cutie pie books’ Freunde



  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 11798

Hi everyone! I'm a student from England. I love reading books, my favourite genre being romance and its because of this i thought about writing. Thank you for visiting my page and i hope you're enjoying my books as i hope to write many more!



  • Englisch
  • 18 Bücher
  • 616

What to tell? Well, obviously, I love writing. I tend to write more fanfiction than original works, but I do have some original books as well. I love anime, and the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, Harry Potter, Twilight (books usually rather than movies tho sometimes I'm in the mood for the movies as... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

I’m broken, alone, depressed and a bitch! im forever alone and never have had friends! im a  singer, dancer and artist! My old account was Kenna LeBlanc!



  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 3

Hi, I'm Nix, i like to be called by ink. My old account on bookrix was AnimeFreak, but I needed a fresh new start so I made this account. I am a big fan of anime. Two that I'm currently watching our Naruto and Sword Art Online. My favorite though is Naruto



  • Englisch

Damn, just came back on her after many months and i was lame as hell, my  bio was really stupid, i apologize to you all    But im just here to read and not be bored in class when we're supposed to be working, so reccomend good books please?

Deu' Angel

Deu' Angel

  • 30 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 5

I'm a Writer, Poet and Geologist; Pen name DEU' Angel.

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