JL3494s Freunde



  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 40

Hello There! I am a little crazy messed up girl . I am a very interesting person to say the least .So pm sometime if your bored.   I am Lego crazy .

Arianna Waters

Arianna Waters

  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 19


  • 27 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 46

I like to read. I guess I'm kind of weird but in a good way. I can be socially awkward sometimes. I love to write & I'm really passionate about my writings. I'm not the best writer but I'm decent. I also like to live my life drama free as possible.      If you'd like to know more just ask .



  • 22 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 1

I like reading and writing. My best friends are Misha and Hayley.



  • Englisch
  • 5 Bücher
  • 3924


  • Englisch

I'm Just Christian.   A Mixed Chica



  • Englisch

I love reading books. I am a big bookbug. Don't hesitate to message me.



  • 31 Jahre
  • Englisch

Hi every one,my name is Majda,i'm from algeria this year is my graduation year in university in civil engineering. I love reading books,i also write(can't wait to finish my first book). I start writing 7 years ago,i write everything cross my mind even if sometimes makes no sense at all. love to do a lot of... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 35

Hello lovely people!!!Here is little information about me :) ***********************************Hiii... I'm sara...I love to sleep, play games, draw, read and write stories... I love the color blue. I'm 17 years old, who love read stories, listen to music, love to day dream, love to sleep all time... it was also... mehr lesen

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