Wichtiger Beitrag

"heart to heart" was beautiful :) It's great to see another one of your books up.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Wonderful, lyrical poetry. I have several favorites that bring back memories from my own life. I can relate to this book.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Glynis Rankin

I truly love this book of poetry.

Like Laz, I don't have a favorite, yet, they all left me with a since of wonder, awe, transportation and emotional pull, that any good poem often do for me. You are a very good poet, and writer.

I will save this book, so I can go back to read them often.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Absolutely beautiful poems. I wish I could say I had one favourite, but there are to many to remember.The Seed one, Fishing, Mommy Mom, Mother....flying...I love flying.
I will go back to find some more.