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HNS vor ca. 10 Jahren

Thank you for adding ALL of my books to your favourites!! :D

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HNS vor ca. 10 Jahren

Thank you for also adding 'Mine!' to your favourites ^^

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Faith.Raven vor ca. 10 Jahren

Please check this out thank you if you do ^.^

The bet with the boys!. This better be worth it! Carly Penton was seen as the school genius, with her grades there was no room for argument. So how is it that she managed to lose in a bet with her three - although best – annoyingly stupid male f...
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KiKi XoXo vor ca. 10 Jahren

Thanks for adding my book to your favorites! Don't forget the rest of the series, and enjoy reading!



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nola vor ca. 10 Jahren

it my pleasure!

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Gelöschter User vor ca. 10 Jahren

Thanks and welcome to BookRix...have fun :)

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