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Sorry for the late reply, but thank you for adding ALL of my books to your favourites!

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Thanks for adding my book to your favorites! A quick note - I've begun devising my own draconic language. The original title of this was Dahakoan, which is from the draconic used by Dungeons & Dragons. Because that "language" is copyright, I can't use it if I want to try publishing the story, so I have to make up my own version. I only mention this because you'll see that other word used in the story line and I didn't want it... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare

Mm i dont really mind i love reading and yours is very intreging to read and i just want read more i will be reading you other books to so far there really good hehehe ^-^


You're awesome - thank you! 'D

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Thank you for also adding 'Mine!' to your favourites :D

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Thank you for adding 'No Place Like Hell' to your favourites!

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No problem it was good

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