Apurva Gaglanis Freunde



  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 48

Hi everybody! This is Mia.  I have made you my whitnesses. And every time someone reads my testimony, a part of our love story keeps living in your hearts! Enjoy!

Rizonne Alexander

Rizonne Alexander

  • 30 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 6

Books and reading is one of my ultimate passions, i enjoy fantasy stories that mostly include werewolfs ever since seeing Taylor Lautner transform into that oh so hot wolf, i was hooked! I am an immature writer, all critics are more than welcome :) 



  • Englisch

Pray for me.         



  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 3

Okay, so lets update this thing...   Hmmm My name is Thaliyah - Tuh-li-yah... I love cooking/baking just as much as I love eating it hahahaha I love Mexican food esspecially hot food so if you can't handle it you know where the exit button is XD I'm just kidding.. maybe.. probably... that's up to you... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 183 Bücher
  • 46

Who am I?I'm European Atlanteanan Orkney Islander a HebrideanFavourite MusicI'm pretty eclectic when it comes to music, and I go through phases. Scottish, Welsh, Irish and Scandinavian traditional music on fiddle and harp is high up my list, but you'll also find me listening to Cumbia, Gypsy music, Bob Marley and... mehr lesen



Lena - Vivien

  • 2 Bücher
  • 10

Be carefree, because life is always hard - no matter what happens.You should never try to be someone else, as you are.Liberty - forever,Love - at every day,Passion - in the minutes of togetherness,Patience - for those vulgar hours,Sensuality - for the time of passion,Truth - in all situations,Pleasure - at all... mehr lesen

The Lost Warrior

The Lost Warrior

  • 26 Jahre
  • Englisch

I'm 5'10 guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I am an asshole who doesn't deserve happiness I'm a dumbass who always fucks up I am just everything bad



  • 24 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 4 Bücher
  • 7

I'm a Celtic Pagan, I am a bitch. If you mess with my friends and family, I am pansexual and married. I look out for my pack and they look out for me. If you want to know anything else, just ask. I love making friends and hanging out.  

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