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By the way .... Your story is very cute ..... I wished if you could finished it ....
I like it very much :-) :-) :-)

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Hey! So, as I'm sure you've heard from a lot of people, I am kind of disappointed you decided to discontinue your novel Engaged to a Jerkface. It was great! And the storyline was a catch ;) In fact, I enjoyed it so much, I have many a time thought of how I'd continue it. Would you mind if I took your idea for that story and kind of adapted it into a story of my own? It will be quite a while, as I have yet to finish uploading... mehr anzeigen

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As you may have noticed, I have not uploaded once since the day I started this program. And I do not intend to change that. As you may tell from my new writing style and speech, my old story has now been rejected. Even on wattpad.com, Engaged to a Jerkface has been discontinued. There is nothing I can say about it other than the writing was just lacking the needed feeling. I'm terribly sorry to those of you whom liked it. The... mehr anzeigen

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