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Hello Dearest,

it's my pleasure meeting you. My name is Lt. Gen. Kenneth. I am US military officer. I will like to get acquainted with you. I am romantic and fun to be with. I read your profile and I really wish to indicate my interest to you. I'm looking for genuine and meaningful intimate relationships with love, passion and romance. Please I'll be glad if you send me an email at my private email address... mehr anzeigen

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SO I find it unfair that i cant read your story ( Vutch). I am 24, and was born in 1993, and I cant find a place where i am supposed to confirm my age, so how can i read your book when it wont even let me OPEN the book?????
Please help. i REALLY wanna read your story!

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I am not sure how the age restrictions work on this site, so its not down to me but Bookrix itself, have you tried again since?

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Write a new post...Hi, I saw that you had a couple of BDB books listed before but I couldn't access them and now they are gone. Any chance you can post them again? Huge fan of the series, particularly Vutch.

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I too love Vutch, im actually writing a fanfiction on it myself. I hope you can give me some tips!

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I Love Forbidden Love, but can u pleas UPDATE it

4 Kommentare

for real it's a really good book

Duron Crejaro

incase u didnt notice, the book was published in 2010, if it was gonna get updated it woulda by now, chances are the author doesnt even use bookrix anymore


yea i really didn't that about that until now now but u might be right


I do use bookrix just no where near as often as I like, the problem I have no is family committments have changed and I barely have time to think. But this story is on my top of list to finish. Working on it now. So sorry guys, I too hate half witten stories. Please bare with me x

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Gelöschter User

hi My name is.Monica ,
nice to meet you please

contact me here i have something to Share

with you or you can give me your
mail to contact you please

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Woo amazing write up Is Forbidden Love .. Please update more and also let me know when u are going to write more and update as its been over 6 months that u told u shall be updating soon.. pls let me know

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Thank you for adding 'New Life' to your favourites ^^ xx

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