Green Does Not Look Good On You

Meeting Jordan Swift Von:
Green Does Not Look Good On You

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Green Does Not Look Good On You"
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Green Does Not Look Good On You
Meeting Jordan Swift
Beiträge und Kommentare
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Sweet Blossom

Hey! Alyza Plz update it as Soon as Possible and I want to b ur friend .Plz accept my Request
And Plz update ur all books as u get time
Ur big fan

Wichtiger Beitrag

complete the book pls .. its a very good book:)

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Awww... I wanted to see the 'king' and 'queen's reactions of the makeover *major pout* please pretty please update (update your other stories too)

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Gelöschter User

~"Nothing can make you look smart, Daren."~

Boo, random guy in Math class!
Daren totally looked smart with those pants'd Grammy glasses!! XDD

Wichtiger Beitrag
AJ Joseph

I hate you sometimes Alyza, you may be wickedly weird, almost insane but that doesn't excuse you from not writing and i thought you loved me (also update your other stories I'm too lazy to write another comment)

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