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Gelöschter User

You still there

3 Kommentare
Kale Slade

Had to go to skool

Gelöschter User


Gelöschter User

Well I was waiting

Wichtiger Beitrag

OMG I LOVE YOUR BOOKS! I am so exited for your next one how long until it comes out????

3 Kommentare
Kale Slade

I hope later today.

Tamiyo Ryuka

Really im so excited XDXDXD

Kale Slade

Tamiyo, Pm.

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14 Kommentare | Ältere Kommentare anzeigen

not really, i should though.

Kale Slade

Yeah. PM me.

Gelöschter User

i mostly do roleplay as ruby rose

Wichtiger Beitrag

All of you stop messing with Kale. Honestly he is a artist, you just don't understand the art form, and the time he puts into this.

1 Kommentar
Gelöschter User

I agree he derserves the best

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Gelöschter User

You made a group for your friends?

2 Kommentare
Kale Slade

Yeah. I got so many "friends" that i need to make one for my real ones.

Gelöschter User

Cool, I see that I am the only one in your group right now... lol

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Gelöschter User

Hello Kale, you are a wonderful man! Your books are really amazing, and whenever I read your books, they make me feel like I'm not alone. Keep up the amazing work!!

Kale Slade

Bellevue, WA.

Gelöschter User

Wow, really? I live in Mercer Island!

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Gelöschter User

Kale, you are a wonderful writer, keep doing what you are doing, ALL your books are really turning me on!

1 Kommentar
Kale Slade

Thank you for your support.

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Gelöschter User

You are a wonderful writer keep doing what you do and remember what you write is forever on the internet and gives pleasure to everyone who reads it. (Definitly my favorite book was Valkyrie Crusade Collection)


God bless

Gelöschter User

I wish i had a guy with a heart like yours, you truly are a god among men.

Kale Slade

Aw, shucks.

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Gelöschter User

чем раньше мы думаем о нашей жизни, что у нас было с кем-то .... тем быстрее мы понимаем, что там больше не больше к жизни без них.
Мы всегда принимаем как должное время, которое мы провели с этим специальным кто-то ... но в какой-то момент, он был потерян на дороге воспоминаний, проведенные вместе с любимым человеком .....

Gelöschter User

Im still laughing regardless of if you copy and paste my poem.....LoL

Kale Slade

I did. It doesn't change the fact it's sweet.

Gelöschter User


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Tamiyo Ryuka

Hi Kale i'm a big fan of your fan fiction and have been for some time! Keep up the good work and stay awesome. I await your response!!!!

4 Kommentare
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Kale Slade

thank you very much for your support! I simply write for a love of it, and am happy to see others like it as well.

Tamiyo Ryuka

I'm working on my own ruby fanfic i'm so excited to show it to the community

Kale Slade

I look forward to reading it.

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