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O︀p︀e︀n︀ ︀L︀i︀n︀k︀ ︀➝︀

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Gelöschter User

I kind of just noticed but why did you delete your Rain book D:

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It was a time in my life that I just wasn't happy, now that I'm happy I don't need such negative things in my life. :P
Besides, it wasn't my best work and I just left my best work here instead. :)

Gelöschter User

Ah I feel you, good poem none the less!


Thank you, I'm glad that you enjoyed it. :)

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Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

love the Aizen background. he's the craziest charcter I've ever seen. and love your current profile pic- Byakuya and Renji are best team of the court guard squads, despite the fact that Renji almost died when fighting Byuakuya in the first arc.

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No your fine. I just thought I'd tell you that though. But good luck finding the episode. I found it at and it's episode 6. You'll be confused, but it's there if you want to check it out.

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You know what's wierd? I just watch an episode of tower prep and it was based on nothing but the Odyssey. Just thought I'd tell you that.

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Tell me about it. The only poetry I can read is Edgar Allen Poe's stuff but even then I can not comprehand what is going on sometimes. I'm more of a strait on love stories or something close to that.

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Well that's a problem. I love stories like that, but I just can't read former poetry. I mean I've been reading 'Dauntes Inferno' and I'm absolutely mind bogled. And I have no idea why I used that word.

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