
Main Characters name is pronounced: L-e-on-uh...

“…Samuel Augustine.” My teacher called out

“Here.” Samuel muttered

She looked up and ticked his name off.

“Nick Stanton?”

“Right here, Ma’am.” Came his cocky voice

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. Admiring the beautiful day.

“Carly Justin’s?”

“Here, Mrs. Walker.” Her slutty voice said in an annoying tone

“Eric Matthews?”

“Here, Pretty lady.” Once again, I rolled my eyes

It sucks to have all the number one players of the school in your history class.

“Isabelle Stanton?”

“Present.” Isabelle was alright but people just assumed she was rude because of her brother, Nick.

“Bella Parks?”

“It’s Bella-Elaine and I’m right here.” Bella glared at Mrs. Walker

Mrs. Walker rolled her eyes, “Oh, I’m sorry Bella- Elaine


That’s why I love Mrs. Walker. She’s awesome and doesn’t take any crap.

“KemberlyAnna Rodriguez?”

“Right here.” Kemberly raised her hand then went back to talking to Carly.

“Eliana Monroe?”

“Here.” I said quietly from my seat in the back of the class

She looked up, probably because she couldn’t hear me. She smiled and ticked my name off. I smiled back slightly and went back to looking out the window.

“Hey, Eliana! Why are you so damn ugly?” Nick asked oh so innocently

The class erupted in laughter. I rolled my eyes and stared up into the sky. Trying to calm myself down so anger wouldn’t control me.

“Can you hear me?!” He yelled from across the class

“Nicolas! Leave her alone.” Mrs. Walker scolded

“I just asked an innocent question.” I could practically see the innocent look on his face while he widened his bright blue eyes to add to the ‘Innocent effect.’

“Leave her alone.” Mrs. Walker said slowly

“Why can’t she just answer my question?” He asked

“For the last time, Nick. Leave her alone.”

He scoffed, “Nope. C’mon Eli, just answer the question.” I could feel his blue eyes burning a hole into the side of my head

I turned to stare at him but stayed silent.

“Are you gonna answer?” He asked impatiently

Nicholas Stanton has made my life a living hell since freshman year. We are now Juniors. Sophomore year I found out a ‘solution’. I found out the more you answer his ‘questions’ the more he messes with you. So I don’t answer for my benefit and his.

So now I just don’t talk to him. I stay silent and stare at him through my thick grandma glasses. Don’t blame me, I tried to get new ones but my parents don’t have enough money. We’re poor. Like, really, really poor. We barely have enough money to pay for our two bedroom apartment.

I don’t blame them or anything. They work hard. My mom is a nurse and Providence hospital and my dad has two jobs. His first job is a mechanic and his second job is a ice cream parlor person.

Don’t know what it’s called. Those were the only jobs he could get considering how bad the economy is these days. I keep insisting that I can get a job too but they refuse and say I’m the child, they should be taking care of me.

Of course I don’t listen. I baby sit most of the time. I tell my parents I have after school studies or something when I have to work.

All the money I get from babysitting I put in our money jar. My parents don’t even notice the extra money in there.

“Hello? Anybody in there? God, she’s ugly and

stupid.” Nick said loudly, only then did I realized he was sitting in the seat next me, waving his hands in front of my face

I turned to him and raised a brow. He looked at me then looked into my light blue eyes. He gasped and quickly got up.

I arched a brow as he ran over to his desk. Okaaaay, then. I shrugged and looked out the window again.

“Okay, Class. Get out your text books, turn to page 327 and read until the next chapter.

I sighed and got my text book out. I turned to page 327 then flipped the pages until I reached the next chapter.

What the hell?! Why we gotta read 20 pages?!

“What the hell?! Do you know how long this chapter is?!” Nick cried out with wide eyes

“Yes, 20 pages. Not that big a deal.” Mrs. Walker said rolling her eyes, “I have to go get your guys’ work sheet from the printer down the hall. Be good.” She said the last part glaring at Nick

He smirked, “Nothing about me is good.”

She rolled her eyes and walked out. That’s when the chaos began. Kids started yelling and throwing things. I looked up and my eyes landed on Nick’s.

He was staring at me but when he saw that I noticed he quickly looked away and started talking to Eric.

“She’s coming!” Someone yelled

Everybody rushed to there seats and began pretending to read as Mrs. Walker walked in.

“I heard you guys all the way down the hall.” She stated handing out the papers

The class laughed and I just sat there, staring at the markings on the desk. One said, ‘Leslie was here’

. The other marking was just a line. Who draws a line? Really though?

“Sorry I’m late!” A voice yelled as the door banged open

I looked up and a girl with green eyes and with light brown hair a little passed her shoulders, stood there looking flustered. She was pretty. She better watch out for Nick and Eric.

“And you are?” Mrs. Walker asked walking up to her

“Jordan Swift. The new student.” She panted, “I’m so sorry. I got lost. Nobody was in the hallway. It was a disaster.” She explained with wide eyes

I felt like laughing, she just looked so worried.

“It’s fine. Take a seat anywhere.” Mrs. Walker said before she started handing out papers again

Jordan scanned the class room and her eyes landed on me.

‘Please, don’t. PLEASE, don’t sit by me. Please, please, please, please!’

She skipped over to me, literally. She sat down beside me and turned so she was fully facing me.

“I’m Jordan. But you already knew that. What’s your name?” She smiled widely

“Eliana.” I said quietly

“That’s a pretty name! You’re my new best friend!” She exclaimed happily

I was about to speak when Nick decided too, “Oh, you don’t want to be her friend. You can be mine.” He smirked

“I’m good.” She frowned in disgust as she looked at him

I raised my brows in shock, the

Nick Stanton just got turned down. He looked just as shocked as everybody else did.

“What?” He asked

“I don’t want to be your friend.” She stated turning back to me

“What?” He asked again

She turned to him, “Let me get this through your thick jock head. I, Jordan Swift, do not want to be your friend. ‘Kay?” She said slowly

She turned back to me and I stared at her in shock.

“What?” She asked

I gaped at her, “You just…you just turned down Nick Stanton for…me?”

“Guess so.” She smiled

I stared at her like she was crazy, “Are you crazy?” I whispered looking around

“Um, not that I know of. Why?” She asked in confusion

“You just turned down Nick Stanton for the ugliest, poorest girl in school.” I stated without emotion

“Who’s the ugliest, poorest girl in school?” She asked

I pointed to myself, “She’s right here.”

“You’re not ugly.” She stated looking me up and down, she suddenly smirked, “You could turn me lesbian.”

“That’s why she turned me down.” I heard Nick sigh in relief, “She’s gay.”

“No I’m not. I just don’t like pig-headed, narcissistic man-whores.” She smiled sweetly

He gaped at her like everybody else. Wow! She’s got guts. I’ll give her that.

“Okay, that’s enough!” Mrs. Walker yelled smirking, “Start reading!”

Some people did what they were told while others looked between Jordan and Nick. I stared wide eyed at Jordan. She MUST have a death wish. All the sluts are gonna hate her now.

It was nice having one friend. Even if it was only for a couple minutes.

Jordan grabbed her backpack from the floor and pulled her text book out.

“What page?” She asked me

“327.” I muttered

She turned to the page and saw how many words there were.

“Damn!” She exclaimed loudly with wide eyes, she looked at me, “What the hell kinda school is this?”

I laughed then stopped abruptly as everybody turned to me and stared in shock. This is the first time I’ve laughed in school since forever.

I quickly looked down at my book and pretended to read. I’ve already read this chapter. It’s the result of not having a social life.

I sighed quietly and looked out the window. The day was beautiful and we were stuck in school. Life is cruel.

I felt eyes on me and I knew that some people were still gaping because I laughed. Big whoop! Calm the fuck down! Everybody laughs!

“Why are they staring at you?” Jordan asked in a whisper

I turned to her, “One: I’ve never had someone as a friend. Two: I laughed.”

“You laughed?” She repeated

I shrugged, “I don’t laugh.”

“Everybody laughs.” She insisted

“Not me.” I mutter throwing a glance at Nick

She followed my stare and narrowed her eyes.

“The douche makes your life miserable.” She stated

I nodded and looked down at the desk. I heard her sigh angrily, I looked up and she was glaring intensely at Nick.

It was a pretty funny sight. I chuckled quietly and once again, everybody turned to stare at me.

“Turn the fuck around.” Jordan growled while glaring at everybody

They quickly turned around and I laughed again but they didn’t turn around this time. Nick looked at me though.

I caught his brown eyes before looking away.

“Why doesn’t he like you?” Jordan asked quietly

“What’s to like?” I retorted

“Everything! All you need is a make over.” She smiled and looked deep in though

“No money. Schools almost out anyway. What’s it matter?” I shrugged

“Three weeks is not almost over. That’s almost a month!” She whisper yelled

“I have no money for a make over. So, I’m not getting one.” I said looking out the window

“I’ll get you one.” She said happily

My head snapped to her, “No. I don’t want your money or anything.”

“Would you do it for my birthday party?” She asked


“C’mon! Please? It’ll be the best birthday ever. We can both get make over’s.” She whispered happily

“I’ll go to your birthday but I’m not getting a make over with your money.” I said

“It’ll be free though. My mom owns the shop ‘D’ elegance’ down the road.” She whispered

“Still.” I said lamely

“It wont cost me or my family a dime. Please?” She pleaded

I narrowed my eyes slightly then sighed, “Fine.”

“Yes!” She yelled jumping up and down in her seat

Everybody turned to us and I blush in embarrassment. I don’t do well with people staring at me,

“Nothing to see here.” I stated loudly

Everybody stared at me in shock, I don’t talk much in school. Barely at all unless it’s to a teacher.

“Seriously, turn around.” Jordan said waving her hand, shooing them

They stayed staring and I got uncomfortable. I don’t do well when I’m uncomfortable. I get irritated and angry.

“You guys have major issues.” I said looking out the window

Everyone gasped and Carly yelled, “Shut up, Ugly person!”

Anger boiled inside me but I pushed it down.

“Hold the fuck up! Don’t talk to her that way! Got it?!” Jordan yelled standing up

“Who are you?!” Carly yelled glaring, her eyes filled with rage and jealousy as she looked at Jordan

“I’m Jordan to the mother fucking Swift!” Jordan stated loudly, “In the flesh!”

I laughed as she bowed. Carly stood there, shocked. She’s never been talked to that way. She’s the ‘Queen’ of the school and she’s dating our ‘King’, Nick. Hurray! Please note the sarcasm loaded in that one word.

I turned to Jordan and she was standing with her arms over her chest as she glared at Carly.

“Got something else to say?” Jordan asked angry

I scratched my ear, something I always did when a situation was going to get out of hand or when I was nervous. This time I knew something bad was going to happen.

“Who the hell do you think you are to come into MY

school and talk to me like that?!” Carly shrieked in outrage

I laughed as her face turned red.

“Your school?” Jordan asked with an arched brow

“That’s right. My school!” Carly sneered

“Is your name written on it?” Jordan asked

“…No.” Carly hesitated

Jordan turned to me, “Got a sharpie?”

I nodded and got out my red sharpie. Jordan walked over to Carly, pushed her away and wrote ‘Jordan’s Desk’ across it. She then walked over to Nick’s desk and wrote the same thing.

“I may not own the school but if I ever see anyone in this class sitting in these two desks. You’ll get sliced.” She stated walking back to her seat, “Nick, Carly, you might want to get up.” She added sitting down

“I don’t know who you think you are but I listen to no one.” Nick growled

“Wrong! You listen to me now.” Jordan smirked crossing her arms over her chest

Nick gasped and I laughed. He turned to me and narrowed his eyes. I stared back evenly he looked away and turned to the front of the class.

“I thought I told you to get up.” Jordan said walking over to Nick’s desk

He looked up, “Thought I told you I don’t listen to anyone.”

“Do I care what you thought

you told me?” She retorted

I raised my brows. She’s something else.

“Get. Up.” She said each word slowly

“I’m good.” Nick stated ignoring her

“I don’t care if your good

. Get outta my property.” She crossed her arms

She’s scary.

“That is enough Jordan. Please have a seat.” Mrs. Walker smiled but you could see she wanted to smirk

“It’s my property, Ma’am. He’s in it.” Jordan said defiantly

Mrs. Walker chuckled, “Please, sit down. And you will clean those desk‘s at lunch or after school.”

Jordan turned back to Nick with a heavy sigh, “I talk to you later.” She threatened walking back over to me

I laughed quietly and shook my head. Everybody stared at her in shock but I’m over her…aggressive behavior already. You never know what she’s gonna do.

She sat down grudgingly and glared at Nick one more time before looking down at her book.

She suddenly looked up at Mrs. Walker, “Don’t you have this on tape or something? This chapter is fucking long.”

“Jordan!” Mrs. Walker scolded

“What?” Jordan asked confused

I raised my brows in amusement.

“Language!” Mrs. Walker said loudly

“Oh…my bad.” She laughed

I smiled and shook my head.

“No, I don’t have it on tape. Read.” Mrs. Walker commanded

Jordan sighed heavily again, loud enough for Mrs. Walker to hear. “Fine.”

I looked out the window, I always do it in class. There’s nothing better to do.

“Why aren’t you reading?” Jordan whispered

“I’ve already read it.” I whispered back looking away from the window

She sighed happily and closed the book, “Good. You can tell me about it later or something. I really don’t like reading.”

Smiling, I nodded, “Sure.”

“So, about my birthday. It’s tomorrow.” She informed casually

“Tomorrow?” I whisper yelled

“Tomorrow.” She repeated

“You say it so casually like you’re not going to make me change EVERYTHING about me.” I whispered

“I’m not changing everything. Just your appearance.” She said confused

“That’s pretty much everything to me.”

“I’m not making you change who you are. You’ll still be the same Eliana, on the inside but you’ll be the new and improved Eli on the outside. You’ll be gorgeous.” She said confidently

“Thanks?” I said but it came out like a question

“Welcome.” She said like her bubbly self

“Mrs. Walker! Elli and Jordan are talking and it’s distracting me!” Nick yelled

“What?! Nu-uh! How could you lie like that?! I thought we were besties Nick!” Jordan yelled feigning shock, “You’re a traitor, traitor.” She added in a mutter

I laughed at the look on her face, it was shock mixed with betrayal. My laughter died down when everybody stared at me again.

“You were too talking!” Nick yelled standing up

“How can you prove it?! Are there any witnesses to this horrendous crime?!” Jordan asked also standing up

“Yes! The whole class!” Nick yelled looking around

“I didn’t hear them talking.” Samuel smirked

“Damn straight you didn’t because we weren’t. Thanks buddy!” Jordan yelled smiling widely at Samuel

I laughed again and Samuel turned to me. He smiled widely and turned around.

“Eric heard you, right Eric?” Nick said turning to Eric

Eric looked between Nick and Jordan, “Nahhh man, I didn’t hear nothing.”

I looked at Jordan and she was giving Eric a death glare.

“What?! You traitor!” Nick yelled at Eric

“Aye dude, she’s scary.” He said jerking his head towards Jordan

“She’s a chick!” Nick said throwing his hands in the air

“Scariest chick you’ll ever meet.” Jordan smirked sitting down

Nick was about to respond when the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and shoved my history book in it. I stood up and put it over my shoulder.

“What class do you have next?” Jordan asked

“I have math, you?” I asked as we walked out of the classroom

“Me too. Show me?” She asked

“Yup.” I smiled and walked towards math

We walked into math and everybody started whispering.

“Is that the girl that told off Nick Stanton?” A guy asked as he looked Jordan up and down

“How can she turned down someone as hot as Nick Stanton? Is she lesbian?” A slut asked in disgust

“Yes I am the girl that told off Nick Stanton and no, I am not lesbian.” Jordan said walking to a desk in the back of the class

I walked after her and sat in my normal seat. She sat right next to me.

“So, El, you’re going to my birthday?” Jordan asked turning to me

“El? Yes Jordy, I am.” I smiled, giving her a nickname

“Jordy? I like it.” She smiled widely

I smiled back and got out my note book. The bell rung, signaling that class is suppose to be starting. The teacher walked in right after.

“Hello, class!” Mr. Tanner smiled

‘Hey’s and ‘Hello’s erupted through the class.

“Hi!” Jordan yelled frantically, she turned to me, “Hot.” She mouthed

Mr. Tanner was young. I think, 23 years old. Not sure but he had tousled blonde hair and warm hazel brown eyes.

I smirked, “I know.”

I turned back to the front and Mr. Tanner was looking for something. He found it and turned to Jordy.

“Jordan Swift?” He asked

“Yup!” She said happily

“Nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy this school.” He smiled and turned to his desk

Jordan looked at me and pouted, “Why does he have to be a teacher?”

I laughed, “I don’t know.”

“How old is he?” She whispered

“I think he’s 23.” I replied unsure

“Please dear Lord, make me older.” She begged staring at the ceiling

I laughed quietly, “You’re so strange.”

She looked at me in appreciation, “Awww, thanks!”

Everybody turned to us and Mr. Tanner asked, “Something you guys would like to share?”

Jordan looked like a dear caught in headlights so I answered, “Nope.”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jordan relax. Mr. Tanner nodded and turned back to the board.

“Thanks. He just sooo hot!” Jordan whispered dreamily

“Forget it. He’s not that type of guy.” I whispered back

“Ugh, I hate morals.” She groaned

I chuckled and looked around the class. My eyes landed on Samuel. I looked away before he noticed. He was really cute. Not that it matters, he’d never go for anyone like me.

I crossed my leg over my knee and bit my pencil. In record time, I zoned out.

I wonder what we’ll do tomorrow for Jordy’s birthday. Will it be fun?

“Eliana!” I heard Mr. Tanner yell

I snapped back into reality, “What? I didn’t steal your purple smurf! I swear!”

The class erupted into laughter. I shrank down into my seat.

“Okay…pay attention.” He frowned and turned back to the board

“You’re so weird.” Jordan laughed beside me

I turned to glare at her, “Some friend you are.”

“Best friend. Only best friends are allowed to make fun of their other bestie.” She stated

I rolled my eyes, “Suuure.”

“It’s true.” She defended with large eyes

“Okay, okay.” I chuckled

She nodded, “Glad you understand.”

I laughed, “I understand.”

“Ladies!” Mr. Tanner yelled

I turned to him, “Yes?”

“Shhh!” He shushed putting his finger to his lips

I nodded, “Will do.”

He flared his nostrils and turned back to the board stiffly. I chuckled and crossed my leg over my knee again.

“Sexy!” Jordan whispered loudly staring at Mr. Tanner

Some girls turned around and smirked, “I know!”

Then they started chatting about how his hazel eyes gleamed in the sunlight. How the hell do they know that?

Suddenly my eye started itching so I took my glasses off and rubbed my it. It itches! Really bad!

“Sexy!” Jordan yelled

I jumped and turned to look at her, she was staring at me.

“What?” I asked slowly moving my hand away from my eye

“Sexiness is in the air!” She exclaimed pumping her fist in the air

I frowned, “You’re a freak-a-dink.”

She smiled and blushed, “Stop flattering me!”

I gave her a strange look and put my glasses back on. She reached over and ripped them off my face.

“What the hell?!” I yelled

“You don’t need them.” She said shoving them in the pocket of her tight skinny jeans

“Why would I wear them if I didn’t need them?” I asked

She shrugged and faced the front of the class. Okay, I’ll admit I don’t need to wear them all the time, only for reading but I like being the quiet nerd in the back row.

I faced the front and everyone was staring at me. Feeling self-conscious, I reached over and tapped Jordan’s arm.

“What?” She asked turning to me

“Give ‘em back.” I frowned

She shook her head and turned away from me. I groaned and leaned back in my chair, grumpily.

“Jerk.” I muttered to her

“You sexy freak!” She suddenly yelled jumping up to dance, “You are the sexiest nerd I have ever met, Eliana.” She stated dancing around the class room

I raised my brows, “Sit down!”

She stopped dancing momentarily, “Nope.” Then she started dancing again

“Sit down Jordan!” Mr. Tanner said in a strict voice, “And give Eliana back her glasses.”

“Thank you!” I said in exasperation

“I don’t listen to people. Do you know you’re hot?” She asked stopping in front of him

He just looked at her, “Yes.”

She scoffed, “Like, sexy, though. You’re really sexy. Like my bestie Eliana.” She stated pointing to me

I rolled my eyes and sunk back into my seat. She’s so weird!

“Please sit down.” He sighed sitting on his desk

She shook her head, “I don’t wanna.”

Mr. Tanner’s eyes snapped to me and he sent me a pleading look. Sighing, I stood up and walked to the front of the class. I got between Jordan and Mr. Tanner.

“Go.” I said pointing to her desk

She pouted at me, “But I wanna talk to the sexy teacher!”

“Go sit down.” I ordered

“I don’t like listening to-” I cut her off


She glared at me before stomping off to her desk, I followed after her.

“Gimme my glasses.” I said sticking my hand out

She took them out of her pocket and tried to put them down her pants but they were too tight.

“Ugh! I HATE skinny jeans!” She grunted trying to stick them in

I tried reaching for it but she passed it to the guy next to her, “Put them down your pants.” She ordered him

He looked at her like she was crazy, “Hell No!”

“Do it!” She yelled grabbing the glasses, “Stand up!”

He frowned but did as told. She pulled him closer to her and shoved them into his pants.

“Jordan!” I yelled

She grinned in triumph and sat down, “Done.”

The guy reached down his pants and got the glasses out, “Here.” He said trying to hand them to me

“Keep ’em.” I said in disgust as walked back to my desk

The guy shrugged and put them on, turning to his friend to ask, “Do I look smart?”

“Nothing could make you look smart, Daren.” The guy chuckled

Daren glared and turned to face the front, muttering “Fucking asshole.”

I sat down grumpily and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Don’t be such a grumpy bump.” Jordan whispered smirking at me

“Grumpy bump? What the hell?” I asked frowning at her

“Yeah.” She said

“…Okay.” I said with my brows raised

She nodded, “Don’t be grumpy and sad.”

“I’m not sad.” I stated

“Don’t be grumpy then.”

I nodded and heard a loud sigh. I looked up and saw Mr. Tanner glaring at us.

“Do you guys need to get sent out of class?” He demanded

“Nope!” Jordan sang looking at him seductively

I laughed but then stopped when she glared at me.

“Sorry.” I smiled

She nodded and turned back to stare at Mr. tanner like the weirdo she is. He stared back evenly, looking annoyed.

“Please stop staring at me.” He pleaded with her

“Am I making you uncomfortable?” She smirked

“Yes.” He said bluntly

“Then I’m doing my job right.” She smiled innocently

He frowned and turned around just as the bell rang.

“Thank God.” He muttered, “For your homework, page 235. Numbers 10-30 evens.” He announced as people started walking towards the door

“Damn it. I thought he forgot about giving us homework.” This guy groaned sulking out the door

More groaned followed him as I packed up my things.

“What do you have next?” Jordan asked bouncing up to me

“It’s lunch.” I stated slinging my bag over my shoulder

“Yes! I’m sooo hungry!” She screamed

Mr. Tanner’s head snapped up so fast I’m wouldn’t be surprised if he got whiplash.

“What the fuck?” He growled glaring at Jordan

My eyebrows raised in shock.

“Teachers can’t cuss!” Jordan glared back

“I just did. Please get out of my classroom.” He said looking away

“With pleasure.” She sneered grabbing my arm, “Let’s go eat!” She shrieked

Mr. Tanner rolled his eyes and sat down on his desk, completely ignoring us.

I fell into step beside her and we started towards the door.

“Eliana? Can you stay back a moment?” Mr. Tanner asked

“No, she can’t.” Jordan answered pulling me towards the door

“She’ll get detention.” Mr. Tanner smirked and I ripped my arm out of Jordan’s grip

“I am not getting detention.” I stated, “Just wait outside for a minute.”

She glared at Mr. Tanner and nodded at me before walking out the door. I turned to Mr. Tanner and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Yes?” I asked

He smirked, “You look good.”

I arched a brow, “Do I now?”

“Yeah.” His eyes scanned over my face

“That’s nice. Can I go now?” I asked letting my hands fall limp at my sides

“Yeah.” He smirked again

I nodded and walked out the door.

“Oh my GOSH! I can’t believe he just did that!” Jordan exclaimed as soon as I walked out of the door

I rolled my eyes and pulled her towards the cafeteria. We walked in and she squealed loudly before running over to the lunch line.

I chuckled and followed her, I stood behind her in line as she babbled and ranted about what Mr. Tanner said.

“It’s not a big deal.” I sighed

“A teacher just HIT on you. A HOT teacher at that! Just wait till tomorrow.” She whispered frantically

I groaned loudly, “I don’t wanna.”

“Too bad.” She sneered with an evil glare

I held my hands up, “Calm down.”

She held her glare another second before smiling widely, “I think you would look good with a fringe. Or…black hair instead or light brown. Yeah…black. Get you in some tight clothes.” She said thoughtfully while looking me up and down

“Ummm…” I trailed off feeling uncomfortable

“What?” She asked grabbing a tray

I grabbed a tray too, “Nothing.”

Her left eye twitched, “Uh-huh.”

I laughed, “Does your eye always twitch?”

She gasped, “My eye twitches?!”

“Yeah.” I laughed grabbing a bottle of water

“That’s so cool!” She said bouncing up and down, she tried to do it again, “Did it work?”

“No.” I laughed grabbing a sub sandwich

“Shoot!” She snapped her fingers and pouted

I shook my head as we walked over to an empty table. We sat down and she squealed.

“HOTNESS!” She yelled staring behind me

I looked behind me and saw Mr. Tanner strutting to the lunch line.

“You’re SO weird.” I laughed

“How is it weird to think a hot guy is hot?” She asked looking at me in shock

“He’s not that good looking.” I said unwrapping my sandwich

“He should be a freakin’ MODEL!” She yelled

People looked at her like she was crazy and I looked around, I’ve never had this much attention before. I don’t really like it.

“What ya’ll lookin’ at?!” Jordan yelled glaring at everybody

The look on her face made me laugh loudly. She looked like she was on crack.

She grinned at me, “Something funny?”

I nodded still laughing, “You’re face when you yelled at them.”

She started laughing with me.

I ignored all the looks I got from the people eating lunch and focused on my new best friend.

There's a part two with just the characters for the book. If you want to see who they are, check it out.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.08.2011

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