Kelli G
Kelli G
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Kelli G

Weeeee! I'm sooooo inactive hahaha! And I'm still airheaded about the next chapters of my books. A lot of pending ideas but I don't have the will power yet to make them live. Oh well... XD

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hi kelly

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Kelli G

I couldn't remember all the consequences correctly. They're all jumbled up in my mind. Like the fat guy and that woman who cut off her arm to live. And the one who was pushed in a hole full of injections. Haha

Kelli G

Kinda cool, though. That twist about the first survivor involved.

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Kelli G

Updated: A Sorcerer's Match. New Chapters: The journey and Under the Stars

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Kelli G

Updated: A Sorcerer's Match. New Chapters: A Couple and The Plan
BTW, I'm so sorry for the couple-months-long update. I'm stagnating tee-hee >.<

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