Kweenies Freunde

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Deu' Angel

Deu' Angel

  • 30 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 5

I'm a Writer, Poet and Geologist; Pen name DEU' Angel.

Roxanne Jade Regalado

Roxanne Jade Regalado

  • Englisch
  • 14 Bücher
  • 22

I love to enjoy life and have fun. I'm friendly and an aspiring writer. Please check out my books! I have one book that is not under bookrix. It's a love story entitled Beloved and it's available in ebook form and paperback. 

Diamond J.

Diamond J.

  • 30 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 15 Bücher
  • 20

My name is Diamond J. and I have been into creative writing, since I was 17 years old. 

cutie pie books

cutie pie books

  • Englisch
  • 7 Bücher
  • 11

I'm 19 years-old and want a way to write books. Lots of my books will be fiction,fantasy,and adventure. I have a dog, a cat, a fish, 4 siblings, and two loving parents. love bearded dragons!

  • Englisch
  • 17 Bücher
  • 256

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