Wichtiger Beitrag

Okay well obviously I didn't do anymore. I've been busy all day with doing things around the house and for myself. I decided to go on a diet (we'll see how that turns out) and take care of myself a little better. There are a few reasons but let's not talk about my personal life, I'm going to edit the other half of chapter 6 and start on 7. I'll let you know more later! Thank you! :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey guys! Just a little update. I went to visit my grandparents and they were good thankfully! But uhm, I got home around 5. So I've been working on it. From what I wrote of chapter 6 I decided to read it and edit a bit. So I did that, but I also finished it so I'll edit it later. It's a hell of a long chapter by the way. Haha! Anyway, I'll let you know if I decide to do any more today.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey guys, so here's what's going on. Like I said I finished chapter 5 and I also edited it so yay. I've been working on chapter six for like the past hour and I have written a lot. It's really long, and I'm only like half way done with it. So yeah. It's almost 2 a.m. here and I have to get up around 7 so I'm heading off to bed so I'm semi rested. Thank you all! I'll keep you updated. Goodnight!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey guys, I finished chapter 5, and also finished editing. It was a shorter chapter than usual, but I mean cliff hangers, right? Haha, anyway I'm going to start chapter 6 today but I can't promise I will get it done. I'll let you know either later tonight or tomorrow!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Okay I got real lazy. So haha, I haven't even started any of the chapters yet. It's not that I don't want to write it's just that I've been very busy and haha excuses. The most I got done was I wrote "Chapter 5" and a few sentences. Okay, I'll write as much as I can today, I have to wake up early tomorrow because you know, I'm visiting my grandparents. Thank you! :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Alrighty, so here's what's going on. I didn't write any chapters or edited anything yesterday because I was quite busy. Today I slept in reallllllly late so I'm real sorry about that. For a make up I might write 2-3 chapters today. I might have to write four even, because this weekend is going to be crazy. I'm going to hang out with a friend tomorrow because of her birthday, then Saturday I'm going to see my grandparents with... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I finished chapter 4. I was reading through the whole thing so far and changed and added some things. I like it so far and hopefully you guys will like it too! The storm is starting to pass away now, so everything's good. Hope you all are alright. I'm done writing/editing for tonight! Have a great night to all. <3

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey guys, just wanted to update you and say that I'm almost done with chapter 4. I'm taking little breaks to check the weather and the condition outside due to this horrific storm that is passing through. I'll probably start chapter 5 today since I obviously have more time than I thought I would. I'll let you know! :) Stay safe!

Wichtiger Beitrag

I finished editing chapter 3. I'm about to start chapter 4, but at the moment I'm kind of stuck trying to figure out a transition? I'll figure it out. I'll let you know when I start or when I'm finished, we'll see. I'll keep you updated! :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Good afternoon to all! I would've been up earlier but I slept past my alarms, so right now I'm going to edit chapter 3 then I'll start 4. I know, it's a little late. Sorry! Keep you updated. :)

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