I truly recommend this group, Drighla:
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is it the thinking thing that is the most worrying ?
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Command Line Update! http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-amanda-jeske-command-line/
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I'm awesome
That is good to hear :)
I know lol
https://www.gofundme.com/ExplorTech?utm_medium=wdgt Ultimate YUSH PLSE 0-0
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Hey Drighla, thanks for the friend request, accepted. :)
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No problem! Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner! :D
New book is out. I'm trying out doing some digital artwork for my covers. Thnx in advance for any critiques or suggestions.
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added note, this is a very very very rough draft. Aka, I found this on a piece of scrap paper I had written on about four to six years ago. I'm not that old, so that makes this a kind of revival story for me from my smaller childhood years. :)
So the new update has coded messages in it. If you can decipher both of them then I will give you permanent access to all future writers notes ;) Good luck.
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More Command Line updates. Too (lazy/busy with other stuff) to go to every group and post it so here it is! http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-amanda-jeske-command-line/
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The thought is a thought well fought and well processed, that we might all forget our losses.