beautybels Freunde
Melody Dupree
- 28 Jahre
- 16 Bücher
- 404
I love to read and write. I can often be found in the corner or in a room all by myself either reading a book that has captivated my attention or writing some new story or poem that I absolutely could not remove from my head.
- Englisch
- 4 Bücher
- 3765
I am a college student. I love to read and write. I paint abstract things. I play tennis competively. Like to have fun.
- Englisch
- 3 Bücher
- 37
I love nature and all sorts of books.Mostly vampire books.I started reading when I first read the twilight series.
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 611
Hello and welcome, my lovely rejects. Let's just say, everything is nice and dandy, shall we. Perhaps, but times are not like so. In fact, my life is probably the harshest of them all. Writing is my venting place, in all honesty. It is my sole purpose of living. Grasping such a concept on words, the true... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 4 Bücher
- 134
I LOVE vampires,Werwolves,ect. and I have ridden horses all my life and would die with out them. My horse is a buckskin Welsh cob gelding that sits 14.2 hands tall.
- Englisch
- 12 Bücher
- 91
i'm a brunette and i Love talking. i hang out with guys alot i don't undertsnad why girls fuss over their clothing. i have two really close friends and tehy are on this site.