pumpkin1997s Freunde
- Englisch
- 25 Bücher
- 698
I am a dreamer. This page holds all of the dreams and desires and hopes and wishes of the first of my two dreams: to share my imagination with the world. For those of you who have read a book or written a book, these stories are not merely words on a page. They are living, breathing creatures, worlds so... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 10 Bücher
- 179
What inspires my writing? Easy, music and dreams.
Usually, I'm listening to a play-list specific to my writing needs.
Current play list: David Gray (LOVE him!), R.Pattinson, Joe Purdy, Ray Lamontagne, Carolina Liar, Muse, Noah and The Whale, Joshua James, fun., and Amos Lee.
Quotes I love:
Reading is to the... mehr lesen
- 50 Jahre
- Englisch
I am 38 years old and a proud mother of two children a 15 year old daughter named Desiree and an 9 year old son named Dustin. I am and have been engaged to a wonderful man named Matt for 5 years.
- Englisch
Hi there!
I'm C.
I'm in high school.
I live in a tiny NC town somewhere between Asheville and the Atlantic Ocean ;)
Writing is a passion.
Music is my life.
Basketball keeps me skinny.
My dog is the only living being I trust with my secrets.
Anything else, hit me up =)
P.S. Please don't be... mehr lesen