to bring me here.

I waited impatiently if what this petite girl would do, just then I heard small noises inside the cubicle. Alia and I looked at each other and we exchanges glances, shrugged and curiosity.

Alia walked beside me and whispered on my ear, “What’s that noise?” I shrugged again and we simultaneously looked towards Blondie.

Then again guilt was pictured on her face. I am utterly lost on this event. The noises inside the cubicle become louder and when we take a step a little bit closer to the door, I gasp and so did Alia. It sounded like someone was having sex inside. I want to pull back my ears and walked back to my car but there was something inside me that wanted to stay and see what happen next.

Moans from both side echoed the toilet and a high pitch voice rung into my ears. “Fuck me harder.”

Our gasps turned into shock and the same name was popped out from our mind. RHEA.

Rhea is my first enemy in my entire life. She’s a bitch and always been a bitch to me and to everyone who are richer or either beautiful than her. She slept with every guy in our year and never had a bullet of shame on her butt.

I became popular when I won a singing regional competition. I was representative in our school and my parents, Bradey, Alia and Alia’s parents were there supporting me.

The principal gave me an Award in front of everyone and then the bitch monster came in. She makes a scene and destroyed some of my favourite books. Some guys called her a ‘whore’ but she didn’t mind and continued being a bitch to everyone.

A moan rang again inside the toilet but it was now a guy’s noise. Alia giggled beside me and I elbowed her on her side and when Rhea speaks again, Alia and I froze in our spot. “Ahhh… Roddrick, you are so awesome.”

“Fuck! This is the best sex I’ve ever have this week.” Roddrick said and I felt like dying right now, right here and buried me below the ground afterwards.

I lowered my head and place my hand on the door to support me from falling. And I was surprised when the door opens a little. I thought if someone was having sex they will close the door for some secure but they’re the stupidest person I’ve ever met.

As far as it hurts, I open the cubicle door and two naked bodies connected together and shock of horror showed both of their faces. Roddrick swore under his breath and he quickly pulled up his pants and didn’t bother to put his shirt on.

On the other hand, Rhea found shock in horror across her face but she quickly placed put back her bitchiness again. She saw my hurt expression and she smirks and snorted whilst putting back her clothes on. She walked past me like nothing has ever happen and she kissed Roddrick on the lips saying, “Goodbye Roddrick, see you tonight.” Then she walked outside and disappeared.

I looked back to Roddrick and I felt like crying. But I wasn’t going to show it to him that his betrayal hit me like an arrow stuck on my heart 10 times. I don’t want to look weak in front of him.

He tried to open his mouth but I cut him off with my hand connected on his right face. He cursed while gritted his teeth and he looked back at me in the eye.

Every time I saw his dark-ocean blue eyes, the events earlier flashed back to my mind and I slapped him again but on his other cheek. He put a hand on his face and stepped back, “Babe, I’m so sorry. She threatened me to do it… She blocked my way….and she pulled me here…and…” he stuttered and I looked at him like he was broken rejected record.

“Really?” I said putting a surprise shock on my face.

He nodded and act like he felt sorry and feel regret about it, though I can see that he wasn’t. “Yes. You need to believe me… Babe… I love…” he started but I slapped his face again for the third time.

His face becomes redder but slapping him isn’t enough. I want to glue my palm again in his face but the look of Alia stopped me. I smiled to Roddrick like the one I always gave him, “Yea, that’s what I thought.” I said and walked outside the toilet.

Chapter Three

When we drove back to my house, no one said anything. I still didn’t let my tears to fall down into my cheeks and keep my chin up and trying to look like everything is fine and that nothing has ever happened.

My house is not that far from school, so I parked my carat our drive way just enough time to burst myself crying. Alia pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back tenderly.  I cried and cried and we stayed like that inside my car for like 30 minutes and we stepped in inside the house.

I can’t stop my tears to stay put in my eyes and my sobbed to be quieter but right now, that’s the last thing that I would think of. Alia and I were already half way up the stairs when my parents protectively hurried towards me and asked some questions. But Alia stop them and I bet she’ll tell them when she’ll leave my room.

Alia tucked me in my bed and I embrace myself with my pillow. Waters were still flowing down my face like a river and I thanked Alia for bringing me up to my room. As on cue, Alia walked back to the door and closed it behind me. I sobbed like a real broken hearted.

Roddrick is my boyfriend. He wasn’t my first boyfriend but he is the longest relationship I’ve ever had. He was sweet, caring, and lovable and he’s always proud of me in front of his friends. He’s one of the football members in our school. He is popular because of his jerkiness. I don’t like him before but I thought he changes because he was so sweet to me and he wasn’t rude anymore. But now, I just realised that he was just acting like a good person, like a real gentleman in front of me but the truth is, when I wasn’t around he was in his real attitude again.

I am so idiot thinking and hoping that he would and was change but I was wrong. An asshole is always been an asshole. I want to take revenge on him but decided not to. I don’t want the situation getting worse that it is already.

My hatred thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on my door. I don’t want to speak, I don’t want to explain and tell them the story because it will hurt me more.

Mum’s head popped inside my room, “Sweetie, are you okay?” Mum’s voice was thick and full of worries.

I nodded my head and she walked towards my bed. She sat behind my back and she rubbed my hair lovingly, “I love you Christine.” I sighed and I opened my mouth to reply but stopped when no words came out from my mouth.

My mouth was dry and I wanted to drink one tank of water to wash the dryness of my throat away. Instead of responding a word to her, I nodded again and she sighed. “Okay… Just come down if you’re hungry and if you needed to talk to okay? Your father and I will always be here for you sweetheart.” I nodded again and she kissed my hair, then leaves.

I cried and cried again until I felt tired and fell asleep.


I wake up at 7:15 in the morning and the hurt in my heart was still there, but I don’t want to cry for my whole life. I need to move on, I want to move on and Roddrick didn’t deserve me anyway so I called Alia to go shopping with me.

I went to my bathroom and take a shower. After showering, I went to my closet and find something to wear. I decided to wear my black skater skirt and my white lace sleeveless top. I pulled my black boots and my white Louise Vuitton bag from my closet and grab my sunglasses from my drawer.

I exited my room and walked downstairs. As usual my parents weren’t there anymore. They don’t have time to spend it at home for just 1 day for their children because in their quotes business must come first. I’m hurt sometimes that they don’t care about their children, they don’t care about me. They thought that because I am 17-years-old and turning 18 next week, I don’t need guardians care anymore.  I want to hate them but I just can’t. Though they’re acting like they need discipline for their parenting, I still love them. They’re good parents though.

“Lola!” I shouted through the kitchen.

Mrs Cora appeared from the back door. She’s one of our maids inside the house and she was working in our family since my brother was still in my mum’s tummy. She is the oldest maid in our house and she was like family to us. I called her ‘Lola’ means grandma in Filipino. She came from the Philippines and taught me some words, funny words actually and I used it to my brother to make fun with him.

“I’m going shopping with Alia and we’re going to be late to welcome my brother back. If mum and dad will ask me where I am, you know what to tell.” I said while looking at my phone.

I looked up and she nodded, “Thank you!” I smiled and kissed her cheek and left.


“Where are you?” Alia practically shouted through the phone.

 I pulled my phone far from my ear, “Geez, I’m coming, I’m coming! Just hang on a sec.” Geez, this woman is mad.

You see, Alia may be crazy, childish girl sometimes but you should be afraid when she get cranky because I sure as hell, she’s a big mom-monster.

I hang up the phone and parked my Ferrari car in the parking lot. I love shopping. I always do but the thing is I hate it when I enter that double glass door and all eyes were on me. Not that I’m pretty or something but people actually know me. Like for real, they knew who I am because my father is like some of freaking famous business man. That’s why heaps of bitches trying to bitch on me and guys trying to hit on me, but I wasn’t the same rich brat who will enjoy and used the money in other way; instead I am like freaking rich who are focus on my future as a professional person and kind.

I guess my life was just perfect, but I smiled back to them anyway. “Oh, thank goodness you’re here.” Alia murmured and I just smiled at her rolling my eyes in her annoying mouth.

“I’m sorry.” I apologise though I wasn’t feel sorry. “So, where do we go first?” I asked excitedly.

“Victoria Secret.” Alia shouted excitedly, jumping like a kid.

Alia may be scary when she’s mad but her madness didn’t last longer. And I’m glad at that, really glad.

We walked inside the Victoria Secret and we bought things that we wanted to buy. Alisa was so happy that she bought lace undies because she wanted to show it to her boyfriend. Yes, Alisa has a boyfriend and he’s cute and a little chubby like her but he is a good young lad. He loves her and I swear to my boobs that Alia would marry him one day, if the time is right.

“Hey ladies, how’s it going aye? Do you need something or do you want something.” Chris said smiling at us in his creepy way.

Chris is the cashier in Victoria Secret and we’re always wondering if he was a gay because he works in a girl’s lingerie shopping centre. He is friendly, good employee but he is creepy. Not sometimes, not only with us but to every girl that could tickle his fancy.

“Hey Romeo, we’re just going to pay our things to surprise our boyfriend tonight. So could you please check my things in your little machine there?” Alia smugly snapped on Chris on his pretty face.

“Oh… so Christine has a business tonight aye?” he creepily smiled at me and I shifted uncomfortably on my spot.

I don’t want to lose my centre and make a scene in a crowded place just to hit this little perv, so I just smiled and quickly passed my things to his little machine. As soon as his done, Alia and I hurriedly exited the shop.

“Phew, that… is really creepy. When are you going to answer his proposal to you Christine?” Alia mockingly nudge me on the shoulder and I burst out laughing.

“Hell no! Only when the hell becomes ice.” I made a face in disgust.

Chris is a good looking guy, but if the world will let me choose if death or him? I would rather die than live with his perverted creepy world.

Chapter Four

Time ticked too fast and the bright sky changes into dark with cool breeze. Alia and I have enjoyed our shopping today, especially when Marky – Alia’s boyfriend showed up and accompany our little girl’s fun.

Marky wanted to stay with us until we get home but he said his cousin from New York will visit his family and stay here in Australia for the whole summer with his friends.

Alia being a good and understanding girlfriend, she kissed him goodbye and told him to take care and smiled at me evilly. It was creepy. “So… are we going home or what? I’m really tired and I’m hungry.”

I shook my head mockingly and grinned at her, “You can go home if you wanna.” I shrugged and acting like I am hurt.

“Yea, sure and I want to stay tonight in your house to welcome Bradey. I bet his getting fat now since we last saw him when were like 12 years-old.” She chuckled and I joined her.

My brother loves food and hate to do exercise. Alia and I loves food too when were younger we were fats, like seriously fat and we hate to do any work so we become bigger and bigger. But since we started our high school life and experience some bullies about our looks, we did our best to change our appearance. We still love foods but we do some exercises every day to burn our fats in our body. Though Alia is still chubby but she changes a lot than her looks before when were younger. She always get jealous on me of how the hell did I get a perfect body – not skinny, not fat and have flat tummy and long legs that every guy’s love with a perfect height that people fall into. Well, I guess everyone changes then.

“Yeay!” I said cheerfully, “Let’s hit the road then.”

We drove back to my house and Alia and I have some fun in the road too. We love racing at each other and we’re always lucky about the cop’s issues for being over speeding, because we didn’t get caught…ever!

Alia has Black Mercedes Benz car and I have Ferrari 458 Spider, the old model of Bugatti Veyron and Lamborghini Murcielago LP640. Ferrari is my favourite among them all but I use Bugatti when I go to a party or go clubbing. Dad bought me the Lamborghini as my present in my 16th birthday.

Dad spoiled me much when it comes to things but I am not materialistic person, so I didn’t worship it. I do appreciate his gifts but I guess it’s too luxury and deathly wealth for a 17 years-old having such an expensive things in life.

My mum rang me up when I was driving back home, squealing and I bet she was jumping informing me that my brother and others were home and that Bradey wanted to see us in within 30 minutes.

I arrived at my house first and Alia arrived next. I stepped out of my car and we walked together inside my house. “That is so gay! You cheated that’s why you win.” Alia pointed on me for losing our race.

I laughed really loud that echoed inside the house, “Look at you, accusing me isn’t nice. Do you know how beautiful you look when you lose in a race and stomping your feet in my floor and started blabbering that I cheated?” I playfully push her.

“But you always cheated every time we do a race.” She complained, pouting her full lips.

“No I wasn’t. You just cannot accept that I’m way better than you in racing.” I chuckled and we stopped walking when my mum stood in front of us with red face.

Uh-oh… We’re in deep hell.

I smiled weakly, “Aww… look at you mum, you’re getting prettier everyday what did you use in your face? It is so soft.” I started but mum’s angry face stopped me to add my sentence.

Mum raised her eyebrow, “Did you race again?” she asked. I can see an invisible smoke comes out from his ears and nostrils.

I face-palmed my face and walked to the living room. “It was just tonight mum. We’re not going to die and besides we didn’t add too much speed on the normal one.” I explained and I saw dad’s face when I said the ‘speed’. I know dad wouldn’t care about the racing.

“What if you accidentally crash or something like that, what will you do?” she angrily scolded on me.

I shrugged and seated on the couch beside dad, “Come on! It’s fun. Just be thankful that we’re still alive.” I smiled to my mum.

“Doesn’t talk to me like that, Tina!? You should act more like a girl and not like a street lesbian racer.” She shouted and pain explodes in my heart.

I hate it so much when my mum always thinks that I am a lesbian and I should act more like a girl. Isn’t my clothing and looks girly enough for her? She always looked on my actions and not in me. And I hate her nickname that she gave me.

I guess dad saw my hurt feelings because he responded to my mum, “Don’t talk to our daughter like that Jocelyn. Our daughter is not a lesbian, she have a boyfriend for god’s sake.” Dad patted my back tenderly and I hugged him back.

Mum’s face softened and seat beside me, “I am so sorry sweetheart.” She apologises, “I’m sorry if I call you a lesbian and I am so stupid and ungrateful mother who judges her own daughter.” She hugged me but I’m not in the mood to be nice on her tonight.

“Yea, yea… I’m tired. I’m going to bed. Good night.” I said standing up and walked up the stairs.

“I love you sweetheart.” Dad shouted.

“I love you too dad!” I shouted back.

Before I could close the door, I heard Alia said, “Welcome back Bradey.”

Great, I didn’t even welcome my brother tonight and he saw our little encounter in the living room. What a lovely sister I am.

I took all of my clothes and took a shower. After I got dressed, I heard dad knocking on my door and asked if I wanted to eat. But I didn’t reply and turned off my lights and dad’s footsteps fainted.

I know what I did downstairs is rude and disrespectful. And I decided tomorrow morning, I will apologise to my mum for acting like a child and not being matured and careful.

I closed my eyes and felt that my body was like being smashed by bricks and I allowed the darkness to fall in my heavy eyes.



Chapter Five

I groaned and shifted my weight on my bed. The sound of my alarm rang into my eardrum and it takes my will power to not throw it to the wall.

I sit back to my bed and fixed my hair. My pain in my head drives me crazy and my stomach growling like a monster. I need food.

I went to my closet and grab my black booty short that has a print ‘BONER TIME’ at the back of it. My mum and dad never complain when I wear booty shorts inside the house. But mum hate the print that was written at the back on it. I wear my black lace sports bra and pulled my hair into ponytail that expose my tattoo at the back of my neck.

I walked down the stairs and I heard noises from the kitchen. I wonder why the kitchen is so freaking noisy. I’m pretty sure that my parents were away today because they have business meeting and that my brother, Alia and I will be at home all day.

I wanted to go straight to the kitchen and feed my stomach but my day will be hell when I didn’t put some music in our boring big house. I walked to the entertainment room and pulled my favourite CD called ‘Party Bitches’ and put it inside the player. I hit play and put the volume in loud, too loud that the deaf get worse.

I grab the controller and put it on number 3, my favourite dance song ‘Do it Like that’ by Ricki-Lee. I mood change into crazy Christine and I started dancing. I heard Alia shouted from the kitchen, “Alarm one! Alarm one!” I didn’t understand what she meant about that so I ignored her and continued walking to the kitchen whilst dancing.

As soon as I stepped in inside the kitchen, 9 pairs of eyes were staring at me with different expression on their faces. Alia stared at me with horror on her brown eyes. Angry expressions were written on my parents face. Lola wasn’t looking at me, she was looking to my parents and the horrified expression on her face makes me slapped my face really hard for being stupid and reckless. The 5 guys that was sat around the table looked at me with wide eyes and mouth gawking.

I hurriedly held my controller and lower the volume of the music. “Oh, hey guys! Good morning.” I cheerfully said and smiled to them but deep inside I’m horrified to my parents.

I walked to Alia’s side and she whispered on my ear, “I told you, Alarm one!” I nudge her and grab a food in the table, acting like everything is fine.

Dad cleared his throat, “Christine,” I looked up to his direction and he continued, “When did you started doing that?”

Dad questioned and I continued eating, “the what?” I asked innocently.

Dad’s voice makes me cringe and hide in my room, “The loud appropriate song. Didn’t you know that the neighbours will get cranky because of your music?”

I make some noises and wave my hand in the air, “Pffft… if they will complain to my music they would complain already since last Christmas.” I accidentally revealed my wild music, I covered my mouth but it’s too late for that.

My father and his face become red, “What? Last Christmas?” dad practically shouting in front of our guest.

 I tried my best to act cool and shrugged, “Come on, our house is sound proof they couldn’t hear anything.” I shoved the eggs on my mouth.

“Your house is sound proof? I didn’t know that? When did that happen?” Alia wondered and I groaned loudly.

I elbowed her arm, “It’s a joke, idiot!” she smiled meekly and I looked up the opposite side of the table.

I looked every faces and saw there expressions earlier didn’t change. A blonde hair guy sat in my dad’s left side. His hair is a little short but still looks good on his strong jaw. His bluish eyes matched his tanned skin.

The guy who sat next to him looks mysterious on his dark-brown hair that was perfectly stilled up on his heart-shaped face. He has long-straight pointed nose and his white skin with a little bit tan colour on his muscly arms perfectly matched his emerald-green eyes that looks him more gorgeous and attractive. His lashes were so long and thick that makes his emerald eyes sparkled. His strong jaw line and his heart-shaped thin – in a hot way lips were so beautiful. I can see his broad manly shoulder through his gray V-neck shirt. Damn, he looks so handsome. I bet every girl from his school will fall unto his knees and begged to take them.

I snorted and move my eyes to the other guy, who sat quietly beside the dark-brown hair guy. I was shocked to see his gray eyes looking back at me. That gray eyes were so rare for an eye colour especially in Australia. His long black-wavy hair was messy but it looks good on his features. He has fair skin that looks like he’s a vampire or something because of his black hair. His plump lips looked more sexy and attractive on his dimpled chin. I looked back to his eyes and saw him he was staring back at me and I quickly looked to the other guy beside him.

He has brown short hair but it looks sexy on his crystal-blue eyes. His thick eyebrows and thin lips added his good looks. His caramel skin colour makes him look different to the 3 guys that I checked before him. Our eyes met and I gave him my friendly smile and he returned it back revealing his one dimple on his right cheek.

One dimple, cool. How the hell did that happen?

A guy cleared his throat and I pulled my eyes immediately from the crystal-blue eyes guy to the same electric-blue eyes of mine. He looks like the replica of my own features and I immediately know who he is. Though there are some differences between us. His dirty blonde hair was messy but looked like he styled his hair for like an hour in front of the mirror. We shared heart-shaped face but he has strong jaw line. His full lips matched his pale skin.

Our eyes met and I automatically stood from my chair, “Bradey?” I asked and he nodded, smiling on his old evil way and I run to his chair and jumped on his lap. “Oh my…Geez, you still the old Bradey grumpy man who took like forever in front of the mirror to just style your hair.” I said mockingly and he poked my belly smiling.

I wanted to annoy him, so I messed up his hair and he groaned, “Iris, don’t touch my hair.” He complained trying to style his hair back and I chuckled.

Our eyes met again and we broke down into laughter. After a minute, he looked me up and down and his expression change into serious protective brother, “Hey, how’s it going? You change a lot since I left.” He said looking to me and to Alia.

I know my brother loves to annoy Alia since were still kid and I never thought that until now, he would still annoy her. Alia sticked her finger out to my brother and he chuckled. He looked back to me, “You’re not fat anymore.” He mockingly said grinning like evil and I stood up from his lap, pouting back to my chair.

“I’m not fat.” I exclaimed, “You’re still a jerk, I thought you’d change.” I said acting like I was really hurt.

Everyone laughed and I saw my brother looking from the guys that sat beside him to me, “Iris,” his voice was strong and I was taken aback for a sec, “Go to your room and change.” His eyes were stormy and I felt goose bumps on me.

“But it is summer and it is so hot outside!” I cried and he just ignored me.

“Do it.” He looked at me sharply, “Now!” as soon as his voice enters my ears, I quickly stood up and went upstairs to change.

I slammed my door and it echoed around the house. I hate him so much. Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother and I am so glad that he came back to our house. But I hate it the way he was acting from a funny jerk to over protective brother. I’m pretty sure my life would be hell the entire summer.

Chapter Six

Walking back downstairs and saw my brother, Alia and the 4 strangers sat on the living room makes me want to run from the embarrassment.

“Christine, these are my friends from America.” My brother pointed to the 4 guys and they all stood up, “We went to the same school in NYU and they’re staying here with me for the whole summer.”

I stared back to the 4 guys. Damn, they all look handsome and look like a model. I wonder if how my brother found these good-looking honeys. I smiled to them and they smiled back. I just realised that the emerald-green eyed guy have dimples and it added on his god-looking face.

The blonde hair guy stepped in towards me, “Hey, I’m Delvin Rutherford.” He held his hand to me and I shook it, “Christine Iceley, big sissy of Bradey.” I smirked towards my brother’s direction and he just looked away and rolled his eyes.

“Albert Scott, I’m the youngest in our group.” The brown haired guy cheekily introduced himself. “Kenneth is my cousin.” He grinned widely and I looked at him confusedly.

“Who?” I asked and he pointed his thumb to the best-good looking guy among them.

He waved his hand towards me and smiled, “Kenneth Crawford and yea, Albert and I were cousins, nice to meet you Christine.” He held his hand and I shook it. When he smiled, I’m almost can’t stand straight. I always have a thing to those guys who had dimples.

Our hands were still touching together and I realised that I am staring at his beautiful face. I quickly look away and I felt someone hold my hand. I looked up and saw the other guy who had dimple on his chin. He smiled at me and kissed the back of my hand, “Blaine Knight, your highness.” He looked me in the eye and I can feel the heat running up to my cheeks.

My brother stepped in beside me and cleared his throat, “Oh, not again.” He groaned and looked towards Blaine, “Dude, you’re too old for my sister.”

I slapped my brother’s arm playfully, “He’s not going to hit on me.” I pointed my finger to Bradey’s chest, “And don’t plays like a real protective brother because you’re not.” Alia chuckled and I almost forgot that she’s here inside the house.

“Oh…I’m so sorry guys!” I apologise and grab Alia’s wrist, “Everyone this is Alia my bestfriend, sort of my sister.” I cheerfully introduce her to them and they all said hi to Alia.

Alia’s cheeks redden and she shyly wave. Alia is not used to act normal in front of handsome guys that looked like a super model, with that sexy abs. She always does some clumsy stuff in front of the famous guys at school but everything was change when she met Marky. Though today is quite different because Marky isn’t here and my brother’s friends were older than us. Alia always gets nervous when Marky isn’t around and when she was standing in front of sexy guys.

“Damn. There’ll all sexy-papa-lovin’ boys and that Kenneth guy is fucking-god. I bet she taste yummy!” Alia whispered to me and I nudge her side smiling to the boys who were looking at us with different expressions.

“Shut up!” I said gritted my teeth and Alia giggled beside me like a kid.

“Are you two done yet?” My brother raised his eyebrow and looked at me with a strange emotion on his eyes.

I flinched a little and shouted to my brother, just enough for him to hear me. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. You do realise that you’re fucking freaking me right?” I didn’t bother to hide the horror of my voice and I swear I saw the edge of his lips twisted and he immediately turned it into straight face.

“You swore?” He shockingly asked looking to me and then to Alia like he was sending a message to her and gave her the look of ‘what the fuck?’

I never saw him being overreacted before and I don’t want him to treat me like his child. It’s just didn’t seem right, acting like a father and always embarrassed me in front of his friends. Hell, I’m a big girl now and I don’t want someone who just visit to our house and started ruining my life. It sounds like I was in school 24/7.

I walked to the sofa and seat my butt comfortably to the leather couch. “I guess everyone’s change big brother. It’s been 6 years that you didn’t showed up and act like a father to me, aye?” I quoted my fingers of the ‘father’ word and he take a back a little.

I know bringing our little encounter in front of everyone is not a good idea, but I am pissed off and I wanted him to slap the word ‘act like a real brother’ on his face.

6 years ago since my brother left me, my parents and the house to go to university in America, I always called and texted him all the time. I am always checking on him through phone if he was fine, if he already taken his meals and told him about the event and arguments that we had at home.

Every birthday since I left, my brother sends me cards and gifts. Though I always told him to not bother to send me gifts because I have everything, I just want him to visit me at home and be there for my birthday once a year. He promised to visit me every year when my birthday comes, but every year was still the same. He never showed up or visit us once a year, he often send me a text and calls.

Every night I was waiting for him to call or even text me but every night was the same. Empty, no text messages, no calls and I was getting sad every year because he barely send me birthday cards on my special day and that day makes me think that maybe he was forgetting me as his sisters. That maybe he found someone special to him that makes him forget that he has a family in Australia. After that, I always get hurt when my parents talks about him sometimes in front of me.

He sadly looked up at me, “Well, I guess your right then.” He looked back to his friends and said, “Just…. Don’t try to lay a hand on my sister. You need to impress me first before her, especially you Blaine.” He pointed his index finger to Blaine.

“Hey, I’m not that bad.” Blaine complained, winking at me and I felt like my heart was beating abnormally fast and the head was coming up from my neck. I hate to act like I’m kind of easy target to guys so I play nice and fair.

“Hell yea, you three are not bad too.” I grinned and I could hear Alia’s chuckled behind me.

Chapter Seven

After the little get together party in the living room with the guys, Alia and I invited them to come with us for a run around the suburb and tour them at night around the city.

They all agreed and I was surprised that my brother accepted the invitation as well. He never loved the activity of running and always complained and murmured some excuses at school to just seat and watch the other student doing some warm-up when he was primary.

I went to my room and got dress. I change my black booty short into baby blue booty short and it covers my entire bum. I change my sports bra into white and tugged my hair up into tight ponytail. I put my black Nike running shoes on and my iPod then ran downstairs.

Everyone was already outside waiting for me and when I stepped out, my brother looked at me like I am his favourite enemy whilst the guys stared at me like I am a grown up woman. Well, except for Kenneth. His mesmerising eyes were emotionless and so was his facial expression. He seems dead battery.

Bradey cleared his throat, “Come on. We better get going if you guys want to get sunburn.”

He stretched his arms and all of us copied him.  After a minute of stretching, I jogged ahead from all of them whilst listening to my iPod. Every time the music turns into hip-hop song, I felt like dancing and I haven’t realised that I jogged to fast and Alia is too behind from all of us.

“Hey!” Blaine shouted behind me trying to get my attention.

I keep jogging and every time we passed some girls, they were all looking at us and some of them shoot some arrow towards me. Heck, if they want Blaine they can have him. I don’t care.

Actually Blaine was enjoying himself, his trying to get my attention but winking to the girls every time we passed some bimbo in the street. I was quite irritated to his action, he is definitely an ass. I wanted to kick him in the butt but I hide my frustration and keep jogging.

I turned right and I jogged a little bit faster than before. Blaine is trying to keep up and being a muscly man, it was obvious that he was used to jog or maybe love sports.

“Hey, why are you jogging too fast?” Blaine’s voice was bouncing up and down. His face was sweating and his muscly arms were moving every time he makes a move.

Damn, his absolutely hot but an ass.

I rolled my eyes and keep jogging, “Because you’re busy in your little world.” I emphasized the word ‘little world’ and the ass has a balls to laugh at me.

I stopped jogging and gaze towards him. I tilted my head and he looked at me for a minute and he laughed harder. I rolled my eyes and leave his crazy ass.

“Oh my balls!” laugh, “Is this the hot girls in your place issue?” I gave him a confused look and he laughed even harder, “I never thought that you’d like me that quickly.”

I stopped dead on my track and I’m pretty sure I looked ugly on my face right when I heard his arrogant words. I turned my head back to face him, “Excuse me?” I blinked and look him in the eyes.

He smirked and walked closer to me, “I knew you have feelings on me. You just don’t want to admit it because you’re afraid of your brother.” He winked at me seductively and I would lie if I’d say it’s not ‘hot’. I hate it that I do found this jerk attractive and he do looked handsome but no way in hell that I have feelings on him.

I laughed so hard that people around us looked on our direction with weird expressions. “Umm… I think you might need some therapy to check you’re ‘in your dreams’ imagination and ‘arrogant’ feelings aye, because I can see the flies everywhere.” I motioned my hands around and jogged back to the house.

I don’t want to be mean especially to my brother’s friends but I always have bad feelings to the arrogant guys. They making me feel sick and I wanted to puke in front of him when he said those things.


Blaine is absolutely good-looking guy and attractive but I hate his attitude. His arrogant and I’m not sure if I can love someone again after the betrayal that I just experience. The wounds in my heart were still fresh and I don’t know how to move on when I gave Roddrick all the love that every guy wanted to have someday.

Before I could grab the door handle in the entrance door of our house, Blaine grab my hand, “If you’d change your mind babe, just tell me that you want me because I always do.” He winked at me, “And I’m always here for you anytime.” He continued and kissed my hand.

Every girl would die in my position right now and I’m pretty sure their cheeks would be red like a tomato. But not me though. Absolutely not, and I already have a crush on my brothers friend but I don’t want to be in a hurry, yet.

Chapter Eight

I went up to my room and ready to have a shower when someone knocked on my door. I covered my naked body with my bathrobe and open the door. I was a little shock when Kenneth was standing outside my door.

I smiled widely and tried to act like a matured 17-years-old young woman. “Hey, Ken. Do you want something?” I asked and I just realised how my question sounds different than I wanted to say.

He gave me a weird look and I quickly explain what I meant, “Oh… not that… I mean…I’m not saying that… I mean…-” I stuttered nervously and he interrupted my explanation.

“Stay away from Blaine.” Kenneth blurted out and I gave him a confused look. He sighed, “I saw you two talking while jogging and from the look of Blaine, I’m 100 percent sure that he was just playing on you. I don’t want to see your brother and Blaine punching each other because of you Christine.” His eyes were still emotionless and I thought for a minute, sinking all of the words that he said.

My feelings cold up and I wanted to slap him so hard that my hands would mark forever on his face. He doesn’t want to ruin my brother’s relationship to his friends because I am nobody? Is that what he was trying to tell me? Well, guess what? Crack your balls mate!

I fisted my hand that was holding the doorknob, “I wasn’t flirting with Blaine we’re just talking like a frien-…”

I was cut off when he snorted, “Yea, right. I don’t care if you flirted on him or to anybody but just think of your brothers feelings. His like brother to me and I don’t want to see him hurting just because of you.” Just like that and he walked down the stairs.

His words are like a sword that slashed on my cheeks deeply. I’ve never felt so much hurt for just words from a guy and I found it really hard to not plan a revenge on him.

I closed the door really hard and stomped inside the bath tub. It feels so nice if you have a long bath especially if you just had an argument. I covered my naked body with bubbles and relaxed my back on the tub.

I reached my hand to the small table near in my bath tub and pulled the small white remote and hit the play button. The music played and 5 o’clock by T-Pain feat. Wiz Khalifa & Lily Allen is on. I sing along and I stayed that for almost half an hour and song changes when I heard a click from my main door in my bedroom.

I minimised the volume and slowly stood up and covered myself with a white towel. “Who’s in there?” I shouted and the door closed really loud.

I panicked, my heart was racing and breathing was hectic. I pulled the towel closer to my body and as soon as I saw the shadow under the door, I burst it open and shouted really loud that makes everyone entered my room.

Albert panicked and tried to calm me to lower my voice. “Shit… I’m sorry; I don’t know that you’re taking a shower.”

Sorry? I am taking a warm bath in my room and he just walked in my bedroom door like we’re close and didn’t even knock and he’ll just say that he was sorry? Wow! My anger boiled and I shouted in front of his face, “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m in the bathroom, inside my room completely naked and you just walk in without knocking?”

He flinched and lowered his head like an obedient child, “I’m sorry I didn’t knock.” I looked at him and his eyes were full of regret and I saw that he did feel sorry.

I took a deep breath and calm myself, “I’m sorry, I shouted at you.” I felt horrible. Albert seems nice and friendly and not a perv like Blaine.

I keep kicking his feet and stared at it, “It’s okay, I really don’t know that you’re taking a shower. I’m really sorry.”

He looked like a hurt puppy, he’s so cute. “It’s okay. I forgive you.” I assured him with my friendly smile. He smiled back and I saw the different glint in his crystal-blue eyes.

“Really? So that means we’re friends again?” He cheerfully said and I laughed at his childish behaviour.

“Of course, we’re always friend Albert.” I playfully punch his arms and I almost forgot that I just wore a small towel.

“Oh dear, I…I’ll just finished taking a shower first then we talked downstairs after.” I stupidly said and he blushed when he checked me up and down.

He blushed?

“Umm.., yea, I…I just… wait for you downstairs.” I nodded and I walked back to the bathroom.

I checked my iPhone 5 and saw 12 missed calls and 10 messages. All of them are from Roddrick. I ignored it and deleted all of his crap messages. I looked up on the clock that hang on the wall and saw that I already have 5 hours left before Alia and I will go to Fushion Night Club.

When I turned 17 my father bought me a Restaurant. Though I’m still young, I grew up with formalities and my father always brings me to his meetings inside Australia. At the young age, I already knew how to manage some businesses. But my restaurant didn’t work out and I decided to change my restaurant into a night club.

My father didn’t agree at first to my decision but he realised that night club is a good business especially in the city because heaps of teenagers-eaters love socialising and luckily, my dad helped me to get my licence to own a night club since I was still underage.

Every night, I always go to my club and helped getting everyone’s order. My brother didn’t know though and I don’t want to tell him yet.

“Yow, how’s it going?” I took a seat between Albert and Delvin.

“Pretty good. I like your house.” Delvin replied and I smiled on his compliment.

“Yea? Thanks, my dad’s brother and his employers made this house ages ago.” I said proudly and the both of them looked around the house.

 I saw Kenneth through the glass window outside the back yard walking around the pool while talking in his phone. His stone chest every time he stretched his muscly arm to the back of his neck. His styled dark-brown hair was shining under the sunlight. He looks like a falling star in his open white-button down shirt, and I have a full view of his 8 packs. Damn… he looks so sexy and I want to-…

“Do you like him?” Albert interrupted my thoughts and I quickly pulled my eyes off of Kenneth. I wanted to punch his mouth for interrupting my view but I guess it would look too obvious if I’ll continue.

“What are you talking about?” I tried act innocent but my action earlier betrayed me.

“Don’t play dumb on us. We saw you looking at him like his a god.” Delvin added, smirking at me while winking to Albert.

I know I’m too obvious the way I checked him out and if I will deny myself they would tell Kenneth so I nodded. I thought if I admitted they would be happy or tease me but both of them sighed.

I looked to the both of them, “What’s wrong is that a bad thing or a good thing?” I asked watching their cute sad faces.

“I don’t know. I’m not the right person to tell you.” Delvin murmured looking on his drinks.

I looked too my side and Albert quickly looked away, “I’m not either.” He shrugged and takes a sip of his beer.

I don’t know if telling them is the right thing to do. But I’m pretty sure there was something about Kenneth that these guys don’t want to share it with other people.


Chapter Nine

I sat on the bench outside in our house, in the middle of our garden. Beautiful flowers were everywhere and I love the blue sky that lights down the earth. I love having a peaceful time on my own.

My parents were away to work and my brother and his friends went to the shopping centre to go shopping. I never thought that guys love shopping as well.

I swing my feet back and forth and I jumped out of my bum when a guy sat next to me. I turned my head to the side and saw Kenneth wearing his black sunglasses and wore a black button down shirt.

I was surprised when he sat next to me and happy as well, though I put up my all of my strength to not show to him my creepy smile. “Hey, I thought you went shopping with my brother?” I asked trying to put my straight face.

He shrugged and looked down on his shoes, “Yea, I went home early. I hated shopping.” His voice was so manly and sexy and I was to just sat in here and listen to his voice.

I bet he’s a good singer.

I stared in a wild flower that planted beside the bench. “Oh, I figured.” I whispered and there was an awkward silent between us.

I cleared my throat, “When did you meet my brother?” I started a conversation.

A strange sexy smile was placed in his pinkish heart-shaped lips. “When Albert and I walked towards the gym, in first year of college. He almost gets into a fight.”

As soon as I heard his last sentence, I absentmindedly stood up from the bench and stood in front of him. “A fight?” I choked a little from saying the word.

My brother isn’t a violent person, he even hate it when we aren’t talking because of a food.

Kenneth was surprised with my action and he removed his sunnies and hangs it in his small pocket of his button down shirt. “Hey, calm down woman. Guys always get into a fight.”

He sounded a little bit harsh to my hearing but I calm a little when I saw his emerald-green eyes sparkled from the sunlight.

He patted the bench beside him and he continued, “He is a good man and I saw myself in him. Until we became friends-…” he stopped and looked up at me raising his eyebrow.

See, even him can do that, why not me?

“What are you doing?” he asked biting the side of his bottom lip.

Damn, he looked so sexy in that.

I looked at him dreamily and stayed that for like a minute and I snapped out in reality. My cheeks redden from embarrassment and I slap my forehead really hard. “Oh, yea, right!” I stammered, bending my knees to sit beside him.

I saw him from the corner of my eye that he was gazing at my every move intensely. As soon as I sat down my butt, I dare to look at him and I realised that we’re so close at each other that our face nearly touching.

He looked away and cleared his throat, “As what I was saying, Bradey is good man. He knows what is right and wrong and I have some attitude that we shared together.” I finished looking up the bright sky.

I snorted, spreading both of my arms behind me in the bench. “You sounded like a gay.” I muttered and regretted when I received a creepy stormy gaze.

“Sorry.” I apologise and looked away mumbling some words in Spanish. “But seriously, you really are.” I continued and paused for a second looking back at him, “Are you?” I asked, praying that my observation was wrong and he is a real man not a real woman.

He quickly sat up straight and looked back at me. “What? Hell No! I’m a real man. I don’t want to waste the gift that God gave me and just destroy it and turn into a creature that wasn’t made for me?” his voice was a little bit louder than his normal one and I just looked at him biting my nails. Feeling stupid for letting my big mouth took over my mind.

I smiled weakly and he sighed aloud. “I’m sorry.” His apologies and I just keep muted and promise myself to never act stupid in front of him.

We stayed silent for a moment and he continued his story. “When he said that he had a younger sister, I promised to myself that I would take care of her same as he taken care of you.” He emotionally whispered and I swiftly looked at him with sparkling eyes.

Does that mean there is a chance that we could fall in love? I thought to myself and continued listening.

“That’s why I don’t want you to come closer to Blaine. He isn’t a right guy for you.” He paused and we stared each other. “Blaine only love girls for his bed and he didn’t give a fuck if what will happen to them. For him, girls are just a rubbish that he can throw anywhere at any time.” I can hear the hatred in his dark voice.

I nodded and looked at him with worry. I wanted to ask if what did Blaine do that makes him have such a big hatred towards him but decided not to. I’m not in the right position right now to ask such a personal life of his.

I nodded and before I regret it, I already spit my words out of my mouth. “I promise to not fall on his trap and I promise to behave myself.” I oath in front of him and held my open palm up as a sign of my promise.

He laughed and I laughed along with him. Watching and hearing him laugh makes me feel like I’m in a cloud nine, floating above the bright blue sky.

Chapter Ten

Since my small conversation with Kenneth in the garden, my feeling build up even more to him. Every time we talked and he complimented on my looks I always blushed and sometimes I was being clumsy in front of him.

It was so embarrassing!

We’re getting along really well and our friendship were official since yesterday after going shopping for the fun day this coming Sunday and I am so excited to see Kenneth in his swimming trunks.

My brother planned the place and he said we are staying for 1 week in Sydney at Bondi Beach. How exciting was that?

Blaine didn’t bother me anymore. He said he met a fucking hot girl in the shopping centre and he was fucking her to death. Uh-uh that’s Blaine’s word, don’t blame me.

Today is the second day before we will go to Sydney and my brother throw a party in our house. My parents allowed him to do whatever he wants just don’t break the expensive vases from abroad. That was mum’s words, she always told Bradey about the vase because Bradey is the clumsiest than me.

I’m just clumsy when Kenneth was around.

“Iris, what are you going to wear tonight?” My brother asked and from his voice, I already know what his next words are.

“Don’t wear too slutty.” My brother and I said it together and I felt like we’re in sync. “Yea, I know, I know.” I rolled my eyes and walked towards the kitchen wanting to pour my dry throat with cold water.

“You should be. You don’t know what will happen if you tried to disobey your brother.” Kenneth added walking towards the fridge he leaned a little bit closer to my back, “And I don’t want a blood in my hand.” He whispered and I shiver a little.

The tone of his voice makes me confused if he meant that as a protective brotherly way or in the other romantic way. I find controlling myself really hard when I was around with Kenneth. Sometimes my hormones were going crazy and I wanted to jump him down in bed and hand cuff him in my bed until I die.

I jump out a little when I realised Alia was standing beside me, looking at me like I am her favourite movie and was playing her favourite scene. “What are you doing? You scared me to death!” I playfully pushed her and walked to the stool at the bar counter inside the kitchen.

“Oh did I? Sorry,” she apologise mockingly, “I was just watching to my sister doing her day dreaming with Kenneth.” I quickly shush her and covered her mouth and checked the area if someone was listening.

“Can you please not talk about him when we’re outside my room?” I angrily said whilst lowering my voice.

She gave me a wry grin and I wanted to kick her butt for being so stupid. “Anyway, I’m here to ask you something!” Alia said while pouring herself a drink.

I looked towards her and I really wanted to raise my eyebrow but I still can’t do it and I surrender. “What!” I said in a bored tone.

“Umm… Can I borrow your three porn DVD tape? Marky and I will have some fun tonight.” I accidentally spit out my drink in front of her face and my mouth fell open and my eyes widen.

“Shit… I’m sorry.” I pulled out a tissue behind the counter and tried to wipe her face but always failed, looking at her with shock. She blinked twice and I blinked in hundredth time. “Did you seriously just ask me to let you borrow my porn DVD’s because Marky and you are going to have sex tonight?” My voice was a little bit higher and she tried to lower my voice by hushing me.

A creepy smile spread from her lips and I do a fake puke clutching my stomach. “Eeew… Gross…!” I gurgled and she looked at me with hard gaze.

“It’s been a long time since Marky and I have sex you know.” She explained and I do know about their sex life…in details.

I scrunched up my nose and put up my ugly disgusting look. “Just don’t tell me what you guys do, disgusting.” I said hoarsely and I can see it in Alia’s eyes that she was offended.

“Whatever,” she shrugged, “If you’re virginity would be broken someday, you would feel the need.” I covered my ears but her voice still entered in my eardrums, “Trust me you’ll love it. It feels like you’re in heaven floating in the sky-…”

I held my hand to cut her off, “Stop!” I shouted, “I am happy being a virgin girl than-…” my sentence were cut off when my brother and his friends including Kenneth entered the kitchen and saw me covering me ears and hearing all of the words that I said.

Bradey’s reaction was proud hearing that his sister was still a virgin, whilst Albert and Delvin has the same reaction, smirking at me as well as Kenneth and Blaine snorted at me.

Embarrassment flashed through me and cheeks redden, “Alia…!” I shouted dangerously and Alia was smirking, placing her tongue out towards me and took off running for her life.

Chapter Eleven

Alia was dressed up on her Hawaiian one piece bikini for my brother’s party. Bradey said that the theme of the party is Hawaiian and everyone should dress up.

I was looked through all of my bikinis inside my closet but I really can’t find my pink Hawaiian bikini. I have heaps of bikinis and have a 3 pairs of Hawaiian but I really love my pink one.

 “Are you done yet?” Alia asked angrily, standing in front of my door.

I shook my head, “Nah, I can’t find my pink one.” I said throwing my other bikinis on the floor frustratingly.

“For fuck sake, woman! Can’t you just wear your another Hawaiian bikini? The party downstairs already started.” She complained and I was getting more frustrated of her big mouth.

I throw her the bikini that was on my hand and it landed it on her face. “Go ahead big mouth. I’ll join the party as soon as I found my-…”

I stopped talking when I recognised the bikini that I throw on Alia’s face. “Hey! That’s my pink Hawaiian bikini!” I said happily.

At last I found it!

Alia rolled her eyes and kicked some of my bikinis that scattered on the floor. “Hurry up! I’ll wait you downstairs.” She waved her hands and closed the door behind her.

I quickly pulled out my shirt off and put my favourite pink Hawaiian bikini on and hurriedly fixed my hair. I never like to put heavy make-up so I just mascara on my thick lashes and splash some face powder on my face.

I walked downstairs and saw heaps of people were already having drinks. All of the guys don’t have shirt on and the girls wore bikinis that exposed their different butt’s sizes.

I looked around the pool area and realised that there were heaps of people as well. In fact, it was more crowded than the hall inside the house. I found out that majority of the people in the party were same age as my brother and some of them were strangers in my eyes.

It took me a couple of minutes before I found Alia and Marky sucking faces at each other and I walked towards them. “Hey guys! Did you enjoy the party?” I asked and I can see Alia’s face turning bright red from annoyance of me for interrupting their little ‘fun’.

“Oh hey, Christine, I do enjoy the party especially when I see my beautiful baby.” Marky said looking at Alia lovingly. I shuddered and I immediately regretted for interrupting their ‘fun’ moment.

I don’t want to offend Marky for saying that it was gross, instead I excuse myself and poured myself a drink in the kitchen. I decided to walk back to the pool and have a swim when the two bitches that I really hate blocked my way.

“Well, well, well… Isn’t it the foster bitch?” Rhea said folding her arms in front of her fake boobs.

I snorted, “Wow! Look who’s talking?” I open widely both of my arms and then pointed a finger on her, “Look it here hoe don’t you ruin my fucking night or I will make yours hell got that bitch?” I stared at her furiously but the bitch has a thick skull and pushes me even more.

“Oh, bitch please what you going to call your boyfriend?” Cindy said wiggling her index finger, “Awww… I just remembered you don’t have boyfriend anymore right?” Rhea’s bestfriend continued and they both burst out laughing.

“Aww… poor girl, you should see her face when she saw us on the toilet fucking each other.” Rhea said and they laugh again.

I can’t help it anymore, I punched Rhea’s laughing face really hard and Cindy’s laughing face turned it into a shock. Rhea’s right eye started to get red but I didn’t feel sorry about it. It makes me feel happy and satisfied.

I should’ve done that before.

I ran upstairs to my room and decided to lie down to my bed. I didn’t feel enjoying the party anymore after that bitches ruin my mood. I looked up to my beeping phone and saw Roddrick’s face.

The images of him with that bitch Rhea in the school toilet made my heart tightened and before I could try to block those images, tears rolled down from my eyes. I was sobbing really hard, my heart was beating slowly and my body felt really cold like a dead person.

I was broken, falling from heaven down to the earth. No one was rescuing me from the pain that I suffered, the betrayal and the lies that I live for almost a year. I trusted him for my whole life and he just ruin it and played my feelings.

I cried sobbed even more hugging my pillow tightly. I heard my door clicked open and I know that it was Alia, “Go away, Alia.” I said through my dry throat.

“I saw and heard what happen in the kitchen,” I turned around and saw Kenneth sat behind me with just in his swimming Hawaiian short.

As long as I wanted to glue my eyes on his sexy looking abs, I looked away and quickly wipe my tears with my hand. “So you heard it then,” it’s not a question but he answered it anyway.

“Yes, and that was really a good punch.” He laughed and I smiled a little.

He walked around my bed and sat next to me. “Are you okay?” he asked, I looked him in the eye and his emerald eyes are full with sadness.

I looked down to my hands, “I don’t know… I-It’s hard to trust and love someone when they just-…” I stopped and broke down crying, whilst hugging my pillow tightly.

Kenneth held his arms to my small body and hushing me while patting my hair tenderly. More tears rolled down on my cheeks, remembering the way Roddrick did this to me when I am sad. The way his hands rubbed up and down at my back.

“It’s going to be okay.” Kenneth assures me hugging me tightly in his arms. “I won’t let that bastard or anyone hurt you again.”

He separated a little and looked me in the eyes. He wipes my tears off of his thumb and kissed my forehead. I let out a deep breath to calm myself.

We stayed that for like an hour though in reality it’s just a couple of minutes. He tugged my hair behind my ear and looked at me in the eyes. “Do you want me to stay?” he asked and I instantly turned pale. I don’t know why.

“I…I-I don’t know. If you want?” I asked and I was praying that he would stay and hold me in his arms all night like he did to me earlier.

He shrugged, “Fine by me. The party downstairs is quite boring actually.” He smiled and I smiled back melting from his presence.

I looked down at my legs and remembered that I am only wearing my bikini. I looked up to him and saw him checking me up and down. When our eyes met, my cheeks redden and I quickly looked away. “I-I’ll just change my clothes…i-in..the..” I stuttered pointing my thumb to my bathroom door.

He rubbed the back of his neck, “Oh… yea, sure. I-I’ll just wait here.” He said and I hurriedly walked into my bathroom.



Chapter Twelve

Oh God…Oh God! Is he really staying with me in my room? In my room? Jesus, I can’t handle this anymore. What if I snore? What if I accidentally push him out of my bed while I’m sleeping? What if he doesn’t like my night gown?

I was thinking, worried that Kenneth would think that I am disgusting because I snore when I sleep – which is I really don’t know if I do snore, but excited as well because he’s going to stay with me tonight.

My heart was beating like a crazy drum and I can feel my face become paler, goose bumps where everywhere on my skin and I feel like I’m going to be sick.

I heard noises inside my room and I know that Kenneth will be soon become impatient because I take forever in the bathroom.

Relax, Christine. Just take a deep breath and look in the mirror. Check yourself first before stepping in front of Kenneth.

No, calm yourself and take of your undies and leave your shirt. Just in case you it’s your lucky night tonight.

What?! No, you’re crazy!

Me? Are you saying that I am not sexy?

No… I was just-…

My crazy battle with my perverted thoughts was cut off when I heard Kenneth softly knocks on my bathroom door. “Iris, I’m going back to the party. You’re brother needs me. Do you mind if I just come back later?”

My heart sank in to the deepest water and was eaten by a shark, as soon as I heard his excuse. I thought that he would stay and comfort me but he’ll just leave and abandon me.

Stop being a drama queen, Iris. He’s not going to die, you know.

Shut up!

I swear I really need to see my doctor now to check my brain…

“Iris,” Kenneth whispered softly behind the door. I forgot that I haven’t responded him.

“Yea?” I quickly said, trying my hoarse voice to become normal.

“Are you okay?”

“Yea, I’m fine. Don’t worry. It’s okay you can go now, my brother needs you.” I said immediately and I heard him let a long sigh before his steps started to fade.

I get out of my bathroom door and lay down my back on my bed. Staring at the ceiling that seems like forever, I closed my heavy eyes. It is so nice to have a crush that lives with you in one roof. A person that understands you and stand for you whenever you need him, the guy that will protect you like a hero and the man that you can say he’s the one.

My life would be perfect if he would say that he loves me and he will protect me from anyone and stand for me until the last breath of my life. But I think in my world, that life would never going to happen. That life would be just a dream and it would never exist.

My thoughts started to fade and my body started to feel light like a feather. I felt like I am in heaven surrounded by the clouds. Trying to let myself awake but I guess, sleep overtake my tired body.


Kenneth POV

“Hey, where’s Christine? I’ve been looking around the place but I can’t see his soul.” Bradey said looking around the living room – which is now the dance floor.

Since Bradey brought us here in his main house where he grew and become mature, he always told us a story about his family. He told us that he has a sister and that shocked us all, well, except for Blaine. I know when Bradey declared that he has a sister Blaine would go and try to hit on her in bed. But I promise to Bradey that I will protect her sister though I haven’t seen her yet.

That’s when we arrive in his place. His parents were so good and I thought that being a rich and famous family they act like they never care for their children, like mine. My parents were always away from the business and they never send me or inform me that they already left – even through messages. But Mr and Mrs Iceley were different. Though they were always busy but they always inform their children where they went. Put notes in the fridge and call them when they already left and I have a big respect for this family.

Then I met Christine. Call me a cliché I don’t care because when I first saw her, I almost had a heart attack. Although, I hate seeing her wore small clothing that barely covers every part of her body. I admit that I was jealous when I saw Blaine, Albert and Delvin talked to her the past few days. I even thought that she like Blaine because she was blushing when I spotted them in the driveway talking. That’s when I tried to talk to her and then we become close to each other.

My heart shattered into million pieces when I saw her cried inside her room because of the bitches who recall the horrible things that happened between her ex. I tried my will power to not beat those bitches face and let them beg for forgiveness in front of Christine. I’d never thought that Christine love her ex so much that makes my heart ache when I think about it.

I wasn’t this emotional before. Heck, I don’t even like serious relationship because I know girls only want my money, my body and the thing is I only give a shit when the girl deserve it.

Last week, I confess to Bradey that I have feelings to his sister. I thought he would be mad and punch me in the face for betraying him but instead he just congratulate me and said he trusted me for not hurting his baby sister.

That was a relief.

“She was upstairs in here room.” I said/shouted to the loud blast of music around us.

Bradley looked at me with an unknown expression. I don’t want him to think something bad so I added quickly, “She was crying about something and I accompany her because she was really sad. I think you should talk to her tomorrow.”

Bradley sighed and rubbed his forehead, “Yea, my mum told me about her ex-boyfriend but she said I should talk to her to know the whole story.” He punches his fingers in his phone screen and excused himself.

I walked outside to the backyard where lots of girls almost naked giggling with guys. I looked towards them disgustedly. I should go back to Christine…

“Hey, handsome.” The girl with a blonde short hair walked towards me, playing with her hair that she thinks it looks cute on her. “I haven’t seen you here before, are you Bradley’s friend?” she put her hand on my chest but I quickly grab her wrist, “Oh… hard-to-get… You want to play? I love games.” She said but I just shrugged and walked away. I don’t time for her games.

I creep into Christine’s room and saw her sleeping peacefully on her queen size bed. A smiled plastered on my lips and I sat in her bed. I moved her chestnut brown hair away from covering her beautiful heart-shaped face.

Damn…If I could just own her and make her mine take her to my own house in America, I’d be the happiest man alive. I hope I could…

My thoughts quickly disappeared when Christine moved her back facing me while she holds my hand snuggling to it. I smile at her cute and innocent face; I lowered my head and kiss her lightly in the forehead. “Good night, Iris.”

I pulled back and pull the cover upper to her body. I started to stood up and leave but froze when a small and soft hand hold my wrist.

“Please stay,” Christine whispered. Her eyes were close and I know that half of her body were asleep. I smile widely and lay my back to her soft bed. I come closer to her small frame and hold her small waist with my arms protectively.

Christine nuzzled closely in my chest and mumbled goodnight and I felt like I was dreaming, smiling like an idiot until I fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter Thirteen


Christine’s POV

A cold wind blowing my hair and I shivered a little. I felt like my stomach tightens after I shiver but I ignored it. I keep my eyes close while moaning and yawning. I shifted my body to the other side but I cannot move. I tried it again but the result was still the same.

I open my eyes but soon regret it when the sunlight blinded and hurt my eyes. I groan and swing my right leg off my bed ready to sit up but there was something that was holding me in place.

I tried it again and as soon as my feet were on the floor, something or someone grab me from behind and lay me back down in my bed. Realisation hit me like a rock in the head.

I wasn’t alone in my room. I looked down at my shirt and my eyes widen in horror when I realised that I was only wearing a tight normal shirt and my underwear. My underwear.

I panic and I wiggle inside the arms that locked me in. The unknown stranger loosens his grip and I quickly dash off away from his touch like a flash and position myself for self-defence.

“Who are you? What are you doing in my room? How did you get in? What happen last night? Did we have sex? Oh, my god! Please tell me we didn’t! Jesus, we did! Oh my, oh my… my parents would kill me. What would my brother think of me? A slut? A whore? Oh, lord god! Please tell me this is just a nightmare. What would Kenneth think of me? No, no, no… This is a nightmare. Yes, absolutely a nightmare and I need to wake up. This nightmare must stop.” I babbled uncontrollably.

My forehead was seating, my hands were shaking and I’m pretty sure my face looked pale. I pinched my face a couple of times but then the stranger was still on my bed. Completely topless, he was only wearing his boxers and his back was facing me. I observed his messy hair and the wrinkled sheets and then I looked down at my wrinkled bed. Then I felt like everything stop. My breathing stop, my shaking hands had stop shaking, the sweats on my forehead increases and my eyes started to water.

The next thing happen is that I was shouting to the top of my lungs in agony. “No……………….!!! No, no, no… This can’t be. We – I – I… I’m still a virgin!!! This is… this is… this is…” I stuttered in panic.

Hot tears streaming down my face, I cupped my face with my hands and sob like I lost my puppy and my cat has died. I sank on the floor bawling my eyes out and shouting like I gone crazy. I’d be surprise if everyone was still asleep from my shouting. Then I remember that my room was sound proof. This thought makes me cry even more and shout my lungs out.

I heard shuffling beside me and the stranger wrap his arms behind me but I wiggle away from him whilst keep crying. I heard him sigh and stayed in his position and let me drown myself in sorrow. Minutes passed by and I heard my bedroom door slammed shut.

I tighten my eyes closed and held my breath before letting it out. Tears were still running down my cheeks. I feel disgusted to my body, I feel dirty, I feel like I don’t have dignity left in my soul anymore. I feel empty.

I stayed in the floor cussing myself for being stupid and being careless. Praying that nothing happened last night and hoping that I wouldn’t get pregnant. I know I was thinking too much but I don’t want to be surprised if my stomach would look like a ball after couple of months. If something happened last night, at least I’m aware and ready to deliver the living creature inside of me; he or she will be my baby after all.

I slowed down a little and stood up from the floor. I walked to my bathroom and take a shower. I violently rub and clean my flesh hoping that what I did last night would vanished by the help of the hot water.

I grab my towel and wipe the water off my skin before walking to my closet. I pulled out my black sleeveless dress that stops above my knees and my black converse shoes. I then put black eyeliner under my eyes and black liquid liner above my upper lashes. I brushed my perfect arched eye brow and brushed my hair after. I pulled my hair up into a neat ponytail and put a big black ribbon on top of it. I put some lip gloss and wear my black heart necklace and black watched before walking down the stairs.

I walked to the kitchen and found everyone was eating their breakfast silently. I walked slowly to my spot and I flinched when mum said, “Good morning sweetheart. How was your night?”

Everyone around the table looked up at my direction but I avoid their gazes and focused on playing my fingers under the table. Blaine probably saw my uneasiness earlier and stared at me intensely before asking, “Are you alright?” I nodded but keep my mouth shut.

“You look pale.” Delvin added.

“Is something wrong dear?” My mum asked and I looked up to her and shook my head. I looked around and saw everyone was looking at me with worry, except for Kenneth.

My eyes widen in horror when Kenneth’s blank eyes met my scared eyes. Oh my god, what did I do. Did Kenneth know what happen to me last night? Did he saw me making out with the stranger last night? The thought of Kenneth looking at me while making out with someone – who was completely stranger makes me shrieked down lower on my chair and makes me feel more disgusted and dirty to my body.

I can’t face everyone right now, so I excused myself and went outside the backyard. I paced around the pool racking my head back and forth. I know, I can’t hide my secret to them forever but I am scared if I tell them what happen, my parents would throw me out of house and despise me for being their daughter. Everyone would get mad and Kenneth… he would never talk to me anymore and he would be disgusted to me-…

“Are you alright?” someone asked me from behind.

I twist my head behind me…to quickly that I hear my neck let out a weird noise. “Ow,” I moaned in pain. I looked up and saw Kenneth looking at me with pain and sadness in his eyes. He looked troubled and my brow rose up in confusion. I’m too busy backing away from him that I almost fell out of the pool. But Kenneth caught me before it happen.

He pulled me out of the edge of the pool and hugged me tightly. “Careful,” he murmured in my ears and a shiver ran down my spine.

He pulled me a little just to see my face and frowned. “You seem off today.” He said. I didn’t know if that’s a statement or a question but I keep quiet.

He keeps me locked inside his strong yet comfortable grip and he squeezed my left arm before letting me go and walked to the stairs of the pool. He removed his shoes and dangled his feet freely in the water.

I walked slowly beside him and did the same. I looked up and found him looking away in the distance. His dark brown hair was messy but in a cute way, he has eye bags under his eyes, he looked happy yet sad at the same time.

He was wearing a cream khaki shorts and a deep v neck long sleeve shirt that rolled up in his muscly arms. He looked like a model in Calvin Klein Company. I sighed dreamily at him.

Kenneth looked down at my dreamy state and laughed at me. I quickly looked away my face surely looked like a tomato right now. I bit hard my lower lip to ease the heat of my face but it only makes it worse.

Kenneth stop laughing and he sighed. I look up and our eyes met but I didn’t look away. We stayed like that looking at each other’s eyes before he shook his head and looked up the sky.

“You didn’t remember everything last night, didn’t you?” he blurted out and I instantly stiffen like a statue.

My eyes widen in horror and Kenneth quickly explained what happen. “You were in pain last night.” He started and I looked up at him in confusion.

He sighed and continued, “There were girls like your age last night and I think they didn’t like you because they said something that made you angry and stomped off to your room.” I keep silent and he continue, “I followed you to your room and saw you crying your heart out. You shared something very important to me last night that you haven’t said it to Bradey.”

Memory started to rewind about the event last night inside my head but my question of sleeping with the stranger didn’t make sense.

“You went to the bathroom to change and I informed you that I have to go back down to the party to inform your brother that you were sleeping.”

I found myself pinching my thigh. This is it he’s going to tell me that he saw me making out with the stranger last night. I’m going to die. I silently say goodbyes to everyone in my head.

“Then when I came back, you were…. Sleeping peacefully in your bed and you asked me if I could stay with you the whole night. I fell asleep next to you but soon woke up when you feel sick. You stayed in the toilet for 5 minutes before you climbed back to bed. I stayed with you until morning.” He looked at me with an evil smile.

I looked away in shame thinking that I looked stupid at my panic state this morning. I’m so stupid, I didn’t realised that it was him who sleep with me this morning. The thought of his amused face watching me while crying like an idiot make my face feel hot and turned red in shame. I am so stupid.

He laughed at my embarrassment and swung his arms on my shoulder. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. Everyone does some stupid things when they’re drunk.”

“I was drunk?” I asked. I can’t remember I drink last night?

“Oh, yea, very.” He chuckled. My face turned even redder.

“What else did I do last night?” I asked looking down at my fingers.

He take a deep breath before saying, “You always admired my dimples and always poked my abs. You said my 8 packs look hot and sexy. And you were trying to seduce me last night by the way.” He was laughing loudly while I was sank down, embarrass.

“I have a video of you, actually.” He pulled out his phone and pressed play. I looked down at the video in horror while Kenneth was laughing like a maniac. I saw a tear slipped out of his eye while clutching his side.

I stood up and ready to delete the video but Kenneth was too fast that he caught it and grab from my hand.

“Give it back,” I ordered angrily.

“No,” he muttered stubbornly, still laughing.

“Delete it,” I said between my gritted teeth.

Instantly, he stopped laughing and looked at me for a second before letting out a deep breath. “I… am going to delete this,” he paused and looked at me deeply. “But in one condition.”

I blink at him and motion my hand for him to continue. He smiled and a look of desperate was written in his eyes.

“Go out with me tonight?”

I looked at him in shock but quickly covered it with a cough. “You mean a date?” I asked hoping it is a date.

Kenneth let out a cute chuckled and nodded, “Yes. Christine Iceley, would you go on a date with me?” he confirmed.

I almost dance in joy in front of him and a wide grin was placed on my lips, “Yes,” I replied but it sound like a squeak. I cleared my throat and said it again, “Yes, I’d love to Kenneth.”

Kenneth’s face lit up and a wide grin played on his lips. I was taken aback when he hugged me tightly but I hugged him back. I can’t believe that I’m going on a date with Kenneth. The hot, sexy, drop dead gorgeous guy – who by the way was on college go on a date with a teenage high school girl. I can’t explain how happy I am right now.

“Me too,” he replied.

I quickly covered my hand to my mouth. He chuckled and kissed my now red cheek. “You’re so beautiful,” he compliment and tucked a hair behind my ear.

My face reddened even more and he pulled me closer to him by my waist and we walked back inside the house. I can’t wipe off the smile on my face until I saw the guys smirking at me then separate Kenneth from me and they shared a stupid man hug. I rolled my eyes and saw Blaine looking at me with disappointment.

“I thought you like me? I never thought you like Kenneth’s abs than my body.” He whisper and winked. I looked at him in horror.

Then my brother came out from nowhere and picked me up from the ground away from Blaine. “Don’t scare the new soon-to-be-couple man.”

I smiled at my brother’s comment but instantly vanished when I was being thrown in the pool.


Texte: Everything about this book is my work. No copyright...
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.06.2013

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