these haterz on my body shake em off
im bored
Same here
first book ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
new book!!!!!!!!
anyone wanna talk?
i wanna talk you seem really cool
hows ur summer going?
friend me
i wll and i believe u
I'm gonna miss u
Its hard to figure out whats wrong with me. They think they can fix me. Thats why im going to all this therapy. But really all this shit is trash to me. If you were a cigarette i would throw you in a ash tray where you would smolder with out the slightest care from me. So don't tell me bad things happen and that i should just pray to god for a miracle. Cuz lets be honest this shit im writing here is lyrical.
Suicide squad was dope
u seen it?
i saw it last firday
It was great, I'm prolly gonna go see it again
I hate math ugg
yeas its icky