Gabriele Ende s Freunde



  • Englisch
  • 6 Bücher
  • 8

I love reading and writing and am currently aspiring to be an editor for every author who has a passion for words and creativity. I am in college to be a nurse. I love carpentry though and wood.    single  



  • Englisch
  • 4 Bücher
  • 11

Hey, guys. I'm a sweet girl who loves Sabrina Carpenter and writing. I have over thirty books in the making, Riven being my biggest one. I think it's coming along great!   I'm an undergrad at Stanford, majoring in architecture and going for a doctorates. I also play basketball, but not for the school (I'm not that... mehr lesen

Dee Dee

Dee Dee

  • Deutsch
  • 37 Bücher
  • 100


  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 14

I like to read, love to write, and cannot stop thinking. :)

Arianna Waters

Arianna Waters

  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 19


  • Deutsch

Ich bin hier nur Leser. Deshalb darf ich mir auch Rechtschreibfehler erlauben, wenn ich meine Kommentare schreibe.   I would say I'm a real nice looking and charming guy. I'm interested in literature and I'm the elite of intelligence. And I'm shy.   Ps. I love the novels from Nicolas Spar k s. But this is a secret.



  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 27


  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 40

Hello There! I am a little crazy messed up girl . I am a very interesting person to say the least .So pm sometime if your bored.   I am Lego crazy .

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