Violets Are Blue

User: Alex:)
Violets Are Blue

Just some random journals that I wrote. I cant guarantee satisfactory but.. I tried and I hope you guys like them. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. :) 

Love, anger, feelings, journals
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Gelöschter User

WOW. I know I'm like, really late. But I can relate to this book a lot. It's so deep.

And who cares what people say about you, you be you!

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♥ ︀➪ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?_ebook-alex-joseph-violets-are-blue

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Gelöschter User

You write so well about how you feel. I hope it all changes to good feelings soon.

4 Kommentare

lol thank you. And they will. :)

Gelöschter User


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♥ ︀➪ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?ic0603569ef9275_1474982571.3544540405

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Wow...really deep...but really good...

4 Kommentare

Thnx :)
I have to update it. I havent done it in a while >.<

Gelöschter User

Cool :)
I'll definitely read it =)


lol thnx :)

Gelöschter User

sure thing lmao

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