Plzzz. ︀Write ︀me! ︀I ︀m ︀waiting ︀for ︀you, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>> http://︀i︀n︀t︀i︀m︀c︀o︀n︀t︀a︀c︀t︀.︀c︀o︀m︀?︀p︀r︀o︀f︀i︀l︀e︀-cavlaster
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Support young writers J.K. Persy, and you can be the proud owner of a signed ebook, a GOLDEN KISS and other perks!
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I have been gone a long time. how do I add my newest book to this group ? I have added to my profile it's called Blood Champion.
but there do not seem to be any id numbers.
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Thank you so much Caviaster for the friend request :)
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My Dearest Niece, I am so glad that you have advanced so much in your writing and I am sure you will be very very well known in the writers community. Keep up the good work.
C.A. Lasterjr
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I survived Thyroid Cancer...Yay! My surgery was done on the 21st. I was scared, but thank God I am okay now! Just wanted my fans to know! =-)
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Hi Cavlester - Hey how can I get more science fiction members to read my story. I posted it - only 12 clicks - Would value your read. thanks
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Thansk Carmen for your comment. I have answered on my book page. Thanks again for reading my work, and yes it does need a lot of work as it it years ago when I wrote it and I have learned a lot since then. Will take the comments on board when I have time. Evelyn/Bluedragon
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ich wollte mal ein bisschen Werbung für mein Buch "Hieme und Jarai - Ein Wintermärchen" machen
Ich nehme nämlich damit am Wintermärchen-Wettbewerb teil und brauche ein wenig Unterstützung damit ich nicht ganz ohne Pokale dastehe
Das Buch ist abgeschlossen
Hier sind der Klappentext und der Link:
Vor langer Zeit lebte in einem kalten Land ein Mädchen namens Jarai. An ihrem 18.Geburtstag wird sie zum Wohle ihres Dorfes dem... mehr anzeigen
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God bless you friend keep smiling