Alicias Freunde

Kueen of Mean

Kueen of Mean

  • Englisch
  • 5 Bücher
  • 6

I don't give a fuck about my life, I LOVE My Chemical Romance!!! I'm that Gothic kid next door. MCR FOR LIFE!!! EMO AND GOTH ARE NOT THE SAME BLOODY THING!!!



  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 8

i love  animals  ilove to   sing   i love reading i love immortal books i love to chill and hang out with friends  i love rideing my forwheelers and dirt bikes i love hanging with my cousins



  • 24 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 12

Ashleigh || 16 || Single || Nerd || Australian  



  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 75

Well I love to read anything with fantasy, romance, and action/adventure, my ultimate favs are hush hush and obsidian they are both series and if you haven't read them you should seriously check it out, like legit you will not regret it at all, I'm really into werewolves the most I love the whole mate thing etc... mehr lesen

Eva Linnea

Eva Linnea

  • Englisch
  • 6 Bücher
  • 82

2/3/16   Hi guys, I'm Eva Linnea. I have been on this website for a while but I haven't been exactly on. I still write and update my books but mostly "Today and Tomorrow." Email me. My emails below, or above, I don't know. Tell me what you think of my books, no hate comments though, I only want good things. If you... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 6 Bücher
  • 719

"Words in and of themselves are neutral, it's the person behind those words that make them offensive."




  • Englisch
  • 7 Bücher
  • 1321

I'm energetic... and kinda weird.... but i dont bite!!!!... much.... Hi :)



  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 238

Hey guys! (: I honestly don't know what to write. I never usually do. All I can say about myself is that I love to read and write. I absolutey love music, I like any kind of music as long as it makes sense. I recently found out how much I love to work with Youth. And I'm planning to keep working on that. I will... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 11798

Hi everyone! I'm a student from England. I love reading books, my favourite genre being romance and its because of this i thought about writing. Thank you for visiting my page and i hope you're enjoying my books as i hope to write many more!



  • Englisch

im jasmine,  but everyone calls me Jay. All i do is eat, sleep, read, repeat. XD im always singing, talking, etc. im pretty friendly and bubbly unless you mess with my food. i love piercings and yin and yang signs, they're my lastest obession. i dont know what else to say. message me if ya want ill answer...and... mehr lesen

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