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hi torilol, like your writing schedule I liked the horse poem . and I am a fan of owls . generations is interesting ,working with time . i did a little something called bear the long lived goddess.

Legend tells of the goddess Beara whose mother had turned her into a nut, an acorn.
Her mother fell out with Beara for not helping and, having turned her into a nut, hurled Beara way out, where she landed on a long pointed strip of... mehr anzeigen

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u r very talented u know why i said that torilol???

Gelöschter User



no i dont know why, why?


the answer is on the second time i commented, the 1 for your age n what-not, around there is ur answer :) :)

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sorry, that I deleted your post, but I don't like advertising in my group. :-)


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okay thats fine

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Thanks for the fav on "DEAD"

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welcome its a great book

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why is that wherever I go someone's profile, I see your yellow face?

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because im popular

Gelöschter User

Yes you are! lol...

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Thank you for adding "Good girl go wolf girl" to your favorites!

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High Overlord of Ramenkind

I'm presuming the books you're harping on about are yours (I.E 50 Shades of Blue and Genorations/Generations depending on whether you spelled it incorrectly on purpose)
Quick heads up, they don't show up on a search so you probably haven't published them yet. You need to publish them to get people to read them


did it thanks so much you made a diffrence today

High Overlord of Ramenkind

Glad I could help!
If you need anything else, there a loads of tutorial books on here by Bookrix itself

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