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i hate being here i want to go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Gelöschter User


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This world is an endless void of misshapen things that id rather not get twisted into for the fact is that as many lifes as i would wish i could have have is utterly pointless because i am stuck in the on that id rather not be in.

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im sooo bored

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Write a new post...heyyy

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Hi evryone

1 Kommentar


Wichtiger Beitrag

Does anyone one else love the bank twenty one pilots im hooked now..thanks alot to my advisory teacher who put this amazing song on

2 Kommentare


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What would you rate me?
(1) Crazy
(2) I'd marry you.
(3) I'd date you.
(4) Sarcastic.
(5) I miss you.
(6) I'd kiss you.
(7) Beautiful.
(8) Smart.
(9) Imaginative.
(10) Random.
(11) Jerk.
(12) Funny.
(13) Awesome.
(14) Amazing.
(15) Tough.
(16) Cute.
(17 I'd hit you with a bus.
(18)I love you.
(19) Weirdo.
(20) Friends forever.
(21) Marry me?
(22) Your mine!
(23) I never want to lose you!
(24) I'd ask you out.
(25) I'd eat you up...
(26) I'd kidnap... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User



Awe thnx


ur welcome

Wichtiger Beitrag

hai m8

1 Kommentar

hehehehe hai!!!

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Hi gimme time peeps

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Jasmine Buffington

yo, why u ignoring me and please answer back

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